05-1070i WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation, in Zoning File 05-130-725, duly petitioned to rezone 1199, 1187 White Bear Avenue North and 1758 Marytand Avenue being legally described as EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 1; EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 3; EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2; EDGAR'S ADD N 108.19 FT OF LOT 22; EDGAR'S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT, LOT 22 SECTION 27 TOWN 29 RANGE 22, W 80 FT OF E 255 76/100 FT OF N 156 18/100 FT OF PART OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 S OF MARYLAND AVE AND W OF WHITE BEAR AVE 1N SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 (PIN 27-29-22-11-0003, 27- 29-22-11-0001, 27-29-22-11-0002, 27-29-22-11-0177, 27-29-22-11-0178, 27-29-22-11-0035), Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Multi-family Residential) to construct a 27 unit condominium. CITY OF ORDINANCE PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee 1 2 3 4 5 6 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WNEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 4, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Pianning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on October 7, 2005, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of pub4ic hearing before the City Gouncil on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 18, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected properry and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a pubiic hearing before the City Council having been conducted on November 2, 2005, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Council File # �'10� Ordinance # Green Sheet# 30287 p(,��?°`� Section 1. : ": . . QE� That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 7, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That tfie property at 1199, 1187 White Bear Avenue North and 1758 Maryland Avenue, being more particularly described as: EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 1; EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 3; EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2; EDGAR'S ADD N 108.19 FT OF LOT 22; EDGAR'S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT, LOT 22 SECTION 27 TOWN 29 RANGE 22, W 80 FT OF E 255 76/100 FT OF N 156 18/100 FT OF PART OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 S OF MARYLAND AVE AND W OF WHITE BEAR AVE IN SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 (� to�o 46 be an is hereby rezoned from 62 (Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 4� (Multi-family Residentiai) to construct a 27 unit condominium. 48 49 Section 2 50 51 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval 52 and publication. fs � � w .:,' - , � � Requested by Depar[ment of: Plann' conomic Deve4 p nt By: � �� Form Approved by City Attorney `" " By: Approv ayor: Date: BY: �i/L��L� Adoption Cersi�ed by Council Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � I�S_ic�1!\ Department/office/council: Date Initiated: V J 1v �v PE — P���ng&EconomicDevelopment 04-NOV-0S Green Sheet NO: 3028706 Contact Person & Phone: Deoartrnent SeM To Person Initial/Date Emily Ulmef � 0 !an i & Ec o mic v lo �� � 591 Assign 1 lanoi & Economic Develo De artment Director �. `%.!!a� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z • Atturn ����7^�T For RoUting 3 or's ce Ma NAssistant O[dec 4 oun il 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of SignaWre Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt an ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning of 1149, 1187 White Bear Avenue Nortt� and 1758 Maryland Avenue from B2 (CommunityBusiness) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Multi-familyResidential) to construct a 27 unit condominium building. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for tfiis department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a ski11 not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): North East Neighborhoods Development Corporafion, submitted an application to rezone the properiy at the corner of Maryland and White Bear to allow for construction of a 27 unit condominium building. The Ciry Council approved the rezoning on November 2, 2005, after a public heazing. �° � AdvanWS�es If Approved: The rezoning will be adopted per City Council intent. �0`� J 7 2005 . � � � DisadvanWges If Approved: - None. Disadvanta9es If Not Approved: City Council action will not be completed. ToWI Amount of CasURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: FundingSource: ActivitvNumber. •a �r_.R_.,,�.tr, r�-..�:..- �;, . � ; r, _. Fi nancial I nformation: - (ExPlain) . IVoV Q O 2�giJ� DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director .Q VJ�,V `O CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke11y, Mayor October 14, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Office Room 31 � City tiall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Fourth S[reet Saint Paul, MN 55702 Telephane: 65/-266-6700 Facsimile: 651-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 2005, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: 05-130-725 Applicant: North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation Address: 1199, 1187 White Bear Avenue and 1758 Maryland Avenue Purpose: Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Multi-family Residential) to construct a 27 unit condominium. Previous Action: Zoning Committee: Recommendation: Approval 7- 0; August 4, 2005 Planning Commission: Recommendation: Approval 16 - 0; October 7, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Bostrom's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request wiil appear on the agenda for the November 2, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Please cali me at if you have any questions. Sincerely, r U' '!