05-824Council File # �� � ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �����.E.�,� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 35 Committee: Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative 3 Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning 4 maps thereof 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ��,��'�3 ,�� � �. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, the Saint Paul City Council iniriated the Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study in Council Resolution OS-205 to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development pattems and goals for the study area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon avenues; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 23, 2005, far the purpose of considering the study and recommendations of staff, in Zoning File OS-104-469, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission to rezone property zoned RTl to R3; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the zoning study at its meeting held on July 1, 2005, and recommended to the City Council that the RTl-zoned property be rezoned to R3; and 20 WHEREAS, norice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was 21 duly published in the official newspaper of the City on 7uly 14, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to 22 each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property 23 within the study area; and 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on August 3, 2005, at which all interested parties were given an opporiunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendarions concerning the study; now, therefore o� - g�5� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 � 19 � Secrion 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 16, as incorporated by reference in §60303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby fiuther amended as follows: That the pxoperty listed below, being more particulazly described as: ADDRESS 0 Stillwater Ave. 2176 Stillwater Ave. 2182 Stillwater Ave. 0 unassigned 0 unassigned 2167 7th St. E 2175 2181 PROPERTY ID NUMBER 262922410082 262922410083 262922410084 262922410081 LEGAL DESCRIPTION MERIT ADDTfION LOT 8 BLK 1 MERIT ADDITION LOT 9 BLK 1 MERTT ADDITION LOT 10 BLK 1 MERTT ADDITION LOT 7 BLK 1 262922410480 MERIT ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 1 262922410115 7th St. E 262922410116 7th St. E 262922410113 MERIT ADDITION THE NWLY 22 FT OF LOT 4 BLK 1& ALL OF LOT 5 BLK 1 MERTT ADDITION THAT PART OF LOT 4 BLK 1 LYING SELY OF NWLY 22 FT OF SD LOT 4& THAT PART OF LOT 3, LYIIVG WLY OF THE FOL DESC L; BEG AT A PT ON THE N L OF SD LOT 3; 5 FT W OF THE NE COR OF SD LOT 3; TH SWLY TO A PT ON THE S L OF SD LOT 3 15 FT W OF THE SE COR OF SD LOT 3 BLK 1 MERIT ADDITION THAT PART OF LOT 3 LYING ELY OF THE FOL BEG AT A PT ON THE NL OF SD LOT 3, 5 FT W OF NE COR OF SD LOT 3; THENCE SWLY TO A PT ON THE SL OF SD LOT 3, 15 FT W OF THE SE COR OF SD LOT 3& ALL OF LOT 2 BLK 1 2187 7th St. E 262922410075 MERIT ADDITION LOT 1 BLK 1 21 2160 22 2166 23 2172 24 2141 25 2151 26 27 28 29 30 2158 2140 2146 2150 THE COUNCIL OF T`HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7th St. E 7th St. E 7th St. E Ross Ave. Ross Ave. Ross Ave. Ross Ave. Ross Ave. Ross Ave. 262922440105 MEZtIT ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 2 262922440106 MERIT ADDITION LOT 5 BLK 2 262922440107 MERIT ADDITION LOT 4 BLK 2 262922440180 MERIT ADDITION EX E 20 FT; LOT 7 BLK 2 262922440181 MERIT ADDITION E 20 FT OF LOT 7& ALL OF LOT 8 BLK 2 262922440127 MERIT ADDITION LOT 7 BLK 3 262922430022 MERIT ADDTTION LOT 10 BLK 3 262922430021 MERIT ADDTTION LOT 9 BLK 3 262922440126 MERIT ADDTTION LOT 8 BLK 3 page 2 of 3 os- 8ay � 2 3 4 5 6 7 be and is hereby rezoned from RTl Two-fasnily Residenrial to R3 One-fasnily Residential. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ��t�� � Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By: Approved by Ma E By: <� �ovs Requested by D pa tment C\J;i/ , p J � `�'�_ Plannin & B. omic Develo ment By: Approved by Financial Services By: Fo� Approved by City Attorney os- 8�-`f � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE — P��nn�o%��oomicDevelopment Contact Person 8 Phone: PaVicia James 2666639 Council P�qenda by (Date): CoMractType: OR-0RDINANCE Dafe Ini6afed: 11-AUG-0S � ' Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3027696 0 Planvina & Economic Develon I Patricia James � ��� �� os 1 plannin¢ & Economic Develoo � DirectodS. Kimberlv 2 �CiryAttornev C7'tvAttomev � /���� 3 � avoPs OBice � MavodAssistavt 4 ouncil � GSN Coanc� � 5 ,Gtiri Clerk � CiN Clerk 6 laonin & Ewnomic Develo � Patricia Sames Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council acrion approving the zoning study for the azea bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howazd and Waukon Ave. (Zoning File OS-104-469) Public hearing held August 3, 2005. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Service Commission Personal Service Contrects Must Mswerthe Following questions: � 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worketl under a contract fur tMs department� Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm pwsess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Ciry Council initiated the Srillwater-Bush Zoning Study in Council Resolurion OS-205 to determine consistency and comparibility the curzent zoning classificarion with established development patterns and goals for the study azea. The Ciry Council approved the rezoning of RTl property to R3 on August 3, 2005, after a public hearing. Advantages If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per Ciry Council intent. �U G i � 2005 Disadvanta5les IfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Ciry Council action will not be completed. iotal Amount of Trensaction: Fundin5l Source: Financial Infortnation: (Expiain) CosURevenue Budgeted: ActiviN Number: �^�reTii ��s��rch Gen�er ��� 2 3 20� August 19, 2005 9:24 PM Page 1 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNlNG & ECONOMlC DEVELOPMENT Susnn Kimberly, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor �U�y $, 2��5 Ms. Mary Erickson City.Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Founh Street Saint P¢ul, MN55102 �- � Telephone: 65l-2666700 F¢csimile= 6i1-228-3120 I would like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2005, for the following zoning case: Zoning File Number: 05-104-469 File Name: Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study Address: Area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. Purpose: Zoning study to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development patterns and goals for the study area Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Rezone RT1 property to R3, 5- 0- 1, June 23, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: Rezone RT1 property to R3, 14 - 0- 1, July 1, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Lantry's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the July 27, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of August 3, 2005. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, , � Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 05-104-469 Applicant: Stillwater-Bush 40 Acre Study Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PUSLIC �ILARING 'Ihe Saurt Pavl4�ty Counc5l wHl conduct a public hear'uig on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councsi Chambers, 1Yvrd Floor City Hall, 15 West , KeIlogg Boulevard, ta consider the zon;n° ' study for ffie azea bounded by StillwaEer, Bush, Howard and Waukon Avenue to de- ternaine consistency and compahbility of the current wning classification with es- tablished development patterns and goals for the study azea. � MARY ERICKSON Assistant City Council Secretary Dated: Jrily 12, 2005 . [July 14) _— = ST. PAOL L6GAL - °••v°•• --__= I 22100088 AA-ADA-EEO Emplayer ➢AINT 2AUL � AAAA u • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor July 8, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: DEPARTMENTOFPLANNINC os - �a y � &ECONOMTCDEVELOPMENT !\ Susan Kimbvly, Director 7 f 25 West Founh Street Telephone: 651-2666�00 SaintPaul,MN55102 Facsimile:65l-228-3220 i would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2005, for the foliowing zoning case: Zoning File Number: 05-104-469 File Name: Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study Address: Area bounded by Stiliwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. Purpose: Zoning study to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development patterns and goals for the study area Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Rezone RT1 property to R3, 5- 0- 1, June 23, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: Rezone RT1 property to R3, 14 - 0- 1, July 1, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Lantry's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the July 27, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of August 3, 2005. Please cali me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � - _ -- � ' NU�'FCE:AF � Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 05-104-469 Applicant: Stillwater-Bush 40 Acre Study Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson 3, study fop Stiliwafer Bush, -f3oward and Wau�con Ave�ue=tmde- termine consistency and'compatibility of the'cuirerif�zo cl,assification with es- talilil}ed development.pattems anii goals for She study,azea - � IvIARY ERICKSON' . - -. . � " ' Assistant GYty Covncil Secretai,y - Dafed:.Jxil.y32, 2005 "-':°"-= - QJiyly ddl.. - . ,� _ _ __—=—.�T: PAOLIEGAL.>T3:DGER �_—___ 22100086 -. _ -. _. , . . � AA-ADA-EEO Employet ��� � � July 27, Z005 City of St. Paul Planning & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Anneic 25 West Fourth Street 5t. Paul MN 55102-1634 RE: Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study File # OS-104-469 Dear Sir or Madam: 85-�d,�F ��� ���� JUL � ° 2D05 t11t�� !� �A�9W�B �Y#l,�P�' There is going to be a zoning study to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development pattems and goals for the study area on Wednesday, August 3, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. The property involved is the area ` bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Haward and Waukan Avenue. We are in favor of chat�°ing the zotring classification to single funily dwelling on tkus property. Besides there being no otlter duplexes in the area, building a duplex on any one of the properties in question would cause extra traffic in the alley, squeeze duplexes in areas which are much too small to handle them efficiently and pose a danger to the many small chiidren in the area. There is also a question of what the renters of duplexes mieht do to Beaver Lake, which is located aeross the street, if the properCy is not taken care of properly, which is always a concern with remal property. We would like to continue seeing single family dwellings built on this property which would be more in keepic� with the reason my husband and I moved 'urto ttus area. Sincerely, �� � �� ra��.