06-163Council File # U� l J Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3029452 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �1=� �€;�`� Presented By Referred To . i{':: Committee: Date 3'? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Greater Frogtown CDC duly petitioned to rezone 608, 611,613 Blair Ave and 609 Lafond Ave, being legally described as MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, STINSON'S DIVISION, LOTS 13-18 BLK 1 and LOTS 16-18 BLK 2, Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) 362923220161,362923220164,362923220218,362923220133,362923220134, ii 362923220135, 362923220220, from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional i2 Neighborhood); the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on November 7, i3 2005, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be i4 rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the i5 property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding i6 the date of the petition; and i� 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'7 28 29 30 3 3 33 34 35 3 37 3 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 22, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting hefd on November 30, 2005, and recommended approval recommended to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on January 5, 2006, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on January 18, 2006, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io u 12 i3 i4 1 5 i6 7 ��-i�� That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number12, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as foilows: That the property at 608, 611, 613 Blair Ave and 609 Lafond Ave, being more particularly described as: MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, STINSON'S DIVISION, LOTS 13-18 BLK 1 and LOTS 16-18 BLK 2 be and is hereby rezoned from R4 to TN2. Section 2. This ordinance shail take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ,:.: ,� .� I. Requested by Department of: Planni and Economic Develo ment By: � �� �IPrr�� l 4 C pL�tl� Approved inancial Services By: Adopted by Council: Date: L! Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: lU� ��di.� Approved y Mayor .✓ Date Form Appr by City Attorney By: �G✓. G✓�..-- �^ � O 4 Apprqve May r or S ' sion Cou il g b � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � - -- -- -------- -... ---- ------ � PE — P1az�uing&EconomicDevelopmeui �'19-JAN�06 ; Green Sheet NO . Contact Person & Phone: Patricia James 26G�'i639 Must Be on Council Ageni Contract Type: � Oft-0RDINANCE � ' Assign Number For Routing Order 0�-1�3 3029452 ueaamnenc sem i o rerson mmawace 0 lannine & Economic Develoo Pahicia Sames I �� "�y' � I ��I ' & Eco ' De�el � D7ec[ IL. Schertl r 2 ,(.SNAttomev � C'tvAtto '1r' G 3 � a oYS Offi Ma od ssistant 4 o cil Ci ouncil 5 'tv Clerk - C'tv CI k 6 lann &Ernno 'cDeveio I Patri'aSames { ToWI#ofSignaWrePages � (ClipAllLocationsforSignature) Adopt ordina�ce memorializing Ciry Council acrion approving the rezoning from R-4 One-Family Residenrial to TN2 Tradirional Neighborhood of property at 608, 611, and 613 Blair Ave. and 609 Lafond Ave, between Dale and Kent (Z.F. OS-193-681). Public hearing held January 18, 2006. rcecommenaanons: Nppro� �q� or rce�ecc �n�: Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Senrice Commission rersonai service comracis must wnswerme ronowmg �tuesnons: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiff not norcnalty possessed by a�y current city employee? Yes No ExpWi� altyes answers an sepamte sheetand attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Greater Froa own CDC proposes building a townhouse project on excess city street xight-of-way and adjacent lots. The Ciry Council approved the rezoning on 7anuary 18, 2006, after a public heazing. Advantapes If Approved: Rezomng ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None. Disadvantages If NotApproved: City Council action will not be completed. JAN 2 6 2�05 �`��� 2 � 2�Ua iotal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Adivity Number: � }� s �. +J' �� $ 9 e] S -:..i �. � t .��:� ��1; January 19, 2006 11:55 AM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Irzterim Director CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Chrisfopher B. Coleman, Mayor January 4, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau(, Minnesota 551�2 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 W Faunh Street Saint Pau[, MN 55102 Telephone: 651-266-6700 F¢csimile: 651-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2006, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: 05-193-681 File Name: Address: Purpose: Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) 608-613 Biair Ave and 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren Rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 6- 0, November 22, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, November 30, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the January 11, 2006, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 651-266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, <� �� Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 05-193-681 Applicant: Greater Frogtown CDC Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer �w>.:~,_ . ��E"� � � �`�"" ���� aortcE oF rvs�c �ngnvc 11�e Sattrt Pav1 �1ty Coundl wilt cwndact a- � public hearing on Wednesda.y.�Januacy I8, zoos at s:3o rbI in me city councit ChamUers..'Ti�ird�Floor City HaII; 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, SL Paul,� NIN. to con- sider the application of Greater I7ogtuwn CDC (Dale Stceet Townhomes) Eo rezone property at 608-613 Blair Avenue and 609 tafond Avenue (east side of Dale Street between I.afond and Van Buren Avenues} from R-4 (Single - fam9ly Residential) to 1N2 (Traditional Neighborhood). (ZOning ffie 05-193-681) , Dated: January 5; 2Q06. , . MARY ERICKSON . Asaistant Ctty Coundl Secretary Wanuary 9} � 61:�P/IFA.FBGA4I$DG�. "I 2210854Q Q � � � � �) ..� �., DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SAlNT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor January'11, 2�06 Ms. Mary Erickson �iiy �OUi�Cii Research C�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 25 W. Founh Street SainiPaul, MNSJ102 TeTephorse: 6i7-266-6700 Facsimile: 657-228-3220 Re: Zoning File #: 05-193-681 File Name: Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes) Address: 608-613 Biair Ave, 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren Purpose: � � � Citv Council Hearinq: S#aff Recommendation: District Council: Rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) Januarv 18. 2006. 