05-498����� c� - �� — ac�c� S Council File # �S �"� 0 Ordinance # Green Sheet # :.J�'��P�Y /y ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �%�`�'� % '' Referred To Committee Date : 3b An ordinance amending Chapter 409 to restrict access to liquor establishments by individuals under the age of 21 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Chapter 409.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 409.08. Regulations generally. All licensees hereunder are hereby required to observe the following regulations; provided, however that any such regulation which specifically refers to an on-sale licensee shall not bind an off-sale licensee, nor shall any regulation which specifically refers to an off-sale licensee bind an on-sale licensee: (1) ��) All sales shall be made in full view of the public. A"minor," as used herein, is any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years. a. No licensee, or agent or employee thereof, shall serve or dispense upon the licensed premises any intoxicating liquor to any minor; nor shall such licensee, agent or employee permit any minor to be fumished with or to consume any such liquor on the licensed premises; nor shall such licensee, agent or employee permit any minor to be delivered any such liquor. b. No minor shall misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of obtaining intoxicating liquor nor shall he or she enter any premises licensed for the retail sale of intoxicating liquor for the purpose of purchasing or having served or delivered to him or her for consumption of any such intoxicatin� liquor or beer nor shall any such person purchase, attempt to purchase, consume, or have another person purchase for him or her any intoxicating liquor or beer. c. No minor shall induce any person to purchase, procure or obtam intoxicating liquor for him or her. �� F. -a '� .�. `. os-�q� 1 d. Proof of age for purposes of consuming, purchasing or possessing an 2 alcoholic bevera�e, the consumption, sale or possession of which is 3 regulated by age, may only be established by a valid driver's license or a 4 Minnesota Identification Card issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 5 Section 171.07, or, in the case of a forei� national, by a valid passport. 7 (3) No sale shall be made in any place or in part of a buildin� where such sales are 8 prohibited by state law or this chapter. 10 (4) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (5) No person under eighteen (18) yeazs of age may be employed in a place where intoxicatin� liquor is sold for consumption on the premises, except persons under eighteen (18) yeazs of age may be employed as musicians or in bussing or washing dishes in a restaurant or hotel that is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor and may be employed as waiters or waitresses at a restaurant, hotel or motel where only wine is sold; provided, that the person under the age of eighteen (18) may not serve or sell any wine. Every licensee is hereby made responsible for the conduct of his place of business and required to maintain order and sobriety in such place of business. (6) No licensee shall keep, possess or operate, or permit the keeping, possession or operation of, on any licensed premises or in any room adjoining the licensed premises any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, nor permit any gambling therein (whether or not licensed by the state), nor permit the licensed premises or any room in the same or in any adjoining buildin� directly or indirectly under his or her control to be used as a resort for prostitutes or other disorderly persons, except that pulltabs, tipboards, paddlewheels and raffle tickets may be sold on licensed premises when such activity is licensed by the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, and conducted pursuant to regulations contained in this Legislative Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a licensee may permit, for specific functions or events, up to five (5) times per calendar year, for which written notice is �iven to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, the use of slot machines, dice and gambling devices on the licensed premises if (a) their presence or use on the licensed premises does not violate state or federal law, (b) their use is solely for social, recreational or amusement purposes, and not for fundraising of any kind or for any cause or purpose, and (c) no gamblin� other than lawful charitable gambling takes place on the licensed premises. 41 Notwithstanding other provisions of this Le�islative Code to the contrary, the 42 council may permit an on-sale licensee to permit the holding of a single event, 43 such as a banquet, that includes the sale of raffle tickets as a part of the event 44 activity; provided, that such events are separate from the public areas of the 45 licensed establishment, not open to the general public, and the raffle conducted by 46 a charitable organization licensed by the State of Minnesota. 