` V �(��- NOTICE OF"POBLIC HEARiNG Emily Ulmer rnesa+�,r�avt�yryc�,,,,��u��,au�ca City Pianner Putu� ne�g on Wednesday, Novanber 2, 2005 at 5:30 p_m. in Yhe City Council Cliambers, Third Floor City IIaR, 15 West cc: File #: 05-130-725 Kellogg Boutevard, St Paul, MN, to con- Applicant: North East Neighborhoods Development Corporatian �a� tt�e aPpucat�n or Norct, �c rr�t,- Paui Dubruiel ���o ��opm�,c co�maon co re- p perty at 1199, 1187 White Bear Wendy Lane Avenue and 1758 Maryland Avenue from Carol Martineau �'�'•'^ F�y �,a a�) co e �2 mi,,in -� �y Allan Torstenson Reside,ntJal) W construct a 27 - unit con- AA-ADA-EEO Employer � c]ominium. (Zone Flle No. 05-13U-725) Dated: October 17. 2005 MARY ERICK�SON A.ssfstant City CovncIl Secretary . Sa�taher 2U? � ===—e� 81: PhQL.IEGAL IEQ(iER.—_" 22104812 , DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � Susan Kimberly, D'vector � e , p nm � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Xelty, Mayor October 18, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Councii Research Room 310 City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota Office 55102 25 West Fourth Street Te(ephone: 651-266-6700 SairttPaut,M7355703 F¢csimite.�657-228-3220 Re: Zoning File #: 05-130-725 File Name: North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation Address: 1199, 1187 White Bear Avenue North and 1758 Maryland Avenue Purpose: Rezoning from 62 (Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residentiai) to RM2 (Multi-family Residential) to construct a 27 unit condominium. City Council Hearing: November 2, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendation: Staff Assigned: approval approval approval, vote: 1 person spoke no one spoke approvai, vote: -0 no letters were received 16-0 Emily Uimer, 226-6591 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution, October 7, 2005 Planning Commission minutes, August 12, 2005 and October 7, 2005 Zoning Committee minutes, August 4, 2005 Staff RepoR packet cc: Zoning File #: 05-130-725 Applicant: North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation City Councii Members District Council: 2 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner AA-ADA-EEO Employer city of saint paul �planning commission resolution file number o5-ss date October 7. 2005 WHEREAS, North East Neighborhoods Devefopment Corporation, Fiie # OS-130-725, has applied for a rezoning from B2 (Community Business) and R3 (Single-Family Residential) to RM2 (Multiple Family Residential) to construct a 27-unit condominium building under the provisions of §66.221 and §61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on property located at 1187 and 1199 White Bear Avenue North and 1758 Maryland Avenue, Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) 27-29-22-11-0003; 27-92-11-0001; 27-29-22-11- 0002; 27-29-22-11-0177, 27-29-22-11-0178 and 27-29-22-11-0035, legaily described as EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 1; EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 3; EDGAR'S ADD. LOT Z; EDGAR'S ADD. N 108.19 FT OF LOT 22; EDGAR'S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT, LOT 22; SECTION 27 TOWN 29 RANGE 22, W 80 FT OF E 255 76/100 FT OF N 156 18/100 FT OF PART OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 S OF MARYLAND AVE AND W OF WH1TE BEAR AVE IN SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on August 4, 2005, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance ,with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantialiy reflected in the minutes, made the foilowing findings of fact: 1. The North East Neighborhooiis Development Corporation has applied for a rezoning to allow for � Hazel Park Heights, a 27-unit condominium building, on the corner of Maryland and White Bear Avenue. 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatibie with the way the area has developed: The surrounding area is a mix of commerciai, single and multiple family housing. 3. The proposed rezoning to RM2 is consistent with the character of development in the neighborhood and will not be detrimental. Multifamily housing at the corner of Maryland and Whif'e Bear Avenue wouid be compatible with the surrounding land uses. The proposed development would not be detrimental to the heath, safefij or general welfare of residents in the surrounding neighborhood. 4. The proposed development, located at the southwest corner of Maryland and White Bear Avenue is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The housing chapter of the Comprehensive Plan encourages developments that promote good design solutions on smaller development sites and which complemeat existing neighborhoods (Housing Plan 5.2). In addition, the District 2 Plan supports the development of new muitipie-family housing with a focus on aesthetics, and quality construction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation for a r.ezoning from 62 (Community Business) and R3 (Single-Family Residential) to RM2 (Muitipie Family Residentiai) to construct a 27-unit condominium building on the property located at 1187 and 1199 White Bear Avenue North and 1758 Maryland Avenue be approved. moved by Morton seconded by � in favor Unanimous against � Saint PauI Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 KeAogg Boulevard West Minutes of August 12, 2005 � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, August 12, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Fazicy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Porter, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Alton, Anfang, Bellus, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, and Mejia, Daniel, and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. *Lu; and Messrs. *Aligada, *Dandrea, Kong. Absent: *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, Patricia