05-373Council File # O � _ � ` �
Ordinance #
Green Sheet # �-^�"���I
Presented By
Referred To
ttee: Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint
Paui and the zoning maps thereof:
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, Buron Lane
Apartments LLC/Diane Nguyen, in Zoning File 05-058-569, duly petitioned to rezone 1005 & 1011 St. Paul Ave
being legally described as BORDNER'S WEST VIEW N0.2 LOT 13 and 14 BLK 2(PIN) 16-28-23-32-0089 and
16-28-23-32-0090 from R3 (One-family Residential) to RM2 (Multiple-family) to construct nine (9) town homes;
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 17, 2005,
for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code,
submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval ; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 25,
2005, and recommended approval to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the
official newspaper of the City on March 7, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected
property and property situated wholly or partiy within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
,: r
Adoption Certi£ied
Approved by May r
Council Secretary
Requested by Department of:
Planninq & Economic DeveloUment
Approved by Financial Services
Form Approved by City Attorney
di� 2 6 ���
Adopted by Council:�Date/�/�� /,y�//O5�
bs 373
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 16, 2005, at
which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts
and recommendations conceming the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 33, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
That the property at 1005 & 1011 St. Paul Ave, being more particularly described as:
be and is hereby rezoned from R3 to RM2.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
� Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
. OS - 3�
DepartrnenVOfficelcouncil: Date Initiated:
PE — P���B&EconomicIJevelopment ,2-�PR-�5 � Green Sheet NO: 3026071
Contact Person & Phone: Deoar6ment SeM To Person . InitiailDate
EmilyUlmer - � 0 lanain &Econ micDevelo �
� 591 A55ign � I Ianoio & Ec000mic Develo De artmenf Director ��
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 i Atforne �`[ /Z •f
Routing 3 or's Offi e Ma odAssistant
Order 4 ouncil
5 i Clerk Ci Clerk
ToWI # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Lowtions for Signature)
Action Requested:
Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning &om R2 to RM2 for the properties at I005 and I O I I St. Paul
Avenue. The public hearing was held on february 16, Z005.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curcenf city employee?
Yes No
� Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Buron Lane Apt. LLC/Diane Nguyen applied for a rezoning from R3 to RM2 to construct nine new town homes. The Ciry Council
approved the rezoning on Apri16, 2005, after apublic heazing on March 16, 2005.
AdvanWqes If Approved: ^"�"'
Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent. AP R_ 4�� _�S _
DisadvanWqes If Approved:
Disadvantapes If Not Approved: �
City Council action will not be completed.
Total Amount of CosHRevenue Budgeted: � � - - =
Trensaction: . ���}}}�,,,, ��_ �
Fundinp Source: �'� � ! + �, _ ` ActiviN Number: ���-�" /�� 4
{ � c_ct�� � - - 1 � ����t�r� �s'�FIY�'
Financial Information: ��+yvi
(Explain) ��� � � ���
Susart.Yimberly, Dircctor
I �.
cz� oF s�rr PAUL,
Rm+dy C Kelly, Mcyo�
March 1, 2005
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
6512283314 P.02i02
25 Wett Fovrth 3[reet Telephone: 65/-266-6700
SnlntPeul MN55101 Fouemife: 651-128-3220
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Councii is scheduled for
Wednesday, March 16, 20�5, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number:
PrevioUS Action:
Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen
1005 & 1011 St. Paul Ave., SW corner at Yorkshire
Rezoning from R3 to RM2 to construct nine (9) town homes
Zorting Committee Recommendation: Approval, 6- 0, February 17, 2005
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, February 25, 2005
1 have confirmed this day with Councilmember Harris's office, My understanding is fhat this
public hearing request wiil appear on the agenda for the March 9, 2005, City Councif ineeting
and that you wil! publish notice of fhe hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at
266-6591 if you have any questions.
Emily Ulmer �
City Planner
U � E ���
cc: File #: 05-058-569
Applicant: Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen
Diane Nguyen
Pa�i Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
Allan Torstenson
AMADA•EEO Emqloytt
The Saint Paul City Council will con-
duct a public hearing on Wednesday,
Mazch 16, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers, Third Bloor, City
Hall; to consider the application of
Buron Lane Apaztments, LLC/Diane
Nguyen to rezone property at 1005 and
1011 Saint Paul Avenue (SW corner at
Yorkahire Avenue) from R3 (single fam-
ily residen.tial) to RM2 (multiple fawiLy
residential) in oxder to construct.nine (9j
- town homes .
Dated: Mazch� 3; 2005 � �
Mary Erickson - ' �
" Assistant City Covneil $ecretaiy ,
IMamh �
S7: PAUE LEGqL yg�('.gg .
22099798 ' . .
IC�If l��[GI%
Svsan KimberTy, Director .
