06-112Council File # 06-112 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3029281 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance amending a portion of Saint Paul Legislative Code �°a ",�"� t� Chapter 66.500, by renaming § 66.511 of the Chapter as the IR Light Industrial Restricted District and adding and deleting � 2'� '�� language from Leg. Code §§ 66.521, .531 and accompanying table, .541, .542 and .542, all of which is intended to provide for permitting and regulating industrial uses in compatibility with adjacent non-residential uses in the Phalen/Atlantic area of the Phalen Corridor WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan calls for amending the Zoning Code to make its regulations consistent with the plan; specifically, a balance of land uses that inciudes, in part, enhancing existing neighborhoods and redevelopment of corridors, particularly those where the cleanup of brownfields precedes redevelopment; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statues § 473.865 requires local official controls, such as the Zoning Code, to be amended to conform with the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission initiated a Zoning Study on March 11, 2005, far the purpose of considering amendments to the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Phalen/Atlantic area of the Phalen Corridor; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended and the City Council adopted the Phalen/Atlantic plan amendment to the Phalen Corridor Development Strategy far the purposes of encouraging industrial development in the Phalen/Atlantic area that is compatible with adjacent residential and other non-industrial uses; and WHEREAS, in the course of preparing the Zoning Study it was determined that the most appropriate strategy was the creation of a new zoning district intended to encourage the development of industries with a high job component that are also compatible with nearby non- industrial uses, to be entitled the IR Light Industrial Restricted District; and WHEREAS, it was further determined that the IR Light Industrial Restricted District was applicable to similarly situated industrial parcels throughout the city; and G✓� //a WHEREAS, the Plannmg Commission held a public hearmg on the IR Light Industrial Restricted District on January 13, 2006, notice of which was published 'm the Samt Paul Legal Ledger on December 29, 2005; and WHEREAS, the consideration of public testunony and the recommendations of City staf� the Plannuig Commission on January 27, 2006, recommended adoption of the II2 Light Industrial Restricted Dish�ict; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Legislative Code § 66.511, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 66.511. Intent, IR �e� Li¢ht Industrial Restricted District. The IR D�°°-�� Lieht Industrial Restricted District is intended to provide sites for commercial, office and li�ht industrial uses ' ' that are eexsister� com a�tible with anv neazby_parks, nazkwavs, or residential uses. R.:. ��-~~-°w°��:�.° �'��'° w..°� ��--:a�- -'�„ SS7:t7.:... aL.,, ,]:...«,.t 1...:�ina.cun���nl....e,7 s,. l.o � ...........:.. ' t.. ,7' 1, '1,7' ,7 .t .._'_—'""'_�""_" _���_ a ., ..W.,_ t ,_..__�....,�..».....,....,».........,.� ............. .......,�o...... t.. ,.�e..t . .. A...... ..A:..,.e«t A:..t..:,.t,. SCCtl011 L That Legislative Code Table § 66.521, `Principal Uses in Industrial Districts," is amended to read as follows: Sec. 66.521. Principal uses. Table 66.521. Principal Uses in Industrial Districts lists all pernutted and conditional uses in the IR-I3 Industrial Districts, and notes applicable development standards and conditions. Table � 66.521. Princi al Uses in Industrial Districts Use IR Il I2 I3 Development Staudards Residential Uses Miaed Commercial-Residwtial Uses Home Occupazion p p p / M'ixed residential and com�nercial use P P P d Coegregate Living Fosoer home, �ding foster care home P P P d Communityresidential faclity, licensed ht�an service P P P d Commimity resideutial facility, licensed conectional C C ✓ Commtmity residential ScHrty, heahh depaztmait licensed C C ✓ Coaectional facdity C P C Emergencyhousingfac�7fty C C d Ovemight sheher C C d Sheher for battered pe�sons p p p d 2 /I/ -/ia Use IR Il 72 I3 Development - Standards Transitiona! housing Facflity P P P / Roominghouse, boazd'mghouse C / Hospice P p p ✓ CYvic and Institntional