04-607Council File # ����v ` Ordinance # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Presented By Referred To MINNESOTA Green Sheet �1 3� An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Scott McClure duly petitioned to rezone 906 and 914 Randolph, being legally described as PIN 11-28-23-31-0011 and 11-28-23-31- 0012 Watson's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota Lots 12, 13, 14 and Lot 15 Blk 1 from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand an auto repair business, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on April 1, 2004, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and W HEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a pubiic hearing on April 29, 2004, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on May 7, 2004, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of pubiic hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on May 13, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and Requested by Department of: aostrom Harris xelgerx Lan try Montgomez Thune Adopted by C Adoption Cez By: Approved by By: ORDINANCE Plannin & conomic Develo ment By: Approved by Financia Se ices By: Form Approved by City Attorney ' 1:��(1 �ft. �i�•.� .., s... ,.:•. .��: O�r VfV ' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4�l 46 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on May 26, 2004, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations conceming the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paui, Sheet Number 27, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 906 and 914 Randolph, being more particulariy described as: WATSON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA LOTS 12, 13, 14 AND LOT 15 BLK 1 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-1, B-2 to B-3. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She��� DepartmeM/office/council: Dafe Initiated: j PE — p���nS&EconomicDevelopment 2�-�,Y� Green Sheet NO: 3017536 i i Deoar6nent Serk To Person InitiaUDate Coniact Person & Phone: ,`--� PatriClaJamES 0 tannio EcavomicDevelo U I 6-6639 p�,,�gn 1 lannin &EwnomicDevelo Directar c/ Must Be on Council /\qenda by (Date): Number Z �,yty Attoreev ��' ( i For RoUting 3 a or's O�ce Order 4 ouocil Total # of Signature Pages �_ (Clip AII locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving ffie rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Resideniial) and B-2 (Commnnity Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand auto xepair business for property at 906 and 914 Randolplt Public Hearing held May 26, 2004. Rewmmendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The eacisting auto repair business is legally nonconfomring in the B-2 district. In order to expand the business, both the elcisting business and the lot next door must be rezoned to B-3, where auto repair is a pemutted use. The City Council approved the rezoning on Nlay 26, 2004 after a public hearing. The Plauviug Commission appxoved a conditional use permit foi the expansion contingent on the City CouncIl approvingtherezoning. Advantapes If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent and business expansion can take place. Disadvantaqes If Approved: None ��� Disadvantages If Not Approved: � � � �) � �o�`� City Council ac6on will not be completed and the business cannot expand. � ��� A � .�€ �f���� Total Amount of CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: 8a��.� � FundinqSource: ActivifyNumber: �'°��� Financial Information: (Euplain) �l�N 0 4 2�04 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mar[ha G. Fuller, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Sbeet SaintPaul, MNSSIO2 �7"�-Q ��` Telephone: 65l-266-6700 Facstmile: 651-228-3220 �� „r`+'§�Y+i� O. ._. "5=. May 7, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: � r � ._ I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, 2004 for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-064-899 Scott McClure 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand auto repair business Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval, 6- 0 April 29, 2004 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous, May 7, 2004 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Thune's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the May 19, 2004 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sinc y, Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 04-064-899 Applicant: Scott McClure Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARIIRG The Saint Patil City Council will con- duet a public hearing oa Wednesday, May 26, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third F7oor, City Hall to.eon- sider