� �73
CITI' OF SALNT PAiJL 25 West Founh Sveet Telephone: 65I-266-6655
Randy C Ke1ly, Mayor SaintPaul, MF55102 Facsimilz� 657-228-33IS
March 1, 2005
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research O�ce
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning File #: 05-058-569
Applicant: Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen
Address: 1005 & 1011 St. Paul Ave., SW corner at Yorkshire
Purpose: Rezoning from R3 to RM2 to construct nine (9) town homes
City Council Hearing: March 16, 2005, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
Staff Recommendation:
District Councii:
• Zor.ing Committee Recommendation:
Pianning Commission Recommendation:
Conditionai approval
Approval, vote: 6 - 0
3 people spoke, 3 letters were received
10 people spoke, 18 letters and 1 petition were
Approvai vote: unanimous
Staff Assigned:
Emily Ulmer, 266-6591
Planning Commission resolution
Planning Commission minutes, February 25, 2005
Zoning Committee minutes, February 17, 2005
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet
cc: Zoning File #: 05-058-569
Appiicant: Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen
City Council Members
District Council: 15
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Ailan Torstensor
Pefer Warner
d5 -3�3
city of saint paul
� planning commission resolution
file number os-24
date February 25, 20Q5
WHEREAS, Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen, File # 05-058-569, has applied for a rezoning from
R3 to RM2 to construct new townhomes under the provisions of §66.209 of the Saint Paul Legisiative
Code, on property located at 1005 & 1011 St. Paui Ave., Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) 16-28-
23-32-0089 and 16-28-23-32-0090, legally described as BORDNER'S WEST VIEW N0.2 LOT 13
WHEREAS, *.he Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on February 17, 2005, heid a public
hearing at which all persons present were giver, an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of §61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings
of fact:
1. Buron Lane Apartments LLC, and Diane Nguyen, have requested a zoning change from R3
(single family residential) to RM2 (multi-family residenfial). The owners of these properties would
like to develop the site as townhouses.
• 2. The proposed zoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The
area directly behind these two houses is currently used for multi-family housing. The applicanf
has submitted a site plan and elevations for this property which show the development is
compatible with the stytes of exisfing housing in the area.
3. The proposed townhome development is consistent with the character of development in the
neighborhood and will not be detrimental.
4. The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan
encourages developments which promote good design solutions on smaller development sites
and which complement existing neighborhoods. The plan also supports providing a variety of
housing (Housing Plan Policy 5.2). The Land Use Plan calls for providing a range of housing
types and values (Land Use Plan Objective 5.3).
�vOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to
City Council that the appiication of Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen for a rezoning from R3 to
RM2 for properiy at 1005 & 1011 St. Paui Ave. be approved.
moved by Morton
seconded by
in favor IInanimous
• against
Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 3:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Bou[evard
PRESENT: Alton, Anfang, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton
ABSENT: Donnelly-Cohen, and Mejia
STAFF: Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Emily Uimer, and Peter Warner
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton.
Buron Lane Apt, LLC/Diane Nguyen - 05-058-569 - Rezoning from R3 to RM2 to construct nine (9) town
hcmes. 1J�5 & 1 �91 S:. �au! �Lv4., S:N cc�n�r at Y�rlcsh:re. .
Emily Ulmer oresented the siaff report with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning. She also stated
District 15 recommends approval with conditions and 3 letters in support, 18 lefters and one petition with 18
signatures in opposition were received.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon,.Ms. Ulmer explained that the neighbors have concerns regarding
the proposed development will change how the �rea is currently developed that the building would negatively
impact fhe views of the other buitdings.
Upon the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms, James stated a cluster developmenf would limit the property
three units.
art Simek, the applicant, clarified that the ownership of 1011 St. Paul Avenue is under Buron Lane
Apartments and is a corporate entify that has nothing to do with apartmenfs. They also control 1005 under a
purct,ase agreemert with �iane Nguye�;. He aiso gave a history of the area and passed out additio;�al
pictures of the sife. Mr. Simek explained the project in great detail and stated the town homes would meet the
needs of the neighborhood by providing options to those seeking something other than a singie family home in
Highland Pa�'�c. A change .c RM2 zoning would be consistent wi.h fhe neighborhood and der�sity in thz arza.
He also went on to describe the current views and argued that the new townhomes would be better than the
existing views from the south and west end of the condo building.
At fhe question of Commissioner Alton, Mr. Simek explained that approximately 32 feet high single family
homes cpu!d be built without the rezoning.
At the inquiry of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Simek stated that ali the town homes wouid be owner occupied,
and there wouid be a membership association.
Gayle Summers, Flighland Community Organizer, stated there was a meeting on February 16, 2005, with
approximately 28 neighbors in attendance. She provided a resolution stafing fhe Highland Community Council
approves the request for rezoning of the properties with the conditions that the developer look into buiiding
fewer units, and that no more than nine units are permitted. The privacy of the condominium owners in the
west should be taken into consideration so that site lines from the project have minimum impact on the
adjacent properties and the supply of sunlight is not interrupfed. The developers should work with the
Highland Disfricf Councii Communi4y Developmenf Committee and the rieighbors regarding the finai design
� d layout of the project.
he question of Commission Anfang, Ms. Summers stated the applicants worked with the community
Case # 05-058-569
February 17, 2005, Zoning Committee Minutes
Page 2
regarding the design of the previous project, and they never had a complaint when the construction was goin•
Commissioner Kramer suggested that they attend the site plan review meeting for input.
Tm Swanson, 1076 St. Paul Avenue, gave a history of the neighborhood and stated this projecf would help
revitalize fhe neighborhood and attract desirable neighbors.