IIses Eduartional Facilities Groupdayca�e P P P � School, aades K-12 P P P ColleBe, univecsit}; seminary, etc. P P P ./ Trade school, azis school, dance school, �c. P P P Social, C¢Ifiral, and Recreational Facilities Club, fiatemal organi7atioq lodge hall P P P Public Ix"brary P p p Public and private park, playgromd P P P Recreation, noncommerciai P P P Religious Instifitions Chiuch, chapel, synagogue, Place of wocship P P P Rectory, parsonage P P P Convent, monas[ery, religious ietreat P P p Pablic Services and Utilitiea Antenna,cellulaztetephone P/C P/C P P d Antenn� public ud7itymicrowave C C P P ✓ Antenna, rndio and television transmitting C C P P d Antenna, satellite dish C C P P d Elec[ric kazi.4former or gas regulaMt substation P P P P Municipal bm7ding ar use P P P Municipal'mcinera[or p p Powerplant P P Public uhlity heatmg or cooling plart P P P Public wotks yard or maintenance fac�7'rty P P P Sewage tieatmert plant P P Utility or public service bnilding or yard P p p P Watersupplyplant P P P P Yazd waste site, commerciai and municipai C C P ✓ Commercial IIses Otfices Admini.strative office p p p Artisy Photog�apher s[udio, etc. P P P Ivsurance offuz, real estate office, sales office P P P Ptofessional oflice P P P Medical Facilities Clinic, medicai a dental P P P Hospital P P P Medicallaboratory P P P Veterinaryclinic p p p ,I Retail Sales and Services dG-iia Use IIt Il I2 I3 Development Standards Gene�al ieta�l P P P Bmmk, credit tmion P P P Busmess sales and services P P P Ciaiencyeschange -g P P d Drivathmugh sales and sejvices, primary and accessory P P P d Drycteanmgcommerciallaimdry P P P Food and:elated goods sales P P P Food she(f P P P Gazden center, outdoor P P P ./ Gre�house P P P ✓ Cnm shoP, shooting gatiei3' C P P / Ta�m dromat,self�ervice P P P Liquor store P P P Mzssagec�ter P P P Mortuary, funeral home P p Outdoor uses, commercial C P ✓ Package delivery service P P P Pawn shop C P ✓ Photocopying P P P Post office P p p Service business p p p Se�vice business wiNi showroom or workshop P P P Small apptiance repart P P P Small �gine repair, su[omorive bench work P P P Taaooshop P P P Tobaccoshop P P p Food and Beverages Brew � premises srore P P P Catering P P P Coffee kiosk P P P Coffee shop, tea house P P P Bestaurant P P P Restaurant, cazryout-deli P P P Restauran; fact food P/C P P d Restauran; outdoor P P P ✓ Commential Recreation, Entertainment and Lodging Bed and breakf'act residence P P P Bingo hall, auclion hall P P P Heahh/sports club P P p Hotel, im, motel P P P Indoorrer.reation p p p ,/ Outdoor(drivo-m)iheater C P P ✓ Racetrack C P P Reception hall P P P Steam mom/bathhouse facility P P P Theater, assemblyhall, concertUall P P P Adnit Entertainmeut Aduh use C C ✓ � �/v - /i Use IR Il I2 I3 Development Standards Aatomobile Services Autobodyshop P P P Autoconveniencemaiic� �C P P d Auto service sption P P d A�IIOSpec,ialitystore �C P P �/ A�rto npa'v sption P P � Auto sales, mdoor P P Auto sales and rental, ouWoor P P d Cffi wash P P d Parlring facililies Pazkmg facility, comme�ial P P C Tnnsporfation Anport C C C Bus garage, station, lar, or tumazound P P C Heliport C C C ✓ Helistop C C C C ✓ Inteimodal frei�t yazd C C d Motor&eigJrtteiminal C C / Ra�oadrighUOf-way,transfeiandsturagetra.cks P P P P Rai7road station or teiminal freight 6c�ity P P P C Ra�osd yazd or shop C C P P Taxi dispatching, maintenance and storage P P P Limited Production, Pra.�essing and Storage F'mishing shop P P P .� L�ited production and processing P P P ✓ Ma1 order house P P P Mah liquor manu6cNring P P P Plastic produc�s P P P Printingandpublishing P p p Recycling collation cea�ter P P ✓ Recyclingdrop-offstatiai P P P ✓ Storage facility, ieatal P P P ToHet�ies and cosmeric manufacturing P P P Warehousing and stoiage P p p Wholesale estabfishment P P P Industrial Usea Light manuFactuting P P P C General'mdustcial P P Geneml outdoor processmg C C d Brewery, micro and regional P P P Srewery, national P Conor�e, asphalt and rock crvshmg facdity C ✓ Greenhouse, industcial P P P Hazardous waste processing facility C C d Infectiovswasle'vtcmecator C ./ Infectious wacte proces.4ing fac�ity C C ✓ Lumber yazd P P P 1Fiining C C � 5 Section 3 That Legislative Code Table § 66.531, °Industria7 District Dimensional Standards," is amended to read as follows: Zoning District Floor Area Height Yard Setbacks Rstio (FAR) Ma�mum Minimum (feet) Ma�rrrr►um Stories Feet FYont Side Rear II2 �aveF-Ee�eF Li t 2.0 3 a b �0 a b 0 c,d,e,f 0 c,f 0 c, f Industrial Restricted 50 I1 Light Industrial 2.0 b 50 b 0 c,d,e,f 0 c,f 0 c, f � General Industrial 3.0 b 75 b 0 c,d,e,f 0 c,f 0 c,f � Restricted Industrial 1.0 b 75 b 0 c,d,e,f 0 c,f 0 c, f Section 4 That the Notes to I.egislative Code Table 66.531, at subsecfion (a) is amended to read as follows: (a) Buildmgs �ay exceed'm�g t� ��� uivii�� �•• 4 a,rc�scf�. 