D00279� wn�ne — c�:v Ga.t Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dep[. � OYI'!(iE OF THF: �fAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER Bl'tl(=E7' REl'ISIO\ No: w Date: � O � � — � f ���Z`J�.��� �)�ER, Consistent with the authoriry grantetl to the Mayor in Sectwn 10.07.4 of the City Charter and basetl on the request of the Director of the Department of P�,�hl i r Haal i to amentl the 79�� budget of the SOECl d� Revenue fund. the Director of the Department �' of Finance antl Management Services is authorized to amend sa�d budget in the fotlowing manner: Cunent Amended Budget Chanpe Budget �i`lSl,.B'L 7fI3VbRiJd I'U�IL � YUBLLC 12$ALlll aD'a-3?13u-OaS� SJ�-SJGJb-Uitl "a0a-a3ia4-G3a2 S�J-JJLJU-VL1Y 3Q5-a�2ai-�'s29 aa�-saas4-�;�� 3u5-"a325s-04"s9 � GITY OF SAI1�T PAUL nPfiC dLT�i F&GJ "sGPP - Q?n"nB Cf�(�uriiCaiIuNS iiiPlJHilaTION P&Od"nCi - FSBSuRNBL iiiiiii2iiie�iGH Pgu3EGi - anDii;Ri 3{iPPLiBS WfiGL CilILU F&OG&A6 - FB3S COk�E nLTH BDDCA'fiuN - F"uiNG& BBNnFiT� GAB"uNiG DI3BA83 F&SVBNii6N CrinGNiC DiBisaS� "ruB'rnAiiuei - r"&iriGn BEhBr"IT� 3"v."vQ 3i6�,n0i.A� BO�UUU�OU $G.OG �17rY00,UO 34i,549,60 �18,863.00 s24s,sa2,co SLU.UUO�UV i'si0.00G.OD) �lU,UQO�UO $ii,uG@,GG (as,coa.aa� i32�,00�.GQj ;3s,00�.ao1 sa.00 S"cD,OOO�UO Sl'a3,6G2,v0 �iC.U�Q�OU $ii �11�Y08.UU �i2,5d5,G6 �1L�C0.1.UO szaa,�a2.o� WiiBB3A5, 3P6NDIi7"v RUTi�6BiTF IS t73EDSB IN 0859 FO& 9ICa'9, tN 33i34-03a2 ru& FL"u VACCIHnS, enD IN 3323Q-Gil9 F6R FnSS FOB COiti�3eCT �0& WnLG CflILB SS@uiC�S; AND urinHBAS, iHisff� i3 SF�NuIi1C AuTri6&Iii Iii 3525�-01;1 FfinSOii}3fiL, "vai5i-u�35 FRihGB "snN�FIiS, J32b§-61ii Aau Qd"a9 eIAINTBAaAC� TSAT CfiUL"u BB TRaAS�BBESD iHS&nr"Gttn an Bn56Lti&D, iHAi i&S liAYuR e"rPn"v4'fiS iHn CitANGH iir i8B 1994 HUDGST, C \i x �3�-lJf�-�^-� � � ACP�ov by ayor I� -o.�--� � Data �oz� q OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE� N�. 18 9 7 4 � � � ;� ��r� ; $ GREEN SHEE CpNTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE �NITIAVDATE O DEPARTMENTDIflECTOq � QTYCDUNCIL A��� O CITVATfORNEY � GTVCLERK NUYBERFOP T BE N CqUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING BUDGEf DIRECTOR FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlq. OflDEN � MAYOR (�R ASSIS7AN"f) � u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: City signatures on Administrative �rder transferrin9 spendfng authority between various Special Project Activities. RECAMMENDATIONS: Appmve (A) or Reject (ft) PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PL4NNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worKed untler a contract for this departmenS? _ CIB CAMMITTEE VES NO — 2. Has ihis personttirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — VES NO _ oiSiAiCr CoURT _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHfCHfAUNCILOBJECiIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATWG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Special Health Program activity received a grant from American Family Insurance company to purchase signs. Spendirag authority is needed in 0859 for this purchase. Immunization progra needs spendin9 authority in 0352 for Flu vaccine and Well Child needs spending authority in 0219 for fees for contract for services provided in the Well Child Clinic. There is spendin authority in 0111, and 0439 that could be transferred. NTAGESIFAPPROVED: Flu vaccine will be purchased Signs will purchased with grant monies. Services in Well Child Clinic will be provided. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED NONE RECEfVED OCT - 71gg4 Ci�Y CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. Signs will not be purchased Ido Flu vaccine for seniors. Help to provide services in Well Child Clinic will not be provided. TOTAL AMOUN70FTRANSAC710N $ 42.000 GOST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE SpPCial REvenue Fund ACTNITYNUMBER 33230, 33234� 3325Y, 33254 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �iA ( V�(