05-206Council File # �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # J �"� 5O �`�� Presented By Referred To Date 1 2 � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, R and N Corporation, in Zoning File 04-214-383, duly petitioned to rezone 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave. being legally described as ROBERTSON & VAN ETTEN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX S 8 FT FOR ALLEY LOT 12 BLK 28 AND ROBERTSON & VAN ETfEN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX S 20 FT LOT 1 BLK 2 CHAMBERS ADDITION & IN SD ROBERTSON & VAN ETTEN ADDITION LOTS 9& LOT 10 BLK 28, PIN 36-29-23-12-0110 and 36-29-23-12-0216, from RT1 (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking), the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on December 22, 2004, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 20, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on January 28, 2004, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Councii on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on February 3, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on February 16, 2005, at which afl interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 20, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., being more particularly described as: ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � OS- �.ob 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ROBERTSON & VAN ETTEN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX S 8 FT FOR ALLEY LOT 12 BLK 28 AND ROBERTSON & VAN ETTEN ADDITION TO ST. PAUL EX S 20 FT LOT 1 BLK 2 CHAMBERS ADDITION & IN SD ROBERTSON & VAN ETTEN ADDITION LOTS 9& LOT 10 BLK 28 be and is hereby rezoned from RT1 to VP. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. , �'fir7t� 'i;� ,. t: Adoption Cer 8y: Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Planninq & - E - �COnOmiC DeveloDment B Y� ��/=y�7���%� Approved by Fi nci Services � By: Form Approved by City Attorney 3y: by 3y: Adopted by Council: Date �n' �v, c�0�� oS•-- a.o6 � � Greep Shee# Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE — Planning & Economic Development 17-FEB-0S � , /l�sign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3025287 Department � Confact Person 8 Phone: I Patricia James I 2C�6-6G39 I Must Be on Council Agem ContractType: OR-0RDINANCE 0 ,�lannme&EconomicDeveloo I PatriciaSames 1 1 ' anoioe & Economic Develoo � Deoar�ent Direcfor � 2 ' Attornev I - CiNAttonrev � 3 avor's Otfice � Mavor/Assisfant � 4 ouncil I Q'tv Counc� 5 'GtiN Clerk � Citv Clerk I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations Por Signature) Action Requested: Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning from RTl (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehiculaz Pazking) for properry at 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., between Farrington & Galrier. Public hearing held February 16, 2005. Recommendations: Appm�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciul Service Commission Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eeer worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eaer been a city employee? Yes No 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally passessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): x " � - R& N Corporation requested rezoning of this property for use by their auto dealership. The City Council approved the rezoning on Febmary 16, 2005, after a public hearing. y .. " � Advantaqes If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent. Activity Number: �e„-� �'r . �� DisadvantageslfApproved: None. . . . ... ..... . .. ... .°- -_-� CosURevenue Budgeted: Disadvantages IfNotApproved: City Council action will not be completed. Transaction: Fundinq Source: Financial Infortnation: � (Explain) � a '.� ".� .�.d _, _ ..s, �,�;',�'� '�' 3� .� ��f?aCCFi �e?� �� 1�..��� February 17, 2005 1:03 PM Page 1 DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DE�ELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rarzdy C. Ke11y, Mayor January 28, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: �'; tl � I wouid like to confrm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, February 16, 2005, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: Applicant: A��f°SS: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-214-383 Saxon Ford ZFO �.^.� ZBZ ShorlJ4rno R��.o �Q�oon C �iil ' iC�ivi i$� �i8iiici Rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking) Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, 7- 0 January 20, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, Unanimous, January 28, 2004 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the February 9, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Si rely, � � � Patricia James � City Planner cc: File #: 04-214-383 - 04-214-418 Applicant: Saxon Ford Jim Saxon Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson 25 Wut Fourth Street Saint Pau{ �YtN 55102 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council witl con- duct a public hearino on Wednesday, Felr ruary 16, 2005, at 5:30 p.m. in the City ' Couneil Cl�ambers,l7iird Floor, City,Hall, to consider the application of Sason Ford to rezone propertyat 250 and 262 Sher- burne Avenue (between Fanington and � Galtier Stieets) finm RTl (two-fam�ly resi- dential) to Vp (vehicu]ar pazlring). - Dated: Februaxy 1, 2005 � MARY ERICKSON, Assistant Giry Council Secretary - (b'ebruary 3) _'_ _- 81: PAUL LEGAL fEDGER --_ 22092242 . " AA-ADA-EEO Employer os -ao� � Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimi[e� 651-228-3220 G �y . �� i(+iE F- i.. , . � ��::�.. . osaa� city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number �=�-04 date January 28, 2005 WF{EREAS, Saxon Ford, Fife # 04-214-383, has appiied for a rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residentiai) fo VP (Vehicular Parking) under the provisions of §66.700 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for property located at 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., Parcel Idenfification Numbers (PIN) 36-29- 23-12-0110 and 36-29-23-12-0216, legally described as Robertson & Van Etten Addition to St. Paul ex S 8 Ft for Aliey Lot 12 Blk 28 and Robertson & Van Etten Addition to Sf. Paul ex S 20 Ft Lot 1 Bik 2 Chambers Addiiion & in Sd �ob�rtson & Van ctten Addition Lots 9& lot 1G Bik 28; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commissibn, on January 20, 2005, held a public hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordarce with the requirements ofi §01.303 of �he Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEftF_AS, the Saint Paui Pianning Commiss�on, based on the evidence present2d to i#s Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made tne following findings of fact: 1. The applicant owns a large auto dealership on University Avenue. The appiicant wisnes to construct two parking lots for the business, using these lots for customer parking, cars that have been serviced, and inventory. If the rezoning is approved, they will need to meet further zoning code requirements through site plan review. An application for variances relating to the parking lots (Z. F. 04-214-418) accompanies fhis rezoning request. 2. The south side of Sherburne has been a transition zone far a number of years, with many businesses along University Avenue expanding north, mainly to provide additional off-street parking. This expansion is consistent with how the area has developed recently. 3. The property can be developed in a way that wili not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 4. The current RT1 zoning permits low density residential uses. Given the increasing commercial uses on University Avenue, single family and duplex development is not as reasonable a use as the parking uses proposed by the applicant. 