04-700Council File # 0 � — ��� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �D �' / "' Presented By ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To ___ _. _ _. Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, American Bank of St. Paul duly petitioned to rezone 1578 University being legally described as Sect-34 Twp-029 Range-023 Section 34 Town 29 Range 23 1.01 Ac Subj To Aves And Esmts The W 27�Ft Of N 26p Ft Of Sw 1/4 Of Sec 34 Tn 29 Rn 23 (PIN 34-29-23-32-0001) from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 13, 2004, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting on May 21, 2004, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on May 23, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 fieet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on June 23, 2004, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 18, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 1578 University, being more particularly described as: Sect-34 Twp-029 Range-023 Section 34 Town 29 Range 23 1.01 Ac Subj To Aves And Esmts The W 27o Ft Of N 26o Ft Of Sw 1/4 Of Sec 34 Tn 29 Rn 23 (PIN 34-29-23-32-0001) be and is hereby rezoned from B-2 to B-3. Section 2. I:3e. �„s�� �US 19 roa o �f�-7oo 42 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 43 publication. 44 45 46 ; .._� `�19�t � Green Sheet Green Sheet o�f- 2� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartrnenNoffice/couneii: Date Initiated: PE — P�anning&EcoaomicDevetopment z��N-� Green Sheet NO: 3019176 � Cordact Person 8 Phone- DenartmeM SeM To P cson lnitiallDate YBng Zheng � 0 tannine & Economic Develoo 7 6-6659 qu�9� 1 lamiva & Economic Develon ireMOr Must Be on Council Agenda 6y (Date�: Number 2 i tt rn '� i° For Routing 3 or's ce Order 4 ouncil 5 i Cler ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Atl Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign for properry at 1578 University, SE corner at Snelling. Public heazing held June 23, 2004 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contraets Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this pecsonlfirm ever woiiced under a contract for this departmenY? � CB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. �oBS this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent city empfoyee? Yes NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): American Bank would like to have the properiy rezoned to use the new electronic message sign as a business sign. The City CouncIl approved the rezoning on 7une 23,_2004 after a public hearing Advantanes If Approved: � Rezoning ordinance wIll be adopted per Ciry Council intent. Jt1N 2 � 2Dn4 DisadvantageslfApproved: �Q ��'°g'���@�@� none @ � A A� o DisadvanWges If NotApproved: , � Ciry Council action will not be completed. Total Amount of � CosURevenue Budgeted: Transactiorr. JUL �3 2 2�04 Fundina Source: ��� �Q�� �a�� Activity Number. Financial lnfo E p � . MAYOR �����'`� su� a �r , DEPAR"I'�NT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Martha G Fuller, Director CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy C. Ke11y, Mayor May21, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson Y � City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 15 West Fourth Sireer SaintP¢ul, MN55102 �� Q 7elephane: 651-266-6700 Facsimde: 6.il-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-069-384 American Bank of St. Paul 1578 University, SE corner at Snelling Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign Zoning Committee Recommendation: approve, 6- 0 May 13, 2004 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, May 21, 2004 I have confirmed this day with Counciimember Debbie Montgomery's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any questions. Sincerely, l / Yang Zhang City Planner cc: File #: 04-069-384 Applicant: American Bank of St. Paul Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Alla� Torstenson NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARiNG The Saint Paul City Counc9l will con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at 5:30 p.m.in the City Council Chainbers,Third Floor, CityIIall, to consider the application of American Bank of Saint Paul to rezone property at 1575 University Avenue, SE corner of Snelling, finm B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of an electronic message sign as a busixiess sign. Dated: May 26, 2004 � ' , � MARY ERICIfSON. " � � Assistant City Council Secretary ' (June 1) "— _= ST. PAOL LEGAL *.vnr_t�x _ 22081265 AA-ADA-E80 Employer �71+r PA�iJ. .�: AAAA � � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MarthaG.Fuller, Direcror CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor May21, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson � � City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN55102 �� I wouid like to confirm that a pubiic hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number. Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-069-384 American Bank of St. Paul 1578 University, SE corner at Snelling Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign Zoning Committee Recommendation: approve, 6- 0 May 13, 2004 Planning Commission Recommendation: approval, unanimous, May 21, 2004 I have confirmed this day with Counciimember Debbie Montgomery's o�ce. My u�derstanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Pau! Legai Ledger. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any questions. Sincerely, i Yang Zhang City Planner cc: Fiie #: 04-069-384 Applicant: American Bank of St. Paul Paul Dubruiei Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer NOTICE OF PUBLIC NRA7tinTG The Saint Paul City Couneil will con- duct a public heazing on Wednesday, June 23, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, i7iird Floor, City Hall, ta consider the application of American Bank of Saint Paui to rezone propexty at 1578 University Avenue, SE corner of Snelling, from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use ef an electronic message sign as a bsssiness sign. Dated: May 26, 2004 -- "' ' - - � . MAF2Y ERICKSON. : . � Assistant Ciry Councff Secretary � (June lj _"'__= ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGER =_s' zaosiass - o 7=f Te%phone: 65l-266-6700 Facsimi7e: 657-228-3220 �._ . _ _ _._' '_' ' ' . ' . _ _. _'____"__—._..-_—.�-___._"_" 7 ." ____ _�_.,_ _,_ . __... .. _ _ . _ ._ �-�cG� Benita B. Warns 1440 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104-2438 (651)641-1037 June 22, 2004 To the Members of the St. Paui City Council: Please enter this letter into the official record of Pubiic Hearing file # 04- 069-384, Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. 1 oppose this rezoning for several reasons. First, the Snelling-Hamline and Hamline Midway neighborhoods both have gone on record in opposition to adding more advertising signs to the Midway area. These opinions, presented on behaff of these two neighborhoods by their respective district councils, reflect the fact that there is widespread community opposition to additional advertising signage. Neighbors would like to see the overall amount of such signage to decrease. Adding yet another advertising sign is contrary to expressed community preferences. �ti�� ��� ��,,���- Second, these two neighborhoods have the status of special sign districts. � The reason a neighborhood seeks to become a special sign district is to limit further proliferation of billboards and other advertising signs. Our community feels that the oversupply of such signs detracts from the appearance of our commercial areas. Third, my understanding of zoning guidelines is that spot zoning is strongly discouraged. This proposal amounts to spot zoning. The only reason to change the zoning is to permit this applicant commercial use of an electronic message sign. Not changing the zoning would not harm this applicant, since the electronic sign has yet to be installed. The applicant can choose not to install the sign, and not incur the installation and operating costs for the sign, Lack of this sign would not cause a loss of business to the applicant, and would have minimal impact on generating new business. Many neighbors would be more inclined to choose this bank if they don't put up this sign than if they do, myself among them. � Fourth, the applicant is using a 2-step approach in seeking this sign in an effort to circumvent clearly known neighborhood preferences. When this applicant applied for a variance to construct this oversized sign, testimony was presented at a public hearing on 2/5/2004 before the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission indicating that the planned use for this sign was to provide public service information for the community. No one spoke in support of this sign, while three people, including myself, spoke � b�- �7tx� in opposition. The Snelling-Hamline district council also was on record opposing this sign. The Zoning Committee apptoved it anyway, as did the Planning Commission at their 2/13/2004 meeting. The neighborhoods chose not to appeal the sign due to the high appeal cost and the fact that this sign could not be used for advertising. Now the applicant seeks to re- zone this land so that they can use the sign for advertising, contrary to the wishes of the community. The applicant can put up to 650 square feet of signage on their building without requiring a variance. The sign area variance approved for this applicant permits an 889 square foot electronic message sign, a 234 square foot wall sign, and a 20 square foot entrance sign, for a total of 1,143 square feet. This is 175% of what is permitted in the zoning code, and seems an excessive amount of signage to grant to one business. The drawings presented at the Zoning Committee meeting show a building that would be much more attractive without the electronic message band around the perimeter at the top of the building. I do not believe that this applicant would suffer a great hardship if the business was made to limit their advertising signage to the 650 square feet permitted in the zoning code. I urge the St. Paul City Council to deny this re-zoning request. , � f ��'� ,� L-Ben"ita Warns � � �� � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke[ly, M¢yor DATE: TO: February 6, 2004 Planning Commission DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M¢rtha G. Ful[rr, Director 25 Wert Faurth Slreet Sain� Paul, MN 55l02 FROM: Zoning Committee SUBJECT: Results of February 5, 2004, Zoning Committee Meeting � �'^::.°. Telephone: 65/-166-67Q0 Farsimile: 65/-228-3120 RECOMMENDATION Staff Committee u � 1 2. OLD BUSINESS Khalid Obeidat (03-473-213) Conditiona{ Use Permit for carriage house dwet{ing with modification of condition for space originally built to house domestic employees and variances of height (15 ft. permitted; 27.5 ft. proposed) and lot coverage (35% of rear yard permitted; 41.8% of rear yard proposed). Address: 2091 Buford Ave., NE corner at Raymond. District Comment: District 12 recommended approval. Support: 2 people spoke. Opposition: No one spoke. 8 letters in opposition Hearing: Hearing is closed. Motion: Denial NEW BUSINESS John Tittle (04-019-969) Conditional Use Permit for six-unit (3 twinhomes) cluster development. Address: 1070 Burgess St., between Lexington & Oxford. District Comment: District 6 recommended denial. Support: 0 Opposition: 8 people spoke. 39 letters. Hearing: Hearing is closed. Motion: Lay over until February 18, 20o4 Denial Approval with Conditions Denial (6 - 0) Laid over (6 - 0) � �� , � � 3. 4. Patrick 8 Dawn Igo (04019-382) Rezone from RM-2 Multiple-family Residential to B2-C Community Business (Converted). Address: 585 Grand Ave., beiween Oakland & Dale. District Comment: District 16 recommended OS-1 zoning for this site.. Support: Opposition: Hearing: Appiication is withdrawn. Motion: Thomas Amrhien (04-079-911) Rezone from R-4 Singie-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service. Address: District Comment: Support: Opposition: Hearing: Motion: 379 Maryland Ave. W., NE corner at Farrington. District 6 made no recommendation. 1 person spoke. 1 person spoke. 