-*� Mike & Cazol Restivo 2158 Waukon Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Sraml Kimberly, D"aector r swtxT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor July 27, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Gouncil Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: File Name: Address: Purpose: • • City Council Hearing: Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Staff Assigned: Attachments: zs w�rFo� sv�r SatxtPaul, MNSSIO2 � �a� � Telephone: 651-2 66 6 700 Facsimile: 657-228-3220 05-104-469 Stil{water-Bush Zoning Study Area bounded by Stiliwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. Zoning study to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development patterns and goals for the study area August 3, 2005, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers Approval of rezoning to R3 Recommends single family zoning Rezone RT1 property to R3, vote: 5- 0- 1 One person spoke for 11 people, 2 letters were received 3 peopie spoke, 0 letters were received Rezone RT1 property to R3, vote: 14 - 0- 1 Patricia James, 266-6639� Planning Commission resolution, 05-69 Planning Commission minutes, July 1, 2005 Zoning Committee minutes, June 23, 2005 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zoning File #: 05-104-469 Applicant: Stillwater-Bush 40 Acre Study City Council Members District Council: 2 Wendy Lane Larry Soderhoim Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AA-ADA-EEO Employa . i ^ � � � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number �i . - 05-69 Ju� 1, 2005 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has requested a zoning study, File # 05-104-469, to determine the consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established development patterns and goais for the study area bounded by Stiliwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon avenues under the provisions of §61.801(b) of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on June 23, 2005, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said request in accordance with the requirements of §61.303 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiichearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 2. 3. Prior to a new zoning code being adopted in 1975, the properties in this study area were zoned "A" Residence. Both single family and duplex homes were permitted in this district, provided the lot area was sufficient (60 ft. of frontage and 7500 sq. ft. of area for a duplex). In 1975, staff recommended R3 One-family Residentiai zoning for the properties in the study area. The property owner at that time, Advance Construction Co., requested RM2 zoning for the northern lots (Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Merit Addition), citing soil problems that would make the property unsuitable for single family residential development. The same property owner requested RT1 Two-family Residential zoning for the remainder of the lots in the study area zoned RT1. Staff recommended deniai of the request in 1975. No City Council minutes discussing these properties were found in the files, but it appears that a compromise was reached that zoned all of these properties RT1 for single family or duplex construction. Since 1975, ail of the developed properties have been developed as single family homes. Three parcels remain vacant. Two of the vacant RT1-zoned properties (Lots 6 and 7, Block 1) are landlocked, having no access from public streets, and are currently under City ownership. Lot 8, Block 1 remains vacant but has frontage on Stiilwater. The owners of two parcels, L.ots 9 and 10, Block 1, Merit Addition, have recently submitted a lot split application that would create three lots. One lot is proposed to remain single family residential; the other two easteriy lots would be developed as two-family residential structures. in requesting a zoning study for properties in this area, the City Council questioned whether "any development of these parcels will be undertaken in a manner which reflects and is compatibie with the present patterns of development in this area as well as a future vision for development . ...' The present pattern of development in the study area is singie family detached homes. moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against � s �a� Zoning File # 05-104-469 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 Changing the zoning to conform to current use would preserve this development pattem. 4. East Seventh Street and Ross are locat streets, and changing the zoning of properEies along these streets to R3 One-family Residential would be consistent with current and likely future development patterns. As a collector street, Stillwater carries more traffic than the local stree#s in the study area. Collector streets sometimes have more of a mixed use character. This section of Stillwater_is made up of singie family residential development with a church and schooi to the north of the study area. 5. The Land Use and Housing chapters of the Comprehensive Plan are supportive of providing a range of housing types and values and adding housing units that can be sold or rented to smaller households. These policies wouid be supportive of retaining the current RT1 zoning for the properties along Stiilwater Avenue. District 2 is beginning to update its district pian. The current plan classifies this area as "low density residentiai," which can include one- and two- family structures. However, retaining duplex zoning oniy for the three lots along Stiliwater would be inconsistent with the way the surrounding area has developed and with the original staff recommendation of R3 zoning for these lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the properties in the study area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon avenues currently zoned RT1 Two-family Residential be rezoned to R3 One-family Residentiai. � � � � � os-�a'� Saint Paut Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West iYIinntes of July 1, 2005 A meering of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, 7uly 1, 2005, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City fIall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Lu, Morton, Porter, and Trevino; Present: and Messrs. Aligada, Alton, Anfang, Be11us, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. �Zimmer Lonetti and �McCall; and Messrs. Coletta, * Dandrea, �`Goodlow, Absent: and Gordon. "Excused � Also Present: Lazry SoderhoIm, Planning Adminis�ator; Pa+sicia James, Allan Torstenson, Shawntera Hardy, Emily Ulmer, 7essica Rosenfeld and Kate Fleming, Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of June 17, 2005 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the minutes of June I7, 2005. Corrcmissioner Lu seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair 7ohnson commented on the unpending partial shutdown of State government due to the fallure to approve a hudget. He described briefly the results of a meeting Comaussioners Morton, Anfang, and he attended on June 21, 2005, at the Riverfront Corporation to prepaze for the Great River Park PZan. He announced that he was adding to rhe agenda for this meeting a letter regarding the Globe site at E. Seventh and Eazi streets. Finally, Cha'u Johnson discussed information presented at a national APA audio training session on June 29, 2005, regarding land use law. The most important topic was the very recent U.S: Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. the City of New London, wYuch affirmed by a 5-4 vote the authority of local govemment to use eminent domain for economic development purposes: Another case, was the Minnesota S�preme CourYs decision supporting inetropolitan government in Lake Elmo v. the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council. � � ��-8ay #OS-104-469 Srillwater Bush 40 Acre Smdv - Zoning study to determine consistency and • compafibiliry of the current zoning ctassificafion with estabiished development pattems and . goals for the study area. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved tke Zoning Commiuee's recommendation of approvat of rezoning the properties in the study area currently Zoned RTI to R3. The motion carried unanimousZy on a voice vote. Mejia abstainerL #OS-108-947 VJestwav Terminal Co. - Conditional Use Permit for two addi6onal storage tanks located in the flood fringe RC2 district, not elevated on fill above the regulatory flood protec5on elevation. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner Nlorton moved the Zoning Commi#ee's recommendation to approve the Conditional Use Permit with conditions. T7xe motion carried unanimousty on a voice vote. V. Comprehensive Pianning Committee Chair Johnson stated that Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen wfll continue as Chair of the Comprehensive Planning Committee. Mr. Soderholm stated the CIB Committee will be discussing the Planning Commission's letter about re-evaluation of the C1B's citizen pazdcipation process at their next meeting, July 11, 2005, at 330 p.m. He would like some_ repLesentatives from the Planning Commission to attend. Allen Lovejoy and Emily Ulmer will attend from the staff. • VI: Neiahborhood and Current Planning Committee � (Shawntera Hardy, 651/266-b562) ' District 6 Residential DesiEn Guidelines. MOTTON : Commissioner Trwino moved on behalf of the commi#ee that the District 6 Residential Design Guidelines be released for public review and that a public hearing on them be set for July Z5, 2005. The motion carried on a voice vote of I4-I (Lu). New Thinitine About Neiehborhood PazldnQ - Mr. Soderholm gave a report about neighborhood pazking based on the recent book by Donald Shoup called The High Cost of Free Parking, which azgues that parking should be subject to market pricing and discipline. VII. Long-range Planniag Committee Commissioner Bellus briefly descxibed the series of ineetingS the committee is arranging with . invited speakers to tallc about the amount of change that happens in the city in a 20 or 25-yeaz span. The next meetang will be on Tuly 28, 2005, at 8:00 a.m. 7essica Rosenfeld will send email to all the Planning Commissioners giving the meeting place. � � r � � � Recorded and prepazed by Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic DeveYopment Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, ���v ' v Larry S der olm Planning dministrator PED�F'lemuig�Ivlinutes�2005 e3s- gay Approved � � Z � 8 � (Date) � /�� ue McCall Secretary of the Planning Commission 05-8 ay MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, June 23, 2005 - 3:30 p.m. � City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Halt and Courf House 15 West Keliogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Johnson, Kramer, Mejia and Morton STAFF: Patricia James, Carol Martineau, and Peter Warner EXCUSED: Anfang, Gordon The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Stitiwater Howard Zoning Study- 05-104-469 - Zoning study to determine consistency and compafibiiity of the current zoning classification with established development patterns and goals for the study area. Area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation that the properties in the study area currently zoned RT1 Two-family Residential be rezoned to R3 One-family Residential. Patricia James also sfated District 2 recommends single family zoning, and there were 2 letters and one petition with 155 signatures in support, and 7 letter(s) in opposition. Chuck Repke, District 2 representative, spoke for 11 people (see sign-in sheei). He stated the most important thing to remember is in 1975 this land was zoned RT1 because of the belief that the only thing that couid be � done with the land was mixed density development. Since then all of the homes built were single-family omes. He also gave a history of the area and