04-718Council File # �1�� Ordinance # Greea Sheet # ��� �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 35 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec. 35.01. Posted written notification. (a) The owner in whom is vested either a legal or beneficial interest in the premises shall post within ten (10) days of acquiring ownership a , laminated certificate of rental registration from the City af Sain� Paul, in a conspicuous place at or near the front door and clearly readable from the outside of the premises. ;�ach year, upon renewal of said certificate, tha owner sha11 review the information contained in the certificate and if the information is different from the previous year�s certi£i-cate,-then the new certificate shall be posted within ten T10) days"of receipt. . .. -. . . . - . ... . �l*tL�}*IIC:�Ti�J� (b) If the registered owner is not the person or entity authorized to manage the building and collect rents, or if the registered owner is not the agent authorized to accept service of process and give receipt for notice and demands, then in addition to posting the laminated registration certificate, the owner in whom is vested either a legal or beneficial interest in the premises shall post within ten (10) days of acquiring ownership, a typewritten or printed notification, resistant to weather and other elements, in a conspicuous place at or near the front door and clearly readable from the outside of the premises, the following information: 31 (1) The name, street address, city and zip code of the person or entity authorized to manage the building and collect rent; (2) The name, street address, city and zip code of the owner or an agent authorized to accept service of � process and give receipt for notice and demands. � �„1 � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (�t- (c) The information contained in the posted � certificate and typed or printed notification plus a telephone number for 24-hour service shall be made available to the tenant in written form at the commencement of the t enancy . (d) The required posted �rnr certificate and typed or printed notification shall be posted on an on-going basis on the rental property. (e) Owner-occupied homestead property shall be exempted from this requirement. (Ord. No. 17863, § 1, 8-13-91) Requested by Department of: By: � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certi ed by Cou�: Byc Approved by y z: Date By: Form Ap o ed by City By: � App e y Mayor for m �'��:1� �. �- ?�:, � Green Sheet Green Sheet N f { - Neighbofioad Housing/Pcaperty Conpet Person & Phone: Mdy Dawkins 266-1927 � MUSt 6e on ; 11-AUG-04 Total # of Signature Pages o� mma 2&JUL-04 y Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet D.� ��� Green Sheet NO: 3021216 � 0 reiehborhood Housine/Procer � 1 GlvAttomev �f� � z�Y 2 IavoPs O�ce � � 3 Council I 4 Citv Clerk � I (Clip All Locations for Signature) i Amend Saint Paul I.egislarive Code Secrion 35AI to requue rental property owners to post the city-issued rental registrarion cemficate ; as opposed to the properry owner's self-written ownership infoimation, wlrile at the same time maintaining the current oprion available j to rental property owners to have a different entity accept renu and accept service of process. ida5ons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Must Answerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skili not normaily passessed by any curtent city empioyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, Whert, Where, Why): ; Now that the City has a wazkable Rental Registration Progcam that includes annual updating of ownersbip, the public and the tenanu will be better served if this annually updated ownership informauon is what gets posted at the property. i Advanta5tes If Approved: See Above. In addirion, tlus will fiuther encourage landlord registrauon and make it wasier for the City to deternilne which landlords have failed to register. DisadvanWqes If Approved: ' Landlords will have to re-post their properties if the informarion in the certificate changes, but this should be no change from current pracrice when ownership informarion changes. � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Samt Paul's postia� system will remain azchaic. Totat Atswtu6 of Q Tc�n: Ftaed'rt� Soeace: nt2 _ _-.� _ - _ _ - ' � Firtancial Irtfom�ation: (E�lain)