06-1129Amended II17107 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT �UL, MINNESOTA Presented By: � An Ordinance Creating a Fire CeRificate of Occupancy Program 3 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5 Section 1 Council File # 06-1129 Green Sheet # 3035371 3� � Title VI of the Saint Paul Legislative Code `Building and Housing" is amended to include the following chapter: 9 Fire Certificate of Occupancy io >> Secfion 1. Fire Certificate of Occupancy Requirement. 12 i 3 All existing buiidings in the City of Saint Paul are required to have and maintain a fire certificate of occupancy, issued t4 by tbe fire marshal. The certificate shall be an indication that the building meets, at the time of insuection, all relevant u codes to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the building's occupants and the general public. Tt shall be a ] 6 misdemeanor to rent or lease, or permit the occupancy of, a building or structure or portion thereof which does not have t 7 a fire certificate of occupancy. t8 19 20 zl 2z 23 24 25 26 z� 2s 29 30 Section 2. Exception of Owner Occupied Buildings. Owner-Occupied single-family houses and owner-occupied duplexes shall be exempted from the requirement to have and maintain a fire certificate of occupancy. 5ection 3. Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings indicated in this section. (a) "Authorized agent." An individual(s) with legal authority and capable of executing documents for the sale of the building(s) and authoriry over the proceeds of such sale. 31 3z (b) "Building." Any structure intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, includine the land 33 surrounding the structure. If the buildin� is a multi-unit residential dwelline a hotel or motel or a commercial 3a or office buildine the term "buildine" for purooses of this ordinance means onlv the portion of the buildin� 35 within or outside the structure in which a nuisance is maintained or nermitted• such as a dwellin¢ unit room 36 suite of rooms office common azea storaee area �azage or pazkin�area 37 38 (c) "Certificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the CiTy of Saint Paul Building Official under the authority 39 of both state and ciTy building codes indicating a newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated sriucture is, at Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 2 of 12 40 the time of insnection, code compliant, habitable and otherwise meets all requirements for its intended�use. t� 29 41 42 43 44 as 46 (d) "Commercial building." Any nonresidential structure, the surrounding land and accessory use structures. (e) "Dwelling." A building that contains one, two or multiple dwelling units, intended or designed to be used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied for living purposes. a� (fl "Family." One (1) or two (2) persons or parents, with their direct lineal descendants and adopted or legally 48 cazed for children together with not more than two (2) persons not so related, living together in the whole or 49 part of a dwelling comprising a single housekeeping unit. 50 51 52 53 54 (g) "Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document or emblem issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire Mazshal indicating the existing structure complies with all state and local safety codes allowing its use as a commercial building or for residentia] occupancy. 55 (h) °Fire Marshal." The City of Saint Paul Fire Marshal and his or her designee or designees, and shall include 55 any enforcement officer under his or her supervision or direction, or other duly authorized representative. The 5� fire certificate of occupancy program shall be issued under the authority of the fire marshal. 58 59 (i) "Interested a�rty " For pumoses of section 6 of this ordinance "interested pariy" means anv known lessee or 6o tenant of a buildine or affected oortion of a buiidinQ; or anv known aeent of an owner, lessee or tenant or any 6� other known person who maintains or permits a nuisance. 62 53 (-ij �"Nuisance Activity." Two 2) or more �behavioral incidents within a oeriod of rivelve (12) months as 6a described in Minnesota Statute 617.81, subdivision 2, or Two (2) or more violations within a period of twelve 65 (12) months of arr}� nuisance provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ��"Owner." The person, firm, corporation or other entiry listed in the records on file in the recorder's of6ce as holding fee title to the building, and includes the owner's authorized agent. (-1F} �"Owner occupied" refers to one- and two-unit residential dwellings in which the owner resides�k � • 73 (� �2 "Partial Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire Marshal 7a indicating that a portion of an existing structuie complies with all state and ]ocal safety codes allowing its use as 75 a commercial building or for residential occupancy. 'I'he partial fire certificate of occupancy shall describe �6 specifically which portion of the building is approved for occupancy. 77 7s (-� �"Property manager." An individual(s) with the legal authority to make and act on decisions of tenancy, 79 building maintenance and repairs relating to applicable safety codes. so 8� (-n� �"Provisionai Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document or emblem issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire 8z Marshal to owners of one- and two-unit rental dwellings ����a«:..,..,.,. �:... ,.,.,..._,,,. .�.,, ,,..:�«:..� ,....., ..,._,. 83 _., 10 �., .: .� �!� �:4'.� ,..^.� :�..w: �:.F ... ���� �::�.. :... ...,� �,-�,-�: .,t �., ,.� .. .. ., ,. � .. ...i::s .� ..,. _ _.,. . ,. �n 7 k L' P �� to tem orazil ermit 84 continued occupancv ea nding insoection of the existine structure. Buildings with a provisional fire certificate 85 of occupancy will be granted a fire certificate of occupancy upon the successful completion of fire certificate of &6 occupancy inspection perthis chapter. 87 88 (ej � The "recorder's office" is the Ramsey CounTy Department of Property Records and Taxation, or its division Titie VI New Chaptec Fire Certificate of Occupancy Progrem Page 3 of 72 89 which maintains title and property records, and any successor agency or department thereof. �` � 1Z.� 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 9� (t� �"Safery code" or "safeTy codes" include any fue, housing, health, safety, zonin or other similar code, law and 98 ordinance, promulgated or enacted by the United States, the State of Minnesota, the County of Ramsey and the 99 City of Saint Paul, or any lawful agency or department thereof, which aze applicable to a� buildine in � oo such city. Safety code includes, without any limitation of the foregoing sentence as a result of this specification, ]ol the provisions of Chapters 33, 34, 43, 45, 49, 55, 56 and 58 of the Legislative Code. ]02 103 104 l05 106 � o't io8 109 I10 IIl 2) 11z 113 t t4 3) Commeicial buildings and xesidential occupancies which haue current Fire Prevention issued I 15 certificates of occupancy on or after January 1, 2007 shall be subject to the ongoing requirement to 1 t 6 maintain a fire certificate of occupancy. These buildings shall be issued fire certificates of occupancy � 1� and shall be subject to periodic inspection based on the date of the building's last complete certificate t� 8 of occupancy inspection, subject to the terms of this chapter_ 119 t2o 4) One- and two-unit rental dwellings which aze currently registered and certified as rental properties I2t under the requirements of this code on January 1, 2007 shall receive provisional fire certificates of t2z occupancy. These properties shall be issued fire certificates of occupancy upon the successful t 23 completion of a fire certificate of occupancy inspection. 124 t25 5) A building which has been registered as a vacant building under chapter 43 ofthe Legislative Code that t25 subsequently received a certificate of code compliance under section 33.06 of the Legislative Code tz� shall be issued a fire certificate of occupancy concurrently with the certificate of code compliance. {-gj �"Rental dwelling unit" Any room or rooms, or space, in any dwelling designed or used for residential occupancy by one (1) or more persons who aze not the owner or a member of the owner's family. f q} �"Residenrial occupancy" is occupancy in a building or portion thereof, for residentia] purposes, used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, andlor cooking or eating purposes. Section 4. Certification Process. (a) Buildings and Occupancies Reguiring a Fire Certificate of Occupancy. 1) Buildings which receive a certificate of occupancy from the city's building official upon completion of construction or major rehabilitation shall simultaneously receive a fire ceftificate of occupancy from the fire marshal if their use or occupancy so requires. Buildings which have a change in use or occupancy and become subject to the fire certificate of occupancy requirement. t28 i 29 (b) Information and Application. Owners of all buildings subject to the fire ceRificate occupancy requirement shall I3o apply for a fire certificate of occupancy. The application shall be provided by the fire mazshal and include, at a t3t minimum, the following information: 132 133 134 ]35 ]36 1) 2) A description of the building; The name, address and twentv-four (24) hour telephone numbers of the owner(s); Tide VI New Chaptec Rre CertiSCate of Occupancy Program Page 4 of 12 137 138 139 140 3) 4) 5) The name, address and telephone numbers of the property manager(s); Q�- ll2q lA] ta2 143 144 la5 146 147 148 !44 tso �s� 152 153 154 I55 156 t57 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 t�o ��i t�2 173 17A 175 176 I77 t78 U9 t80 181 182 183 The name, address and telephone number of the refuse removal person(s) or company(s) which supplies refuse removal services for the building; and The fire marshal may require such additional property and property management-related information as will promote effective enforcement of this chapter. (c) Issuance. Upon a finding of no violations of the provisions of state and local safety codes, the fire marshal shall issue a fue certificate of occupancy that shall contain the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The ��^'a�� ^��^-�'* ^��-�-�°- t�e of occupancv, includi� number of dwellin¢, roomine or euest units; The address of the building; The name and address of the owner(s) and property manager(s); A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued; A statement that the described portion of the building has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of state and local safety codes for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified; and The name of the fire marshal. (d) Smoke detectors required. Where reguired, �ino fire certificate of occupancy shail be issued unless each such building has a proper, adequate and operable smoke detector. (e) Posting. The fire ceftificate of occupancy provided by the fire marshal shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the building and shall not be remove except by the fire marshal. (fl Other Violations. Issuance of a fire certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. Section 5. Reserved. Section � 6. Suspension, revocation and denial. (a) Grounds for Revocation. The fire marshal may, in writing, issue a notice to the owner(s) of the city's suspension or revocation of a fire certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code, or deny an application therefor: I) Whenever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied; Title VI New Chapter: Fve Cert�cate of Occupancy Program Page 5 of 12 �sa 2) iss 186 187 3) 188 189 4) 190 191 �92 5) 193 �94 6) 195 ]96 7) 197 198 199 200 20l 202 203 204 205 206 207 zo8 209 210 b) The specific reason(s) for the city's suspension, revocation or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy; The effective date of the revocation, suspension or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy; z� 1 c) A statement indicating that the commercial building or residential occupancy, or portion 2iz thereof, shall not again be used or occupied until such time as the said certificate is issued or z t 3 renewed or suspension lifted following inspection and a determination by the fire marshal that 21a the commercial building or residential occupancy, or portion thereof, is in compliance with z� 5 applicable safety codes under the jurisdiction of the fire marshal; and 216 zt� z�s 219 220 221 222 223 22a 2zs 226 227 228 When the owner(s) has submitted a false, incomplete or inaccurate statement as a part of the Qlp,- ( � Z.R application for certificate; If the owner has failed or refused to pay fees to the ciry for inspecfions or certificates; If it is found upon inspection of the fire mazshal that the building or occupancy is in violarion of aa� provisions of this or other applicable safety codes, ordinances, rules and regulations; If the owner, in a material matter, fails to comply with the regulations in section 9 of this chapter; or If the nonresidential building or structure becomes unoccuuied;� If a residential buildine ex is a vacant building as defined in section 43 A2 of the Saint Paul legislative code; or Evidence of nuisance activity which shall follow the �rocedures stated in section 6(bl Zl below. 8) (b) Notice ofsuspension, revocation or denial. 