2 letters. Hearing is ciosed. Approval 5. American Bank (03-417-621) Sign area variance to permit a 2 ft. high electronic message sign around building perimeter (889 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wail sign, and 20 sq. ft. of entrance sign (650 sq. ft. of total sign area permitted). Address: 1578 University Ave. W., SE corner at Snelling. District Comment: District 13S recommended denial. Support: 0 Opposition; 3 people s¢oke. Hearing: Hearing is closed. Motion: Approval RECOMMENDATION Staff Committee Withdrawn Approval Approval with conditions Approval (5-1) (Morton) Approval (5-0-1) Alton Abstained � � � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rm`dy C. Ke1Ty, Mayor June 16, 2004 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Marth¢ G. Fuller, Disecto> 25 West Fourth Sneet Saint Pwl, MN SSIO2 c;�-7c� � TeZephone: 657-266-6700 Facsimile� 65]-2283220 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: 04-069-384 Applicant: American Bank of St. Paul Address: 1578 University, SE corner at Snelling Purpose: Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign City Council Hearing: June 23, 2004, 530 pm., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: approval Dishict Council: approvai Zoning Committee Recommendation: approve, vote: 6- 0 Support: 0 people spoke, O letters were received Opposition: 0 people spoke, 1 letters were received Planniug Commission Recommendation: approval vote: unanimous Staff Assigned: Yang Zhang 266-6659 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Planning Commission minutes, May 21, 2004 Zoning Committee minutes, May 13, 2004 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Applicant: American Bank of St. Paul City Council Members District Council: 13S Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner L.Nmanda�2ovng�Pcdocs\CCdocs\04-069384ryne23-cccovaletwpd AA-ADq-EEO Employv � "' �^��� � LIJVR PETiTIdN 70 AIYIENp TyLa ZONINO CODE Depar6neat oj p[aRnirtg cnd Ecanomit Devetapme.st Zonirtg Sectiort I400 Ciry f-lall Aaner 25 West Fourtfc Slreet Sa;nt p¢ MN 55102-z63a (65I) Z56-6589 APPLfCANT Property 1578 Avenue We r � 3 +�t +.� f 13'{ 6512283229 P.04i0�7� �7 - 7��1J City St. Paul $L MN Zip 55104 D 651-634-6402 �_ aytlme Phone Contact Person (if differentl pRQPERTY ' 1578 Universit Avenue West, St. Paul, M1V LOCATION �egal peseNption See attached (attach additionai sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CIT� COUNCIL: Zoning B�2 Pursuani to Section 64.4Q0 af the Saint Pau{ Zaning Ordinanca and to Seetio� 462.357{5) of Minnesota Statues, American Bank of St. Paul owr�er ot laqd ra osed tor rexonin hereb rezone the ab�ve described property trom a B_2 � P 9 r y petitinns you to zoning districf to a B-3 zoning district, for the purpose ot: American Bank raas gxanted a variance to install an electronic message sign around the perimeter o£ the properCy at 1578 University Avenue West, (see attached Planning Commission Resolution). Current zQning prevents the Bank from using this sign to advert Bank products and services. This request [o rezone the property to B-3 is being submitted so the Bank can advertise Bank products and services on this sign. I (attacf, aqditlonal sheet(s) If necessary) . ( Attachments as required: d Site Pian Subscribed and sworn to before ms thls Ptp"ot;Ri P4191iC-h1iiNNESOTA MY CaMDA{SSfON E1CPiR'cS SAN.,�7, 2005 � TItle: C�� / �� �°5�� ,�a7��.�� � Affidavit F� F e ner ot PsaoPm, j � ' � ' P�� -� �'b IZ Sa �° t '�, � Consent Petition Aage 1 of _ ��f —7c� city of saint paul planning commission resoltation � file number o4-44 date Mav ��. Zoo4 WHEREAS, American Bank of Sf. Paul, Fife # 04-069-384, has applied for rezoning from B2 Corrimunity Business to S3 Generaf 8usiness to permif use of an electronic message sign as a business sign under the provisions of §60.400 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code, on property located at 1578 University, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 34- 29-23-32-0001, legally described as SECTION 34 TOWN 29 RANGE 23 SUB.1 TO AVES AND ESMTS THE W 270 FT OF N 260 FT OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 34 TN 29 RN 23; and WHEREAS, fhe Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on May 13, 2004, he(d a pubfic hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of fhe Saint Paui Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Pau( Pfanning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committes at #he pubiic fiearing as reflected in the minutes, made the fol(owing findings o4 fact: 7. American Bank of St. Paul desires to rezone the property at 1578 University Avenue (southeast corner at Sneliing) from 62 Communify Business to B3 General Business to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. 2. The bank appiied for and was granted a sign variance in February 2004 to ailow a 2-foot high electronic message sign around building perimeter (908 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wall signs, and 20 � sq. ft. of entrar�ce signs (650 sq. ft. totaF sign area permitfed). Sec. 66.206{5), for the B2 disfrict, limits elecfronic message signs to providing public information such as time and temperature. This limitation does nof apply to the B3 district. 3. The p;cposed rezoni��g is ccrsister�t with the Land Use Cnap'ter of the Comprehensive Pian, which identifies the properly and the blocks to the east as a regional shopping a�ea. The area is an existing shop�ing center. The Land Use Plan (page 45) states that "[The SunRay and Midway Shopping Centers] are the two sfrongest retail (ocations in the city for capturing the trade of large residential populations and east-west commuters. The City wil( be supportive of these two centers and heip them hoid Saint Paul's share in the marketplace." The rezoning will al�ow an estabiished local bank to use the sign to provide information about its services and products, which would be beneficial to the bank. 4. The B3 Generaf Business District is intended "for Iocation along major traffic arteries or adjacent fo the Community Business Districts." The corner of Universify and Snelling is an appropriate location for this zoning designation. The adjacent shopping center is zoned Community Business (B2). The proposad B3 zoning is consistent with the 83 zoning across Universify Avenue. There are no residentiai uses in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the application of American Bank of St. Paui for rezoning from 62 Community Business to B3 General Business for property at 1578 University be approved. moved by Morton seconded by • in favor 16 - 1 Abstention (Alton) against o 