05-1020ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2� Presented By Referred To ittee 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legisiative Code, Kraus Anderson Construction, in Zoning File 05-149-697, duly petitioned to rezone 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North being legally described as SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SAINT PAUL S 1/2 OF LOT 10 BLK 2(PIN 01-28-23-41-0010 and 01-28-23-41-0009), Rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and B3 (Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for an office building; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15, 2005, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approvai; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 23, 2005, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the officiai newspaper of the City on October 4, 2005, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October 19, 2005, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Council File # �1� Ordinance # GreenSheet# 30286p5 � i$¢�3 � � r � i�•; That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 21, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North, being more particularly described as: SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADDIT.ION TO THE TOWN OF SAINT PAUL S 1/2 OF LOT 10 BLK 2 ds ioa� 38 be and is hereby rezoned from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and B3 (Business) to TN2 {Traditional 39 Neighborhood). 40 Section 2. 41 42 This ordinance shail take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval 43 and publication. � 3t� i;'.'�; Requested by DepaRment of: � � Plannir�g-8�-€qonomic Develo me t By: � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date: ��(�Vin� a�, aa0 S � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � /�C i/J��/ ., .� , - - , ., DepartrnenUofficelcouncii: Date Initiated: pE — Pianning&EconomicDevelopment ���T-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028605 Contact Person 8 Phone: DeoartmeM Sent To Person InitiallDate Emily Ulmer � 0 la nin o mi Develo � � 591 A55ign 1 lannin & Ec000mic Develo De artment Direc[or Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 2 p A roe �o-L1-oS For Routing 3 a or's �ce Ma or/Assistant Order 4 uncil 5 i Clerk " Cti Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _� (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt an ordinance memorializing City Council action approving the rezoning of 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and B3 (Business) to T'N2 (Tnditional Neighborhood) for an office building. The public hearing was held on October 19, 2005. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission t. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrad for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Kraus Anderson Construcrion, submitted an application to redevelop rivo residential properties at 376 and 378 into an office building. The City Council approved the rezoning on October 19, 2005, �fter a public hearing. ������ AdvanWges If Approved: � The rezoning will be adopted per City Council intent. ��"� �� ZQ0�3 RECE[�JcJ ���`� '������� Disadvanppes IfApproved: �C �`� g 20�5 None MAYOR'S OFFICE Disadvantages If Not Approved: City Council action will not be completed. Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Fundinp Source: ActivitV Number: Fi nancial I nfortnation: (Explain) ��,.��= -�� 5�',�,. ^ " : , � \ . .� ��= �� � ��� `\ �_. , �� _ �� , . /'�'�,� � � 1�='`" �'/ ; � �� � : � y � �<z °, f' /. `� ,/,: . / _ �' � �� M/L09'J E .-.% _ ' /'.• � _ rt1�P.jIV,�, V E '� /!. } � �" �` a {vt � e � r ��p�.P:� '�tO v�iJ`=���'..,^�/r,f�.T;3.N.$ �: i/ ' ',' �: �: .� ��� � ��������� � � � / L � �\ / ' � :Y� � `}� / i% �-� - - ,,� , ^ ,; � ��� , �,y, �� � �,, _, � � ��� �� . � Q , � r ��, r. , �.�C� '�!n 0• w'�'� .�`C"�'' ti,� , Q �,� � �' , r , �; �, . 9 , � �� := . : 1 4 ` `• � � - _ � l , l �_ . Y : ¢ � � - ti ��/ ,. �.'�! r' lvi 7 `t>i ! � .`�` �' .^ 4 t "�+� x � � .. Yr 1 J .. � " "� � i( :� /. :�A� �,--,` �� �I� sG � 69L �� O, � CO J O ���ifl�rv � � - � < < ��� �� , - r {., �� � s , ; � ,� f , � o � � '. I � � � fi �:fl � � � � 00![O >��7S�id�`'�I�b �O yiO�t0���01 O �'�' � -.:.�� � I� `�t � �x� w b� , �� � � . � � �.! _ A � ��� � I ; R �_ � � 7 � ,� .�,rx� �oc,�'���' `� � � � ) T 0 " � - ��.t.."� �.. � 3r`3 � tlt�, �'`4 �..