530 p.m.. CitV Council Chambers Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Deadline for Action Staff Assigned: approval District 7 recommended approval approval, vote: 6 - 0 1 person spoke in support and no letters were received. no persons spoke in opposition and 1 letter was received. approval recommended, vote: unanimous January 2, 2006 Patricia James, 651-266-6639 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution: 05-105 Planning Commission minutes, December 2, 2005 Zoning Committee minutes, November 22, 2005 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File 05-193-681 Applicant: Greater Frogtown CDC City Council Members District Council: 7 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner a �-�� � Q AA-ADA-EEO Employer OC� city of saint paul � pianning commission resolution file number 05-7Q5 date December 2, 2005 WHEREAS, Greater Frogtown CDC, File # 05-193-681, has applied for a Rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional Neighbcrhood) under the provisions oi §66.329 of the Saint Pau! Legislative Code, on property located on the east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren, Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) 362923220161, 362923220164, 362923220218, 362923220133, 362923220134, 362923220135, 362923220220, legallydescribed as MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, Sl1NSON'S DIVISION, LOTS 13-18 BLK 1 and LOTS 16-18 BLK 2; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee ofthe Planning Commission, on November 22, 2005, held a public hearing at which aii persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, fhe Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the eudence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantiaily refiecfed in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The Greater Frogtown Community Development Corporation has acquired these properties to develop a 16-unit townhouse project. They are requesting a rezoning to TN2 so there wiil be _ sufficient density to cover development costs of the units. � 2. The proposed rezoning is consistenf with the way the surrounding property is developed. There is a mix of commercial and residential uses on the west side of Dale. There is low density residential development east of the site. The TN2 district provides the opportunity to develop tfiis sife, which includes splinter parcels from the widening of Dale Street, as a medium densitytownhouse development. 3. §66.313 states that the intent ofthe TN2 district is "to foster and support compact, pedesfrian- oriented commercia� and residential development that, in tum, can support and increase transit usage." The proposed townhouse development is consistent with this intent. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 5.2 of the Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Promote good design solutions for housing that ... complements existing Saint Paul neighborhoods, designs that use the smallerdevelopment sites creatively... ." The Transportafion chapter classifies Dale Street as. an "A" minor arterial and as a secondary transit corridor (2015 Functionai Classi£cation map and Proposed Transit Corridor map). 5. The consent petition was determined to be sufficient on November 7, 20Q5: 51 parceis eligible; 34 parcels required; 37 parcels signed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, �ecommends to City Council, that the applicafion of Greater Frogtown CDC for a rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residenfiai) to TN2 (Traditionai Neighborhood) for property located on the east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren (PINs 362923220161, 362923220164, 362923220218, 362923220133, 362923220134, 362923220135, 362923220220) be approved. moved by Morton seconded by � in favor Unanimous against � Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of December 2, 2005 A meeting of �he Planning Comm?ssion of the City of Szint Pzul wzs held �r.day, Decembe: 2, 2005, at 8:30 am. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, Morton, Porter, Present: and Trevino; anfl Messrs. Aligada, Alton„ Coletta, Goodlow, Johnson, Kramer, and Ntejia. Commis'sioners Mmes. "McCall and Nlessrs. �Anfang, Bellus, Dandrea, *Gbrdon, Kong and Scoit. Absent: � �`Excused Aiso Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allen Lovejoy, Pahicia 7ames, Lucy Thompson, Penny Simison, Emily Ulmer, Yang Zhang, Jessica Rosenfeld, Shawntera Hardy, Christina Danico, and Casey MacCallum (intem) and Kate Fleming, Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development staff.. I. !� Approval of minutes of November 18, 2005 MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approvaZ of the minutes'of lYoverrzber I8, 2005. Commissioner Coletta seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Annonncements • I11 Chair Johnson reminded the Commissioners about the Planning Commission Holiday P.arry on Friday, December 9, 2005. _ " Chair 7ohnson said that he had sent the letter, which was approved at the last meeting, to Mayor Kelly and the City Council in suppoit of the legislative proposal for a Robert Street Corridor `I'ransitway Study. Planning Administratar's Annonncements Lazry Soderholm stated City Council did not meet last week because it was a fifth Wednesday and Iie hadn't seen the agenda for ne�t week yet. Larry Soderholm stated the decieion made by tlie Planning Commission at the last meeting on the condomuuum buiiding at Mazshall and Otis Avenues, near the Town and Country Golf Course was not appealed, but the variances for the other one, which is located a half a block to the south on the west side of Oris and is in the River Corridor, have been appealed to the City Council. r� �J DC� -/� � • Latry Soderholm stated that the staf* is writing a letter in response a draft environmenfal impact statement ior the proposed Gopher Football Stadiu� :n Mianezpolis. Allen Lovejoy and Public V�orks have been worlting on it. ALen Lovejoy st2ted tne PED staii and tne Planning Co:*imission aze charged with reviewing major envi*onmental impact statements that afiecf Sairi Pau1. He summarized the pofent:zl eifecfs that the proposed stzdium might have on traific paitems in the Saini Anthony Park 2rea. Th;s item will be discussed on the nexf agenda of thz ?� and Current Planning Commit�ee. Iv Zaning Committee Coimnissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD BUSINESS fi OS-152-309 Brackev Parkine Lot - Site Plan Review for used car sales lot. 80 Arlington Avenue E., SW corner at 7ackson. (JeffHawkins, 65I/266-9083) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommeradation to dexy the site plan revi¢w. The motion earried on a roZl eaZ1 vote un¢nimously. #� OS-180-955 Gree Lehman - Change of Nonconforming Use from beauty salon to tattoo school. 