06-209Presented by 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io u 12 i3 i4 �5 i6 i� i8 i9 zo 21 22 23 24 25 z6 27 28 29 3 31 3 33 34 35 36 37 3g 39 40 4 42 CITY OF � Council �le #_ p. �' , • , _I Green Sheet # 3029671 ORDINANCE SAIN� PAUL, MINNESOTA ZZ --, An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Ron Becker duly petitioned to rezone 1136 Montreal Ave, being legally described as KIPP'S GLEN TERRACE ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. A TRACT 50 FT BY 120 FT W OF AND ADJ AND LOT 1 BLK 2, PIN 152823410011, from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood); and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 22, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on December 30, 2005, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on December 22, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 4, 2006, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. � ��?� ;� -p) j:;�. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 35, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 1136 Montreal Ave, being more particularly described as: � , �' i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io KIPP'S GLEN TERRACE ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. A TRACT 50 FT BY 120 FT W OF AND ADJ AND LOT 1 BLK 2 be and is hereby rezoned from 61 to TN2. Section 2. This ordinance shail take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � ?ir .. �t Reques .d by Department of: —� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: /�/�✓•�✓aivY.�- 2-13- o G Adopted by Date �//� Council: // /�/�//� ��� �d�� Form t�p o e by Mayor for Submission to Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Counc BY= ' 2 By: Approved Date � Mayor: � �-C�7'�o 1i° � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � , PE — Plaoning & Economic Development � 03FE6-06 ' Contact Person & Phone: , Patncia James 266fi639 Must Be on Council Agen� � ' Assign Number For Routing Order �- � Green Sheet NO: 3029671 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Contrect OR-ORDINANCE Total # of SignaW re Pages �, [Clip All Locations for SignaW re) Iann' & Economic Develo � Direc[or/T. Schertler 'riAtto I C'tvAtto e a or's Office a or/ASSistan[ ouncil Ci Council 'tv (7e k C'tv CI k (Pl i e& Eco omic De elo I P tricia James o� Action Requested: Adopt an ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning of 1136 Montreal Avenue from BI (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to construct an office and retail building. (File# OS-194-490) nec mmerwations: iappro�e (H) or rce�ect (tt): Planning Commission CIB Committee Ci�l Service Commission rersonai service conmac[s 1. Has this pers«Jfirtn e�er worked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee� Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill rwt nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ron Becker, submitted an applicarion to rezone the properry at 1136 Montreal Avenue from Bl (Local Business) to TN2 (Tra Neighborhood) to conshuct an office and retail building. The City Council approved the rezoning on February 8 2006, after a heariing on January 6, 2006. Advantaqes IfApproved: the rezoning will be adopted per City Council intent. DisadvanW9es MApproved: None. ��� � � � `� � ,,;�°� � a ] �X ,/ _��°� ��! 1 � � '3-csse� �i �c` "�-wn b.w x Disadvantages If NotApproved: Ciry Council action will not be completed. �3 `��i`�. __ U a:W:�3 ���'� �������� Y Ls6.:ytp,�.:t r°a.. ., - _ .. ioWl Amountof Transaction: Funding Source: Financia l Information: (Explain) February 9, 200610:44 AM CosVRevenue Budgeted: \ Activity Number: Page 1 ��� � .� ����� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Swan Kim6erly, Dirutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[[y, Mayor December 16, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 Wut Fourth Stree[ SatntPau[, MN55702 A ' � Telephone 6.i/-266-6700 Facs�mde 651-218-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 4, 2005, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: 05-194-490 File Name: Ron Becker Address: 1136 Montreal Avenue, between Selma and West 7`" Street Purpose: Rezoning from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to construct an office and retail building. Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, 5- 0; December 8, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, 18 - 0; December 16, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Thune's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 4, 2006, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Please call me at 651-266-6591 if you have any questions. Sincerely, c Emily Ulmer City Planner � U�� cc: File #: 05-194-490 Applicant: Ron Becker Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau' Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1Le Salnt Paul CriyCounc�l vn71 conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chaznbers; Tl�ird Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Bovlevazd, St. Paul, NIN, to con- sider the application of Ron Becka to re- zone properry at 1136 Monlreal Avenue, between Selma Lane and West 7th Street, from B1 _(Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to consiruct an office and retaii building. (Zoning Fyle No. 05-194-490] � . Dated: Decembu 19, 2005 MARY EHI�L{SON-� T _ .