04-701Council File # - ��
Ordinance #
Green Sheet # t 1���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City
3 of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof:
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Thomas
Amrhien duly petitioned to rezone 319 Maryland Ave. W., being legally described as PIN 24-29-23-43-
0111, John A. Weide's Subdivision of Lot 45 of Cottage Homes S 65 Ft of Lots 8, 9 and Lot10 from
from R-4 Single-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service, the petition having been certified by the
Planning Division on January 8, 2004, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the
owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-Yhirds of the
owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year
preceding the date of the petition; and
W HEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on February 5,
2004, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the
Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and
18 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on February
19 13, 2004, and recommended approval to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly
published in the official newspaper of the City on March 4, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each
owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought
to be rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 24, 2004, at
which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all
the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore
Section 1.
34 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 4, as incorporated by reference in
35 §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
". • ,1:
36 That the property at 319 Maryland Ave. W., being more particularly described as: �� 7�/
38 John A. Weide's Subdivision of Lot 45 of Cottage Homes S 65 Ft of Lots 8 9 and Lot10
40 be and is hereby rezoned from R-4 to OS-1.
42 Section 2.
44 This ordinance shalf take eifect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approvaf
45 and publication.
'�''J''i � • � Iy
Adopted by C
Adoption Cer
Approved by
Requested by Department of:
Plannin & � onomiC Develo ment
Approved by Financial Services
,S Form Approved by City Attorney
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
d5< ��/
�, DepartmeMloffice/council: Date Initiated:
I PE — Planning&EconomicDevelopment 02-JUL-04 � Green Sheet NO: 3019595
� Contact Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person Initiaf/D
I Patricia James � 0 lannin & Ecouomic Develo � 7 / L�
6-6639 puj9n i lannin &EconomicDevelo Director �
Must Be on Councii qgenda by (Date): Number 2 �n Attornea i�
T� S+' R�� 3 or's OtYice
Order 4 uncil
Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip AII Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Adopt ordinance memonalizing City Council acrion approving rezoning of property at 319 Maryland Ave, W. (NE comer at Farrington)
from R-4 One-family Residential to OS-1 Office Service. Public hearing held Mazch 24, 2004,
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 9. Has this person�rm ever worked under a conVact tor this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/frm possess a skill not normally passessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Thoxnas Amhrein applied to rezone a commercial building from R-4 Yo OS-1 for a financial services business. The City Council
approved the rezoning on March 24, 2004, after a public hearing.
AdvanWqes If Approved:
i Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent.
Disadvantaqes If Approved:
None. ��� � � ����
���� 4"i�
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
CiTy Councd acrion will not be completed.
ToWI Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted:
rrensaction: �U� 0 6 ZQ�4
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financia� �ntormation: MAYOR OFFICE
Manha G. Fu[ler, Directar
��{ 7d/
Randy C. Kelly, Mayar
February 25, 2004
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Erickson:
25 Wesi Fourth Saeet
Saint Pau[, MN 55102
Teleph one: 651-266-6700
Facsimi [e: 651-2283220
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, March
24, 2004, for the following zoning case.
Zoning File Number:
Previous Action:
Thomas Amrhien
319 Maryland Ave. W., NE corner at Farrington
Rezone from R-4 Single-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, 5- 1 February 5, 2004
Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, 16-2 (Field & Morton), February 13, 2004
I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Helgen's office. My understanding is that this public
hearing request will appear on the agenda for the March 17, 2004, City Council meeting and that you will
publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at if you have any questions.
- , r
City Planner
cc: File #: 04-019-911
Applicant: Thomas Amrhien
Paul Dubruiel
Wendy Lane
Carol Martineau
Allan Torstenson
The Saint �Paul City Codncil wi3I cog-
duct a public hearing on Wednesday,.Mar
ch 24, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
- Coiu•thouse,l5 West Kellogg Boulevazd,-
Saint Paul, Muinesota to consider the ap-
plication of Thomas Amrhien to rezone
pmperty located at 319 Maryland Avenue
West from R-4 (Suigle-family residential)
to OS-1 (Office Service). .
Dated: Mazch 1, 2004
Assistant City Council Secretary
(March 4). - .
_'_____ ST. PAUL LEGx1L LEDGER =____-__
L:�Amanda�Zomng\CCdocs\04-019-9llmaz2404ccm.wpd AA-P.DA-EEOEmployer
�Llartha G. FuZler. Director
%andy C Ke(Zy, Mnyor
2i Wut FouKh Street
Saint Paut, MN 5�10?
3'elephone: b5l-?66-6700
Facsimile: 651-228-3120
Mazch 12, 2004
Ms. Mary Erickson
City Council Reseazch Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Zoning File #: 04-019-911
Applicant: Thomas Amrhien
Address: 319 Maryland Ave. W., NE comer at Fan
Purpose: Rezone from R-4 Single-family Residenfial to OS-1 Office-Service.
City Council Hearing: March 24, 2004, 5:30 pm., City Council Chambers
Staff Recommendation:
District Council:
Zoning Committee Recommendation:
Planning Commission Recommendarion:
Staff Assib ed:
No recommendation received
Approval, vote: 5 - 1
One person spoke. Two letters received.
Approval vote: 16-2 (Field & Morton)
Patricia James, 266-6639
Attachments: Planning Commission resolurion
Planning Commission minutes, February 13, 2004
Zoning Committee minutes, Febniary 5, 2004
Correspondence received
Staff Report packet
cc: Applicant: Thomas Amrhien
City Council Members
District Council: 6
Wendy Lane
Larry Soderholm
Allan Torstenson
Peter Warner
L:4lmavda�Zoning\CCdocs\09-019-9llmar24-04ccclwpd AA-ADA-EEO Employe[
C�f -7�/
. city of saint paul
� pfanning commission reso�u#ion
file number 04-09
date Februazy 13, 2��4
WHEREAS, Thomas Amrhien, File # 04-019-911, has applied for a Rezoning from R-4 Singie-famity
Residentiai to OS-1 Office-Service under the provisions of §64.400 of the Sair�t Paul Legislative
Code, for property located at 319 Maryland Ave. W., Parcei identification Number (PIN) 24-29-23-43-
0111, Iegally described as John A. Weide's Subdivision of Lot 45 of Cottage Homes S 65 Ft oi Lots 8
9 and Lot10; and
WHERtAS, ihe Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on February 5, 2004, held a public
hearing at which aii persons pr=sent were given an opportunity to be heard pursuanf to said
appiication in accordance with the requirements oi §64.300 of the Sainf Paul Legisiative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presenfed to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially refiected in the minutes, made the following findings
of fact:
1. The applicant has recertly purchased the properfy and is proposing to establish a financiai
services business in the building. He has remode(ed fhe interior, removing the apartmenf (which
was in poor condifion) and repaired the exterior. In the future �!2 f?18� C2fY?pV? {h? garage a^d
use the side yard on Maryland for off-street parking. Parking required for a general o�ce use in
the building is 3 spaces. W ith one off-street space in the garage, the remaining two spaces could
be accommodated on Farrinoton without ca� �sin� ,�n�P�r;� ,,,, rho S ±� oo t
2. The site is surrounded on alI sides by resideniial uses. There is a commercial node at Western
iwo biocks away that is zoned B-3. Maryiand is classifiied as an "A" Minor Arterial in the
-r3nS nR�?inn ?�i�C P�an mcant tn nrrn i�o CCo .. �. . ... ,, �..,.
4�-� y� � i ..�..1 8 SS I.. ili , Cij�ai A�«��a�s ar�� u���r�ess areas. it
presently carries over 11,000 vehicles per day.
3. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the inten# of the OS-1 Office Service Dietrict to
accommodate offices for administrative and professionai businesses and services and to serve as
a trar,sitiona! use betv✓een mcrz intensive land uses such as major thoroughfares and less
intensive land usas such as one-fami(y residential. Service uses such as beauty parlors, barber
shops, tailor shops, and shoe repair are permitted; retail sales are not.
