05-342ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 155 to extend the slow-no-wake 2 speed zone on the Mississippi River from the grain elevator head 3 house to the Smith Avenue High Bridge 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �-�� 6 7 Secdon 1 wy 23 '05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chapter 155 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 155.01. Pwpose, intent and application. As authorized by Minnesota Statutes, . . , §,§ 86B.201& 86B.205 and &459.20, as now in effect and as hereafter amended, this chapter is enacted for the purpose and with the intent to control and regulate the use of parts of the waters of the Mississippi River in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, said bodies of water being located entirely within the boundaries of the City of Saint Paul, to promote its fullest use and enjoyment by the public in general and the citizens of the city in particular, to ensure safety for persons and property in connection with the use of said waters, and to promote the general health, safety and welfaze of the citizens of the city. Sec. 155.02. State laws and rules--Adopted and incorporated by reference. The Minnesota Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws, Minnesota Statutes, Seetians3fr1-8t t3�rengir35iz�}Chapter 86B, as i�tey it now exists and are is hereafter amended, and the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Rules, parts 6110.0100-.2300, as the same now exist and aze hereafter amended, are hereby adopted, incorporated herein by reference and made a paz hereof as if set forth in their entirety. At least three (3) copies of said Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws and Boat and Water Safety Rules and Regulations, so adopted, shall be marked as official copies and filed in the office of the city clerk along with the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, and amendments thereto. Sec. 155.03. Same--Violation. Any person violating the Minnesota Waters and Watercraft Safety Laws, and the Boat and Water Safety Rules and Regulations promulgated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, adopted and incorporated herein by reference, shall be subject of the penalties and Council File # _�� Ordinance# 3026003 Green Sheet # o�D punishment hereinafter pzovided. Sec. 155.04. Surface zoning of specific azeas of the Mississippi River. (�,- 3tiZ (a) In the azeas between mile 839.5 and &�8 the Smith Avenue Hieh Brid¢e at mile 840.5, and between mile 844.6 and 845.1, no motorboat shall travel at greater than "slow-no- wake speed." "Slow-no-wake speed" is defined as the operation of a watercraft at the slowest possibie speed to maintain steerage, and in no case greater than five (5) miles per hour. (b) Watercraft are exempt from the foregoing restriction to prevent endangering the craft or occupants when it is necessary. Sec. 155.05. Enforcement. The enforcement of this chapter shall be the primary responsibility of the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department. Other licensed peace officers including conservation officers of the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Minnesota are also authorized. Sec. 155.06. Persons exempt. All authorized resource management, emergency and enforcement personnel, while acting in the performance of their assigned duties, are exempt from the foregoing restriction. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. � ����� Adopted by Council: Date S Adoption Certified by Council 5 cretary Appr ,� /�` �. , _ _. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Department/o�celeouncil: ; Datelnitiated: `�—_��� PR — parksandRecreation i. o�.�R_o5 . I Green Sheet NO: 3026003 i Contact Person & Phone: � Vnce Giliespie r 266E408 � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): i � Assign Number For Routing Order Venartmertt aen[ �orerson mmauvaie 0 arks aod Recreah0o � 1 arks and Recrea 'on De arhnent Dir ctor '�� 2 avor's OfPce I Mavor/Assisfant i 3 nuncil I CiN Council 4 arks and Recreadon i Pnce Gillesoie 5 I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All LocaGons for Signature) Amend ordinance Chapter 155 to extend the Slow/No Wake Speed Zone on the Mississippi River that currently exists between the Wabasha Bridge (mile 839.5) and the abandoned grain elevator/head house (mile 840), upriver an addirional one-half mile to the Sauth Avenue High Bridge (mile 840.5). idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? � Yes No �6cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul wishes