05-1019Council File # � � ,O ' `
Ordinance #
Referred To
Committee: Date
2 An ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative
3 Code Chapter 376 to raise the xnaxnnum fares
4 that taacicab companies may charge to conform
5 kith City of Mimieapolis and Metropolitan rates.
11 Sec. 376.15. Fares and charges; regulations.
Section 1
�'" ` I : i �
12 1. (a) Fares. No person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated and
13 licensed as a taxicab shall charge any other rate except as herein provided:
14 (1) The maxunum rate of fare for tazcicabs operating within the city shall be two dollus and fif , centsf$�-@Aj
15 2.50 for the first fraction of a mile of ane=si:rteerrth {-�f�6j one-fifth (,1/S�of a mile or fraction of greater
16 proportion. The rate for each additional mile beyond the first mile shall not exceed one dollaz-sixty nine cents
17 {�-66j 1.90 . All fares beyond the first fraction shall be calculated in ten- thirtv ei�ht cent �$9�$} 038
18 increments of ane-sixtezntir{�6j one-fifth (1/51 of a mile, ar a fraction of greater proportion. Each taxicab
19 company's minimum and per-mile rates shall be registered with LIEP. Minimum and per mile rates may be changed
20 following a seventy-two-hour notice to LIEP and approval of said rate change. Rates must be posted on the outside
21 right and left rear doors of the tasicab and inside the passenger compartment in the following manner and of
22 sufficient size and shape so as to be clearly legible:
23 Taaficab Fazes
24 (Maximum not to exceed) $�:69 2.50 first �H5 1/5 mile
25 (Maximum not to exceed) fen thirty eight .038 cents each i�6 US mile
26 (Maximum not to exceed) minimuxn fare $5.00
T: � t i
27 (2) No greater for the operation of such taacicabs, than as described in subsection (1) above shall be chazged by the
28 operators thereof; provided, however, that discounts of up to fifteen (15) percent may be applied to the total fare on
29 the following conditions:
30 a. Such discounts are clearly posted inside the passenger compartment of the taxicab;
31 b. Such discounts may be given oniy to persons in one (i) or more of the following groups:
32 1. Senior citizens (age 55 or older);
33 2. Persons with disabilities; and
Green Sheet # 3028576
DS- loi9
1 3. Officers and employees of businesses located within the city whose volume use of taacicabs is significant.
2(3) No extra fare shall be charged by the owner or operators of such taxicabs for additional passengers.
3(b) Waiting time. Charges for waiting time shall not exceed the following:
4(1) For each hour of "waiting time at address," and "waiting time for engagement," twenty-one dollars ($21.00).
5(c) "Waiting time" defzned. "Waiting time at address" is herein defined to mean the time beginning when a cab
6 arrives at an address to which it has been called, and ending when it departs from such address.
7"Waiting time after engagemenY' shall mean the time a cab is not in motion at the request of the passenger or
8 passengers after the cab has commenced the transportation of such passenger or passengers.
9(d) Hourly rates. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from making an a�eement with the operator of
10 a taxicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be agreed upon between them for an hour, day, week, month or longer
11 period, except that when furnished by the hour, the minimum rate shall be six dollars ($6.00), but the person with
12 whom the operator of a taxicab makes such agreement shall not be permitted to hire out the vehicle to any other
13 person.
14 (e) Annual review of fares and charges. The license inspector shall, each calendar year during the month of May,
15 review the maximum allowable fares and charges for taxicab services to determine whether they should be adjusted.
16 If it is determined that such fares and chazges should be adjusted, the license inspector will make such
17 recommendation to the city council.
Section 2
20 This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publicarion.
3$ Adopted by Council:
37 Adoption Certified
38 ��
39 ay:
�}1 Approved by o :
Requested by Department of: � o� �
Office of License, Inspections and
Environmental Protection
aY: l,�L�a,�.t.�a,� � �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Date JVZ`mb ��,a��S
B y' � —
Council Secretary
Mayor for
Date ��
43 sy: ��''�
44 ,
05- to�9
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Department/office/council: Date Initiated:
LP — License/Inspecfion/EnvironProt 2��-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028576
Contad Person 8 Phone:
Christine A Rozek
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date):
DeoartrneM Sent To Person InitiallDate
� 0 � iceo ns ttioo/Environ Pro y/�
A55�9n i �.icenseRnsoec600/EuvironPro i Deoartmen[Director
Number 2 iN Attornev i I
Routing 3 a or•s Office Ma odASSistant
Order I 4 ouncil I
5 i Clerk Ci Clerk
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested: - - -
Approval of an ordinance raising the maxnmm� fazes that taxicab companies may charge. This ordinance brings Saint Paul into
confomrity with other jurisdictions by raising the "flag rate" fifty cents for an initital fare and also raises the per mile rate thiity cents.
idatlons: Approve (A) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Personal Service Contrads Must Answer the
1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Probtem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Minneapolis and the Meixopolitan Airports Comsnission have both raised the maYUnum rates that may be charged passengers of
tasicabs for inflationary adjustcnents and to recognize the increasing costs of fuel. The Business Review Council Execurive Committee
approved this faze increase at its October 20, 2005 Executive Comxnittee Meeting.
Conformity with other metropolitan municipalities.
Disadvantaqes If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved: �
Saint Paul will continue to be an "island" with a lower rate structure than all other areas azound it.
Funding Source:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
ActivityNumber. ��'i�?� �°SP�PG�i �PFdiBP
Financial Info �Exp a n) OCT 2 6 2D0