360 Clifton Street, SE corner at Jefferson. (Emily Ulmer, 651f266-6591) � 1VIOTION: CommissionerMorton moved 1he Zoning Committee's recommendation to cleny the change of nonconfot-ming use permit. Tke motion carried on ¢ vote of Z3-I (DonneZZy-Cohen). NEW BUSINESS � OS-193-432 Steven Tusa - Detemiination of Similar Use to allow moldma]dng shop as a home occupation. 1072 Wiison Avenue, between Frank and Earl. (Emily UZmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: CommissionerMorton moved the Zoning Committee's recortzmendafion to approve the determination ofsimilar use with conditions. The motiorz carried unanimously on a voice vote. �%, �j' # OS-193-681 Cneater Fro town CDC Dale Street Townhomes - Rezoning from R4 (One-fanuly �� Residentiai) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood to consfrucf 16 townhouses). 608, 611, 613 BIair, 609 Lafond, between Lafond and Van Buren. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Mortoh moved the Zoning Comrniftee's recornmendation to approve the rezo�aing. Tlze motion carried unanzmousZy on a voice yote. � :% - OS-194-363 Grea'ter FroQtown CDC, Dale Street Townhomes - Variance oi parking (i.5 spaces • per unit, 1 space proposed) for townhome development. 608, 611, 613 Blair, 609 Lafond, between Lafond and Van Buren. /Patricia James, 6.51/266-6639) MOTIO�T: Commzssio�aer Mortora moved tlxe Zoning Commiftee's recommercdation to approve the variances. The ntotion carried unanimously on a voice vote. r OS-194-%50 V. F. Associates- Conditional Use Pernut for 4-unit cluster development wiih modifica�ion of conditions and var:ances. 192 Goodrich, oetween Smith and Leech. (Emily Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissiorxer Morton moved fhe Zoning Commiftee's recommendation thaf the case be Zaid over to the December 8, 2005 meeting. The mofion carried aenanimousZy on a voice vote. Commissioner Morton announced the Zoning committee Age;ida for December 8, 2005. V. Comprehensive Planning Committee Cominissioner ponnelly-Cohen stated the coRSnittee met on November 29, 2005 to discuss the proposed rules for the Capitol Region Wateished District. iVIOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved to approve the letter distributed this morning addressed to Mr. Mark Doneux, directo-r of the Capitol Region Walershed District. • Commissioner Morton seconded the motion. Tke Zetter, whick is for Ckair Johxson's signature, recommends that the watershed district work on rules together with the Ramsey Waskzngton Metro Watershed District, create a TeckaicaZAdvisory Committee to work through unresolved 'usues, and deZay adoption of the rules uxfrl the Technical fidvisory Committee has developed greater consensus. The motion c¢rried unanimousZy on a voice vote. VT. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Commissioner Trevino spoke on behalf of Commissioner McCall. Phalen Corridor Development Stzateev: Phalen-Aflantic Amendment -Recommendation that the Planning Committee release the draft Phalen-Adantic Amendment to the Phalen Corridor Development Strategy for public review and comment and set a public hearing date. (Jessica Rosenfeld, 651/266-6560 & Penny Simison, 651/266-6554) MOTION: Comrreissioner Trevino moved the NeighborTiood and Current PZanning Comminee's recommexdation to reZease the pZan amexdment for public review and set a pubZzc hearing for January I3, 2006. The motion carried unanimousZy on a voice vote. - • n u • s Recorded aad prepared by Kate Fleming, Plannmg Commission Secretary Pla�-mmg and Econom�c Development Deparcment, City of Sain� Pzul Respectfully submitted, a Larry S d rholm Plannin Administrator PED�IemingUjecemUer 2, 2�05 Minures D [� �/� � Approved � ��! �sO.3 (Date) , , ��� �. Sxie �r1 Call jSecretary of the Planning Commission � d lP /L�� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITfEE Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 3:30 p.m, Cify Counci! Chambers, 3rd Fioor • Cify Hall and Court House '15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT STAFF: EXCUSED: Alion, An�ang, Donneliy-Cohen, Kramer, Mejia, and Morfon Christina Danico, Jeff Hawkins, Patricia James, Emily Ulmer, and Peter Warner Faricy and Gordon The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes)- 05-193-681 - Rezoning from R-4 One-Family Residential to TN2 Traditionai Neighborhood. Greater Frogtown CDC (Dale Street Townhomes)- 05-194-363 - Variances of minimum lof area, parking, and lof width requirements to allow for townhouse development. 608, 611, and 613 Blair Ave.; 609 Lafond Ave., east side of Dale, beEween Lafond and Van Buren. Patricia James presented the staff reports with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning and approvai for the Variances subject to the condition fhat fhe TN2 zoning of the property be approved by the City Council. Ms. James stated that although the appiicant originally applied for variances of lot area, parking, and lot width, further sfaff analysis shows that the applicant has sufficient lot area and frontage for 16 units. The parking variance is needed. Ms. James also stated that District 7 recommended approvai of fh items; there were no letters in support of the project; and one letter was received in opposition to the riances. Responding to Commissioner Richard Kramer, Ms. James noted that the applicant should officially withdraw the request for variances of lot area and frontage. Jill Hendricksen, representing the applicant, gave details of the project and clarified revisions in the building design. Tait Danielson, representing District 7, explained the District Council's position on the pro}ect. Ne presented concerns fhat were discussed during fheir community meeting that led that group to recommend denial, and submitted a letter from the Board of Directors which recommended approvai. Mr. Danielson added that the District Councii was officialiy supporting of fhe project, but that he wanted to share the community's concerns with the Committee. Ms. Hendricksen rebutted that there was a community meeting held in March at which 60 neighbors were present. She sfated that there was widespread support for fhe project at this meeting. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Richard Kramer.moved approval of fhe Rezoning. Commissioner Brian Alton seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 • Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the Variances subject to the conditions that the City Councii approve fhe rezoning to TN2 and fhe applicant withdraws the requests for variance of lot width and lot area. Commissioner Kathi Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0 Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Abstained - 0 Approved by: r i � r � � �rs2�un/ � � hristina Danico Patricia James Giadys Nt on Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair � I u r1 �� r � l� =%L� Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the Variances subject to the condifions that the City Council approve the rezoning to TN2 and the applicant wifhdraws the requests for variance of lot width and lot area. Commissioner Kathi Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. �he motion passed by a vote of 6-0 Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: �1, r �l' _` � 1,9 � - -� ��2� -, hristina Danico Pafricia James ' Gladys Iv�' on Recording Secrefary Zoning Section Chair � � • ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT ��'` � 3 � �J 1. FILE NAME; Greater Frogtow� GQC (Dale Street Townhomes) FItE # 05-193-681 2. APPLICANT: Greater Frogtown CDC HEARING DATE: November 22, 2005 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning - Consent 4. LOCATION: 608-613 Blair Ave, 609 Lafond, east side of Dale, between Lafond and Van Buren 5. PIN 8� LEGAL �ESCRIPTION: 362923220161, 362923220164, 362923220218, 362923220133, 362923220134, 362923220135, 362923220220; MICHEL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, STINSON'S DIVISION, LOTS 13-18 BLK 1 and LOTS 16-18 BLK 2 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 7 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.321; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: November 16, 2005 alley) x 96 ft. (Blair) = 12,614.4 sq. ft. Totai area is 35,223.8 sq. ft. PRESENT ZONING: R4 BY: Patricia James 9. DATE P.E�E!`JEC: Octobe; 25, 2005 6�-L; Y DEACLI�vE F�R ACT�ON: January 2, 2GG6 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) B. PARCEL SIZES: Dale between Lafond and Blair: 262.9 ft. (Dale) x 86 ft. (Lafond including'h new alley) = 22,609.4 sq. ft. Dale between Blair and alley so. of Van Buren: 131.4 ft. (Dale including %2 C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant land, single family and duplex residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: low density residential (R4) East: low density residential (R4) South: vacant, low density residential (R4) West: mixed commercial and residential (62) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.321 lists uses permiYted in the TN2 zoning district; §61.801(b) � segu{ates amendments to the zoning code initiated by property owners. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The property in this application is either excess righf-of-way acquired by the City of Saint Paul for widening of Dale Street or residentiai properry acquired for this development. A variance application to construct the townhomes accompanies this application. (Z.F. # 05-194-363), G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 7 Council recommends approval. H � I. FINDINGS: 1. The Greater Frogtown Community Development Corporafion has acquired these properties to develop a 16-unit townhouse project. They are requesting a rezoning to TN2 so there wili be sufficient density to cover development costs of the units. 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the way the surrounding property is developed. There is a mix of commercial and residential uses on the west side of Dale. There is low density residential development east of the site. The TN2 district provides the opportunity to develop this site, which includes splinter parcels from the widening of Dale Street, as a medium density townhouse development. 3. §66.313 states that the intent of the TN2 district is "to foster and support compact, pedestrian- oriented commercial and residential development that, in turn, can support and increase transit usage." The proposed townhouse development is consistent with this intent. 4. The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Policy 5.2 of the Housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Promote good design solutions for housing that ... complements existing Saint Paul neighborhoods, designs that use the smaller development sites creatively... � The Transportation chapter classifies Dale Street as an "A" minor arterial and as a secondary transit corridor (2015 Functional Classification map and Proposed Transit Corridor map). 5. The consent petition was determined to be sufficient on November 7, 2005: 51 parcels eligible; 34 parcels required; 37 parcels signed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from R-4 (Single-family Residential) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood). PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparhnent ofPlanning and Economic Deve[opment Zoning SeCtion I400 Ciry Hall Annex - 25 West Fourth Street Saint PauL, MN SSIO2-1634 (651J 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Sutrscribed Property �� City �-�Pa3 � . .St. �Zip �. JCO3 Daytime Pho�e� ContactPerson(ifdifferenf) �(� f aC'�`�AJ Phone�-[Jl�-Z�Z`f Address / Location Legal Description_ CurrentZoning � (attach addifional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ���� ��— owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �-� zoning district to a��12. zoning di f s � trict, for the purpose of: ��p p�hlw.tC�L. �.e9pif�D �flict[ni.��<� � DLI.��� rlY1 �2S ('iL5 !iL YYl-P.�t/1'�S � I {'Y"P�Y)'1-F-li�' �e b��e St7'�t t�%�LtS�CI" ��Gc.v► y GE�t-� !�'C� 2000. T�1 E �a�r�tl�.aua� �ev�GopYn� r's aiso C�csis��eh.t �r�h �i'sarie � Pla�t��r��,gyyn e�/'s �'ma�u �� Pla� c��1 �� `t2/� L�-+��e. .�e�- /�l� (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Plan � Consent Petition � Cl� 2��f 7 �jGOO .00 Affidavit � and sworn to befose me this � day of �� 20 � By: l�l� �� � Fee Owner of Property �" U 7� �Y tJ �-�-�. Title: �� �W� � . � R08ERT MCCLAtN "('� Notary Pu66o-Mmnesoha v .m-- MvconmYSStm�.r�,3f.2oto l� Notary Public Page 1 of � OG�'/�� � I.egal description for project on Dale Street: Address 0 Blair Ave l� � Blair Ave 611 Blair Ave 608 Blair Ave � 609 Lafond Ave 0 Blair Ave 0 Lafond Ave LeQal Description From the alley south of Van Buren Avenue to Blair Avenue — East 16 feet of Lot 16, Block 2, Michel's Subdivision of Biock 4 Stinson's Division (Owned by City of St. Paul) MichePs Suhdivision of Block 4, Stinson's Division, Lot 17, Block 2(Owned by City of St. Paul) Lot 18, Block 2 Michel's Subdivision, Ramsey County (Owned by Greater Frogtown CDC) Lot 13, Block 1 Michel's Subdivision, Ratnsey County (Owned by Cneater Frogtown CDC) Lot 18, Block 1, Michel's Subdivision, Ramsey County (Owned by Crreater Frogtown CDC) From Blair Avenue to Lafond Avenue- The following portioa of Block l, Michel's Subdivision of Biock 5, Stinson's Addition: Lot 14,17,the East 16 feet of Lot 15 and the East 16 feet of Lot 16 (Owned by City of St. Paul} \ J � r � 7 � r'r'�`IT�C)N SU�`S�`IC��NCY C�-�CI� SF���' �zor��nv� ; scup �Tcu� � FIRST SUBMITTED RESUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: IO z-SOS DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFICIALLYRECEIVED: �/- / � � DATE OFFICiALLY RECEIVED: PARCELS EL?GIBLE: � / PARCELS REQUIRED: �_ PARCELS SIGNED: �� PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: CHECiiED BY: �� ����"�� DATE: l� 7^ �C)NI�G ��L� � � � �( '/(� 3 ���-� c�� sA��r ���� � CO�SE�'I' OF ABJQI`I�G PROPERTX OWNERS FOR A �2�Z01TING ��%e. ,k� cnde:signed, owners of prr,�;r:y w4cain 7,p0 fezt of i��e cocal con!iwous de;:.;ip!ion of -ea1 cstate owne:i, pumhased, o: 5o;d by 'IiiE PL �+ithin or,c yesr preceding thc es!e of tcis gecicioa ac]ci^u�lcdp� :ha, 14c: t1u�Z b2C!1 �LBS^t]IC4� 4J1C:7 LI' iD: lawino: 1. � coDy o`. cste petition ot / ^� .