�:�� . . � �... � .. / [ f , F ! n ���' �' - � T _ .. /. -� 1 -: t ' :'� — �-1G. .d,� ," - .a... __.� :,o?���hr., � �ra�e� �i�rrtne, �er+.�'c��'NO � - pURPOS� !�� T�1�.� (�T� /Y T �,� ��o zon(ng dislricl t�undary /�� �/ - ' e— � IlE J. v�_� I�'I� � DP,TE Z � suS;ecy prop�„ �� o �,\ ��L F,fAP� ?°o�Zt`Lg�tt �— 0 one lamfi �.� ,�.,,�, ¢ 1 • . ^ comma:_t2, �„� �� h.•;o famity o.=.a indu iri=� s ._— .b.¢C� multipte�family , _. S' v2'.z:�: DEPARTMENT OF PLANN/NG & ECONOM/C DEVELOPMENT Susan Kimberly, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kel[y, Mayor October 3, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: zs westFourLh street Saini Pau1, MN 55702 o5-�oao � Telephone: 651-266-6700 Facsimi[e: 65l-218-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 19, 2005, for the foilowing zoning case: Zoning File Number: 05-149-697 Applicant: Kraus Anderson Construction Address: 376 and 378 Smith Avenue, between Grand and West 7th Street Purpose: Rezoning from RT2 (Townhome Residentiai) and B3 (Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for an office building. Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 5- 0 September 15, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, 12 - 0 September 23, 2005 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Thune's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 19, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paui Legai Ledger at least 10 days in advance of the public hearing. Please call me at 266-6591 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � , ��� � Emily Uimer City Planner cc: File #: 05-149-697 Applicant: Kraus Anderson Construction Art Baumeister Paui Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING '15ie Saiirt Pavl GYty Council w�l conduct a public hearing on Wedriesday, October 19, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councfl Chambers,-Third Floor City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN. Yo con- sider the'application of Kraus Anderson Construciion to rezone property at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue, between Grand Avenue and West 7th Street from RT2 (Townhome Residential} and B3 (Business} to TN2 (Traditional Neig�borhood) for an office building. (Zoning File No. 05-149-69"n Dated: October 4, 2005 MARY ERiCKSON Assistant C3ty Council Secretary (October 6) ___'_= 81: PAllt. LEGAL'I�DGER =�= 2210A040 AA-ADA-E80 Employer d5-/a�,n • city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 05-85 date September 23. 2005 WHEREAS, Kraus Anderson Construction, File # 05-149-697, has applied for a rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and 63 (Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for an o�ce building under the provisions of §66.321 and §61.801(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the property located at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 01-28-23-41-0010 and 01-28-23-41-0009, fegally described as SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADD4TION TO TkiE TOW N OF SAINT PAUL S 1/2 OF LOT 10 BLK 2; and W 101 ft. of LOT 9 BLK 2; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on September 15, 2005, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. Kraus Anderson Construction Company has applied for a rezoning to allow for the construction of an office building at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North. They are also proposing an interim use of the site as a parking lot for the existing offices. • 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. This site is located in close proximity to the United Hospitals complex and existing Kraus Anderson properties. The surrounding area is currently undergoing a transition from an older residential area to a more mixed use street with a mix of residential and commercial uses. 3. The proposed rezoning to TN2 is consistent with the character of development in the neighborhood and wifl not be detrimental. A new office building would be compatib4e with the surrou�ding land � uses. 4. The proposed redevelopment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports a mix of uses and business development (Land Use Objective 5.2). Business development that works to maximize economic and communiry benefits is a priority for the Ciry (Summary and General Policy, p. 29). In addition, the District 9 Plan (1980) shows this street as part of the West Seventh commercial area, and supports a mix of uses. 5. The