explained why duplexes should not be allowed and the zoning should be changed to R3. At the question of Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen, Mr. Repke explained how the lots on The map were used and situated. Bonnie Gear, 901 19` St. Hastings, owns one of the vacant {ots and exptained that when they bo�ght the property in 2001, they were assured they could build a twin home on the parcel. She also stated it would be a hardship because they soid a duplex to build a twin home and are ready to build so they oppose the rezoning. Joei Hussong, 2176 Stillwater Ave., reiterated that they oppose the rezoning because they cannot build duplexes on the oversized lots that are in excess of 10,OOp sq. ft. He also listed things the study did not mention regarding land use, traffic, pedestrian flows, and patterns of development in the surrounding area. Keliy Krick, 2176 Stii(water Ave., explained that they could have built before the moratorium. The area has been zoned for single family and duplex, and no one attempted to change the zoning unfil two land owners decided to exercise their property righfs. She also stated the ciosest neighbors are in favor of the development, and their signatures are included in the packet. At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Krick stated they were going to do a condos on the corner tot and the new lot. � At the question Commissioner Kramer, Ms. James stafed R3 allows school and church uses. She also explained that fhe property owners would not be able to construct duplexes on the lots; they would have to be ngie family homes. However, the vacant lot on Stillwater is large enough for a fwinhome cluster evefopment with a conditional use permit. The public hearing was closed. • =- Zoning File # 05-104-469 June 23, 2005, Zoning Committee Minutes Page 2 After further discussion Commissioner Kathi Donneily-Cohen moved that the properties in the study area bounded by Stiliwafer, Bush, Howard and Waukon avenues currentiy zoned RT1 Two-family Residentiai be rezoned to R3 One-family Residential. Commissioner Richard Kramer seconded fhe motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0 Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Drafted by: Submitted by: Abstained - 1 (Matt Mejia) i � � 46t� Carol Martineau Patricia James Recording Secretary Zoning Section Approved by: � t ���tYtiLEI""✓ Gladys orton Chair u � l J Page 1 of 1 Patricia James - file # OS-104-469 � -R« �'rom: David E. Weaver <jodacozy@webtv.net> To: <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 6/20/OS 826:00 PM Subject: file # 0�-104-469 Regardin tlle ZOIllTla study, we feel that this area should be zoned as single family only. We cannot attend the meeting. Please convey this message. David and Joye Weaver 2166 East Ross Ave 65I-735-0931 � • file://C:�Documents% 6/21/2005 cx�-8ay Patricia James - Re: File #OS-104-469 Zoning Study Page 1 of 1 From: <Racschaumburg@aol.com> • To: <pahicia.james@ci.sipaul.mn.us> Date: 6/16/OS 10:33:27 PM Subject: Re: File #OS-104-469 Zoning Study CC: <Rxschaumburg@aoi.com> Purpose: Zoning study to determine consistency and compa6bility of the current zoning classification with established development pattems and goals forthe study area Property Address: Area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. Hearing Date: Thursday, June 23, 2005, at 330 PM Our name is Darryl and Linda Schaumburg, 2165 Ross Avenue Easf, Sf. Paui, MN 55119 (Telephone: 651-738-3i56} We are on vacation at the time of this meeting so I was told to email you with our votes. We have lived in our home for over 40 years and would like aii properties to remain as single housing and not duplex housing. i did not realize that all these new homes over the past years were built on duplex zoning properties. My husband and I are against any properties to be zoned for duplex's. �Thank You, Darryl E. Schaumburg Linda J. Schaumburg � • file://C:�Documents%20and%20SettingsUames�Loca1%20Settings\Temp\GW}OOOOY.HT'M 6/17/2005 , i i ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT • FILE # 05-104-469 'I. APPLIGANT; Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study FiEARfNG DATE: June 23, 2005 2. TYPE OF APPLICATiON: 40 Acre Study 3. LOCATION: Area bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Ave. 4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Legal descriptions and PINs are in the file � • 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.200; §61.801(b) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: June 16, 2005 EXISTING ZONING:RT1 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: Aprii 26, 2005 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: No deadline A. PURPOSE: Zoning study to determine consistency and compatibility of the current zoning classification with established developmenf patterns and goals for the study area. B. PARCEL SIZE: 18 parceis; 222,515 sq. ft. total C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant or one-famify residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Institutional use and Beaver Lake are to the north. Single family residential is located to the east, south, and west. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.200 lists the uses permitted in residential zoning districts; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the council, the planning commission, or property owners. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The property was zoned °A" Residence prior to 1975, when the zoning was changed to RT1, Two-family Residential. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 2 recommends single family zoning for this area. H. FINDINGS: 1. Prior to a new zoning code being adopted in 1975, the properties in this study area were zoned "A" Residence. Both single family and duplex homes were permitted in this district, provided the lot area was sufficient (60 ft. of frontage and 7500 sq. ft. of area fos a duplex). In 1975, staff recommended R3 One-family Residential zoning for the properties-in the study area. The property owner at that time, Advance Construction Co., requested RM2 zoning for the northern lots (Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Merit Addition), citing soil probiems that would make the property unsuitable for single family residentiai development. The same property owner requested RT1 Two-family Residential zoning for the remainder of the lots in the study area zoned RT1. Staff recommended deniai of the request in 1975. No City Council minutes discussing these properties were found in the files, but it appears that a compromise was reached that zoned alf of these properties RT1 for single family or duplex construction. 2. Since 1975, all of the developed properties have been developed as single family homes. Three parcels remain vacant. Two of the vacant RT1-zoned properfies (Lots 6 and 7, Block 1) are landlocked, having no access from public streets, and are currentiy under City ownership. Lot 8, Block 1 remains vacant but has frontage on Stillwater. The owners of two parcels, Lots 9 and 10, Block 1, Merit Addifion, have recenYly submitted a lot split application that wouid create three lots. One lot is proposed to remain single family residential; the other two eastesly lots would be deve{oped as iwo-family residential structures. 3. In requesting a zoning study for properties in this area, the City Councii questioned whether °any development of these parcels will be undertaken in a manner which reflects and is o5-8a`� Zoning File # 05-104-469 Zoning Committee Staff Report page 2 compatible with the present patterns of development in this area as well as a future vision for development ...." The present pattern of development in the sfudy area is single family detached homes. Changing the zoning to conform to current use would preserve this development pattem, 4. East Seventh Street and Ross are locai streets, and changing the zoning of properties afong these streets to R3 One-family Residential wouid be consistent with current and likely future development pattems. As a collecYor street, Stillwater carries more tra�c than the loca! streets in the study area. Coilector streets sometimes have more of a mixed use character. This section of Stiliwater is made up of single family residential development with a church and school to the north of the study area. 5. The Land Use and Housing chapters of the Comprehensive Plan are supportive of providing a range of housing types and vaiues and adding housing unifs fhaf can be sold or rented fo smailer households. These policies wouid be supportive of retaining the current RT1 zoning for the properfies along Stiliwater Avenue. District 2 is beginning to update its district plan. The current plan classifies this area as °low density residentiat," which can include one- and two-family strucfures. However, retaining duplex zoning only for the three lots along Stiliwater would be inconsistent with the way the surrounding area has deve(oped and with fhe origina( staff recommendation of R3 zoning for these lots. \J STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends rezoning properties in the study area currently zoned RT1 Two-family Residential to R3 One-family Residential. � • Council File # �� � ��� Ordinance � � Presented By Referred To ORDI1tiANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUZ, MINNESOTA Green Sheet ,°.- j� Committee Date : 2 3 An interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462355, 4 Subd. 4, preserving the status quo in that area of the City 5 generally within the boundaries of Stillwater Avenue on the 6 North, Howard Avenue on the East, Bush Avenue on the 7 South and Waukon Avenue on the West pendin� the 8 compietion and report of a study and possible action on that 9 study by the City Council, includina amending the City's 10 comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances. 