05-266i Council File # � ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 3oasso� Presented By Referred To ttee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, Rejuv-A-Home, in Zoning File 05-050-150, duly petitioned to rezone 25 N. Dale St., being legally described as HOLCOMBE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOTS 1, 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 16, PIN 02-28-23-14-0183, from RM2 (Medium Density Multiple-family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to permit office use, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on January 11, 2005, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 3, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February 11, 2005, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on February 21, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of afFected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 2, 2005, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ORDINANCE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3r � � C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (�j That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet 20, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 25 N. Dale St., being more particularly described as: HOLCOMBE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOTS 1, 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 16 be and is hereby rezoned from RM2 to TN1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. i �s'�� ,; � �.; Bostrom Harris Helgen Lantry Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Cer By: Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Plannin & Economic Develo ment B y: ���� L�4�%u�-�-- Approved by Financial Services 1 By: Form annroved by City Attorney ty: by iy: � Green Sheet Greeo Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PE -P�a�g��o��De�e��m�t ! o�,R� � Green Sheet NO: 3025508 Contact Person & Phone: i -' Patricia James 26fr6639 0.5sign Must 8e on Cauncil Agenda by (Dafe): Number � For Roufing Order ContraMType: OR-0RDINANCE �. �j'�� ueoarunent �ent � o rerson mmawa 0 �plannin2 & Ecouomic Develoo Pafricia Sames 3 1 � nin¢ & Economic De eloo Deo r4nent D'uector I�. ✓ 2 ,(SnAttomev { CitvAttornev �+3'S"a 3 rMavor's O�ce Mavor/ASSistan[ � 4 ounN G5N Cooncil 5 'tv Clerk I CiN Clerk 6 PI nine & E omic De loo � P trici James I Total # of Signature Pages ,(Clip All Locations for SignaW re) Action Requested: Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council acrion approving the rezoning from RM2 to TNI for properry at 25 N. Dale, SW corner at Portland. Public hearing held Mazch 2, 2005. itlations: Appro�e (A) or Fi Planning Commission CIB Committee Ci�nl Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract fur this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The applicant wishes to establish office uses in this building. The City Council approved the rezoning on Mazch 2, 20�5, after a public hearing. AdvanWges NApproved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted pet City Council intent. j' 1: �i'1 DisadvanWAeslfApproved: None. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: City Council action will not be completed. Transaction: FuntlinA Source: Financial Information; (Explain) Activdy Number. /� y �,RR �c�Ar�;apr" F^.r^`?� ��. J' I," : ' I 1 l' / CostlRevenue Budgetetl: � I March 3, 2005 12:57 PM Page 1 DEPARTTvIENT OP PLANNING & ECONOMlCDEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. KelZy, Mayor February 15, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: f �� � �' ��� I wouid like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled fior Wednesday, March 2, 2005, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: 05-050-150 Applicant: Rejuv-A-Home Address: 25 N. Dale St., SW corner at Portland Purpose: Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Multiple Family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to permit office use Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 7- 0, February 3, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, February 11, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 23, 2005, Ciry Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul tega{ Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Si rely, y � Y �� Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 05-050-150 Applicant: Rejuv-A-Home Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Caroi Martineau Allan Torstenson 25 West Fourth S[reet Sairst Pnul, MN»!02 � c�,—ac�� Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimile: 651-228-3?20 ;�b:.. ,; NOTICE OF PIIBI;IC HP',ARING . The Saint Paul City Council w5ll con_ duct`a'public hearing on Wednesday,. March'2, 2005, at 5;30 gm. in the City Councal Chambers,Third E`loor, CityHall, �tti'.ebnsidet.the - application of Rejuv— A-Home,3u`.iezoae propeitiy at 25 North Dal�_Stieettsbuthwest omner at P.ortland AvenneJ &om. RM tiple Fa�mi-ty $esirlential)' TNl ('Praditional.lVe9ghborhood) to permitoffice �. _ I�ated: Febivary ls, z005 � . MARY ERICKSON, , � . Assistant CiEy Council Sectefai'p' . � ' _ ' (Febmary 2'1� - 22093063 P� .,..', AA-ADA-EPA &mployer � - •- city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number os-0$ date Fe 11 Zoos WHEREAS, Rejuv-A-Home, File # 05-050-150, has applied for a rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Muitiple-family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to p2rmit office use under the provisions of §66.321 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 25 N. Dale St., Parcei identification Number (P1fV) 02-28-23-14-0183, legaliy described as HOLCOMBE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOTS 1, 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 16; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Piannin� Commission, on Febr�a,ry 3, 2005, held a pvb•.i� hearing ai wnicn aii persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiicafion in accordance with the requirements of §61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul P�anning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. This property has been used for a number of institutional, commerciai, and residential uses throughout its history. Most recently, the property was used as a drop-in center for people in recovery from chemical dependency. In 2004, the applicant taok out building permits to renova;e the building fo; offics use. In September, 2004, the permit was canceiled by LIEP staff (Office of License, lnspections, and Envircnmental ProtecYion) because tne office use is noi permitted in the RM2 zoning district. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to TN1, which would permit both residsntial and office uses in the future. 2• ?he preposed zoning is cor.sis±en±�r�iYh the way t";s area has dav21cp2d. This property has a history of ins:itufionai and commarcial uses, and is across the street from an OS-zoned property. The TN9 district is intended "to serve as a transitional use of land along major thoroughfares, between commercial or industrial districts and residentiai districts or other less intensive land uses." Dale Street is classified as a minor arterial "B" in the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation chapter. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use policy 5.2.1, which supports mixed uses in traditional neighborhoods. 4. The proposed zoning will r,oY have an adverse impact on the residential areas to the south, west, and north. The proposed zoning will increase the options for use of this property while stiil retaining the option for residanfia{ use in the future. The TN1 district is considered more restrictive than the OS district across the street, which has not adversely affected the area. 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on January 11, 2005: 14 parcels eligible; 10 parcels required; 10 parcels signed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of Rejuv-A-Home for a Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Multiple-family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to permit office use for property at 25 N. Dale St. be approved. moved by �rton seconded by in favor IIna,,; us against DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Susarz Kimberly, Direcmr os-a�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ran�y C. Ke11y, Mayor February 15, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 2S Wui Fourtfi S[TeeE TeIephone: b51-266-67D0 SaintPauI,MN55102 FacsYmile:6i1-228-322P Re: Zoning Fi{e #: 05-050-150 Applicant: Rejuv-A-Home Address: 25 N. Dale St., SW corner at Portland Purpose: Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Muftiple Family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to permit office use City Council Hearing: March 2, 2005, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: • District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation Approval Did not comment. Approval, vote: 7 - 0 2 people spoke, 1 letter was received 0 people spoke, 0 fetters were received Approval, vote: unanimous Staff Assigned: Attachments: cc: Zoning File #: 05-050-150 Appficant: Rejuv-A-Home City Council Members District Council: 8 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Wamer C� Patricia James, 266-6639 Planning Commission resolution Pianning Commission minutes, February 11, 2005 Zoning Committee minutes, February 3, 2005 Correspondence received Staff Report packet AA-ADA-EEO Employer os-a�� city of saint paui �lanning commission reso�ution file number os date Feb=na 11, Zoos WHEREAS, Rejuv-A-Home, File # 05-050-150, has applied for a rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Muitiple-famify Residerstial) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to p2� mi; o �ice use under ins provisions of §66.321 of the Saint Pau! Legislative Code, on properfy located at 25 N. Daie St., Parcel Identificafion Number (P!N) 02-28-23-14-0183, legally described as HOLCOMBE'S ADDITION TO SAINT PAUL LOTS 1, 2 AN�J LOT 3 BLK 15; and WHEREAS, the Zonina Committee of the Planning Commission, p!I F�h�JBN 3 , 2005, held a pub:.;c hearing ai whicn ali persons present were given an oppoRUnity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance wifh the requirements of §61.303 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at fhe pubiic hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the foifowing findings of fact: � � This property has been used for a number of institutionai, commercial, and residenUal uses throughout its history. Most recentfy, the property was used as a drop-in centerfor people irt recovery from chemical dependency. In 2004, fhe applicant fook out buildino pe.r!??i+.s !o renova*,s the bu�ldiny'or ofFice use. in September, 2004, the permit was cancelled by LIEP stafr (O�ce of LPcense, Inspections, and Envircnmental Protection} because the o�ce use is noi permitted in the RM2 zoning district. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to TN1, which would permit both residential and o�ce uses in the future. The proposed zon�ng is cor.sis±ent U�i!h the JJgy ;;;; area has ucV2�OF2u. �i i i is propery has a nistory of institu;ionai and comme;cial uses, and is across the street frDm an OS-zoned property. The TN1 district is intended °to serve as a transitional use of land along major thoroughfares, between commercia! or industriaf districts and r2sidentiaCdistricts or other less intensive land uses ° Dale Street is ciassified as a minor arteriaf "B" in the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation chapter. The proposed zoning is consiste�twith the Comprehensive Pfan's Land Use policy 5.2.1, which supports mixed uses in traditional neighborhoods. The proposed zoning wiil r.ot have an adv�rse impact on the rasidential areas to the south, west, and north. The proposed zoning will increase the options for use of this property while stiil retaining the option for residentiai use in the future. The T,N1 districf is considered more restrictive than the OS district across the street, which has not adversely affected the area. 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficienf on January 11, 2005: 14 parcels efigible; 9 0 parcels required; 10 parcels signed. tVOW, THEREFORE, SE {T RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that fhe appfication of Rejuv-A-Home for a Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Densifij Multiple-family Residential) to TN1 (TradifioFlal Neighborhood) to permit o�ce use fer property af 25 N. Dale St. be approved. moved by � seconded by � favor � ; � ous ainst . � � Saint Pani Planning Commission C�ty Hall Conferenee Center 15 KeIIogg Bonlevard West Minutes of Febrnary• 11, 2005 A meetin� of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. � Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, Lu, Morton, Porter, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Alexander, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, andKramer. Commissioners Mmes. * Donnelly-Cohen, MZimmer ] Absant: *Scott. *Excused 1 1 U C:ommission to c Thursdays in tke vf the minutes of January 28, 2005. motion carried unanimously on a voice t�he Me�ropolitan Council has awazded the City of Saint Paul, � neighborhood planning in the of Loeb Lake azea, which is neaz �e Sneet. Chair 3ohnson asked for a volunteer from the Planning ie task force. Mr. Soderholm reported the meetings will be on with the first meeting being held on Thursday, March 10`�. �ated he has been working with the wind energy in southwest Minnesota and said project, with a new populist spirit rising up on the prairie with the prospect of He will keep the Commission informed on their progress with wind energy. Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Yang Zhang, Patricia Jame aad IVia,ry Bruton, Depa.� Tom Beach, LIEP. I. Agproval of minutes of J� 28, 2; the � � Ei� Plauning Administrator's Annovncements Mr. Soderholm introduced his new student intem, Nate Lischwe, who is a senior at the Univezsity of Minnesota and will be working with PED for the spring term. ,.. ia, and � onna Dr�ii�"eii3, Penny Simison, Tor on, Nate Lischwe (Intem), of P mic Development stafF; and 1, 2005, • • -•• IV. i Mr. Soderholm reported o�t Ciry Council business for last week and annouuced the agenda for next week. Mr. Soderholm stated a group of citizens azound the University of St. Thomas petitioned the EQB foz a new EAW at St. Thomas. The EQB sent the petition to the Ciry, so Donna Drummond and the City Attorney aze working on a response, which will be sent back to the EQB within a couple of weeks. _� Zonillg Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee NEW BUSINESS #04-116-492 Rottlund Comnanv- Site Plan Review Street., Upper Landing, Biock 1. ,/Tom Beach, 651/. Commissioner Morton stated District 9 recomme opposition. The pub&c hearing was closed. The conditions on a vote of 6-0. � Commissioner Morton stated the #OS-052-720 Firstborne Prooerties (flower shop and cofFee shop). � (Patricia,Tames, 651/266-66 __ The was the development. in support or nds approvai with two weeks. for new nonconfo:�ing uses Midway Pazkway and Bison. approval. No one spoke in support or ; Committee recommends approval with �ner ""` �yed the Zoniag Committee's recommenrlation to app�ove The � tfrri¢d unanimousZy on a voice vote. � °. .:: �a-150 Rei�"�"' ��`. e- Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Multiple Family sidential) to " al Neiehborhood) to permit office use. 25 N Dale St., SW comer PortIand. (Patrz �� � s, 651/26Fi-6639) Commissioner Mc�'on stated District 8 d'zd not comment. Two persons spoke in support; I letter was received ���port. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The ��oning Co " �e recommends approvaI on a vote of 7-0. m ���_ Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendaYion to approve ,>. The mofiox carezed unanimously nn a vaace votz �OS-052-809 Riverview Economic Develoroment Association- Rezoning from B2 (Commimity $usmess) to TN2 (Tradifional Nei�hborhood) for an outdoor market. 189 Cesaz Cl�avez St., 2 � \ J • os-a�� � C J XII. Adjonrnmenf Meeting adjoumed at 1030 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Departmeni, City ef Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, (Date) of the Planning Commission • PED�Bruton�Nfinutes�2 7 Larry Soderholm � • . -. MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, February 3, 2005 - 3:30 p.m. • Cify Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hati and Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard PRESENT: STAFF: ABSENT: Alton, Anfang, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia and Morton Pafricia James, Carol Martineau, Allen Torsfenson and Peter Warner Donnelly-Cohen The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Rejuv-a-Home- OS-O50-150 - Rezoning from RM2 (Medium-density Residentia!) to TN1 (Traditionai Neighborhood) to permit ofFice use. 25 Dale St N, SW corner at Portland. Patricia James presented the staff repoct wifh a recornmendation of approva{ for the rezoning. She also stated District 8 made no recommendation, and 1 letter was received in support. Ed Conley, the applicant, gave a history of the property and how his proposed use was developed. Frank Yauruso, 28 St. Albans St. N., stated he approves of the rezoning and fhinks it would be very good for the neighborhood. Dennis Feigenbaum, 678 Portland Ave., asked questions about the TN1 zoning district. Mr. Torstanson �lained the difference between OS and TN1. d Conley, the applicant, stated the buiiding was built for office use and it woufdn't iend iiselfi to be a coffee shop, post office, etc. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner ivlejia moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Drafted by: ���/twT ii�t4�.1{� Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Submitted b�� Approved by: - Patricia James f ����� � ' Gladys orton Zoning Secfion Chair • � _ ., • 2 February 20Q5 To: St. Paul Piannin� Commission Zoning Committee and City Council From: Desus Feigenbaum and Valerie Garber. 628 Portland Avenue Re: 25 N. Dale Street File #05-050-150 In 1990 we moved into the house directly to the west of 25 N. Dale. We moved here because my wife's employer was in downtown St. Paul and she could walk or ride the bus and we wanted to support St. Paui when it wasn't a"hoY' place to live. My wife's emplayer relocated to a suburb, but we continued to stay. As a stay at home parent, I have been at home all the time, so I have a very good understanding of this corner in St. Paul. We hav� two neighborhood goals. First to be considerate in behavior and aaintenance of our property and to get that from otir neighbors. Second to live in a stable neighborhood. Living ne� to an architecturally or historically prominent building and grounds is not as important as the first two goals. Given the previous statements, I signed the rewning request reluctantly. The reasons for the reluctance follow. They aze mainly caused by the closely built arrangement of 25 N. Da1e, 528 Portland and 623 and 629 Summit. We first heard of a potential sale in 7anuary 2003. We had and still have to do expensive maintenance to our properiy: roofs, driveway, steps and wall. We put them off fearing the negative economic impact of a new occupant in 25 N. Dale. During ffie Fall of 2004, • Ed Conley told the neighbors he would sue the City if he didn't get a TNl classification because the City had given approval to convert the building to office use. Aow much more time would a lawsuit require? A yeu? If so that would be three years from the fust sale rumor. We need closure on the subject so we can make a decision about our house. So that was a reason we signed What is a good use for this property and building? Reading the history (see attached) and living it for 14 years have shown periods of inconsiderate behavior and instability. We can azgue the building and properiy didn't adequately serve the needs of its occupants and the presence of the building and property caused problems that led to negative financial and health impacts on the neighbors. The neighbars complained when the fust occupant, tke St. Paul Academy, was here. Even intelligent and forward thinking members of our commuuity, the Duectors of the St. Paul Academy and the Wilder Foundation, learned within ten years of maj or construction ttiat the building didn't serve their needs. Kirk Fowler, Itamsey County supervisor for mental illness, attempted to close the program of the last occupant, the Apollo Center, and relocate ii to two smaller locations to better