consent petition of adjoining property owners was found to be sufficient on August 16, 2005: 19 parcels eligible; 13 parcels required; 13 parcels signed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of Kraus Anderson Construction for a rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and B3 (General Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for an office building at 376 and 378 Smith Ave�ue North be approved. moved by Morton seconded by in favor Unanimous against 05-�oa� • Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of September 23, 2005 � A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 23, 2005, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Absent: Mmes. Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, and Trevino; and Messrs. Aligada, Alton, Bellus, Coletta, Goodlow, Gordon, Kramer, and Mejia. Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, *Lu, *McCall, *Porter; and Messrs. Anfang, *Dandrea, *Johnson, Kong and *Scott. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, PYanning Administrator; Patricia James, Emily U1mer, Chrisfina Danico, Casey MacCallum (intem), and Kate Fleming, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of September 23, 2005 � 11 MOTTON: Commissioner moved approval of the mixutes of September 9, 2005. Commissioner Alzgada seconded'the motiox. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Annonncements Vice Chair Alton chaired the meeting. He had no announcements: Planning Administrator's Announcements Larry Soderholm reported on Ciry Council business for last week and announced their agenda for next week. Lury Soderholm stated the Metropolitan Council has issued their systems statements for each of the municipalities in the metro area. Penny Simison is reviewing their systems statement for Saint Paul. The next cycle of citywide Comprehensive Plan chapters--including transportation, pazks, housing, and land use--need to be done by mid-2008. The Metro Council has scheduled a series of informational meetings in October. Larry Soderholm passed out a flyer with the dates and locafions of the meetings and encouraged commissioners to attend one. • Larry Soderholm announced the Riverfront Corporafion has scheduled a public meeting on riverfront development issues in relation to the Great River Park proposal. Four national experts will be speaking. It will be on October l lth, 5:00-7:00 p.m. on the Showboat. � D5-���.o Iv. zoning committee _ • Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. NEW BUSIlVESS #OS-149-697 Kraus Anderson Construcrion - Rezoning from RT2 and B3 to TN2 for an o�ce building. 376 and 378 Smith Ave., between Grand and W. 7"'. (EmzZy UZmer, 651/266-6591) MOT'ION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation ta approve the rezoning. The mofion carried unanimously on a voice vote. _ #OS-148-707 Cin¢ulaz Wireless - Conditional Use Permit for cellulaz telephone antennas on an existing residential structure less that 60 ft. high. 313 Dale St N., SW comer at Concordia and Da1e. (EmiZy Ulmer, 651/266-6591J MOTION: Commissioner Mortan moved the Zoning Committee's recommexdation to approve the conditional use permit wiih an additional condition. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vot� #OS-150-289 Chris LaFontame - Conditional Use Permit for reuse of a pexmitted nonresidenrial siructure as a holistic educafion center. 559 Humboldt Ave., between George and Stevens. (EmiZy Ulmer, 651/266-6591) MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve � the conditional use permit with additioxal condiiions. The motion carried unanimausZy on a voice vote. ' Commissioner Morton announced the Zoning Committee Agenda for September 29, 2005. V. Comprehensive Planning Committee On behalf of Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen, Larry Soderholm announced that the next meeting will be Tuesday, September 27, 2005, 4:00-5:30 p.m., 11` floor, Ciry Hall Annex. Former Saint Paul Mayors Larry Cohen and Jun Scheibel will discuss overazching issues relevant to the next cycle of comprehensive planning. VI. Neighborhood and Current Plauning Committee Commissioner Trevino gave the report for Commissioner McCall. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 11'" floor, City E�Iall Annex. One agenda item will be the Summit Hill District 16 Plan. Commissioner Faricy added that another item would be proposed amendments to the signage policies in the Skyway PZan, which had heen laid over to get comments from the Design Center. 