James, Tom Sanchez, Emily Lllmer, Shawntera Hardy, Lucy Thompson, Jessica Rosenfeld, Christina Danico, and Kate Fleming of the Departsnent of Planning and Economic Development staff; Dave Nelson, Public Works Real Estate staff. I. Approval of minutes of July 29, 2005 II. MOTION: Commissioner Alton moved approval of the minutes of July 29, 2005. Commissionerponnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimousLy on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair Johnson introduced Christina Danico, who will be the temporary Zoning Committee secretary while Cazol Martineau is on medical leave. Chair Johnson gave a brief report on Mayor Kelly's budget address including the Mayor's proposal to raise property taaces by three percent for public safety services to combat the growing problems caused by methamphetamine addiction. He also passed around an article on how America's megapolitan areas aze spreading towazd Minnesota. Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti reminded everyone of the Plamiing Commission Golf Outing after the Commission meeting on August 26, 2005, C� � IIT. Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm reported on planning business on the City Council agenda for the past week and the next week. Mr. Soderholm reported that the newly adopted Federal Aighway and Transit Act included $25 miIlion for pedestrian and bike projects in the Twin Cifies Meh�o Area. It is a four-yeaz grant and the Twin Cities was one of four areas selected for this demonshation program. IV. PUBLIC HEARING Skyway Plan Amendments (Dave Nelson, 651/266-8860) Mr. Dave Nelson, Public Works Real Estate Secrion, 140 City Hall, gave a brief background and presentation on the Ciry's current and policies for signs in fhe skyways and the proposed amendments. Chair Johnson read the rules of procedure for the public heazing. On July 29, 2005 a letter was mailed to the CapitolRiver Council (Dishict 17) and the owners of properties abutting skyway bridges notifying them of the content of the proposed amendments and of this moming's heazing. The following people spoke: � l. Mr. Bill Buth, Pre'sident of the Business Owners and Managers Association, also l�own as ' St. Paul BOMA, 332 Minnesota Street, Saint Paul, Mn 55101. He said there aze four parts to the skyway signage issue: 1) accountability, 2) proposed amendment wording, 3) standazdization, and 4) definitions. All four need to be cazefully reviewed to ensure that ouz decisions that will be made stand the test of time. At this time there is little accountabiliry regazding overhead signs located in the skyway. There needs to be a oversigkt committee appointed to woik with the City Reat Estate Section and Mr. Dave Nelson to ensure rules and regulations ue followed. There is very limited if any communication with tlze owners and maaagers of buildings prior to sign changes within their buildings. Mr. Buth stated there should be a sign off ptocess and procedure. Iu regards to the proposed_ wording in the amendments, Mr. Bufh fiad no objection to wfiat is proposed except that he thought and third line should be'added on the signs indicatiag the name of the building that lies ahead that is about to entered. With regazd standardi�ation of signs, Mr. Buth supported the proposal as written to allow use of the signage package for each individual building as long as their signs provide the information the City requires. He said he didn't know what the requirement that "signs wili conform with ADA and City Building Code standazds" means; but it's probably okay. Having an option for illuminating the signs is fine. ' 2 � Regarding definitions, Mr. Buth asked what is a building and what is not? The signs are supposed to have the name of the building, not the name of a tenant in a multi-tenant building. There are plenry of opportunities for directional signage along the walls of the skyways to help people find a particulaz business. Tenants within buildings can and do use directional signage with the owners/manager's pemussion, for example, to point the direction to a restaurant, etc. Parking ramps are also buildings that should 6e tisted on the oveihead signs. Mr. Buth distributed a letter from Loren G. Geller, President of the Victory Parking Ramp, who was unable to attend this hearing. Mr. Geller wrote in favor of the skyway signs proposal for informing the public about the building they are walking through and the one they are approaching, including parking ramps. Mr. Buth said that in addition to the overhead skyway signs when you cross a street, the skyway system maps are very important. They are supposed to be placed on the wall in the vicinity of the overhead signs. It is his understanding that the City will pLOVide the skyway system maps free of charge and will update them. However, not all buildings will be able to use these signs at their entrances, exits, and intersections due to tack of wall space availability. Saint Paul BOMA pledges to continue to work with Mr. Nelson to reach workable solutions to the skyway signage issue. 