04-745Council File # ��� ordinance # Green Sheet # ��11 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 370 to delete obsolete references to the Fue Sprinkler Competency Board and to remove the Environmental Health Director from the Plumbing Boazd THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Chapter 370.02 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code is hereby amended to read as foilows: Sec. 370.02. Certificate required. For the purpose of controlling the quality of warlananship on buildings and structures within the City of Saint Paul, and by so doing to safeguazd life, limb, property, public health and public welfare, there aze hereby created certificates of competency which shall be required of the individual tradesman who engages in any work included in the following list. Different classes of certificates are specified under each type of work to recognize different degrees of expertise: (1) Fuel burner equipment and system installation and repair: a. Gas: 1. Master gas installer--Class A(unlimited capacity). 2. Master gas installer--Class B(1,000,000 Btu per hour or less). Note: No new Class B certificates of competency shall be issued; only those persons now holding Class B certificates of competency may renew the Class B certificate. 3. Journeyman gas installer. b. Oil: 1. Master oil burner installer--Class A(unlimited capacity). 1 � . .:�. �.� . � .' . 2. Master oil burner installer--Class B(1,000,000 Btu per hour or ��1�� less). Note: No new Class B certificates of competency shall be issued; only those persons now holding Class B certificates of competency may renew the Class B certificate. 3. Journeyman oil burner installer. c. Fuels other than gas and oil: 1. Master installer. 2. Joumeyman installer. (2) Lathing and plastering: a. Master plasterer (includes spray-on fireproofing). b. Journeyman plasterer (includes spray-on fireproofing). a Journeyman lather. (3) Plumbing: a. Master plumber. b. Journeyman plumber. (4) Refrigeration equipment installation and repair: a. Master installer--Class A. Holder of this certificate of competency shall be entitled to work at or engage in the installing, altering, repairing or servicing of refrigeration equipment with an unlimited capacity. b. Master installer--Class B. Holder of this certificate of competency shall be entitled to install, alter, repair and service refrigeration equipment with a capacity of 60,000 Btu per hour or less. Note: No new Class B certificates of competency shall be issued; only those persons now holding Class B certificates of competency may renew the Class B certificate. a Joumeyman installer. (5) Steamfitting and piping system installation and repair: a. Master--Low pressure (steam 15 psi or less, or hot water 30 psi or less and under 250 degrees Fahrenheit). b. Journeyman--Low pressure. (6) ��) �8) (9) Warm air heating work--Master installer. Ventilation work--Master installer. Warm air heating and ventilation--Journeyman installer. Concrete mason and cement finisher: a. Master: 1. 2. 3. Concrete mason and cement finisher. Concrete mason. Cement finisher. b. Journeyman: 1. 2. 3. �lll� Y�lTl�l���� \l�l Concrete mason and cement finisher. Concrete mason. Cement finisher. Note: Required for work on one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures only. �/Rf�lE�rflS�I� \%r/Al4�l���lTl�l���� \l�l���lli0 • •• • • Section 2 Chapter 370.06 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 370.06. Board of examiners. ����� For the purpose of deternuning the suitability of individuals applying for certificates, there aze hereby established the following boards of examiners with membership of each board as given: (1) Fuei burner installers. This board shall be composed of the building official or the official's designee as chair and four (4) appointive members, of whom one (1) shall be a qualified representative of the gas utility, two (2) shal] be master gas and oil burner installers holding Class A certificates of competency, and one (1) shall be a journeyperson gas and oil burner installer holding a certificate of competency. (2) Lathers and plasterers. This board shall be composed of the building official or his designee as chairman and four (4) appointive members, of whom one (1) shall be � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 a registered architect, one (1) shall be a master plasterer holding a certificate of Q� _� y 5 competency, one (1) shall be a journeyman plasterer holding a certificate of competency, and one (1) shall be a journeyman lather holding a certificate of competency. (3) Plumbers. This board shall be composed of the building official or his designee as chairman, a city plumbing inspector, the general manager of the water utility of the City of Saint Paul or his designee, and three (3) appointive members, of whom two (2) shall be master plumbers holding certificates of competency, and one (1) shall be a"oume an lumber holdin a certificate of com etenc "" _�=� J Ym P g P Y• --- --- __ (4) Refrigeration equipment installers. This boazd shall be composed of the building official or the official's desigiee as chair and four (4) appointive members, of whom two (2) shall be refrigeration equipment contractors licensed under Chapter 369 and holding the requisite Class A certificates of competency, and two (2) shall be joumeyperson refrigeration equipment installers holding certificates of competency. (5) Steamfitter and