2 . a5' 1 baA • • Commissioner Zimmer Lonetti reported on the skyway walldng tour following the last committee meeting, where members noted deficiencies in duectional signage in the skyways. VII. Long-range Plauning Commiftee Commissioners Bellus and Aligada gave a brief report on the discussion at the last committee meeting. VIII. Communicahons Committee IX. X. Commissioner Trevino stated the next meeting will follow the Planning Commission meeting on October 7, 2005. °°PED'S Big Map" - An overview of PED Redevelopment Projects. Staff presentation by Larry Soderholm, Bob Hammer and Gazy Peltier. The "PED Big Map" was hung on the wall. Larry Soderholm explained that the Big Map shows where PED has done planning, housing, and economic development projects during the last four years. He noted that most of the major projects have been done along the corridors for growth identified in the citywide Land Use Plan. Bob Hammer, Community Development Program, reported on the funding sources that aze used in fmancing PED projects and described the STAR program, which uses sales tax funding for community improvement projects. Commissioner Gordon added his comments as the chair of the STAR Board. Gary Peltier, Housing Coordinator, reported on PED's various housing programs. He passed out three informational packets and explained the current status of the Housing 5,000 Program. He said he is now sure that the goal of 5,000 net new housing units in the city by the end of this year will be met. Units are counted when all of the financing is closed. Task Force Reports Commissioner Kramer gave a report on the Loeb Lake Task Force meering, September 22, 2005, Commissioners Johnson and McCall also attended. XI. Old Business None XII. New Business Commissioner Trevino gave a brief update on the Holiday Party plans. XIII. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:50 • �-loao Recorded and prepazed by Kate Fleming, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development 1?epartment, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, Wµ' ' Larry o rholm Planning Administrator PEDlFleming�Ivtinuies\September23,2005 4 Approved �� a ��.5 (Date) ���''.u�-C-P - ae McCall Secretary of the Planning Commission . • � �� 05-Ib�O MINUTES OF THE ZONWG COMMITTEE Thursday, September 15, 2005 - 3:3D p.m. • City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Haii and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Anfang, Donnelly-Cohen, Kramer and Morton STAFF: Christina Danico, Patricia James, Emily Ulmer and Peter Warner EXCUSED: Faricy, Gordon, Johnson, and Mejia The meefing was chaired by Commissioner Morton. Kraus Anderson Construction - 05-149-697 - Rezoning from RT2 and B3 to TN2 for an office building. 376 Smith Ave N, between Grand and W. 7th. Emify Ulmer presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning. Ms. Ulmer also stated that District 9 recommended approval, and there were no letters submitted in support or opposition. Art Baumeister, representing the applicant, stated that City Council Member Dave Thune and the West 7` Federation recommended that Kraus Anderson apply for a TN2 zoning classification. In response to Commissioner Anfang's question, Mr. Baumeister responded that both of the homes on the property would be demolished. �e public hearing was closed. Commissioner Matt Anfang moved approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Kathi Donnelly-Cohen seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0 Adopted Yeas - 5 Nays - 0 Drafted by: Submitted by: Abstained - 0 Approved by: 1.�4.�-f-rl----��Z.r V' - — �XL� Christina Danico Em' Imer Gladys orton Recording Secretary Zo ' g Section Chair i ZC-Mmutes.frtn o5-/��a ZOTiiNG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT • FILE # 05-149-697 1. FILE NAME: Kraus Anderson Construction HEARING DATE: September 15, 2005 2. APPLfCANT: Kraus Anderson Construction TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning r� �� 4. LOCATION: 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North, between Grand and West 7 Street PlN &� I.EGAL DESCRIPTION: �"I-28-23-41-001� and 01-28-23-41-0009; SAMUEL LEECHE'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SAINT PAUL S'/z OF LOT 10 BLK 2 and W 101 ft. of LOT 9 BLK 2 6. PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 EXISTING ZONING:RT2 and 63 7. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §66.321; §61.801(b) 8. STAFF REPORT DATE: August 29, 2005 BY: Emily Ulmer 9. DATE RECEIVED: August 15, 2005 60-DAY DEADLINE FOR ACTION: October 14, 2005 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and 63 (8usiness) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for an office building. B. PARCEL SIZE: Irregular parcel: 76.26 ft. (Smith) = 9,583 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: Multiple family housing and vacant duplex D. SURROUNDItSG LAND USE: North: Parking lot (VP and 63) East: Mixed density residential and commerciai (B3) South: Mixed density residential (RT1 and B3) West: Mixed density re,sidential and a Salvation Army supportive housing facility (RT1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.321 lists the uses permitted in the TN2 zoning district; §61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The City Councii approved rezoning for the property at 378 and 384 Smith from RT2 (Townhome Residential) to 63 (General Business) on February 16, 2005 (Z.F. # 04-212-757). In 2005, Kraus Anderson Construction Company purchased the property at 376 and 378 Smith to redevelop the site for an office building. Currently 378 Smith is a vacant building. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 9 Community Council supports the rezoning and redevelopment of the property located at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North. H. FINDINGS: Kraus Anderson Construction Company has applied for a rezoning to allow for the construction of an office building at 376 and 378 Smith Avenue North. They are also proposing an interim use of the site as a parking lot for the existing o�ces. • 2. The proposed rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed. This site is located in close proximity to the United Hospitals complex and existing Kraus Anderson properties. The surrounding area is currentiy undergoing a transition from an older residentiai area to a more mixed use street with a mix of residentiai and commercial uses. 3. The proposed rezoning to TN2 is consistent with the character of development in the neighborhood and will not be detrimental. A new offce building would be compatible with the surrounding land uses. d5�co�. � Zoning File 05-149-697 Zoning Committee Staff Report Page 2 4. The proposed redeve(opmenf is consistenf witfi the Comprehensive Pfan. Tfie Land Use chapter of the Comprehensive Plan supports a mix of uses and business development (Land Use Objective 5.2). Business deveiopment that works to maximize economic and community benefits is a priority for the City (Summary and General Policy, p. 29). In addition, the District 9 Pian (1980) shows this street as part of the West Seventh commercial area, and supports a mix of uses. 5. The consent petition of adjoining property owners was found to be sufficient on August 16, 2005: 19 parcels eligible; 13 parcels required; 13 parcels signed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RT2 (Townhouse Residential) and 63 (Business) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood). r � L_ J r • os-loao . PETITiON TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planning and Economic Development Zoning Section II00 City Ha1! Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 266-6589 APPLICANT � Property Owner • � City�i Contact person (if co�h-,�- - Rr� �� PROPERTY Addre LOCATION Legal Rdd ,��� + F , (attach additiona/ sheet if i�a r� Lo� I� I �Ir�7 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, , the owner of all the land proposed for rezoning hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a �Arer� �'� zoning district to a 1�°� zoning district, for the purpose of: �'e � oc Ps�/ L.c�n� �e rr� �� �� u se ��Rk,v� -�s K. P� co�s-��u �,°�,n. O R��C� �� � (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required site plan ❑ Consent petition ❑ Affidavi ❑ Subscribed and sworn to < before me this ct �� day of q� .