Erick Anderson, 1048 St. Paui Avenue, submitted a flyer for the record and gave a history of the traffic in the
neighborhood and stated this proposal sfiould not affect the traffic. He also gave a summary of the aesthetics
of�the neighborhood and stated the new project wouid not affect the views. The property values wouid go up
in the neighborhood, and this wouid creafe new aitematives and diverse living for the neighborhood.
At tne question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Anderson stated That the derogotory flyer was disavowed by
Disttict 15.
Tim Bloom, spokesperson for 20'16 Yorkshire Condominiums, stated they are not opposed to the developer,
they are opposed to the way this is being rezoned in order to accommodate the units and the way it is laid out.
He stated the Yorkshire Condominiums would fiave no light because of the way the project is laid out and went
on to pass out a document depicting the area.
Margaret Schleck, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, clarified that her building is a condominium and voiced concems
about losing privacy, natural light, green space, and trees.
Carol Quest, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, stated her concems regarding fhe loss of green space and views. •
Irene Smith, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, stated she opposed the rezoning because it would decrease the property
value o` her property.
Miriane Medinor, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, reiterated tfie concems pertaining to light, privacy, and green space.
She aiso requested that windows tivould not be piaced on the side of the buiiding that wouid be facing her
Judith Landsteiner, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, voiced concems about the loss of lighf, and the density of the
project, it is too many units, too close, and too big.
Georgia Hagen, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, sfated concerns pe; taining to lighf, and decreased property values.
Ben Bergeson, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, echoed the previous voiced concems.
Bea B(oom, 2016 Yorkshire Avenue, stated without light she woutd become depressed.
Stuart Simek, the appiicant, stated the sing�e family homes in liighland and Sf. Paul have been built close
together because they are located in a dense area and if fhey weren't built like that St. Paui wou{d not be like it
is today. Insfead of a 20 foot setback there is a 30 foot sefback between the buildings. They are commifted to
working with the neighborhood on reasonable issues.
The public hearing was ciosed. •
Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the Rezoning with the deletion of the phase to construct nine
05 37 3
Case # 05-058-569
February 17, 2005, Zoning Committee Minutes
Page 3
�missioner Anfang seconded the mofion.
Commissioner Gordon explained that this is a petition to rezone and the Zoning Commission should not get
into the number of unifs that go on the rezoned property or any site pfans.
Commissioner Kramer offered a friendly amendmenf fhat fhe site plans should come to the Pianning
Commission which was accepted by Commissioner Gordon and Anfang and fhe motion passed by a vote of 6-
Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0
Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by:
�� n ,,� l �I �� � �
�-�^'W ! � � _
Carol Martineau Emily Ulm r Glad Morton
Recording Secretary Zoning � ction Chair
r �'
�5 3� 3
Saint Paul PIanning Commission
. City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Bonlevard West
Minutes of February 25, 2005
�� �
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 25, 2005,
at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Doanelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, McCall, and Morton; and
Present: Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, Coletta, Johnson, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott.
Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy, Porter, and *Trevino; and Messrs. *Dandrea, 'Gordon, an3 Kong.
Also Present: Allen Lovejoy, Emily Ulmer, Donna Drununond, Nate Lischwe (Intern),
Allan Torstenson, Allea Carlson, Marie Franchett, and Mary Bruton, Department
of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom Beach and Wendy Lane,
LIEP staff.
Approval of minutes of February 11, 2005
MOTION: Commissioner Alexander moved approval of the minutes of February II, 2005.
Commissioner %rancer seconded the motion. The motion casried unanimously on a voice vote_
Chair's Announceiuents
Chair Johnson stated he spent the last four days at an energy alternatives and wind conference in
westem Minnesata. He said there are many things going on and that Minnesota is a leader in
the Upper Midwest. He reported that Texas now has the lazgest wind power facilities in the US,
with Minnesofa following next.
Planning Administrator's Announcements
Announcements given by Allen Lovejoy, PED Planner.
Mr. Lavejoy reported on Ciry CouncIl business for last week. He stated the Council adopted
the Zoning changes for the Fort Road rezoning that the Piannina Commission looked at two
weeks ago with a fair number of changes in the Randolph Avenue area.
Zoning Committee
Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report.
05=� 13
M01TON: Commissioner Morton moved the Zonine Committee's recommendation to approve
the conditiosaZ use permzt Tke motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
#OS-059-134 Universitv Carieton LLC - Rezoning from Il (Light Indushial) to TN3 (Traditional
Neighborhood). 2324 Charles Ave., azea bounded by University, Hampden, Chazles, and
Cazleton. (Donna Drummond, 651/266-6556)
Commissioner Morton stated Dislrict 12 recommends approval. No one spoke � support or
opposition. The public hearing was ciosed. The Zoning Committee recommends approval on a
vote of 6-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve
the rezoning. Th¢ rnotion carried uaanimously on a voice vote
#OS-059-916 LSniversitv Cazleton LLC - Variance to allow a proposed 263 dweIling units
(223 units peimitted) in a multi-family residen�ial development on a 4.5 acre portion of the site.