piping system instaliers. This boazd shall be composed of the building official or his designee as chairperson and four (4) appointive members, two (2) shall be master steamfitters holding Hi-Lo certificates of competency, and two (2) shall be journeyman steamfitters holding certificates of competency. (6) Warm air heating and ventilaUon installers. This board shall be composed of the building officiai or his designee as chairman and four (4) appointive members, of whom one (1) shall be a mechanical engineer, one (1) shall be a journeyman warm air heating and ventilation installer holding a certificate of competency, and two (2) shall be wann air heating and ventilation contractors licensed under Chapter 369 and having the requisite certificates of competency. (7) Concrete mason and cement finishers. This board shall be composed of the building official or his designee as chairman and three (3) appointive members of whom one (1) shall be a registered engineer, one (1) shall be a master concrete mason and cement finisher hoiding a certificate of competency, and one (1) shall be a joumeyman concrete mason and cement finisher holding a certificate of competency. : . . .::� : . : .: : . .. - : : : . . . : : •: • : : :� :..: . : : .•: . . �. .. : : . : . :. . . . : . : . Section 3 Chapter 37015 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 370.15. Reciprocity. (a) Wann air heating and ventilation. Any master or journeyman holding a valid certificate of competency for warm air heating and ventilation, installing or repair, from any other 1 municipality in the State of Minnesota which has requirements for such certificate of �",�� 2 competency equal to those of the City of Saint Paul, as shall be deternuned by the 3 building official of the City of Saint Paul, may carry on his occupation as such master or 4 joumeyman in the city by registering his certificate of competency with the building 5 official. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (b) Lathers and plasterers. Any journeyman holding a valid certificate of competency as a lather or as a plasterer from any other municipality in the State of Minnesota which has requirements for such a certificate of competency equal to those of the City of Saint Paul, as determined by the building official of the City of Saint Paul, may carry on his occupation as a joumeyman in the city by registering his certificate of competency with the building official. (c) Oil, gas, plumbing, refrigeration�re-spii�er and steamfitting. Any master or journeyman holding a valid Minneapolis certificate of competency for oil, gas, plumbing, refrigeration� fire-spri��;-or steam fitting may carry on that occupation as such master or journeyman in the City of Saint Paul upon payment of the requisite fee, and regisuation of the Minneapolis certificate of competency with the building official, if it has been determined by the board of examiners of both cities that the Minneapolis requirements for the certificate of competency are equal to those of Saint Paul; provided, that Minneapolis reciprocates by accepting the applicable Saint Paul competency card. Except as specifically indicated in this section, all other provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to certificate hoiders who obtain their certificates under this reciprocal arrangement. Section 4 Chapter 370.19 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ianw��iwrww�:i:��niu��tia:z��n�ur.nain�iii�niv:�uuu ��dw : : . .: . . .. � . .. . .:: . . . : . . : . : .. . . : . :: : . : : . : : ... : : : . . : : � : : . . . . .:• : : . . : :� � : .• .::�:: � : ..:• � . .. . . . . : : : :. . . ..: • � • I��I�I��RU���l�1lR� • • 1 � 2 Secrion 5 3 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, 5 approval and publication. Adopted by Council: Date �� o�/�d.� Adoption Certified by Covncil Secretasy Apps Requested by Department of: �-i4F (� By: Q [R.,�RQ..- C� . :l�Q/) � � F . ti n . �Wtir � F 7�1f (uieldx3l :uoneewo;u� �eeaueuej ��L7c�`� i(:1E6 �°� �� :iaqwnN µ�ni7oy :ao�nog nwpunj :uo�esue�l :pa;a6png anuanaapso� }o lunowy lelol - aPo'J a�RE[�a'I InEd �S m memaa Run sa�uaaa;az a;aios40 :pano�ticry;ory;� sa6e�uenpesia 3�1��0 S��IOAt/W ti�OZ � •auoN j 1(�� :pano�tluy;� sat5eluenpesia a3n�3�3a •apo� anqeiscSa7 lned �mzs a;ajosqo `8misrca3o 8ucdaaxasnog :panoiaay;� satte}uenpy -. % ,: •.ixols� lua�az cn paeoq &nqumjd �a a� uo �es ;oa seci io��anQ c��eag �q¢acuaonnug aq; pQ¢ oSe siea�f ,Caeuc pa;eR�ax��a sem preog �f�aa;adruo� ia�dg an3 aqy :pCy/y�'a�ay/y� `ua4M `7e4M ` R1!unyoddp'sanss� `wa�qo�d Bu��eia�u� ��. ;aays uaa�6 0; yoe};e pue �aays a;e�edas uo siamsue sa,( pe uie�dx3 oN SaA �aaRo�dwa iGu �ua��rr� " lue.Cq passassod 6pew�ou �ou ��i�s e ssassod ulig/uos�ad siy� saoa �£ oN saA " �aa6o7dwa pp e uaaq �ana w��uos�ad siyl seH g uoissiwwo� aawaS I!^!D ., oN sa/� aagiwwop 810 �;uau�edap�si� �o; �ea�uoa e �apun paH�on� �ana uug/uos�ad siya seH �� uoissiwwo� 6uiuue�d :suo�isanp Buiniopoj ay} �amsuy lsnyy syoe�;uo� aain�ag �euos.iad :(a) l�afab �o (y) ano�ddy :suogepuawwo�ab pieog $ucqumjd aq� uzog io;�anQ �jeag Ie;uacuaonnug ac� aeocuai o� puz paeog ,ioua;adcuo� ia�uudg an3 aql ol sa�uaia3aa axaiosqo axaiap oz OL£ ia;d¢q� 8cnpuamti a�uzmpio 8mdaaXasnoq e 3o Isnoaddd :pa;sanbaa uoi�y � (a�n;euBig �o; suoileao� ��y di��) — saBed amaeu6ig;o q �elol �aa� � q a�3}p s,�o e s �� u p �ap�p aa930 s,�o e £ Builnoa Joj � awouV ! 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