1) When the fire marshal revokes, suspends or denies a fire certificate of occupancy for safety code violations, the notice issued by the fire maxshal shall state: �''� d) A statement indicating that the suspension, revocation, or denial may be appealed to the legislative hearing officer within ten (10) days of issuance. 2) When the fire mazshal determines in consultation with the Citv Attorney that he or she has �ree€ evidence of nuisance activity as�e€ttie�} described in Minnesota Statues 617.81, subdivision 2, or other violations of nuisance provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are maintained or Qermitted in the iurisdiction he or she seroes, the fire marshal shall se»c�provide the written notice as described in pazaeraph a) by personal service or certified mail return receipt requested to the owner and interested parties known to the fire marshal a ) " ....... _o i, ,.."_ ,, _ o.\�� :ae..«:a.:.....w . _,.�.� .... The notice must: a - - �-----°-� 229 230 � �^ ^n`1 thA �i^ F F ��� -��o ..«.. ..«:a.«:..,.., «t,,, _'_ " '__"_ —_' ___"'_ _' _' ""_ �_� _" ""..."' 'r».._."""' ... .........._... °� ...... 23] 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 2az 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 z52 253 254 255 256 zs� 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 6 of 12 (�l t�Z.°l i) States that a nuisance as defined in Minnesota Statute 617.81 Subdivision 2. or other violations ofthe nuisance orovisions ofthe Saint Paul Leeislative Code, is �eing maintained or permitted in the building or structure and musi specify the kind or kinds of nuisance being maintained or permitted; ii) Summazizes the evidence that a nuisance is being maintained or permitted in the building or structure including the date or dates on which the nuisance-related acrivity or activities aze alleged to have occurred; and iii) Informs the recipient that failure to abate the conduct constimting the nuisance or to otherwise resolve the matter with the fue marshal bv enterine into an aereed upon abatement plan within 30 days of service of the �otice �ay will result in sewieg-a �„ ,.v:...,,.,«:,... .,. ....,..,�..., �. _...,., ,. �n recommendinP the suspension or revocation of the fire certificate of occupancy to the city council, and/or referring the matter to the prosecuting attorney who serves in the jurisdiction for remedies in accordance with Minnesota Statute 617.80 et seq. which could result in enjoining the use of the building or structure for any purpose for one year, or in the case of a tenant, could result in cancellation of the lease. iv) Informs the owner of the options available under Minnesota Statute Section 617.85, which nrovides that the owner of the building which is subiect to a district court abatement proceedin� mav file a motion before the court that has jurisdiction over the abatement kroceedine to cancel the lease or otherwise secure restitution of the premises from the tenant or lessee who has maintained or conducted the nuisance. The owner mav assien to the prosecutin a�ttorney the right to file this motion. b) If the recipient of a notice under Section 6 of this ordinance either abates the conduct constitutin¢ a nuisance or enters into an agreed upon abatement plan within 30 davs of service of the notice and complies within the stipulated time neriod, the fire mazshal mav not take action to susoend or revoke the fire certificate of occupancy on the specified propertv reeazdine the nuisance activiry described in the notice 265 c) If the recipient fails to abate the nuisance within 30 davs of service of the notice or fails to z66 comnlv with the aereed upon abatement plan, the fire marshal will refer the matter to the Citv 267 Council recommending susqension or revocation of the fire certificate of occupancy or refer the 268 matter to the orosecutine attornev in accardance with Minnesota Statute 617 80 et sec� 269 2�0 z�] 27z 273 27a 2�s 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 3) The notice of intent to suspend or revoke the fire certificate of occuPancv for nuisance activity shall be served bv oersonal service or by certified mail return receipt reauested The notice shall state• a) The s�ecific reason(s) the fire marshal recommends suspension or revocation of the fire certificate of occupancv; b) The date time and place of the legisiative heazing and public hearing Pl��c�7!!E�i�lJ z8� 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 245 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 7 of 12 . _ .. __ . . oc�-�� . , , r�.....«,.. zc „v.�.:,. r..a., (d) Appeals and Stays ofEnforcement for Revocations, Suspensions and Denials ofFire Certificates of Occupancy. 1) Voluntary vacation of premises. No suspension, revocation or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy shall be imposed upon any owner who serves written notice upon the legislative hearing officer stating and intent to permanently vacate the premises within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the notice of suspension, revocation or denial. Written notice of intention to vacate, along with the date of vacation, must be filed with the heazing officer within ten (10) days from the receipt of the notice and shall include proof that notice of eviction was served upon the occupants of the premises. 2) Stay pending appeal. Enforcement proceedings on the suspension, revocation or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy, or orders to corsect violations, shall be held in abeyance if the owner shall file an appeal to the legislative hearing officer within ten (10) days of receiving the written order issued by the enforcement officer, except in the case of an order to vacate a structure which is deemed to be in an unsafe condition and dangerous to life or limb, the enforcement officer shall proceed to order the building vacated until it is made safe or a final determination is made by the legislative hearing officer allowing re-occupancy of the building. This decision shall be presented to the ciTy council for ratification at its next available public hearing. Abeyance of enforcement proceedings shall continue until such time as the hearing officer shall have issued a final determination or in the event the owner should not prosecute the appeal in a timely fashion. 3 t2 (e) Reinstatement following suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked for 3 � 3 a building, or portion thereof, that building or portion thereof, shall not be occupied unYil such time as the Sre 314 certificate of occupancy is reinstated. 315 3t6 (fl Reinstatement following second suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or 3] � revoked for a second time within a two-year time period under the same ownership, the building for which it 318 was issued shall not again be occupied unti] such time as the following has occurred: 319 320 1) The fire marshal has determined that the building is in compliance with applicable safety codes; 32l 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 2) U to a t� Aue five thousand dollar ($� ($5,000.00� performance deposit or bond has been posted with the city; the purpose of said bond shall be to off-set potential ciTy expenses associated with abating nuisance conditions at this property and shall be returned to owner upon completion of two (2) yeazs with no ]egislative code violations requiring ciTy abatement; and 3) If either of the preceding two (2) suspensions or revocations within the two-year time period were based on criminal or nuisance conduct of residential occupants, the fire marshal may reyuire that a reputable tenant screening agency be used, that the Iandlord adhere to the guidelines and advice required by the police department and code enforcement officials, that the leases used for rental dwellings include provisions allowing for the immediate eviction of tenants or their guests engaged in criminal or nuisance activity; and that the owner or property manager attend a reputable landlord Raining. 334 335 (g) Reinstatement following third suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or 336 revoked for a third time within a three-year time period under the same ownership, the building �en�ise for 33� which it was issued shall not again be occupied until a nuisance abatement pian is developed by the property 338 owner, reviewed by the legislative heazing officer and approved by the city council. lf a nuisance abatement Title VI New Chapter. Fire Certifirate of Occupancy Progrem Page� of 1?� ��� t.Jl.f. � 339 plan is not developed and approved, the premise for which the fire certiFicate of occupancy was issued shall not 3ao again be used or occupied for a period of six (6) months. 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 344 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 Section $ 7. Inspections. (a) Scope of inspection. The fire marshal is authorized, in conformity with this chapter, to inspect all buildings, whether having a fue certificate of occupancy hereunder or not. The inspection may include the building or structure, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures. All inspections authorized by this chapter shall be limited to those which are done for the purpose of seeking compliance with applicable safety codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the fire marshal. (b) Notice of violations. The fire mazshal shali give written notice to the owner of any violations of the applicable safety codes which aze discovered during any inspection. Section 8. Reserved. Section 9. Regulafions. 360 (a) Notice by owner. The owner of a building for which a fire certificate of occupancy has been issued is under a 36 t continuing obligation to give writCen notice to the fire marshal of any changes in the information supplied as 362 part of the application for the certificate. This includes any changes or modifications of ownership of the 363 building, and any change in use or occupancy status of the building. 364 365 (b) New owner. A new owner of a building with a fire certificate of occupancy shall file with the fire mazshal a 365 written application for a modification of the certificate if such premise is still being used or occupied under an 36� existing certificate. Such application shall be filed within thirty (30) days after such new owner obtains new 368 ownership in the building, whether or not such interest has been recorded. 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 (c) Change of use. Changes in the use of a building shall not be made without the approval of the �ttil���i axd-tke fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for other purposes provided the new or proposed use is less hazazdous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. If the use or occupancy of a fire certificate of occupancy premise chu�ges, it shall immediately be required to meet all requirements of law, inciuding the requirement for a certificate of occupancy before being used for such new or changed use. No change in the existing occupancy classification of a 6uilding or shucture or portion thereof shall be made, until the fire marshal has issued a fire certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Dwelling units occupied by an owner shall be exempted from this requirement ifthe residence contains three (3) or more dwellings units. Properties occupied by an owner shall be exempted from this requirement if the residence contains one or rivo dwelling units. The word "owner" means a natural person, and does not include a corporation, partnership or other entiTy. (d) Posting. The fire certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by Yhe fire mazshal. Section 10. Fees. 387 Title VI New Chapter Fire Certifcate of Occupancy Program Page 9 of 12 388 (a) Original issue, new building or substantiaddy rehabilitated bui(dings. There shall be no fee charged for an�' 3s9 issuance of the fire certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the completion of their construction or 390 following substantia] rehabilitation if the city's building official issues a certificate of occupancy oz certificate 391 of code compliarice. 392 393 (b) Renewal fee for residential occupancies Fourteen dollazs ($14.00) per residential unit, minimum fee one 394 hundred twenty-eight ($128.00), maximum fee five hundred seventv-six (576.001 for buildings with one 395 hundred (100) or fewer units, and a m�imum fee of seven hundred twenty dollazs ($720.00} for buildings with 396 one hundred (100) or more units. The fee chazged for inspections of nuisance dwellings as defined in section 39� 42.01(2) of the Legislative Code shall be in an amount as established by the fire marshal to recover the costs of 398 the inspections. 399 400 40] 402 403 404 405 406 407 ao8 409 410 411 (c) Renewal fee for A(Assembly), E(Education), I(Institutional), H(Hazardous), F(Factory), M(Mercantile), S (Storage) and B(Business) occupancies. Twelve dollars ($12.