05-935Council File # _ OS' °135 Green Sheet #. 0 D� G ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 An ordinance amending chapters 87 and 92 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code Rd9s� t�,� THE COUNCIL OF TF� CTi'Y OFSAIN'I' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: � �' 21 �5 Section 1 That the following section 87.16 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 87.16. Cut off of street service connections. �:.�. Q� , �. .-.., ,..x ..,..._,.,.,. - - _ - -_ . f1i7 ' ""' ' '" "" " " " .. .. _ ., , .� - �, and replaced with the following: 29 Sec. 87.16. Cut off of street service connections. 30 The property owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the cut off of street service 31 connections addressed in this secuon,including providing for excavation and restoration as required by 32 the water utility. Excavation and restorarion required for cut off woxk shall be accomplished by a 33 contractor licensed to perform such work. In certain circumstances and "as may be required by the water 34 utiliry, excavauon and restorauon may be performed by the water utility. All pipe work required for the 35 cut off of street service connections shall be performed by the water utility, except as described in 36 pazagraph (d). 37 38 (a) Cut off at water main by water utility. The following circumstances require the cut off of street 39 service connection(s) at the water main: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 (1) Whenever a property is redeveloped. This shall apply to all unused street service connections that extend to the property; (2) Whenever a property owner requests that an eacisting lead street service connection be replaced in a different loca6on, more than tluee (3) feet from the existing location, as provided in secrion 87.03 (fl; �9 o5-q35 (3) Whenever a property owner requests that a street service connecrion serving an e�sting building be replaced; (4) Whenever required by the water utility when certain water pipe materials, excavation obstrucrions or other such considerarions make a property line cut off described in paragraph (d) unfeasible. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (b) Delay due to recent street surface paving. Where cut off of street service connection(s) at the water main is required within a public street right-of-way where the street surface has been recenfly repaved, and the authority governing excavation within said street right-of-way has a duly adopted ordinance or other law restricting excavation within such recendy repaved street surfaces, said governing authority may require a delay of such cut off(s) until such time as said street surface is again repaved. In the case of such requirement, said governing authority shall, at its own expense, provide for the excavation and bacl�illing for said delayed cut off. (c) Charges for cut off of sTreet service connection by water uriliry: TABLE III CUT OFF CHARGES Pipe work only Under 3-inch 3-inch through 8-inch Over 8-inch Ezcavation and restoration No Charge $600.00 Actual Cost Actual Cost (d) Cut off required for building demolition. Prior to the demoliuon of a building, all srteet service connections shall be cut off, properly capped and retained at the property line or stop box, exact location to be determined by the water utility. Property line cut off pipe work inside property shall be performed by a City of Saint Paul licensed plumber and inspected by a water utility plumbing inspector. (e) Change in cut off locarion. Where certain water pipe materials, excavation obstrucrions or other such considerations make a cut off location required by this section unfeasible, the water utility may require the cut off be performed at a different location. Section 2 That the following section 92.06 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 92.06. Permit fees; penalty. Plumbing pemuts shall be paid according to the following schedule: (1) Interior piping: Base fee residential (one-and two-family dwellings) Beginning 7anuary 1, �88-5 2006 $ 45.00 05-�35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Base fee commercial (other than one-and two-family dwellings) Each £ixture installed (this fee to be chazged in addition to base fees on fixtures installed or roughed-in for new installations, addirions, and rehabilitations. No fixture chazge on repairs J (2) Underground piping: Two-inch and smaller water service connections 4Four-inch and lazger water service connecrions and fire supplies (3) Service connecfion cut off $ 65.00 $ 5.00 $ 80.00 $190.00 80.00 Should any plumber, person, firm or corporauon begin work of any ldnd for which a permit from the water utility is required under this Code without having secured the necessary permit therefore, or within twenty-four (24) hours afrer work is commenced, the plumber, person, firm or corporation shall be required to pay double the plumbing permit fee required, except that such time limit shall be exclusive of holidays and Sundays. If such plumber, person, firm or corporation fails to take out such pemut more e€teriee than three (3) times in any calendaz year, such plumber, person, firm or corporauon shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of at least three hundred dollazs ($300.00). After five (5) such violarions of the provisions of this Code, the license covering such plumber in plumhing activities shal] be revoked. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Nays . Absent Benanav =--- Bostrom ✓ Harris �-" Helgen ✓' Lantry ✓— Montgomery '� 'I'hune � 7 � � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date tJL�Y'O�-C� �� � o2 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved � 4a�or Date ` �/ ` ��� �Y a/ Requested by Deparhnent of. Saint Paul ReQional Water Services �� ��; BY� � � � .,� A a� Genera `: Manager � ` Form Approved by City Attomey By: � �$� . UX� Appro by ayor for S�ibmis 'o tn o By: � � � _ _ .. �2i`� � Green Sheef Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � WA — water uritiry Coniact Person & Phone: Steve Schneider 66274 neust se on council ,qqenda by (Date): Total # of Signature 21-SEP-05 � Assign Number For f20Ufing Order (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: City Council approval of ordinance amending sections 87 and 92 of the Saint Paal I,egislative Code peztaining to the r�les and regulations of the Board of Water Commissioners. Attachments: 1) proposed ordinance 2) �port on proposed cui-off requirements 3) BWC resolution no. 5049 approving proposed ordinance. itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has fhis person/firm ever worked untler a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has Ntis person/Hrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personitirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No Explain alt yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Hoazd of Water Commissioners desires to require the cut-off of water services no longer needed as a result of building demolition or property redevelopment. See attached report on proposed cut-off requirements. AdvantaAes If Aoproved: Abandoned water services will be eliminated from ffie system an maintenance problems� �� ����� iV� ^^� DisadvantageslfApprovetl: none MA�O�'S OFFICE � �� Green Sheet NO: 3028095 Deoartment SentTOPerson InifiallDate 0 U" 1 atesutiliro Denartmentbirector i � 2 e _�j� 3 or•s O@ice r/Assistant 4 'I 3 iri Clerk Ciri Clerk I ��� � � 2���3 e_.a:� �j�_ '� ��",�i:��� Disativantages If Not Approvetl: Live, unused water services will remain in ihe street right-of-way, posing construction obstacle and maintenance expenses. TransaCtion: Funtliny Source: Financiai Informatio�: (E�cPlain) CosilRevenue Butlgeted: ActivrtY Number: 5�1��.�;3 Fl+��.���i"te i,�s�°�a�i '._.� " a.. .:. � ' �. � _ �'� � REPORT ON PROPOSED CUT-OFF REQUIREMENTS September 21, 2005 The Board of Water Commissioners desires a change in the Water Code to pmvide that services no longer needed as a result of a building demolition ot property redevelopment be cut off. Staff of ali communities served by the Board, including the City of Saint Paul, have approved the proposed ordinance. SUNIlY7ARY: 1) Building Demolitions Current situation: Not cutting off the service(s) has resulted in the demolition contractor "hooking" the shut off water pipe that sYiil extends into the property, pulling the pipe oue of the main. Staff has polled local cities on how they handle water and sewer services at the time of building demolitions and found that aIl require cut off at the property line. Solution proposed by new ordinance: Property owner would be responsible to provide excavation and restoration at the property 1ine, cut off and capping of the water service pipe by a licensed contractor, and to obtain an $80 cut off inspection permit 2) Property Redevelopment Cuirent situation: Services abandoned as a result of property redevelopment are frequently older and of materiais no longer approved, resulting in a higher than average break frequency. Plus, continuing the Board's maintenance responsibility for a service that will never be used is not fiscally prudent. Solution proposed by new ordinance: Property owner would be responsible to provide excavarion and restoration at the water main and any charges resulting from urility forces cutting off and capping the water service pipe. Those proposed chazges are as follows: Under 3-inch No Charge 3-inch through 8-inch $600.00 Over 8-inch Actual Cost 3} Request for Delay Due to Recent Street Surface Paving Section 87.16 (b) of the proposed ordinance provides that the authoriry governing excavation in a street right-of-way may request a delay in the cut-off if it were to occur in a newly paved street. In such event, the service wouid be cut off by Board forces at such time as the street surface is again repaved. Excavation at that time to be provided by the requesting authority at its sole expettse. v:��;n� Page 1 of 1 BOARD OF WATFR COMMISSIONERS d5- �35 RESOLUTtON — GENERAI FORM N 5049 COMMISS Kleindl DATE �eptember 13. 2Q05 WHEREAS, Boazd of Water Comznissioners (`Boazd") staff recommends that Chapters 87 and 92 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code of ttte City of Saint Paul ("Code") be amended so that water services no longer needed as a result of redevelopment shall be cut-off at the main; and WHEREAS, Board staff has prepazed a City of Saint Paul Ordinance ("Ordinance"} wIuch amends the Code to provide for said cut-off reqnirements, copy of the Ordinance being attached hereto and incorporated kerein; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved the Ordinance as to forxn, and the Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Manager recommends approval of the Ordinance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Baard of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapters 87 and 92 of the Saint i'aui I,egislative Code of the City of Saint Paul; and, be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby request that the Honorable Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Commissioners Xeas Vice President Anfang Napa Cardinal Rleindl Montgomery Zanmiller President Harris In favor 6 Opposed_ � Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners Sentember 13. _ Z�,Q� .� sECr.