4. The proposed zoning is consistent with the past use of the building as a barber shop. The
location of the buiiding at the sidewalk line makes in less appropriate for residenfial use, which
would normaliy have a front yard to separate it from a busy street like Maryland. The Land Use
component of the Comprehensive Pfan (po{icy 5.2.1) supports compatible mixed use in separate
moved by Kramer
seconded by
in #avor �6
` against 2 {Field, Morton)
��f �-761
Zoning File t 04-019-g11
Planning Commission Resoiution
page 2
buiidings in close proximity. This proposed use will provide a transition for the residenfiai uses to the
north, consistent with the infent of tha district.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, fhat fhe Saint Paul Pianning Commission rscommends to
fhe Cify Councif fF�at the appiication of Thomas Amrhien for a rezoning from R-4 Single-family
Residential to OS-1 Office-Service for property at 319 Maryland Ave. W. be approved.
Saint Paul Planning Commission
• City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
Minutes of February 13, 2004
A meering of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, February 13, 2004,
at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortrid�e,
Present: and Trevino; and i�lessrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch,
Gordon, Johnson, I{ramer, Mejia, and Scott.
Messrs. *Coletta, *Kong, and *Mardeli.
Also Present: Laay, Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, Nancy Homans,
Lucy i hompson, Yang Zhang, Donna Drummond, Patricia James, Penny Simison,
7ce1 Sgoor.a' e:,-a, a:.d .1ary Bruto�, Bepatunent oi Planning ann Economic
Development staff.
• I.
Approval of minutes of January 23, 2004
MOTION: Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the minutes of January 23, 2004.
C�rnmassPen�- �»r ;� sacandzd t?�e ma�ar. TFa „�atior carr:zd un�rirrwusly on a voice vote.
Chair's Announcements
Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Larry Soderholm gave the following announcements.
City Council bustness on 2/4/04:
- Sun Ray Suburban rezonings were adopted. Like the Arcade Sueet rezonings, an azea of
traditionai neighborhood TN Zoning ihat has been adopted by the Ciry Council, but in the
interim until the final adoption of the TN Ordinance itseif, the azea will=be an OS-2
temporary urban village zone.
- There was quite extensive debate about the TN Ordinance and Peter R'arner said that, based
on his research, the DNR's legal authority to review and approve zoning amendments is
limited to chanaes in the overlay river conidor zones. Ae said that the DNR's purview will
continue to be an issue, however, and the DNR is now requesting the Attomey General to
make a ruling about their legal authority aver municipal zoning in the river corridor.
- d�-�a�
Commissioner Kramer reported this case was laid over to February 19, 2004, on a vote of 6-0. •
�04019-382 Patrick IQo & Dawn IQo - Rezone from Ri1�1-2 Multiple-family Residentia; to B2-C
Community Business (Converted). 585 Grand Ave., 6etween Oakland & Dale. (PatriciaTmnes,
Commissioner Kramer stated this application was withdrawn.
#04-019-911 Thomas Amrhien - Rezone from R-4 Single=family Residential to OS-1 Office-
Service. 319 Maryland Ave. W., NE comer at Farrington. .(PatriciaTames, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Kramer stated District 6 made no recommendation. One party spoke in support.
One parEy spoke in opposifion and 2letters were received in opposition. T'he public hearing was
closed. The Zoning Gommittee recommended approval on a vote of 5-1 (Morton).
MOTTON: Commissioner gramer moved the Zoning Commiftee's recommendation to approve
the reZOnina
Commissioner Fieid questioned whether this w spot zoning. Commissioner Kramer stated that
was discussed at the Zoning meeting and was thought not to be spot zoning. Mr. Torstenson
stated this is nQt spot zonina.
The�»w8on carried on a voice vote of I6-2 (Field, Morton,�.