5. Comprehensive Plan policies support business development and continued investment in the University Avenue Corridor (GP16). They aiso support making land that has business potential available for development. The District 7 Plan (adopted in 1979) states that the District Council wiil consider rezonings on the south side of Sherburne on a case by case basis, but supports only rezonings to P-1 (now VP). 6. Sectior, 66:703 lists the dimensional standards for parking lots in the VP district: ia� I nt Si�a Tf�g lpt �gFa�l ha�>a a minirr��m wro? nf fn yrrfhrJ�SB^'' l . �-�r� Sy^1:8�2 I c2a 8i�'�i a minjn7U!r3 y✓irltl7 pf fprf�i (4n1 fagt, In tl7 nga ingfan�gs ;nihorajn � 1/P ll��ctri�t �huf3 2 C�•Bt public alley of at least twenty (20) feet in wrdth, the lot width may be reduced to fwenty (20) feet and lot area to fwo fhousand (2, 000) square feet if the planning commrssion �nds thaf the alley cari be used as the parking Iot maneuvering lane wifhout conflicting with fraffic. This standard is moved by Kramer seconded by in favor TTnanimnnC against o�-aoco Zoning File # 04-214-383 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 met. The fot af 250 Sherburne has a width of 50 ft. and a Iot area of 5000 sq. ft. The lot at 262 Sherburne has a width of 130 ft. and a lot area of 15,036 sq. ft. (b) Height of structures. Structures shall have a maximum height of one (1) story and frfteen (15) feet. No structures are proposed for these lots, so this standard does not appty. (c) Yard setbacks. The minimum f�ont yard setback shall be four (4) feet. If the districts adjoining the VP Disfrict require a greater front yard setback, the minimum fronf yard setback sha/! be fhe minimum required front yard setback set forth in the dimensional standards for the adjoining d istricts. A visual scre shall be located on the minimum setbackline. Minirr side an rear yard setbacks shal/ be four (4) feet This standard is partly met. There are 4 ft. setbacks at the sides and C°8:" Of ±F:° !ots. The mir.imun; front yard se*.back o^ this block is ? 3 ft., whi!e :he applicanf proposes 9 ff. A variance of this standard is.necessary. (See accompanying File # 04-214-418. ) 7. Section 66.704 lists required conditions for rezoning property to VP: (a) The park.ing faci(ity shai! ba accessory to and for use ir connection with one or more businesses, industries, institutions, or mulfifamily residences. This sfandard is mef. The � parking facilities are accessory to the existing auto dealership. (b) Th,e parking facilify shall be used solely for parking of privafe passenger vehic/es and shall not be used as an off-street loading area. This standard is met. Only private passenger vehicles wil( be stored on both lots. fVo off-street loading wifl occur on the lofs. (c) No commercial repair work or service of arry kind, or sale or display thereof, sha!l be conducted in such parking faciJity. This standard is met. No repair, service, or sale activities wilt occur on these lots. The lot at Z62 Sherbume wiil be used to store vehicles, but they will not be displayed for sa€e and there will be no sales staff showing the cars from this lot. (d) No sians of any kind, other fhan signs designatina entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on such parking facility. This standard is met. No signs are shown on the site plan for these lots. (e) No building ofher than thaf for the she/ter of aftendanfs shal( be erected upar5 the premises unless specificaffy approved by the p/anning adminisfrator during site plan review. No buildings are proposed for these lats, so this standard does not apply. (fJ Applications for VP Districf rezoning shall inc(ude a site p/an which conforms to al/ standards set forfh in section 63.300. The p/anning commission may grant modifrcations of section 63.300 based on findings that such mod�cation is consistent with the intent of the code and wifh fhe reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. Planning Commission approvaf of modifications, or variances, of standards regarding distance between residenfial prope:ty and the lot entrance (§ 63.310(c)) and landscaping (§ 63.314) has been requested by the applicant (see File # 04214- 418). (g) VP Vehicu/ar Parking Districts sha/l be deve%ped and maintained in accordance with the requirements of section 63.300. See Finding 7(f�. 8. The consent petition was determined to be sufficient on December 22, 2004: 55 parceis eligible; 37 parcels required; 37 parceis signed. g NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of Saxon Ford for a rezoning from RT'! (Two-fami�y Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking) for property at 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave. be approved. DEPARTMENT OF PL.Ai�INING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Susars Kimberiy, Director a�d� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke11y, Mayor February 8, 2005 25 WestFourzk Streee Telephone: 651-266fi700 SaintPaul, MN55102 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hali Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: 04-214-383 Applicant: Saxon Ford Address: 250 and 262 �herb;.�r^e Ave., b�tweer Farrington & Galtier Purpose: Rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking) City Council Hearing: February 16, 2005, 530 p.m., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: • District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval District 7 recommends approval Approvai, vote: 7 - 0 � people spoke, 0 letters were received 2 people spoke, 1 letter was received Approval, vote: Unanimous � \ Staff Assigned: Patricia James, 266-6639� Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Pianning Commission minutes, January 28, 2004 Zoning Committee minutes, January 20, 2005 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Zcning File #: 04-21�4-383 Applicant: Saxon Ford City Council Members District Council: 7 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner • AA-ADA-EEO Employer os�.a� city of saint paul �planning commission resolution file number ���-04 date January 28, 2005 WHEREAS. Saxon Ford, File # Q4214383, has appfied for a rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residential) co VP (Vehicufar Parking) under the provisions of §66.700 ofthe Saint Paul Legislative Code, for property located at 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., Parcel Identificafion Numbers (PIN) 36-29- 23-12-0110 and 36-29-23-12-0216, legally described as Robertson & Van Etfen Addition to St. Paul ex S 8 Ft for Alley Lot 12 Blk 28 and Robertson & Van Eften Additio� to St. Paul ex S 20 Ft Lot 1 Bik 2 Chambers Addition & in Sd Robertson & Van ctten Addition Lofs 9& Loi 10 Bik 28; and WiiEREAS, the Zoning Commiftee of the Flanning Commissibn, on January 20, 2005, held a pubiic hearing at which aIl persons present were given an opportunity to be he.ard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §61.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Sainf Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to i#s Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The applicant owns a large auto dealership on University Av�nue. The applicant wishes to construct two parking lots for the business, using these lots for customer parking, cars that have been serviced, and inventory. If the rezoning is approved, they will need to meet further zoning code requirements through sife plan review. An application for variances relafing to the parking lots (Z. F. 04-214-418) accompanies fhis rezoning request. � The south side of Sherburne has been a transifion zone for a number of years, with many businesses along University Avenue expanding north, mainiyto provide additional off-street parkirag. This expansion is consistent with how the area has developed recently. 3. The property can be developed in a way that will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 4. The current RT1 zoning permits low density residential uses. Given the increasing commercial uses on University Avenue, single family and duplex development is not as reasonable a use as the parking uses proposed by the appiicant. 