2 ivj � �« m�nu�TL.� t.. 4 i .,ao.. ...i:hi..«...1 .... T�T.. m�..l. 1.. �1.7� 1...71 .7 "Y'Y � J Y b � this height limit, to a maxnnum hei t of seventv-five (75� feet, may be pernutted with a conditiona] use pemiit �-heighE. 0 O� -iia section s That Legislative Code § 66.541(a)(1), "Required Conditions in the IR-I3 Industrial Districts," is amended to read as follows: (a) Outdoor storage. Outdoor storage is pernvtted subject to the following conditions: (1) Except as provided in section 63.113, outdoor storage shall be no closer than three hundred (300) feet to a residential district or to a property occupied with a one-, two-, tt�ree-, four-, townhouse or multiple-family dwellin�, and in the IR Li�ht Industrial Restricted District shall also be no closer than three hundred (300) feet to a park, pazkway, or major thoroushfare. Section 6 That Legislative Code § 66.542, "IR River Corridor Industrial District special setbacks° is amended to read as follows including adding a new section "(c)": Sec. 66.542. Required conditions in the IR �e� Li t Industrial Restricted District special setbacks. �. - - - ' - •� - - � u,. �cr.....ee« ,._i,:..,. �.,.:t:.....�...n �.,, t.,..,.,.a ..,:«w:.. ,. ,. w a a ii nm c r u i Y 5 J hiah u�tar k+ual nft1.��UTi ric^�---- D• 1� 1 �- c•1• • t,• � rr + r + ] E .,......letel..,.«,.1....vA 1...:1A:..........t..:«:..,... ..,,1 « «.«:FF..A ..A' ' 7 D /.' O D Y� ^• Y Y� b � .. «1... «. .. 1... 1+,...F...7 nli...o.� 41..,« ,. .� 1......7«e.] /t ll/�\ C ,.s s.. Fl.,. « �.....1 L:._L _ r �� � � �a a �. �� .� �4u�.. �..«.�n.�n.....� ..«� h�ne ......���r�� ��.�n �..... 1..�.�« r r a -t • . . ., . • :�..:,... ..«,l .......«...,,.A 1... �i.., ..:� .. .... ......:1 :« .. �,__l, .�._�..�....� ...�� t...........b �....... d°• �°�� Placement of parkin�. Surface parkine maybe located to the rear of the rincipal building within the rear yard area of the parcel in an interior side vazd if reaz parkin ig s impractical or insufficient or on a separate lot in compliance with Section 63304. In reviewing a site plan the zonin� administrator mav uernut up to twent -�ve j251 »ercent of requfred pazkin¢ spaces between the principal building and a street not to 7 exceed two (2) rows of �arkin�spaces, and the olannine commission maypermit more, if necessarv because of suecial needs, site conditions ar site constraints, provided that owners of property within three hundred fifty (350) feet of the narkin� svaces aze notified by mail at least ten (101 days before anproval of the site plan, their comments aze considered, there is aood pedestrian connecrion between the sidewalk and building entrance, and the azea is well landscaned. �� ��,� � Development shall be consistent with the desi¢n standazds in Sec. 66343(b)(7), (81, (10), (151. (16), (19), (21�(23), and (241, unless the applicant can demonstrate that there aze circumstances unique to the propertv that make compliance im�ractical or unreasonable. Section 7 These ordinance amendments shall become effective thiriy (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Bostrom by Depaztment of: � VV- Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved by M� ate y)i7i By: � �, o?!/l�L� $Y � . �. �✓ w w--- / - ?u . v L Appro ! d y Mayo for iss t Council By: F��"`-'»'Bl f � ���.�t. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 01�-14Z � Depar6nentlofficeicouncil: Date Initiated: PE - Planning&EconomicDevelopmrnt 04-JAN-06 Green Sheet NO: 3029281 Contad Person 8 Phone• DeoaAment SeM To Person Initial/Date Penny SimiSOn � 0 lannin & Ec000mic Develo � Assign 1 lannin & Economic Develo De ar[meot Director Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z � pttorne � -iS-. t � Ot-FEB-06 Por Routing 3 a or's Office Ma odAssistant O�de� 4 ouncil 5 lerk Cti Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: Adoption of Amendments to the Zoning Code, creating the IR Light Industrial Restricted District; this will be a citywide dishict. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee . Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No � � 3. Does this persoNfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Planning Commission task force prepared zoning recommendations for Phalen Atlantic azea that prompted proposed revision of existing IR district to IR Light Industrial Restricted district. Advantaqes If Approved: Use of IR Light Industrial Restricted dishict can occur. ������ � �.� DisadvantaqeslfApproved: - None ��� �n � ���� ���� �������� DisativanWqes If Not Approved: Use of IR Light Industrial Restricted district cannot occur. Total Amount of CosNRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinp Source: AcGvitV Number: �:;�°" r'^ ^>;a� ;'^�$�w Financial Infortnation: (Explain) JAN 2 5 ol�-1iZ city of saint paul planning commission resolution fife number nF_nF l;�fe January 27, 2005 RESOLUTION ADOPTING the IR Light Industrial Restricted District and related code sections as amendmenfs to the Zoning Code WF3EREAS, the Planning Commission on March I1, 2005, initiated the preparation of an amendment to the Phalen Corridor DeveZapment Strategy summary for the Phalen/Atlantic azea of the Phalen Corridor and a zoning study; and WHEREAS, the P]anning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to recommend to the Mayor and the City Counci] amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 (2) and Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to initiate a zoning study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, in accordance with state statutes, has determined that the proposed amendment is related to the overai] needs of the community, to existing land use or to plans for future tand use, as laid out in the Phaten/Atlantic Amendment, as well as to the overall needs of the city, to existing land use or to plans for future land use in the city of Saint Paul; and WFIEREAS, a communi.ty-based task force met beginning in June 2005 and concluding in November 2005; and WIIEREAS, the Districts 2, 4 and 5 planning councils participated in the community-based task force, along with representatives of community organizations, community development corporations, businesses in the Phalen Corridor and property owners from within the study area; and WHEREAS, the community-based task force determined that a zoning district that encourages the development of light industrial uses compatible with residential and other non-industrial uses will be most appropriate for the Phalen/Atlantic azea and other similariy situated industrial azeas of the city; and moved by Mc .all seconded by in favor TTnavimnnc against �� WHEREAS, the IR Light Industrial Restricted District, as an amendment to Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code, includes provisions that reflect that standard, in that high-quality industrial uses are permitted and building and site design stzndards aze required of new development; and WIiEREAS, outdoor storage neaz residential uses being a component of the high-quality indusfrial uses, it is deemed necessary to ar,iend Section 63.113 of the Zoning Code to ir.clude the IR Light Industrial Restricted District as one of the uses to which the regulations regarding outdoor storage should apply; and WHEREAS, it was determined that existing municipal yazd waste sites in the Phalen/Atlantic study area, which would be ]egal nonconforming uses upon adoption of the IR Light Industrial Restricted District, should be able to expand under provisions of the conditional use process, necessitating an amendment to Section 62.106 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the IR Light Industrial Restricted District and related amendments n January 13, 2006, notice of which was duly given in'the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on December 29, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended changes to the zoning study after considering public testimony and reviewing the conformance of the IR Light Industria] Restricted District and related amendments with the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, TE3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption b� the City Council of the IR Light Industrial Resiricted District as an amendment to the City's Zoning Code; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayox and City Council for their review and adoption.