0�-7� • Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of May 21, 2004 A meeting of the Planniug Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, May 21, 2004, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners N1mes. Donnelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortridge, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Johnson, Kramer, Mazdell, Mejia, and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy; and Messrs. *Coletta, *Gordon, and *Kong. Absent: *Excused � Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Adxninistrator; Patricia James, Yang Zhang, Nancy Homans, Dan Smith, and Mary Sruton, Department of Plauuiug and Economic Development staff. I. Aggrmval nf minutes. af Max 7, 20A4 MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the minutes of May 7, 2004. Corezmissioner ponnelly-Cohen seconded tke motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair 7ohnson reported on the Millard Fillmore dinner saying there was very good attendance and it was a very enjoyabie evening. He encouraged the Commissioners to become invoived in the events this summer concerning the river. Chair Johnson stated there seems to be a resurgence of interest on the river with many exciring things happening and also they aze having some increasing challenges with the Critical Areas Act and environmental preservation along the river. With the Centex development going up, and the proposals at Island Station, the Bridges of Saint Paul, and Koch-Mobil, a lot of development issues will be happening on the river in the next couple of yeus. • Chair Johnson stated the City Council discussed the 60-day rule last Wednesday in response to the recent Moreno court decision and how that will impact us. They brain stormed a wide array of altematives including abolishing the Planning Commission or pulling us out of the zoning process. He stated that we will not lay over anyHiing unnecessarily and we will have more stringent requirements for complete applications eazly in the process. The Steering Committee meeting wondered this morning if it would be possible to have an automatic Planning Commission approval when an application receives a unanimous resolution of support from the Zoning Committee. Could we bypass the full Planning Commission. Nothing has been decided 04 � a� MOTION: Commissioner Fotsch moved to close testimony und refer the matter back to the Nezghhorhood & Current Planning Committee. Commissioner Trevino seconded the motion. � The motion carried un¢nimously on a voic¢ yote. V. Zo II1IIg Committee Chair Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. #04-072-240 TNT Fireworks - Conditional Use Permit to allow seasonal outdoor sales of fireworks. 1450 University Aveaue, SE comer at Pascal. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Morton stated bistrict 11 - Hamiine/Midway Coalition was in opposition. No one spoke in support. Three letters were received in opposirion. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with condirions on a vote of 7-0. MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recorremendation to approve the condit%nal use permiL Commissioner Morton stated that in 7uly of 2000 the City of Saint Paul set its policy for permitting the sale of fireworks with a permit from the Fire Mazshall. She stated that the conditions the Zoning Committee attached aze that they seli the fireworks only betcveen 7une 20`� and July 6�' between 9:00 am. & 9:00 p.m, and that the tent is secured during the non sales hours. Commissioner Lonetti asked if this would be operated by a non-profit charity. Commissioner bforton sfatad yes it wIIIbe operated by a non=piofit. � The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. #04-072-374 T'NT Fireworks - Conditional Use Permit to allow seasonal outdoor sales of fireworks. 2513 W. 7'" Street, betcveen Davem and Soo Line RR. (Yang Zhang, _ 651/266-6659) Commissioner Morton stated District 15 made no comment. No one spoke in support or opposirion. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 7-0. MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the eonditdonal use permit Th¢ rnotion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner Anfang questioned the time of opera6on asking if it was supposed to be from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Ms, yang Zhyng stated that at the Zoning Committee the motion was already passed for 1450 University when they realized that the applicant wanted to be open from 9:00 a.m, - 10:00 p.m. So these hours were approved for 2513 W. 7�` Street but not for 1450 University. AMENDED MOTION: CommissinnerAnfaxg moved to amend the hours of operafion for 1450 University to be 9: 00 a.m. -10: 00 p.nc Commissioner pohnelly-Cohen secoxded the • ��t �� • motion. The motion carried unanimously ox a voice vote. #04-Ob9-384 American Bank of St Paul - Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 {General Business) to permiY use of electsonic message sign as a business sign. 1578 University Ave., SE corner at Snelling. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Morton stated District Council made no comment. No one spoke in support. One letter was receiced in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 6-0 with 1 abstenrion (Alton). MOTTON: Commissioxer Morton moved the Znning Committee's recorrrrnendation to approve the rezoning. The tnotion carried on a vote of I6-0 with 1 absten[ion (Alton). #04-069-083 Pet Enterorises and Motor Tech - Conditional Use Permit to aliow auto repair with outdoor auto sales. 1315 Rice Street, SW corner at Ivy. (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Morton stated District 6 recommends denial. One person spoke in support. Three people spoke in opposifion; 3 letters received in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended denial on a vote of'7-0. MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's reeommendation to deny the conditional use permit. � Coiuinissianer F,onett'raskerY if there kac} been a zon�g check af tke issues in the Yett�rs abz5at this operarion potentially painting and the traffic issues with parking and using the alley access. Commissioner Morton stated the recommendation was to deny not because of the fumes from the y3:iuII�, t JCCfluS� t�',?.