5. Comprehensive Plan policies support business development and continued investment in the University Avenue Corridor (GP16). They also support making land that has business potential available for development. The District 7 Plan (adopted in 1979) states that the District Councii wiil consider rezonings on the soufh side of Sherburne on a case by case basis, but supports only rezonings to P-1 (now VP). 6. Section 66.703 Iists the dimensional standards for parking lots in the VP district: ;8J LOt S1Z°. T.,hB IO£ gFra!l ha�!° 2 1771n1P,7G!?'! 2(°2, Of fCl.�r fi� CUS2.^,'�. ��,OOO� SyiJ3i 2 f22t 8i rC� a min.imu .m �nirdfh of fo!t;� (40) feet. /r. those %nst�nces �r�.h gr°I!T 8 VP D isfr.�ct a5;,�!s a dsdicafed public alley of at least twenfy (20) feet in width, the lot widfh may be reduced to twenty (20) feet and /of area to fwo thousand (2,000) square feet if the p/anning commission �nds thaf the al/ey cari be used as the parking lot maneuvering lane without conflicting wifh traffic. This standard is moved by Kramer seconded by �n favor TTnanimniic against Os-�at� Zoning File # 04-214-383 Planning Commission Resolution page 2 a met. The lot at 250 Sherburne has a width of 50 ft. and a Iot a�ea of 5000 sq. ft. The lot at 262 Sherburne has a width of 130 ft. and a fot area of 15,036 sq. ft. (b) Heighf of structures. Structures shall have a maximum height of one (1) story and irfteen (15) feet. No structures are proposed for these lots, so this standard does not apply. (c) Yard sefbacks. TF�e minimum front yard setback shall be four (4) feet. lf the districts adjoining the VP Districf require a greater front yard sefback, the minimum fronf yard setback shall6e the mrnimum required front yard sefback set forth in the dimensional standards for the adjoining disfricfs. A visua! screen shalf be located on the minimum setback line. Minimum side arrd rear yard setbacks shall be four (4) feef. This standard is partly met. There are 4 ft. setbacks at the sides and rear of the !ots. The minimum front yard setback or this biock is 13 ft., whi!e the applicant proposes 9 ft. A variance of this standard is.necessary. (See accompanying File # 04-214-418.) � 7. Secfion 66.704 lists required condifions for rezoning property to VP: (a) The parking facilify s.ha(! he accessory to and for use in conneciion wifh one or more businesses, industries, institufions, ormultifamilyresidences. This standard is met. The ' parking facilit�es are acc2ssory to tha existirg auto dealership. (b) The parking facilify sha/1 be used solely for parki�g of private passenger vehicles and shall not be used as an off-street loading area. This standard is met. Only private passenger vehicles wiff be sfored on both lots. No off-street loading will occur on the lots. (c) No comrnercia/ repair work or service of any kind, or sale or display thereof, sha// be conducted in such parking facility. This standard is met. No repair, service, or sale activities will occur on e these lots. The loi at 262 Sherbume wili be used to store vehicles, buf they wiii not be dispiayed for sale and there will be no sales staff showing the cars from this lot. (d) No sions of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exfts and condifions of use, shail be maintained on such parking facility. This standard is met. No signs are shown on the site plan for these lots. (e) /Vo building other fhan thaf for the shelter of aftendants shall be erected upon fhe premises unless specifrcally approved by the planning administrator during sife plan review. No buildings are proposed for these lots, so this standard does not apply. (� Applications for VP Drstrict rezoning sha!( include a sife plan whrch conforms to al! standards set forth in section 63.300. The planning commissron may granf modifications of section 63.300 based on frndings thaf such mod�cation is consistent with the intenf of the code and wifh the reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. Planning Commission approval of modifications, or variances, of standards regarding distance between residential prope:ty and the lot entrance (§ 63.310(c)) and landscaping (§ 63.314) has been requested by the applicant (see File # 04-214- 418). (g) VP Uehicular Parking Districts sha/l be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements ofsection 63.300. See Finding 7(�. 8. The consent petition was determined to be sufficient on December 22, 2004: 55 parcels eligibie; 37 parcels required; 37 parcels signed. s NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the applicatio� of Saxon Ford for a rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking) for property af 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave. be approved. e a5-d • Saint Paul Pianning Commission City Hall Conference CenYer 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of January 28, 2005 A meeting of the Planni�g Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. � Commissioners Present: �Commissfioners Absent: Mmes. Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Lu, Mc and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, and Scott. Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, and *Porter; *Excused I 1 �J Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Ac Allen Lovejoy, Penny Simisoi Department of Planning an L Approval of minutes of January _,; 2p05 MOTION: Commissioner Commissianer Trevino sec II. Ch ' nounc .. Cha anked and als d the s Ch�,.�� ��� . s staff and ��'b�ruary. �`��Planning Admini„� the *Dandrea, * 2005, *Kong. i Torstenson, and Cazol Martineau, `ninutes of Januaey 14, 2005. carried unanimousLy on a voice vote. rs of the Planning Commission for their work during 2004 such a good job. aI� about Planning Commission reappointments with the Mayor not ready to make those appointrnents yet, maybe sometime in Announcements �eported on the City Council business for last week and the agenda for neat He stated fliat, although PED lost some planning staff last year, they ended the three of the positions. He introduced Emily Ulmer, who is the third one of the • IV. Communications Committee Annual Report 2004 Commissioner Trevino thanked Jessica Rosenfeld, PED, for coordinating and ediring the report. as a a� approval on a vote of 7-0. MOTTON: Commissioner gramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The mo[ion carried unanimously orz a voice vote. NEW BUSINESS #?04-214-383 Sason Ford - Rezoning from RTl (Two-family R Pazking). 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., between Fazrington & 651/266-6639) ,� Commissioner Kramer stated District 7 recommends a_ val. No person spoke in opposition. The public hearing was ed. The Z approval on a vote of 7-0. � MOT'ION: Commissioner %ramer moved the Zonin; the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a #Q4-2? 4-418 Sason Ford - Vasiaeces for pazking yard setback (9 8. proposed, 13 ft. requued); e' (distance from the adjoining RTl-zoned pr proposed rather than plants in the yazds nde securiTy fence of chain link with slats ". high p< permitted); fence along Galtier Stre ess th frontape of tUe pazking lot at 25� rburne Q Galtier. (PatriciaTames, 65I 639) Commissioner Kramer perso,�spoke in ovn� the .�. VP; � the f�� to approve _ king) Distr.ct froat 0 Sherbume . required); stone mulch the screened fencing; a . � decorative up to 4%z ft. ; mulch atong the Galtier Ave., between Farrington & approval. No one spoke in support. Two as closed. The Zoning Committee of 7-0. the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve 7ausly on a voice vote - Approve resolution. (Wendy Lane, LIEP, 651/266-9081) �Ir. Soderholm ask ission to take this item up as new business even though it was not zon the published a� d. Ms. Lane explained that LIEP is now funded entirely from fees. Three or four years ago, . Piannina Commission proposed an annual oiliboazd iuspectiva fee, but the City have drop _.