11 12 �4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � 36 37 38 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Statement of Le¢islative Intent: The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the RT1 zoning classification which permits the construction of two-family dwellings and presently assigned to certain lots within the boundaries of Stillwater Avenue on the North, Howard Avenue on the East, Bush Avenue on the South and Waukon Avenue on the West and more fully described as shown on the zoning map attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 1, is entirely surrounded by lots which are zoned R3 or R4 which limit development to one-family dwellings. The Council further finds that the R3 and R4 lots are virtually fully developed with one-family dwellings consistent with their R3 or R4 designation, while the vast majority of the subject lots zoned RTl aze undeveloped and that any new development of these RTl zoned lots may result in uses which may not be consistent or compatible with either the already established development pattern in this neighborhood of one-family dwellinas or the development goals of this area of the City. The recent examination by the Boazd of Zoning Appeals of two zoning applications for variances requested for the purpose of converting the only two existing one-family dwelling units on the subject RTl zoned lots into two-family dwellings lead this Council to find that the potential for incompatible or inconsistent development of the subject RT-1 zoned lots raises substantial questions relating to the ability of the present official controls and comprehensive plan to assure that any development of these pazceis will be undertaken in a manner which reflects and is compatible with the present patterns of development in this area as weli as a future vision for development of this azea; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 as-Sa� os- a� The Council therefore finds that a zoning study is necessary to determine whether the City's present official controls and plans regulating the subject area require amendment in order to eliminate the potential for incompatible or inconsistent development in the subject azea. The Council further finds that flevelopment of the subject lots, undertaken before a zoning study of the City's o�cial controls and comprehensive plans regalating the said area has been completed, reported, and acted upon by the Council could result in 7and uses which would not be consistent with either the City's current comprehensive plan or on�oing planning and development joais. Accordingly, regarding the lots generally described in Exhibit No. 1, it is the desire of the Council to establish a moratorium under this interim ordinance to protect the general heaith, welfare and safety of the public and preserve the status quo with respect to the present land use within the said area pending the conclasion and report of a zoning study of the iands described in Exhibit No.I by immediately prohibiting, subject to provided exceptions, any development on any lot or part thereof within the boundaries in $xhibit 1, unril such time as the aforementioned study has been completed and reported and the City Council has taken action on any recommendations arising therefrom. Section 2 21 Moratorium Imnosed: on any parcel of land, lot, or part thereof within the boundaries of 22 Exhibit 1, pending the undertaking and completion of a zoning study of the said azea, and action 23 by the City Council on the said study, the issuance or agproval of zoning permits, site plan and 24 lot spIit or plat approvals, and building permits or occupancy certificates aze prohibited until the 25 expiration of twelve months, unless otherwise provided under Minn. Stat. § 462355, Subd. 4, or 26 until such earlier time as the City Council has taken action on the recommendations contained in 27 the study. 28 � 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Section 3 Moratorium. Written Requests for Zonina Approvals Comuliance with MInn Stat � 15_99: Until such time as The said study has been completed and acted upon by the City Council, City departments receiving written requests for approvals regulated under this interim ordinance shall accept complete requests and immediately process such requests in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 15.99, Subd. 2, consistent with the le�slative intent expressed under this interim ordinance. � � • os- ��� � 2 3 � , 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS � Section 4 Moratorium. Effective Date: The effective date of the moratorium enacted under this interim ordinance is deemed to be as of the effective date of the Resolution in Council File No. Section 5 � This intenm ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Pending the effecLive date of this ordinance, applications regarding land uses intended for re�ulation by this interim ordinance, shall be processed in conformance with the terms and conditions set forth in Council File No. . As of the effective date of this interim ordinance, the terms of the Resolution under Councii File No. are discharged. Requested by Department of: Byc Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretary By: Aporoved by Mayor: Date • Forcn Approved by City Attomey By: .!�'",� �G✓cwr�_ 3- Z- o S Approved by Mayor for Submissioa to Council BY= Adopted by Council: Date o5-sa� os- a.os -, . .�....� �� - I / '• i : '•E: . I...+ � �� i 'i:Ill I ]:I: ��:I:I�i�:Ii.i:.::i: �c � :. I I• "'� va�'. . i t4i I 11'. �! :1:19:! li� �� � • vo ��. !�.� ---- :i:li��±lll�i! �:�:R�;�° `� � R.4, ' :I: i I ; : ' : � �i: i i : � i :!: ; .,,.�. . ., � 1; .. , � _ ' ,_.: i — — ze°� '; ;�j`°r,.}. , :..��.' ' � RM•2 � `. , , ;: , , �� ( � : : I � ,. : ;. . ��� � j _ . . ,:;, ; ,:, ' ° �. «� ,,: 1 � :��� �. • i� �� 'i.' � q k�._' W j, ��, i.• : . �' „ l � �'. �� I���� - �F.� f .., i��� 'il�:t:,,v ` ,� /_ ,� o � ' � i �'� ___/�`ti y �1�' .,�'._'., '.,�'�"`_-.' '. , '. � /��' � , : : . � �. . � , �",� 1 i i ' j � ' 7� � � � � � avs � _•v�� �YB—_ � r `,• , � t,[:.�. �� ' :�i="!ii':' I!IEE��;i:l�l� � � i `� � � � � 1��4•:� °��: � � ;: � � PEIM.i Z •.�� •�1' C � _ ` _'' i ... . `' e _ j f � •��: � :� I - 'ii`i`�:Ilt e :�'Ii.�:��ilia i � .,,i'' ; :. : - E'�� '.: : .i:�a�::E .?::���!� _ °�: ;.f: ;I � r—.;.— ;; : � �� : . :; :i �'�: L ' `;i�I� d ' I .. _ ; : ^� i : � � ' ---' ` I ' i i i �'I : RM . �I. : "'�... � . : a _a __' . r.. .. � '�: n �I`: � I ! I;�.;i �� ::°"I; •� � . . , li. �i! T . i _Y � Vt94awET T�J � :��I�1 I'i �� � I.i �° �i ��: � _ ` i �' i I I . � i i: I � c I•� �:I �� i �;' ; I �� � �' -.;1-.�-__�J:: _. : R_ 3 � r�:, i:;,�;��i:l��=�'� . 'i I: il'�i "r ' •,�� _ �_•. r - . �� � '.I�� �T �� i r 1 i; � �; �_�_illliia��l� ��?' 1� ; .�.r. ( f :l �il:�� ; � l�j��ll Ili:�i:ll -•--'�-I•�- •`:li,' . ' I��: : �� '�1 Ki�:I.k li�l ., .�� a ': �; . � � �:''�'' °� '�'..� I � i� .. �� ( i.. fOUR_= S . �:: .�' � . i I • .-,ZBCR - - a. b , c. d. e. _.... ---- . ..---. _..__..._ .. ��=�--�y-�-- l�' �1 S Z6� ti�� ��� �--- C ��� ��u �s� . South side of East 7th between VanDyke and Hazel Proposed zoning RM-2 and R-4. • Request a combination-o£ B-1 and axtension of RM-2: The zoning as proposed splits.the property ownership and may reduce the potential value of the property by eliminating the commercial zone. Tfie block in question contains a few single £amily homes on the west end facing both East 7th_and Ross. I£ the alley between East 7th and Ross were vacated to the east of the single £�ily homes and the remaining property developed with an orientation to East 7th and Haze1, a multi-family housing development could be accomplished with minima.l e£fects on the lower density housing to the west and south. The property except where filled, is considerably below the grade of existing development and street ways. Sta££ recommends approval of the extension o£ RM-2 to the center line of Ross and would not be adamently opposed to retention of the first 4 or 5 lots west of Aazel and north of the alley line in a B-1 designation. Sr�� � � Y� Z CR-i8 a. Area between Stillwater and Ross west of Howard. b. Proposed zoning R-3. c. Request zoning RM-2 and RT-1. d, Large portion enclosed by alleys witlx no access to public streets. Soil conditions not suitable for single fanily development. e. The specific property in'question is presently vacant but the entire � surrounding area is developed with single £amily homes. Mu1ti-family housing would be inconsistent with the area's present use and.responsible land use planning. The sta£f recommends denial off the request. The most appropriate use of the property in question is low density residential . and open space use. ZBCR-19 a. b. c. d. e. ZBCR-20 a. b. c. d. • e. Southwest quadrant of the intersection o£ Hopki.ns and &runson. Proposed zoning RM-2. Requested zoning "buE£er zoning between residential and lig:zt industrial. use. Requestor has recently constructed a warehouse structure at this location. Staff reco�ends retention of proposed zoning as previously mapped. Area west o£ 8th Street and Maria. Proposed zoning RM-2. Request I-lo Area is presently used for employee parking and a warehouse. Purpose of the request is to include all of the owners property within the same zaning classification and to conform the present uses. Staff £inds the request reasonable for above stated reasons and because of topographic conditions. There is a considerable grade drop-off to the north o£ the parcel with the remainder of the surrounding property in Swede Hollowe Staff reco�ends approval of request. • -5- ��-�a�r , Rose Miz City Clerk aad CounaT Secretary $ pltY OA B A >� °. ' -�i o ...... � s ='=�• > a �c �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 38B City HaII S��P¢v1, Minx¢sota 55102 Phwu 598-l January 14, 1975 Mr. CEiarles McGuire City Planning Staff Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota Deaz Sir: Attached for your information is a letter of Advance Construction Company requesting tfiat property in Block 1, Merit Addition, be changed so the new zoning map would cZassify the propertp as multi resident. Attach. ABO:dcm Y s very truly, 1%�� ' / 1 t City Clerk � � � �� i � � ` n. ��� ��.� • L V � � ; t � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � liY � • r i G� J �'i�l�`{ ��±iid�`+I���� ii€.::�i:� Satti# P?U€.'.-.t�^:a°�: .. � n �� Aibert B. Olsee Coscncil Betorder -. � � s- � , ; �:._ � 646-7901 Rub� Hunt Cauncil President St. Paul City Council 719 Gity Ha11 St. ?aul, Minnesota Jznu3? 8� 197� 0 � Dear hirs. Hunt: BUILDERS OF HOMES AND COMMERCIAL 2227 UNIVERSfTY AVENUE 5T. PAUL, MlNNESOTA 55174 Proposed Zoning Ordinznce The new zoning map shows the property, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, an3 10 Block 1 Zlerit Addition, which we own to be 3eveloped as single family units and we �ould liY.e to nave this orooerty changed so that the new zoning map uould classif� i* as *nulti resident. As shown on the zttacned registered oroperty survey a large oortion of the property is enclosed by a1lej�s with no access to public stre=ts. 4?2 feel tnat tnis prooert� would be bast dev�loped by construction of n2dium deasity aoartment buildings, usin� th= portion boun3ed by a1lej�s for garages and parking. ':Je have spent considerable moaey on providing improved elleys for the adjacent resident units which to date have been of no benefit, to ±he property that Tae own. Further, the soil conditions of tne property , facing Stillwater Avenue is not sLitaDle for sin�le tamily development because said soil conditions require oilino and considerable fi11 material, the cost of ;ahich aould make this property aronibitive �or d�velopment of single familg units. i'our consideration for such cnanges to multi resid_nt would be greatlj� appreciated before the �inal ado�tion o� the proposed zoning ordinance. If the property is developed as sin�le famil9 units, the property tax income to the City would be appr�xi*nately� $2,000.06 per ,jTear total whereas i£ devel- oped with multi residence units, as showa in the enclosed pr000se3 layout, would provide a tax income to the cit� of approxinatel� $24,600.00 per year, or twelve tir�es that of single family homes. Very truly yours, ADVA CE CONSTRUCTION COF;PANY �� !Aj K �er am Getsug Presi3ent • BG/Iw Enclosure �\ :�. S�y . ;�- _ \ g ��� . + i ,' �� %� ,���i� �� � � �, �- N "i 0 > E � � � � i �� � � � / �'�V " . �! \ �. \ .) � M M n � Q °—' N �m _� 7 y� n � �m , .�r�• � , i , i 05-��� l�l�i G1Ty TfSTI�G fl�D ��Gf����1CIG LflB0�flT0�y GHEMiCAC.&PH75{GALTESTS • INSPEG'TIV[Rb � PARTriERQ '° �� RLEB W. BRITZIUS.P. C• TZCNNIGL DIIlECTOR a ��� N F. GIBLASON. V. E• Gcnin�� MwNwc[w qSSOC1ATE8 ��. L+.1AN E. HENNtNG. P. E• Ewmetica�wa ERT C. HOLLER. I.A.I.C. • CNEwicirt� _ tOLO E. CA�TIER. P. E• A��uro Ev¢�ncca�Ha l: (� '�'° ii�.�do i�fu£,'vv LlE:E..«t 1 O 'i-�� --- - -�� , _ . S. � St. Paul� Minnesota. Dear Sir: On April 21 1955s %� Put down £our soil b�rings on an area south of Still�.rater Avenue between Waukon and Howard Streets in St. Paul, to aid in evaluating the soil conditions for house foundations. `Fhe borings were put docm at the Iocations suggested by Mr.Jerry Specktor, and e shocm on the attached sketch. Sur£ace eleVations were referenced to the hy- ant bench mark whera shown, taken as l00 ft. (An ass�d elevation). 