the appeal of Seott McClure to a de- cision of the Planning Commiasion ap-- proving rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-famity Residential) and B-2 (Commnnity Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand au auto repair busi- neas at 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner 9t Milton. - Date.d: May 11, 2004 --- MARY ERICISSON. � ' Asslstant City Council Secretary . - fMay I3j 22080860 pAVL iEGAL LEU�GEit" - L:Umanda�Zoning\CCdocs\04-064899may26-04ccm.wpd AA-ADA-EEO Bmployer DEPARTMENT OF PLANIVING �/ O� & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ���C Manha G. Fuller, Director e.xa CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Kelly, Mayor May 7, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson 25 Wut Founh Streei Telephone: 651-166-6700 SairztPaul,MN55702 F¢csimiZe:65J-228-3220 City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: 04-064-899 Applicant: Scott McClure Address: 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton Purpose: Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residenrial) and B-2 (Community Business) to B- 3(General Business) to expand auto repair business City Council Hearing: May 26, 2004, 530 p.m., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: � Dishict Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposirion: Plaiming Commission Recommendarion: StaffAssigned: approval approval approval, vote: 6 - 0 0 people spoke, O letters were received 0 people spoke, Oletters were received Approval, vote: unanimous Patricia James, 266-6639 Attachments: Planning Commission resolurion Planning Commission minutes, May 7, 2004 Zoning Committee minutes, Apri129, 2004 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: • Applicant: Scott McClure City Council Members Dishict Council: 9 Wendy Lane Lairy Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Wamer L:Wiunda�Zoving\CCdoa\04-064-899may2S06cccl.wpd AA-ADA-EEOEmploYer Oy-�o� city of saint paul • planning commission resolution file number 04-38 date May 7 „zoo4 WHEREAS, Scott McC(ure, File # 04-064-899, has applied for a Rezoning from RM-1 (Multipie-family Residenfial) and B-2 (Community Business) fo B-3 (General Business) to expand an auto repair business under fhe provisions of §6�.560 of fhe Saint Paul Leaistative Code, on property Iocate*� at 906 and 914 Randolph, Parcel Identification Number (PIN)11-28-23-31-0011; 11-28-23-31-0012, legalfy described as Watson's Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota Lots 12, 13, 14 and Lot 15 Bik 1; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on Apri129, 2004, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paui Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Pfanning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantiaily reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. This sife at 914 Randolph has been used for auto-related businesses since about 1930. In 1988 #he_use-became-legatl-y-naacaafarmiag�uh�p-tke-gas-sta�io�-qot�io�re# t#�e bErsitiess-wa� disconfinued and the principal business became auto repair. The owner wishes to expand the � business by incorporating the residential lot at 906 Randolph immediately to the east, and consfructing a new building. This expansion requires rezoning of the residential lot to a business classification. The applicant wishes to make the business conforming, and is therefore requesting that both the residential lot and the existing business be rezoned to B-3. 2. The rezoning is consistent with fhe way the area around the Milton-Randolph intersection has developed. Commercial uses occupy aii four corners of the intersection, and a greenhouse business is located in a B-3 district just to the wesf of the intersection on Randolph. 3. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the general policy of the comprehensive plan to ensure fhat land resources with potential for business use are made avaifabie and used to their maximum economic and community benefit. 4. The intent of the B-3 District is to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 an B-2 Business Disficts. It shou(d be located along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. Randotph Avenue is identified as a"B" minor arterial in the Transportation Plan. The proposed use will be an expansion of the existing use, and is not likely to have a negative impact on the surrounding area. moved by Mortoa seconded by in favor Unanimous . against o`►`�� D� �d� Zoning File # 04-064-899 Pianning Commission Resolution . page 2 5. The site has been used for auto repair for many years. The existing 8-2 zoning makes ft difficult for the business to accommodate a new buiiding and better site plan {which woutd improve the area) because the business would remain nonconforming. 