�oIlecting that fee as a resutt of the settlement of the billboazd lawsuits. = eviewing s' ; plicauons and doing sign inspections takes quite a bit of staff time. LIEP is e. sing three new sign fees for: (1) billboazd extensions; (2) temporary and/or a s; and (3) insurance cert�cates. The fust two would be based on zoning `=ncllnents. Because more sign fees aze built into LIEP's 2005 budget, she is asking the Planning Commission to expedite these zoning amendments. She would like to bring her drafr of the amendments to the next Zoning Committee meeting for discussion and to set a public hearing. • u • a s-ao� • • where they discussed vegetarion and tree presercation in the corridor. Old Business /� Commissioner Alton thanked Chair Johnson for his service ttns past yeaz and congratulated him on a good year. He was applauded by all the Commissioners. Nir. Soderholm stated that lasf year the Neighborhood and Current Pl � g Co�ee and the Commission deak with the environmental review far the Bridges of S " a � posal for the West Side Flats. Ae said that the DNR ob}ected to the AU envir eview, primazily due to the obstruction of views across the river valley. ants 4 include an option that is consistent with the River Corridor Chap�m � the Com -; `' and the . e�sting zoning. Last week the staff ineY with the deu 'per, the E�'staff; °`' a s ai ab eed that another altemative would be added to th AR. , the develo - , o the environmental work for the alternative, includin �` � views, traffic, s. ewer capacity, and stotxnwater management. _ �. . XI. New Business None. XII. Adjournment Meehng adjoumed at 10:30 a.m. Planning and City of Saint submitted, Secretary Approved (Date) Sue McCall Secretary of the Planning Commission • PED�Bruton�ivtinutes\Mmutes 2005\1-28-2005 05 MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, January 20, 2005 - 3:30 p.m. • City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cify Hall and Courf House 15 West Keliogg goulevard PEtESENT: ABSENT: STAFF: Alton, Anfang, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Donnelly-Cohen Patricia James, Caroi Martineau and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Saxon Ford - 04-214-383 - Rezoning from RT1 (Two-family Residential) to VP (Vehicular Parking). 250 and 262 Sherburne Ave., between Farrington & Galtier. Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approvai for the rezoning. She also stated District 7 recommends approval of the rezoning. Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. James stated there would be no loss of housing units because the structures were razed severai years ago. She a4so explained that VP is a classification that wili permit no structures, with the exception of a parking aftendant booth. Jim Saxon, the applicant, stated he wouid answer any questions. No one spoke in support of the rezoning. Ishmael Israel, representing the property owner at 256-258 Sherburne Ave., stated the ov�rners and renters are against the rezoning and variance because they are concerned with lights shining in the second floor apartments on � side of the building. They also have concems witli the devaluing of property and the esthetics of the six ft. Iink fence. Joe Duchene, praperty owner of apartments in the area, voiced concems pertaining to the chain link fence that the renters would have to look at every day. At the question of Commission Mejia, Mr. Duchene stated he would accept any type of fencing that wouldn't rot and rust. In response, Jim Saxon stated all the fences in the neighborhood are chain link. There were talks with the City pertaining to using other materials for the fences (masonry or iron), which pose maintenance and security issues. The lighting is designed to be non-invasive to the neighbors. The City has had a lot of input to the plans. He also sfated all the property in the neighborhood is going up and didn't believe their project was devaluing the property in the neighborhood. Larry Walker explained the lighting is desipned to direct light down from the fixtures and a light shade can be puf on the iight fixfure facing the apartments to prevs�t Iight from bothering the residents. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Gordon moved approvai of the rezoning. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. Adopted Yeas - 7 Drafted by: � ���� artineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: Patricia James �� ��Y�4'�'✓s� n�/ Glady orton Zoning Section Chair �.� #�- c� Zi� - 3c°�3 04 - 2t �E- � �f t�, C� � January 8, 2005 Kenneth C. Hanggi 285 Aurora Avenue Apt 2 St. Paul, MN 55103 City of Saint Paul Planning and Economic Development 1400 City Ha11 Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1634 To whom it may concern, R�� �� JA � � � 2 ��5 I will be unable to attend the scheduled meeting on January 20, 2005 at 3:30 for the proposed rezoning and variance at 250 and 262 Sherburne Avenue but I strongly oppose this proposal. If you have any questions, please call me at 651- 331-6718. Thank you for your help on this matter. Sincerely, - r �. �, • •� OS-db� • OS"=ao D1ST � <�7 7 PLAf��11NG January 6, 2005 65�/298-5068 (o�ce} 651/298-5072 (fax) drstricf7@integraonfine.com (e-mar7j 689 North Dale Street Saint Paul. Minnesoia 55103-1644 • R Jq� r �� � ��o� Patricia James Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section 1400 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1634 Deaz Ms. 7ames, We are writing in regards to the applications snbmitted by R& N Coxporation, d.b.a. Saxon Ford, at 225 University Ave. West. The Distcict 7 Planning Council is pleased with the proposed change from RTl to VP and is grateful that a compromise was reached after fheir last groposed change to B3 was denied. The current agplication to amend the zoning code is consistent with our Area Plan and the desires brought forth by the neighbors. District 7 recommends approval of both the zoning change and the needed vaziance. We thank Patricia 7ames for her creativity and 5axon Ford for theu willingness to wark for the best interests of our community. Sincerely, � ,, / ' �_.,>,• ,�� G���'--�, �" � i °� c�--' Kristen Kidder Executive Director • • Serviag the neighborhoods of Mi. Airy, Capito/ Haights, Frogtown and East Midway since 1970! � • � l� ��- - zooS C.�-�'ti.. � P�,b i�-- ��.-a„� C?�e .�, ?.tPz 5��� �.�� -- - �€&�lV�D ��N 2 1 2D05 os ao6 ��Lz C��t-z►�-�83 - - c,� -z��-�t t3� Q -e�n.�a.-2 � c�..w� ��-- �.Lq, � c`..�$e.�� °� �r-a-v�...g � Zo �1 �.xn.c.,�� , � ��so-v�l�: � -� w.9..�c-�� �1,�?� cc�w�,��'. _ - - � i i � • � .��� �= � � , .� � � s ., . �. ;, i . � � . - . �, � . u `.. . � >.� , „ 1 ,� f � .. � . „s. * �.• ..�� - _. - _ � - i � ' � � ' `V 7 1 . � � /r � • '1 � � Y ' I� ► i� ♦ ° � i ♦ � e �i . � r � � � '. � \ '. ' Lc r ' • � � • `. ��`. \ . � • � L-� � s ��,� �s.�� �a�s.� � .�,a� v.�l,\ v�-es3� e-� ct ��- c`�- a� j�, �,,,,� ��'��,airs c�� c�-� v�%,�� � vv�'+�v��� ��+�ta! �� �s2� �-�..�t C.��S � � � �-t.� ve�� �,z�`2 �t,� s�,tJ,�, b-2 cr�ilco_a� ��u.,� e �_ �� s��d� � �e� �s -�o � ti.�=�-e�� °�Q �.3�:�r�-esASZ�S �- °� c� � �� �xa��� ,o ���.� �'��s o� ����s � u��-�.. °`�..�.�=►�• a� �c�- i�v�vw� w.�-� �:x.�s��. �s-�,�e�'iv.-�o 8t�s� ��s j '� v���,-e�� c�•.��� � �a�1.�.�c�,v� , � Ov ;.�e. ��� �i o ����s-2 �_ ��-°� � � v�� c�.�- bu..a`o�S �.�'�-e � ��-� aF +r'�� Lt�� v�$ l �^�v�� �-ffiS �-es�? ���13��� OS=a� ,, . �. � . .� . . �_ _ , :•° •. � • . .� - _ , . • w - a � .,� � • � �� s �� � � � � � i> I'. • � ♦ — . � . � � s . . . � � r � !� �' 4 �'� � � ��. \ �� i' � J � • 3 OZ �s� �-2 � �a�� ��ct..�.