-.. _-r....�x:> -s°�-tx"C`=V � � ' �'��Ki�l"u •'tc� \�". � -�- � C � r-�' . ry; � L�`t•"'a' ��-d�-cJ7 (:14R7E Df DEUl10l1CS� , � tu rezone the Dtopetty Ioca.ed ac ��.f:rn.;+�.=.;, 1�:�z=i L�r; �` °> vi. i J, �� „-:.. d�.^, . ;J1.Sc , <: ft�tt: z — zoning dts�:ici �o avi'�c ;' � J _zonin� dist:ict; and 2. A co,�y of setctnn. !^_r;�=:'+ throcgh L�:.. �ri �: inclusive ef ihz Szir.c Pau1 Zoo�ng Code. w e s::l'nowledge tna[ w;: ar:; a�vac: of all oi cne uses pamucted in a�+ h! i zoning;listrici, and ue arz z�.�are chac any of fnue uaes car: be e;,�biis:sed uoon Ci,y Co�nc;i approval of tne Rzzonu�g. �Fe hezeby rous�ne m ck�e rezoeing of cl�e propercy in chc petiiior. o; :�,�e �'r-r✓�r4.. :;�5 'si�;e>� �iir, � — �l,�� �'°�:^ to � � ^�, � __. zoning dis:ncc. (name of pe[icionc:t)�" , R'e consent to the appruval of tuis rezoning as it tir•as explained to us bp tlie applicani or h't.s/her cepresentative. � Tnis neri��h shafl r,ot Ue"COIISict:ed 23 oEficinlly Filed uncil iha l xpse of seren (7) wq;ging �lays after it i; reccivad by che p�nnin� Division. An� signator of :his oetinon mav withdraw hislhcr name the:zfcom oy ��%ricea rzquest within that ti;ce. � >•d oeno_e.o_rce �n�ao da�:�T en o� dac TOTRL P.01 Ab�RESS OR PIV !i'c.CUR➢ pWh'Ek � � SIGYA�7;tRE DA'S'F CI'I'Y OF SA�\TT PAUI., CONSENT OF AD?QihZ'�IG PROPERTY OR'NERS FOR A REZON�`G RECEi���� We, the unde*si�ned, owners of property wichin 100 feet o; the to[al contio ous de;cnption of real estaee ow�ed, purchased, oz sold by THE P"TTI'IONER withi� one year precedino the date of this peti�on zc!cnowledge that we hava heen presented wiPn the folSowina: t_ A cooy of the petiIIoa of (name oi pe[iIIOner) " ` \ to rzzone the property located at �� tL3�k��� ��1 ����,LC S��� ��k�E �' J, fro;a a�-4 zonino districc to aTl�tZ zoning district; and 2. A copy o` sectioas rLdo.3f � through �L+�D, �1'3 inclusivz of the Saint Paui Zoning Code. We actcnowtedge thz, we are aware of atl of the uses permicted in a Ti1 zoning district, znd we are awzre if�at any of Pnes� uses can be esta6tished upon Ciry Conacil approvai of che Rezonin�. We hereby consenc ca the rezoning of the p:ope*ty in the petition oi ��=�`�� ���RE ��'��� �Vjij? C��` -(-� to a\ k�2 zoning district. (name of pe[icioner) ' We consent to the approt�al of this rezonin; as it was expiained to us hy the applicant or his/he: representative, ADDRESS ORPL`i - RECORD (7WNER SIGNATURE Di,'[F T�is pe:i�on shall not be conside;ed as o`ncially filzd enti? the Ianse of seven {?) working days_ after it is received by che Planning Division. Any signator of thi; petition may withdraw hislher name the:efrom br writ.e:� r�quest within that dme. � � Z'd BBOZ-B46-TS9 �Q��� dE0=E0 S4� � � CI'I'Y O�' 5AINT PAUL D� -�(p � CONSE?��T OF ADJOINLNG PROPERTY OW?�l".�RS FOR A REZ�N�NG . We, the uade�ia ed, owners of pmxrty within 1D0 feet o: Lze total caatio cus des:.ripr.on of rea� esate owned, pu*chased, or sold by THE PETITTON�ER witicun one yeaz p:eceding zhe c�ate of this petitioa acxnow;edge thai we have been preseated wiih the following: I. A copy of the petitian of �'���"�Q -�70.'t'Lketn � IDN�M�9u�n� ��u����+�'-�P7�r �}� (nas� of petidone;) /-� ` to rewne the p.operty located a: �-�� �' �, �t�tX�IS S� lfi+��i`) from a�-4 zoning dist:ict to a`rhlZ zoning distact; and r� �.J �- 2. A copy of sections �_ tbtough �" inciusive of-the Saint Paul ZAning Code: We aclaiowledg� 4hat we are awaze of all of the uses pemritted in a'T'1.1Z zouing disuict, and we are aware tbat any of these uses can be established upon City Conncil approval of the Rezaning. W e hereby consenc to the rezoning of the ptopezry in the peution of C¢�,. �r�n�x� �Cto►tik� ��('tie� to a 3�12 zoning districT. (name of peti[ioner) This petition shall n6t be cbpsidered. as officially flled nntil the lapse of seven {7} working days, a€ter iz is received by the Planning Divisioa. Any sigaator of this may !NZtl�d."aw hislher name:therefrom by writtenzequest within that time. ` - . We consent to the approvai of ttiis rezorung as if was explained to us by the applicant ar his/her representative: CI'�Y OF SAINT PAUL COl�iSENT OF ADJOINLNG PROPERTY OWNERS FQR A � �EZON`IN� We, *he nndersigned, owners of property within 1-00 f�eT of ;he totai co�tid ons description oi reai esta[e owned, p�chased, or sold by THE PHxITIpN�R within one yeaz p:eceding The date oi thi; petition acI¢low2edge that we bave been presented witn the foLowing: i. .A copyof t7e petiuoa oi to rezone the p;ope�fy Iocated at oi fro�n a�—� zoning di5triet to a�i�€Z, zoning district; and 2. A capy oi sections �{o.3f ( througb �� �clusive oi Saint paaj Zpging Code. ZYe aci�owiedge that we aze zware of all of the uses paruritted iz a T['SZ zonino district, and we aze awaze that any of tflese uses can be establisfied npon City Council aporoval of the Reznning. We hereby consent to the rezo�ing af t�e groperty in the petition of C �z.�}-�,c3iit �+.t �niim �$,�-� to a l I� Z. zoning district. (name of peutioner) ' We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by t$e appi�canY or � his(her representative. ADDRESS oI2PIN � uFrnRt� rtu�ntan . � � �,�.,.,.,.....:� _ .. _ _ ��..� Y°�-��n �nau no� oe consiaerea as o�ciaiiy $led �zatit tbe lapse of seven {7} svorking days after it is received by tfie Planning I�ivision. E�ny signatar of this.peti�au may withdraw F�s/her name: therefrom by written rec}uest withiu that time. , � LJ � ��� ; j�� (�0 � � � CI�'Y OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF AD70I��I.