47 48 (7) No dancin� wherein the public participates, and no dancing, singing or other 49 vaudeville exhibitions or entertainment shall be permitted on the premises of any 50 on-sale licensee unless such premises are duly licensed for entertainment. Each 51 on-sale licensee shall be responsible for all entertainment of any kind that is 52 provided on the licensed premises, and by others on property in the same buiiding �s - v9� � � 5 rental properiy from violating any provision of law includin�, but not limited to, 6 the noise regulations in Chapter 293 of the Legislative Code, and to prevent the 7 conduct of persons present at or leavin� the rental property from causin� a 8 nuisance in the community in the immediate area of the rental property. Such 9 steps may include u+ritten lease agreements, conditions in each lease a�eement 10 for the rental properry which require the provision of security guards, the 11 limitation of the hours during which entertainment may take place, the termination 12 of entertainment upon the receipt of two (2) or more noise complaints by the 13 police, and consent for inspection of the rental property by the police or license 14 division at times when the rental properiy is in use. Notwithstanding such steps, 15 the on-sale licensee shall be subject to adverse action for entertairunent and other 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 52 (9) as the licensed premises which the on-sale licensee owns or has the right to control, �vhen such property has been leased or otherwise made available to another (hereafrer, "rental property"). Each such on-sale licensee shall take reasonable and adequate steps to prevent entertainment and other activities on the activities taking place on the rental property or on the licensed premises which violate the provision of any law or ordinance, or which constitute a nuisance. The license issued to said licensee shall be posted in a conspicuous place in that portion of the premises for which the license has been issued. No person shall remain in or loiter in the parking lot of an on-sale licensee after the lawful closing hour. (10) When a licensee is notified by the police department that a parade will be held within one (1) block of the licensee's establishment, all beer and all intoxicating liquor or liquid of any type sold during the entire day of said parade shall be sold only in plastic or paper containers. In addition, upon receiving such notice, the licensee shall place a person at each entrance and each exit of the establishment at least one (1) hour prior to the time of parade, and the licensee shall require a person to remain at those locations until one (1) hour after the parade, to ensure that patrons do not enter or exit with beer or intoxicating liquor. (11) (12) When an existing building is converted to on-sale intoxicatin� liquor purposes, existing off-street parking facilities which serve the building shall be provided with a visual screen where the parking facility adjoins or abuts across an alley any residential use or residential zoning district. The screen shali be between four and one-half (4 %2) and six and one-half (6 %2) feet in height and of sufficient density to visually separate the parking facility from the adjacent residential use district. The screen may consist of various fence materials, earth berms, plant materials or a combination thereof. Access by patrons to the parking facility from an adjacent alley shot�ld generally be prohibited. No person shall give, sell, procure or purchase intoxicating liquor to or for any person to whom the sale of intoxicating liquor is forbidden by law. (13) No person shall mix or prepare intoxicating liquor for consumption, or consume it, in any ptiblic place not licensed in accordance with this Code and the State of Minnesota. (14) No intoxicating liquor shall be sold or consumed on a public hi�hway or in an automobi le. os-�9� 1 (15) Each on-sale licensee shall have the responsibility of taking reasonable and 2 adequate steps to prevent persons from leavin� the licensed premises with a 3 bottle, can or �lass containing any alcoholic bevera�e, and the failure to do so may 4 subject such licensee to adverse action against his or her license. 6 (16) 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ao 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 No person, �oup or association applying for or holding a license under this chapter shall restrict membership in its club or organization, or restrict access to the licensed premises or any facilities of such person, group or association, on the basis of race, creed, reli�ion, sex, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, marital status or status with respect to public assistance. This provision shall not apply to any reli�ious corporation, association or society with respect to membership or access based on religion, where reli�ion is a bona fide qualification for membership or access. A violation of the foregoin� shall constitute sufficient grounds for adverse action against the license or license application, including revocation or denial of the license. 17 No licensee shall soonsor, advertise and/or host events for individuals under the a�e of 21 such as "18 and up" ni�hts, "colleQe niehts", "teen ni;hts" or other such desi�nations unless the events are held in a�ortion of the establisY�ment where l�uor, includin� 3.2 malt. is not consumed sold or served. The licensee will be resnonsible for insurinQ that individuals under the atre of 21 who enter to attend such events cannot eain access to an area where liquor is sold, served, permitted or consumed. Anv advertisements in connection with such events must contain disclaimers that the events will be in an alcohol-free area of the establishment and that alcohol will not be sold or served to anvone under the aee of 21. 