serve the mentaIly ilI. However, at a 7 Mazch 2000 meeting a vocat group persuaded him to keep the Apolto open. In the past, 25 N. Dale works if it "leans on" the neighbors from time to time. Some of this has been tolerated because peopie haven't been there a11 day every day. Prior uses were probably about 60 hours per week Monday ttuough Friday, and St Paul Academy might have been ciosed in the suminer. • � , Based on the history, I came to believe a daytime, Iow profile, low in and out activity, � professional office, say an engineeriag or azchitectural firm is a good use of this space. The currern occupani, a law firm, fits tlus description and has been very good, up until last night at 12:50 AM when an occupant of 25 N. Dale slammed the door to his van several times and sped off. There is now a curb cut, driveway and a 13(?) vehicle parldng lot in what was formerly a little used p2ayground. An o�ce is permitted in TNl and we signed the rezouing req¢est, but I had reservations_ First Wendy Lane's 31 August 20041etter to Ed Conley revoking the permit recommended rezoning to OS- Office Service. Yet TNl is proposed Ed's eapianation of the appropriateness of T'Nl hastt't been persuasive. Maybe it is more appropriate, but I haven't heard the reasoning. Second I believe the closely built nature of 25 N. Dale and surrounding houses make some of the permitted uses in a broadly configured code troubling. We have to rely on the owner using good sense to a�oid those uses, ._., but times change, and ... . Third I I�Ice the concept of TNl, sec 66312 "... compact, pedestriaa oriented.. iransitional use of land along major thoroughfares... ". What does the latter mean2 I ha�e lived a TNi life since 1975. I walk, ride a bike or use mass transit every day. However rezoning to TNl won't change people's transportation behavior. They wi11 still drive everywhere. Building a�rking lot aY 25 N. Da1e will eacourage the continuation of Yhis pattern. I want you and other governmental bodies in the Metro region to work together #o encourage more TN1,2, and 3 bet�avior. What incentives or restrictions can you instati and enforce to encourage TNl behavior at 25 N. Dale? I ask you to consider this rezoning issue carefully and please find a way to make Ed • Coniey fina.ncially happy and make our neighborhood a stable and considerate place to live aad work • GS -�(��, � The infoimation that follows is based on material found in the absh�act on 628 Portland Avenue, which is lot 4 and the east half of lot 5, and for 25 N. Dale, lots 1, 2 and 3 is from 12amsey County properry records, the Ramsey County Historical Library, the St Paui Library, the Minnesota History Center, St. Paul Academy and Summit School Archives and the biography of Amherst VJilder. I,ot 4 09/26/1848 U.S. Governmentto Woodward 12/22l1851 Woodward to Holcombe 04/20/1858 Holcombe to Margaret Somers 09/22/1863 Estate to John Hutchinson 07/0211872 alley between Portland and Summit is vacated 08/15/1873 Hutchinson to rdmuud Sewal 03/18/1882 Sewal to Jotin Bryaut 11/2011882 Bryant #o George Finch Ol/08/1883 Finch to Constantine McConville OS/OS/1883 McConville to James Raymond Lots 1,2 and 3 OS/11/1883 Hutchinson to William West (a nurseryman), plus lots 28,29 and 30 currently occupied by 623 and 629 Summit Av._ See map 1 for currettt and � map 2 for earlier structures. 188b-1888 Calvary Reformed Episcopal Church See map 3. Pastor Edward Neill. He was the first Protestant clergyman who seitled in St. PauI. He organ- lzed the House of Hope Presbyterian Church. He was President of the Baldwin School and College of St. Paul which were consolidated under �he name of Macalaster College. He was State Superintendant of Public Instruction and Secretary of the Historical Society. He was a private Secretazy to Presidents Lincoln and Johnson and Consul to Dublin. 1888-1890 St. Mark's Reformed Episcopal Church. 1890-1903 No listing for this address. Maps 4 and 5 show vacant lot. 10125/1893 William and Cazoline West to I,ouisa A McQuillan (wealthy widow and grandmother of P. Scott Fitzgerald Resident 623 Sumuut) plus lots 25-30. 03/03/1900 McQuillan to Robert C. Hine (municipal court judge. Res. 144 Nina) lots 1, 2 and 3. 03/13/1901 Robert and Mary Hine to Fitzhugh Burns (lawyer. Boazds 442 Summit) 03/01/1903 Burns to Arthur Dtiscoll {member Board of D"uectors St_ Paul Academy_ Res. 312 Summit) t`t o 3-1 i31 St. Paul Academy (SPA) Upper and Lower School built. Historic Sites Survey states Williazn Ordway is the owner on the building permit. 12l2111903 Arthur and Helen Driscoll to Charles Wheelez and Frederick Fiske associate principals of SPA • 10/21/1914 Chazles and Etta Wheeler, Frederick and Isabella Fiske to SPA o5-a�6 1916 1931 1932-1934 03/19/1934 I934-1944 09/OS/1945 09/17/1945 Ig�i4- l�S� 08/29/1955 1456-1977 [ • . L•I.� 1977-1978 ??