#03-417-621 American Bank - Sign azea variance to permit a 2 ft. hi�h electronic message sign �
azound building perimeter (889 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wa11 sign and 20 sq. ft. of entrance sian
(650 sq. ft oftotal sian azea permitted). 1578 Universify Ave. W., SE comer at SnelIing.
(PaYriciaTames, 651/266-6639)
Commissioner Kramer stated District 13 recommended denial. No one spoke in support. T�
parties spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee
recommended approval on a 5-0 vote with 1 abstention (Alton).
NIO'I'IOrI: Co��n.issio�ergrafl+.er m�ve3!F_e Z�r.i e�'o�.r.z��e�'s raro�zz.:nen�:tiar. ta »�f,s�v2
the sign variance. The motion carried on a vote of I7-0, with I abstention (Alton).
03-383-303 Vetmeir Com�anies for CVS Pharmacv - Site plan review for a new CVS
Pharmacy. The plan calls for a 13,000 sq. foot, one-story retail building on the corner of
University and Snellina with a pazkin� lot alon� Sherburne to the north of tlxe building.
1581 University Ave., NW co.mer at Snelling. (Tom Beach, 65I/266-9086)
Commissioner Kramer stated the District Couacils requested a pub&c hearing. One pazry spoke
in support. Twelve parties spoke in opposition. The public hearing was kept open.
The case was laid over to February 19, 2004, on a vote of 40.
t�4 ��!
Redevelopment of the old Adu1t Detention Center on Kelloa at the R'abasha Bridae.
Vlan Kazcz, �vho coordinates Ram;ey County planning for the County Manager, described the
facilities plannin� process leadin� to the County's decision to make the old Adult Detention
Center and part of the Ramsey County� West Building available for redecelopment. Then Cazol
Morphe�v, Project Manager for Ram;ey County Properry lQanagement, described the three
decelopers' proposals under considzration by the County Boazd. Some of the key physical
planning issues are the ciews from Kello�g Blvd., a public pedestrian connection from the
downtown down to Shepazd Road trails, the "Sally port" entrance for taking detainees to court
rooms, as w�ell as the azchitectural chazacter of the new buildin�. Both speakers had handouts.
X. Task Force Reports
No reports.
XI. Old Business
Commissioner Gordon reported that the STAR Board has started the smali grant cycle and said
they had an orientation session yesterday attended by approximately 20-25 prospective
applicants. The appiications for grants between $5,000-$2�,000 are due at 4:00 p.m. on
March i t'� .
�.4. Na:v B:s:axss
� Commissioner Johnson reported there will be a zoning seminar at the Centennial Office Building
on Wednesday, February 18`� , from 3:00-4:30 p.m. The Minnesota Planning Agency is a
sponsor of APA's Audio Conferences and tfiis time they will be looking at zoning problems all
over the nation.
XIII. Adjournment
Meetin� adjoumed at 10:17 a.m.
Recorcied and prepared by
Mary Bruton, Plannin� Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Department,
City of Saint Paul
Respectfully submitted,
Lazry S�d
Planning Administrator
Approved � a 7 a �
Su McCall -
Secretazy of the Plannin� Commission
PED�BrutonVVlinutes\February 13, 2004
Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 3:30 p.m.
City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor
City Ha11 and Court House
15 West Keilagg Boulevard
Alton, An�ang, Faricy, Kramer, Morton, and Mejia
Field and Gordon
Patricia James, Carol Martineau, Allen Torstenson and Peter Wamer
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer.
Thomas Amrhien - 04-019-911 - Rezoning from R-4 Single-family Residen#ial to OS-1 OfFice-Service.
319 Maryland Ave. W., NE corner at Farrington.
Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approvai for the rezoning. She also stated
two letters �vere received in opposition.
Thomas Amrhien, the applicant stated the neighbors had no objection to the rezoning. The County Tax
Records show the property as Commercial Business. He also stated there is sufficient off-street parking and
the buiiding has been remodeled and brought up to code.