2324 Charles Ave., azea bounded by University, Hampden, Charles, and Cazleton.
(Donn¢ Drurr�mond, 65I/266-6556)
Commissioner Morton stated District 12 recommends approval. No one spoke in suppozt or
opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends approval with
condi�ion on a vote of 6-0.
MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zonino Commiitee's recommendation to approve
the variance. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
NOS-054-710 Brock Obee - Change of Nonconforming Use to permit beer as weil as wine on the
menu. 128 Cleveland Ave. N., NE comer at Laurel. (Emily Ulmer, 651/266-659I)
Commissioner Morton stated Dishict 13, Merriam pazk, recommends approval. No one spoke in
snpport, no letters were received in support. One person spoke in opposition, 2letters were
reczived in bpposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends
approval with conditions on a vote of 5-0, with 1 abstention (Alton).
MOTION: Commusioner Monon moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve
the chartge of nanconforming usz Tke motian carried on a vote oj'II-0, with 1 abstention
�OS-058-569 Buron Lane A�t LLC/Diane NQUVen - Rezoning from R3 to RMZ to construct nine
town homes. 1005 & 1011 St. Paul Ave., SW comer at Yorkshire. (EmiZy Ulmer, 651/266-6591)
Commissioner Morton stated District 15 recommends approval with conditions. Three people
spoke in support; and 3 letters received in support. Ten people spake in opposition; I8 letters
and 1 perition with 18 signatures were received in opposirion. The public hearing was c2osed.
The Zoning Committee recommends approvai on a vo`te of 6-0.
�s -�73
MOTION: Cosnmissioner Morton moved the Zoning Commiltee's recommendation to approve
• the rezoning.
Commissioner Kramer stated much of the opposition had to do with the view lines or the Iayout
of the buildings and not the actual rezoning criteria or redeveloping the site. The site plan may
return to ffie Zoning Commitxee if those issues aze not resolved.
Tlze molion carried unarzimously on a voice vote.
AduIt Enterfainment Zonine Studv. Release draft for public review and set public hearing for
March 25, 2005. (Larry SoderhoZm, 657/266-6575)
Wendy Lane, LIEP, gave a brief report.
MOTION: Commissioraer Monon moved to release draft for public review and set public
hearing for March 25, 2005, et the Planning Commisszon. The m_otion carried unanimously
on a voice vote.
Commissioner Morton read the agenda for the ne� Zoning Committee meeting on Mazch 3r
#OS-063-465 TCF National Bank - Conditional Use Pernut for accessory bank drive-through lanes
v✓ith modificaroa of a condition to allow a driveway iess than 6G feet from residentially zoned
property. 2177 Ford Pkwy., NE comer at Cretin. (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-6639)
• #OS-063-464 7& A Pro�erties - Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) to TN2 (Traditional
Neighborhood). 619 and 625 Snelling, between Lafond and Thomas. (Emily UZmer,
m05-G63-463 Hoc Ncn:yen - Modification of Conditior.al Use :'emut for outdoor auto sales to
allow 25 velucles for sale and 38 total on site. (23 vehicles allowed under current pemiit). 380
Maryland Ave., SW comer at Westem. (P¢tricia.7ames, 651/266-6639)
#€05-047-765 St. '�homas-McNeelv HalUColle¢e of Business classroom buildin�- Site Plan
Review. 2115 Summit Avenue. (To»z Beach, 651/266-9086)
V. Comprehensive Planning Committee
Presentafion bv John Mazcko Citv Eneineer Public Works - Ayd Mill Road.
Mr. Mazcko talked about the 4-lane extended alternative plan which is the one that the Planning
Couunission endorsed in 1999. He also gave a virtual reality computer presentation compazing
the e�sting roadways and the proposed alternauve plan.
Avd Mill Road - Finai EIS. Approve resolution. (Allen Lovejay, 657/266-6576)
MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved ¢pproval of the Ayd Mill Road fin¢Z EIS.
The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote.
05-3 73
Recorded and prepazed by
Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Depazhnent,
City of Saint Paul
Respectfuily submitted,
Lazry Soderholm All Lovejoy)
Planning Administra r
PED�Bruton�Minutes\F'ebruary 25, 2005
Sce McCall
Secretary of the PIanning Commission
05 -3 73
FILE # 05-058-569
• 1. APPLICANT: Buron Lane Apartments LLC/Diane Nguyen HEARING DATE: February 17, 2005
3. LOCATION: 1005 & 1011 St. Paul A�,e., SW comer at Yorkshire
4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTiON:16-28-23-32-0089; BORDNER'S WEST VIEW N0.2 LOT 13 BLK 2
6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §6622'1; § G1.801(b)
7. STAFF REPORT DATE: February 9, 2005
BY: Emily Ulmer
8 .DATE RECEIVED: January 27, 2005 60 DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: April 1, 2005
A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from R3 (One-family Residential) to RM2 (Multiple-family) to construct nine
(9) town homes.
B. PAitCEL SIZE: irregular parcel, 128.72 (Yorkshire) x 113.62 (St. Paul} = 21,044 sq. ft.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: Singie family homes
North: Low Density Residentiaf (R3)
East: Low Density Residential (R3)
South: Low Density Residential (R3)
West: Multipie Family Residential (RM2)
E. ZONING CODE CITATION: § 66.221 lists uses permitted in the RN12 district §61.801(b) provides
for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the properry owner.