� 7✓3,S ua� �i�S�.^.LBCi YO }.a�1� C JU. because c. access t0 i aii8j' a�'iy the business and because of the pazking problem. The tenants have to park on the street and the auto sales and repair is using all the parking spaces in the lot. There was also an issue with fire code violations. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. � #04-070-765 Motor Works Tire & Auto Caze Center Inc. - Conditional Use Permit for auto specialty store. 230 Larpenteur Avenue E., SW corner at I-35E frontage road. (Patricia.Iames, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Morton stated Districtb made no recommendation. No one spoke in support. One party spoke in opposition. The public heazing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-0. MOTION: Commzssioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recornmendation io approve the conditional use permit The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. #04-076-856 Tertv Schneider - Conditional Use Permit for 8-unit cluster development (four 2-unit buildings), with variances of setback from Barclay and Prosperity. (Patricia James, 651/266-6639) O�f -7� • MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 3:00 p.m, City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 Wesf Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Aiton, Anfang, Donneily-Cohen, Gordon, Kramer; Mejia, and Morton ABSENT: Faricy STAFF: Yang Zhang, Carol Martineau (Mary Bruton), Allen Torstenson and Pefer Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. American 8ank of St. Pauf - 04-069-384 - Rezoning from S-2 (Community Business) to 8-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. 1578 University, SE corner at Snelling. Yang Zhang presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the Rezoning. Ms. Zhang stated there was one recommendation from a communi±y member in opposition to the rezoning. No recommendation received for the District Council. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Zhang stated that in the sign section of the Zoning Code it says that the sign which fhey just received a variance for can only be used for public announcements or specific events in the 8-2 District. The appiicant, Ms. Lora Hanson, American Bank, 1060 Mendota Drive, Mendota Heights, addressed the committee. She is the Senior Vice President of Operations forAmerican Bank. Ms. Hanson_showed a_ � drawing of the bank building showing the eiectronic message sign. She stated that the American Sank tends to use it to pubiicize time and temperature, stock quotes, headline news, community events, as weli as bank products. It is not the intent of the bank to use it solely to advertise certificates of deposits and loans, it is going to be used as a community builetin board as well. Ms. Hanson stated the other part of the project that will come later in the year is redoing the fascia of the north and south sides of the building. She reported that _ American Bank is ±he m��g=r of Mid�✓ay Sar�rc a„�-�a�a,a 6ank which iook piace about 18 months ago, and this location is the corporate o�ce. They have increased employees from 50 to 67 and they have moved several department to this office. In keeping with this being their corporate headquarters they want to improve the looks of this building and feel that this sign is part of the look that they want to achieve. Commissioner Gordon was concerned about the sign causing a distraction to traffic and possibly causing accidents. Ms. Hanson stated that in taiking to sign companies they don't feel that would be the case and said they won't be running the sign 24-7, that they would run it during business hours only. They haven't done any traffic sfudies. No one spoke in support or opposition. One letter received in opposition. The public hearing was ciosed. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Anfang seconded the motion. Adopted Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Abstained - 1(Alton) Drafted by: Submitted by: q pproved by: C roi Martin u(Mary Bruton) Yang Zhang Glad s M on Recording Secretary Zoning Section y Chair C?�f -70Z� I ga«k � � If`you hav� any quastions, plcasc contacC Annclicsc Dctwilcr, Lxccutivc Director a165 I-C44- I Q8S. Vcry tru(y yours, ���_ _' 7'ravis Snider Qo�'d Prc�idcnt ca Councilmembcr Dcb�iic Montbomery, Ward ] Ms. L:�ura ] lanson, S�ni�r Vice President Uperations c�r Cashier Mr. Mark Thorkildson, Scnior Vitt President Sales & Mzu�ketin� . WWW.SNELLHAM.ORG 651-644-1085 SHCC@SNELLHAM.ORG SNELLING HAMLINE COMMUNfTY COUNCfL 1684 SELBY AVENUE • SAINT PAUL., MINNESOTq • 55104 HOARD OF DIRECTORS ra�ns ^niur. orcr�orn� ,.,.�, ����.,, FI�:tT V1CC p��FC1p�NT onrv J`ocna Cc:OVD VICf. Pn�: �JLNT En�R Mo�tnne -�:<a�,.a,• Jec Mnre-CO��cry ivrnGVppn r.r,.,x; inacfn•^� NTnEN R t n54: Ntay 11. 20U4 Ms. Yan� Zhan; City of St. Paul PEU 7oning Deparfinent 140p City Halt Anoex 25 West Fom-th S�reet St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Zhan�: �� � At the May 6, 2U0�, meeUng oC ihe Snelling Hamline Community Council, the ��rt=��.�=�=�w 13oard of llirectors passed a motion suppoi�tinb American Bank's reyuesr to ' °°°^ change thc znning �t thcir property from B Z to B-3 to permit usc of tl�c °",".""`"'""' electronic message sign as �a husiness si�n. The $nelling Hamline M:,,�, �„«„� Community Council requests thaC American (3ank limit sign operltion to tho hours betwcen ��.��� ��•��"` 6AM and lOPM. �o�.���,,.�„ I.ICFM,p�n M�YO CVILCN ��.�,�„�„.��„ The Snelling Hlmline Comn�uniiy Council opppsed the new elecfronic sign zni«�*+����„ nvt becausc we werc conce,•neci with ihe cvnteni, wliich at tbe cime we ":�__��^�_��•�_�= understood to only be public information, but radier because the siae of the """^°^'°�^ sign variance was not iu keopint with the SncUing ltamline Speciai Sign ""'°", ""°:" Disuict oA• thc Univcss�t Aocnuc Dcsi�7 rc ,,,�,�,,,_�„ Y �n Yrincipals. Now thaY tUe si�n hzis been apyroved, SHCC docs ne>r sec ti rcasvn why (�merican Bzink sl�ould not Top aou,:on �, �„ be able to adveTT.ise its products on the sign, ft is our undersYanding Chat oniy a�.