Alian Torstenson explained that the business meets the intent of OS-1 which is for small business2s and it is
not unusual to have a singie corner lot zoned OS-1. it provides a buffer between major thoroughfares and
other residential uses and therefore is not considered spot zoning.
� Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Amrhien stated that there is an identified tenant for the property.
He also explained when the building was purchased if was listed as commercial; when he appiied for a permit
to remodel the building he was toid it was residential. So the he wants the OS-1 zoning in order to eliminate
any confusion in the future as to what this property is zoned for.
Knute Aiger, 319 Maryland Ave., stated he purchased the building in 2000, with the vision of being able to
locate in a residential community and have an impact on the locai residenfs. It would eliminate all confusion if
the property was zoned OS-1.
Ma(ike Holt, District 6 Planning Council, stated the board took no action on the rezoning but there has been a
Ietter received with parking concerns and how trash will be disposed.
The public hearing was closed. '
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. James stated there is on and off-street parking.
Commissioner Faricy moved approvai of fhe Rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded the motion.
The motion passed by a vote of 5-1 with Commissioner Morton voting against.
• Drafted by:
Yeas - 5 Nays - 1 {Morton)
Carof Martir.eau
Recordi^a Secretary
Submitted by:
� `
Patricia James
Zoning Section
Approved by:
��� �
Richard Kramer
Page 1 o f i
Mona Brawn v�"7Q/
From: " "Roen, YaVo�ne" <Yavonne.Roen@state.mn.us>
<dist6@g bron li ne.com>
t: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 2:33 PM
6ject: To be read at Feb BZA meeting- Attn Malik
To: Dist 6
From: YaVone, neighbor in the area
Subject: In regards to the issue of 3l9 Mary/and 6eing zoned as o�ce space
I atri a homeowner in the area where this building is located. I have nothing against people
wanting to become independent business owners, however, this location is not suited to that
purpose. I be/ieve the !ot is to smal! to house an o�ce space. I am taking into consideration the
fact that because this is a business we may have to have a garbage dumpster to handle the
amount of waste (a corrrbination of paper and garbage) that may come from an o�ce. What
resident wants a dumpster on their block un(ess it's obviousiy short term like construction
purposes. Right now we are at a dead end street so we know a!1 the people who go past and who
betong there. With a business operating there we won't know who be/ongs and doesn't belong to
�ratch peoples houses and keep an eye out for theft. Also ( have an issue with the parking.
Already there have been a couple times where there are 2 or more vehicJes there. Since there is
no parking on Maryland it all has to be in front of the residential houses. There have been a
couple times when t am turning onto Maryland and can't see beyond the vehicles parked in front
� e properry in guestion because they have been back to back and very c(ose to Maryfand's curb
lack of parking spaces. That can be dangerous when you are pulling onto a busy road. l
realize rhere was a business there prior to this but that was a small community barber shop that
was lucky to have 4 people in there at one time induding the workers. Most peop(e (ived within a
few b/ocks and walked there to get their hair done. I'rn sorry that i have to disagree with you
being zoned to have an o�ce there but 1 do wish you the best of fuck fnding a more appropriate
space to begin your business.
Good luck in your future endeavors,
FKU� �
fHX NU. :6514SdS355 Feb_ 95 2004 12:24PM P1
�O�?/rl9�s- 1'
TO: �
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ATTENTION: __��r � t Q. 7`�-+-� � c --
FACSIMILE NUMBER: .��� �� a� 3 a�� _.._ _
COMMENTS: �e�,S�. .. �� r� �h.��< . ; s _ N_� { �.�,.-���_ S �.
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rrvC�uarNG TH�S PqGE WE ARE SEND(!VG ypU q TOTqL OF __
' �[CTik Y01C, E PAGES.
� �S �<�`,��`
•'• ��S Servic
. es ,
Specialty Roofing ���
j231 Farring�on St.