�� � Q . .CJ Y ota Public phone� �n� ��-�t���sad By: i�t^-, �v�lo-�>^-- Fee owne of pro y� Title: ��tb� �y�P l�i•�5��rn7 Page 1 of os��a CIT� OF 5AINT PAUL • AFFIDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCULATING PETITION STATE OF MINNESO i A) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) A f 1��-cS �tArv��'i �e� �, being first dul swom, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described on the consent petition are the owners of the pazcels of real estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of property within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property contiguous to the subject properiy that was owned, purchased or sold by the petitioner within one (1) yeaz preceding the date of the petition; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � Subscribed and wo to before me this � day of (��� 20 OS O ��-�-�� TAR UBLIC �r���� dc2u,,Mer��� .�.�- NAME �-f�Sb l-�fl���G �ee�, 5 ��� �� � aDD�ss ` lp J��"`1 ����i� TELEPHONE NUMBER ,,...� JENNIFER l LIVINGS �w ivzsios — Natary Public � � Minnesota Ml' Canmission ExpiesJeuay37,2p10 d5�toaa CITY OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PETITIO�IER FOR A REZOi�tING STATE OF,�IL\TNESOTA) COUNTY OF RAiVISEY ) :SS The petitioner Barry E. Taeger , being first duly swom, deposes and states that the consant petition contains signa[ures of the owners of at least t�vo-thirds (2/3) of all eligible properties within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property conti�uous to the subject property that was owned, purchased, or sold by the petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of the peti[ion; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signa[ures from each and all owaers of jointiy-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that faiIure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that the consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signature are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. • � , �� IJAIVj$ Barry E. Jaeqer, Sr. Vice President KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 200 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102 ADDRESS 651-291-7088 TELEPHO�IE NUIv1BER Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of �, 2p Os Il .1, .; :�--' �---'--' ' �.� . -- , eru+aveae+� LOREN SUSAN KELLY �- NotaN Pubiic-Minnesoia y Commission Fxpires 1/3112006 �o.o� i os-ioao CITY OF SAINT PAUL i CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPBRTY OWI�IERS FOR A REZONIlVG We, the undersio ed, owners of property within I00 feet of the total con[io ous descriptio-n of reaI estate owned, purchased, ar sold by THE PET'1TIONER within one year preceding the date of this pe�ition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1• A copy of the petition of � r�u � ��,{,�'1� ei � (name of petitioner to rezone the proper[y located at ��� �'>n ��]�'j �� -,�� ��� from a "��oning distric[ to a�� _� Zoning district; and � C l- l- 2. A copy of sections�.�' 1�� through ',�O` � inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We ackn6wledge that we aze aware of a11 of the uses permitted in a� N. zoning district, and we aze aware chat any of thase uses.can be established upon City Council approval of [he Rezoning. �Ve hereby consent ta the rezoning of the pro erry in the petition of �� � I �I t,t (` 'JC{iWi�1 e�� � ro a�_ — zoning district. (name.of petitioner) We consenf to the approval of fhis reaoning as it v�as explained to us br• the appiicant nr his/her representative. �- This getition shall not be considered as o�cially filed until the lapse of seven (7} working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any si�nator of this petitinn may withdraw his/hzr name therefrom by written zequest within that time. in_n� ADDRESS 0'R PIN d2ECORD OWNER crr.�r..�-...,� _.__ CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINiNG PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A • REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within I00 feet of the total contia ous description of real estate owned, purchased, o-r sold by TIIE PETITIONER within ane yeaz preceding the date of this petition aclmowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of _�I � �y �� � �(� )'Y)�� �� (name of pettt oner � � to rezone the proper[y located at ,� �i,� �� S�/� �IJe�� from a�zoning district to a�_ n� zoniqg district; and 2. A copy of sections�� . � through � 1nctusive of the Saint Paui Zoning Code. V� — We acknowledge that we aze aware of all of the uses pecmitfed in a T� - 1� Zoning district, and we aze aware that any of these uses.can be established upon City Council approval of [he Rezoning. S,Ve hereby consent ta the rezoning of the pco erty in the petition of � C� u� �%�yL�G �_ � a� Zonino district. (natne of petitioner) We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it �vas