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet, minimum fee one hundred fifty-six dollazs ($156.00), masimum fee five hundred sevent�six dollars f$576A01. for buildines with fewer than one hundred eiehteen thousand (118,0001 sctuare feet of aa�reeate floor space, and a maYimum fee of seven hundred twenty dollars ($720.00) for buildinas with one hundred ei�hteen thousand (I 18,000) sauaze feet or more of ag,g�eate floor space. (d) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1) inspecYion and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the fire certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty (50) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required to demonstrate compliance with applicable safety codes. a i 2 (e) Referral (or complaint-based) reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction order is issued to the owner or 413 responsible agent of the owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has ala elapsed, a reinspection shall be made. If the violation has not been conected at the time of the reinspection, a 4� 5 referral reinspection fee of sixty dollazs ($60.00) shail be collected for every subsequent reinspection until the 416 violation is corrected. 417 4�8 (fl Partial fire certificate ofoccupancy fee. A fee of one hundred thiriy-eight dollars ($138.00) will be charged for 4 i 9 each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partia] fire certificate of occupancy is at the azo discretion of the building official and fire marshal and the portion of the building covered by the certificate 42t must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements. 422 az3 (g) Provisional fire certificate of occupancy. A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be charged for each provisional a2a certificate of occupancy. This is an annual fee until the building is granted a fire ceRificate of occupancy upon 4z5 the successful completion of fire certificate of occupancy inspection per this chapter. The value of these fees a26 will be discounted from the cost of the first fire certificate of occupancy fee, up to a value of ene-k�ec� � 4z� dollars E$�98:8Aj $50.00 . 428 4z9 (h) No entry fee. The fire mazshal shall give notice of all inspections to the building owner. If any reason exists a3o that the inspection cannot be conducted at the idenfified time, the buitding owner, or a responsible agent of the a3 t owner, shall contact the fire mazshal in writing, no later that 8:00 a.m. on the date of the scheduled inspection. 43z If the fire marshal does not receive such notice and is unable to conduct the inspection because the owner fails 433 to cooperate with the inspector, the owner shall be assessed a sixTy dollars ($60.00) no-enhy fee. 434 435 436 437 A38 (i) Discounted fee. Whenever a fire certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any safety code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of this pazagraph shall be discounted twenty-five (25) percent. 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 Title VI New Chaptec Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 10 of 12 �(� tlZ-`( (j) Late fees. A late fee shall be chazged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owneP" makes applicarion for renewal of the fire certificate of occupancy after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate late fees shall also be chazged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other fees due and payable under this section. All late fees sha11 be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has elapsed after the expiration date of the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any one (I ) late fee exceed fifty (50) percent of the certi£cate renewal fee. The late fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or payment required. 447 aa8 (k) Exceptions: The fees for the fire certificate of occupancy and inspection aze provided in chapter 33 of this code 4a9 shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any governmental agency, including county and state a5o governmental agencies. The CiTy of Saint Paul, and any other agencies specifically exempted from such fees 45 t under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees. asz 453 454 a55 456 457 458 459 abo 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 Section ll. Collection of Unpaid Fees. It is the intent of the city council, by the adoption of this section, to impose and collect the costs associated with the inspections and reinspections conducted by the city, under this chapter, to maintain the health and safety of the users of Saint Paul's built environment. If the charges for these services aze not paid by the owner of the property in a timely fashion, the city shall collect such costs by assessment against the real property receiving these inspection and reinspection services, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101, which authorizes the council to provide for reinspection fees to be coliected by special assessment and allows cities to collect the costs associated with removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards and chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter. (a) Written notice. 1) Written notica of violations. When the fire mazshal conducts an initial inspectlon of a building and determines that violations of safeTy codes under the jurisdiction of the fire mazshal exist, the fire marshal shall, in addition to any other action the fire marshal may undertake, serve written notice ofthe violation in conformance with the requirements set forth in this chagter. 2) Notice for collection of inspection and reinspection shall include the following information: a) Fee far the fire certificate of occupancy inspection and associated reinspections are the responsibility of the building owner and shall be paid within the Yime period(s) identified in the notice; and a�s b) The fire marshal may require an inspection following a complaint or refertal. If the fire 4�9 marsha] finds a violation of safety codes during a referral or complaint-related inspection, the 48o fire marshal will issue correction orders. If the violation is not corrected by the compliance 48 i date provided in the notice of violation, the building owner(s) shail be assessed fees for any 482 necessary reinspections. 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 (b) Fee and Ziabiliry. The city shall be entitled to collect its costs of fire certificate of occupancy inspections and reinspection. The fees associated with the fire certificate of occupancy program shall be a debt owed to the city and shall be collected by special assessment under the authority in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101 and the charter. Action under this section does not preclude any other civii or crimina] enforcement procedure. (c) Cast,' collection. 1) Cost records. The fire marshal shall keep a record of the costs for fire certificate of occupancy services, the name and address of the owner, the dates of the inspections, the observed violations of safeTy codes 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 5oz 503 5�4 sOs 506 507 508 S09 510 51t 512 513 5ia sis 516 517 sl8 519 szo 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 TiUe VI New Chaptec Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 11 of 12���� and the total amount of the costs these to be collected against a particular property, and shall repo such information to the director of financial services. 2) Resolution approving total, setting date of public heazing. On or before October 1 of each year, the director of financial services or his or her desigiee shall notify the city council of the total cost of such fire certificate of occupancy inspection and reinspection services performed during the previous year and the portion of such costs to be assessed against each lot and pazcel of property that utilized these services. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall by resolution fix a date for public hearing at which time the council shall consider adopting and levying the service chazges. The date of public heazing shall be at least twenTy (20) days after adoption of said resolution. 3) Notice of council heazing. Following the adoption of the resolution provided in paragraph (b) above, the director of financial services shall publish a notice of the hearing in a daily newspaper of the city at ]east five (5) days prior to the public hearing. The notice shall state the date, time and place ofheazing, the purpose of the heazing, identify the services provided and the property to be assessed a service chazge therefor, and shall state the proposed rates of service charges to be considered by the council. 4) Notice to owner and interested parties. At least ten (] 0) days before the hearing, notice thereof shall be mailed by first class mail to the owner and any interested party known to the ciTy, at his or her last known address. Such notice shall also inform the recipient of the notice: a) b) Of the procedures he or she must follow under the charter in order to appeal the assessments to the disirict court, and Of the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195 and the existence of any deferment procedure established pursuant thereto. c) Public hearing; adoption of assessment roll. On the date of public hearing the council shall meet to consider the adoption of the proposed service charges. The council shall heaz all interested parties conceming the proposed charges. At such meeting or at any adjournment thereof, the council may amend the proposed service charges, and shall, by resolution, adopt the service charges as a special assessment against the properties which utilized excessive inspection services. Special assessments levied hereunder shall be payable in a single installment. 528 d) Certification to county for collection with taxes. After adoption by resolution of the service 5z9 chazges and assessment rates therefor, and no later than November I5, the city clerk shal] 53o transmit a certified copy of said resolution to the county department of property tasarion to be 53 t extended on the proper tax list of the county and collected the following year along with current 532 ta�ces. � 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 e) AppeaL W ithin twenty (20) days after adoption of the resolution adopting the service charges, any person aggrieved may appeal to the district court in the manner set forth in chapter 14 of the city charter. Section 12. Illegal occupancy. 5a0 No person shall occupy any building which does not have a fire certificate of occupancy. Any unit or structure which is 54t so occupied shall be subject to the provisions of section 34.23(2) of the legislative code relating to illegai occupancy. 5az Such illegal occupancy also constitutes a hazazd to the health, safety or welfare of the occupants and the public, and 5a3 may be condemned by the appropriate enforcement officex under section 34.23 of the legislative code. 544 5a5 Section 13. Penalty. 546 Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 12 of 12 5a1 A violation of, or failure to comply with, any section, provision or requirement in this chapter shall be a misdeme�_ 548 and shall be subject to sections I.OS and 1.06 ofthe legislative code, and to applicable state statutes. This chapter is a 549 part of the city health, safeTy, housing, building, fire prevenrion and housing maintenance codes, and a violation shall be 55o deemed to be a violation for purposes of state statutes allowing escrow of rent to remedy violations. 551 ssz 553 >54 555 >56 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 Section 14. Appeal to legislative hearing officer. Orders of the fire marshal aze subject to section I 8.02 of the Legislative Code. Orders of the fire marshal pertaining to revocation, suspension or denial of applicarion are also governed by section 7 of this chapter. Section 15. Applicability of other laws. Nothing in this chapter is intended to waive, replace or amend the applicability or e�forcement of any other law, ordinance or regulation applicable to commercial buildings and residential dwellings, including but not limited to, zoning, nuisance abatement, or licensing ordinances. Section 2 This oidinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days follawing its passage, approval and pubiication. ^s 7C'�E K'��'�o F�.. �� � � ��A Yeas � Nays � Absent Benanav Bostr Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune � � ✓ � � � Adopted by Council: Date o�� o2D'lJ� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: /� ///�/./vt� .�Os� Approved by Ma or: Date: � 2 q d7 �.r���--�-� � Requested by Department of: � Form roved by City Attorney FF,,< :� B ° „ � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Green Sheet Green Shegt Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � o� i/a � CO ��� ; Contact Person 8 Phone: i Marcia Mcertnond � 6-&570 { Must Be on Council A9en Doc. Type: ORDINANCE E-0ocument Required: Y Document Contact: �cki Contact Phone: 6-8561 13DEC-06 � Assign Number For Routing Ortler ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3035371 0 omN 1 omc0 De arhmentDirecior � 2 "N Attomer I 3 ouncil 4 ' Cierk An ordinance amending Title VI of the St. Paril Legislative Code "Building and Housing" to create a chapter establishing a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Progam. itla4ons: Approve (A) or Ke]ea (K): rersona� service contracts must wnswer me ronowmg 4tuesnons: Planoing Commission 1, Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIBCommittee Ves No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/frm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answere on separeYe sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Finaacial Mformalion: (Explain) Activity Number: CosURevenue Budgetetl: December 13, 2006 4:17 PM Page 1 Ol� �4lZ,q City of Saint Paul Ciry Council Reseazch Center 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)266-8570 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: December 15, 2006 Revised Januarv 11. 