• F. HISTORYIDISCUSSION: There is no zoning history for these properties. However, 1011 St. Paul
is registered as a vacant building.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 15 had not commented at the time this staf
report was prepared.
1. Buron Lane Apartments LLC, and Diana Ngu;-en, have requested a zoning change from R3
(singie family residential) to RM2 (multi-family residential). The owners of these properties
would like to develop the site as town houses.
2. The proposed zoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. The
area directiy behind these two houses is curcently used for multi-family housing. The applicant
has submitted a site plan and elevaiions for this property which show the develapment is
compatibie with the styles of existing housing in the area.
3. The proposed townhome development is consistent with the character of development in the
neighborhood and will not be detrimental.
4. The proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive
plan encourages developments which promote good design solutions on smaller development
sites and which compiement e�asting neighborhoods. The pian also supports providing a
variety of housing (Housing Plan Policy 52). The Land Use Plan calfs for providing a range
of housing types and values (Land Use Pian Objective 5.3).
i. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the
rezoning from R3 (One family Residential) to RM2 (Multiple-family) to construct nine (9) town
• homes.
�'S5-3 �,�
Depardnrnt of Plaetning and Economic Develnpment
Zoning Sec/ion
I400 Ciry HaUArsnez
25 R'estFourthStreet
SainiPaul, MNSSIO2-I634
(65I) 266-6589
APPLICANT Address - 7�C'� C l��t c�cu.dt �'N e S � a.�, "
City S ac" .�Ct �a. \ St. MNZip ,��� / Daytime Phone�.$7-6��04at
Contact Person (if different) _ DL�.eG S t n^��G Phone��c��
Address ! Lowtion
(attach additional sheet if
Purs ant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul'Zoning Ordinance and to Secfion 462.357(5) of Minnesota Stafues,
�Ufd� �� C,�O [gn���+-�Nt� f��e'q p owner of Iand proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to
rezone the above described property from a 1\ J zoning district to a���
zoning district, for the purpose of:
Building of 9 new townhomes on the site. Both 1005 and 1011 St Paul Ave. aze adjacent to an e�sting
RM-2 zoning disuict 1011 St Paul Ave is a condemned/vacant home that would be demolished and 1005
would be removed from the site. Based on the site azea the RM-2 zoning district allows up to 14 units.
Howeve;, based on the shape of the site and the neigkborhood, we mtend to build four ihree-bedroom
townhome units on St Paul Ave. and five three-bedroom townhome units on the westem side of the site.
(Please find the following attachmeats; Exhibit A'-Location map within existing zoning district, Eachibit
`B'-Proposed Site Plan, and Exlubit `C' -Building Elevation Concept)
( !c `1 t �
(atfach addifional sheet(s) if necessaryj
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Affidavit ❑
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this 2'� � day
of t.Jr,�,n �ar i� Zp�,
' �,+����/�/ My Canmissiai Erpires Jan.37, 2W7
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Highland District Council
1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul MN 55116
651-695-4005, fag 695-4019, e-mail hd�r��.�om
February 17, 2005
Zoning Committee
St. Faul Planning Commission
25 West 4�` Street
S� Paul MN 55102
Re: Z005 and 2011 S�. PauI Avenue
To Whom It May Concern:
On Wednesday, February 16�`, the Commu�ity Development
Committee of the Highland District Council met with the neighbors
of and the appliCant for the proposed rezoning at 2005 and 2011 St
Paul Avenue. Appro�mately 25 neighbors were present
The applicants, represente� by Sta�art and Doug Simek, addressed
the.group and displayed a rendering that depicted the Iayout
of the nine townhonse on #he site. The neighbors raised a number
of concerns incIuding quesiions regarding density, access to the
par�ng area, increased iraffic, obstructing views and bIocI�ng
adequate light to the ezisting 18-unit condomininm directly to the
west. Concern was also raised regarding what future zoning
changes wiIl occur to accommodate additional muItifamiIy
development in the neighborhood inclnd'utg how
Emily Ulmer - Rezonmg 1005 end 1017 St Paul Avenue' ' Page 1
From: <Craig.L.Grantham@welisfargo.com>
To: <emity.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 2/16/2005 9:02:08 AM
Subject: Rezoning 1005 and 1011 St Paul Avenue
Re; Rezoning 1005 and 1011 St. Paul Ave.
Fo 4Vhom It May Concem:
My name is Craig Grantham and I Iive at 2016 Montreal Ave. I will be unable to attend the Highland
District Councii meeting tonight due to a work obiigation. However, i did want to take the opportuniry fo
contact you regarding my views on the rezoning for the nine proposed town homes at 1005 and 1011 St.
Paul Ave. I would be in strong favor of this rezoning and feel that it is a very positive move for the
i previously owned a home on Bayard Ave. and have �ived in Highland Park for eight years. I sold my
home and bought one of the new town homes developed by Montreal Terrace Town homes about a year
ago. It has been very positive change and I have found that town home iiving is pertect for me. I also
enjoy the neighborhood and its proximity to the Village area and aH it has to offer. 1 like the convenience
and maintenance free Iife style that a town home offers me. i enjoy traveling and the ability to leave
without having to worry about caring for a yard or whether I'm going to be home in time to shovel snow
during tha winter. As we baby boomers age i'm certain more and more residents of St. Paul are going to
be in the same situation and would vaiue the chance to remain in the neighborhood yet eliminate the work
that goes with owning a singie family home.