1�8 Licensees are responsible for insurinQ that anv individual under the a¢e of 21, other than an emplovee, who enters the establishment is present onl�or the purpose of consumin� a meal or attendin� a social function held in a portion of the establishment where lictuor is not sold. consumed, served or displaved. The reauirements of this section shall not applv to the RiverCentre comolex, Midway Stadium, theaters, bowlina allevs or social functions which are not open to the up blic � Notwithstandine the provisions of paragraph f 18), above, an establishment which holds an entertainment license mav host up to twelve ]ive entertainment events annuallv at which individuals under the aQe of 21 may be present, providino the establishment obtains a permit for such an e� ent. A`9ive entertainment evenY' sha11 mean live musical oerformances by individuals or aroups. The fee for such license shall be as set forth in Saint Paul LeQislative Code 531018. No more than twelve permits may be issued to any licensee annually and no more than one event may occur within three weeks of another such event. A permit issued hereunder is not effective for an�premises other than the ]icensedpremises. Application for such permit must be made at least two weeksprior to the event. Anv erson obtainina an Eiehteen and Up Permit shall be required to have in place a system of checkin� identifacation and identifvine with indelible marks or non-removable wristbands those patrons who are not yet 21. At no time durins an event authorized pursuant to this section shall patrons be served more than one alcoholic bevera�e ner person from the bar. and servers will be reauired to independentlk verif�that patrons have been carded for aa,�prior to servin¢ them alcoholic bevera�es. Notwithstandine an o�her provision of law, the council or LIEP may at anKtime and with res�ect to anv establishment, deny such request for a�ermit or o� �� 1 nlace additional conditions on �ermits issue hereunder in order to protect the 2 public peace, welfare and safetv, so lone as such conditions or prohibitions do not 3 relate to the content of the entertainment. Apoeal of the denial of a�ezmit under 4 this subdivision shall be to the Citv Council. 5 6 Section 2 7 8 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, 9 approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By. /'//..-iL�`.�IJ%l!'l.�LTi �� i _ ��� • - / � � ' i� � Fozm Appzoved by CiCy Attotney Hy: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council a�M� 4�^w'�d}.�^r � �. Adoption CertiAed by Council Secretary , � Gceen SheeY Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet co -cam� ConFadPerson 8 Phone: Counalmember Helgen 266- Must Be on Council Agemfa by (Date): 01JUN-05 ContractType; OR-ORDINANCE o,�uNOs � , Auign Number For Routing ONer Tofal # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Lowtions for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3026672 0 l�4und1 I � I ucil a ent ' ec i 3 4 5 - '��,g � An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to res�ric[ access to liquor estabGshments by individuals under the age of 21. idations: Appro�e (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Gommittee Citil SeMCe Commission Must Mswer the 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er wwked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill rrot narmally possessed 6y any curterrt city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages NApproved: Disadvantages NApproved: Dtsadvantages R Not Approved: ToW I Amount of T2nsacton: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosfAievenue Budgeted: Activily Number: June t, 2005 8:34 PM Page 1 � �Gs ��� District 6 Planninq Council 213 Front Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55117 Phone: 651-488-4485 Fax:651-488-0343 district6(a:popp. net June 7, 2005 Council Member Lee Helgen 320-A City Hall 15 West Kellogg BLVD Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmember Heigen, On June 6, 2005 the District 6 Planning Council met and unanimously decided to support the ordinance amending Chapter 409 to restrict access to liquor establishments by individuais under the age of twenty-one. Currently, a person under the age ot 21 may not be prohibited from entering an establishment to; perform work, consume meals and attend social functions that are held in a portion of the establishment where liquor is not sold. District 6 agrees with the amendment, it safeguards what laws are aiready in place. Eighteen and up nights need to be regulated and controlled, particularly when it comes to the possible consumption and/or exposure to alcohol. Simply having hand stamps or wrist bands are not enough of a control because an underage patron has access to the part of the establishment where liquor is sold. District 6 strongly urges the City Council to pass this amendme�t to ensure the public's safety and welibeing. If you have any questions or concerns the District Cou�cil can be reached at 651-488- 4485 Regards, � U /r `-� ^' Kat y Cole� District 6 Pl�nning Council chair Cc: City Council President, Council Members District 6 