/?2/1978 1978-2043 Upper School moves to present location on Raadotph Street Lower School remains at 25 N. Dale SPA Lower School moves to new buiiding at 718 Portland ?. Vacant. SPA to Francesco Amendola (Director- Institute of Music. Res. 649 Summit and 25 N. Dale) Instihrte of Music? From Board of Zo IIlIIg Index Card O1I05/1943 Allen Stone (Research T?irector at Wilder Foundation) granted approval to use building as child care center for working mothers. Amendola to Mary Bray Bray to Helen Kessler (Kessier Funerai F3ome) Listed vacant by PoLk's D;rectory Zoaing In@ex Card: 01/10l1946 Mrs_ Samuel Gluneau granted approval to remodel i�o fourplex Housing shortage cited in requesk 01/OS/1954 MichaeI Schneider refused approval to rewne from "A" (residential) to commercial. Helen aad 7ohn Kessler to Amherst Wilder Foundation Wilder Foundation Nursery and pr�school for the mentally retarded. Prior to 1965, WiIder attempted to purchase 628 Portland, but the owners were not interested in selling. 628 Portland Absiract shows owners filed for divorce at tlus time. Addition constructed to the west of the original building. See map 8. Proposal required an appeal to the zo2IIIIg code regarding setback from Portland Av.. Wilder originally watrted to construct the addition to the sidewalk on Portland The code required a 20' setback. The original buiIding was setback I4.75'_ Wilder requested a 7' setback Zoning staff said a T setback would be a detriment to the neighborhood and cause a hazdship to the adjoining residence to the west-628 Portland Staff recommended a 14.75' setback in line with the orig�inal building. Wilder appealed the staff recommettdafion and won 625 Portland, directly north of 25 N. Dale, had been used as a crisis home for ex offenders. Ia 8/74 it had been given to Wilder by the owners. Tken from 19'75 to 1981 it was a residential facility for emotionally disturbec3 children. vacant Wilder leases 25 N. Dale to PeopYe Tnc. ApolIo Center is a drop in faciIity for aduits with mental health Problems. 12/20/1984 VJilder sells lots 1,2 and 3 to People Inc. on a contract for deed D�/07/2003 Apollo vacates 25 N. Daie. 09/22/2003 People Inc. sells to Rejuv-A-Home, Ed Conley. Summer 2004? Reiter and Schiller Law Firm � r� U • (/9 ' /Y/ r r�t � ..�s e u _ . _ . : ;1 .;_. �� -��-�L,t��R � �; _ _ � ��-� � _ � � ..__ - � ----- -- ,��� �L�1�% ���'�,+�� `/L=� � LC t� r' � - � � ��3 �:_:.: � '�I L� � � i � �� � �� : ��� 'E`� - --' �3y 6if 6zy (� Z s ,�V ��sr - _.�_ _ S�- , �' _ � t � � � ����: L�T � _� i �_l' ��� ���� �FU �C b l�{ �� � � ���s ' - � _ _ � - _;:_-� _ - ==- -��..� � �, k t ,� � g _ ,� : � � i � 3 g � t £ , � ; _ .�.� �--j tas3 ��� �� b�� � _ax�"` �. '` � �:� � ; � ; r- -s� p� '~— � �� � � i 'v 1 i i � i � � 4 ; l�--� � �__--� � � a � -- — � , i i ��? � lg �� 0. f --f,;;- ,-". ;; — 3� � � ��f � ! �6d °5� e elf�t�� ��J ��h"� i � � � � �r ' 1k�3 ? � � f i�l�� � ��S �� ��� � �� V ! ,l f 1 .�_� �� t o 611 �� �..� : � 5 � � � 1 � ; � �0�-��6 � � � f �-� f �� � � �.a � � . ' '_ � =j � + , i . � � �� i � � �� � , ` ' ' � � � : i, a �;. . � - ' 1 + � . S . 5 f� i 9 9( �. 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' �._"' 1- a - • f . ��. 1'{ . y � I a .�CJ�£.OFSl�E. T _a •.+�.�^�. } . ; ; . i�� . _ f . . , r �_ ` ` � " .,,a_,,:, __i 4= W. -�UM • :�=�_ . . , _,�;� _ _._;�_' M,tT _�, ` . • carr..�nr.-sn,.eow,..W. cnww.,;,.G ;� " , : ' -rU-." _'. - ..�..,�>._-. � '. . a" � - - - �' , � �' � �-: _��e � U �;, o / �� � , �� '�� } = � � �� � � U � IT, � . � ,�,���£ . �< � , =� ���-�-...�= '���-",�� .'`-°=��- _ � ' - - -- j .�_ _�---��_°" . _ . . -. �, i • - � -T _� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT 05-�1d� FILE # 05-050-150 1. APPLICANT: Rejuv-A-Home HEARING DATE: February 3, 2005 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning . LOCATION: 25 N. Dale St., SW comer at Portland 4. P1N 8� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 02-28-23-1 40 1 83; HOLCOMBE'S ADDiTiON TO SAINT PAUL LOTS 'I, 2 AND LOT 3 BLK 16 5. PLANNING DIS7RICT: 8 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.321; §61.801(b) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: January 26, 2004 EXISTING ZONING: RM2 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: January 10, 2005 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: March 11, 2005 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM2 (Medium Density Multiple-family Residential) to TN1 (Traditional Neighborhood) to permit office use B. PARCEL SIZE: 120 ft. (Dale) x 120 ft. (Portiand) = 14,400 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAP1D USF: office D. SURROUNDIfVG LAND USE: There is low density residential on the north, west, and south sides ofthe property. A muitipie-unit structure is across Dale Street in the OS district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.321 lists uses permitted in the TN1 district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. iiiSTORY/DISCUSSiON: A permit for child care in the "A° Residence District was approved in 1943 (Fiie # 1224); a permit to remodel the buiiding for a 4-piex was approved in 1946 (File # 1409); a building line variance was approved in 1965 (File # 5860); a conditional use pertnit application for an intermediate care facility for chemically dependent women was submitted and withdrawn in 2004; a site plan for a � parking lot was approved in 2004 (File # 04-128-917) . DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 8 had not commented at the time this staf report was prepared. H. FINDINGS: 1. This property has been used for a number of institutional, comme�ial, and residential uses throughout its history. Most recently, the property was used as a drop-in center for people in recovery from chemical dependency. In 2004, the appiicant took out building pemiits to renovate the building for o�ce use. In September, 2004, the permit was cancelled by LIEP staff (O�ce of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection) because the office use is not permitted in the RM2 zoning district. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to TN1, which would permit both residential and office uses in the future. 2. The proposed zoning is consistent with the way this area has developed. This properiy has a history of institutional and commer�ial uses, and is across the street from an OS zoned property. The TN1 district is intended "to serve as a transitional use of land aiong majorthoroughfares, between commercial or industrial districts and residential districts or other less intensive land uses." Dale Street is ciassified as a minor arterial "B" in the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation chapter. 3. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Comp2hensive Plan's Land Use policy 5.2.1, which supports mixed uses in traditional neighborhoods. 4. The proposed zoning will not have an adverse impact on the residential aseas to the south, v�,est, and north. The proposed zoning will increase the options for use of this property while still retaining Yhe option for residentiai use in the tuture. The TN1 district is considered more restrictive than the OS district across the street, which has not adversely affected the area. • 5. The petition for rezoning was found to be sufficient on January 11, 2005: 14 parcets efigibfe; 10 parcels required; 10 parcels signed. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recorr�mends approval of the rezoning from RM2 to TN1. PETITION TO AMEND THE 20NING CODE Deparbnent of P[anning and Economic Developnrent Zoning Sedion I400 City Hal[Annez 25 West Fousth SYreet Sabu Pau� MN SSIO2-1634 (65I) Z66-6589 APPLiCANT PROPERTY LOCATIGN Property TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of MinnesoW Statues, � C�1Ji.��"i owner oi iand proposed ior rezoning, i�ereby petitions you to zone the above described properly from a��� zoning district to a�j�+ � zoning district, for the purpose of: �OQ. C, �'F1�G� � S� � � o I) p" (attach additional sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan Subscribed and sworn to before me this � /�� day of � l�.Q.Al�lA[�I1.i . 20� . [ �IC . . i � _ > Y �.I . . � Consent Petition City �.Twt]L St. MN Zip Sra�OZ Daytime Phone�� Contact Person (if different) Phone AddressfLocation Legai (attach additional sheet'rf necessary) �--3' �,`�' Zonis�g � Affidavit Fee Owner of Title: �1�/WPi'�..� L�j F �.'�� �aR°Yau�ARnNEau � ���- / � MINNESpFA � Y'�` MYCpMM1SS10N �-.d� �� •'�-�.° E XPIRESJAN.31.2006 j {Z-�� Page1of_ r -,_ We, the undersigned, owners of property witfiin I00 feet of the total contie ons descripAOn of real estate owned, purcfiased, or soId by THE PETITIO\'ER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: - CONSEI�°I' OF ADJOII�IING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZONING 1. A copy of the petition of to rezone the ptoperty located at 2. A cepy of sections �. � throngh ��3 inclusive of the Saint Paui Zoning Code. We acknowtedge that we aze awaze of 2I1 oi the uses permitted in a i tJ Z zonin� district, and we aze aware that any of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approyal of the Rezoning. We hereby consent [o the rezonin� of the property in the petition of of from a lm Z Zoning district to a�U � Zo�� district; and v�� �l' �Aa1� ►N1 •�l� y to a�i A1 7., zoningdistrict. (nane of petitioner) • ..p ese� .ave. We consent to the approvai of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the appticanY or �is/her r� r t2+ ADDRESS OR PL�I =.�13 ����1�� CI�'Y OF SAL�iT PAUL RECORD OWNER /7'� �.�'---�..�, >3 0� ��, GNATUR�, DATE �••�^-r—. �, , : ��3 '� f" J�<<'c y,v S���LY �� -� � o This petiuon shaii not be considered as officiaily filed unti e lapse o even (7} wor g days after it is received by the Pianning Division. Any signator of tnis petition may withdraw his/6er name therefrorn by writtea requesT within that time. • C� ,,a_o: � u CITI' OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIlZCULATLNG CONSEiV"T PETTTION FOR A REZO�IIv'G RECEIVEp r � LJ STA'I`E OF i�NESOTA) COUNTY OF RA�i�ISEY ) ��C — � ����1 - c� t�1�A �D u`1 '�^+j—� l , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of 1_ pages; that affant is informed and believes that the parcies described on the consent petition aze the owners of the pazcels of real estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of property within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and ali property coutiguous to the subject property that was owned, purchased oc sold by the petitioner withi� one {1) yeaz preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the signatures aze the true and conect signatures of each and all of the parties so described. :SS �� UJ A�t,�� U"' . l�c�/ �.U NAME � � � �r���� �� � ADDRESS �S c —� �6 —c�� TELEPHONE NUMBER S scnbed and swom to before me _th�i�s day of �t� . , 20 v=. ? , c���. � , •NOTARYPUBLIC / - � � SCOTT ANDREW KlPP NQTARY Pt16LIC-AttNNES07A � �: _'.. MyCammxswnExy"xe5S2rt3t,20P5 s�,nw KATHERINE PEtERSON - NOTARY PUBLIC - MINryESOTA b9Y Commissfon Expires 1-31-2005 _��t�..e�2 �'� i2la�loy I0.01 05 a�� CITY O� SAP� t'I' PAUI.. AFF�AVIT OF PETITIQNER FOR A REZONING STAT'E OF M�INESOTA) COLTNTY OF RAI�ISEY ) :SS The petitioner, ��i.