2007 TO: Councilmembers FROM: Wyn Douglas, Council Assistant and Marcia Moermond, Sr. Policy Analyst RE: Ordinance Addinb a New Chapter "Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program" to Title VI of the Saint Paul Legislative Code `Building and Housing" (Council File #06-1129) Summary: This ord'mance creates the Fire Certificate of Occupancy program wherein non-owner-occupied properties would be required to have complete and periodic inspections. Fire C of O will be the program used to ensure non-owner-occupied buildings comply with applicable codes over time, following the issuance of an original Certificate of Occupancy. It would apply to all properties currently holding a Certificate of Occupancy (commercial and residential) and non-owner-occupied single-family homes and duplexes. This represents a significant change in coverage of properties regularly inspected by the City. Embedded in this proposal is a restructuring of the fee schedule. Residential properties with less than 100 units and commercial buildings with less than 118,000 sq. ft. face an 8% fee increase. Residential properties with more than 100 units and commercial buildings with more than 118,000 sq. ft. face a 25% fee increase. The fee for the "provisional Fire Certificate of Occupancy" is proposed to be $50 annually and the provisional certificate would be re�laced by a"regular" Fire Certificate of Occupancy when the city inspection is successfully completed. Up to $100 in provisional fees will be discounted from the first Fire C of O fee. The ongoing cost of being in the Fire C of O program will depend on whether the property is rated A, B, or C under the new classification system (Council Files # 06-1120 and # 06-1130). For buildings with an A rating, the cost of being in the Fire C of O program ($25.60 annual average) will be compazable to rental registration ($32.00 annual average). Schedule for Cauncil Consideration: December 20, 2006: First Reading January 10, 2007: Second Reading January 17, 2007: Third Reading, Public Hearing 7anuary 24, 2007: Fourth Reading and First Possible Date for Vote Mazch 1, 2007: First Possible Date Ordinance Would Take Effect �-��a� Fire Certificate of Occupancy Memq Page 2 of 13 Tezt Changes: Representing changes of language adopted from previous versions of Chapters 33 and 51, as well as new language. Section 1. Fire Cert�cate of Occz�pancy Requirement: Sets out the requirement for all existing buildings to receive a Fire C of O, issued by the Fire Marshal, and declazes occupancy without such a certificate as a misdemeanor. Section 2. Exception of Owner Occupied Buildings: Exempts owner-occupied 1- and 2-unit residential properties. Section 3. Definitions. • "Authorized agenY' drawn from Chapter 51 with no cha�ges • `Building" new definition (which has been modified 1/10/071 "Building." Any structure intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, including the land sunoundine the structure. If the buildin� is a multi-unit residential dwelline a hotel or motel, or a commercial or office buildin�, the term "buildinQ" for pumoses of this ordinance means onlv the oortion of the buildin�within or outside the structure in which a nuisance is maintained or permitted; such as a dwellin¢ unit, room, suite of rooms, office, common area, storaee area, ¢azage, or parkin�ea. • "Certificate of Occupancy" new definition • "Commercial building" new definition • "Dwelling" new definition • "Family" drawn from Chapter 51 with no changes • "Fire Certificate of Occupancy" new definition • "Fire Marshal" new definition • "Interested gartv " For pumoses of section 6 of this ordinance "interested nartd' means anv known lessee or tenant of a building or affected portion of a building; or anv lmown aeent of an owner, lessee, or tenant; or anv other lmown person who maintains or permits a nuisance. �The addition ofthis lan�uaee is intended to helpbroaden the scope o[people notified in revocation/suspension o,�fre c ofo situations.Z • "Nuisance Activity" new definition • "Nuisance Activity." Two (21 or more �behavioral incidents as described in Minnesota Statute 617.81, subdivision 2, or two (2) or more violations of at� nuisance provisions of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code. fHavzn� a threshold of2 or more instances is intended to demonstrate that the nuisance provisions of this chapter will not be used arbitrarilv. However, tlte city can and should continue to issue warnin�s after 1 instance so the owner is aware ojthe situationJ • "Owner" drawn from Chapter 51 with no changes • "Owner-Occupied" new definition (which has been modified 1/10/07) "Owner occupied" refers to one- and two-unit residential dwellings in which the owner resides, � .. ,H a . ,,,, ,._..,._«:,......we_e,.� ..,w:,.w ,,.He�.a..o ,.....uc., r .. w,....o,.,e.,a � � �. _ . ; � . . ,, ` ����. • "Partial Fire Certificate of Occupancy" new definition • "Property Manager" new definition • "Provisional Fire Certificate of Occupancy" new definition • "Recorder's office" drawn from chapter 51 with no changes t�,- ��z°� Fire Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 3 of 13 • "Rental dwelling uniP' drawn from chapter 51 with no changes • "Residential occupancy" new definition • "Safety code" new definition Section 4. Certifzcation Process. a) Buildings and Occupancies Requiring a Fire Cert�cate of Occupancy: Applicable newly conshucted and occupancy changing buildings must receive Fire C of O from Fue Marshal. Buildings with Fire Prevention issued C of O are subject to the requirements of said certificate and will be subject to inspection based on last complete C of O inspecrion. Cunent Rental Registration properties will be issued a provisional Fire C of O and receive fixll Fire C of O upon inspection. Vacant buildings will be issued Fire C of concurrently with C of Code Compliance. b) Information and Application: Sets out the content requirements for Fire C of O application. c) Issuance: Sets out the content requirements far Fire C of O and issuance requirement of "no violations of the provisions of state and local safety codes" d) Smoke detectors required: Drawn from Sec 51.03 with no changes. e) Other ViolaCions: Clarifies that Fire C of O issuance is not approval of code violation. f� Posting: Sets posting reguirement. (Note that the Citv intends to develo�an alternative to postingthe entire fire certificate of occupanc� It is Zooking at a"sticker "perhaps similar to the burglar alarm sticker which indicates a fire certificate of occupancy number, the buildine use and number of units — for fire sn etv purnoses. We do not think the le¢islation needs to be chan2ed to provide for thisJ Section S. Reserved. (This is where the ordinance on the buzldina classification svstem will be placed nermanently afrer adoptionJ Section � 6. Suspension, revocation and denial. Revocation for Safety Code, Administrative or Procedural Reasons: (a) Grounds for Revocation: The fire marshal may issue a written notice of suspension or revocation on the following grounds: issuance error, false, incomplete or inaccurate information, failure ar refusal to pay fees, violation of any provisions of this or other applicable safety codes, ordinances, rules and regulations, or building vacancy. Chan,ee to points 6 and 7 to clanify temporarilv vacant residential should not be revoked or suspended on that basis. If the nonresidential building ar structure becomes unoccu iep d: or If a residential buildin¢ e� is a vacant building as defined in section 43.02 of the Saint Paul legislarive code (b) Notice of suspenszon, revocation ov denial: Norices must include the specific reason, the effecrive date, a statement prohibiting property usage unril deemed usable by the Fire Marshal and a notice of the right to appeal. In the case of nuisance activity, the Fire Marshal must issue a written notice to the owner idenrifying the problem and indicating the grounds for legally declaring that activity a nuisance. Ot�' 1�Z�1 Fire Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 4 of 13 The Fire Marshal may revoke a Fire Certificate of Occupancy for safety code, administrative or procedural reasons simply by providing norice to the owner that they have committed a violation as described above. This revocation is appealable to the Legislarive Hearing Officer who will make a recommendation on the matter to the City Council in a public hearing. Issuance of a waming letter mav occur after a sin¢le nuisance instance, and the ordinance is now silent on warnine letters. A letter indicatin� intent to revoke requires proof of two disrinct instances of events constituting a nuisance (the first of which mav be the nuisance instance which hi Qeg red a wamine letterl. The letter of intent to revoke needs to be sent certified mail to the owners and interested narties. At this point, the owner can choose to abate the situarion within the time period soecified, or work with the City to develon a nuisance abatement plan. If after 30 davs (or the time period s�ecified in the abatement vlanl the nuisance conrinues unabated, the Fire Marshal must recommend to the CiN Council that the Fire C of O be revoked. °i«°"^ �- �..;^^^^° °^':.^'�.'�^° n;_,, n,r....,.�..., ,...� _� �:: �v �.".� ::�«°: �. ��^�?a�.�::� : w...we �;.., ��::^� Should the owner wish to .,, .,, .. .,.., � appeal, a legislative hearing will be conducted to develop a recommendation for considerarion by City Council in a Public Hearing. �C� S2YVZCE Of tJ12720tZC6. r�crsvaur"vcrricc� T w. zT-a@'n�vfir�n u.pF�iopix�ac°r.-p'�a.ci,T' oi $aa.ic`oo ca.£a�oi o°c . Service must be throu�h certified mail to owners and interested ap rties• (d) Appeals and Stays of Enforcement for Revocations, Suspensions and Denials of Fire Certi�cates of Occupancy. Appeals may be filed within 10 days from receipt of notice of revocation, suspension or denial. This section treats these appeals with the same process applied to condemnations under the Legislative Code. (e) Reinstatement following suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked for a building, or portion thereof, that building or portion thereof, shall not be occupied until such time as the fire certi6cate of occupancy is reinstated. ( fl Reinstatement following second saupension or revocation. A second reinstatement requires Fize Marshal determination that the building is code compliant and the posting of a�.?8A8 $5,000 performance deposit returnable after two years with no same ar similaz violations. If the revocation was based on nuisance activity, the Fire Mazshal may require tenant screening and that the landlord adhere to the guidelines and advice required by the police deparhnent and code enfarcement officials, that the leases used for rental dwellings include provisions allowing for the immediate eviction of tenants or their guests engaged in criminal or nuisance activiry; and that the owner or property manager attend a reputable landlord training. (g) Reinstatement following third suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked for a third time within a three-year time period under the same ownership, the building for which it was issued shall not again be occupied until a nuisance abatement plan is o�- ��a� Fire Certificate of Occupancy Memq Page 5 of 13 developed by the property ow�ner, reviewed by the legislative hearing officer and approved by the city council. If a nuisance abatement plan is not developed and approved, the premise for which the fire certificate of occupancy was issued shall not again be used or occupied for a period of six (6) months. Section &7. Inspections. Authorizes Fire Marshal to inspect all commercial and non-owner-occupied residenrial buildings and properties for the purpose of ascertaining code compliance. A norice of violations is required following inspection. Section 9. Regulations: Requires notice to Fire Mazshal upon change of application information. New owners must file application with Fire Marshal within 30 days of acquisirion. Changes of use must be approved by building official and fire marshal. Fire C of O must be posted and not removed except by Fire Marshal Section 10. Fees.: Inirial Fire C of O fees aze outlined below. No fee is charged for original issue to new buildings. Reinspection fees are 5�°10 of initial inspection fees. If a code violation has not been corrected upon resinspecrion, a$60 fee will be charged. Partial certificates of occupancy ($138) are issued at the discretion of the building official and fire marshal. No enhy fee of $60. When renewal inspection finds no violation, the renewal fee shall be discounted 25%. Ten percent late fees aze collected when renewal application is submitted after expiration. Agencies exempted under state law are exempted here. Section 11. Collection of Unpaid Fees. Allows City to collect fees not paid in a rimely manner through property tax assessment. Requires notice to owner. Section 12. Illegal occupancy: Prohibits occupancy of applicable buildings without Fire C of O. Section 13. Penalty: Violation of this chapter constitutes a misdemeanor. Section 14. Appeal to Zegislative hearing o�cer: Subjects orders of the Fire Marshal to Ch 18.02 Section 1 S. Applicability of other laws b( F've Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 6 of 13 ResearchlAdditional Information: Number of Units and Structures Council Reseazch esrimates of single-family and duplex rental shuctures in Saint Paul are based on 2000 Census data and NHPI Rental Registration data. Both sources show approximately 6,000 single-family rental structures. Duplex figures, however, differ.