6. The consent petition for the rezoning was determined to be sufficient on April 1, 2004. Parceis eligibie: 20; parceis needed: 14; parcels signed: 20. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sainf Paul Pianning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the appiication of Scott McCiure for a rezoning ftom RM-1 (Muftiple-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Susiness) to expartd an aufo repair business for properfy at 906 and 914 Randolph be approved. � . ��� _ �p1 �� • Saint Panl Planning Commissio Ciiy Halt Conference Center � IS Kellogg Bonlevard West Minntes of May 7, 2004 A meeting of the Plann9ng Commission of the City of Saint Paut was held Friday, May 7, 2004, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, McCall, Morton, and Trevino; Present: and Messrs. Aleacander, Alton, Coletta, Field, Fotsch, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. *Zimmer Lonetti, and Shorlridge; Messrs. *Anfang, tDandrea, *Gordon, Absent: and *Mazdell. *Excused C� Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Patricia James, Lucy Thompson, and Cazol Peshman, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Swearing in New Members Ms. Yung-Kang Lu and Ms. Marilyn Porter were sworn in as Saint Paul Planning Commission members by Mr. Don Luna, City Clerk. Ms. Marilyn Porter stated she is currenfly director of Technical Services for Saint Paul Public Housing and just had her one year anniversary in that position. She was with Catholic Charities for 8 yeazs as their d'uector of Facilities Management and worked for the bus company for 10 years. She has an undergraduate degree in azchitecture and she has a masters degree in construction management. Ms. Porter said she has been managing construction projects and capitol improvements for about 20 yeazs. She lives in the Como Pazk azea, District 10, and was on the CIB Committee and is a boazd member of the YMCA - Midway. Ms. Yung-Kang Iu stated she has lived in Saint Paul for 32 yeazs and is originally from Taiwan. She said she has a planning degree in Environmental Planning. Ms. Lu stated she worked for the Metropolitan Council for several years and then worked at State Pianning and serve as a staff on Yhe Environmental Quality Boazd. She is familiaz with the EAW and EIS process. She also worked at the State as a Critical Area Program and at that time the St. Croix River was designated as a critical azea. Ms. I.0 is now retired fot Krey ????? Reseazch and she is very happy to be back to the planning field. II. Recognition of Out-Going Members • Ghair Johnson stated we aze particulazly gratified to honor Litton Field, a long time member of the Planning Commission. Chair Johnson read a tesolution honoring Litton Field, 7r., reporting oy-loo7 VI. � �, ���--� o� �o� Ciiy Council business on S/5/04: ' ` - The alley vacations that allow for developmeni at Universiry and Dale aze moving along. - Approval of the site plan for tfie CVS Pharmacy at Snelling and Universiry. - Phalen Blvd. acquisition is moving forwazd. - The moratori� for the ADM site on West Seventh and Randolph has been approved. Council ¢genda for 5/I2/04: - Fina1 action on the UniversitylDale vacations. Zonmg Committee The new Chair of the Zoning Committee, Commissioner Morton, gave tfie report: #04-064-899 Scott McClure - Rezoning from RM=1 (MuItiple-famity Residentiai) and B-2 (Community Bnsiness) to B-3 (General Business) to expaad auto repair business. 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Milton. (Patricia James, 65I/266-6639) Commissioner Morton stated that Dis�ict 9 recommends approval. No one spoke in support or opposition. Tfie public fiearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 6-0. MOTTON: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Cosnmrittee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimousZy on a voice vote, #04064-996 Scoft McClure - Conditional Use Permit to espand auYo repair business. 906 and 914 Randolph, SE comer at Milton. (Patricia.7ames, 651/266-6639) Commissioner Morton stated that Disirict 9 recommends approvat. No one spoke in support; one letter received in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 6-(f. MOTION: Commissioner Morton moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the condition¢L use pernrit. The mvtion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Commissioner announced the agenda for the Zoning Committee meeting on May 13, 2004. MEETING T'IlVIE - C$ANGED TO 3:00 P.M. START #04-072-240 TNT Fireworks - Conditional Use Permit to allow seasonal outdoor sales of fireworks. 