1he logs' the borings and a sheet giving our method of soil classification (U. S, Bureau of Soils) are attached. �he borings were put do uncasede Soil �amples were taken xith a 2-inch 0. Do split r�ampler, and the bluws per foot as g'�ven on the logs kere recorded on thia sampler driven by a 1I�0 lb. ueight faliing 30 inches. The consistency of the clayey soils xas rated by the penetra'tion of the sampler. The surface of the north and central portions of the area is relatively low, and the topography of the area is generally higher to the east, trest, and southe Surface elevations at our borings varied only about 1t ft. It may be �een by the logs that the soil conditions are quite variable. Some fi11 was found at the first three locations and varied in depth from less than 2 ft. at 1 and 3, to about 10 ft. at No. 2. A loose, dark brown sandy Ioam extended doxn to about 1� ft. at No. 1, and a rather so£t clay was £ound to about 2t ft. at No. 3� and the soil below these depths at these two locations was a good sanciy soil. pt No. 2� a very so£t clay loam saas found below the fill, and very Ioose sandy and silty soils extended to the depth o£ the boring. Soft clayey soils were encountered to a depth o£ 8 ft. at No. 1t, and a moderately dense sancjy loam extended £rom 8 ft. to the depth of the boring. �-" � Water entered the boringa and the levels and times of recording are given on the logs. The srater entered the first three boringa Yrom relativelp large lsyers o£ � • RESEARGH 2440 FRANKtIN AVENUE s� ��t >.�, ��. April 27� i955 A MUTt1\C pROTEGTtON M Ctt[NTS� T!K rUeL16 AHO OOROtLVa�. ALL AHPDRTO ARE tUeMf1T[O /�t T11t CON�ID[HT1At PROPCRTT O� Rf6NTS, ANO AVTetoRl. f�b4 AC�R tM1�f6lL1TCi1 Of tGT[M[NTf� COMCtVtiON� OR (XTRACt� IROM OE ��aARDINO OUR RSfORT� i� RtsCRV[O t[MDINC OU6 `A:Tin /O-�Vnv��. 05� � ay pervious sand or loamy sand, but at No. 1y the water appears to be"perched" in lenses of sand in an otherwise relatively impervious soil. These levels can be expected to vary zrith the seasons of the year and from one year to the next. We understand that you propose to place the house footings on the first good soil in the area of 'rhe first three borings and then fi11 around the houses. We would suggest that the foundations be taken down at least through the fill and b].ack soil at borings 1 and 3, and because of the loose nature oY the sandy soil at t3o. 1 and the rather soft co�ition o£ the clap at No. 3, we would suggest the use of a widespread reinforced foundation at depths of i2 and 22 ft. at bor- ings 1 and 3 respectively, Because of the excessive depth of f�ll and poor soil at No. 2, the use of piling is indicated at this location. At No. 1y the houss £oundations shonld be.taken do�.*n through the soft clayey soils to the sanc� loam iound at about 8£t, Some difficulty would be expected with water at this loca- tion but an excavation could probably be kept dry during construction bp pumping. I£ a basement is placed belo�a the lenses of waterbearing sand, the £Ioor and walls should be waterproo£ed and some means of drainage provided around the ba�e- ment. � Five borings t�ere original2y scheduled on this site by Mr. Specktor, but since the woric was liminted to a day�s time and since ihe bo;ings went considerably desper than he haci anticipated, we were unable to go to the £ifth loeation. Several attempts were made during the day to discuss boring depths with Mr, $peck- . � tor, but we �.rere tuzabie to wntact him. It �as decided to abandon No..2 at 21 , ft., without gettiag through the poor soil, in order to get to several of the other Ioeations. The recommendations and�or suggesti�ns contained in this report are our opinions based on data which are asswried to be representative o£ the_site explored; but because the area of the borings i.n relation to the entire area is very s�na11; and £or other reasons, we do not warrant conditions below the depths o£ ovr bor- ings, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical of the entire site. Very truly yours� `_�� ��� ��?�� d� ��IGII��� �,A�A��` � .� W. Britzius R.F'W:MJ . Encs: _ � '- os say G OF '�EST BOitIfP�G5 TWIN ClTY TESTING AND � • ENGIPtEER{NG LABQRA70RY �ecT: STILLWATER AVE, BE'iW�,EN WAUKON AND HOWARD STS. �TORY NO.: IZSS42 VERTICAL SCALE: �.�� = 3 t i BORING NO. 1 II BORING NO 2 il1RII�CC [L[V. � EVRFIC[ ELCV. 'iH B p�' � DEFiH B P F T T Dk ra ish brn loam (moist) Dark broWn sandy loam (moist) z,ith some gravel 3 Brown sandy loam (moist) with ravel Brown coarse loamy sand (moist 26 to about 82 ft. then waterbear- ing} xith �avel and a few boulders Wa •------------------ ' �3 le �rown sandy loam (wet) �.*ith some lensea of laa�* sand (�raterbearing) 12 Q� t Fill� mostly dark brown, bro�, and b}ack sanqy loam and saad (moist) witn sane clay loam and silt loara and a little gravel 10� : Black to gray clay loam (very soit) with lenses of sand (waterbearing) 2 � � Wat er � �evel 12 _� Grayish brown coarse loamy sand (xaterbearing) 16 Note: Water level recorded about 7 hours after boring. Kas completed. _ '' Grayish brown 'coarse sand ��a�e_r-bearin�� 19 C:r�y soft loam (4ret) 21 Note; Water level recorded about $ hours after boring zras completed. � 2 � 3 ;�¢ �g��'� g(y�E@g�§ TWIN GTY 7ESTtNiG AND O S'�a ENGINEERING LABORATORY Ecr: STILLIIATEf�Af1E, BETWEEN WAUKON AND HOWARD STS. RATORY NO.: 1�-)S�2 YERTICAL SGALE: 1� e 3� BORING NO.�_ H surtrwc� ucv. H P F i Fill y mostly dark broxn and broh sand and sandy loam (moist) witl� `some silty clay Dark brown mottled clay (rather � so£t) xith sone gravel Broxn coarse loamy sar.d (moist to about 1�! then waterbearing) Z�rater with Ienses of �nay io� �eve� � Srown sanc�y loam (wet� with � some gravel �nd lenses of loarrty 8 sand (r.aterbearing) DEPTH 0� BORING NO � tURiwCi LLCV, �very so material BPF I � i T �T8L02' �evel 2t n o HZack cZay (soft) with a lense 2 o£ brown sand (�aterbearing) at � 2 £t. � �gh gray and tan mottled silty clay �soft} xith a lense of silt loam at 7 ft. � 8 P. 7 8 i 15' i�ote: Water Ievel recorded abont 22 hours after o�mpletion. _ - . Reddish brown sandy loam with a little gravel Note: Water level checked about 1 hour a£ter boring was completed. f 2 � 8 1S 16 • os-ga� TEXTU4AL SOIL CZ.ASSrr'ICATIOIG . II. S. Bureau oY Soi1s " � � / �'�, �' . 50 S�Y 3o CraY SpNDY CIaAY I.�3AM 20 Spi`�'DY 10 9�Y IA�4 • �f%��\ •�•: •• :� •�� ciaz c��Y LeaM ��u � 0 �zo to �270 �27o to 0005 mm " - . 005 �n das.v Sand �ilt c1a� \ s� � 50 �� .S 1 . CYJ+.Y LOAM S I'ifi I.OAM - � SP.ND This same cls��ification numerically is as follo.rs; � •.-. sana 90 -�.00� o- io� o- io� �¢a?�v s�na 89 = �4 9 - �o p - �p Saady La�m 56 -�S c7 - 50 0- 2d �,oam 30 -�0 30 - 50 0- 20 siit zo� o- 50 50 - zoo o- 20 sanay ciay zoam 50 - 80 0- 30 20 - 30 Czav Ioam 20 - 50 20 - 50 20 - 30 sizty ciay zo� o- 30 50 - So 20 - 30 Clsy 0- 50 0- 50 30 - 100 s�na� ciay 50 - 70 0- 20 30 - 50 siity Czay o- 20 50 - 70 30 - 50 The aand uresent ia a�soil 3.s cl.a�si£ied aa casr�e (#10 �o �40}, me3ium (#40 to �100), or f.ine (�i00 �c� �2�0) �o a€sandy loam could be cal.led a co��se, �Fdium or sine �endy loam, Soils �,*ith aray appre- ciable rsmount o�' gravel psersent ar9 clgaei£ied "rrith a iittZe gravel, with some gravel� uith gravel" aacosdia� to the amount oY gs'avel present, Th� gravel i¢ cla�sifiEd a� coaree (3" to 1"), medium (1" to 1�2")� or Pine (1�2" to #10)e a 05-$a`I . .' ;; � � - j . : ,... � .�, -- - _l . -.�. ; -. 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Olsoe CounciZ Hecorder OPEICE OF THE CITT CLERR BUREAU OF RECORDS 38s City H¢7l $t. Paul, d�irtnesota 55102 Phone 298-42v41 .Tanuary 14, 1975 Mr. Charles McGuire • City Planning Staff Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached for your information is a letter £rom Advance Construction Company aski.ng that certain property in Merit Addition maintain its present zoning under the new 2oning ordinance. ll "�s very trulY � ��� Citg Clerk / (.'� Attach. ABO:dcm i !,,''; � �i"s � �i ��� SL 3 u �, ll9 } ' iy* 1' A f�: �,��5 i �"s.�i�`.�':=�4a Lt��?"a£f J�:T3} �`C.:`I. r :r, : �..�z_.' .�.(cc` �� OS- ��y I�f �. r, Phone 646-7907 BUILDERS OF HOMES AND COMMERCIAL BUILDfN6S 2227 UN(VERSITY AVEt� ST. PAUL, MtNNESOTA 557 January'8, 1975 Ruby Hunt Council President St. Paul City Council 719 City fiall St. Paul, I�?inneso:a RE: Proposed Zonin� Ordinance Dear I�;rs. H�uit: F1e have examined the caap covering ttie changzs to be made to the city and find that properties that we o•,m are to be changed i�z clessiiication,*.rnich wi11 prohibit t:�e 3evelop�nent of the proparty differ�nt from the existing zoning now in existence. Lots l, 2, 3, 4, and 5 B1ock Z t4erit Adc'itioa, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Block 2?:erit Addition, and Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 3lock 3*_"erit Additioa of tne lots � listed hereunder that we wili be unable to construct duplexes on the property and with the high cost o� construction today, the land does not lend itself from single family homes as on your property zoning map. 3efore final adoption of this zonir.g ordinance, xe would like to have the prooerty tnat we own coa- tinue in the zoning that �aou2d enable us to construct duplexes t'�ereon at such time as it ;�econ=s feasible. Very truly yours, ADVANCE COATSTRUCTION COMPAN� � . �ia_�7c.� Bertr m Getsug J President BG/lw u i � � � - . _ .� .� � � � � � _ _ _ _ _� ----------- --� , i _. ._ .',r. . :� � � '____' _._'_' _J 'l' Yl// _ ... _ __ � �� �� , • n`• n r, �� � - �5 � . a r' ��'i'" ••. �:: -- � ��.,Y '� q � ,�.. �. �, r ,.. � 'p ��� � �� �' ,�-. .� �='� -;��' .1:.»:, . � r. � , ' r � . : '. '�_ ��c.�'�y o� . .:s � .: � � , ' i �..' `��s'j. °,` ; � . z� s , � �. .. � � � �� . � •`C � � �� w \��•. \ . ' e 0 � r ^?Y , 3` V� i; �� y ��;�� - . `� F'v' !+. . . a'rr ��� � ;��� ' � � �•�s�-'' k. :�� ���'.t � y. .��" < �;� �! �=�?��`'� � 4 `�,�� � :J !&_= a �..,. Y , . ?jg�,�, �� � 1 :-3 - �� -. �'T3. r :r � �' • T ts� , i ,' r. • � .������_�'�v�_UO �/���r�..q.±• "_� __��� ' �•'i , �7 Oarf�Mo�' ' ,,, ....: _--.� r ------------------; r------ • � i ' � � E ' *: � � � � . � ?�` •'`1 ';•' :7 , r �::�':: �'.� ,; � �-' ' � ,. � . , . ' � s � i �------------- ---- ---= �— --� ------ cz� Si/ • � � H �. 