„,��,�, Americai� Rank Products c1n be adveriised on che messa,e si�n. We hope that American Eank will scc thc valuc of runnine public information in addition to ' • • • • • intormation about thcir �mduct�. [.ccuave o�nccr>n nx�.euvc acrn�cn Message ��� ��� '�ang'Zhang - Public Hearing Testimony for American Bank From: To: Date: Subjecf: CC; Page 1 of 1 ��1�1G�Fi1Q C?�-O�a�- "Warns, Benita B - Eagan, MN" <benita.b.wams@usps.gov> <patricia.james@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <yang.zhang@ci.sfpaul.mn.us>, <ward1@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward2@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward3@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward4@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward5@ci.stpaui.mn.us>, <ward6@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ward7@ci.stpaul.mn. us> 5/1212004 3:97 PM Public Hearing Testimony for American Bank "Dave Gagne" <dgagne@mcleodusa.net>, "Russ Stark" <rstark@ u n ivers itya n ited. co m> Please enter fhis message in the official record of testimony for the May 13, 2004 Zoning Committee Pu61ic Hearing for item 04-069-374. This is a request to rezone land from B-2 to B-3 to allow the applicant to use an electonic sign for commercial messages. I wish to go on record in opposition to this request. The appiicant, American Bank, came before the Zoning Committee and Planning Commission earlier this year to request a sign variance to allow them to construct an electonic sign fhat would wrap in a band compleYely around all four sides of fhe top of their building. At that time, I testified that the request is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan because the neighborhood plans for both Districts 11 and 13 cail for less advertising signs in these neighborhoods. There is already an overwhelming amount of sign ciutter in the area around the intersection of University and Snelling Avenues. - One of the reasons given for approving tfiis request was that American Bank wouid not be permitted to use this sign fur commercial advertising. They woufd only be able to use it to provide public service information such as promoting upcoming community events, time and temperature, or stock market standings. It seemed odd to me that the bank would wish to spend this much money on something forwhich they derive no commercial benefit. Now that the bank has approval.to buiid this electronic sign, they are coming back to request the re-zoning. It appears as though the bank used this two step approach to make it more di�cult for those of us who live in the area to effectively fight further commercial sign intrusiori. Re-zoning this one parcei would be a case of spot zoning. it is my understanding that Pianning Commission policy is to discourage spot zoning, but rather to consider re-zoning requests that are a part of a well-defined plan that has been deveioped by the neighborhoods for the larger surrounding area. The Transit-Oriented Design study for 4he area surrounding the University and Snelling intersection calis for more pedestrian scale deveiopment. This sign will be a band around the top of the building that is designed for visibility to motorists driving through the area, not to pedesYriarts. There is no specfic caff to re-zone a parcel unless it will result in higher density development or meet some other goal stated'in the Comprehensive Plan. Re-zoning a parcel just to accomodate adding a commerciaf sign doesn't add density, or, for that matter, achieve any of the goals of the TOD study. It runs counter to the neighborhood's expressed goal of reducing adve[tising signs in the area. I urge the Zoning Committee to deny this request by American Bank to rezone this parcel from B-2 to B-3 because it doesn't support any of our neighborFiood's development goals, and the applicant is using a questionable means to obtain this sign. Benita Wams 1440 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104-2438 651-641-1037 . u . file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings�zhang�I,oca1%20Settings\Temp\GW}OOOlO.HTM 5/12/2004 �� �70� ZONWG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT � FILE # 04-069-384 1. APPLICANT: American Bank of St. Pauf HEARING DATE: May 13, 2004 2. 3. � TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning LOCATION: 1578 University Ave W; southeast corner at Snelling PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION:; Sect-34 Twp-029 Range-023 Section 34 Town 29 Range 23 1.01 Ac Subj 'fo Aves And Esmts The W 27o Ft Of N 26o Ft Of Sw 1/4 Of Sec 34 Tn 29 Rn 23 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 13 Snelling-Hamline PRESENT ZONING: B2 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §64.400 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: May 6, 2004 8Y: Yang Zhang 8. DATE RECEIVED: April 8, 2004 DEADLINE FOR PC ACTION: May 24, 2004 A. � B. C. PURPOSE: Rezone from B2 Community Business to B3 General Business to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign PARCEL SIZE: 200 ft. (Sneilingj x 220 ft. (University); 44,000 square feet EXISTING LAND USE: Bank with drive-up lanes and parking D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Midway Books across University Avenue (B3) East: Midway Shopping Center (B2) South: Midway Shopping Center (B2) West: Spruce Tree Genter Office Complex (Planned Development) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §64.400 provides for re2oning of property by the City Councii pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes §462.357. F. HIS70RYIDISCUSSION: 1n February 2004, the Planning Commission approved a sign variance for this property to permit a 2 ft. high elecfronic message sign around buiiding perimeter (908 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wall signs, and 20 sq. ft. of enfrance signs (650 sq. ft. total sign area permitted). G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATtON: No comments received at time of this report H. FINDINGS: � 1. American Bank of St. Paul desires to rezone the property at 1578 University Avenue (southeast cbrner at Snelling) from 62 Community Business to B3 General Business to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. � �� Zoning File #04-069-384 May 13, 2004 Page 2 2. The bank applied for and was granted a sign variance in February 2004 to allow a 2-foot high electronic message sign around building perimeter (908 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wall signs, and 20 sq. ft. of entrance signs (650 sq. ft. totai sign area permitted). Sec. 66.206(5), for the B2 district, limits electronic message signs to providing public-information such as time and temperature. 