Planning Council is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Megarre�s �illa9e Mpart�eats ��g o� Homet Realtp & Management, Inc. 99 W_ Califomia Ave. #103 St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 Phone(651}482-1175 7une 7, 2005 Jan Keran St. Paul City Council 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Suite 320A — City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Keran: As the owner of McCarrons Village Apartments, and a North End Business Association member, I am writing to request your invoivement and support of the proposed St Paul ordinance by Dan Bostrom and Pat Harris to banning anyone under age 21 from bars and nighiclubs. The Club Cancun and Stargate incident last week where one person was beaten to death after a riot is only one of many recent incidents. Last year another person was shot to death in front of Stargate and prior to that there was a Viking player shot ai from patrons at the Ctub Cancun. The manager of Club Cancun was also robbed at gunpoint last year. McCarrons Village Agartments is located direcdy East of Ciub Cancun and represents 122 apartrnent residents, all of whom will easily sign a petition of your choice to close down these clubs and revoke their liquor license. You cannot imagine the amount of trash, liquor bottles, beer cans, and drug items that ue left on the grounds at Club Cancun after each event that aze also thrown or windblown onto our property. Our residents cars are broken into, keyed, and their car alazms set off by Club Cancun patrons repeatedly. Nearly every closing involves loud screaming, fighting, car horns blowing, police calls and lights flashing at 2PM waking most of our residents. My experience working with Rich DeFore, the owner of Club Cancun to try to convince him of redeveloping the proQeriy has been in vain. His promises of security and compensation for our e�ra security costs have only been lip service. The reputation of the Larpeirteur and Rice azea as a bad area is very sad and serious! Please back our area and close down these clubs! Si � re}Y, � � u�« ennis Homel Cracking down on 18-and-up Posted on Thu, ]un. 02, 2005 Cracking down on 18-and-up City Council might restrict underage patrons at bars„nightclubs BY ROBERT INGRASSIA Pioneer Press Page 1 of 2 SL Paul nign[duGs ard ba: s that hos: °1E-and-up" nEgh�s weuld fare new restrictions under a qroposed ordinance the City Council took up Wednesday. Council Member Lee Helgen introduced the measure, saying he was spurred by a ruckus early Monday at Club Cancun on Rice Street. "We're not going [o accept a riot situation and unruly behavior (n the nefghborhoods; said Heigen, whose ward includes the North End. "ICs intolerable, so we need to do something with these 18-and-up nights.° The measure was not on the councii's agenda. Helgen in[roduced it after he and his colleagues voted to suspend rules requiring agenda items to be published in advance. As proposetl, che ordinance wouid require bars that hold eventr primarily for people between 18 and 20 to keep the unde2ge patrons out ot areas where almho! is sold. It ako would requtre ads for such events to mention the rule. Under exisUng laws, nightclubs and bars can allow unde2ge customers into their establishments hut cannot serve them alcohol. Some clubs require pad'ons younger than 21 tn wear wristbands. Helgen said many undera9e customers skirt the no-booze rule by having an older friend buy drinks for them. The incidenC a[ Club Cancun was a case in po'irtt, he said. Police reported [hat about 800 peopie were inside and milling around the club about 2:15 a.m. Monday, foliowing an 18- and-up event. A 34-yearold woman was arrested on charges of obstructing the legal process, and police heard reports about a fight inside ttie dub, said officer Paul S�hnell, a police spokesman. Ctub owner Richard DeFoe coutd not be reached for commertt. Council Members Dan Bostrom and Pat Harris expressed reservations about the proposed ordinance, saying the measure would not be effec[ive. Bostrom said people younger than 21 should be banned from bars altogether. °This is a feel-good, fuay type of thing,` Bostrom said. 'Untll we do something that keeps anyone under the age of 21 frum gotng (n the place, we're not going to solve the problem." Council President Kathy Lantry said the chal{enge would be to craft an ordinance that doesn't prevent parents with underage children from going to restaurants that serve alcohol. Council Member Dave Thune suggested the council could rnnsider allowing those younger than 21 to go into bars only with a legal guardian. If the proposed ordinance fol(ows the nortnai tegts(ative path, the pubtic would be able to comment on Yhe matter Our(ng a hearing lune 15. The council could vote as early as lune 22. All dates are subject to delay at the council's discretion. Robert Ing2ssia can be reached at ringrassraCo�pioneerpress.com. 6�l ?OOi St Paul P�oneer Press m�d wire scrv¢e source5 All Ri, hIS Reserved hnp9hn..r.twi��crc�cs com Council File # OS - �1�. Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3026672 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Date : An ordinan amending Chapter 409 to restrict access to liquor establishmen by individuals under the age of 21 THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Chapter 409.08 of the Saint Paul Legislati Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sec.409.08. Regulations generally. All licensees hereunder aze hereby requue to observe the following regulations; provided, however that any such regulation which specifically efers to an on-sale licensee shall not bind an off- sale licensee, nor shall any regulation which specifica refers to an off-sale licensee bind an on-sale licensee: (1) Ail sales shall be made in full view of the blic. (2) A"minor," as used herein, is any person under�he age of twenty-one (21) years. a. No licensee, or agent or employee thereo , hall serve o: dispense upon the licensed premises any intoxicating liquor to y minor; nor shall such licensee, agent or employee pemut any minor to be furn' hed with or to consume any such liquor on the licensed premises; nor shall such h nsee, agent or employee pernut any minor to be delivered any such liquor. b. No minor shall misrepresent his or her age for the purp se of obtaining intoxicating liquor nor stiall he or she enter any premises 'censed for the xetail sale of into�caUng liquor for the purpose of purchasing or aving served or delivered to him or her for consumption of any such intoxicat g liquor or beer nor shall any such person purchase, attempt to purchase, consu , or l�ave another person purchase for him or her any intoxicating liquor or er. c. No minor shall induce any person to purchase, procure or obtain liquor for him or her. d. Proof of age for purposes of consuming, purchasing or possessing an alcoholi� beverage, the consumption, sale or possession of which is regulated by age, ma only be established by a valid driver's license or a Minnesota Identification Cazd issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 171.0'7, or, in the case of a foreign national, by a valid passport. 1 (3) No sale shall be made in any place or in part of a building where such sales are � ���g 2 prohibited by state law or ttris chapter. (4) No person under eighteen (18) yeazs of age may be employed in a place where 5 intoxicating liquor is sold for consumption on the premises, except persons under 6 eighteen (18) years of age may be employed as musicians or in bussing or washing 7 dishes in a restaurant or hotel that is licensed to sell intoxicating liquor and may be 8 employed as waiters or waitresses at a restaurant, hotel or motel where only wine is sold; 9 provided, that the person under the age of eighteen (18) may not serve or sell any wine. 10 11 12 13 14 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4h (5) � Every licensee is hereby made responsible for the conduct of his place of business and equired to maintain order and sobriety in such place of business. (6) No ' ensee shall keep, possess or operate, or permit the keeping, possession or operation of, on y licensed premises or in any room adjoining the licensed premises any slot mactrine, 'ce or any gambling device or appazatus, nor pernrit any gambling therein (whether or ot licensed by the state), nor pernut the licensed premises or any room in the same or in y adj oining building duectly or ind'uectly under his or her conuol to be used as a resort prostitutes or other disorderly persons, except that pulltabs, tipboazds, paddlewheels and fle tickets may be sold on licensed premises when such activity is licensed by the state suantto Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349,and conducted pursuant to regulations ntained in this I.egislative Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a licensee may rnrit, for specific functions or events, up to five (5) times per calendaz year, for which writ n notice is given to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection at le t forty-eight (48) hours in advance, the use of slot machines, dice and gambling dev� es on the licensed premises if (a) their presence or use on the licensed premises does not vi ate state or federal law, (b) their use is solely for sceial, recreational or amusement p ses, and not for fundraising of any kind or for any cause or purpose, and (c) no gambli other than lawful charitable gambling takes place on the licensed premises. Notwithstanding other provisions of this L.egis�it may pernut an on-sale licensee to pernut the hol�C that includes the sale of raffle rickets as a part of events are sepazate from the public areas of the li general public, and the raffle conducted by a chv of Minnesota. Code to the contrary, the council of a single event, such as a banquet, event activity; provided, that such �l� ed establishment, not open to the c organization licensed by the State (7) No dancing wherein the public participates, and no dancing, �nging or other vaudeville e�ibitions or entertainment shall be pernutted on the premises f any on-sale licensee unless such premises aze duly licensed for entertainment. Each o sale licensee shall be responsible for all entertainment of any kind that is provided on th icensed premises, and by others on property in the same building as the licensed premis s which the on- sale licensee owns or has the right to control, when such pxoperty has en leased or otherwise made available to another (hereafter, "rental property"). Each ch on-sale licensee shall take reasonable and adequate steps to prevent entertainment d other activities on the rental propefty from