Sf. Paul. MN Sbt 17
Phono: 6S i -488-2020
Fax: e�i_-�.AS-s:.s�s
FILE #04-019-911
1. APPLICANT: Thomas Amrhien HEARING DATE: February 5, 2004
3. LOCATION: 319 Maryland Ave. W., NE comer at Farrington
4. PIN 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 24-29-23-43-0111; John A. Weide's Subdivision of Lot45 of
Cottage Homes S 65 Ft of Lots 8, 9 and 10
6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.5'10; §64.400(b)
7. STAFF REPORT DATE: January 26, 2004
8. DATE RECEIVED: December 22, 2003
BY: Patricia James
DEADLINE POR ACTION: February 20, 2004
A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from R-4 Single-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service.
B. PARCEL SIZE: 78 ft. (Maryland) x 65 ft. (Farrington) = 5070 sq. ft.
C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant commercial building (R-4)
D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: low density residential (R-4; RT-1).
E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §60.510 lists uses permitted and required conditions in the OS-1
O�ce-Service District; §64.400(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the
property owner.
F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The site has been a barber shop with apartment and garage. in 1977 the
Cifij Council denied a request to rezone the property to B-3. In 2001 the building was listed on city
records as vacant. The current owner applied to re-establish a nonconforming use for an o�ce, then
decided to petition to rezone the property for office use.
G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received at the time the staff report was written.
The applicant has recentiy purchased the property and is proposing to establish a financial
services business in the building. He has remodeled the interior, removing the apartment (which
was in poor condition) and repaired the exterior. in the future, he may remove the garage and
use the side yard on Maryland for off-street parking. Parking required for a general o�ce use in
the building is 3 spaces. With one off-street space in the garage, the remaining two spaces
could be accommodated on Farrington without causing congestion on the street.
The site is surrounded on all sides by residential uses. There is a commercial node at Western
two biocks away that is zoned B-3. Maryland is classified as an "A" Minor Arterial in the
Transportation Policy Plan, meant to provide access to Principal Arterials and business areas. It
presently carries over 1'I,000 vehicles per day.
The OS-1 Office Service District is intended to accommodate offices for administrative and
professional businesses and services and to serve as a transitional use between more intensive
land uses such as major thoroughfares and less intensive Iand uses such as one-family
residential. Service uses such as beauty pariors, barber shops, tailor shops, and shoe repair are
permitted; retail sales are not.
The proposed zoning is consistent with the past use of the building as a barber shop. The
location of the building at the sidewalk line makes in less appropriate for residentiai use, which
would normaily have a front yard to separate it from a busy street like Maryland. The Land Use
component of the Comprehensive Plan (policy 5.2.1) supports compatible mixed use in separate
buildings in close proximity. This proposed use will provide a transition for the residential uses to
the riorth, consistent with the intent of the district.
5. The consent petition was found sufficient on January 8, 2004. Parcels eligible: 11; parcels
required: 8; parcels signed: 9.
i. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the
rezoning from R-4 Singfe-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service.
Depasdnent ofPlannixg and Economie Development
Zoning Section
I400 City Hall Annez
ZS West Fourth Street
Saint Pau� MN 55102-I634
(65I) 26�r6589
Property Owner " 4 � S` 1`�nin r.c/ �
Addr�s. L'/ �tS�-r Gto'cG,a Lri.��
C�71 �u.E • St �Zip �.�'�/,� 7 Daytime Phone �6'/ 3�j=,L.�
Contact Person (if different) Phone �
Address / Location ��l � �!