��' ��.�� being first duly swom, deposes and states that tfie consent petition contains signatures of the owners of at Ieast two-thirds (2/3) of all elia ble properties witkrin 1C0 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property conflguous to the subject property that w�as owned, purcfiased, or soId by tlie petitioner within one (1) year precediug the date of the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from each and alI owuers of joinfly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that faiIuze to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was sie ed by each of said owners and that the si�ature are the zrue and correct sia atures of each and all of the parties so described. NAME �1� �.��� ��� ADDRESS �i�9���-��� �rt)r r.nrr�sm wTrr. mr�r. �- -'r'1. ANNETTE M qpqy� N6TAR� PUBUC' MIyNESptA � %' COMMtSSiON IXP!RES JATl. 31. 2005 Subscribed and s oin to before me this .�o�' day, of _�� p O � i � i �/�. •� _� .� _• �' . � • �_ ���� KATHERINE PE7ERSOHt NOTARY PUBLIC-�y�MNF�pT/t �Y �mmissWn Exp§� 1�f-2005 /l� /�i�'" I312-4 � o y taoi • 65-� OFFICE OF LICENSE, WSPECITONS AND ENVIILONMENTAL PAOTECIION Janeers E. Rosw, Di>utor swcxr PAUL � Al1AA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C KetZy, Mayor August 31, 2004 Ed Conley Discovery Realty 715 Grand Ave. #2 Saint Paul, MN 55105 Re: 25 N. Dale St. Building Pernut #04 108949 Dear Mr. Conley: LOWRYPROFESSIONALBL'.ZDING Ze7ephone: 651-266-9090 350 St Peter Sbeet, Suite 300 Fa<simile: 65I-266-9124 SaintPaul, Minnuota 55102-ISIO Web: wwr�.cistpauLmn.us/Iiep The referenced building permit, issued July 14, 2004, was issued in enor. The permit allows the remodeling of the building into office space for the Academy Professional Building. This properiy is located in a RM2 multifamily residential zoning dishict. As such, office space is not a permitted use. • The previous use of this building was for the Apollo Center, a recreational drop-in center for adults with mental disabilities. It was a conforming use because private noncommercial recreation centers aze allowed in residential districts. The properry cannot be converted from a conforming use to a nonconforming use. Since this permit was issued in enor, permit #04108949 is hereby revoked. All construction work on this property must cease immediately. You may apply to rezone this property. The OS office-service zoning district would be the appropriate zone for office space. Enclosed is information about the rezoning process. I am so,� for any incanvenience this revocatian may ca�:se_ If the properiy is rezone�', a new permit may be issued and construction may restune. Sincerely, Wendy Lane Zonin� Manager 651-266-9081 • c: Dave Kenyon, Area Building Inspector AA-ADA-EEO Employer • South of site afong Dale Zoning File # 05-050-150 • . _ • dS d�6 � --...._����--� - � �,Y __ --._�... _ �--. �, T >.: ;s>; ::�? < qz `�,`\. ` "�' t t <` _ � � `���, ��=-��� ' � .,� . '_ n -__ � �-_` , �� : _:�,���_. ;�'�=„�_� Across Date Zoning File # OS-050-150 • � s�-=_. Across Dale to north Zoning File # OS-050-150 � i . � • os-a�� � Site at 25 N. Dale St. Zoning File # 05-050-150 L � o s a� � Portland frontage of site Zoning File # 05-050-150 �- �. . �� �:. , s o� ar� � �� ;�� F�: - _ _� ,� _ � .{;; � W .� v .r - .��:.� � � ' . t-7ms i ����' °.��',`' .: V�t;;' —= " ""^^«o.;:."„ � ;- ���-^^.x < '�,.,�. �� �: . " ' _....°�.. , :;a+""' } � ' :;-�'°=� � � , � � �{ s � '�� . • ,g, , ^��2� -..c ,�.. �'"� � ^"'�g. . �.-� � � .:> i .-' _ r',� . . ..,.,. ... �. °'�.a..*--.�°°..ns. West of site on Portland Zoning File # 05-050-150 � ��- -- � Across Portland Zoning File # 05-050-150 • � I � i Across Portland Zoning File # 05-050-150 r � L J a+ . ` �'tr;7_ --- -- - --, _---- � . )•t . . .._. - __.. f�l_ � .,_.,, � , � f \ �� CITiZEN °ARTiCIPAT?�N PLAMNING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY=6kTTLECREEK-HiGHW00D 2.6REATER EAST SIII� ; 3.WEST SIDE i 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF S.PAYNE-PHALEN - 6.NORTN END � 7.THOM�S=DALE — �'sUM�iiT-UNIVcRSITY 4:W�ST SEVENTH 14. COF4G 11.HAMLiNE-M?DWAv 12. S7. ANTnQ�EY OS"-�0 - ( S '3.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HA�ILINE • 14..GROVELAND�MACALESTER 15.HI6WLAND i6.SUMNiIT HiLL - 17.00WNTOWN -.� - i ��1_ � � :-__`� I �:/_ �i '�ucarir�i�V �'t �� ��N�- J�POS[ �Z /)/�s�'�! �V s _E 1.-.�'��'�r� DATE ��'���� ��G. D;S7_�_ 6AA° r �� c� � � LEG�ND � zonfng d�stricl C�undzry ����i� suSj=dprope;�y �-� o. � rt` 0 one tzmliy Q h.�;o tam?Iy ,��� multi�ie t�mity � • + i comn::�iz' 4 .=.c indvstri3l V v2c2�;