2. Lorie Bushaw, Saint Paul Convention Bureau, spoke on behalf of the River Centre, 175 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, Mn 55102. In reviewing the skyway policies, she said that destination � signage that directs visitors how to get to major destinations is missing. Many people have trouble getting oriented on ffie skyway maps and the proposed overhead signs just tell you where you are, not where you want to go. There are over a thousand hotel rooms on the skyway, but when it comes to fmding the River Centre and Xcel complexes, the routes from the hotels are t�icky. The River Centre and Xcel Arena are important to the community. They need directional signage. Please consider this when reviewing the City's signage policies and procedures for the skyway system. Commissioner Anfang asked about signs hung on the exteriors of the skyway bridges that promote different events. Are there standards these temporary signs? Is it possible for them to be more attractive? Perhaps these promotional signs could be made using the film that is wrapped on buses-you can read the advertising from the outside, but you can also see out from the inside of the bus. Ms. Bushaw said will look into other cifies' signage polices and see requirements they have. She aIso submitted a letter from General Manager Steve Harper that represents both of the Radissons expressing the need for direc�ional signs. ❑ 3. Cheryl Iohnson, Rac3isson City Center and Radisson Riverfront, t t East Kellogg Blvd., � Saint Paul, MN 55101. She said that guests to their hotels are very confused about the names of buildings and how to get from one to another through the skyway system. She commented on the skyway system maps. It would be helpful if they were like the Mall of America signs that say "you are here" to help you figure out which way to go. She said that a company named City Lights provides the broehure service that fi1ls brochure stands with flyers. It can be pretty messy. The hotels send a employee through daily or every other day to straighten the pockets up. A lot of fcee skyway brochures could also end up all over the skyways as trash. In addition to the speakers, the Planning Commission received letters from the CapitolRiver Council and Dave Nelson. MOTION : Commissioner McCall moved to cZose the hearing but leave the record open for written comments until 2:00 p.m., August I2, 2005, and refer the matter back to the Neighborhood Committee. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. V. Zoning Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD BTTSINESS #OS-133-247 Daniel Huneke - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a triplex, 1756 � Sims Ave. E., between White Beaz and Flandrau. (EmiZy Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Commi#ee's recommendation for denial. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. #OS-125-870 Manuel Pizano - Conditional Use Permit for outdoor food sales from mobile push car. x� 7" S�eet E., NE comer at Beech Street. (EmiZy U(mer, 65I/266-6591) Commissioner Morton reported th¢t this case has been withdrawx. NEW BUSIlVESS #OS-133-107 Town and Countrv Club - Modification of golf course Conditional Use Pemut to allow a new pool building 150 ft. from residenrially used properry (200 ft. required). 300 Mississippi River Blvd., azea bounded by Mississippi River Blvd., Mazshall Ave., and Otis Ave. (Patricia.lames, 651/266-6639) M01TON: CommissioxerMoKon moved the Zonixg Committee's recommendatzon to approve the condiiional use permi� The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. � � #QS-130-725 North East Nei¢hborhoods Develo�ment Coro - Rezoning from B2 (Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Mulri-family Residential) to construct a 3�- unit condominium. 1199 White Bear Ave., 1187 White Bear Ave., 1758 Maryland Ave., SW comer of Maryland at White Bear Ave. (Emity Ulmer, 6.51/266-6.591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved tha2 the case be laid over two weeks as requested by the applicant The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioners %rames and Johnson abstaixed #OS-i32-82; Snvder's Drue Store - Conditionai Use Permit to allow drive-up window for drug store, with modification of conditions that the drive-through lane not be located betvreen the principal structure and a public street; that vehicular access be 60 ft. from street intersection and 60 ft. from abutting residential property; and that a six ft. buffer area be provided along a property line adjoining residentiai property. 800 White Bear Ave., SB comer at Ross Ave. (Patricia ,7ames, 651/266-6639) MOTION: Commissioner MoKOn moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the conditional use permit The motion carried ursanimous[y on a voice vote. �� #OS-130-499 856 Ravmond Condominiums- Change ofNonconfomung Use from office to beauty salon, with a variance of the parking requirement (3 spaces required, 0 spaces requested); and a sign variance to pennit 7 signs on the building (2 signs permitted) with a total sign area of 229 squaze feet (30 squaze feet permitted). 856 Raymond Avenue, east side, between Bradford and Long. (Emi1y Ulmer, 651/266-G591) Cym�nissioner Mortox reported that the Zoning Comneittee laid this case over to their August I8, 2005 meeting. Commissioner Morton announced the Zoning Committee Agenda for the August 18, 2005 meeting. VI. Comprehensive Planning Committee Reconsideraflon of Amendments to Downtown Develovment Strate¢v- regarding transitJredevelopment planning along Fifth and Sixth Streets. Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen gave a report on Reconsideraflon of Amendmenu to Downtown Development Strategy. A letter from PED was included in their packets that explains ihe reasons for making a minor change in the plan to make it less prescriptive for redevelopment on the Bremer Bank and parking lot porrions of the Athleflc Club block: � Lucy Thompson gave a short presentaflon on the previously approved plan amendmeni, which has not yet been considered by the City Council, and what changes are now proposed. S�san Kimberly has asked that the Pianning Commission to loosen its recommendations with regazd to the number of stories on the block and the floor by floor mixed use. She wouid like to be able to let market conditions play a major role in these decisions whenever redevelopment happens on the block. This change would reflect the Mayor's input and she would like to have the Planning Commission's support before the amendments to the Downtown Development Strategy go to the City CouncIl. She doesn't want it to appear the Commission and the Mayor disagree about redevelopment on this