�. .-,.--.�� - ., _ y _ ��� ��Sssis'tan[i.Y[y Council Secietary . � (December 22) � , = 5L PAUL LEGAi. LEDGER =_— —_ 221077A6 �l� -a�� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEri'T CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayos December 27, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Address: Purpose: Citv Council Hearinq � 25 W. Fourth Street -- Telephone` 657-266fi700 Saint Paul, MN 55T 02 Facsimile: 657-228-3210 05-194-490 Ron Becker 1136 Montreal Avenue, between Selma and West 7` Street Rezone from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to construct an office and retail building. Januarv 4 2006 5:30 p m Citv Council Chambers ',� Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Staff Assigned: cc: � Approvai District 9 recommended approvaf Approvai, vote: 5 - 0 No one spoke in support and no letters were received. No one spoke in oppositon and no letters were received. Approval, vote: 15 - 0 Emily Ulmer, 651-266-6591 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: December 16, 2005 Planning Commission minutes, December 16, 2005 Zoning Committee minutes, December 8, 2005 Correspondence received StafF Report packet Zoning File 05-194-490 Applicant: Ron Becker City Council Members District Council: 9 Wendy Lane Larry Soderhoim Ailan Torstenson Peter W arner AA-ADA-EEO Employer city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 05-109 date December 16 2005 WHEREAS, Ron Becker, File # 05-194-490, has applied for a rezoning from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) under the provisions of §66.321 and §61.801(b) of the Sainf Paul Legislative Code, for property located at 1136 Montreal Avenue, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 15-28-23-41-0011, legally described as KIPP'S GLEN TERRACE ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. A TRACT 50 FT BY 120 FT W OF AND ADJ AND LOT 1 BLK 2; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of tne Planning Commission, on December 8, 2005, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Sainf Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: � 1. The applicanf has applied for a rezoning to allow for the consfruction of an office and retail building at 1136 Montreal. The area fo the north and west of the property has recently been rezoned to TN2, the proposed rezoning would extend the TN2 zone by two parcels. 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compafib(e with the way the area has developed. The � surrounding area is a mix of commercial and residential uses, including a restaurant and motel on the north side of the site. � 3. The proposed rezoning to TN2 is consistent with the character of dgvelopment in the neighborhood and will not be detrimental. A new office and retail buiiding at 1136 Montreal wouid be compatible with surrounding land uses. The proposed redevelopment would not be detrimentai to the heaith safeiy or general weifare of residents in the surrounding neighborhood. 4. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Pian. The Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports a mix of uses and business development (Land Use Objective 5.2). The pian aiso states thaf business development that works to maximize economic and community benefits is a priority for the City (Summary and General Policy, pg. 29). In addition, the District 9 Plan (1980) states that a"mix of different kinds of housing and commerciai is healfhy for all areas of West Seventh" (pg. 5). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of Ron Becker for a rezoning from 61 (Locai Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to construcf an office and retail building at 1136 Montreal Avenue be approved moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against � I�,s � Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center IS Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of December 16, 2005 � C� A meeting of fhe Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, December 16, 2005, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall, Morton, Porter, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Aligada, Alton, Anfang, Bellus, Coletta, 7ohnson, Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. *Fazicy; and Messrs. Dandrea, Goodlow, Gordon, and Kong. Absent: *Excused Atso Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allen Lovejoy, Allan Torstenson, Patricia James, Emily Ulmer, Shawntera Hazdy, Casey MacCallum, and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom Beach and Bill Gunther, LIEP staff: I. � Approval of minutes of December 2, 2005 MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of December 2, 2005. CommissionerAlton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair Johnson announced that the Planning Commission Holiday Parly was a success and attended by Mayor-elect Chris Coleman, Nancy Homans, BZA members, Planuing Commissioners and stafE He thanked Commissioners Trevino and McCall for the hard work they put into organizing it. Chair Johnson stated that on Saturday, December 10, 2005 a summit was held at the John A. Johnson Achievement-Plus Schooi. It was atkended by Mayor-elect Coleman, who has a long- standing commitment to education and using educational facilities more efficiently. Approximately 250-300 attended included Chair Johnson and Commissioners Porter and Alton. Chair Johnson announced that appoinhnent and reappointment time is coming up. Commissioners whose term is up should let Larry Soderholm or him know if they want to be reappointed. . Chair Johnson announced that he has appointed a nominating committee for the elecfion of officers. Commissioner Fazicy will chair the committee and Cosnmissioners Aligada and Kramer will be members. Officers will be elected at the Annual Meeting on January 27, 2006. � LII. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm reported on City Council business for last week and announced their agenda for next week. The Northeast Corridor Plan and rezonings were adopted. Congatulafions to the people who worked on this plan. The Council also reviewed the City's comments on the Watershed Rules. A technical advisory committee will be set up as a joint committee for both the Capitol Region and the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed Dish The Planning Commission has asked for representation. The start date has not been announced. Lazry Soderholm reported that Allen Lovejoy has been elected the Chair of the Metro Council's Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations about the funding of major transportation projects. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: Agricultural Processiue Zonine Studv Item from the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee. (EmiZy Ulmer, 651/266-659I) EmiIy Ulmer presented a brief staff report. Mr, Bill Gunther, an Environmental Health Manager from LIEP, reported on his experience with these types of industries explained that his recommendations had not been cleazed by the LIEP Director. Mr. Gunther discussed the issues associated with Gopher State Ethanol. He went on to expiain the difficulties the City would have if they were to license agricultwal or forestry � processing facilities. Mr. Gunther stated that environmental health inspectors check on businesses and if they aze not complying with the code, a ticket is written. Further complaints may result in legal action. Mr. Gunther said he thinks a conditional use permit wouId give the City a better chance at preventing problems before a use is established, rather than having to fiz a problem after a use is already there. Coznmissioner Alton asked if there were a list of the plants that would be affected by tlus study. Mr. Gunther said agricultural and forestry products processing may be overly broad, but agriculturai products are biological and can create odor problems. � Commissioner Gordon noted that the proposed changes in §65.811 of the Zoning Code is conjunctive. A use has to both require a PCA air quality permit and be an agricultural or forestry products processing use for a conditional use permit to be required. Commissioner Bellus asked what the difference was beriveen ethanol production which is prohibited and other general industrial uses such as leather tanning or grain milling which are not prohibited. Mr. Gunther explained that we have a lot of experience with the problems created by ethanol production, and we haven't had any problems with leather tanning. Larry Soderholm added that the zoning study focused on what the City Council, in their resolution on 7anuary 5, 2005, asked us to study. � 2 �C�/ ���/ � Commissioner Bellus asked if there be additional opportunities for discussion. Chair 7ohnson stated that the zonin� study would be referred back to the Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee for their discussion and recommendation, and then come back to the full Planing Commission for discussion and recommendation to the Mayor and City Council.. Chair Johnson read the rules of procedure for the public heazing and stated that norice of the public hearing was publish in the Legal Ledger on December 8, 2005, and mailed to the citywide Early Notification System list of recipients and other interested parties. No one spoke, and Chair Johnson closed the public hearing. MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved to close the public hearing and leave the written comment period open uniil Monday, December l9, 2005, 4:00 p.m Commissioner Kramer seconded the motion. Commissioner Bellus stated that this is not a very rigorous look at these use, and he wants a better analysis. Commissioner Kramer, asked what is the moratorium expiration date. Larry Soderholm stated that the City Council should act on this by mid February because the � moratorium will expired on Mazch 21, 2006. V. Zoning Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD SUSINESS # OS-194-750 V F Associates (Goodrichl - Conditional Use Permit with modification and Vaziances to allow a 4 unit residential cluster development. 192 - 194 Goodrich Avenue, between Smith and Leech. (EmiZy U[mer, 651/266-6591) Commissioner Morton reported that the Zoning Corremzttee Laid this case over to the December 22, 2005 meetisg. NEW BUSINESS # OS-194-490 Ron Becker - Rezoning from Bl (L,ocal Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood). 