04-538Council File # O I — .7 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� Presented By ORDINANCE TY O SAIN'C r " 'F-' PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To �� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, Headwaters Reai Estate duly petitioned to rezone 585 Grand Avenue, being legaliy described as PIN 01-28-23-32-0043, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Lot 18 Blk 4 from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to OS-1 Office Service or TN1 Traditional Neighborhood (if available) for a consulting firm office, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on February 17, 2004, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 18, 2004, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on March 26, 2004, and recommended approval to the City Council; and Benanav �/ Bostrom ✓ Harris � HeZgen � Lantry � Montgomery ✓ Thune � Adopted by Council: Date �c� Adoption Certified by Council S cretary By . Approved by Mayor: te �° C �'� By , �i.�� �(J�S� �21� Reguested by Department of: �=� ♦ �yt� �'-, ��i,�_ -. Approved by Financial Services By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: 3 by By: �N-.S356 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on April 19, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected properly and property situated wholiy or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a pubiic hearing before the City Council having been conducted on Aprii 28, 2004, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered ail the facts and recommendations conceming the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Numbers 20 and 28, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the property at 585 Grand Avenue, being more particularly described as: Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Lot 18 Blk 4 be and is hereby rezoned from RM-2 to TN1. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. _ _ a�l-S3S � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green, Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE — Planning & Econolmc Development Co�ct Person & Phone: Patricia James 6E639 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Date initiated: aaa,PR-oa � Assign Number For Routing order Green Shee# NO: 3015895 0 �lannin2 & Economic Develoo I/.. �0��+� I_. r�! �7C� 1 lann' & conoIDCDevelo �recto f 2 Attome 2 r-st-� 3 a or's O�ce 4 ouocil Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt ordinance memorializing City Council action approving rezaning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to TNl Txadiuonal Neighborhood for a consuiting fum office for property at 585 Grand Ave., between Oakland and Dale. Public hearing held April 28, 2004. � Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee , Yes No Civil Service Commission ' 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No � Facplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet I'nitiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): `I'he Headwaters Gsoup, a�t consulting firm, wishes to use the pxopeity at 585 Giand Ave. for their offices. This use is not pexmitted in the RM-2 zoning dishict; therefore rezoning to a dishict that allows office uses is requized. The City Council approved the rezoning on April 28, 2004 afteL apublic hearing. Ativantaqes If Approved: Rezoning ordinance will be adopted per City Council intent. DisadvantapeslfApproved: None. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: City Council acrion will not be compieted. Total Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: AcNvity Number: � �;, r 4 _.' ' „ . ad'�?�; ,}�- n�a; r+..:>a ,.- � Financiallnformation: ' (Explain) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT MaKhaG.Fulter, Darector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C. Kel7y, Mayor March 31, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 West Fourlh Street Saint Paul, MN55102 D�I- 538 Zelephone: 651-166-6700 Facsimile: 65l-228-3220 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, 2004, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number; Applicant: Address: Purpose: Previous Action: 04-043-122 Headwaters Real Estate 585 Grand Ave., between Oakland and Dale Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to OS-1 Office Service or TN1 Traditional Neighborhood (if available) for consulting firm office Zoning Committee f2ecommendation: Approval, 7- 0 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, unanimous I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Thune's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the April 21, 2004 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at if you have any questions. `J/ � � City Pla�ner cc: File #: 04-043-122 Applicant: Headwaters Real Estate Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Alian Torstenson �PDt�f� p1 POBidC �, 17ee Saint Pan�otmc�l w�I c�- dqet a�wblicbearing wi W�h�ag Aqs� 28, 2tNt4. at 5:3U y.m. iu the Cidy Coeooe� ���oP �Ae��ilsvatera� Renl Eatate to sezone psoy�ty from $� 2 (m�i-f�g k�si�ai) ta�t�-k (096ae s����vx ��r�a — it'a�va"lable) for a t�rsaltiag �unut o�ie &izpsoyest.g&�ed�at 58& GrmedA.venaaa, beEwean Qakland .f►e�annve ead Dwle 8tt�sk U�ke�PS'+1 I5, � MARI' F�RICS5f7N. Aaatataart.C#Zg � Se�eeeta¢y . aaew SL YAHf.LEa1F. L�.an�r� �JB%Y�f6 L�P,manda�7onmg\CCdocs\04043-122apr28-04ccm.wpd AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Martha G. FuZler, Directar oy - s�g CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy G Kelly, Mayor April 19, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Aall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 25WestFounhStreet Telephone:651-26G6700 SaintPaul, MN55102 Facsimlle.