� o-ess- �-�t�x.u'v�v�a,�rs�l,� �5 — Z--Z-S' — bR,3i a OS-�oy Z�NtNG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 04-214-383 1. APPLfCANT: R& N Corporation (Saxon Ford) HEARING DATE: January 20, 2005 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 250 & 262 Sherbume Ave., between Farrington and Galtier � •E F 4. PIN & LEGAl. DESCRIPTION: 36-29-23-14-0110, 36-29-23-13-0216; Robertson & Van Etten Addition to St. Paul ex S 8 Ft for Ailey Lot 12 Bik 28; Robertson & Van Etten Addition to St. Paul ex S 20 Ft Lot 1 Bik 2 Chambers Addition & in Sd Robertson & Van Etten Addition Lots 9& Lot 10 Blk 28 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 7 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.700; §61.801(b) 7. STAFF REP�42T DATE: January 12, 2��5 EXISTING ZONING: RT-1 BY: Patricia James 8. �AT� R��EIL'��: Cecember 13, 2C�4 S^-C :Y DE,",��IAl� ��� JA�TI;3�v: February 20, 2CC5 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RT1 Two-family Residential to VP Vehicular Parking to construct two parking lots for the existing auto dealership B. PARCEL SIZE: 250 Sherburne: 50 ft. (Sherburne) x 100 ft. (Galtier) = 5000 sq. ft. 262 Sherburne: 130 ft. (Sherburne) x 107 ft. = 15,036 sq. ft. Total area: 20,306 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE: Commercial uses (B3) are found south and east of the lots. To the north and west is a mixed density residential neighborhood (RT1). A legal nonconforming 4-plex is located between the two parcels. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.700 lists uses permitted and requirements for the VP zoning district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. FllSTOl2Y/DlSCUSSIOId: Demolition permits were issued for these lots in 1995. In May, 2004, the City Council denied a rezoning of these properties to 63 General Business (Z. F. 04-048-912) a�d indicated support for a rezoning to VP. Variances are required as part of the rezoning to VP, and have been submitted as Z. F. 04-214-418. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 7 recommends approval of the rezoning and the variances. H. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant owns a large auto dealership on University Avenue. The app(icant wishes to construct two parking lots for the business, using these lots for customer parking, cars that have been serviced, and inventory. If the rezoning is approved, they will need to meet further zonirg code requirements through site plan review. An application for variances relating to the parking lots (Z. F. 04-214-418) accompanies this rezoning request. 2. The south side of Sherburne has been a transition zone for a number of years, with many businesses along University Avenue expanding north, mainly to provide additional off-street parking. This expansion is consistent with how the area has developed recently. 3. The property can be developed in a way that will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 4. The current RT1 zoning permits low density residential uses. Given the increasing commercial uses on University Avenue, singie family and duplex development is not as • reasonable a use as the parking uses proposed by the applicant. 5. Comprehensive P1an policies support business devefopment and continued investment in the University Avenue Corridor (GP16). They also support making land that has business a s=�a� Zoning File # 04-214-383 Zoning Committee Staff Report page 2 potential available for development. The District 7 Plan (adopted in 1979) states that the District Council wiil consider rezonings on the south side of Sherbume on a case by case basis, but supports oniy rezonings to P-1 (now VP). 6. Section 66.703 lists the dimensional standards for parking lots in the VP district: (a) Lot size. The lot shall have a minimum area of four thousand (4, 000) square feet and a minimum width of foriy (40) feet. In those instances wherein a VP District abuts a dedicated public alley of at least tweniy (20) feet in width, the lot width may be reduced to twenty (20) feef and lot area to two thousand (2,000) square feet if the planning commission finds that fhe alley can be used as the parking lot maneuvering lane without conflicting with tra�c. This standard is met. The lot at 250 Sherbume has a width of 50 ft. and a lot area of 5000 sq. ft. The lot at 262 Sherburne has a width of 130 ft. and a lot area of 15,036 sq. ft. (b) Height of structures. Structures shall have a maximum height of one (1) story and fifteen (15) feet. No structures are proposed for these lots, so this standard does not apply. (c) Yard setbacks. The minimum front yard setback shall be four (4) feet. If the districts adjoining the VP Disfrict require a greater front yard setback, fhe minimum front yard setback shall be the minimum required front yard setback set forth in the dimensional standards for the adjoining districfs. A visual screen shal! be locafed on the minimum setback line. Minimum side and rear yard setbacks shal! be four (4) feef This standard is partiy met. There are 4 ft. setbacks at the sides and rear of the lots. The minimum front yard setback on this block is 19 ft., while the applicant proposes 9 ft. A variance of this standard is necessary. (See accompaRyiRg File # 04-294-418.) 7. Section 66.704 lists required conditions for rezoning property to VP: (a) The parking facility shall be accessory to and for use in connection wfth one or more businesses, industries, instifutions, or multifamily residences. This standard is met. The parking facilities are accessory to the existing auto dealership. (b) The parking facilify shall be used sofely for parking of private passenger vehic(es and shall not be used as an off-sfreet loading area. This standard is met. Only private passenger vehicies will be stored on both lots. No off-street loading wiil occur on the lots. (c) No commercial repair work or service of any kind, or sa/e or display thereof, shall be conducfed in such parking facility. This standard is met. No repair, service, or sale activities will occur on these lots. The lot at 262 Sherbume wili be used to store vehicles, but they wiil nof be displayed for sale and there wifl be no sales staff showing the cars from this lot. (d) No signs of any kind, other than signs designafirtg entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained on such parking facility. This standard is met. No signs are shown on the site plan for these lots. (e) No building other than ti�at for the shelter of attendants shall be erected upon the premises unless speci�cally approved by the planning administrator during site plan review. No buildings are proposed for these lots, so this standard does not appiy. (� Applications for VP District rezoning shal! include a site plan which conforms to alI standards set forth in section 63.300. The planning commission may grant mod�cations of section 63.300 based on frndings that such modification is consistent with the intent of the code and with the reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. Pianning Commission approval of modifications, or variances, of standards regarding distance between residentia! property and the lot entrance (§ 63.310(c)) and landscaping (§ 63.314) has C J r • os-a� Zoning File # 04-214-383 • Zoning Committee Staff Repoft page 3 been requested by the applicant (see File # 04-214-�118). (g) VP Uehicular Parking Districts shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of section 63.300. See Finding 7(fl. 8. The consent petition was determined to be sufficient on December 22, 2004: 55 parceis eligible; 37 parcels required; 37 parcels signed. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RT1 Two-famiVy Residentiaf to VP Vehicular Parking to construct two parking lots for fhe existing auto dealership at 250 and 262 Sherburne. i • PETITIQN TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Depardnext of Plannixg and Ecanomic Develapment Zonirzg Section 1400 City Hall Annez 25 West Fourth Stred �"� Saint Pau� M1V 55102-I634 (651) 266-6589 PropertyOwner � Q,y(f � LO�P APPLICANT Address 2'L� ����j(��j�'(� A��, ��L City li'(. �l�I1L st. i��zip - r"i5)(1'j DaytimePnone (v - ``i �2ZZ•OSLt Contact Person (if different) t�� hA 1( e j� �_Phone PROPERTY LOCATION Address/location Z ���'Z ���,����N �lv�. Legal Description �'J����� Current Zoning �T I (attach additionai sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCII.: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, - - . � _ owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to the above described property from a �� zoning district to a v� zoning district, for the purpose of: 5�� � �► w.�,.