violating any provision of law includin but not limited to, the noise regulations in Chapter 293 of the Legislative Code, and to revent the conduct of persons present at or leaving the rental property from causing a n'sance in the community in the unmediate area of the rental property. Such steps may inc de written lease agreements, conditions in each lease agreement for the rental property which require the provision of security guazds, the limitation of the hours during whic entertainment may take place, the termination of entertainment upon the receipt of two (2) or more noise complaints by the police, and consent for inspection of the rentai property by the police or license division at times when the rental property is in use. Notwithstanding such steps, the on-sale licensee shall be subject to adverse action for entertainment and other activities taking place on the rental property or on the licensed 1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 �i (9) premises which violate the provision of any law or ordinance, or which constitute a �J' �`a nuisance. The license issued to said licensee shall be posted in a conspicuous place in that portion of the premises for which the license bas been issued. No person shall remain in or loiter in the pazking lot of an on-sale licensee after the lawful closing hour. When a licensee is notified by the police deparhnent that a pazade will be held within one (1) block of the licensee s establishment, all beer and a11 intoxicating liquor or liquid of any type sold during the entire day of said pazade shall be sold only in plastic or paper containers. Zn addirion, upon receiving such nouce, the licensee shall place a person at e h entrance and each eacit of the establishment at least one (1) hour prior to the time of par e, and the licensee shall require a person to remain at those locations until one (1) hour a er the parade, to ensure that patrons do not enter or exit with beer or intoxicating liquor. (11) When an exi 'ng building is converted to on-sale intoxicating liquor purposes, existing off-street pazki facilities which serve the building shall be provided with a visual screen where the king facility adjoins or abuts across an alley any residential use or residential zoning trict. The screen shall be between four and one-half (4 �/z) and six and one-half (6'/z) fee in height and of sufficient density to visually sepazate the parking facility from the adjace residential use district. The screen may consist of various fence materials, earth berms, pl t materials or a combination thereo£ Access by patrons to the parking facility from an adja ent alley should generally be prohibited. (12) No person shall give, sell, pro whom the sale of intoxicating or purchase intoxicating liquor to or for any person to (13) No person shall mix or prepare any public place not licensed in forbidden by law. liquor for consumption, or consume it, in with this Code and the State of Minnesota. (14) No intoxicating liquor sha11 be sold or con umed on a public highway or in an automobile. (15) Each on-sale licensee shall have the responsibil of taking reasonable and adequate steps to prevent persons from leaving th licensed premises with a bottle, can or glass containing any alcoholic bevera , and the failure to do so may subject such licensee to adverse action against his or r license. (16) No person, group or association applying for or holding a icense under this chapter shall restrict membership in its club or organization, or restrict access to the licensed premises or any facilities of such person, group o associauon, on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, a, disability, marital status or status with respect to public assistance. This pro �sion shall not apply to any religious corporation, association or society with respe t to membership or access based on religion, where religion is a bona fide qualification for membership or access. A violation of the foregoing sh 1 constitute sufficient grounds for adverse action against the license or lice e appiication, including revocation or denial of the license. � a�e of 21 such as "18 and uu" niehts. "colle e nights", "teen ni�hts" or other such 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 desienations unless the events are held in a portion of the establishment where OS lic�uor. includina 3.2 malt, is not sold or served. The licensee will be responsible for insurine that individuals under the a¢e of 21 who enter to attend such events cannot eain access to an azea where liquor is sold. served, permitted or consumed. Anv advertisements in connection with such events must contain disclaimers that the events will be in an alcohol-free area of the establishment and that alcohol will not be sold or served to anvone under the aee of 21_ Licensees are res�onsible for insurine that any individual under the aee of 21, other than an emplovee, who enters the establishment is present only for the puroose of consuminp a meal or attendin�a social funcrion held in a oortion of the Section 2 This ordinance shall t�ce effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicarion. � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B�': Requested by De artment of: By: Form Approved by City A os By: Approved by Mayor for Submi HY: to Council Adopted by COUncil: Date