Based on the results of Montreal Terrace Town homes, I think the developers previous work and ability to
build a project that fits in with the neighborhood speaks for itseif. {'ve been very pfeased with the qnality of
the construction and they have been very responsive in foilowing on any smaii issues that have occurred.
In my opinion town homes are a type of project that Highfand desperately needs more of. Without more of
these types of developments the only option is single family homes or apa, to choose from. This
development wiil meet the needs of the community and provide more options for those seeking something
other than a single family home and all of the constant work that goes with it. I'd be glad to discuss this •
further if you would like to contact me.
Craig Grantham
2016 Montreal Avenue
Craig L. Grantham
Lending Manager
Auto Finance Group
65'i-205-6325 (p)
651-205-8598 (�
MAC SV9141-030
>'This message may contain confidential andlor privileged information. If you are not the addressee or
authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy,. disclose, or take any action based on
this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, piease advise the
sender immediately by reply e-maii and defete fhis message. Tfiank you Snr your cooperation"
Page 1 of 1
Q5-�7 3
Emily Ulmer - Rezonmg 1005 and 1011 St Paul Ave
� From:
"Saza J Shaughnessy" <SazaJShaughnessy@comcast.nev
<emily.ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <pat.harris@cistpaul.mn.us>, <hdc@visi.com>
2/16i2005 8:36:15 AM
Rezoning 1005 and 1011 St Paul Ave
To Whom it May Concern:
I live at 971 St Paul Avenue and am unable to attend the Highland Disitict Council Meeting on tonight,
February 16th of 2005. I do, however, want to speak in favor of rezoning for the proposed townhomes.
I moved here in January of 2004 from Mendota Heights. I purchased my townhome from the developer
of the proposed project. I love my new neighborhood and townhome and think the proposed townhomes
would be another great addition to the nieghborhood. Had there not been a townhome option for me to
purchase in Highland I would not have been able to move her�. My work schedule demands the
maintena�ce free lifestyle that a:ewnhome gives me and offers a livin� choice that myself and others
found difficult to find in the great neighborhoods of Highland.
In summary, I support the propsed townhome rezoning of 1005 and 1011 St. Paul Avenue for new
Thanks for your time!
Sara J. Shaughnessy, CCM
Somerset Country Club
Phone 651.457.1416
Fax 651.455.2282
file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\[Jlmer�L,ocal%20Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 2/16/2005
Page 1 of 1
Emily Ulmer - Proposed Yorkshire and St. Paul Ave. Townhomes
From: "Doug Do11ifF' <DDolliff@Northmazq.com>
To: <hdc@visi.com>, <pat.harris@ci.stpaut.mn.us>, <emiiy.ulmer@ci.stpau2.mn.us>
Date: 2/15/2005 6:00:40 PM
Subject: Proposed Yorkshire and St. Paul Ave. Townhomes
CC: "Mike Semsch" <msemschCc�,mn.rr.com>
Hightand District Council hdc a�visi.com
Gayle Summers (651} 685-4005
Council Member Pat Harris �at.harris@ci.stpaul.mn.us
Emily Uimer emiiy.ufinerC�c.ci stpautmn.us
Cify of St. Paul Zoning Committee
(651 j-266-G591
RE: Proposed Yorkshire and St. Paul Ave. Townhomes
From: Dougtas A. Doltiff, Chief Manager of Higfiland Park Townhomes
As owner and convezter/developer of the Highland Park Townhomes at Montreal and Cleveland I am in
support of the proposed devetopment by Meridian / Simek at Yorkshire and St. Pau( Ave. The proposed .
development wouid be an asset to the azea and would help home values. While one may suggest that
this project would be competition to our conversion, however I feel that unprovement to the
neighborhood. would be positive and hence I support the project.
-Douglas A. Dolliff, Jr. — Chief Manger of CiryHomes Highland Pazk LLC
file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\Ulmer�I,ocal%20Settings\Temp\GW}OOOOI.HTM 2/16/2005
F[i5 � � 2�Q� Mon, 2/14/05
����� 5� 3�,"��" $5�'��€�
Ta Whom Ifi May Concern,
We are currently in �loridn, therefore wiil not be abte to ¢tfierid the City Haii
meeting on Thur. 2/17/Q5, regarding this matfier.
We have resided nt 1017 St Paut Rve for 47 years. Our property +s next to
propert+es 1005 and 1011 St Paul Rve.
Rn appl+cation to rezone those two properties, for the purpose of erecting nine
townhomss, ns been submitted to the St Paul Planning Commission Zoning Committ�e.
�ile # Q5-058-569.
We are adamantly opposed to this proposai being granted.
We have no interest in selling our Property at 1017 St Paul Rve. Nor do we want
to look out our wi�dows to v+ew a wall of townhomes.
We c¢n be contacted at 823-633-5799.