� For the purposes of this memo, the Census figures for rental units are used due to known consistencies in survey methodology and coverage over time. Estimates in this report assume an 85% coverage rate for the program given that complete tracking of all one- and two-unit rental properties is unlikely to occur during the program's implementation stage. to,000 , I � 8,000 1 6.Q00 4,000 2,000 Occupancy Type 9,000 � SSngle Family Structises O Duplex Structures Fstimates Used in Zhis Study io,000 -, I 8,000 � 7,650 6,000 4,000 2,000 O SSngle Family &ructiues O D¢plex Structures I * Detailed d¢ta far the above charts is located an Appendic A Classification System In order to focus inspection services toward properties needing more improvement, this proposal includes a shift from 2-year inspection cycles for C of O properties and annual renewal for Rental Registration properties to a tiered system based on properry condition for residenrial properties. Specifics of the classification system and deficiency points are located in Council Files # 06-1130 and # 06-ll20. Restructured Fee Schedule ' The most plausible explanation for the difference is the definitions used for occupancy ("owner-occupancy" in the Census and homesteaded properties in Rental Registration) and proper[y types (e.g. town homes considexed single- family or multi-unit, structures with split unit-occupancies counted differently). Altematively, a specification error of inconecfly counring units rather than structures could account for this difference. 2000 Census NHPI 2004 Assessment ExistingStock CoveredbyProgam bt�-tt2� Fice Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 7 of 13 Number of Reinspections In a random sample of 2006 Rental Registration data, 400 properties averaged approximately 2 inspecrions annually between July 2004 and July 2006. The initial indication is that few reinspection fees will be collected (initial inspection and first reinspection are covered in certificate of occupancy renewal fees) given that 69% of the sample had 2 or fewer inspections annually. However, the remaining 31% of the sample required 3 or more mspections and therefore would pay reinspection fees (currently proposed to be 50% of a standard renewal fee). These 124 properties accounted for 1,270 reinspections (10.24 per property). Despite these esrimates, it is important to note the nature of these inspections in the context of proposed property classificarions. If, upon initial inspection or after one reinspection, a property is deemed Class A, there will normally be no reinspections without complaint. If a property is deemed Class B or C, however, the average renewal costs may provide an incentive for property owners to be reinspected for reclassificarion, depending on the cost of property improvements. Appendix B outlines the average costs of renewal and reinspection to property owners, excluding any properry improvements costs. Although it is cost effective in the long term for all property owners to reclassify to Class A in their first year, it is unlikely that all will do so because they may not view their property investment as long term or the cost of repairing code violarions in a Class B or C property may exceed the financial benefit of reclassification. The warkload projection model outlined below functions on the assumptions that initial inspections will take 1 hour foi single-family properties, 1.5 hours foi duplex properties and reinspections will take half the time of the initial inspections. These assumptions aze based on the 1997 Council Research study and Z Single-family and duplex rental structures aze currently under the Rental Registration program, while structutes with 3 or more uniYS are currently under the Certificate of Occupancy program. On the recommendation of Fire Mazshal5teve Zaccazd, the following fee structure for Certificates of Occupancy is proposed. According to projecrions from the Division of Fire Prevention, fees under the updated structure will recover over 70% of inspection costs, compared to roughly 57% currently. c�-��Z� Fixe Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 8 of 13 were, at that time, deemed sound estimates by Fire Marshal Zaccazd and Chazles Vote] of Public Health Cade Enforcement. Revenue and Workload Below aze the progam estimates of the income received by NHPI from the Rental Registrarion program for the past two years and 2006 YTD.' Year 2004 Rental >ram Revenue Revenue Av¢ Revenue � 2006Projection � 5,946* � $180,461** � $30.35 � * Property piojection taken from Rental Registration database and includes delinquent, final notice, initial notice, renewal pending and current properties. ** Revenue projechon uses 2006 pzoperty ptojection and average revenue figure as of 10/2S(06. Under the Fire C of O program proposal, the total revenue projecrion from 5,100 one rental-unit structures paying a$128 renewal fee and 1,403 two xental-unit structures paying $142 is, on average, $170,A05 annually. This figure can be considered a"bottom line" estimate for the program in that it assumes that all 6,503 covered properties are Class A(therefore renewing least frequently) and that each has no more than 1 reinspection annually (i.e. no reinspection fees are collected). The difference between projected 2006 Rental Registration revenue and projected average annual minimum revenue for the new Fire C of O program appears to give little financial incentive to implement a new program considering that roughly 600 properties will be added to the program. Two points, however, significantly increase the likelihood of program revenues being above the minimum estimate. First, the 2006 Rental Registrauon revenue projection is likely high as the rate of revenue collection slows late in the year. Secondly, given that the $170,405 figure is a cycle minimum coupled with the estimate of 31% ofproperties requiring more than 1 reinspecrion, total Fire C of O revenues are very likely to be well above the estimate. Furthermore, the likelihood of all properties being classified to the masimum 5-yeaz cycle is miniscule, increasing the average Fire C of O renewal frequency. Introduction ofFroperties into Program Annual revenue collected from the proposed program will depend on the implementarion process. Appendix C provides an estimate of revenue from the proposed Fire C of O program based on non- complaint properry introduction. In Class A it is assumed that no more than one reinspection will occur as there is no incentive for property owners to seek reclassification. In Classes B and C, the properties receiving 0 or 1 reinspection, 2 reinspecrions or 3 reinspections are distributed according to the proportions gamered from the NHPI database sample. S,OOO � a,5oo � a,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 3 Figures obtained from Rental Registration program Supervi� 1,000 S00 Peak Workload Estimates a,ots Lnspections Reinspections a�,-ltL� Fire Ceciificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 9 of 13 Appendix D, using the same assumptions as Appendix C, provides an estimate of complaint-based property introducfion. Based on this rate of program intake, nearly 5,000 inspection hours (composed of the time involved in carryin� out 2,601 inspecrions and 3,269 reinspecrions) in 2,601 properties in Yeaz 1 would result in revenues approachin� 5450,000. Upon peak progam implementation, roughly 6,250 annual inspection hours accounting for 3,641 properties would result in revenues of approximately $560,000. Based on the estimate of 40% of an inspector's 2000 hours per yeaz being spent on site visits (800 hours), almost 8 inspector FTEs wonld eventually be required to manage the peak 5,700 estimated inspecrion hours needed inspect nearly 3,600 properties. Cunently, the Division of Fire Prevention could free the equivalent of one Certificate of Occupancy inspector through efficiency �ains from the new classificarion system. NHPI has two inspectors for the Rental Registration program which could be transferred to Fire Prevention as Rental Registration properties aze moved to the proposed Fire C of O program. Together, these 3 FTEs can complete roughly 2,400 hours of inspection annually. A more gradual and revenue neutral approach to property introduction orients toward a pay-as-you-go program wherein existing inspection staff begins introducrion of properties into the program and new staff are hired as inspection volume increases. The gradual implementation and movement toward full property coverage can be scaled to match budgetary and administrative parameters. Attachments: Appendix A: One- and two-unit Rental Structure Counts Appendix B: Cost to Property Owners of Renewal and Reinspections for Single-Family Properties Appendix C: Revenue projection based on 2006 C of O(3+ units) estimate, non-complaint-based properry introduction Appendix D: Revenue projection based on 2006 C of O(3+units) estimate, complaint-based property introduction Appendix A: Structure Counts Occupancy Type io,000 � � 9,OOU 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Single Family Structures fl Duplex Struciuces' io,000 : ��� 6,000 4,000 2,000 Fstimates Used in Tl�is Study (}�� llL� * Estimated from unit figures. Existing &ock Covered by Program I p Smgle Family Scructuces fl Doplex &rucrises =, 2000 Census NHPI 2004 Assessment o�-t�z� Fire Cerlificaie of Occupancy Memo, Page i l o£ 13 Appendix B: Cost to Property Owners of Renewal and Reinspections for Single-Family Properties Fue Certificate of Occupancy Memo, Page 12 of 13 �-112 Appendix C: Revenue projection, 2006 C of O(3+ units) estimate, non-complaint-based property introduction Year ] Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Class A Sin Ze Famil Structures 306 306 306 306 306 In ctions 306 306 306 306 306 Reinsnections 153 153 153 1�3 153 Revenue � 539,168 $39,168 $39,168 $39,168 $39,168 DunZex Structures 84 84 84 84 84 1 are structures past their first renewat cycle Total Ins ection Hours 158 158 158 158 158 Revenue �11,949 $11,949 $11,949 $11,949 $11,949 � TOTAL � �Structures 3.641 � 3.64� 3.641T 3.641T 3.641� Fire CertiFcate of Occupancy Memo, Page 133f 13 ���� Appendix D: Revenue projection, 2006 C of O(3+ units) esrimate, complaint-based property introduction Year 1 Year Z Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Ctass A Sin IeFamii Structures 0 0 0 306 306 306 306 306 In ections Q � Q 306 306 306 306 306 Reins ecrions 0 0 0 153 153 153 153 153 Total In ection Hows 0 0 0 383 383 383 383 383 Revenue �0 $0 $0 $39,168 $39,168 $39,168 $39,168 $39,168 Du les Structures 0 0 0 84 84 84 84 84 Ins ections 0 0 0 84 84 84 84 84 Reins ections 0 0 0 42 42 42 42 42 Total Ins ection Hours 0 0 0 158 158 158 158 158 Revenue $0 $0 $0 $11,949 $ll,949 $11,949 $ll,949 $11,949 TOTAL Structures 2,601 3,251 3,251 3,641 3,641 3,641 3,641 3,641 7ns ections Site Visits 2,601 3,251 3,251 3,641 3,641 3,641 3,641 3,641 Reins ections Site Visits 3,269 3,820 3,820 4,015 4,015 4,015 4,015 4,015 Total Ins ection Aours 4,642 5,718 5,718 6,258 6,258 6,258 6,258 6,258 Ins ectors Needed 5.87 7.15 7.15 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 7.82 Revenue $446,374 S513,228 $513,22$ $564,346 $564,346 $564,346 $564,346 $564,346 Grayed frgures are structures past their fzrst renewal cycle Council File # 06- �\Z. Green Sheet # '30353� � L�7 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 ]0 t� tz ]3 14 t5 16 17 78 19 20 21 2z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 THE COUNCII, AMENDED 1J10/07. ORDINANCE �AINT PAUL�NfI � An Ordinance Creating a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Progam Secfion 1 Title VI of the Saint Paul Fire Certificate of Occupancy Section 1. Fire Certificate of CITY OF Code `Building and Housing" is amended to include the following chapter: All existing buildings in the City of Saint Paul required to have and maintain a fire certificate of occupancy, issued by the fire marshaL The certificate shall be an indi tion that the building meets� at the time of inspection, all relevant codes to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the uilding's occupants and the general publia lt shall be a misdemeanor to rent or lease, or permit the occupancy o a building or structure or portion thereof which does not have a fire certificate of occupancy. Section 2. Exception of Owner Occupied Buildings. Owner-Occupied single-family houses and owner-occupied duplexes and maintain a fire certificate of occupancy. Section 3. Defiuitions. be exempted from the requirement to have Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, far the purpose of indicated in this section. (a) "Authorized agent." An individual(s) with legal authoriTy and capable the building(s) and authority over the proceeds of such sale. (b) `Building." Any structure intended for supporting or sheltering any use or suite of rooms, office, common area, storaee area, e�e, or parkine area. , have the meanings for the sale of Title VI New Chapter. Fire Certifcate of Occupancy Program �i; �ita� 38 (c) "CeRificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the City of Saint Paul Building O�cial under the authority 39 of both state and ciTy building codes indicating a newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated shucture is, at ao the time of inspection, code comp3iant, habitable and otherwise meets all requirements for its intended use. 41 42 43 44 45 Ab (d) "Commercial building." Any nonresidential structure, the surrounding land and accessory use structures. (e) "Dwelling." A building that contains one, two or multiple dwelling units, intended or designed to be used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied for living purposes. a� (� "Family." One {1) or two (2) persons or parents, with their direct lineal descendants and adopted or legally 48 cared for children together with not more than two (2) persons not so related, living together in the whole or 49 part of a dwelling comprising a single housekeeping unit. 50 51 (g) "Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire Mazshal indicating the 5z existing structure complies with all state and local safety codes ailowing its use as a commercial building or for 53 residential occupancy. 