-.. (attach additional sheets if r.acessaryj Attachments as eequired: � Site Plan � Consent Petition @31 Affidavit gy; �'� Subscribed and sworn to before me Fee Owner of Property this ( �� day t / � c _- --...,'�z. -��:.�,�;.�_.- ="=Title: ►f . � � , 20� � . c� e; �� �S�:Pa"<ON P;�ULSJiv � ,k Not�yPub;Ic z _\. 1�� �� `a,�/�,. .. . �_ - � _ ., _. .. � � � , . A!linCSOiq ( t.:d Cc�nml�;b�� FxP'rc cn 3" �p�5 I ( ���"" Notary Public page 1 of _ os-a� os-ao� SUPPLEMENT - PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE • LEGAL DESCRIP'TION — 250 & 262 SHERBURNE AVE. 250 — Robertson & Van Etten Addiflon, Except South 8 Ft. for Alley, I.ot 12, Blk. 28 262 — Robertson & Van Etten Addition, Except South 20 Ft. I.ot 1 Blk 2 Chambers Addition, I.ots 9& 10 Blk. 28 PURPOSE OF REZONIlVG Two pazking lots will be constructed; one at 250 Sherburne and one at 262 Sherburne. The lots will serve the Sason Ford Dealership located nearby at 225 University Ave. The lot aL 262 Sherba�ue �vill provide s�ace for 32 cazs thae wili include inventory cazs in storage and cars that have been serviced by the dealership. The Ibt at 250 Sherburne will provide space for 11 cazs belonging to customers and visitors to the dealership. • C� NOV-09-2004 14�1 PED 14TH FLOOR �6512283220 Cz'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL COr;:��NT OF ADJOINTNG PROPEKTy pW1y FOkZ A • REZONING P.03i05 os ao� We, the undersi;ned, ownecs of property within lpp {eec of thE mcal conQ;uous descripdon of real estate owned, purchzted, or sold by TFIE PHT17TpNEg vnt}�� one year ptec��no t�e dace of this pedtioa acknowIedge chaz we have been pre5ented wich the followina A copy of the petiaoa of saaon Ford - (na� of petitioner) to rezonc the property Ixated at 250 and 262 Sherbuxne - Ane. fro�n a xTl zonino disQict to a�_zonina district; and �� 2. A copy of sections 66.700 �h� 66._ 7�_ ��l�s� �z of the Saint t�auP ZOning �ode. We acicnowledge that we are aviare of all of the uses pemutted ir� a_ w�" Zonino districi, and .we are awacc that any of these usts can be establisLed ugon City Council apFrovy2 of [he Rezoning. We hereby conseac co the rezoning of che properry in the peadon of Saxon Ford (name of petitioner) to a vP-1 `��g �strict. We sonsenE to the approvai of xhis rezonin; as it was er;pIained to us by the app[icax�t or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN 263 Auro'ra Ave. 261 Aurosa�Ave. 36-29-23-41-0002 RECORD OWNER Theodore R. Readel Dennis J. Smothers Laura L. Perdue SIGNAYt)EtE DA'TE !� lf- t� .-p S! L�� � •This petiuon shall noe be considered as officially filed unal the lapsa of seven (�) wockin� da s.after it is received bc� che Planning Division. Any signaeor of this pedaon may withdraw hf � Y >vaiecen reauest within cbat time. s/ber name cherafrom by io-oi NW-09-2604 14�16 PED 14TH FLOOR 651228322g P.03�'05 D 5 Q� CzTY OF SAINT PA UL CONSENT OP ADJOiNING pROPE1ZTY OWIv'LRS FOR A R +ZONIl�IG We, the uadersi�ned, owners of property within 100 feec of ihe mtal conaguoas desccipaon of real estate owned, purchased, or soId by THE PEITTIONER witi;�n one yeaz preceding the dace of this petition acknowledge [�aa we have been presented with c6e foltowino; 1. A copy of the peHuon of SaaQn Ford (narae of petitioner) to rezone the propeccy Ixyte.d yt and 262 Sherburne Avenue fro� a RTl zonis� disaicc to a �' �p�, o diSCrict; and a. A sogy of sacsi�as 66, 700 �; 66._ 7Q� `�clasive of the Saint Pau1 Zoning Code. We aeicnowledge chac we are aware of all of the uses permiaed 'yl a v�-1 � are aware tliat aay of tLese uses caa be e5tablished u pa �pin° districi, and .we consenc co che rezonin of the ro P � COIIq ��0� of rhe Rezoning. We herebq � . p peny in [be ped�ioa of Sagon Ford to a � (aame of petitioner) zoning district. We consenE to the approval of Wis rezoning as it �yas e�plained to us bq the app(icaht or hisTher representative. ADDR$SS OR P IN • RECORD OWt�R _ $ 471 Marion Street 36-29-23-42-0124 302 IIniversity Ave. Universicy AQenue 3 305 Auroia Ave. 295 Aurora Ave. 291 Aurora Ave. 285 Aurora Ave. 283 Aurora Ave. 277 Aurora Ave. IGNA7VItE DATE Yue Pheng".L, Biong Shoua V. %ione Vatou Lee Her Eorace Combs M. 4 t � �a , This petirion shall not be considered as o�cially filed uecii the lapc� of seven (7) wocking days af.[er it fs received be� the piannia¢ Dqvision. Any sig�atoc of t�iis.peddon may wichdraw his/her name therefrom by wriuen reauest wichin [Uat time. • � • io-oi NOV-09-20�4 14�16 PED 14TH FLOOR 6512283220 P.03i05 CZ7CY OF SAINT PAUL j�� a� CONSENT OF ADJOINTNG PROPERTY OW1V'BRS fi0R A . REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property witbin 100 fee� of tl�e total cona�uovs description of reaI estate owned, purchased, or soId by TI� PEITTjpp1ER vi�t}�� one year precedino the da[e of this petitioa acknowiedge that we have been ptesented with the foltowin�: 7• A copy of the petidon of SaxQn Ford (name of petiaoner) to ta2Anc the psoperLy located at � 50 and 262 Sherburne Avenue from a RTl zonin� disaict to a �' 2onina discrict; and • 2. A copy of sections b6. 700 [hrough 66. 704 �cla�iv� pf rhe c p� y��;ng �ode. We acknowiedge chat we are aware af all of the uses permicced in a vP—,�_ zoning ats�«, and we aze aware chat any of these uces can be established upon City Council approvai of che Rezoning. We hereby consent io the rezoning of [he propetty in the pe[ition of Saxon Ford to a � (name of pctitioner) Zoning district. �'Ve consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. ADbRESS OR PIN RECORD OWNHA DATE 471 Marion Street 36- 29-23-41-0001 300 University Ave. 3 b - 29-23-42-0124 302 University Ave. university Avenue W 36- 29-23-42-0021 305 Aurora Ave. 295 Aurora Ave. 291 Aurora Ave. 285 Aurora Ave. 283 Aurora Ave 277 Aurora Ave. 36- 2 9-23-42-0036 W Yue Pheng.L. Xiong Shoua V._ Xione � Vatou Lee $er Horace Combs Tarik M. tl _ »-�°y •This petirion shall not be considered as officially filed unci! che lagst of seven (7) working days after it is recei�ed b�� the Planning Division. Any sig.na�or of this pe[icion may withdraw his/her name [herefrom by writ[en reauest wi[hin [hat time. io-oi •"� °' �--'�� i�+.i� �ci i-rin rwuK 6512283220 P.03/05 CZ7CY OF SAINT PAUL D�-e2d/p CONSHNT OF ADJOINTNG PROP�RTY OWlv'�RS fi0R A REZONING We, [he undetsigned, owners of property within 100 feet of rhe �ota1 condguoas descrigtion of real estate Qwned, purchased, or sold by THE PEI1TIQj�TER •x onz y�r precediag the date of this pecition acknowledge that we have been presented wi[h the foIlowing: 1. A copy of the petidon of Saxon Ford (name of petitioner) to re2one ehe proper[y located at a d 262 Sherburne Avenue � from a RTl zonin� disttict to a �- zoning dis�rict; and 2. A copy of sections 66. 700 [hrou h 66. 704 8 inclusive of the Saint Pau( Zoniag �od�, We aeknowledge chat we aze awaze of all of the uses pemucted is� a vP-_ 1 _ Zoning districi, and we aze awara that any of these uces can be established upon City Council approval of [he Rezoning. We hereby consenc co che rezoning of che progerry in the ped[ion of Sason Ford t0 3 � (name of petitioner} Zo�?g �strict. �Ve consent to the approval of this rezoain; as it was explained to us by the appi�cant or hisheer representative. ADDRE55 OR PIN 471 Marion Street RECORD OWNER W Yue Pheng L. Xiong Shoua V. Xione SIGNqT[JRE DA7E • � 3uu University Ave, 36-2 9-23-42-0124 302 IIniversity Ave. University Avenue W 36- 29-23-42-0021 305 Aurora Ave. 36- 29-23-42-0041 295 Aurora Ave. 291 Aurora Ave. 285 Aurora Ave. 283 Aurora Ave 277 Aurora Ave. 36-2 9-23-42-0036 �� Vatou Lee Her Horace Combs Tarik M. Propes r� This petition shall not be considered as afficially itled un[iI the lap5o of seven (7) working days after it is recei�ed bc� che Piannin� Division. Any signa�oc of this pe�iaon may wi[hdraw his/her n2me [hcrafrom by writ[en reooest wi[hin [hat [ime. e io-oi o� �� CITY OF SA7NT. PAUL • COI�: �ENT OF ADJC3�3�� � pOPERTY OWNERS FOR A - REti01�''��_ We, the undersigned, owners of property within I00 feet of the total contio ous description of real estate owned, purcfiased, or sold by. TF� PETTITONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of Saxon Ford (name of peti6oner) to rezone the propeRy located at 250 and 262� Sherburne Avenue from a xTt zonino district to a VP-1 zoning district; and 2• : ��Yy 'vi 'acCtiO(13 55. 