block. Commissioner BeIIus. asked if this is the only sife in the Fifth and Sixth Streec Study Area, that � made specific recommendations for height and land uses. Ms. Thompson responded that it was. Mr. Soderholm said that he sapported this amendment; however he doesn't Iike the accompanying drawing, which appears to have a proposed building projecting as an arcade ovez the whole sidewalk. Ms, Thompson responded that the drawing is purely illustrative. Nothing has been designed for the site yet, and the arcade is shown as one way to give more weather protection to pedestrians. The arcade in the drawing is exactly the same as the previously approved illustration. Commissioner Johnson agreed with Duector Kimberly's letter that this recommendation is a minor alteration to the previously approved plan amendment. MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved the resolutibn to approve the modification of the amendments to the Downtown Development Strategy as put forward in the August 4, 2005 Zetter by PED Direetor Susan %imberly's letter. The motion carried unaximousiy on a voice vote. Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen said the next meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Commzttee will be on Tuesday, August 16, 2005, 4:00 p.m. There will be a progress report by representatives from Xce1 Energy on the High Bndge Power Plant conversion. River Corridor Overlav Zonine - staff report on the progress of the Mississippi River Critical Area � Task Force. (Larry Soderholm, 651/266-6575 and AIZan Torstenson, 651/266-6579) Chair Johnson asked Commissioner Anfang, the Planning Commission's liaison to the Critical Area Task Force, to introduce the topic. Commissioner Anfang said the task force was established by the City Council and has been meeting for a yeaz. Some of the task force recommendations will be controversial. When the task force finishes its recommendarions, they will come to the Planning Commission and this body will have a public hearing on them. Larry Soderholm sm*+..,ari�ed the history of the River Corridor Critical Area. In accordance with state regulations, the City has a Comprehensive Plan Chapter on the River CAmdor adopted in 2002,which was approved by DNR, and now we need to update the City's Critical Area Overlay Zoning reguiations. Allan Torstenson gave an npdate on the following: sepazation of Critical Area and Fiood Plain regulations in our Zoning Code; remapping the Critical Area Overlay Distdcts; land uses to be allowed or prohibited in the overlay districts; and vegetation management. He noted that the task force is recommending much more detailed regulations and requirements.for the Critical Area. Larry Soderholm stated that two upcoming issues for the task force aze building heights and protection of bluffs and slopes. � � VII. Neighbarhood and Current Pianning Committee No report �'III. Long-range Planning Committee Commissioner Goodlow gave a brief report and stated the next meeting will be on, August 25, 2005, 8:00 a.m., 11 Floor, Cily Hall Annex. Chair Johnson asked the staff to send out an email with the meeting information to all the Commission *nembers. VIII. Communications Committee No report IX. Task Force Reports Chair Johnson announced that he asked Commissioners Morton, Gordon, and Donnelly-Cohen to serve on the CIB Evaluarion Committee. They will be meeting jointly with CIB members. He also asked Commissioner Aligada to co-chair the University/Fairview Small Area Task Force. On behalf of Commissioner Porter, Chair 7ohnson announced that the next meeting of the Loeb Lake Plan Task Force will be August 18, 2005, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. \ Commissioner Gordon distributed a report from the STAR Boazd on projects they are �,• recommending for funding. He explained that his reappoinhnent to the STAR Boazd was not confirmed by the City Council, but that he will conrinue to serve un61 tie is replaced by another appointee. Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti gave a brief report on the Lexington/University meeting on August i, 2005. There was a good azticle in the Highland Villager about this redevelopment. The next meeting will be on September 12, 2005. X. OId Business None XI. New Business None XII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m. � 7 � Recorded and prepared by Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, 1 `M1' ' — Larry ' holm Planning Administrator rm�Ftenm,e�M;autesv�ugusc u� zoosMinnce� /. � -.. . -. 1.�.r./I..!��.L i �� / �. - of the Planning Commission � � � . Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minntes of October 7, 2005 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 23, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Aall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Parter, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Aligada, Alton„ Be}lus, Gord�n, Johnson, Kong, Kranzer, and Mejia and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. *Lu; and Messrs. Anfang, *Coletta *Dandrea, and Goodlow. Absent: *Excused Also Present: Lany Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Lucy Thompson, Donna Dizmimond, Shawntera Hardy, Emily U1mer, Christina Danico, Casey MacCallum (intem), and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of September 23, 2005 �J II. � !� MOTIOPV: Commissioner Trevino moved approva[ of the minutes ofSeptember 23, 2005. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Commissioner Trevino was honored as the Grand Marshall of the East Side Payne Avene Pazade. Chair Johnson reminded the Commissioners of the invitafion to a meefing on Tuesday, October 11�', 5:00-7:00 p.m, on the Showboat regazding riverfront development and the Great River Pazk proposal, and also to the celebration of the Grand Opening of the Phalen Comdor, Saturday, October 15, 2005, at 1:00 p.m. Planning Adminisirator's Announcements Larry Soderholm reported on City Council business for last week and announced their agenda for next week. He also announced a string of upcoming public meetings and speakets on plarniing topics, including Metro Council's Regional Framework, h calming, pazldng, and urban design in Vancouver. Lucy Thompson suminarized the action prioriries of the CapitolRiver Council for implemenfing the Downtown Development Strategy. Zoning Committee . Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD BUSINESS # OS-130-725 North East Neiehborhoods Development Corp - Rezoning from B2 (Communiry Busiaess) and 123 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Multi-family Residential) to construct a 30-uait condominium. 1199 FVhite Bear, 1187 R'hite Bear, 1758 Maryland, SW Corner Maryland at GVhite Bear. (Emi1y IlZmer, 651/266-6591) 1VIOTTON: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Comminee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motion caeried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioners %ramer and Johnson abstained _ Revised Amendments to the Si¢n Ordinance - Review of proposed City Council amendments to the sign ordinance. (Wendy Lane, 651/266-9081) Commissioner Morton sai& tius item will remain under consideration by the Zoning Committee for two more weeks. At its last meeting the Committee conducted a public hearing on each of the sign proposals, taldng them one by one, and voted on its recommendations, except for the proposals on skyv✓ay and lightpole banners. But the staff has not finished dratiing the code amendments that go with the Committee's recommendations. At the next Committee meeting, the members wilI review the code amendmenfs and heaz testixnony and discuss the proposals on banners. The Committee expects to report on this item at the next Planning Commission meeting on October 21, 2045. - V. Comprehensive Plauning Comnuttee Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen gave a report. In prepazation for the next cycle of Citywide Comprehensive Plan chapters, the Committee met on September 27, 2005, and talked with former Mayors Lazry Cohen and Jun Scheibel about how their administrations had organized the plamiing process, set priorities for Planning Commission work, and how they felt about the effectiveness of their planning initiatives. The next meeting will be held on November 1, 2005. State Representative Rick Hanson has been invited to discuss his work on a Robert S�eet Transpoxfation Corridor running from downtown Saint Paui through the suburbs. VI. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee Skvwav Policv Amendments - Recommend amendments for City Council Adoption. Ptanning Committee (Dave Nelson, 651/266-8860) Commissioner McCall said the Commission held a public hearing on flus matter on August 12, 2005. The Committee discussed a staff stmunary of the issues raised at the public hearing and referred the question of integrating skyway directional signs and skyway destination signs to the Design Center. The Desigi Center responded that the destination signs issue is a bigger problem that will take more time and money, that it seemed prudent to proceed with the proposals for direcfional signs separately. Therefore, the Committee is recommending approval of the Skyway Policy Amendments in �the packet. . � � ' � Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti added that the Committee also went on a walldng tour of the skyv✓ays and observed the various types of existing signs. Dave Nelson and Shawntera Hazdy gave the staff report and explained the proposed amendments. Commissionezs Zimmer I,onerii and Mejia asked about the costs of updating the direcrional signs. Commissioner McCall stated the committee is trying to keep costs low for the building owners. The recommendations allow each building to use its own sign package and do not require illuminated signs. Dave Nelson explained that in most cases, direcfional signs can be added with an inexpensive vinyl strip. Some buildings have mare e7cpensive signs, for example, polished aluminum, that would cost more to fabricate. Commissioner Alton asked what authority the City has to enforce the new sign guidelines and, if necessarp, to compel the existing signs to be replaced. Dave Nelson explained that the skyway bridges are owned by the Ciry and the Ciry has pedestrian skyway easements going rhrough the buildings. The Ciry can regulate these signs because they aze in public space covered by Skyway Agreements that refer to fhe Skyway Policy. Commissioner Gordon stated that trus is a legal question abourwhat rights the City has through the Skyway Agreements. It should be presented to the Ciry Attorney. Before the Planning Commission makes a recommenda6on, we should know wheffier the recommendation is � enforceable. � � Lucy Thompson said the Skyway Policy is adopted by the Ciry Council, ffiat it is in place, and it does have guidelines about signage. Commissionec Alton asked if a building owner does not comply, what are the enforcement steps? Dave Nelson stated that the Skyway Agreements are signed contracts and buIlding owners know that they have to follow the Skyway Policy. If, in the end, the City had to take enforcement steps, he thought it would be through the Ceraficate of Occupancy permit reviews done by the Fire Department. Commissioner-Gordon suggested that the someone needs to actually read the Skyway Agreements, and the Pianning Commission should ask the City Attomey to do so and advise the Commission. MOTION: Commissioner McCall moved to Lay the Skyway Amerxdmeats over for two weeks whiZe the staff sought advice on the enforceabitity of the proposed sign requirements. The motion carried unanimausly on a voice vote. Disirict 16 - Summit Hill Plan- Release the plan summary for public comment and set a pubTic hearing date for November 4, 2005. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) � MOTION: CommissionerMcCall moved the Zoning Commiitee's recommendation to release � the District I6-Summit HiII Plan forpublic comment and set a public hearing date for November 4, 2005. The modon carried unanimously on a voice vote. Universi� of Saint Thomas Conditional Use Pernut for Campus Exnansion - Annual update report of the West Smm�ut Neighborhood Advisory Comcnittee, presented by Planning staff. (Donna Drummonrl, 651/2666556J Donna Drummond s��mmari�ed the highlights of the written report tfiat was in the packet. VII. Long-range Planning Committee Coznmissioner Bellus stated rhe next meeting will be on October 20, 2005. The guesi speakers will be faculty members 7ohn Adams and Barbara Lukermann from the Humphrey Institute at the University of Minnesota. VIII. Communications Cowmittee Commissioner Trevino stated the Committee will meet right after Commission meeting this morning. IX. Task F'orce Reporfs No report Gaest Presentation - Casey MacCailum gave a report on the four-state American Planning � � Associatzon conference he attended in Alexandria in late September. Guest Presentation - Allen Lovejoy gave a presentation on the development of the Phalen Corridor Initiative using a model he has developed on collaborafive planniug. There aze six basic requirements for a major c611aborative project; three aze extemal forces that we can't control and three aze intemal forces that the City can conh�ol or at least try to control, He then discussed each of the six requirements including the extemal forces (urgency, complexity, and galvanizing issues) and the controllable factors (vision, leadership, and role flexibility). Commissioner Bellus asked if there had been any systematic evaluation of the costs and benefits of the Phalen Corridor Initiative. Mr. Lovejoy stated that there had been an early evaluation of increased properry values, jobs, and tax base, but there had been no formal analysis of costs and benefits_ Mr. Lovejoy stated that Yhere are also less tangible but very significant benefits such as increased pride on the East Side. X. Old Business None � XI. New Business � None . XII. Adjournment Meeting adjoumed at 10:15 ❑ �� Recorded and prepared by Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Depariment, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, � Larry o rholm Planning Administrator r��t���e��ioa.os r.r�ur� Approved (Date) Sue McCall Secretary of the Planning Commission MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Tfiarsday, August 4, 2005 - 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City HaU and Court House 75 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Anfang, Donneliy-Cohen, Faricy, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, Mejia and Morton STAFF: Christina Danico, Patricia James, Caroi Martineau, Emily Ulmer, and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Northeast Neighborhoods Development Corp.- 05-130-725 - Rezoning from B2 Community Business and R3 Single-Family Residential to RM2 Multi-Family Residential to construct a 30-unit condominium, 1199 and 1187 White Bear Ave N. and 1758 Maryland Ave. SW corner of Maryland and White Bear, Emily Ulmer presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning. Emily Ulmer also stated District 2 recommended approval, and there were no letters in support, and 2letters in opposition. Chuck Repke of North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation, the applicant, presented a rendering of the proposed threestory, 27 unit condominium called Hazelwood Heights. In response to neighborhood concerns about traffic generated by the housing units, he stated that other proposed uses for the site, including grocery sto�es or pharmacies, would generate far more traffic. The units are market rate, but stiN affordable. 'he public hearing was closed. � Commissioner Matthew J. Mejia moved approval of the rezoni�g. Commissioner Stephen Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Commissioner Kramer abstained. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Abstained - 1 Drafted by: Submitted by: Approved by: �n,�-�1.�„ ��� (f��/ � ���� Christi�a Danico Emif Ulmer ' Gladys Morto Acting Secretary Zoning Section Chair . ZFMinutesfrtn August 9, 2DD5 Larry Soderholm Saint Paul P.E.D. 25 West Fourtfi Strest Saint Paui, MN 55102 Regarding: Rezoning White Bear and Maryland Please laid over the rezoning on Maryland and White eear. I understand that this will waive the Planning Commission's 60 day action. ce�a w�ior MarJe Mangirta Mark Dorea Kurt Schultz Trant Clarlc Handarson Debras StH1f. Charles Repke Beau Ku Vang Sharrella Andeisorr � Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Chuck Repke Executive Director N.E.N.D.C. 1212 ProsperityAVenue•Saint Paul MN=55106a651.�'�1.6955 Phone+651.'174.1768 Fax•nendc�qwest.net � � LJ � ZONING COMMfTTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # OS-130-725 1. FILE NAME: North East Neighborhoods Devefopment Corp. HEARING DATE: August 4, 2005 2. APPLICANT: North East Neighbornoods Deveiopment Corp. 