D00288CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: — Ciry Clerk (Original) — Fnance Depi's Acoounting D'rrision — Requesting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE l3RDER: BUDGET REVISION No: `�o0Z88 Date: f�' � - ADMINISTRHTIVE ORDEFt, Consisterrt wifh the authority granted tp ihe Mayw in Secfion t 0.W.4 of the City Charter arW based on the requast o4 the Direetor of ihe DeparMerrt of Fnance & Management Servic� to amend the 1994 _budget of tlie General Fund fund, the Directw Fnance and Management Services Departrnent is authorized to amend said budget in tlie following manner. DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: LEDGER. FUND, ACTIVIIY, OBJECT, PROJECT Finance & Management Services Accounting and Audfting GL-001 01150-0299 Other - Misc Services GL-001 01150-0857 Data Proc Hardware Atl Other Spending • �r�/...���� �a�w�l.I�ii , � I , s _ _,,�� r� �'% i� � � � � i��� -. -.. .-.. � - . - . , ����y_ �_i_ �-� � .. . . . ..:�o _ _ CURRENT BUDGEf 3,500 4000 690,943 698,443 Dat�� �� Date IQ�I3~5� Date APPROVED CHANGES (3,000) 3000 AMENDED BUDGEf 500 7,000 0 690,943 0 698,443 • 1l �', DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCII DATE INffIATED inance Accoun �n 21 a Ck} 9129/94 GREEN SHEET N°_ 2 0 6 6 8 INRIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE MACT PEqSON 8 PHONE � DEPAflTMENT DIREGTOfl � CT' COUNCIL ASSIGN CIT! ATfORMEY CitY CL£FiK Il Lee �J—�g22 NUYBER FON � BUDGETDIflEC�OR O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. BE ON CAUNCIL AOENDA BY (�A'fE) ppM� OHOER �MpyOR(ORHSSISTANi) �J Einance/Ac 011R � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION qEQUESTED: Transfer existing budget authoxity from Miscellaneous Services to computex hardware. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approva (A) or Rejep (R) pERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERV(CE COMAtIS$ION t Has this perso�rm e�er worked under a conVact for ihis department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ �'ES NO 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a cily employee? — ST � — YES NO _ DisrniC7 couar _ 3. Does this personMirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any curten[ ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Laserjet II used to produce the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Performance Report, and other Accounting documents is over 8 years old and needs to be replaced. This printer is unable to produce the graphics necessary for these reports. ANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Performance Report, and other Accounting documents wi11 be produced in a professional and timely manner. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� RECElVED OCT 141994 CITY CLERtC OISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3. OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE OIlSO pCTIVITYNUMBER OI1SO FINANCIAL INFOflMATION� (EXPLAIN) .J = A f �-I V�/