Legal Description
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
� Consent Petition
Purs to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordirtance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues,
�f/�rn,fS .�`,vi6'1r7 �G,�i� owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to
rezone the above described property from a � zoning district to a�S'`
zoning disfict, for the purpose of:
z'...1� z.� I `e
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(attach additional sheets 'rf necessary)
Attachments as required: � Site Plan
Subscribed and swom to before me
this �� day
of �(/V - . 20�-
Zoning �Z/
Fee Owner of Property
Title: �' �lY.��
� �r:.� �A'JR� L. ECK�RT
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Page 'I of
We, the undersia ed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contio ous description of real estate
owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETTTIO�IER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition
acknowledge that we have been presen�ed with the following:
1. A copy of the petition of ��� f� �� �y-�-�' �
to rezone the groperty located at
from a�_zoning district to a 0 S-� zoning district; and
2. A copy of sections �' S� � through �•Sf S inciusive of the Saint Paul Zonin� Code.
We acknowledge that we aze aware of all of the uses permitted in a C5 S � zoning district, and we
aze aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the Rezoning. We hereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of
T���� ���' � to a b�— zoning district.
(name of petitioner)
We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or
his/her representative.
This petition shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is
received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by
z�ritten request within that time.
���e che undc�: i�ned, owncrs af properry within 100 feet of the to[al conciguous descrigtion oi real es�ace
owned, purc:.:=sed, or sold hy THE PETTTIONER within one yeaz preceding the date of this peti�ion
ackaowledge ::�z� we have �-een presented with the following:
�'1 � �
A copy o. �he petition .�F, !��.0 t'�'S �-}-�l-- �
co rezor� �he property lc.;ated a�
from a__�_zaii�:; dis[ricc to a� S zonirta district; and
A copy c c s�ecions �' `��± throu�h 'ov • S+ 5 inelusive of che Saint Pau1 Zonin� Code.
Wz acknowl�,;�e tha± we 2*: aware oi all of the uses permitted in a Cs S � zoning districc, and «e
ar� aware ch: ! snv of chese ��, -s can be zstablished upon City Council spgroval of the R�zoning. We he:a6y
consen[ �o ch .ezonin� of t.�e property in the petition of
Tf�Z"rL[ i. . i ;! F:_ i- �(V to a G`. , zoning distric[.
(name of Fct:tioner)
�'Ve consenr .o the appi �� al of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicani or
his/her rep: �sentaYive.
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w*itcan 2qL.� wichin that :: .�.
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Site at 319 W. Maryland
Zoning File # 04-019-911
Farrington frontage
Zoning File # 04-019-911
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March 19, 2004
Pianning & Economic Development
Saiat Paul, Mimiesota 5 5 1 02-1 634
Public Hearing Notice
�h—ni�. �
R � C ���ED
MAR 2 3 2a04
Hello, this is replying to the cazd received in mail concerning the re-zoning of Property at
319 Maryland Ave.
What happens when properiy is no longer zoned residential, what restrictions will prevent
lets say a gas station, bar, convenience store, pool hall etc. from moving in there after the
applicant Thomas Amrhien decides the business he has moved in there is no longer
profitable or changes business or sells to other owner? What safewards and restrictions
will the rezoning guarantee? What recourse does this neighborhood have? How will this
neighborhood be made aware of restrictions and safeD ards? Not everyone is able to
attend this meeting.
There is another azea of great concern, which some of us feel as very dangerous or as
some say, an accident waitin� to happen! PARKIlVGf !! !! ! These peopie are parking so
ciose to the comers on Farrington and Maryland, it is very difficult to drive through that
intersection, it is usually one vehicle at a time and larger tracks and busses have tough
time getting onta Farrin�on from Maryland. 'They also pazk across the sidewalk in front
of their garage, forcing people to walk into street to get around their vehicles; this is not
safe for anyone, especially the children. The owner of this property has an empty lot east
of the buildina, why aren't they using that for pazking? Or park on Maryland instead of
jamming up Faningtaq creating prahlems for people who use the alieys or have
driveways or the people who live on this street and need the street pazl�ng themselves?
This has been a problem for years, all the while the barbershop was on that cflrner, and
that brings out a question we have to ask, When was this address a sin;le family type
dweiling? It has been a business for years, not a famiIy home to any real family. Why do
you say it is?
Sign this from concerned people of this neighborhood who unfortunately, most will be
unable to attend this meeting and that is why this letter is being sent.
Thank you.
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�IAR 2 3 2004
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