�G PROPF,RTY OW7�'ERS FQR A 1REZONING DG ��(� 3 uie, tne cndersigned, owners of property within 100 :ee: oi the to±zl contio ous desc::ption oi real estz[e owaed, pprchased, or sold 'oy THE PETTTIO?v�R within one ye�r preceding the dat� o` th=_s aecition ackr_owledge that we have been presented wim the followli�g: 1 A copy oi tne petition of to rezo�e tae a:ope;�y iocated at 2. (name of from a�—� zoning district to aThE2, zoning district; and A copy oi sections ��31 � throegh �O�,�t3 inclusive of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code. We acknowledge tha? we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a zoning district, and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoaing af the property in the petition of �='•Q�l�'i€4 � liY ��x1l�+n L�/( ��� to a 1 kSZ zoning district. (name of peritioner) >S S �r This petition shall not be con'sidered. as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7} working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this may withdraw his/her name'thereirom by written request within that time. ' We consent to the approva! of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COl�TSENT OF ADJOINI�G PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING We, tne unde:si;ned, owners oi psoperty wi[hin 100 feet of ihe YataI conti�uQUS description of real es:ate owned, purchased, or sold by Ti3E PETITIO�TER within one year preceding the date oi this petition zcknowledge �nat we have been pre;ented with the followsg: I. A cooyof the petition of to rezone the properfy located at of from a�-� zonina district to aTi�[Z, zoning district; aad 2. A copy oi sections �0�31 C through �Q� �clusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge tha*. we a:e awaze oi all oi the uses pemutted in a Tt�12 zoning district, and we are aware that any oi fnese uses can be es!ablished upon City Council approvai of [he Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the peution of C �'��`'� �� � �,,;�?�� to a l R� Z zoning district. (name of petitioner) ' • � 4�e consent to Ehe approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicanf or his/her representafive. � AIIDRESS OR PIN RECORD �WNER - SIGNA DP.TE -: � �� H/ /✓ / / � '�.ZE��1�//r%����5�'�1 f� �i �,,��� �� L� . ; , ��I �� ���� � �� � �_ �.�,_ .�_ 1 �- '��a . � ji Gl� � �_-2s; Qr—. ° 1-?�-c�� g('�-��or T //�/ � _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' _ : � � -' ' J �S � � � / y � J / �-�..r/ � �--��_ � � i B /l� (�' 'r 6 5 - � This petition shall ndt be considered. as o£ncially filed nntil the lapse of seven (7) working days_ a�ter it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request witI�lin that tir_2e. "� � _ �� � � . . � • CI`TY OF SAINT PAUL V `-l' l �� / , �, CONSENT OF AD70INING PROPERTY OWNERS FQR A 1REZONIIl�G w° LR� liP.��TSlo eG� owners of p i0�0ity W1C hin 1-00 feet of L'�e toczi con*.i�soes eescaption o; i�� BSidi� owae3, p�,irc�zs�d, o* sold by �`tiE PETITiON�R w:,hin one year precedi�:e the date oi this peticion ackrowledge iY',at wz have been presented with the iol2owing: 1. A copy of tce petitioa of to rezone the o;operfy located at (name of irom a�—� zoning district to a l�tT Z. zoning district; and 2. A copy oi sections �0031 C [hrough �0� iaclusive of the Sair.t Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are aware of aIl of :he uses pe in a Tt�LZ zoning district, and we are aware that any o; fhese uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. W e hereby consent to the rezoning of th� property in the petition of �=��`�Q ` � � � �1�*^ �i�� �(� to a l l�42 zoning district. (name of petitioner) �'Ve consent to the approvai of this rezoning as it was expIained to us by the applicant or � � his/her representative. AIIDRESS OR PL�i RECORD CSWNER SIGNATURE DATE (� � � tr � � � ��-�r�� � � � ���s ��y�_�� � r�c��{�s� s /r�sSic� — � �1,�r, ��e� ���K ti� �� �� �� L2(`nn� r �� L.�lo i �� ��%� �.� � y/�2 r�i'� ; f � o --as � /a �/� � ��35 �� G� _��-r�i d L� D �u�� C�ba '�� �i��.� �� � ��(�� � � ��+v��� _ I,�.e.. � ` � - -C?J� � �s���:e� - �� (�ve - (�s . �.� —� � This petition shall not be con'sidered as ofricially filed until the lapse of seven (7} workir.g days after it is received by the Planning Divisio�. Any signator of this may withdraw his/her name'therefrom by written request within that time. ' CI'�Y OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF AD70Iiv'ING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZON�ING We, the undeisigned, owners oi property within 100 feet of the to*al contio ous descaption oi reai estatz owazd, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year precedir.g the date oi tnis petition acknowledge that we have been presenteti with the followino: 1 A copy of the petition oi to rezone the property located at 2. of petit from a�—� zonin; dis�rict to aTt�!-Z. zoning district; and A copy of sections �.31 { through �f?_ (B,3�t3 inciusive of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code. We acknowiedge that we are zware oi all of the uses p�rmitted in a t�lZ. zoning district, and we are aw�re that any of these uses can be established upon City Council app:oval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the propecty in the peution of ��L�`t"c2 �'-�"s)itililt lEl'���m+i�v� L�U��`�J ��� to a�TfS2 zoning district. (name of petitioner) � • � � � � This petition_ shat2 not be considered as o#'ficially filed untiI the Iapse of seven (7} workir.g days, after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this may withdraw his/ner name therefrom by written request within that time. We consent to Ehe approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. a CITY OF SALNT PAUL � COivSENT OF AD70IN�LNG PROPERTY OWIVERS FOR A REZONI�� G OC� - /�3 w�, t.�^.° lia^. ed , 04JL;�IS Oi pICDOrty' WIit117 1�� I�Zi Oi I7� i0iZ CCIlClp 0'1S �eSCry�(lOR OI IB2i estate owaed, perc�ased, or sold 'oy TiiE PETI'j'Ipy�� Witnin one yea; p;zceding the dzte oi this peti[ion ac?cnowledge that we have been presented wicn the fol!owing: 1. A copy o� tne petition of ��2+�r^�-E-e.�-�g�i� ° �� , �N�urtt� t� ,.,�- �i � (name of pehqoner) to rezone the properfy located at ��� �•�.� �p� ' fy� 5�� �����> from a�: —4 zonino district to a 1�i y ouning district; and 2. A copy of sections �0.31( through tQ(�,� inclusive of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are aware of ell oi the uses pe*mitced in a=Ct�Z zoning district, and we are aware that any oi these uses can be establisbed upon City Council approval of tne Rezoning. We hereb'y consent to the rezoning of the property in the peti[ion of ����"f �`-'74��'�t(`Al ( P[c.6kd'ffik (name of petitione � v � t �� to a 1 la� Z zoning district. � 6a��f ��, 6�r-� 6�9 ��� ��3 � � This petition shall not be considered as officialIy filed until the lanse of seven (7) working days after it is received 6y the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/ber name therefrom by written request withan that ume. We consent fo fhe approvai of this rezofling as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representafive. FROM :Neighborhood Builders Uct ID 05 09:30a iG{72i?