� Thnnk you for your consideration of th+s matter,
Al and Phyliis Rmlee
2017 St Pau! Rve
�� �73
Page 1 of 1
Emily Ulmer - Rezoning of 1005 & 1011 St Paul Ave
From: <Korbelgil@aol.com>
To: <emily.uimer@ci.stpaul.mn.us>
Date: 2/14/2005 4:00:21 PM
Subject: Rezoning of 1005 & 1011 St Paul Ave
Mon, 2l14/OS
To Whom it May Concem,
We have resided at 1041 St Paul Ave since February of 1992. Our property is 5 houses south of properties
1005 and 1011 St Pauf Ave.
An appiicafion to rezone those iwo properties, for the purpose of erecting nine town homes, has been.
submitted to the St Paui Pianning Commission Zoning Gommittee. File # 05-058-569.
We are adamantly opposed to this proposal being granted.
This is a singie famity residential neighborhood. That is one of the main reasons we purchased our propeRy. 1f
we had wanted to be surrounded by town fiomes and apartments, we would have bought one.
When will it end? if this is approved, the deveiopers wili continue to try to encroach on the neighborhood.
We can be confacted at 651-699-680b
Thank you for your consideration of this matter,
Gil and Carol Graf
1041 St Paul Ave
file:llC:�Documents% 2/15/2005
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Page 1 of 1
Emily Ulmer - zoniag change for lOdS and 1011 St. Pani Av.
, Rrom:
<emily,ulmer@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <hdc@visi.com>
2/14(2005 2:28:�8 PM
zoning change foz 1005 and 1Qi I St. Paul Av.
The main thing 1 would like to see is a clear policy in advance on this type of change, so we are protected fram a
continuing creep of muiti-family homes in the area. In other words, if we could be assured that once one
townhouse is buiit, the next property from it is not vulnerabie to conversion from singie family to multi-fam+Iy, then
i could accept (albeit reluctantly} this particuJar change, which involves houses that are already nexf to multifamily
dwellings that have been in place far some time. Without such assurance, i cannot support this zoning change.
it seems that the city supports denser development, as so many townhomes have been approved in the past few
years. We deserve to have some clear planning of this devetopment, and not have to deai with it on a case by
case basis, where we don't know what tomorrow will bri�g. Sincerely, Harold Samtur, 1036 St. Paui Avenue.
file:(1C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\Ulmer\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 2/I4/2Q�
vrr av� �V ��Y4 r�.vv aava vvavr�vvv� ui�au �. arv�i
05- 3 �3
R£GARDING: PROPERTIES 1005 & 101i SAINT PRUL A�VE. �ILE #� 05-058-569
_ - . �., �
WED, 211610�
St Paul Planning Committee / Zoning Cammittee,
i am a property owner .at r� � � �� ��� � � �'
An appliCaLjon to rezone the southwest corner of Saint Paul Ave &
Yorkshire (1005 & 1011 St Paut Ave}, for the purpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted to the St Paui Planning Commission
Zoning Camm;ttee. Fi(e # OS-058-569.
1 am OPP05�D co this proposai being granted.
i can be contacted at �f r�}�'� -� s_______3 �____
i'hank you for your consideration af this matter,
- -------- - - � --------
.. . . ..W .. .� ��.
WED. 2! 16 JOS
St Fau[ Plannir�g Committee / Zaning Committee,
I am a property awner at ���.���Q��. ��.
An application to rezone the southwest corner of Saint Paui Ave &
Yorkshire t1005 & 1011 St Paui Ave), for the purpose of erecting nine
tawn homes, has been svbmitted to the St Paul Planning Commission
Zoning Committee. �ile # 05-058-569.
f am OPQOS�D ta this proposa! be'rng granted.
I can be contacted at _����o�d _—� �
Tfiank you for your consideratian of this matter,
w�, z�is�os
St Paul Planning Committee / Zaning Committee,
i am a property owner at _�,C? 3" S �_��,� ____
An application to rezone the southwest corner of Saint Paul Ave &
Yorkshire t1Qa5 & lOII St Pau) Ave}, for the purpose of eretting nine
town homes, has been submitted ta the St Pauf Planning Commission
Zoning Committee_ File # OS-Q58-569.
i am OPPC)SED ta this proposa! being granted.
1 can be contacted at Y�� l.� � 1_5 ��5� �_.___�•
Thank you for your consideratian af this matter,
-------'�-��.---�' --1 �----
,_ .. -_ ... � �
w�, z��6�os
St Pau! Pianning Committee / Zoning Comriiittee,
1 am a property owner at _, f L S_1 S" i ��AK ti� � �� ��.
An applicatian to rezone the southwest corner pf Saint Paul Ave &
Yorkshire t1b05 & 1011 St Paul Ave), for the purpose of erecting nine
tawn hames, has been submitted to the St Paui Planning Corrsmission
Zoning Committee, File # OS-058-569.
1 arn fJPPffSED to this proposai being granted.