� 65I-228-3220 Re: Zoning File #: 04-043-122 Applicant: Headwaters Real Estate Address: 585 Grand Ave. , between Oakland and Dale Purpose: Rezoning from RM-2 Multi-faznily Residential to OS-1 Office Service or TNl Traditional Neighborhood (if available) for consulting fum office City Council Hearing: Apri128, 2004, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: District Council: � Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendarion: Staff Assigned: Approval Recommends approval with a preference for TNl Approval, vote: 7 - 0 1 person spoke, 2letters were received 0 people spoke, O letters were received Approval vote: unanimous Patricia James, 266-6639 (�V1� �� Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Planning Commission minutes, Mazch 26, 2004 Zoning Committee minutes, March 18, 2004 Correspondence received Staff Report packet cc: Applicant: Headwaters Real Estate City Council Members Dishict Council: 16 Wendy Lane Larry Soderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner r � L._J L:�4mmda�Zouing\CCdocs\o4-o43-12�apY28�04cccLwpd e1A-ADA-EEO EmploYec oy- s 3� city of saint paul ! pfanning commission resolution fife number 04-24 date Mar�h 26, Zoo4 WHEREAS, Headwaters Real Esfate, File #04043-'122, has applied for a rezoning from RM-2 Mulfi- family Residentiai to OS-1 Office Service or TN1 Traditional Neighborhood (if avaifable) fos a consulting firm office under the provisions of §64.400 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, on proper#; located at 585 Grand Ave., Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 01-28-23-32-0043, legally described as Terrace Park Addition to the City of Sf. P�ul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Lot 18 Bik 4; and WHEREAS, th2 Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on March 18, 2004, held a publie hearing at which all persons presenf were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said appiication in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pub{ic hearing as subs±an±ia!fy reflec;ed ir the mi�uYe�, made ihe foilowing findings of fact: 1. The Headwaters Group, a consuiting firm, wishes to use the property for their offices. The Headwaters Group may in the future add an apartment in the building and rent out the third floor to another consultant. � 2. A consent petition supporting rezoning the property from RM-2 Multiple-family Residential to OS-1 or TNi was found to be sufficient on February 17, 2004: 23 parcels eligible; 16 parcels required; 18 parcels signed. 3. This building is on Grand Avenue, a mixed use street, and is surrounded by residential uses and residential zoning. The intent of the OS-1 district is to accommodate various types of office and services uses petforming administrative, professional and personal services and to serve as a transftional use between #he more intensive uses of land such as a major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the less intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. The intenf of the proposed TN1 disfrict is to provide for compact, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use areas of limited size, with a variety of residential, office and service uses that primarily serve neighborhood needs, and fo serve as a transitiona! tand use along major thoroughfares, between commercia! or industrial districts and residential districts or other less intensive Iartd uses. The proposed office use of the property is consistent with both the OS-1 and the TN1zoning districts. moved by Kramer seconded by in favor Unani.mous � against oy- 53B Zoning File # 04-043-122 Planning Commission Resolufion page 2 4. The proposed OS-1 or TN zoning is consistent with the way the area has developed. There are some home occupations in the residential buifdings nearby. The property is a single family residence between iwo mu(ti-family buitdings, and retaining a residential building forrn would be most consistent with the area. The design guidelines for the proposed TN districts would hetp to ensure that rehabilitation and Feuse of the buitding would be compatibie with the existing building and with the surroun,ding area. New construction would aiso be required to foltow these guide(ines. 5. The proposed razoring is consistent with Land Use Plan policy 5.2.1 which states that #he City wili suppo�t compatible mixed use in separate buildings in close proximify. The East Grand Avenue SmalE Area Plan, adopted in 1989, describes this as a cor.servation area that shouid b2 protected from (ess restrictive zoning. The TN zoning would besf ineet this policy; however OS-1 zoning would also retain the low intensity chafiacter of the building and the surrounding neighborhood. � NOVV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission, recommends to City Council, that the application of Headwaters Reai Estate for a rezoning from RM-2 Mufti-family Residentiai to OS-1 Office Service or TN1 Traditional NePghborhood (if availab(e) for a consulting firm office for.property at 585 Grand Ave. be approved. r1 U � oN- S3g • Saint Paul planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kelloag Boulevard West Minutes of March 26, 2004 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, Mazch 26, 2004, at 830 a:m. in the Conference Center of City Ha1I. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortridge, Present: and Trevino; and Messrs. Aiexander, A1ton, Dandrea, Field, Johnson, Kramer, Mazdell, and Mejia. Commissioners ivImes. *Fazicy; and Messrs. * Anfang, *Coletta, *Fotsch Gordon, *Kong, and Absent: *Scott. ' *Excused �� Also Presenf: Lazry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Ailan Torstenson, Mazk Vander Schaaf, and Maay Brston, Depzr�eat of p;aaning and Economic Development staff, I• Approval of minutes of March 1Z, 2004 �O i iON: Commissioner ponneuy-Cohen moved approvat of the minutes of March I2, 2004. Commissioner Field seconded the molion. The motion carried unanimously on a voics vote. II. Cl�as's Anrou���ens Chair 7ohnson handed ont a Community Dividend Magazine, which is put out by the Federai Reserve District in Minneapolis, and taiked about a feature article "A Better Day in the Neighboihood" which reports on the de of poverry in the Twin Cities benueen 1990 and 2000. He said this article looks at Minneapolis and Saint Pau1 and contrasts what happened in eazlier decades with the decade of the 1990s. Tliat the trend Iine reversed is a good thing for our city. Chair Johnson reported that the Steering Committee met this morning and d'yscussed several items: � 1• T'N Zoniag/ Zoning Reformatting has been laid over at the City Council for two more weeks. 2• The City Council is considering the ezeation of a River Corridor Zoning Task Force that would have one or two Commissioners and will last six or eight months. If anyone is interested, please let Chaii Johnson know. 3. A recent Minnesota Court of Appeals decision regazding the Umeline for zoning and appeais wili require us to compress our timelines. Both Commission actions and appeais to the Ciry Councii must be decided within 120 days. He has asked Mr. af ��04-043-122 Headwaters Real Estate - Rezouing from RM 2 Muiti-famiIy Residential to OS-1 • Office Service or TN-1 Traditional Neighborhood (if available) for consuiting firm office. 585 Crrand Ave., beriveen Oakland and Dale. (PatriciaTames, 65I/266-6639) Commissioner Kramer stated District 16 recommends approval. One party spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 7-0. MOTION: Commissioner Sramer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vot� #04-050-594 VIK, LLC - Change of Nonconforming Use from commercial bakery to brew on premises store. I254 7`� St., W., betrveen Bayazd & Victoria. (PatriciaTames, 6.i1/266-6639) Commissioner Kra.mer stated no comment was received from District 9. No one spoke in support. No one spoke in opposirion, but 1 letter was received in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 7-0. MO'I'ION: Commissioner %ramer rrwy¢d the Zoning Cvmynittee's recommetzdation to approve the change in nonconforming us¢, Commissioner Field asked if there was a wit6drawzl of�e application fo: the eazlie: case. MOTION: Commissioner Field moved that ijthe earlier applicatioa has not been withdrawn, � that the rezoning at that address be denie�L Com .missioner gramxr seconded the m.otzflz Com:.<issio�er Kra�er statz3 that item is not on tfiis agenda, but titat it was on the Zonin� . agznda. The applicant who was present conferred with staff. Coinmissioner Fie1d tabled his motinn until tke end of the Zoaing Committee reporG Mr. Torstensor said the zp,�licaat sTat� he will wi;lidraw :he applica�on immediately. Commissioner Field withdrew his motion. The mofron to approve the Zoning Committee �ecommendation carried un¢nimously on a voice vote #04044-266 Lanharts Auto Renair Inc - Condirional Use Permit for auto repair business. 1024 7'� St. E., between Ross & Eazl. (.411en Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Kramer stated Dishict 4 recommends approval with conditions. No one spoke in support, but 1 letter was received in support. No one spoke in opposition, The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 7-0. • 04-538 � v�. VII. VIII. I�. X. XI. � X1I. Comprehensive P a C lannin " ommittee Commissioner ponneIly-Cohen reported the next meeting will be held on Apri120, 2004, and wili be a joint meeting with the Friends of the Pazks & Tiails and the Pazks & Recreation Commission. Neiahborhood and Current Pianning Commitfee Commissioner McCail reported the next meeting witl be held on April 14, 2004. Communications CommitEee No report. Task Force Reports No reports. Old Business None. New Businss None. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 9:40 a.m. Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Pianning Commission Secretary Pianning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Pau1 Respectfully submitted, � f1 ��.1►� ;. � , � ___ .o- .. ., ..�.•'•��... .. Approved ` � (Date) s � �. S cretary of the Planniug Commission � PED�&utonlMinutes�Mazch 26, 2004 . 