1450 University Avenue, SE comer at Pascal. (Yang Zhang, 65I/266-6659) #04 0 72-3 74 TNT' Fireworks - Conditional Use.Permit to allow seasonai outdoor sales of fireworks. 2513 W. 7'" Street, between Davern and Sooline RR. (Ycmg Zyrcm� 651/266-6659) #04-069-384 American Bank of St Paul- Rezoning from B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (Generai Business) to permit use of electronic message sign as a business sign. I578 University Ave., SE comer at Snelling. (Ymrg Zhcmg, 651/266-6659) n �J • • O�l-t�o� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursclay, Apri129, 2004 - 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSENT: STAFF: AiYon, Anfang, Fieid, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Faricy and Gordon Patricia James, Mary Bnrton, Peter Wamer The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fieid. Scott McClure - 04-064-899 - Rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand auto repair business. 906 and 914 Randolph, SE corner at Miiton. Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning. She stated that District 9 supports the rezoning. Commissioner Morton questioned Ms. James whether this was spot zoning. Ms. James stated that since there is commercial zoning in the area and there is B-3 down the block that is also a single use, she doesn't consider this a spot zoning. She said this accommodates an existing business, allows it to expand, and to become a conforming business, which wiil be a benefit to the neighborhood. Randolph is a busy street and it nsistent with the level of traffic on Randoiph to have a B-3 district there. ommissioner Alton asked Ms. James if it currently is a nonconforming use in a B-2 zone and that if both cases are approved today it will be a conforming use in B-3 zone, and Ms. James said that was correct. Commissioner Alton summarized that by rezoning the property to B3 we would be rezoning it to its present use. Ms. James confirmed that statement. The appiicant, Scott McClure, 13377 S. Hudson Road, Afton, MN 55001, stated they just want to expand the business because they are out of room. Commissioner Aiton asked how long he had owned the business. Mr. McCiure said he has owned the business for 5 years. He started working there when he was 15 years oid and has worked there for 21 years. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Kramer moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded the motion. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 �I Carol Ma�tin au (Mary Bruton) Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 Submitted by: � �, ^ ��ob Patricia James Zoning Section Approved by: �i✓tu�° "-� t,� Litton Field Chair - pa- t�o� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 04064-899 1. APPLICANT: Scott McClure HEARING DATE: April 29, 2004 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 906 and 914 Randolph Ave., SE comer at Mi{ton 4. PIN 8� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 11-28-23-31-0011; 11-28-23-31-0012; Watson's Addition to Sf. Paul, Minnesota Lots 12, 13, 14 and Lot 15 Bik 1 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.560; §64.400(b) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: April 22, 2004 EXISTING ZONING: RM-1, B-2 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: March 17, 2004 DEADLINE FOR COMMISSION ACTION: May 7, 2004 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-1 (Multipie-family Residential) and B-2 (Community Business) to B-3 (General Business) to expand auto repair busmess. B. PARCEL SIZE: 158.73 ft. (Randolph) x 150 ft. (Milton) = 23,810 sq, ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: 906 Randolph is a single family house; 914 Randoiph is the existing auto repair business D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: • • North: mixed commercial and residential (B-2) East: single family and duplex residential (RM-1) South: single family and duplex residential (R-4) West: mixed commercial and residential uses (B-2, RM-2, B-3) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §60.560 lists the intent and uses for the B-3 General Business District; §64.400(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the properry owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: A Conditional Use Permit and site pian are associated with this rezoning appiication (Z.F.#'s 04064-996 and 04-063-731). In 1940 (Zoning File # 951) a permit was approved for larger gasoline storage tanks for a gas station at this location. !n 1954 (Z.F.# 2974) a permit was approved to remodei the gas station. in 1960 (Z.F.# 4399) a permit was approved to add trailer rentai to the gas station business. In 1963 (Z.F.