1 can Y�e contacted at 6�� r' 6 S Q� G� y � _
Thank you for your cansideration of this matter,
Signed l
----= - � ��--�� � =__
05 3� �
� vv�D,21161a5
St Pau) Pianning Cammittee 1 Zoning Committee,
1 am a properry owner at /(?35 Sf Po„/ �¢„�� ,
An application to razone the sauthwest torner of Saint Pauf Ave &
Yorkshire (1Ot35 & 1011 St Paui Ave}, for the purpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted to the St Paul Pianning Commission
2oning Committee. Fiie # Q5-058-569.
1 am C}PPOSED to ti:is proposal being granted.
( can be cantacted at ���'__ �� 7��_�________�__
Thank you for your consideration of this mazter,
-���. %�i!G_-�+-�-------------------
VL/1ViVV !tL✓ l��il tCi[i. VVLVV�VVVV V��L
D5-3 �3
.�nj vvy
WED, 2J16i05 �
St Paul Planning Committee / Zoning Committee,
1 am a property owner at tc �.I _S_T_.Q�.�L�� �tPa��i mt� �S�f�O _
An appiicatian to rezone the southwest corner of Saint Pau1 Ave &
Yorks�ire (lOQS & 1011 St Paui Ave), for the purpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been sabmitted to the 5t Pauf Plann+ng Cammission
Zaning Committee_ File # 0�-058-569.
1 am OPPOSE� ta this proposai being granted.
i can be contacted at �t-�.�o3��____�..,_�•
Thank you for your consideration of this matter,
_��'�� �.�
WED, 2/16(45
St Paui Planning Committee / Zoning Commiitee,
n �
1 am a property owner at _� % 3 �'"_ �"�N--{ � F �'��_____,
An appiication to re2one the southwest corner of Saint Pau! Ave &
Yorkshire (1005 & IOI15t Paul Ave), forthe purpose of erecting nine
town hames, has been submitted to the St Paul Piar►ning Commission
Zoning Committee. File # 05-058-569.
i am OPPOSED to thi; proposa! being grantsd.
� � i � r � /
1 can be contacted at ��,.�_�_ �����
Thank you for your cansideration of this matter,
Signe�, r
�� `��, �,
---___-f ° -- - -�=-�-�--------
OS ��3
WED, 2/16/05 �
St Pau1 Planning Cammittee J Zoning Committee,
I am a property owner at _���i���! -����___.
An appiication ta rezane the southwest corner of Saint Paui Ave &
Yorkshire (1Q05 & 1011 St Paul Ave), for the purpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted to the St Faul Planning Commission
Zoning Committee. Fi)e # 05-058-569.
i am �PP�SED to this proposat being granted.
I can be contaaed ar �� __.
Thank you for yovr cansideration of this matter,
-------- ------ -- y _'� v _ Ltr- � - ��----------
C �
St Paui PEanning Committee ( Zoning Committae,
WEQ, 2/16/05
1 am a properry owner at _/ � 3 S� �/�-u� �-���.
An application to rezone the sauthwest corner of Saint Pau} Ave &
Yorkshire (1005 & 1Q11 St Pau! Ave?, for the purpose of erecting nine
tawn homes, has been subrnitted to the St Pau} Planning Commission
Zoning Committee. File # OS-058-569.
1 am OPPO�ED to this proposal being granted.
i can be contacted at __ ������4 �s�',� �_______-
Thank you for your consideratior► of this matter,
-����--�='-� =� ------------
UL svr ..v eu+. �v . v . . .... ..v..vv+...v..., ,,.,,.. ,� �
d5-� �3
uvEO, z�is�as
St Paui Pianning Committee J Zoning Committee,
i am a property own.er at � v� L__��/� '��v �._.. �
An appfication to rezone the svuthwest corner of Saint Paul Ave &
Yorkshire {�,005 & 1011 St Paui Ave), for the purpose ofi erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted ta the St Paul Planning Cornmission
Zoning Committee� File # Q5-058-564.
1 am OPPOSED to this proposal being granted.
1 can be contacted at °�A�-
Thank you for your consides�ation of this matter,
-- ��.�u -?� _'-a°.-�°`�-�i�---------
..w . . ._ _ L� 373
St Pau( Planning Comrriittee / Zoning Committee,
WED, 2/i6/05
! am a property owner at �_ g���- ����-��____.
An applitation to rezone the southwest corner af Saint Pau! Ave &
Yorkshire {1405 & 1Q11 St Pau) Ave}, tor the purpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted to the St Pa�l Planning Commission
Zoning Committee. Fiie # Q5-058-569.
( am OPP�3SED to this proposal being granted.
i can be contacted at �� _�'R� _04�`�j? C�J _�a�% �' �, �Z2-7to ���
Thank you for your consideratian of this matter,
�5—� 73
WED, 2/16J05 �
St Pau1 P3anning Committee J Zoning �ommittee,
I am a property owner at ���1 �� t�ac� �_,�v�t
An application to rezone the southwest carner of Saint Paui Ave &
Yorkshire (1045 & 1011 St Pau1 Ave), far the pvrpose of erecting nine
town homes, has been submitted to the St Paul Planning Commission
Zoning Committee. File # 05-0�8-569.
1 am Ol�P(3SED ta this proposal being granted.
i can be contacted at �251 - Z f Z ��_�.
Thank you for your consideration af this matter,
Signed,�.L - ----------------
05 - r
� File Number OS-058-564
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