exp]ained to us br the appIicant or his/her representative. C This petition shall not be considered as o�eially filed until the lapse'of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. C � tn_n� ADDRESSORPIY RECORDOWNER crrar��rrrnr _._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � i CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OW1�IERS FOR A REZONTNG VJe, the undersigned, owners of property within I00 feet of the total contio ous description of real estate oWned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIONER within one year preceding the date of this pe�ition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of �'��� U �,u, (�.Q � 5�� i `� (name of etitioner) �"'�" to rezone the pcoperty located at 3�fo �r���'�� �ll uP �� 7� ,���� 77trC�t� �� ��Q'� �,�/ from a'KT',�l �zoning district to a � V'� a zoning district; and T�-pT 2. A copy of sections� VJD n.1 through 4Y =V I inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. - �— � — We aclrnowledge that we are aware of alt of the uses permitfed in a zonin� district, 2nd we arz awaze [nat any of these uses can be es[ablished upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to the rezoning of the pro eRy in the peti[(on of � ' " '�� ° � to a _��` zoning district. (name of pe[itioner) We consent to the approval of this rezoning as if �vas explained to us by the appticant or his(her representative. ADDRESS OTt PIN RECORD OWNER �Y(ei.: � c . . � `�� � � � �v '�� �e� ! `� �_n� - l his peution.shall not be considered as off'iei2liy filed un[il the lapse of seven (7) working days afrer it is received by the Planning Division. Any sia ator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therzfrom by written request within that time. 0�=�0�0 CITY OF SAINT PALJL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWI�IERS FOR A REZONTNG We, the undersigned, owners of property within I00 feet of the total contio ous descriptian of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE p$TTTIpNER within one year preceding the da[e of this petition acktrowledge that we have been presented with the followine: A copy to rezo� from a 2. A copy of sections�"" through OJ( /� �_ inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. l We acknowledge that we aze aware of alt of the uses pecmiteed in a �- zoning district. and we aze awue that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. �Ve hereby consent ta the rezoning of the g¢o erty in the peticion of � r � � to a�� zoning district. (name .of petitioner) We consent fo the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the appIicant oc his/her representative. annxFCC n�z vrnr n�.....,..,,......... r1 LJ 1� ���� � � �.a.0 - This petition shall not be considered as o�cialty fcled until the lapse of seven (7) working days afrer it is received by the Planning Division. Any sio ator of this petition may withdraw his/hzr name therefrom by written request within that time. o5-ivao CITY OF SAINT PAUL C J CJ • CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWI�ERS FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within I00 feet of ihe total contie ous description of real estate ov✓ned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTI'IONF,R within one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of ��r�u f (name of petitioneF) � to rezone the gcoperty located at �76 Al. S r�-� r'}� �✓2 , from a R�" b 3 Zoning distric[ to a��� zoning district; and 2. A copy of sectionsC�� 1 through �_ inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. — r — Pv'e acknowledge that we are aware of all of the uses permitfed in a��� zonina district, and we are awaze that any of these uses can be established upon City Conncil approvai of the Rezoning. �Ve hereby consent ta the rezoning of the property in the peti[ion of �r`'�u �' I���N�2 �" " '" to a T� "� zoning district. (name .of peti[ioner) We consent to the approva( of fhis rezoning as it Fvas explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. annaFCC nn ornr ............ ......__ 0 ��Q�� � �;�� �� u.a.