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezone from B2 and R3 to RM2 4. LOCATION: 1199, 1187 White BearAve. N., 1758 Maryland Ave., SW comer Maryland and White Bear 5. PIN 8� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 272922110003, 2729221'10001, 2729221'10002, 272922110177, 272922110178, and 27292211�Q35; EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, LOT 1; EDGAR'S ADD. SUBJ TO ST, L07 3; EDGAR'S ADD. LOT 2; EDGAR'S ADD. N 108.19 FT OF LOT 22; EDGAR'S ADD. EX N 108.19 FT, LOT 22; SECTION 27 TOWN 29 RANGE 22, W 80 FT OF E 255 76/100 FT OF N 156 18/100 FT OF PART OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 S OF MARYLAND AVE AND W OF WHITE BEAR AVE IN SEC 27 TN 29 RN 22 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.221; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: July 15, 2005 EXISTING ZONING: B2, R3 BY: Emily Ulmer 9. DATE RECEIVED: Julv 12 2005 60- DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: September 10 2005 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning trom B2 {Community Business) and R3 (Single Family Residential) to RM2 (Multi-family Residential) to construct a 27 unit condominium. B. PARCEL SIZE: 255.26 (Maryland) x 156.19 (White Bear) = 39,869 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Car-X auto repair and single 4ami4y homes {B2) East: Gas station and single family homes (62) South: Single family homes (R3) West: Single family homes (R3) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.221 lists the uses permitted in the RM2 district; §61.501(b) provides for changes to the �oning of propesty initiated by the property owne�. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: No history found for this property. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 2 Community Council strongiy supports the rezoning and development of new housing on the comer of Maryland and White Bear. H. PINDINGS: 1. The North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation has applied for a rezoning to allow for Hazei Park Heights, a 27 unit condominium building, on the comer of Maryland and White Bear Avenue. 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compafible with the way the area has developed. The surrounding area is a mix of commercial, single and multiple family housing. 3. The proposed rezoning to RM2 is consistent with the character of development in the neighborhood and will not be detrimentai. Multifamify housing at the comer of Maryfand and White Bear would be compatible with the surrounding land uses. The proposed development would not be detrimental to the heath, safety or generaf welfare of residents in the surrounding neighborhood. 4. The proposed development, located at the southwest comer of Maryland and W hite Bear is consistent with the comprehensive pian. The housing chapter of the comprehensive plan encourages developments that promote good design so{utions on smalfer devefopment sites and which complement existing neighborhoods (Housing Plan 5.2). The District 2 Plan supports the devefopment of new multipte family housing with a focus on aesthetics, and quality construction. f. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the Rezoning from 82 (Community Business) and R3 (Singfe Family Residentiaf) to RM2 (Mutti family Residential). PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONIN�3 CODE Department of Planning and Econonzic Develapment • Zonirzg Section I400 City HaZZAnnex 25 West Fourth Street Sairzt Pau� MN SSIO2-I634 (65Z) 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property City Contact Person (if Address / Location � � S7 � Legal Description�TS N•�.��FS�e.2'1 � Z (attach additional sheet if TO THE HONORABLE NIAYOR AND CtTY COUNCIL: C�u Zoning IZ' 3� l�2-� l23 Vw P to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462,357(5) of Minnesota Statues, /YOk7 N G c k - s���p�+��� (�j�� , o�yner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to � rezone the above described property from a�� ��� zoning distric�o a�. ��— zoning district, for the purpose of: ��S�dt.l�e_�1bva a� P� N€t� CaAuU�60-ICW�u.wl @�u-lp�2J�C. - z� V�-v-z L �-�- @.� � t�t,u,-���� � -�-� ��--�-� �,� _ (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan Subscribed and su!orn to bsfore me this_ __ _°+�_ day O} S�`�.tA�'.ht _r W ��. �l� � ay ❑ Consent Petition BEAU KU VANG Norunv�euc MY COMA4SSION IXPIRES JANUARY 31, 2008 �D� � _ J�S � d�o Daytime Phone� L � Afffdavit Fee p oNProperty Title: �.E'�� �7 a�'�C�o/� � c ��� O `t 2 \5 Page 1 of _ �rtw� � � i � ��� — _ 26-29-22 � t � • _ :- ; ; _ --_ !. � �—"_ i � �, . 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' r. . . .. � . . +=� . .F'^ . {. ? � . �� <'� � x r�..`Ay�' Y iP • � � Zoning File OS-130-725 Pappy's Restaurant on the northeast corner or Maryland and White Beaz. � � n U Zoning File OS-130-725 Single family homes across from the site on Marytand. • � � Zoning File OS-13Q-725 Looking east down Maryland Avenue. � � .J Zoning File OS-130-725 i , Single Family homes on fhe west side of the site off of Maryland. � '� - i ��� � �. i i I t i i � CITiZEN PARTTCIPATI�O DIS R"iCTS CITIZEN PARTICIPATI6N PLAMNI�IG QISTRICTS 1 .SUNRAY=6kTtLECREEK-HT6NW00D 2.6REATEft EAST S.IDE 3.WEST SIpE _4.DAYTON'S BLUFF 5.PAYNE-PHkLEN -.. 6.NORTH EFkD � - 7. TH0�1AS=.DAL� 8, SUMMIT-t3NIi�ERSFTY 9:(JEST SEVENTN - tO.COh10 11. HANILIN£ -hSI D41AY 12_ ST. ANTtIOMY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXI�lGTON NAMLTNE t4 7 5. N I6�I LAN D 96:SUMMIT NILL 17, pQWNTOWN � � � n u GREATER EAST SIOE DISTRICT 2 b �°° '°°° ' °° •°°° '°°° SGLE iH FEfT � ����� ���� � �.�. s �� � _ v �,C����� � � ----� > _ -� Q� � � ; � #�..:, � ? � ��� �0 � � �� �� � � � � ____.__. � .� , , : < ;;�,�_� ��� �:�`�:�,�( � g ..w..�_.i.......G.� E 1. .. .. . . . _ i _ � � ��,�' r . � 3 a � -`+�, F �� �'. 1�s Y '§✓ �V .a: y% � 0 � � � C � �� � I`'� ! � i I i i 1 I 1 f i t - —� } ;� � 1 � t � � . � � ����3 � � } �?������ 1 � f �-� ��'��' � ��� �� � _ � � a��`���� . f . �,��� � � f � 1 I $ + Ya _ � 5 � f� � � . ; �� ��� � . � �.�r [ �� � - � - � � � . . �` . � �" - � � `�" �' � � � �— �� � ` ����� ��_ l � � � ��� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � £ ; � � � � � �� : �. � �._ � _ � Y ' � � � . �, — _ -- — "� ��� �C� � k` i..�.'� t`. �.a�f, G v e'- 3�; a< 3'°.` SP?LICANT ���� � �� LEGEND 'JRPOSG ��� ��� _��� � � ° � zoni�g d�siricl tvundary � r � � y�� ,: `� ds Ct.'�� suSjz�t prope; �y • =1LF 6 DATE. _ � �i��0lST�� P,IAo r o on� family � ¢ C.':o family ��::_. � �¢Q multiplalarnily - � �G o% �`� • w n Comn;:�i2' 4 .�,o industria: \' vaczn: -::�.; , � ,:,;.�w�.- ` � � � ������