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This ambitious plan has played a significant role in the revitalization and growth we see in St.Paul today. This plan and each yeaz's subsequent Housing Acrion Plan has served to demonstrate the commitment you have to serving the diverse housing needs of families at all income levels and stages of life. As a long time resident and St.Paul Public School teacher I am fu11y awaze of the housing needs of our residents and I thank you. Housing 5000 called for you to "engage the broader community in the nnplementation of this plan" and further acknowledged, "housing production is more than large numbers of units or impressive amounts of money". I intend to show you how my our very small proposal supports the current goals you have set, how it meets all codes and requirements and why existing zoning is very much appropriate and in fact consistent with nationally recognized "best plamiing pracrice" as well as our City's very own Planning and Economic Development 2005 Housing Action Plan. � Our intention have been outlined and couununicated to the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), to the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP), Zoning and our Community District Two Council beginning as far back as last September. (A timeline has been provided for your future reference). PLEASE SEE FIRST EXHIBIT Tonight I would like to shaze our intentions with you. Our proposed plan is to convert property #3 (2182 Stillwater), the comer home, to two condo units. As the proposal stands, this lot meets square feet requirements, side-set back requirements and zoning requirements. An entrance on the east side will be the only exterior modification made to the home. The second part of our proposal is to build a two-condo building on proposed lot #4. This lot meets all zoning and building requirements as weil. The condo units will be sold has individual homes. THEY WILL NOT BE USED AS RENTALS. This lot split application has been signed by all appropriate City Departments but has been held in response to the resolution. Property #2 (2176 Stillwater) is where I have lived for 8 yeazs; it wi11 remain a single-family home. Property #i is an undeveloped lot owned by Mr. and Mrs. Geaz who purchased the property (and subsequent zoning rights) with the intention of building a two-fanrily home. • b5-$�y PLEASE SEE SECOND EXHIBIT Our properties aze located at the northern boundary of a RTl zoning district. Properties 1,2 and 3 aze contiguous properties that face Beaver Lake. The visuals provided illustrate how these properties aze separated from tfie neighborhood fo fhe north by Stillwater Ave, a colIector street and Beaver Lake, to the south by an ally and a large undevelopable green space and from the eastern and westem neighborhoods due to the fact that these homes face the lake rather than neighbors. There are no neighbors across the street with which to visit as we collect our mail. There aze no connecting backyazds in which to interact. In other words, we have a large open space in front, a lazge green space in the back and streets and alleys surrounding the properties on all sides. You can see that there is an obvious "island effecY' and that these properties very much function as a neighborhood in and of them selves. � To give you a historical perspective, one major planning dilemma over the past 50 yeazs has been to determine the appropriate uses for busy collector sireet, which is the case for Stillwater Ave. The more our neighborhoods have become dependent on automobiles the less desizable it has been to own a home that faces a busy street. Our homes aze less desirable for families with children due to the dangers associated with a busy street. As a matter of fact, the Borth Faznily, whom we purchased 2182 from, stated this as their primary reason for selling their home. It was the perfect place to live as a young couple until their first child became of walking age and then the risks were simply too great. This struggle is appazent all over St.Paul and the nation. Thankfully, planners and cities � have supported fle�ble land use and have begun to integrate Life Stage housing in neighborhoods that haue historically catered to only traditional families and single-family home ownership. Life Stage housing provides oppominities for singles, childless families, empty nesters and retirees to downsize while maintaining homeownership. As I will be showing you shortly, your own Housing Action Plan 2005 draft speaks specifically to supporting this very concept through promoting diversity of building types and housing choice in the City's neighborhoods. The predominately single-family housing along Stillwater Avenue is a perfect example of this phenomenon, The single- family homes aze in constant change over and are destined for neglect as were those of Grand, Summit and Mazshall before many were converted to condos. As dus information relates to the proposal before you, you can see from e�ibit A, that the properties in question are located on lots that are much larger, on average of 6,000 square feet lazger, than those in the neighborhood to the east and west. Even with the proposed lot split and subsequent lot #4, the lot sizes would still be larger than those of the surrounding homes. As these properties rela#e to the open spaces provided by Beaver Lake and the undeveloped City green space, it is an ideal location in which to utilize the e�sting RTI zoning. l J • :- � In terms of density, our proposal would be the same as that of the e�sting neighborhoods. For example, the average lot on Waukon and Howazd is 40ft by 125ft in area equaling 5,000 square feet per unit. Our proposal in conjunction with the future development of lot #l, would total 36,120 square feet equaling 5,160 squaze feet per unit. In other words, our proposed density is actually slightly less than that of the existing neighborhood. In addition, our proposal offers a much smaller building-to-land ratio. The proposed condo units would be sold at mazket value prices that would be compazable, if not slightly less than the neighborhood averages. Judging from our conceptual building plans, it is safe to say that these condos would do nothing more than SUPPORT increased property values. Another key point to considez, your 2005 Housing Actaon Plan draft "calls for a significant increase in New Housing Production..." This is a unique opportunity to add new affordable home ownership opportunities to an existing neighborhood without increasing density. This is a great design solution capitalizing on existing infrastructures such as sewer, water and streets. It would contribute to a mix of housing in the neighborhood, yet another factor laiown to directly correlate with increases long-term neighborhood sustainability. In 1975 the City of St.Paul initiated a City wide zoning study leading to a comprehensive . re-zoning of the city from edge to edge. Included in that extensive study was the zoning area currently in question. Despite sweeping changes in zoning all over other parts of the city, as well as in nearby neighborhoods, RTI zoning was maintained in this area. These neighborhoods remain virtually unchanged since that time. All of the homes, neighborhoods, streets, alleys, lakes and geen spaces remain the same today as they were when the last study took place. There have been no changes to the surrounding neighborhoods that would lead another study to conclude anything different than that was already determined. The existing zoning is appropriate. In terms of the history of these specific lots, as confirmed by title research, the properties in question have exchanged hands no less than 8 times in the past 13 yeazs. At the time of the original subdivision plat for these newer homes to be developed, the surrounding neighborhoods were very much established. If there were concern over appropriate zoning, one would think it would have been changed at that time. The PED and Zoning regularly review city zoning and at no other time have they, community members, the Community Council, LIEP or any other entity eapressed concern over inappropriate zoning in this azea If there had been previous concems that the zoning was no longer appropriate, a study could have been initiated and a zoning change would have more than likely been supported by previous owners. However, now that we are proposing to utilize the current zoning, an interun moratorium has been initiated. In other words, my proposal is an ideal opporhmity for you to move towazd current housing goals you have set for the City: � 3 4S-$ay SEE RELEVENT PORTIONS OF THE CITY HOUSING ACTION PLAN 2005 i (DRAFT) 2.1 Housing Plan Policies Strategy 1: Take Caze of What We Have • Priority will be given to projects that commit to the long-term affordability of housing units. Strategy 2: Meet New Mazket Demand • Encourage the production of housing • Promote good design solutions • Encourage a diversity of building and unit types Strategy 3: Ensure Availability of Affordable Housing • Challenge the region to provide a full range of housing choices to meet the homsing needs of all income leveIs. • Support initiates that assist lower income househoids to achieve ownership • 2.2 Economic Integf-ation The City's policy is to support a mix of low, moderate and higher income households and support this mis of incomes in single family and multi-family housing developments in the city's neighborhoods. 2.3 Locational Choice The City of Saint Paul pursues policies and practices, which maX;m;�e housing and locational choices for residents of all income levels. The City aggressively fights discrimination in the housing mazket and pursues policies and programs at all government levels, which aggressively encourages the development of affordable housing in all Saint Paul neighborhood and in the region. � 0 OS -8�4 • As a long time St.Paui resident and St.Paul employee I am very concemed. I am concemed that a proposal that obviously meets so many of the City's goals, is wzthin all existin� codes, guidelines and ordinances, is 2oned appropriately and is very much consistent with the neighborhood lot size, building size and density is being blocked! As a matter of fact in other neighborhoods, the city of St.Paul is acivally embracin� such planning "best practice" by proposing fle�ble zoning changes in support of mixed housing opportunities. In our case, the properties are already appropriately zoned for this type of good design solution. We are continuing to make every effort to communicate honestly with the surrounding neighborhoods and all appropriate City O�ces and you, the City Council. As you will read in the attached timeline, we have been in ongoing communications with the PED and LIEP and Zoning since September of 2004. Over the past 7 months, Joel Hussong and I have had many, many conversations with your professional staff in each office regazding our intentions for our properties. At no point were concerns regazding zoning ever expressed. In our timeline you will fmd detailed correspondences with PED, LIEP and Zoning over the past months, which evidences that all were fully awaze of our intentions. Having full knowiedge of the proposed plan, not a single professional staff in any office expressed zoning concems. The final signature on our lot split application was WITHHELD in response to the resolution, which came days AFTER our application had received all other necessary � department approvals. I am lead to only one conclusion; this proposal for a"zoning study" is a direct attempt to block one individual property owner from developing her lots in a manner that is consistent with all codes, guidelines and zoning. Following this meeting, please take time to carefully read the timeline provided and decide for yourself the motivation behind this proposal. District Two Community Council Director, Mr. Chuck Repke and President Lantry would lead you to believe that utilizing the current zoning would be inconsistent with the existing neighborhood and thus substantiate their efforts to "maintain the status quo". However, these clauns are false and quite honestly a blatant effort to misinform you and the neighborhood residents. It took less than two hours of reseazch using the Office of License and Inspection's publicly available computer to fmd that there aze 200+ multi- family units within one-mile square of our homes. This includes many legally existing two-fanuly homes similaz to those in my proposal. Zoning specialist Mr.Hazdwick was present while I conducted my reseazch at the LIEP office. I am