54 55 (h) "Fite Mazshal." The CiTy of Saint Paul Fire Mazsha] and his or her designee or designees, and shall include 56 any enforcement officer under his or her supervision or direction, or other duly authorized representative. The 5� fire certificate of occupancy program shall be issued under the authority of the fire marshal. ss 59 (i) "Interested party." For pumoses of section 6 of this ordinance "interested �ariv" means an�known lessee or 5o tenant of a buildi� or affected portion of a buildin ;g or any known a�ent of an owner, lessee, or tenant: or anv 6� other known person who maintains or nermits a nuisance. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 (-ij �"Nuisance Activity." Two (2) or more �behavioral incidents as described in Minnesota Statute 617.81, subdivision 2, ar Two (2) or more violations of a�y nuisance provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. ��"Owner." The person, firm, corporation or other entity listed in the records on file in the recorder's office as holding fee title to the building, and includes the owner's authorized agent. (-k� �"Owner occupied" refers to one- and two-unit residential dwellings in which the owner resides�st�l} �z f� �"Partial Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire Marshal �3 indicating that a portion of an existing structure complies with all state and local safety codes allowing its use as �a a commercial building or for residential occupancy. The partial fire certificate of occupancy shall describe 75 specifically which portion of the building is approved for occupancy. 76 7� (t�j � "Property manager." An individual(s) with the legal authority to make and act on decisions of tenancy, �8 building maintenance and repairs relating to applicable safety codes. 79 80 (nj (o� "Provisional Fire Certificate of Occupancy." A document issued by the City of Saint Paul Fire Mazshal to 8� owners of one- and two-unit rental dwellings �^a��°'�°° *w�'''� °°°°m�° «'-� �°:°+:°�- °^-�.��.-° � �^�,:�° .� :+'- 8 a u ,.«,,.e .,,,a ,,.,...� ....r ... ,.,,a .... ........ :.... :... ..,.,, F _ _e..:ae..,: , ,... . to temnorarilypermit continued 83 occupancY�endine inspection ofthe existine structure. Buildings with a provisional fire certificate of 8a occupancy will be granted a fire certificate of occupancy upon the successful completion of fire certificate of 85 occupancy inspection per this chapter. 86 Title V I New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 3 of 12 q S� (ej jp� The "recorder's office" is the Ramsey CounTy Depar[ment of Property Records and Taxation, or its divQo�n t � L ! ss which maintains ritle and property records, and any successor agency or department thereof. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 {-r-� (s� "Safety code" or "safety codes" include any fue, housing, health, safery z, onin¢ or other similaz code, law and 9� ordinance, promulgated or enacted by the United States, the State of Minnesota, the County of Ramsey and the 98 CiTy of Saint Paul, or any lawful agency or deparhnent thereof, which are applicable to a�welkirig buiLdine in 99 such city. Safety code includes, without any limitation of the foregoing sentence as a result of this specification, 10o the provisions of Chapters 33, 34, 43, 45, 49, 55, 56 and 58 of the Legislative Code. lot to2 103 104 105 106 to� 108 109 llo ]11 112 i 13 3) Commercial buildings and residential occupancies which have current Fire Prevention issued 1 t 4 certificates of occupancy on or after January 1, 2007 shall be subject to the ongoing requirement to 1 t 5 maintain a fire certificate of occupancy. These buildings shall be issued fire certificates of occupancy t t6 and shall be subject to periodic inspection based on the date of the building's last complete certificate t 7 7 of occupancy inspeciion, subject to the terms of this chapter. 1t8 i 19 4) One- and two-unit rental dwellings which are currently registered and certified as rental properties t2o under the requirements of this code on January 1, 2007 shall receive provisional fire certificates of t2t occupancy. These properties shall be issued fire certificates of occupancy upon the successful � z2 completion of a fire certificate of occupancy inspection. 123 t za 5) A building which has been registered as a vacant building under chapter 43 of the Legislative Code that 125 subsequently received a certificate of code comptiance under section 33.06 of the Legislative Code i 25 shall be issued a fire certificate of occupancy concunently with the certificate of code compliance. t27 �} �"Rental dwelling unit." Any room or rooms, or space, in any dwelling designed or used for residential occupancy by one (1) or more persons who aze not the owner or a member of the owner's family. {-q-} �"Residential occupancy" is occupancy in a building or portion thereof, for residential purposes, used or intended to be used for living, sieeping, and/or cooking or eating purposes. Section 4. Certification Process. (a) Buildings and Occupancies Requiring a Fire Certificate of Occupancy I) 2) Buildings which receive a certificate of occupancy from the city's building official upon compietion of construction or major rehabilitation shall simultaneously receive a fire certificate of occupancy from the fire marshal if their use or occupancy so requires. Buildings which have a change in use or occupancy and become subject to the fire certificate of occupancy requirement. t 28 (b) Information and Application. Owners of ail buildings subject to the fire certificate occupancy requirement shall t29 apply for a fire certificate of occupancy. The application shall be provided by the fue marshal and include, at a �3o minimum, the following information: 131 132 133 134 135 1) 2) A description of the building; The name, address and twentv-four (241 hour telephone numbers of the owner(s); Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 4 of 12 136 3) 137 ]38 4) 139 140 �ai 5) 1az 143 144 la5 146 747 148 149 I50 ist 152 153 I54 ts5 I56 157 l58 159 160 16] 162 163 164 165 166 167 i58 169 170 171 17z The name, address and telephone numbers of the property manager(s); �; l�Z`� The name, address and telephone number of the refuse removal person(s) or company(s) which supplies refuse removal services for the building; and The fire marshal may require such additional property and property management-xelated information as will promote effective enforcement of this chapter. (c) Issuance. Upon a finding of no violations of the provisions of state and local safety codes, the fue mazshal shall issue a fire certificate of occupancy that shall contain the following: ]) 2) 3) 4) The'�••�'a'^ ^—�-�-�'t °��--�'�°- t�pe of occupancy, includine number of dwelline, rooming or ¢uest units; The address of the building; The name and address of the owner(s) and property manager(s); A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued; 5) A statement that the described portion of the building has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of state and local safety codes for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified; and 6) The name of the fire mazshal. (d) Smoke detectors required. Where required, �Fno fire certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless each such building has a proper, adequate and operable smoke detector. (e) Posting. The fire certificate of occupancy provided by the fire marshal shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the building and shall not be remove except by the fire marshal. (� Other Violations. Issuance of a fire certificate af occupancy shail not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Certificates presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. $¢ctlOU 5. Res¢rv¢d. 173 c..,..a_.. < n,...........a 174 175 176 177 178 ]79 180 ts� 182 Section � 6. Suspension, revocation and denial. (a) Grounds for Revocation. The fire marshal may, in writing, issue a notice to the owner(s) of the city's suspension or revocation of a fire certificate of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code, or deny an application therefor: 1) Whenever the certificate was issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information sugplied; Title V1 New Chapter: Fire Cehificate of Occupancy Program Page 5 of 12 183 2) t sa I85 ]86 3) i87 188 4) 189 ]90 191 5) 192 193 6) 194 �95 7) 196 197 198 199 200 20l 202 203 204 205 206 207 When the owner(s) has submitted a false, incomplete or inaccurate statement as a part of the �. � application for certificate; If the owner has failed or refused to pay fees to the city for inspections or certificates; If it is found upon inspection of the fue marshal that the building or occupancy is in violation of aa� provisions of this or other applicable safety codes, ordinances, rules and regulations; If the owner, in a materia] matter, fails to comply with the regulations in section 9 of this chapter; or If the nonresidential buiiding or structure becomes unoccupied; or If a reside�tial buildine e� is a vacant building as defined in section 43.02 of the Saint Paul legislative code (b) Notice of suspension, revocation or deniat. 1) When the fire mazshal revokes, suspends or denies a fire certificate of occupancy for safety code viotations, the notice issued by the fire mazshal shall state: a) b) The specific reason(s) for the ciTy's suspension, revocation or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy; The effective date of the revocation, suspension or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy; 208 c) A statement indicating that the commercial building or residential occupancy, or portion 209 thereof, shali not again be used or occupied until such time as the said certificate is issued or 2 t o renewed or suspension lifted following inspection and a determination by the fire marshal that 2t t the commercial building or residential occupancy, or portion thereof, is in compliance with z i 2 applicable safety codes under the jurisdiction of the fire marshal; and 213 2t4 z15 216 z17 218 219 220 zz� zz2 223 224 a) : .....,. :,»�; .,..�e .��� :,,e..«:� : .. «�.o ,.,.� . , The notice must: "6 225 226 � 227 228 229 230 d) A statement indicating that the suspension, revocation, oc denial may be appealed to the legislative hearing officer within ten (10) days of issuance. 2) When the fire marshal has }�ree€evidence of nuisance activiTy as defined in Minnesota Statues 617.81, subdivision 2, or other violations of nuisance provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are maintained or permitted in the jurisdiction he or she serves, the fire marshal shall see�-provide the written notice as described in oaraeraph a), bypersona] service or certified mail, return recei�t requested, to the owner and interested parties known to the fire mazshal i) States that a nuisance as defined in Minnesota Statute 617.81 Subdivision 2 or other violations of the nuisance nrovisions of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code is k�ei�g Title VI New Chaptec Fire CeA�cate of Occupancy Program Page 6 of 12 23] 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 2a � 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 maintained or permitted in the building or structure and must specify the kind or kinds of nuisance being maintained or permitted; �. �`L� ii) Summarizes the evidence that a nuisance is being maintained or permitted in the building or shvcture, including the date or dates on which the nuisance-related activiTy or activities are alleged to have occurred; and iii) Informs the recipient that failure to abate the conduct constituting the nuisance or to otherwise resolve the matter with the fue marshal bv enterine into an aezeed upon abatement plan within 30 days of service of the notice � will resulY in ser „�,+:,.o ,.e:..,e..«:,.., ,,. ..,.....e..a ,._ _e.,,.,,e in recommendine the susoension or revocation of the fire certificate of occupancy to the citv council. or referring the matter to the prosecuting attorney who serves in the jurisdiction for remedies in accordance with Minnesota Statute 617.80 et seq. which could result in enjoining the use of the building or structure for any purpose for one year, or in the case of a tenant, could result in cancellation of the lease. iv) Informs the owner of the options available under Minnesota Statute Section 617.85. b) If the reci�ient of a notice under Section 6 of this ordinance either abates the conduct constitutine a nuisance or enters into an aoreed upon abatement plan within 30 davs of service of the notice and complies within the stinulated time period, the fire marshal may not take action to sus�end or revoke the fire certificate of occupancv on the specified oronertv reQardin¢ the nuisance activity described in the notice. 