to extend the current Slow/No Wake Zone to include the Saint Paul Yacht Club's public gas dock and upper hazbor entrance, protecting our facilities from potenrial damage and unsafe conditions during the fueling of boats. AdvanWpeslfApproved: � The City of Saint Paul feels these changes would be beneficial to all users of the river in the area, the Harriet Island vendors, noise and erosion reducrion, reduced potential for collisions in a crowded area, and protect inveshnents of floating and shoreline facilities. Disadvantapes If Approved: None i Disadvantages If Not Approved: Noise and erosion in azea, potential for collisions in a crowded azea, potential damage and unsafe conditions during fueling of boats in �� the Saint Paul Yacht Club. I Total Amount of 0 Transaction: Funding Source: N.A. Pinanciallnformation: N.A. (Explain) CasURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: N.A. . �. a�1�S�Az`3. °C� �����r t R ' �tf " � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � . GO � ROUTIN RDER: . , , , , � Below am coirect iouYin s for 8ie six most `� docum � � 8 fra4aenttPP es of ents_ � � „ ,� � �� _ � ^ � ^ � CONTIZACTS (assumes airthorized budget ezQSts) ' COUNCII. RESOLUTS�N (amend budgets(accepk'greNs) ' � , L outsiaeAgency ' , Y bepaiimentD 'u�'ctor , , 2. DepachnentDirecYor 2, O�ce ofFwaniaal $ervices Iairect�' '� � �� 3: CityAttomey���; � � � �� �� 3. CitpAtto�neg,' ��'� � �� �, � � �� ' � � � ' 4, Mayor/Assistanf (for contrscts over $ZS,OOQ) � � 4. Ivia�o;/Ass1�t � � .� ; � , " 5. F3a��i Ri'8hts Cfor contiactc ovea $SO,OOQ) � � ' City„Co�ail , ' � � � � � � � � � � � 6.� , O�ce oPFin�ciat �Services = Accountin�g � 6 � � f5&ce a�Einancial Secvicas -�Accoimting , , � � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS'(BndgetRevision) C6I7NCIE: RESOLUTION (all olhecs and Ordinances} � � � 1 ActiviryManagerorDepazfinentAccountant �� �1 DepauimentDirector � � � � , 2. DepmimentDaector , ' 2 CityAttomey ' 3. O&eeofFiaancialSeivicesDirector , 3 MayorlA� 4. City Clerk 4., City Couocl � � 5. �O�ce of�Financiat Secvices - Accoi�nting , � � � � ADMtNISTRATIVE, ORBERS (all' others} , E�CiJTiVE ORDER , � 7. l�srtment�iiector �' � � � � 2 Dep �ar�'ent,Di�ctoi � , ', �� � , ' � 2. �CityAttoxney, ' � i � „ �'� 2 C�tyAttomey'r ��� � � � � � � 3: OfficeofFinancialSeavicesl�irector � 3 $fegor�tYss�.�ant ����, � � � � � � � � , , � � 4. CityClerk �� � � � � �� 4_ Ciig'�Tedc � � � � �� � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � � ' TOTAL NG3MBEit' OF SIGNATURE,PACcES ' Fndicate the # of ' es on which si tures 9re �red mmd ur fla' ' eachofth'ese es: , P�8 � �4 �P�P g P� , , H AGTIONREQUESTID, ' s ' r , , •' � Descnl�e wfist tfie'ProJecUrecNe� seeks to•sa;omplish in etther�claonological order or order of unpottsuce, wluchever �s; most appiopnale for the issue: Do nottvcite complete seaf�:' ,Begin� each item myoni list �'itli auab.' , � � � � � � � � �� � �� „ , RECQNIlv1ENDATIONS " Complete iftfie' issue in questionhas beea piesented before an)'tiodY Pnbhc or pnv� PERSONtYL SERVICE,CONTRACT$: � � Thts information wi11 be used to deteimine the city's liatxility for worke�s� compensahon cle�s ta�es andpaopet civil � secvice'f�inngxiiles. ' ° � � , � INITIATlNGPRQ$LIIv� ISSUE,-QPPORTUNITY,' lainfhe situeiion a�r condiEions that created a'ueed for, is '"ect o�r re uest � � P?�l , , , �P 3'� 4 , , ', ADVA2TPAGESIF,APPROVID Tndicate ivhether this is simply an annuel budget,procedure xeyµffed,by Iaw/cbarter or wfietfier theie are specific viays �n , which t7ie Gity ofSaintPaul and its citizeac witl.iienefit from Shis �iojecY/action: "' '^, �" , " DISAD�7ANPAGESIEAPPRC3VED , ' � ;� ' � �� � " � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � • , �� � � Wbat � .ve effects or 'or � to�ewsbn ' ocesses I • � � , ' ' , neBah ma� �I�Bes BorPastPr , �mShtth�sprol ,C�&,�cdelays,nmse;'fa�cincieasesdrAS�-c�eats)? Toi�fiom? WF�en2,Forhowlong7 i � � � � � � � � � � „ � �� � � ' � � . DISADVANFAGES'IFNOTAPPROVED , ' � , What will tie ttie negative consequences if the piomised achrni is not approved2 Fnaba7ity'to del�ver,secvice? Co�tmue � � higfi�tr�ffc noise,accidentxat'e? T:ossofreveune?"' � � — � , E�NANCLR�.'IIvIPACT ' � � � � � � �� �� � � �� � � � Althougjiyou mnst taiIoi the,'mformation you provide here to 1he issve you aze addc�ssmg, in generat youmFist answet ' ' tw6 quesdons: How'mncfi is it going to costl Who is SQ�S� P$3'? „ " " ' � � � � " � '�r�� _ � �� � � � � ., , � . � „ � � '' ,,,�., .,�'.�' ',�.�I, u�r�'�. . ,:�'��I , r��� .1���.11 �)'�1rll��� „ �J�h �b�,ll� i i , '!n�ill,di li i ��i,;� ,„ . I