certain given his much more qualified status, experience and skill that he could verify these fmdings within minutes and without initiating an expensive and timely "zoning study". Quality public policy has never been the product of misinformed public officials. There will be people here tonight who would lead you to believe that our plan would result in depreciating property values in the surrounding azea The average home value in the area is approxunately $I70,000. Our properties have been appraised at $230,000 with � the new construction estimated to appraise at azound $350,000. o5-$ay It takes little more than common sense to conclude that three properties, being 50 plus � years newer, and valuing 30% more on average than tke surrounding homes would do nothing more than increase all other properiy values not to menrion increase the City's tax base. Quality public policy has never been the product of misinformed public officials. Mr.Repke has taken it upon himself to rally the surrounding neighbors in opposition to our proposal. The extent of his communications has been well outside of the Ciiy Notification Radius. I have had the oppommity to talk with 7 of the 12 homeowners who actually fall within 300ft radius of our properties. Yesterday, many of these property owners signed a letter stating their support for our project once they heazd the true version of our intentions. What is most concerning is that there has been no attempt to cleaz up the miscommunication that has surrounded this project. Mr. Repke has continued to support the notion that we aze introducing low-income rentals in the neighborhood, which has fueled a fearful response from many neighbors. I have said it many times and I will say it again, these homes wili NOT BE RENTALS. They will be sold as individual condo homes that will be sunilaz in value to the surrounding neighborhood homes! Proposed Housing Action Plan 2005, section 3.8 speaks to the obstacles to implementing housing initiatives that the City might expect to meet. Neighborhood and other opposition aze listed as item `E'. It is interesting to me that the predominate opposirion to the proposal is coming from residents who aze not in close proximity or even within view � of our properties while six of my closest neighbors have signed in support. This interim moratorium is cleazly an effort to biock a very small yet sensible development plan based on the misinformed and possibly biased fears of neighbors who stand to be impacted in no way other than increased property values that will inevitably come from new construction and long-term neighborhood sustainability. In this week before you vote on initiating a moratorium, I encourage you to closely read over the timeline we have provided. Tallc to your professional staff. Take a drive to see our properties and the immediate neighborhoods first hand. Take note of our lots sizes in compazison to that of the neighbors'. Observe the island effect and eartraordinary sense of space as you stroll down the sidewalks and alleys that sepazate our properties from the southern neighborhoods. Notice the obvious style and age difference between our homes and those of the homes to the south. Estimated the difference in values. All appropriate departments including PED, LIEP, Zoning, Public Works, Regional Water, Sewer Utility and others have already reviewed and signed off on our lot split application. The surrounding community has had many yeazs in which to express concem or pursue rezoning. The curtent zoning is clearly appropriate by all reco�nized planning staudards and is very much in line with the City's own Housing Action Plan 2005 agenda, policies and goals. � 0 os-$a� • Increasing housing, Economic Integration, Mised used Housing; our proposal supports all of these citywide efforts while maintaining consistency with existing neighborhood lot size, building size and density. This is a win — win situation. In matters of public policy, win-win situations aze raze and you aught to embrace this one. I urge you to view our properties for yourself and to use your own best jud�nent to determine the hidden objectives of this interim moratorium. Three years a�o, Mayor Kelly called on you to "engage the entire communiry in the production of new housing... and to reduce the red tape and needless conflicts" that are barriers to its success. Today I call on you. DO NOT surrender your best judgment to the misinformation that has surrounded this interun moratorium. Emotional response has never resulted in good public policy. I thank you for your time and attention and for your comffritment to serving ALL the residents of St.Paul. Summarizing points in support of maintaining current zoning status • Proposal meets City housing initiatives • Proposal utilizes existing City infrastructures • A good design solution due to the location of properties, proximity to � collector street, open-space and the "island effecY' that has been created. • Proposal maintains less density than existing neighborhood • Proposal is consistent with neighborhood lot and building size • There is support from the majority of neighbors within close pro�mity � 7 0 }FED 14:10 FA% 6516969678 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY �J'o � i � 00 �!/� � �� �J Office of the City Council City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard ATTENTION; Mary Erickson Vicki ShefFer St.Pau1 City Council Members, I am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question {04/06 Council Agenda Item # OS-205). As I am one of the closest neighbors who stand to be affected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. it is my understanding that the properties are currently zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am not opposed to maintaining the current zoning that would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my letter. Sincerely, /�/os S 04/06/OS }SED 14:10 FA% 6516969678 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY �00 �-��� Office ofi the City Council City Hall and Court House 15 West Keliogg Boufevard ATTENTIOAI; Mary Erickson Vicki Sheffer St.Paul City Cauncil Members, I am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 30d feet radius of the properties currently in question (04/Q6 Councii Agenda Item # 05-205). As I am one of the closest neighbors who stand to be affected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. It is my understanding that the properties are curre�tly zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr,Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am nat opposed �o maintaining the cvrrent zoning that would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my fetter. Sincerely, , ��'�/? J��S��.,,� ����,�� �/��� s ��� C J � ! 04/O6/OS {fED 14:11 FA% 65169696�8 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY �_ pa�/ f�00�1 o T � LJ Office of the City Councii City� Ha(1 and Caurt House 15 West Kellogg Soulevard AT'TENTIOPI: Mary Erickson Vicki Sheffer St.Paul City Council Members, T am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question (04/06 Council Agenda Item # OS-205). As I am one of the closest neighbors who stand to be affected by the KeickJHussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. It is my understanding that the properties are currently zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.K�ick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am not opposed to maintaining the current zoning that would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you f�r your consideration of my letter. Sincerely, � I � ��/�,�.�-, ����-- ������ sTr� si l'r�I 1�n1 s� (a�`l- 73�-�{l�7 i 04/O6/05 }fED 14:11 FA% 6516969678 £ARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY � 00 pS-8�i�1 Office of the City Counci! City Hat[ and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard ATTENTION: Mary Erickson Vicki Sheffer St.Paul City Council Members, I am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question (04/06 Council Agenda Item # 05-205). As I am ane of the closest neighbors, who stanc! to be affected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. It is my understanding that the properties are currently zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am not� opposed to maintaining the current zonfng tf�at would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my letter. Sincereiy, �► ���n� -�/�--/°� G��j r� �$5 �(�ID��� S� � .�- P�,� � � � � 04/O6/O5 {fED 14:11 FA% 6516969618 � � � Office of the City Council City HaII and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Q7TENTION: Mary Erickson Vicki 5heffer EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY n�,.g� (�1006 �JJ St.Paul City Council Members, I am a resident of District Two. My property lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question (0�/06 Council Agenda Item # 05-205). As I am one of the closest neighbors who stand to be afFected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be Meard and considered. It is my understanding that the properties are currently zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am not opposed to maint�aining the current zoning that would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my letter. Sincerely, ������ _ 2� �'► (1 u�r . I��,�I,c��vo(� � '1`�l I� �j5j�� o4/osio; ��D 14:11 FA% 6516969678 EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY �ooi o5-gay �� Office of the City Council City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Soulevard ATTENTION: Mary Erickson Vicki Sheffer St.Paul City Counci( Members, I am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question (04/06 Counci! Agenda Item # 05-205). As I am one of the closest neighbors who stand to be affected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. Tt is my understanding that the properties are curree�tly zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am no� opposed to main�aining the current zoning fhat wouJd allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my letter. Sincerety, ���'.� - �7`-� �'9G � ��-�f� �/y US . / � � 04/06/OS }4'ED 14:12 FAS 6516969678 i � Office of the City Council City Haq and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard ATTENTION: Mary Erickson V9cki Sheffes EARLY CHILDHOOD INTERY `�.J C�00 St.Paul City Councii Members, I am a resident of District Two. My home lies within a 300 feet radius of the properties currently in question (04/06 Council Agenda Item # 05-205). As I am one of the c(osest neighbors who stand to be affected by the Krick/Hussong proposed project, I would like my opinion to be heard and considered. It is my understanding that the properties �re cur,rently zoned appropriately and meet all necessary City ordinances. Ms.Krick and Mr.Hussong have been open and honest as to their intentions for their properties and have answered my questions. I am not opposed to maintaining the cur�ent zoning that would allow them to proceed with their plans. Thank you for your consideration of my letter. Sincerely, G�� �� �;�-�' U f' ��.$� �� ,� -�Y� ��� 48a 33az 5� a5-�y � � July 27, 2005 City of St. Paul Plamiing & Economic Devt. 