# 5207) a special use permit was approved to reconstruct the gas station. In 1988 (Z.F.# 10390) the business applied for a determination of similar use as the owners had removed the gas tanks and continued the auto repair business. This application was determined to be unnecessary and was withdrawn. In 1994 (Z.F.# 94-090) a nonconforming use permit for expansion of the business to add windbreak entry doors to the service stalis was approved. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 9 had not made a recommendation at the time this staff report was prepared. H. FINDINGS: This site at 914 Randolph has been used for auto-related businesses since about 1930. In 1988 the use became legally nonconforming when the gas station portion of the business was discontinued and the principal business became auto repair. The owner wishes to expand the business by incorporating the residential lot at 906 Randolph immediately to the east, and constructing a new buiiding. This expansion requires rezoning of the residential lot to a business classificafion. The applicant wishes to make the business conforming, and is therefore requesting that both the residential lot and the existing business be rezoned to B-3. Oy-�o� Zoning File # 04-064-899 Zoning Committee Staff Report page 2 4'� ��� 2. The rezoning is consistent with the way the area around the Milton-Randolph intersec6on has developed. Commerciai uses occupy aIl four comers of the intersection, and a greenhouse business is (ocated in a B-3 disfrict just to the west of the intersection on Randolph. 3. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the general policy of the comprehensive plan to ensure that land resources with potential for business use are made available and used to fheir maximum economic and community benefit. 4. The intent of the B-3 District is to provide sites for more diversified types of businesses than those in the B-1 an B-2 Business Districts. it should be located along major traffic arteries or adjacent to the Community Business Districts. Randolph Avenue is identified as a"B" minor arterial in the Transportation Pfan. The proposed use will be an expansion of the existing use, and is not Iikely to have a negative impact on the surrounding area. 5. The site has been used for auto repair for many years. The existing B-2 zoning makes it difficult for the business to accommodate a new building and better site plan (which would improve the area) because the business wouid remain nonconforming. 6. The consent petition for the rezoning was determined to be sufficient on April 1, 2004. Parcels eligible: 20; parcels needed: 14; parcels signed: 20. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approvai of the rezoning from RM-1 (Multiple-family Residentiai) and B-2 (Community Business) fo B-3 (General Business) to expand the auto repair business. • • r� L J PETITION TO AMEND TNE ZONING CODE Department ojPlaniz�g and Economic Dwelopment Zoning Section 1400 City Hall Annez 25 West Fourth SYreet Saint Pau� MN SSIO2-I634 (65I) 266-6589 APPLICANT Property Owner scoi-�- /bZc C,(vr� Address I?�377 S. I��sr•v R�. City f��l-a.v St Zip SS�o� Daytime Phone aQS -oysd Contact Person (if different) Phone PROPERTY Address / Location �!{< <��6 �n,ad�C4� 3-1 i�t . LOCATION Legal Description �ci 12 t_?,� iS fSLU ( w,�{ l�id, t�'ou �ro St . P�rL Current 2oning (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, � ; 7c o'i"� Mc. U�Y � , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a�� � zoning district to a �'� zoning district, for the purpose of: �CQa"b�' fih� cvrr4. f�'�'c...c'r�r� i'ec�:r P.wsi•uns Ckt 9/�/ Qa.�+�.etP� A�=. u.t tvsai.d L�Kt -la (�e.�o:,e� '�'k� �-k��sz oCr 9bb Ro:�lec�H ,es:�e �o nnaK� ��ta �taPc.J l�v,Zd�N�- cl.ucc j"�c. �v2ur S�.af i3 Qedc�r 'F� �o '(k� �OOM Ta OCd crc �,c.�2L t5z �'rr:r Dc+:i+.v iy .�aKe r•crt- �ktr '�1.2 l At ° /Ob �a..�ctPH �S c�ree. 2o�e1 i�eS�bei��aL �.�.c ,�.eab ;f- tc> 9oe $ (attach add'rtional sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan Subscribed and sworn to before me this t� � day �f /�l qYLc-�t , 20 a � . �� � � � N tary Pubiic �'Consent Petition � Affidavit t� I�- � 7S� B ������.�-- Q p Fee Owner of Property /Jc� '�-' 7 �rt�e: c�3w.�e,� ( JOHN H.YANQ �� �,��...��,.� Page 1 of 0�,-�0� • r� LJ CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A REZO�G o�t-�.o� We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contia ons description of rea� estate owned, purchased, or soId by TFiE pE'ITT'IONER within one yeaz precedina the date of this petition acknowledge that we have been presented with the following: 1. A copy of the petition of C (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at �l1°I e qoE (�'p,<,1 o c�(./ � �. from a °�'y zoning district to a t'$3 zoning district; and Z� A copy of sections �C1. �'c/ through �. 