7'his limitation does not apply to the B3 district. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Land Use Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, which identifies the property and the blocks to the east as a regionai shopping area. The area is an existing shopping center. The Land Use Plan (page 45) states that "jThe SunRay and Midway Shopping Centers] are the two strongest retail locations in the city for capturing the trade of large residential populations and east-west commuters. The City will be supportive of these two centers and help them hold Saint PauPs share in the marketplace." The rezoning will aliow an established local bank to use the sign to provide information about its services and products, which would be beneficial to the bank. � 4. The B3 General Business District is intended "for location along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts:' The comer of University and Sneliing is an appropriate location for this zoning designation. The adjacent shopping center is zoned Community Business (B2). The proposed 63 zoning is consistent with the B3 zoning across University Avenue. There are . no residential uses in the immediate area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the request of American Bank of St. Paul to rezone property at 1578 University Avenue W(PIN from B2 Community Business to B3 General Business. � � � ZONING FILE NO: APPLICANT: PURPOSE: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOM ZON W G COMM ITTEE ACTION: PIANNMG COMMISSION ACTION: CffY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SIGN VA.RIANCE 03-4t7-62'I American Bank Sign area variance to permit a 2 ft. high elecfronic message s�gn arountl building perime!er (889 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. ofwaii sign, and 20 sq. ft. of entrance sign (650 sq. R of total sign area permitted) 1576 UniversityAve. W PIN 34-29-2332-0001, SEGTION 34 TOWN 29 RANGE 23 SUBJ TO AVES AND ESMTS THE W 270 FT OF N 260 FT OF SW 1/4 OF SEC 34 TN 29 RN 23 Approval with conditions Approval with conddrons CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT: The bank follow the requirements for electronic message signs for the zoning district in which they are located as found in §66206, which prohibits use of the sign as an advertising sign as deflned in §66 103 or as a business sign as defined in §66.104 in the 8-2 district. � OVED BY: Gladys Mortoq Commission Chairperson e undersignetl Secretaryto the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission tor City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certifythat i have compared the foregoing copywrth the original record in my of5ce; and fnd the Same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on minutes of the Samt Paul Plamm�g Commission meeting heid on February 13, 2004, and on record m the Samt Paul Plamm�g Office, 25 West Fourth Street, Samt Paul, Mmnesota. This permit will expire one year from the date of approval if the use herein permitted is not esta6lished. 1 The decision lo grant this permit bythe Planning Commission is an administrative action subject to appeei to the Ciry Council. Anyone affected by,his action may appeai this decision byfiling the appropriate application and fee at the 2oning Offic& 1400 Cdy Hall Annex, 25 W est Fourth Street. My such appeal must be filed within 15 calentlar days of [he mailing date noted belaw. Violation of the contlitions of this permit may result in its revocation. �,�i��. �JlLQ,ilil/Z�L 4tLV Carol A. Martineau Secretary to the Sainf Paul Zoning Committee Copies to. Applicant qmerican Bank File Na. 03-417-621 ZoningAdministrator WendyLane License Inspector Christine Rozek District Council 13S Mailed: February 1S, 2004 � . � ` �-��c • �� • Figure 1. American Bank at SE corner of University and Snelling Zoning File #04-069-384 d�j �7a� � ,$. . Figure 2. Spmce Tree Center at SVJ corner of University and Snelling ZoningFile #04-069-384 � ��- �� � � �s�ue �. iviiaway Books at NE corner of University and Snelling Zoning File #04-069-384 -���� _ ;,� � `� ��- �°.-�.� � dt 4 ii' �� F" 6 4 ,.t�.� .. ..,� �T h.e.�`+a..3 .„ � _ w ��.ts'�'��'�...,: ." �'� ti 7`� ,.. , : ._ �' � -,,,�e j + � � F �� � t � � {`_ wt raes`t..- �_`n .a.{��, `b �` � 4 4 $. --� � .. � . , z4=��a. 4Z' r .� "' , �' Z -���� q, � � ' �( s �x. � '�d p ^�� - r = �n �- b � . �x�° � � 5 �� � �M 3�� V SS .�y� yi ya� y�_ �•� . w1 � � � 3., 21 � ���� �2�.� "�iv° �N. � y � . •r$ ..� 4 _ i:. �~' K4 Vi�� ��,� . .. 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West Side 4. Dayton's Bluff 5. Payne-Phalen 6. North End 7. Thomas-Dale - -;, 8. Summit-University 9. West Seventh 10. Como 11. Hamiine-Midway 12. Saint Anthony �Merriam Park - Lexington - Hamline 14. Groveland-Macalester 15. Highland 16. Summit Hill 17. Downtown / • 4 _, � ; C���zc� 9 � luiq:t:il �O � ��LE � ��y - o�� - �$� , • � HAMLINE DISTRICT 13 ON � � 9 �" �� i � I �°°�—° `- l. --- 1 G � T I I ii -- - - - � ' ` ; T ` r ' � I � I ( I f _' . � i Ei- F � i� { + I � � p `— � � z� � � � � i � -----� = , ' f � d � I � { � � �'� ._.. I� �� � � g � � � ' --- , f6 t� � I � � � �` �" , � � a� �, c�. � 4� , � � C� O,��f� f $ 1 s �' P � � /� t � � ' `---. .� ! � � : -.,.�. -.. " e a $ � [( k _ � � � , V ' 1 2� ����I e � i i $i . / � � � . :^'::� . � I --- ? O � Y �S :� / e g � e 0 � i V � �� � � � � � ��� ��� � { � � � �� I 3 � ? i � 'd}" :' �_/ :;�. � r . O f � � I F O f ' p � , / ,--, . � �� � � � Q 1� � ' a ^ � 1 r�- t'- � � , f - Y ��� • � I a � � � � �a� � ' E � � �s � � s -� , G rs —�... � �s�, t ��� .� '° � ? C� � fl � A � � � �� , + ( ' � � i �� { t � i E �, s s � I � � � � # i � c� �•R.� t . � ` � ' � F , Pr'LIC.S��1T ����i ��s ���� LEG�NO -- PUR°OSE ��� ��� ! � � zoning d�sUici tound=_ry =11E /d� � �-2 suSj=d ro �r. � r � .� D+',TE P P- �� no: �t�— ��vG. GIST_.�� `O �,tA° :.— I'�______ o on_ (zmlly • a n commarc�a: � � � h:;o lamity 4 ,m, industrl=.� �::_ �¢Q muiti�lalamiiy �' y?�2�: ^ � "'`"'---= "'°"^+ : , .._ 3 r i 1 , ',, . Benita B. Warns 1440 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104-2438 (651)641-1037 June 22, 2004 To the Members of the St. Paul City Council: o4-�Z� ��7 �(z3 ��,��� Please enter this letter into the official record of Public Hearing file # 04- 069-384, Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. I oppose this rezoning for several reasons. First, the Snelling-Hamline and Hamline Midway neighborhoods both have gone on record in opposition to adding more advertising signs to the Midway area. These opinions, presented on behalf of these two neighborhoods by their respective district councils, reflect the fact that there is widespread community opposition to additional advertising signage. Neighbors would like to see the overall amount of such signage to decrease. Adding yet another advertising sign is contrary to expressed community preferences. Second, these two neighborhoods have the status of special sign districts. The reason a neighborhood seeks to become a special sign district is to limit further proliferation of billboards and other advertising signs. Our community feels that the oversupply of such signs detracts from the appearance of our commercial areas. Third, my understanding of zoning guidelines is that spot zoning is strongly discouraged. This proposal amounts to spot zoning. The only reason to change the zoning is to permit this applicant commercial use of an electronic message sign. Not changing the zoning would not harm this applicant, since the electronic sign has yet to be installed. The applicant can choose not to install the sign, and not incur the installation and operating costs for the sign. Lack of this sign would not cause a loss of business to the applicant, and wouid have minimal impact on generating new business. Many neighbors would be more inclined to choose this bank if they don't put up this sign than if they do, myself among them. Fourth, the applicant is using a 2-step approach in seeking this sign in an effort to circumvent clearly known neighborhood preferences. When this applicant applied for a variance to construct this oversized sign, testimony was presented at a public hearing on 2!5/2004 before the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission indicating that the planned use for this sign was to provide public service information for the community. No one spoke in support of this sign, while three people, including myself, spoke � y7� in opposition. The Snelling-Hamline district council also was on record opposing this sign. The Zoning Committee approved it anyway, as did the Planning Commission at their 2/13/2004 meeting. The neighborhoods chose not to appeal the sign due to the high appeal cost and the fact that this sign could not be used for advertising. Now the applicant seeks to re- zone this land so that they can use the sign for advertising, contrary to the wishes of the community. The applicant can put up to 650 square feet of signage on their building without requiring a variance. The sign area variance approved for this applicant permits an 889 square foot electronic message sign, a 234 square foot wall sign, and a 20 square foot entrance sign, for a total of 1,143 square feet. This is 175% of what is permitted in the zoning code, and seems an excessive amount of signage to grant to one business. The drawings presented at the Zoning Committee meeting show a building that would be much more attractive without the electronic message band around the perimeter at the top of the building. 1 do not believe that this applicant would suffer a great hardship if the business was made to limit their advertising signage to the 650 square feet permitted in the zoning code. I urge the St. Paul City Council to deny this re-zoning request. /� � � %/'�— C/�l`l/�Y� C "Benita Warns C?Lf 7ac'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor DATE: TO: February 6, 2004 Planning Commission DEPAR'CMENi' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENC Manha G. Ful[er, Dirutor 25 West Four[h So-eet Saint Paut, MN55102 FROM: Zoning Committee SUBJECT: Results of February 5, 2004, Zoning Committee Meeting � Telephone: 65/-266-6700 Facrimi[e: 651-228-3220 Staff Committee 1 2. OLD BUSINESS Khalid Obeidat (03-413-213) Conditional Use Permit for carriage house dwelling with modification of condition for space originally built to house domestic empioyees and variances of height (15 ft. permitted; 27.5 ft. proposed) and lot coverage (35% of rear yard permitted; 41.8% of rear yard proposed). Address: 2091 Buford Ave., NE corner at Raymond. District Comment: District 12 recommended approval. Support: 2 people spoke. Opposition: No one spoke. 8 letters in opposition Hearing: Hearing is ciosed. Motion: Denial NEW BUSINESS John Tittie (04-019-969) Conditional Use Permit for six-unit (3 twinhomes) cluster deveiopment. Address: 1070 Burgess St., between Lexington & Oxford. District Comment: District 6 recommended denial. Support: 0 Opposition: 8 people spoke. 39 letters. Hearing: Hearing is closed. Motion: Lay over until February 18, 2004 Denial Approval with Conditions Denial (6 - 0) Laid over (6 - 0) C)4�7cX� 3. Patrick & Dawn Igo (04019-382) Rezone from RM-2 Multiple-family Residential to B2-C Comrrtunity Business (Converted). Address: 585 Grand Ave., between Oakland & Dale. District Comment: District 16 recommended OS-1 zoning for this site.. !� Support: Opposition: Hearing: Application is withdrawn. Motion: Thomas Amrhien (04-019-911) Rezone from R-4 Single-family Residential to OS-1 Office-Service. Address: District Comment: Support: Opposition: Hearing: Motion: 319 Maryland Ave. W., NE corner at Farrington. District 6 made no recommendation. 1 person spoke. 1 person spoke. 2 letters. Hearing is closed. Approval 5. American Bank (03-417-621) Sign area variance to permit a 2 ft. high electronic message sign around building perimeter (889 sq. ft.), 234 sq. ft. of wall sign, and 20 sq. ft. of entrance sign (650 sq. ft. of total sign area permitted). Address: 1578 University Ave. W., SE corner at Snelling. District Comment: District 13S recommended denial. Support: 0 Opposition: 3 people spoke. Hearing: Hearing is closed. Motion: Approvai Staff Committee Withdrawn Approval Approval with conditions Approval (5-1) (Morton) Approval (5-0-1) Alton Abstained