70� tnrough 56. 704 inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We ac.lmowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses permitted in a VP-1 zoning district, and we aze awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to ihe rezoning of the property in the petitian of Saxon Ford to a VP-1 (name of petitioner) zoaing district. We consenf to the approvai of this rezoning as it was exp[ained.to us bp the applicant or his/taes represenfafive • ADDRESS OR PIN a RECORD OWNER 190 Sherburne 36-29-23-14-0092 League of MN Cit Bldg. Co., Inc. 36-29-23-14-0128 1v7 university 36-29-23-14-0127 192 Sherburne Ave 255 University 277 University Ave 3 271 University Ave 36-29-23-13-0213 25 University Ave 36-z9-23-0213 516 Galtier St. 36-29-23-14-0071 519 Galtier St. 36-29-23-14-0079 Research Foundation Research Foundation Housing and Redev. Financial Caral Toner SIGNA'I'URg Dq� � /� / � Y � his petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the ta se of seven '7 wo ' P O d.mg days aCter it is received by the Planning Division. Any sio ator of this petition may withdraw his/hzr name therefrom by written request within that time. ie-oi l�s•ao� CITY OF SAINT pAUI, CONSENT OF AD70�+'�T� �u Qp�RT.�, ��ERS FOR A . .. . .: REZ�T�I��v�: � -. ' � �. We, the undersigned, owners of properry within 100 feet of the total conaguous descripaon of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by. THE PET2TIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowlede that we have been presented with tt�e following: 1. A copy of the petition of to rezone the property located at (name of petitioner) from a_ 1tTl zoning districi to a vP—_. 1 _zoning district; and 2• A. c�py of secrions bo. 7 uu � 66. 704 inclusive of We Saint paut Zon • mg Code. We aclrnowledge that we are aware of sU of the uses parm�tted �� a pp-1 are?ware thac any of these uses can be estabtished upon City Council approva( of the Rezoning. We heceby consent to the rezoning of the propecty in the pecition of Saaon Ford � to a �-1 (name of petitioner) �aipo distcict: We corisenE to the approval of this rezoning as it waz explained.to us bp the applicant or his%her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN ggCpRp O�� 190 Sherbume SIGNATURg DATE LeaEUe nf t.tta c;r., 36 36 145 University 36 192 Sherbume.Ave 255 University 277 University Ave 30 271 University Ave 259 University Ave 516 Galtier St. 36 519 Galtier St. $ldg. Co., Inc. Research Foundation Research Foundation Housing and Redev. ALC Financial Waseng %ione Vang-Lee " Carnl Toner Hoang D. Pham Traag L. NQUV� Vang Neng Yang ��a.31a � � � This petition shali not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days aCter it is received by ctie Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/hzr name therefrom by written request within that time. asaa� CITY OF SAINT PAUL • CONSENT aFADJC3�ti��Y:;�: aOPERTY OWNERS FOR A . � . °.: �2EZC�T�i�i�a �� ' . We, the undersigned, owners of propecty within 100 feet of the total contiouous description of reai estate owned, purchased, or sold by, TF� PETTITpNER within one year pr���g the date of this petition acknowledo that we have been presented with 8�e foltowing: 1. A copy of the petiGon of Saaon Ford (name of pe6tionet) to reZOne Ihe property Iocated 25.0 and 262:' Sherburne Avenue from a ttTt zonino district to a vP-1 zonin; district; and 2. A copy of sections 66.700 through 66. 704 inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are awaze of ail of the uses perntitted in a OP-1 ace aware that any af these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the R zon ng. C W her by consent to ihe rezoning of tfle propedy in the petition of Saxon Ford � to a yp_L (name of petitioner) zoning district. • We consenE to the approval of Ehis rezoning as it �vas explained.to us bf the applicant or his/her representative. A OR P IN 190 Sherburne 36-29-23=14-0092 36 36 192 Sherburne Ave 255 University 277 University Ave 3fi 271 University Ave.�' 36-29-23-13-0273 259 University Ave 516 Galtier St, 36 519 Galtier St. RECO OWNER League of MN Cit Bldg, Co., Inc. Research 'Foundation League of MN Cities Rasearch Foundation S[GNAIURE DA'i'E Housing and Redev. ALC Financial Waseng %iong Vang Lee CarQl Toner� Hoang D. Pham Trang L. Nguy� Vang Neng Yang 6 � — �--�, v',A� � � �/�/°`� � a3/�y �`/�/� v �li���� �� 6 /�/ / This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. in_nt as da� CONSENT OF ADJ(3T1�v.��+.� ; pOPERTY OWNERS FOR A , . : . .o - itEZ�l'�1��= , . , . . . . We, the undeisigned, owners of property within 1D0 feet of the total co�tio ous desmPuo of real estate owned, purcliased, or sold by. THE PET1TlONER within one year preceding cfie date of Wis petition aclmowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the peti6on of Sagon Ford (name of petitioner) to rezoae the propetty located, at 25.0 and 262: Sherburne Avenue from a._B'ri zoning d'utrict to a aE-i �� distria; and Z. A copy oi sections 66. 7�� � 66. 704 ��ive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We ac�Cnowledge that we are awaze of all of the ttses pernutted 'u� a pp-_ I _ zonia� ace aware that anx af these uses can be esiablished upon Ciry Conncil approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the �ropecty in the peti6oa of Saxon Ford pp_1 to a zoniao district: . (name of petiuoner) _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL We corisenf to fhe approva! of fhis rezoning as it �vas expiained.{o�� bf the applicaat oc his/her represenfafive. ADDRESS OR P!N 241 Sherburne Ave. 259 Sherburne _35-29-23-13-0138 263 Sherbume 36-29-23-13-0137 265 Sherburne �6-29-93-13-01�6 271 Sherbume Ave. 36-24-23-13=0135 2,'� �herburne Ave. 36-29-23-13-0134 276 Sherbume Ave. 36-29-23-I3.-0166 277 Sfierburne 36t29-23-13-0133 256 Sherburae Ave.l 36-29-23-14-0116 282 Sherburne Ave. - -2 -13-0214 RECORD OWNFR Yee Thao � o an Horace G=iff.in Anne Griffin Blanca 0. Agudo Richard L.•Holland ^._r'a 7_ An7l^-�a Ci�ue Long Yang Shoua YanQ Moua Lee �hene tee ' Teng Stephen Her %ao Lee Her Chelma A. Holland James N. Swann Arthur Harder SIGNA1URg DA1E This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) worldng days after it is receiv�d by the Planning Division. Any sio ator of this petition may withdraw his/6ec name therefrom by written request within that time. � � osa� CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL • CONSENT OF ADJO�`���<�; �OPERTY OWNgRS FOR A. . . . -= REtiCS�'��� , We, the undersigned, owners of prope�ty within 100 feet of the totai contio ous description of real escate owned, gucchased, or sotd by, Tf� PETITTOIZER within one year preceding the date of this petidon acknowledo that we have Eieen presented with the following; 1. A copy of the peGtion of Saaon Ford (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 250 and 262; Sherburne Avenue from a RTi zoning distact to a VP-1 zoning district; and 2. A copy of sections 66. 700 through 66. 704 ;nclusive of the 3aint Paul Zoning Code. We acImowledge that we are aware of all of the uses pemutted in a VP-1 zonino district, and we are awaze that any af these uses can be escablished upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoaing of the propeRy in the petition of Sazcon (name of pedtioner) RECORD OK'NER � We corisenf to the approval of this rezoning as it �vas explained.to�us bc the applicant or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN � 191 Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-14-0051 Teresa B. Paxton to a �� zoning distdct: StGN pp� 193 Sherburne Ave. f Joseph E. 13uchene p�' 199 Sherburne Ave. A' 36-29-23-14-0049 � 203 Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-14-0048 208 Sherburne Ave � 209 Sherburne Ave. � 215 Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-1G-0046 � 229 Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-14-0075 � 233 Sherburne Ave. _ 36-29-23-14-0074 235 Sherburne Ave I Gary A. Roen a ' Joanna M. Roen � Tertyl A. Gordon Austin Fang u . €an Stella Whitney West ' James G. Sampson �� � Raren Sue Sampson Pao Yang Chad Lee � Blia Vue Xong Lee � N� � Gary Emory Sohnson Henrietta C. Johnson ` i � i � �� ` .. � This petition shall not be considered u officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Div�sion. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. �� os ao� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJGi1�.��+� ^pOPERTY pWNERS FOR t� . ' =- �tEZ�T�i���.�_ � '. � - . . We, the undecsigned, owners of propecty witfiin IDO feet of the total contib ous description of real estate �y owned, purchased, or sold by, TFIE PETITIpNER within one yeat preceding the date of this petition aclazowiedge that we have 6een presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of Saxon Ford L �L (name of petitionec) [o rewne the propeRy located at 250 and 262; Sherburne Avenue from a x'r i zoning district to a VP-i zonino distr�a; and 2. A copy of sections 6b. 700 �ou� 66. 704 i�lusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We ac]rnowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a.�_ l zonino district, and we are aware that any of these uses can be esta6lished upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby consent to ihe rezoning of the �roperty in the petition of Saxon Ford to a� ZOning district: (name of petitioner) We coosent to the approval of t}us rezoning as it �vas expiained.fo us bp the applicaat or his/her representative. I`t ADDRESS OR PiN RECORD OWNER SIGNAlURE DATE �R t '� 241 Sherburne Ave, ,� ��_�o ,. „��� .'�y� � 259 Sherburne �- ��_,4_��_, z_� 263 Sherburne -. � 265 Sherburne _�,t 36-29-23-13-0136 � 271 Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-13-0135 27� Sherburne Ave. 36-29-23-13-0134 276 Sherburne Ave. 36-24-23-r�-niFF Thao Horace Griffin Richard L. $olland Chue Long Yang G Moua Lee Teng Stephen Her Rao Lee Her ° P� O � a � U � ';� 277 Sherburne � � ;\ 36=29-23-13-0133 Thelma A. Holland � �� � - i.. � � 256 Sherburne Ave. James N. Swann 36-29-23-14-0116 -. _ . . . • This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the ]apse of seven (7) working days after it is received by ttie Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name theref�om by written request within that time. IYUV 14•,o YtU 141H rL .K CITY �F SAINT PAUL b51���S��b N.b4/b5 d5-db( • AFFIDAVI'� O�' PERSON CTRCULATTNG CONS�CNT PETITION FOR A REZQNING STA'FE Q� MIlv'NESOTA} :SS COLJN7Y OF RAMSEY ) Sh�o� P�I�n � Y�` ��� �� �JV� , being firs[ du1 swom, deposes and states thac he(she is che person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � g2ges; Ihdt 2PFId; is :n:�-r„ed 'w�d believes tha[ the parties described on the consent petition are d�e owners of the pazcels of reai esta[e described immediately before each name, and thac each of the parties describad on the consent petition is an owner of property within 1 DO feet of the subject properry described in the peticion and aIl property coueiguous [o the subject groperty that was owned, purchased or seld by the petiaoner within one (1) year precedin; the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the signatnres are the uue and correct signatures of each and all o.f the parties so described. � � / �► �i i � Ii te � � 5�l j��, � . ��� -3��-l8 7/ Subscribed an cwom to before me this _� day of �, 20�� I•� C / '� � � NAME �u.�2��� n 6 � [ �- �Gt �� �'�s ADDREaS �",S�-�t��— �c�oa TfiLEPHONE N'UMBER fO.Ji C7iANC i�A, f�lARR �MOTARY PUBLIC - MINNcSOiA dy Comm. Ezpirss Jan. 3t, 2005 IYUV 14�1f YtU 141H rLUUk 6512283220 p.05�a5 O S� �d�o CITY OF SAINT �AUL AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIONER F�R A REZONING STATE OF MINNBSOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAi�SEY ) Sh�.ronP�;�� The petitioner, ���" �y-�`���d4 , being firsc duly sworn, dcposzs and staces that the consene pecition contains si,�natures of the owners of at Ieast two-thirds (213) of at) eligible propenies within 100 feet of ihe subject propeny descdbed in the petition and all property contiguous to the subject property that was owned, purchased, or sold by the petitioner witlun one (1) year preceding the date of the petition; getitioner is informed that the conseat petirion must contain signatures from each and all ownzrs of jointly-ow�ned properry in order to constitute eonsent from thac property and that failure to obtain consent from each and aIl owners couId invalidate the consent pedtion; pedcioner believ�s that the consent petition was sio ed by each of said owners and that th� signature aze [he true and correct signatures of each and alI of the parties so described. � i ♦ i �i� � � v �i �� � / / � • . �Sl-�l�-i87/ C /�� ��c.. f' � Cc-�Cf ��L-r�2 �-f°� NA�� � �1 fi/ • � (,e. �l', ADDRESS � S 1- ��l �'- dc�� � TELEPHONE NiJMBER- � �� Subscri6ed and swom to before me ihis �_ day of � , 200�. \�__� � J NOTARY �JSLIC � DIANE M. NARR ¢ � NOTARYPUBIIC—M4NNESOTA � .�� MY Comm. 6cP�s Jan.37, 20D5 Z e ■ io-oi � TOTRL P.05 _ - - - - -- -- - - a�a� W � �b O YiV � N f- N 8• a 6 W U �� Z a�- � g C� � d .�— msw� �,_e O� � N011�t�Cl1Si�0� =' s? '= o- a ( � ����� Z � y � �O� lON ��a' - u - `� � z XLL� a` =�;g£v : . � "x`„°i:'°: N � in �`'as. _ $ ` � � u " -'s€�z. s° a a : Z 1�3Zk1S �13117b`� � �� � �, ������ � �� � �+��i$ w I I � z �n w $ ��:° �i ����� ��� � $'..' N ����� p � `e��� � � � � N Y U Q m � w N � N ������ � �g���� o - � � z d _ s � <I 3 I � � � � I � �•�-�...,.•^�� ..•. ..e o � � - .- : e .�� 9Ni Su uu �� Across Sherburne to east Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 os=a� • • Across Sherburne to west Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 � os-ad� � x� = F .�.� -.: �:�� y -, y E ° �... : � ������ • °�_� � ��, �: ,.;� � i ,.�; _ ;. .. ° � �._ r;�� � . West of lots Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 .��._ .,. . ,�� _ . ���_�-� �� � _:� �� - . � ;� m � �_: � _ ,�. � � �.� . ,x � ��; � .`�` � - ,��. � i��. - fi � , , �� �°�� ` m, � 6� ��� ��y � Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 • Proposed lot at 262 Sherbume ds-ao� �� �rv� � _- asPrt`'���' Existing 4-plex between lots Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 r � Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 • rroposea iot ac �ou �i ie� uu� � �C � • Saxon Ford business to east Zoning File 04-214-383 04-214-418 �� d 6� � _ - �: ._. -'R��Ci;'A7,C� �_S - CTTIZEN PARTICIPATI�N PIANNIN6 DISTRICTS u 1.SUNRAY-BkT7LECREEK-HIGHWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE ; 3.W[5T SIDE � 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF ;' S.PAYNE-PNRLEN NORTH END 7. HOMAS=➢ALE ,SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.W€ST SEVENTH 1�.COMO 11.HAMLiNE-MIdWAY 12.ST. ANTHQNY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LE�INGTON NAMLiNE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER- - 15.HIGHLAND 16.SUMMiT HtLI. - 17.�OWNTOWN o,� e Z�W ° 3� 3 V , 05-dGb ; � r� LJ THOMAS=RALE DISTRILT 9 � �° fWt M' � ������� ■ ��� � . . � ; . � .2�`�" : � �� e _.; � �z ��.,a � � y��� ,, � �i � 3 a § ; ��3�: s € ����� � - _.� .�.m_ . �-.�_._ �� � � a � � g%� � ° � � �� �°°� � �� � � �Q -aa'� � _ -�' � �-' � � . E i 3 � 'z . � =� � � .T__._� ---a--�-N—=-9-- � � � e � : `�� � ����: f , ; � � � s � � z 3 5 ; . ; l• �a'-:;o—•-=;-� " �.. �� r \ ;� �a F "'' � k �' ,����� � ��������� � �� . # �- � � � � � J� � 1 � � 3 i ; � � � �.+�+ Aulro�a � ` C ������ � � �� I i � ; S 9 , ; „ �-------.-----,—,- ,� �—�-�.� [[ .� � _ � t ; � r g � �,t d y p � i � ?'� E � S f p� 4 � ; �q � `�� � � � � � ��`'r`�' �'1� � .� , _ --- --- AP?L�CF�^;T �� � , . LEG�ND PUR?OSE�� �� � � � `°�° zonu�g d�stricl tv��ndary c ,�` � OF�TE ��'°`�� �7lIZL su�;edprope,�y " LT.(G. O;ST.�--- P,tAP � ��. o one famiiy c� ra �� h.ro lamily � � .__.__.. �l¢� multiple (arnily n a. ° x n CoTT=•�i?: 9 � <- indus(�i?.' V vzca�' 6 � � _ � ____—_� ._ �, 7 r