256 c) If the recinient fails to abate the nuisance within 30 da�s of service of the notice, or fails to 257 com�ly with the�eed upon abatement plan, the fire marshal will refer the matter to the Citv 25a Council recommendine susnension or revocation of the fire certificate of occupancv or refer the z59 matter to the nrosecutine attomeY �n accordance with Minnesota Statute 617.80 et sect 260 26] 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 a�z 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 3) The notice of intent to suspend ar revoke the fire certificate of occuoancv for nuisance activit�hall be served by �ersonal service or bvi certified mail , return rece�t requested The notice shall state: a) The specific reason(sl the fire mazshal recommends suspension or revocation of the fire certificate o£ occupancv; b) The date, time and place of the oublic hearing. yr - z} T '.—�-�:� . r.�!ee!sa�zai��n!tr.r�7sr7 (d) Appeals and Stays ofEnforcementfor Revocations, Suspensions and Denials ofFire Certificates ofOccupancy. 1) Voluntary vacation of premises. No suspension, revocation or denial of the fire certificate of occupancy Title VI New Ghapter. Fire Certificate ofi Occupancy Program Page 7 of 12 p 286 shall be imposed upon any owner who serves written notice upon the legislative hearing officer sta m+112 ` 2S� and intent to permanently vacate the premises within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the notice of 288 suspension, revocation or denial. Written notice of intention to vacate, along with the date of vacation, 289 must 6e fited with the heazing officer within ten (1�) days from the receipt ofthe notice and shall 290 include proof that notice of eviction was served upon the occupants of the premises. 291 292 293 a9a 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 2) Stay pending appeal. Enforcement proceedings on the suspension, revocation or denial of the fue certificate of occupancy, or orders to correct violations, shall be held in abeyance if the owner shall file an appeal to the legislative hearing officer within ten (10) days of receiving the written order issued by the enforcement officer, except in the case of an order to vacate a strucmre which is deemed to be in an unsafe condition and dangerous to life or limb, the enforcement officer shall proceed to order the building vacated until it is made safe or a final determination is made by the legislative heazing officer allowing re-occupancy of the building. This decision shal] be presented to the city council for ratification at its next available public hearing. Abeyance of enforcement proceedings shall continue untii such time as the heazing officer shall have issued a final determination or in the event the owner should not prosecute the appeal in a timely fashion. 302 303 (e) Reinstatement following suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked for 3�4 a building, or portion thereof, that building or portion thereof, shatl not be occupied until such time as the fire 305 certificate of occupancy is reinstated. 306 307 ( fl Reinstatement following second suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or 308 revoked for a second time within a two-year time period under the same ownership, the building for which it 309 was issued shall not again be occupied until such time as the following has occurred: 310 3] t 1) The fire mazshal has deterrnined that the building is in compliance with applicable safety codes; 312 3� 3 2) U� to a�} twe five thousand dollar E$� 5 000.00 performance deposit or bond has been 31a posted with the city; the purpose of said bond shall be to off-set potential ciry expenses associated with 3� 5 abating nuisance conditions at this property and shali be retumed to owner upon completion of two (2) 316 years with no legislative code violations requiring city abatement; and 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 3) If either of the preceding two (2) suspensions or revocations within the two-year time period were based on criminal ar nuisance conduct of residential occupants, the fire marshal may require that a reputable tenantscreening agency be used,thatthe landlord adhereto the guidelines and advice required by the police deparhnent and code enforcement officials, that the leases used for rental dwellings include provisions allowing for the immediate evicYion of tenants or their guests engaged in criminal or nuisance activity; and that the owner or property manager attend a reputable landlord training. (g) Reinstatement following third suspension or revocation. If a fire certificate of occupancy is suspended or revoked for a third time within a three-yeaz time period under the same ownership, the building �retnise for which it was issued shall not again be occupied until a nuisance abatement plan is developed by the property owner, reviewed by the legislative heazing officer and approved by the city council. If a nuisance abatement plan is not developed and approved, the premise for which the fire certificate of occupancy was issued shall not again be used or occupied for a period of six (6) months. Section � 7. Inspectians. (a) Scope of inspection. The fire marshal is authorized, in conformity with this chapter, to inspect all buildings, whether having a fire ceRificate of occupancy hereunder or not. The inspection may include the building or Title VI New Chaptec Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 8 of 12 {��- tIZ�1 33� structure, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures. All inspections authorized by �s 338 chapter shail be limited to those which are done for the purpose of seeking compliance with applicable safety 339 codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the 34o fire marshal. 341 342 343 344 34i 346 347 (b) Notice of viotations. The fire mazshal shall give written notice to the owner of any violations of the applicable safety codes which aze discovered during any inspection. Section 8. Reserved. Section 9. Regulafions. 348 (a) Notice by owner. The owner of a building for which a fire certificate of occupancy has been issued is under a 3a9 continuing obligation to give written notice to the fire mazshal of any changes in the information suppiied as 35o part of the application for the certificate. This includes any changes or modifications of ownership of the 35t building, and any change in use or occupancy status of the building. 352 353 (b) New owner. A new owner of a building with a fire certificate of occupancy shall file with the fire marshal a 35a written application for a modification of the certificate if such premise is still being used or occupied under an 355 existing certificate. Such application shall be filed within thirty (30) days after such new owner obtains new 356 ownership in the building, whether or not such interest has been recorded. 357 358 354 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 (c) Change of use. Changes in the use of a building shail not be made without the approval of the ��'�.� �:g �r sia� a�-ttie fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for other purposes provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use. If the use or occupancy of a fire certificate of occupancy premise changes, it shall immediately be required to meet all requirements of law, including the requirement for a certificate of occupancy before being used for such new or changed use. No change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made, until the fire marshal has issued a fire certificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein. Dwelling units occupied by an owner shall be exempted from this requirement if the residence contains three (3) or more dwellings units. Properties occupied by an owner shall be exempted from this requirement if the residence contains one or two dwelling units. The word "owner" means a naturai person, and does not include a corporation, part�ership or other entity. (d) Posting. The fire certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the fire mazshal. Section 10. Fees. 375 376 (a) Original issue, new building or substantially rehabilitated buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an 3'r1 issuance of ihe fire certificate of occupancy for new buildings at the completion of their construction or 3�8 following substantial rehahilitation if the city's building of£icial issues a certificate of occupancy or certificate 3�9 of code compliance. 380 38 ] (b) Renewal fee for residential occupancies. Fourteen dollars ($14.00) per residential unit, minimum fee one 382 hundred twenty-eight ($128.00), maximum fee five hundred seven -six (576.00� for buiidines with one 383 hundred (100) or fewer units, and a maximum fee of seven hundred twenty dollars ($720.00) for buildin s with 38a one hundred (100) or more units. The fee charged for inspections of nuisance dwellings as defined in section 385 42.01(2) of the Legislative Code shall be in an amount as estabiished by the fire marshal to recover the costs of 385 the inspections. Title Vl New Chapter. Fire Ceriifirate of Occupancy Program Page 9 of 12 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 ao8 409 410 p(�` llL� (c) Renewal fee for A(Assembly), E(Education), I(Institutional), H(Hazardous), F(Factory), M(MercantiZe), 5 (Storage) and B(Business) occupancies. Twelve doilazs ($12.00) per one thousand (1,000) square feet, minimum fee one hundred fifty-six doUars ($156.00), maximum fee five hundred seventv-siY dollazs ($576.00�, for buildines with fewer than one hundred eiehteen thousand (I I8.000) squaze feet of ag reeate floor space, and a maYimum fee of seven hundred twenty dollazs ($720.00) for buildines with one hundred eiahteen thousand 118,000) squaze feet or more of aggregate floor snace. (d) Reinspectionfee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1) inspection and one (I) reinspection for the renewal of the fire certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of Fifry (50) percent of the renewa] fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required to demonstrate compliance with applicable safety codes. (e) Referral (or complaint-based) reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction order is issued to the owner or responsible agent of the owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has elapsed, a reinspection shall be made. If the violation has not been corrected at the time of the reinspection, a referral reinspection fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) shall be collected for every subsequent reinspection until the violation is corrected. (fl Partial fre cert�cate ofoccupancyfee. A fee ofone hundred thirty-eiglit dollars ($138.00) will be charged for each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The issuance of a partial fire certificate of occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and fire marshal and the portion of the building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other life and safeTy requirements. 4t t (g) Provisional fire certificate of occupancy. A fee of fifly dollars ($50.00) will be charged for each provisional 412 certificate of occupancy. This is an annual fee until the building is granted a fire certificate of occupancy upon 413 the successful completion of fire certificate of occupancy inspection per this chapter. The value of these fees 4 t4 will be discounted from the cost of the first fire certificate of occupancy fee, up to a value of et�e-handre� fi + 415 dollars F$�BA�A) $5� 0•00). 