1136 Montreal Avenue, between Selma and W. 7`�. (Emily Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. � MINUTES OF THE ZONfNG COMMITTEE Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 330 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hail and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: STAFF; EXCUSED: Anfang, Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Kramer, and Morton Christina Danico, Patricia James, Emily Ulmer, and Peter Warner Alton, Gordon, Johrtson, and Mejia � The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Ron Becker- 05-194-490 - Rezoning from 61 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood). 1136 Montreai Ave, between Seima and W. 7th. Patricia James presented fhe staff report with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning. Ms. James also stated that District 9 recommended approval, and there were no letters in supporf, and 1 Ietter in opposition. Ron Becker, the applicant, was present and offered fo answer any questions. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Matt Anfang moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Kathi Donnelly-Cohen seconded� the motion. The motion passed by a vofe of 5-0. Adopted Drafted by: Christina Danico Recording Secretary Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Emily Ulmer Zoning Section Abstained - 0 Approved by: Gladys Morton Chair \ J Page 1 of I o� -ao � Emily Ulmer - File #OS-194-490 - ���,� _��� - �..-�� From: kristen k <ksks29_99@yahoo.com> To: <emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 12/2/2005 733:24 AM Subject: File #OS-194-490 Emily, I have been a homeowner at 1821 Ivan Way since 1997. The quaint working class neighborhood was a strong reason why I purchased my home here. I cannot make the meeting scheduled December Sth due to a prior commitment (work) but want you to know that my absence does not indicate disinterest. On the contrary I am very interested in keeping my neighborhood the same. My understanding of rezoning this to "Traditional Neighborhood" realty means anything can come in. That is not what I want nor my family and neighbors as weindicated ion several letters sent to the city. PLEASE forward this to anyone who is working on this issue. We would like to see a local business such as French Meadow Bakery go into this area. We do not want high rises nor businesses with high traffic, 24 hours or bright lights. This is our neighborhood and we w! ant a very equal voice in how it is developed. Thank you. I can be reached at 651-235-6927. �Kristen Koeppen Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less C� file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\Ulmer�I,ocal%20Settings\Temp\GW}OOOOI.HTM 12/2/2005 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN'C � Susan Kimberly, D'uectot CITY OF SAII`TT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor December 16, 2005 Ron Becker 639 Cleveland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55116 RE: Zoning File #05-194-490 Dear Mr. Becker 25 R'eslFourlh Street Te[ephorse: 651-26h-6700 S¢int Paul, MN 55/02 Facsimile' 65T-218-3220 On November 7, 2005, you appiied for a rezoning from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for the property located at 1136 Montreal Avenue. After a putrlic hearing by the Saint Paul Planning Commission's Zoning Committee on December 8, 2005, the Commission voted to approve the rezoning on December 16, 2005. On January 4, 2006, this case will appear before the City Council. Minnesota Statutes 15.99 requires that ail city action on zoning applications be completed within 60 days of the date the application is made, but aliows the City to exfend this period for an additional 60 days (total of 120 days). In order to allow time for a City Council pubfic hearing while meeting deadlines established by state law, the City of Saint Paui is hereby extending the deadline for action from January 7, 2006 to March 5, 2006. Please call me at 651-266-6591 if you have questions. Sincerely, ��<<�U��� Emily Ulmer City Planner cc: File # 05-194490 Zoning Administrator License inspector District 9 Community Council �` � aw-nDn-e,�o �ptoya Ol� �a-�9 ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT � 1. FILE NAME: Ron Becker FiLE # 05-194-490 2. APPLICANT: Ron Becker HEARIN6-DATE: December 8, 2005 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning from B1 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) 4. LOCATION: 1136 Montreai Avenue, befween Selma and West 7`" Street 5. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 15-28-23-41-0011, KIPP'S GLEN TERRACE ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINN. A TRACT 50 FT BY 120 FT W OF AND ADJ AND LOT 1 BLK 2 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 PRESENT ZONING: B1 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.321; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: November 14, 2005 BY: Emily Ufiner 9. D ATE RECEIVED: November 7, 2005 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTIO Janua 7, 2006 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from B1 (Locai Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) to construct an office and retail building. B. PARCEL SIZE: 89 ft. of frontage on Montreal for a total lot area of 10,800 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Singie family home D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Single family homes (R4) East: Singie family homes (R4) South: Restaurant and motel (TN2) West: Single family homes (TN2) � E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.321 lists the uses permitted in the TN2 district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to ihe zoning ofi property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORYlDISCUSSION: No zoning history was found for this case. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 9 Council supports the rezoning of 1136 Montreal Avenue. H. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has applied for a rezoning to atiow for the construction of an office and retait building at 1136 Montreai, The area to the north and west of the property has recently been rezoned to TN2, the proposed rezoning would extend the TN2 zone by iwo parcels. 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatibie with the way the area has developed. The surrounding area is a mix of commercial and residential uses, including a restaurant and motel on the north side of the site. 3. The proposed rezoning to TN2 is consistent with the character of development in the neighborhood and will not be detrimental. A new office and retail building at 1136 Montreal would be compatibie with surrounding land uses. The proposed redevelopment would not be detrimental to the health safety or general welfare of residents in the surrounding neighborhood. 4. The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports a mix of uses and business development (Land Use Objective 5.2). The plan also states that business development that works to maximize economic and community benefits is a priority for the City (Summary and General Policy, pg. 29). In addition, the District 9 Plan (1980) states that a"mix of different kinds of housing and commercial is healthy for ali areas of West Seventh" (pg. 5). The Fort Road Development Plan Summary (2005) aiso states that the City shouid "work with business owners as potential developers and retain established businesses that strengthen the neighborhood" (pg. 11). i. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from 61 (Local Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for the property located at 1136 Montreal Avenue. UCt 15�24 PED 14TH FLOOR PETITION TO qMEND THE 20NtNa CODE Depwtment nf planning artd Ecortomic Deve[opmeat Zon�ng Sechon 1400 Ciry Hall Annes 25 West Fourch Street SaintPaul, MN SSIO2-I634 (65I) 26h-6589 Property Owner APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 6512283220 P.04i05 a.�-154 y� Cfty „s� ��t'GiG f St /�'!GliziP .� l/�` Daytime Phone �� Contact Pe�som (if different) Phone .��I S � �� 6l,i C � ' Address J Locatlon Legal Desc�iption (attach additional sheet ff necessary) TO THE HpNORABLE MAYOR A�BD CITY COUNC[L: �aning Pursua T to Section 64,400 of the Saint Pau( zoning O�dinance and to Sectio� 462.357t5} af MinnesoW Statues,� - ��� �� ��� , owner of {and proposed tor rezoning, hereby petltlons you to rezona the above described property from a_� / zoning district to a %�� zoning district, for Lhe purpose of: �� I� � -� N E�� ` f fC� ��-�. f� �3� 1 h;s ,'S re Zo�� ?� /�i ��1, ��- �d.��c�"Gr�/l� �"G� �'� �o'o�� q CrdSf f'�e- p7 fi / 5��� � �K (attach additionai sheet(s) If necessary) Attachments as requi�ed: ❑ Su6scri6ed a swom to before me this � '*�'1, - day of`�15'ilOrm�Qh_ � 20 �5. � �- .U� _ 1. /�Iril�l'1 �I �� � � » =°�� .o � _ � �ad - - 7 � � , � l� /"OS � Y . `�� � -.� 3 "�3 � .,: ? A /� /� Fee Own"ar Paga 1 of _ � .�i -r v�r� �- �l� -ao y i C� Zoning File 05-194-490 Single family home and vacant lot at 1136 Montreal. � D� -�a� ! � Zoning File OS-194-490 Rear of the site facing south. � �� � � Zoning File OS-194-490 Vacant lot next to 1136 Monh facing west. Dl�-�o� � � i Zoning File OS-194-490 Vacant lot and single family home on the east side of the site. � � Zoning File OS-194-490 Motel across from the side on the north side of Wilson. a �LP��D� � � Zoning File OS-194-490 Restaurant on the south side of Wilson across from the site. � � 1 U � r � � Zoning File OS-194-490 Three caz gazage behind the home at 1136 Montreal. /�l� '��'J . C� Zoning File OS-194-490 Garages in the reaz of the site facing north. � , �� � �.� .�:.� � t ��� � � ��. � i.;__ i � � :� T ,� ': � ,� : '�_.._' "�' F ��`� S � ^ Z I I� l � . 1' � � �` �- ` ., �.�a�� a� ��9 n �� `� � � Zoning File OS-194-490 View down Montreal Avenue facing west. ( 0 'I1. -� _ , .. , CITIZEN PARTICiPt�TFO "�I T�tiCTS' � _ ARUNGTON e m pvp TERFASTSIDE ,. t. SUNRAY-E -HIGHWOOD SUMMIT HILL N � � CITIZ.€�l PARTICIPATFQ�1 RLAP(NIN6 DISTRIC7S 1.SUHRAY=BR7TL�CR�EK-H?6HWOOD 2:6REkTER EAST S.II3E 3.WE5T SIDE` _4.DAYTON'S BLUFF S:PAYNF-PHkLEN �— 6.NORTH Et�D" � 7.THOMAS=DALE .�SUMMIT—UNFVERSITY � ST SEVENTH D. COh16 � _ 71.HAMLINE—MI6WAY 7 2. ST. ANTHOt�Y 13.MERRIAM FK.—LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14.-GROVELAND�MACALESTER � � � (;7� � iS.HIGHLAND �/'�S" 7V 96:SUMMIT HILL ��' 17.00WNT6WN a � � D!� -�a� DISTRICT 9 U � �� ,� ,� "�. M .�. � � � ���� � � S� /� ���v / . ❑! c.3 r c�,� ��y` �� � �� „_i? 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