�7S �0 5? FAK OoO 07 ob U1:45p GFCDC GFCpC FPX N0. :6517746933 65:-9i6-2O88 P•8 Oct. 10 20H5 02:11PM P1 651 p•2 ipuuVUVi CBT"i' OF SA.�NT P�,tiL CaNS£NT pF AbIOdNLNO PROFERTY OiN,'�t�RS F0� A ItEZOiv'INCr � :-s` 6 ��- 6b�- 6�J�� ���r ,�/3 �% y6/ � �Cru aJe, �he nnd.rs:gerd. ow�us of gropeny wiahia 100 E•a: ef eke aoaa: cantigroa�s ees;riyuon of tsnt ascsee owned, pure6ased, o: zc33 by �E:E �E'jTT10NER �'�ia cae yea: pr„ced:r,g eEu datc �r :h« ge�5cler. � ?<fnowiedg: che: we ,yyvebs_� p;c;yc�:e� with thc fcI`owing: 1. Acnnyo°c+r_Pecicloao! /�.,. i�;pm,��y��- (EEt(Y 6fFEQf{D ) � corezon.chepropertSloce[edn[,,,�1�9�3'1� ����C�j ' from a'�-4 zonir.g ri;seriet :o a'S1i2�oaing dsv(er, anc 2 Ar,�p of seuions �xo.3 chrongY. t^� � o!:te Saine Yam Zoniax Code. w ea.L•nou�ledge�tk:ciwce::zwarcufailafiheusesyer.tene2ina _Tt3Z zoa�ogdisir.ti, a�a w. ��cawnrt fiat�nqet_^�.e.eute.eanbeea2blia3edU�anCiryCo2ncSFappcovaIo:°cheRezoniag. Weherby eontmt �e eke [e2nning cF rhe yr�peK( in Ax pc[itioa o.` �¢ca�cr�'�.aoc}rx�, - r4. �vlrio � ceT_ to c �: zca:nga;s-na ;name ot a x�iiwnec) ' X'e cens¢nt W tkt appaoval o.* tha ret.oalr.g as t! �az ezpEafr.ed to us by tht applieaat ct Sis.'Eer regreacrzm,uve. . � � I 1, u recoi�edih n shell n6l b�t�s:sidenui as olfiaz3lY fi.�ed ntt:5 =hc u�se ct sevea ( ': +w, dxys at�r it i:� J'.hesa!'a�'rtsb'➢ivissiea, ht,y5iy:e:ctuCiL?S.P��ixrifays�.itEd:aw(yi/pp(naryy'�ytSbinb/ wnr.:n cequcst wuL•in �hac r�e. . Oct 07 OS OS:OSp GFCDC 651-848-2088 p.2 Dl�'l�3 � U CIT'Y OF` SATNT PAUL Co*rSENT QF ADJOINING PROPERTY OwNERS FOR a REZOi�TING We, tiie nndecsigned, ownec5 of pmper.y wic`tin l06 feet of the tocat tonti,guous descriptioa Of re21 Bs!ate owned, purchasad, or sold by TI� PETITTONER within one year preceding ihe date oi this pctition � acicnowledge that we Save been pre;eated with [he following: 1. A coay o: che necition o.' � ��4 Y„ 2-( - � , F.6, - [t��r�t DhiMt�ac�4xy��t (� ��--,� l ) (nam�ofpecitioner) �` ' to rezor,e the propeny locaced a[ ���ttpcS-t�.j.���� 5��p �D�� �l , Crom a'� -4 zoaine d;stticc co aTtJ2 zoning district; and �(�> -�', � ?'�' G6!- G�`/ ��r� �5i3 �� .6G / 2. A copy of seccions .3� ehzough (o .' inclusive of the Saint Paul2oning Code. We acknowledge'that we aze aware o: ail of che uses pemutted in a Tt1Z zoning distr�ci, 2nd we are aware chat any of �hcse uses can be established upoa City Council approvat of ehe Rezoning. We her�by content to che rezoning of rhe property in the petitioa o; G � b ���"a•t,t[� K � � V�r� lC� COBSAl2 z0aingdiSiriC[. (na�tse of p�ci tioner) ' This petiaon shalt ndt 6e'considered as officially filed nntiI tbe la�se of uven (7) working days afcer it is received by [he Pianning Division. Any signecor of this,pecitioa may wichdraw hislhe[ narae therefrom 6y writ�en requrst wichin that time. � We consent to the approva! of ihis rezoning as ai was ex�lained to us by the appIicant or his/her representative. F:z-_._.-=---== --. . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - , ------ - ---- - � ...�._ �._�_ _ ..,.._� _ _ �..,.. --. _..�._ . _,.._ __ . .,:,:- �_ -, , F . ._ _ . _::.. �:, �. _._,,�.�; ..:__.: _..�.:_.... . �..,�.....��.. - --� - . ,. �. , .�.� _.,., �, _ _ � - - - - - - - _--_- --- __,� --- _ - ' _-- .�_»�,_�_..__ .�= .- �_�:�� -- - _- _= - - ---- -- - -- - -- -- _ �_ , °�n-�a > V—si �. e,. z l:�-'� ^.S ^ -C.. � -:: � � , - .: : _. ° �.f . o ��. -- — ^r e - . . �,.�., .._ "_":n�a. er.� —V � .n�ro.m� . ii•c' ,- ..._ "".� _......�.,."_ _ _.,_. .GdN,c. ..-- . ' -_ ' � �uu�. �_ � a.... :Ci�..r,. _ 1x•�ti _ SG < _Gl 4 JI E� GJ �.0 : �G L�:C.i ..'�itlG� ��yu L��� ^ - • •. .- ..-. � . i h `.. . ... ... i ..: ..-.. . .... . ..� � . ... ... . ... v. - - — •.:/^. _ _ 1_ � _.:. �. �' �ri�' _ - . � �1Q t s. T' v .. � a ueia . � .15 .� lf)C . _.i��:�� v�a �'Z ..� a�� _ ` �� �� -t� e -- � �k_``3ClGF:M1 .-`::&�li�V:1'vq`�. dilnF•i� .Y.L_ \ liw~ ] - 1 n U ,' � / � � t 9 R tl � � _�.�_�_� " ___" __' _' __--'�:'___' _ ' _'..... .... ...._ ..... ... . .... .... .. . ."' _ """' __._'"_ _"_ _'" _ .. :. :._....:c :v' 'a'__'"_ __'_ _�" _ __ __ .._ :�.:....�� i, �.�...>-.�.s ..-.. >" �g�g:�� "nv L:" "��P,^.SE i%i'r'Sl^P.. ?.^'v i'.�`13LGC Oi v.tJ J�ii;� �iic w_.i.wA'�+ i��a+.,ci cai:� .��_._..�+..'•_ 5z;: -...._ —._. � � CITY OF SA�iT PA�TI.. CONSE�`IT OP ADJOIl�`ING PROPERTX O�h'?ti�ERS FOR A REZ�NING :., b(��l(�3 � . W�, the undersigncd, ownecs of prop�ay within 100 fezc of che total eencio aus descrip*.ion oF real estate ownzd, putcnased. or soId by T:`IE PET'1CTO:rER wichin on� year praceding the dace oi chis pe.icion 2e!cno«l�dge that xe ha�e heen p:eszneed with the followino: � J r i 1. �capyofznepeticionof t�g�� -� �;�i'c��'.;i�zx.�� :`�2�d'�rii� ., _ (nama of pecitionet) � � � to tezone the proptrty 2otated at `��- t�'���'�:�•' r--'" ��+t��i� ��� N�� t�"�� � v irom a�-� 2oning discrict �o a i 1�d:=. zoning districc; and A copy of seceions n. .?sS { thraugh �� ��� inclusivc of rhe Sainc Paul 2oning Code. � � Wc acknowtedge �hac we ara aware of zll of the uses peanicced in a`'.37 mn;ng disaicc, and we arz as�xre that aay of these uses can be esta6lished upon Cily Council approvat ai che Rezoning. �'t herebq consent to the cezoning of thc pcopecq� in che pacition of � '-^.u� v Sn ��X+ly;�'" �C�^ to a;:� �' zoning districc. (name of Qeci«oner)` . '4Ve consent to the approrai of this reza�ing as it lvas explained to us by the appli�ant or hulher represen�taY�ive- ADARESS OFYPPI j RECORD OWNER � SIGN�titj� AA'iE Tbis peticion shail not be considercd a: ofiicially filed unul the lapse of seven (7) working days efccr ic is ;; received by ehe Planning Divisian. ,qny sia acor of this peq:ion may wiehdraw hislher namc thecefrom by %' wriccen request wichin that rime. ' • , •; � TOTAL P.H1 saugoqun�oZ �aa.�s ai�Q I W � O s � � 0 � � a� a� L � � � � � � � � � � � a y..o � w _ I . x � ' � ag' zII's � '-6 Y i3z� =�' �� n3��° g a �'�` �6 �= S� b $�£.�9 �%°x�e .`'L'33 }���� o ��� 398g 3 B<�� ���49 cv�rt: �-�'�� ° 8�y�5a �`•§� e3 § £ z . : �$ �: � ��$�i� f��� ��gg5 s �_ � 4w+ � �°_ � _: ��°� - �vw��� < «_ _ m�a��d FI`yOK < '=4Y w�o� - N QQ�u�C�� 0 z 3 0 3 a', K i N NYId311S! � � � � Y 7 � � � �° `' �� „ '3 < 3 s t 133HS 3�J.LL 3 - ; � ,�., ..,.., , ,. "..,� 85n � . � � � saauo�umo,� �ae.zls a��Q � £ S8� i{� q�a ��� �a5 � 6 k k 9 � 5 � 3 � z � � � s o�. �y� �s � � u � F � w � Q � S,�d,�a + Ntlld 3dtl�S�N1/l � a ? �� J�� I� ` � C7: Q � � I z 5 a u N � g n LAFOND AVENUE �' U DISTRICT 7 .