5'7 � inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. We acknowledge that we aze awaze of aIl of the uses permitted in a �'� 3 aze awaze that any of Ehese uses can be established upon City CounciI approval of the Rezo� c W her by consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of _ SC°�' �Ct�.'vr{_ t03 1.73 zoning district. (name of petitioner) We consenf to the approvai of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. ADDRESS OR PIN ��� ��a�G�� 9C3 Rr,Ndo�Plf �� lq fzp.��oLC�N RECORD OWNER {�'iZ-Jv;,vn/ Ca.o-�p�..ies Cs rcrye S'�Gt �11 l�2y.ve1'k Mdhl,� (,f2v�ve-th . /vtah te tP�l Kc•vscd L�.v� C ��� (g�or�c . �t/.^.v.;k 1 �JiB r� Ncv� k � �� ocPA � �vger 5-�dce� 5'`�if fzaNl ac v` <1 �9� r��aePy 9a�- izcwd�cPµ D��r� G eo�ot� 3t.F+S �o:✓L 9.�� R�a�tP�+ rr�5� M cd aN�'cz S�cLa zcr /Y�Q z �+w�w DATE ��� z �� O -u�,r•....� ��.epi; r ,, -�: �' 2i3:jr:�v' L + - l�Ai�rn. ��-��,.-}�YS��,6�'r'�J .3 �✓ � � �Gf�� � �t�o� 3-1D�oy �„� 3)i�•0 �� �- /a-o y � I f� �lwc�e 1 P F� � Sl��+in+ei� Pro�t�,eS, •' -Y`- r' {��� This petition shall not be considered as o�cially filed until�the tapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may wiEhdraw his/t�er name therefrom by written request within that time. io-oi 04-�0� CITY OF SAINT pA,LTi, CONSENT OF ADJpINI1�G pROPERTY pWNERS FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, ow�e� of properry with=A tqp feet of the tota! conawous description of reat esEate owned, purchasect, or soId by TT3E pgT�p� �� one year preceding � aate of this peutioa acknowledoe that we hava been preseRted with ihe foIIowing: 1. A copy of the petition of ! J Cc'� /l�l � C�vr c (nazne of to rezone the properry located at Davi rt YCa.�i'aS from a 2- n,+�y Zp�a dislrict to a 3 �2onina district; and Z• A copy of sections p.g�/ tl�u 6057 S� —____ / inclasive of the Saint P�( 7�� C� We ac�owledge that we are awace of ali of the vses permitted in a are aware that any pf these uses can be established u on Cit Cwncil� Zonino district, and we consent to the rezoning of the ro P y aPProval of the Rezoning. �Ve hereby P perty in the peticioa of S aa-f - � Cure.. (�ame of petitioner) tO a �-�— 3 — ZOfling district. �Ve consenf to the approvai oF fhis rezoning as it was explained to us b�• the app��t or hislher representative. ADDRESS OR PIY RECORD OWNgR ' S[GNA"CtIRE D�.t.E �'�fs ?�,vr.� 3ahN rti�cac�ej. f . l�ei( .nllC Co l!p ( 1 d � i s�nA,////. . � e gsy ���� ---_ �03 ��N� __ 9r� 7 �.a� �� � -----_—_ �/S �'v.�v ! /7 �'vNo �a K� L iN�---- e Sarak Gross N�lls M(a�{ ���� tSCk,� �uCe.vt ,nno.rv � L7 �� "� � 5 � � ��� 3 ' Z E .3 -�� a �� _��_ Th1S DC[1tiOR sh311 not he cnncidrrnd ac n�rioitw F.l�..�,�:t .�,_ �_-'- -` ----- �, n � � -4 � 3-rl �� �' �6 't�� ? �o oy � � d� �o� � � r� �J Zoning File # 04-064-899 04-064-996 py,-�a� ��-�07 - ��:� _ _. ���C a� �uo Ranaoipn Zoning File # 04064-899 04064-996 O�Gd� � • o�t- l�o� � u Zoning File # 04-064-89 04-064-996 x ' ,;'�'+'+._ �":�r+"'" " �'� " G '. ..- -;���� �&�.� S'� �ti � � i.�s y is,v'��� �, .: sy ^ x .. .- �} �, p k _ " �` s ' � a ✓ . ' s � 1 E i t _ �"s y��--�� ".�-Z�"'^�c- i � � $ ""^'�.-£ i ... . ir �i "w'--`.r x .� a . � � „,� � .._ r �. � �., � � ... ..:., +.�. ...:: �..; . .,:c.�<_. _..:. �._-_._,..,, :''�m'.��.= � p�l- l�o� � r Zoning File # 04064-899 04-064-996 04-�0� Os� ��7 � Zoning File # 04064-899 04064-996 • NW comer Randolph & Milton o�- �o � u SW comer Randolph t� m�ROn Zoning File # 04-064-899 04-064-996 oy-bo`t O� �o� � Zoning File # 04-064-899 04-064-996 r� �J (S`{' (yp' • r Zoning File # 04-064-899 04-064-996 _ -=�`s�:� �_ - - _— =� �e s_.��� .� + Y '�'t-...�._.. � �..�" . . .,-r_.:..V....._.: � South of site Zoning File # 04-064-899 04-064-996 _ - K�� -. , ,, a�-�o� � O4,-t�U� � Citizen Participation Dis#ricts CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS � � 1. Sunray-Battlecreek-Highwood 2. Greater East Side 3. West Side 4. Dayton's Bluff 5. Payne-Pfia(en 6. North End _ 7. Thomas-Dale - � � Summit-Universiry est Seventh Como 11. Hamiine-Midway 12. Saint Anthony 93. Merriam Park - Lexington - Hamline 14. Groveland-Macalester 15. Highland 16. Summit Hili 17. Downtown ' ���'L� ' + 0 o y-�o7 v� ��� � DISTRICT 9 � R4[ q Z��l��� F1LE � � O `.�_ �(,�E � ,�`v v v v t� � p l O i� v:� c� cu � , �`�vl"!` I ��" ° �1�1�1� A�� �� � i � ;�.�, t i ; � � � ; � � ! � ����� r � �� � 4 � ��— � Ca� C. , u f �'�P��IC.�r�T ' �� �: .� ��i ��j PUr`i°OS - �� �7 =ILE F�!� DATE ° ��;ST� P,IA°,'-`� <00 � �_ _ — LEG�ND � ^-- zoning dis(ricl tvundary m-�Z�12 suSje�t prope„y n� o; �ti-.. 0 on_ (amfiy ¢ F•:o family A¢Q muttiplz (amiiy • < ^ comm;:-IZ: 4 •�.o in�ustri„! V vzczn'