416 4t 7 (h) No entryfee. The fire marshal shall give notice of al] inspections to the building owner. If any reason exists 4� 8 that the inspection cannot be conducted at the identified time, the building owner, or a responsible agent of the 4I9 owner, shall contact the fire marshal in writing, no later that 8:00 a.m. on the date of the scheduled inspection. azo If the fire marshal does not receive such notice and is unable to conduct the inspection because the owner fails 42� to cooperate with the inspector, the owner shall be assessed a sixty dollars ($60.00) no-entry fee. 422 423 4?4 425 426 az7 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 (i) Discounted fee. Whenever a fire certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any safety code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of this pazagaph shall be discounted iwenty-five (25) percent. (j) Late fees. A late fee shall be chazged and coilected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner makes application for renewal of the fire certificate of occupancy after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate late fees shall also be chazged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other fees due and payable under this section. AIl late fees shall be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has elapsed afrer the expiration date of the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any one (1) late fee exceed fiHy (50) percent of the certificate renewal fee. The late fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or payment required. (k) Exceptions: The fees for the fire certificate of occupancy and inspection are provided in chapter 33 of this code shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any governmental agency, including counTy and state Title VI New Chapter. Fire Certificate of Occupancy Progrem Page 10 of 12 a38 governmental agencies. The City of Saint Paut, and any other agencies specifically exempted from sucl'i �s "Z � 439 under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees. 440 44] 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 45I 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 46] 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 Section 11. Collection of Unpaid Fees. It is the intent of the city council, by the adoption of this section, to impose and collect the costs associated with the inspections and reinspections conducted by the city, under this chapter, to maintain the health and safety of the users of Saint Paul's built environment. If the charges for these services aze not paid by the owner of the property in a timely fashion, the city shall collect such costs by assessment against the real property receiving these inspection and reinspection services, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Secrion 424.101, which authorizes the council to provide for reinspection fees to be collected by special assessment and allows cities to collect the costs associated with removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards and chapter 14 of the Saint Paul CiTy Charter. (a) Written notice. I) Written notice of violations. When the fire mazshal conducts an initial inspection of a building and determines that violations of safety codes under the jurisdiction of the fire marshal exist, the fire marshal shall, in addition to any other action the fire marshal may undertake, serve written notice of the violation in conformance with the requirements set forth in this chapter. 2) Notice for collection of inspection and reinspection shall include the following information: a) Fee for the fire certificate of occupancy inspection and associated reinspections are the responsibiliry of the building owner and shall be paid within the time peiiod(s) identified in the notice; and b) The fire marshal may require an inspection following a complaint or refenaL If the fire marshal finds a violation of safety codes during a refetta] or complaint-related inspection, the Sre marshal will issue correction orders. IFthe violation is not conected by the compliance date provided in the notice of violation, the building owner(s) shall be assessed fees for any necessary reinspections, a�2 (b) Fee and liability. The city shall be entiUed to collect its costs of fire certificate of occupancy inspections and 4�3 reinspection. The fees associated with the fire certificate of occupancy program shall be a debt owed to the city 4�a and shall be collected by special assessment under the authority in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101 and the a75 charter. Action nnder this section does not preclude any other civil or criminal enforcement procedure. 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 A90 491 (c) Cost, collection. 1) Cost records. T`he fire marshal shall keep a record of the costs for fire certificate of occupancy services, the name and address of the owner, the dates of the inspections, the observed violations of safety codes and the total amount of the costs these to be coilected against a particular property, and shall report such information to the director of financial services. 2) Resolution approving total, setting date of pubiic hearing. On or before October 1 of each year, the director of fmancial services or his or her designee shall notify the city council of the total cost of such fire certificate of occupancy inspection and reinspection services performed during the previous year and the portion of such costs to be assessed against each lot and pazcel of property that utilized these services. Upon receipt thereof, the council shall by resolution fix a date for public heazing at which time the council shall consider adopring and levying the service charges. The date of public heazing shall be at least riventy (20) days after adoption of said resolution. 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 soo soi 5oz 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 5to s�i s�2 513 514 515 Title VI New Chapter: Fire Certificate of Occupancy Program Page 11 of 1� Z � 3) Notice of council hearing. Following the adoption of the resolution provided in paragraph (b) ab � m the duector of financial services shall publish a notice of the heazing in a daily newspaper of the city at least five (5) days prior to the public hearing. The notice shall state the date, time and place of hearing, the purpose of the heuing, identify the services provided and the property to be assessed a service charge therefor, and shall state the proposed rates of service chazges to be considered by the council. 4) Notice to owner and interested parties. At least ten (10) days before the hearing, notice thereof shall be mailed by first class mail to the owner and any interested party known to the city, at his or her last known address. Such notice shall also inform the recipient of the notice: a) b) Of the procedures he or she must follow under the charter in order to appeal the assessments to the district court, and Of the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 435.193 to 435.195 and the existence of any deferment procedure established pursuant thereto. c) Public hearing; adoption of assessment roll. On the date of public heazing the council shall meet to consider the adoption of the proposed service chazges. The council shall hear all interested parties concerning the proposed chazges. At such meeting or at any adjoumment thereof, the council may amend the proposed service charges, and shall, by resolution, adopt the service charges as a special assessment against the properties which utilized excessive inspection services. Special assessments levied hereunder shall be payable in a single installment. s t 6 d) Certification to county for collection with tases. After adoption by resolution of the service s t 7 charges and assessment rates therefor, and no later than November 15, the city cierk shall 5 t s transmit a certified copy of said resolution to the counry deparhnent of property taxation to be 5t9 extended on the proper tax list ofthe county and collected the following year along with cunent 520 taxes. 521 522 523 524 525 526 e) Appeal. Within twenty (20) days after adoption of the resolution adopting the service charges, any person aggrieved may appeal to the district court in the manner set forth in chapter 14 of the city charter. Section 12. Illegal occupancy. 527 5z8 No person shall occupy any buitding which does not have a fire certificate of occupancy. Any unit or structure which is 5z9 so occupied shall be subject to the provisions of section 34.23(2) ofthe legislative code relating to illegal occupancy. 53o Such illegal occupancy also constitutes a hazard to the health, safety or welfare of the occupants and the public, and 531 may be condemned by the appropriate enforcement officer under section 34.23 of the legislative code. 532 533 Section 13. Penalty. 534 535 A violation of, or failure to comply with, any section, provision or requirement in this chapter shall be a misdemeanor 535 and shall be subject to sections 1.05 and 1.06 of the legislative code, and to applicable state statutes. This chapter is a 53� part of the city health, safety, housing, building, fire prevention and housing maintenance codes, and a violation shall be 538 deemed to be a violation for purposes of state statutes allowing escrow of rent to remedy violations. 539 5ao Section 14. Appeal to legislarive hearing officer. 54t 5az Orders of the fire mazshal aze subject to section 18.02 of the Legislative Code. Orders of the fire mazshal pertaining to 5a3 revocation, suspension or denial of application aze also governed by section 7 of this chapter. saa 545 546 547 sa8 549 550 551 552 553 554 Section 15. Applicability of other laws. Title VI New Chapter. Fire Cert�cate of Occupancy Program Page '12 of 12 f5(.a. llL� Nothing in this chapter is intended to waive, replace or amend the applicability or enforcement of any other law, ordinance or regulation appiicable to commercial buildings and residential dwellings, including but not limited to, zoning, nuisance abatement, or ]icensing ordinances. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Nays Absent Approved by Mayor: Date: Ben Bostrom H ar ri s Helgen Lantry Montgo Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � Requested by Department of: � by by Mayor for Submission to Council � 06-1129 »> "Warns, Benita B- Eagan, MN" <benita.b.warnsC�usps.qov> 1/17/2007 9:32 AM »> Please enter this message into the official record of the January 17, 2007 Public Hearing for Agenda Items 16-20. These are Resolution U6-1120, and File 06-1129, U6-113U, 06- 1131, and 06-1132. Ail of these items concern proposed changes to the rental registration process for the City of St. Paul, including establishing inspection of all single- family and duplex rental units and instituting a points system to classify these properties. The overall objective of this proposal is to reduce the number of code violations for rental dwellings in St. Paul, which will improve the quality of life for residents who rent these units. While I support this overall objective, I have some major concerns with the changes as proposed. My first concern is that the number of points that place properties in Class C is too low. I believe a more appropriate cutoff is 20 points, provided that none of the individual violations are scored 7 points or higher. With the current cutoff of 11, it is far too easy for a few lower-point value violations to add up to 11, which would place the property in Class C. Class C status will stigmatize a property that doesn't have any major safety or health issues by treating it in the same manner as a property that has numerous major problems. Class C status may discourage good tenants from considering a unit that they otherwise would find suitable for their needs. I agree that the bar for Class A status should be set high, but the Class B bar needs to be lowered. My second concern is the process for conducting the inspections. Most landlords who only manage a couple of units also have full-time jobs. Wil4 inspectors be available during evening or weekend hours so that working people will not have to incur the unreasonable expense of having to miss work, or use precious vacation time to meet this new requirement? If the inspection process becomes too onerous to small-scale landlords, most of whom live either in St. Pau1 or nearby communities, many will consider selling out because the hassle factor is too high. St. Paul needs to encourage loca{ ownership of rentai properties, this wiil discourage it. My third concern is with the price for the inspections. I manage one unit on a break- even basis. I will need to raise the rent in order to cover this new cost, as well as the added costs of going through the very extensive list of requirements and spending a lot of money all at once to fix stuff that doesn't put my tenant in any danger. If I don't fix everything right now, then I will face expensive annual inspections if my property gets placed in Class C. My tenant is low-income. I don't want to force this person to have to move because my unit is no longer affordable. This brings me to my next point, and that is affordability. This will have an impact on the number of affordable housing units available in St. Paul. Landlords cannot continue to absorb expenses and keep rents affordable. OC�-ila-9 There is no mention in the ordinance as to the timetable for implementation, or how selections will be made of who gets hit first. Will it be by lottery, or by the number of complaints that have been filed? What about inspections in winter months, when weather-related deficiencies cannot be corrected (such as painting exterior surfaces, roofing, etc.)? Guidelines must be developed that wiil treat landiords fairly under these circumstances. 1 recommend that the inspections for one and two-family dweilings not begin until January 2008. Between now and then, the City needs to publicize the change, put out the requirements list in plain language so any ordinary person can c4eariy understand each and every item, and the City needs to provide technical assistance to landlords who request it so they can be sure that their properties will pass the inspection. One final note: is there evidence that the overall condition of single-fami�y and dupiex rental units is substantially different from the condition of similar owner-occupied properties? If we are going to enforce building codes to such a high level of detail, then we should treat all properties the same, not single out owners of rentai properties. Property taxes are already substantially higher for residential rental units than for similar owner-occupied dwelling units. We all know of owner-occupied houses that are in terrible condition. Whatever is finally adopted, it needs to treat everyone fairly. This plan, as proposed, does not. Benita Warns 1440 Lafond Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104-2438