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1634 RE: Stillwater-Bush Zoning Study File # OS-104-469 Dear Sir or Madam: �,. . JUL 2 � 20Q5 t1l��18 i� �9i�'$ F���� There is going to be a zoning study to determine coasistency and compatibility of the currem zoning classification with established development patterns and goals for the study area on Wednesday, Aub st 3, Z005 at 5:30 p.m. The property involved is the area � bounded by Stillwater, Bush, Howard and Waukon Avenue. We are in favor af chan� ng the zoaing classification to single family dwelling on tlus property. Besides there being no other duplexes in the area, building a duplex on any one of the properties in question would cause ea�tra traffic in the alley, squeeze duplexes in areas which are much too small to handie them efficiently and pose a danger to the many small children in the area. There is also a question of what the retrters of duplexes might do to Beauer Lzke, which is lacated across the street, if the properry is not taken care of properly, which is always a cancem with rental property. We would like to continue seeing single family dwellings built on this property which would be more in keeping with the reason my husband and I moved irno this area. Sincerely, �� ,� �..� r'� Mike & Cazo1 Restivo 2158 Waukon Avenue St. Paul MN 55119 � � F.�.OFt : EIL� �1EY'E�S Aori14, 2005 FA;{ hCJ. : ESll3'390E2 6 Ryr. E14 <F1�: �: cgFM F'' c� 8a`f Attn: Chuck Rcpke District 2 Com.-nunity Cc:�cil Re: We suppo;[ the process wluch r.'auld result i.z do��n zenin� to sin�le family the property that tvas once ln the Beaver Lake crzek bed hetwe�n Hoa'ard Street and GL'zuF:on Acenue. ��'e feel stron��y that this arez shoutd remain single far.:ily aTad no[ oe convcrtcci into duplexes or r.cin homes. �ve haw lived in tias area for �3 years. Siacerely, n ? �, �SLtt� '�-�.. t.-�.% \� VJilliam and Cheryi Mcyers 2185 Waukon Avcnue St Pau1, bSN g511 J 651-739-90G3 � � • ;. �9 � PeEition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the owners of land near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(single family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family nature of the neighborhood. Name , - 1 . ? � ✓ �i.! j / , .- � / ! " J n �i. ' ,% / _; � � . , _�� \��� \�. � ; `�: � ,a; ; o +. L. f �/ , ' t% � 1�� � �. , ,.. :r�ll.. � ��� � �� � , � J� �-« r. �. � �j� i� ._ J :' . 'i .� .. . � �+ • �-' , ' � �. -- . ,'C r i ��c- . _ � . i , : , �� :J ���) J ��� t1 C � j � / �� f,I �- C l ��' f G'�� ,> v- �i --- �:--- , - __ . .__.,..___.._.� 1 - . , - l. ��___ t _�___— /� � "I (.. � J �t.� �!� l „ � - .� � - .. t .c.z�'�- �.. �, _ ;.L. _�_�__�_____ '/� ��' r—,-: _,(;;li : u i �. .� � 1.�� --�-��, � L � ` 2 ��.-- - ----- � `� 8 i .,.- , � S� l� ���"�--�.`' �-.-�-----.._.���� � � �� 5--E- � '' t � - :-�-:,; . <'i ; ,s � i .� „ ; ;�. , , : �- � ._�__._ _,___��, � � �.� � � V " I i,l �—� I c �_� �<<� ��� --R � _� ' L.:,,.G_� (1 i:'� ` . Address L r'? -- �S � U T� i . / � � � a5-sa� Petition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the o��ners of land neaz the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the nei�hborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(single family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the sin�le family nature of the neighborhood. Name Address 1( Um i C i���,n!i.�� `'�`��� HCu'� � r� ) t. �.— �Y f'�VT L ��L�'(lXXY ��'l �� U AJ(2 i ri �� . i l �/ 1 ���1•�1 ��„ �—I c g�� �iUtv%'' �> � �t� — ;';� -'' Lv'l.� �. � . ;\-i� 7�` ,`_"� 'r<�.tv � i= �, i ' ,' 7 l S�' /;' ��' ` � i �� ,, � J �f. U � C�'. '—� ��LL � �C� ' l i � -� C' �cCi� i �— )E����f�1 ) � ^ 7 . 3 ' ' c' i. �- ., �:.�=--- � � : �i� i �'� r�� � '-) _. � Sc. r� ���: t %: /• �� , � � � �r � 0 3 � ��`"" ���'��� �`1y .; �� � ^��,��. i'` ��_.v,.,..� -s � _ CG � n ` r. y./ ^ - `l/ � .J �T S� � z- l� wu .� S� � � :� ii.... i'/ � / , t �IC � i _ ��' N���.,,�; � 5� `�;'< iL�. .'' s_ __�/ [t : Cd S�_ �• �� �� `�-�a�i Pefition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the owners of land near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you fo rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning dish to an R 3(single family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family nature of the neighborhood. Name Address �'t � � �i I � --_ `_ �_---__�__---�---- .:. _._�S( l; �'e _.S�` _Sl ��l i+�w�.S �J� � O� I�LGcic ♦ i � �J. �c' � �� � c� `;'� � _.,_. J ,` , - `t'`-_.._�-----4-.-='.:�.�_C__ s Al., sTP,ftU� �l_�(s. � ,'� 1� � �_l� /.� . .,:1 � •. �;-; z:.`.._. • � � 1 :. Petition in SupporE Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the owrcers of land neaz the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint PauI's study of fhe nei�hborhood south of Beaver Lake hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(sin�le family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family nature of the neighborhood. Name Address � , > al� �- �..x-� � � � � �` ,3 -e<-u-� _' �:iv>��,—� �-i : � � . � , ` �? . �-->>: ,��1:� s� -7 � u 7� 'lt�t/r ^ °�7 c ���� r � ,--=� � Z � � :��� , S �iz�:R 5S1)5 u��i'�y 5� , � y,.�, .s / : �-/�%cC� � JS 1 � S"_.Y' ; _� � ; � �- - �- �� > ! l �c -n-�:� ' �. t — J%� � , 7 � � • ; `I[� (.�-c 'r _,L -..i t ,� ; -` r -- ��`L x ���'�<'�L � � � I�� ��fC:-t-�-CI..U,�.�. � � ��'� ' 1 � �y ��v �c��; , .— + / /[ (// �[ �) L , `_ ��"_ ���Aif/t:�vl <-tf�� Jt�irA/�.iS%�f ,[' st . �ilt;`7 i��/ l'�t (Jt.LJC/�'Lk �� . - � � � �, �2c, ;%r , �=1` . '1.�..`- C� I � ti�.c,� � `�7 ]�', > > � 1 � ��� Y� .. — 'i ; i �_ -�: ,C.� k� �S r. �� � _ . a ♦ / Petition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Chaages To the honorable Mayor and City Councii: We the owners of 2and near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to te2one the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(single family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family nature of the neighborhood. . i i�'' /r'w�� 'J �l� ! � Name � . - �Jlu., ;� �c�i� �� �' G / � �� j `,' .�� Ci i Gf1 ;�ixh.� � �" . , - , .. � :y y �. __- 1� � , � �. ��1 � ��:' ��� Address �������1,-� �y y,� ,�.� �� � :���� �1 � ,, _, �.. ����5 �'1 /�-r'G' - ,/C���,- �Gl � � �,. :-rt.��-i �' �% Ge.-.--c.Z,— y LJZ /� �'�`L� � � � � _ �-`_ �. T e �� " ; - f ��: •.�, S l l�-' . !, . �� —�---.._. _ — �l%'t ti �. , r , � `�r�,:� �;�•�,�1�'z-� S �� l� 1 .J : .c ,� _,,,% =� a /J-� -,.�� � l i! -._...._._....�._.�.�_�-y.� .�/�.:�� f :f . ����- -L_. ;'�'`3 1-.,-� � f � � % � . os B�y � Petition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes � To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the owners of land near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(single faznily) zoning district, for the purpose of maintainina the single family nature of the neighborhood. Name Address � � i F l�r �n � l _ Z�,�C2�.� s • ;. Petition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City Councii: We the owners of land near the scudy azea proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Pau1's study of the neigkborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(singIe family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family naiure of the neighborhood. ��� Address / v � � i os-say � � --��_e�t � L�3� 50 �- -�c y� cv�r�lc'�.�� -- � � - �l.3'1.F,uc. /,�,�� 2D�Z f,J.�co�-. &�._— _ ��_ _ ; �------ - - --"�"� �' (��e,�.�-- -- - -a. ! C 3 _(,tI �. _v_ c� �;� �S'-�� -,(��:.,�.- �.�.� --- - -�� c-��-�n_�� -- - -� - - ---- - -ao a�t w ��. ���-J _ .__ .. ---- . . e'�'�-------- o?Ib � G�2ct�r__T_�`'� _, . — i�-�._ 1��c-�. ----- ---- - ��° s . (,.���_k«_�4�p � , - , -�✓'rv�+ �io ---- a JaS 1�auX��a._�f�,-- � �- ����L.;�-- ----- --- - � ��S_L�,1�� �{�-�-1��� -- � �hrU-- � � J $� (l�GLwl��•�t �{ — - � � - - ._. ._._..-- - -- -- - ----- � ---�------ ---- --- '" C���-?-. -- - a/.59 LG�n�c�K�?c �-�-�-- i �-8�`� � .. -- ---------- - -- --- ��_�-� _w_�_ �_�___ _ ! _ . — ---- -z.L�_Z_(.�.�.lcw,_��,-- - ---- --- - - - -- - — - --- -- - -- -- - - - - - - --- - --- a��.�- �22_.. --- - -�1�af� GJ-uti�Cr,-�,_�� — -- ��°==m-�--�''- - .C�_ �_ .�.. �"� 7 — �- Cf-°--�- _. _ --- -- �Ql�a_���'�co _..c� L..7`[---- �t/o u_ _ a; c.� �_�_.t� - - -- �� � ZZoL t,Jau.k�� �k%e:_ - -- __ -- -- -- - --- �� . � . _ : �rv�.utn, _ � � � � G'✓�t��, ��y, � j/.� — C � , � / -- --- - -- - - - - ----- - _.—. __ . . Gh9'� — . _ - %fL�it� � �� 6 `ivGF'�//�<�✓ !/ ��c� /� — _ . _ `�,� U ° ��QJ �.I�� �ti'cLU�"� �,�__---- --_—_-- ' =-- _ __ - . ---- ��-`-- - � � �s�� -�--� --s� ---- - � �-� _� -- -- .�-���j��=�� 2.�203_. . w � �uo;� --��� , v/ - --- —— ' �� C/�-t�•-t,�- 7` l 7.3 _Lt/ a_� /�v,� fi i> - -- --- �— ------- - - i R-�. , �.,�,� ai�2 ��-�, .�._ - - - -- - - � �� a�a5 ������� ��� ----- - - �.��,c) z�� v.�l,utC�?/l _�"Y�, -- ---- -- -- ?2-�°(� M`'n �v o`Z.�S 3 �vc.� ��Con f� �e -- - --- �_.r1�w-,� �uc�,.. � .� � �t/ WCc..c�� --- - - J�_ ���..�. a.\�F"1 ��v i�cv r,�� 'J �'L � �.il�/� a �� � ���� ��.� -- za��G/�..� �- -- �� Y �,�.;�rti...,- �� � os-gay � � Petition in Sapport Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorabie Mayor and City Council: We the owners of land near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the Ciry of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to rezone the affected properties from a RT 1(town house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3(single family) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single family nature of the neighborhood. Name '--, �,, <. ;, C � . fL Address , J% �s .2 Ct.• ia c< � � ` rc � /1I �� , �t < < � i `• � � PeEition in Supporf Of Proposed Zoning CHanges To the honorable Mayor and City Council: We the owners of land near the study area proposed to be rezoned in the City of Saint Paul's study of the neighborhood south of Beaver Lake, hereby petition you to cewne the affected properties from a RT 1(towzi house/duplex) zoning district to an R 3{single famiIy) zoning district, for the purpose of maintaining the single faznily nature of the neiehborhood_ � ( -f-t� - � � . �� L �� �i�o t��t� G %-S � 3 � 1�(�• /.s �, s , - �� a �, c . ,.�/'3 � f��.�. l.� fh � . I °� ��P L) /�'�. � � 1�-'�-' z% L U ��-u�� �.C.� ,� , ^�.j % � y-i : ���, �, ,���t� ��i J i� ' , �„ � ^u ; Y�.. r �? . Il..� i � t�.. - ::= -- . _ � t-' � .,:.1 �'v � ` ..3 � c ��l, 1 / / l l / � i' � � ! / l (E ,1 �_ r. . _ ! � 1! _ . � ,- -'tr.��i��c -c� n , , i � / �;' l � ,:-�� � :�/ � '� /-� ',;.� - . , ,_ t' „/ iL�"/ G�/iC/\ J1i` ✓ � � ��S'� �� „ •�� �L � ., .� � ��., ,r,:, _� „_ . � 3 `i ` r i'v —1 •e•. =' .�-f? �i' 7 - i - �`!_; ,.. �.� 1 ,' — 1�J f t_J� � C .J � '� , 'C � / r'! �.✓ �lf� /�i���,/�/7/P� G�.{ 1!% L �.. � 5- 73 s-3�� � ��75 � '���- , ;� j,y j ./;G r � � � � r r! • � r � Pefition in Support Of Proposed Zoning Changes To the honorable Mayor and City CounciI: We the owners of land proposed to be ,tezoned in the City of Saiat PauPs study of the neigfiborhood south of Beaver Lake, �hereby-petition you to rezoae Yhe affected progerties &om a RT 1(town house/duple�) zoning district to an R 3(sin�le family) zoning district, for the p�pose of maintainin� the sin�le family nature of the neighborhood. � I�Tame ` -�.��_.,;�.� k'e�e�r-E� �..� , L i _ � ... Address E 7` St E 7` Sz 7` St G 7� St t Signature c+�1.� L�, ,. \,•, y�, \\� (c7l.� L.sf Morarsmv Ke � 17� 7` St 7` St �'- Pang VanQ or Zai Cha 2160 7` St `� �-- ���� ��,G-) Janet Meutemans � I S f Ross Ave Paul Kutscher 2t53 Ross Ave - /.� _ � / � �1] Romayne Smaller 2146 Ross Ave ` � \ ' , �' ` Kathteen Kopp 2140 Ross Ave � i• • • ; , ; , ��,�, � ' 4 ' � ' �� � � � � � � � ; i � i ��� � � � I 4 � �f !� l � �, , I �,�� ' `' ` I �' � ` � ; I i � j �4 �; � i � �, � �! 2 .S ; �, ' �� � ; � i ,-� �` �� � � � � � ; �, , 3 �i ,�; �; � a , � � �: �'�f ; �'� ��� v! �� �' 3 ,� �: � � � ; S' �� � �o � �. � .,, i /::���!�;�- �J � M � � i ' � ' ! �, N � �' �-' (� � � �: � � ! 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