�� PLANNING � � � COUNCIL r � November 10, 2005 Ms. Pafricia James Pianning and Economic Development 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. James; O l� - l(� 3 659/298-5068 (o�ce) 651/298-5072 (fax) district7@integraonline.com (e-mail) 689 North Dale Sf�eet Sainf Pau1. Minnesota 55403-1644 � �� � ��� f � 2005 ti���pg8 �A� ��C ��Y&Lbt61� The Board of Directors for the District 7 Planning Council passed a resolution in support of the Greater Frogtown CDC's Dale Street Townhomes project at its meeting earlier this month. The board felt it important to note that significant community support has _been expressed over the past severai years with regard to the Dale Street Master Plan, which references mixed use townhome development along the East side of Dale Street. More specifically, a community meeting jointly held by our organization and by the Greater Frogtown CDC at the Dale Street Greenhouse in March of 2005, provided the community with details about the proposed Dale Street Townhomes project, and the participants at that meeting were predominantly in favor of the project moving forward. The resolution passed by our Board of Directors reads as follows: "To direct the Executive Director to write a letter to PED expressing the Board's support for fhe Greater Frogtown CDC's Dale Street Townhomes project in concept, as we/l as with regard to whatever zoning changes and variances will be necessary to bring the project to fruition." Mofion made and passed by consensus 11-8-05. Sincerely, `�����S��G������� �Kristen Kidder Executive Director Serving the neigh6orhoods of Mt Airy, Capitol Heights, Frogtown and East Midway since 9970! C� • � Portion of site at NE corner of Lafond and Dale � Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 D(� —�c� 3 i i � 609 Lafond, a portion of the site Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � SE comer Dale and Lafond, across from southem boundary of site Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � r� � OCo �l (� 3 �� ❑ Z. F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � � NW corner of Dale and Lafond Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 • � 6l�-l� 3 � � r� � � West side of Dale, across from site Z. F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � �J 608 Blair, a portion of the site Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � �"_' 6(�-/�� � u 0 613 Blair, a portion of the site Z. F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � s Z.F. 05-193-681 05-194-363 � � � oC� � r � � i ; � ; � � CIT?ZEN PAR7ICiPATFO DrSiR'IC7S CI7IZEN P�,RTICIPATFa�i PIAMNZNG �ISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY=6fkT7LECREEK=HIGHWOQD - 2.GREATER EAST S.IDE 3.WEST SIDE _4. DAYTON' S B W FF S:PAYNE-PHALEN ORTH Et�f3 , - y ,� 7.J.NOM�AS-DALE � , ���SUMMIT-UNIVERSF.TY O �, �����' 9:WEST SEVENTH � -Tn.eor�a 11.HAMLINE-M?DWAY 12. ST. ANTHQ(�Y 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEX?M�TON HAMLiN't I4..GROVELAKO�MAC�XLESTER - 75.H16HLAND 16:SUMMIT HIL� 17.pOWNTOWN 0 � i �. Tii0F1AS=RACE DISTRIL� 7 � _ �.' q ' � . � ������� .����� � �� .. � � � �as-/�36�1 � � 7 1,.: . , ' {�, ':� g � 1 r , � t i 1 ti" L � � 1 } 1 � '.^."'�..'.r.` � e�¢, �; p:x�' �_ �-. .. � - .._._. .,. �� Q � � ��{��� �, Q �p �� _ �►� ��a , � 0 e � � i _'��^ �� � i ! ��i�' -�__ ._;.., ._. .. . . � _. � ��� � � -� t � �"' � Q� � � Q�fl� . . � 1 ��� `� i t E � ; `( � � i I � i ��i � - �'. � 1 �t � �' !' ;� J - � + r 1 a � � �� � �' "� ' � F'�4 4 t �1 , j��_'_.�-" �; ��,���lo����� � ; ,� �8�� � ����i���,o, � � e ( , � { ; ,( y �z .. > � r i 1 ? � i � !F ' � �� �� � # { � IY� � i ����I��� �� ��o vl �/i^ � f � � l'� � C� � � i . ' r� 1 � � `.y .:".`�{� � � TI�� ` ("l�,;!"1YlYlY!��1.`a'�"���.� � o � � � i � f � i � � � � � �.. (" k _' �—� S I � , (.i ! , ��,�, ���s��h,��;�j���� ! �i�����j �� —�— ti } 4 i � ' ; i �� a, � �� � ` j � ' � ' � �.� � ,, 1 � �3 � �� `�iC4�.7�uiQ{� �(�I�'"; 1 r r��� , �Pk�.�S , � �.� �� , a}�� �,� ' � ` �� o�o�� =.�[c��?� ::,� � i � � ?---� : # � _ _' � ; I �.. . '. . � _ ( a� 'E"ta �bvJn CDC. ' ' i {oi��o,���'� � i �� � t i � 01 ��� � fl � } { ; � + ; t 1 � � � � ; � �i i � i �� #' � . ST <I,r S = HlG , : , ; � � �t£C70R� � �' y �, ,,. ,, � � �. 9 :� ,�; I �, < � ���. ��c���oc � � , � E I ! F:p�"�,,�;; � � LEG�ND PU�°OSE °��� � �� � z�ni�g d�strict t�undary I �:� e � Fii'TTI7TlJ suSjzct prop=_,�y ' n-� a DP�TE �.DIST� F�tA°� �� �.... _ � , L' ....,.. _... . . 0 one (zmf�y • x n comn;r_�z' ¢ t�r:o (ami(y 4 .o,o indusLiz: f�-� � : muitipl? f?mily . : . . .. _..,<l.' -.vaezn: � : � __ . . :-, ��� -- --- -- - ------ Mary Erickson - Fwd: Concerning Dale Street Townhomes From: Patricia James To: City Council - Letters Date: 1/12/2006 9:1�338 AM Subject: Fwd: Concerning Dale Street Townhomes The public hearings for this project are scheduled for January 18, 2006: Patricia James Saint Paul PED 1400 City HaII Annex 25 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-266-6639(phone) 651-228-3220 (fax) patricia.james@ci.stpaul. mn.us »> "kao yang" <kao_wachong@hotmail.com> 01/11/06 9:40 PM »> Dear Patricia James, I'm writing you in regards to the restructuring of a part of the Frogtown area. I have been a resident of Frogtown for 14 years, living on Lafond Ave, right near the site that is being affected. I have seen many changes in this community over the years, but none as drastic as this plan. One major concern I have is that if these pians were to take effect, parking in this area will become harder to maintain. As of right now, there is already parking issues because of the funeral home located on Dale and Lafond. If these townhouses were built, there will be an increase in population around this area, therefore an increase in vehicles. I'm a concerned resident because I don't want to have any more trouble with parking in front of my own house. I suggest that the city try to buy the Dale funeral home and turn that space into a parking lot or something else. Besides this one major concern, a positive comment i have concerning the townhome plans is that a new development area with a modern design is much needed in this neighborhood. The area has many old homes and buildings. These new homes will be more attractive and safer, and I support this very much. I will not be able to attend the hearing next Wednesday, but I wanted to email some of my feelings about this to you in hopes that you will take them into consideration. My community is very important to me and I would like to be a part of it as much as I can be. I'm just concerned about the parking and the increase in population, but if this plan is doted to continue, I will gladly support it, if the parking issue can be addressed as needed. I hope some of my comments will help you in coming to the best decision for this area of Frogtown. Sincerefy, Wachong K Yang -- Page 1 �� �l(�3 Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01 /