� This petition shall not be considered as offici211y filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any sie ator of this petition may withdraw his/hzc name therzfrom by written tequest within that time. p5-! aao CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWI*tERS FOR A REZONIlVG We, the undersie ed, owners of property within I00 feei of the totat contia ous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE p$TTTIpNFg within one year preceding the date of this petition ackttowledge that we have been presenied with the following: I. A copy of the petition of ���u � of to rezone the property located at �,��, �'V. 5 �� �}Je from a�1 -�� zoning dis[rict to a�l v� zoning district• and • Sr-�,�i �� Sr< 2. A copy of sections � through C�'/�I inclvsive of the Sain[ Paui Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we are awaze of all of the uses percnitted in a� Zoning district, and we aze awue that any of these uses can be established upon Ciry Council approval of [he Rezoning. �Ve hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in ihe petition of fi"Y'� � �j�r� � a � � zonine district. (aame of petitloner) t We consent to the agproval of this _rezoning as it �vas explained fo us br the appiicant or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN RECORD OWNER crr.nr�mro� _.— \�� � `� � � X�� � tn-n� / � iccc�vcu oy ine rianning uivision. Any sta ator of this petition may withdraw his/her name thetzfrom by written requesi within that time. \y 5 �r ` �1� • _ ' i.�..� �i , �"�_ . . �.` �:' . u�: p �e"� ,.:i�. ` _ `' i �'�. �� . � . _ =c, � �� Y � :J y �, . - � . ° � wi , e �rso.ss.*a� � i � � ^ + �c�e a.��' . . t ,.���' e �n = r � ^;y ' � o5-�oae � � Zoning Fite OS-149-697 Muitiple family �ousing south of 386 Smith Avenue. � +�; _= :# �'�-_'v + � _ i[��t �: � � �N�: `: � ' ;:ce �� � � �`i-�=: ; - - - :r - _ �:. - �i«/ s _ ' 14��3t � ���si: �.. :: x , -$ _; � .� ��. _� �.. ;�---�--�.� �' ��--•t� ��� � *, � �� x , ��'"�°�-_� - �.f �� `n � Ew . . ' . ��.: � � . . _ r . a.5-�oao � � ; � u- - _��..._ . - �,. :,�.,,�� . :`'�=�v��..�N_ .<w _ .... • � Zoning File OS-149-697 Gas station and United Hospitals parking gazage on the northwest corner of Grand and Smith. � .: . � F e ,:�--,�. � v � a ; �'� + � � . ... �.�.., . . c . r a't }{� R � _� a *.1 a§ a� ° z�. , _ �"�s. 'U'>'p: _$ a» . �— �i'u�ii uY�i .= , � .�e �F�" � � a . �- �s\\ —: y `�,.—_-�rawi���._� ^S'.:. m m.x � , � �6 �� 'i�,�}:.•_SC+¥SfP �-*.wES^� ��� ,�, p , , . . , .�;; .. �.° _ �` �� ..�i .,�.� .'.v ` „� �. , ���. .:: s ,_ :' ,�, ,� . ; � • � � � e��ta.. , s � i�s , .: _ . ��`* � 3` ... _ � u x. � ti�+ :� , . _ \ u .-iF �` y . . SP.� ..�,��- . . . ���'� 'u..- ~"�ti '� }y _ . ... t . �� s �. _� •' ' " s . � r F r` < . i'��'9� J e � .. � � . �°$c's3�s�. �� = T � 5�� : d5 iea o • � � i � � r' r ; � tQ. CITIZEN P RTICIPATi�ON DISiR1CTS' t. SUNR4Y-E •HIGHWOOD � / CITIZEN PARTICIPATIa4� PLAFINING QISTRICTS � 1.SUNRAY=6kTTLECREEK-HtGHWOQD 2.6REATER EAST SIDE 3.4lEST SI�E _4.DAYTON'S BLUFF S.PRYNE-PHRLEN - 6.NORTH EkD � � 7.THOMAS=DALE 8,SUMMI7-UNIVERSI.TY 9:tJEST SEVENTH - �o. cor�a 11. HAMLINE-MIDiJAY 12. ST.. ANTtIOf�Y 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXI�l�TON HAMLINE T4_..GROYELAN��MACALESTCR 15.HIGWLAND 46:SUMMIT HILL 17.pOWNTOWN a D5-la�a �J � DISTRICT 9 �N -� �° . � 'm' W� � ���V�� FtLE Q��G'� � �i�"'`� � /��• � > v t 5 �� j �,, _ �., : � �^ � � � ._,"�--L.- -3 ,', ;; .\ Y . 0. / ' �" ` l / , 4� ,� � ��� I '1�. i -" � �' " �. , `: ��'' \V � � , �,� � f���, � ,`: f. , � ,� $-�' i`����` , ��..�;' ,.,�\\. <� t f �' � i � � Z� �\ I T \ v �.� /' i �`� 5 ` � \� ` �� �% ( �° \/ � � � � \ %/ ��` *' c " a �' ��; `, c- � ,� / = wry o � �� _ �, � . •,7, a 9 �4.. 5 >� _ �_ � `✓' y � �. : .��^�. - . � ), ;, 0 �. �\ - . ro I . \ jC . -.�l ^� � ��i '� �� ... � r. _�� a �`, ,° � `':%`Y" _ Sy� � �y� ,�� Q ! �� �ti:. ,�-�_. � _�'fl��'1 � � , Y , � �;�� ,. . H � - /R ." � , Wo-e k .__—_ _ � C,> � `� . ±,' � 7 � ' pF , � �� � . � P . r� -' � p \ � ; � � NE r .� 0 4 '� . - -. ;� $ s _ �PARK � n � � ��' - O ♦ �� 's 5 c. 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O N . , / F�'� � v� f� °�° °�° ¢ � Y� s,� 0 1�� r,� O � � / y � � � ' � �� � �( 1 i '>-. � X a - . .v io o cJ o�4i4 l�l 0 6 0 ��°�° I bl4 r o � -� �. �l! � - � ' _ ��'� � � I /, - 1 �` b� ¢ o c, � � �? ,� �' � _ � p � 3 . • � .'.- � . � � . ...Fe '"l j . � ro e � ��...r` �.�_t��. Cj�.c.•,,'�x. �_✓ _ _ _ . ... _ ( � . r_ � _! yCr _ _ i i -��"��- i � �irG�v�A P1b1A(/YS�. C.01�+�►���ND _- --_- —_ _ �_�a �URPOSE �_ �r.'�1^! � l� / ( `��N,� — zon;ng dislric( tuund=_ry --� -_+y�— � DATE Z C�Tll7ll� . �� 5u5�zc1 prope„y ��/ o �,`� m �'LtdG,DIST�_ htAP;: Z V + Zr`Z��tt O on.tamfl � f • ♦ n cOm $ , � , •1.�.�w.�..t9s . � ¢ h�;o lamlly p d.o ind�sir�� �_:�_ ... '�'�Q mu�ctp�eiam��y. --S' vaca��