05�-53 8 MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE � Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 3:30 p.m. . City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Halt and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Alton, Anfang, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton ASSENT: Fiefd STAFF: Patricia James, Mary Bruton, Allen Torstenson, Allen Lovejoy; and Meghan Riley, Assistant City Attomey The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Headwaters Real Estate - 04-043-122 - Rezoning from RM-2 Muki-family Residential to OS-7 Office Service or TN1 Traditionai Neighborhood (if available) for consulting firm o�ce. 585 Grand Ave., between Oakiand and Dale. Patricia James presented the staff report with a recomrriendation of approvai of the rezoning. Gayle Peterson, 585 Grand Avenue, Senior Partner of Headwaters Group Philanthropic Services, stated they are a consulting firm that heips philanthropists in grant making by do pianning, evaluation, organizational ef�eetiveness. She sfated that most of their clients are nationai foundations, including the McKnight Foundation, Keliogg Foundation, Charles Stuart Mott Foundation, and Pew Charitable Trusts, among others. Ms. Peterson said they chose to be on Grand Avenue because they wanted to be in a neighborhood and to give back something to community. Ms. Peterson passed out a waYer color rendering of a peace garden that they wouid iike to instail in concert with the communifij and the School of Landscape Architecture at ffie University of Minnesota. It wiil serve as a sanctuary and source of inspiration for the neighborhood, especially the Women's Advocates shelter across the street, which houses up to 60 women and their mtiies. She stated they plan on being active members of the community and to be involved in the Grand Avenue siness Association as well as the Summit Hilf District Association. Af the question of Commissioner Kramer about the OS-1, Ms. Peterson said their objective is to maintain the architectural integrity of the community and stated that OS-1 is suita6le. They are atso amenable to TIV1 - whatever the City feels is most appropriate and would aliow the building to go back to residential if necessary. if they have to sell the property. Mr. Jim Harrison, 969 Lincoln Avenue, is with the Summit Hill Association District 16 Pianning Council. He stated the councii's first reaction is always what coutd fiappen down the road if the property is rezoned for what they want to do and then is sold and it becomes something else. This is a rather unique location on Grand Avenue because it is situated between two good sized apartment buildings. Mr. Harrison stated that OS-1 would be acceptable, but TN1 wouid be preferable. He said if the City Council does adopt the language of TN1 as it is now written, they wouid prefer that over OS- 1 and requesfed that the applicant indicate to the City Councii that it uitimately wouid become a TN1 property. Mr. Harrison introduced the new staff of the Summit Hiii Association, Jeff Roy. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Alton moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Mejia seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0 Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Abstained - 0 �fted by: Submitted by: �` i � Approved by: _ � � ��`�`�"w"� �'��:.w„�� ary Bruto atricia James ich rd Kramer Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair 0�-538 � lUomen's fldvocates, l�c. Mazch 15, 2004 Zoning Commission City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 To Members of the Committee: Women's Advocates, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, located at 588 Cmand Avenue is pleased to offer its support of the Headwaters Cnoup's request to rezone 585 Grand Avenue to OS-1 zoning or TN-1 zoning. � We believe that the Headwaters Group will be an asset to our community and a good neighbor to us and the families that reside here on Grand Avenue. The staff of Women's Advocates have met with the staff of Headwaters several times during the past months. During the course of those conversations we have leam about their work, and haue been impressed with their laiowledge of the needs of this neighborhood as well as with its assets. We understand that they aze willing to become actively invoived in our community, and aze already planning to improve the residential appearance of the property including the creation of extensive gazdens in both the front and back of the house. Thank you for considering our opinion, and our recommendation that you approve the request of the Headwaters Group, we believe that they will be a positive addition to our diverse community. Sincerely, ��1' Bazbara Leigh-Kaplan, Chair Board ofDirectors � o4-53a� ,�ay FouN�qT� �� � 0 �r m F � / z AFRIGAL�I t1h4ERIC�IV LITER.�TURE February 18, 2004 Gayle Peterson and Colleagues The Headwaters Group Philanthropic Gzoup 740 Mississippi River Boulevazd l0E St. Paul MN 55116 Dear Neighbors (to be): We_at 568 Grand are delighted to hear that the Headwaters Group Philanthropic Services have purchased 585 Grand. Congraiulations! My husband, George Slade, and I work out of our home and we have two daughters. We can see your place from here, sort of. Our kids love the lions. As you can see, my business is the Givens Foundation for African American Literature. Our mission is to enrich cultural understanding through programs that advance African Ainerican Iiterature and writer. From 1992 - 2002 I had my own consulting business, Janet P. Bisbee & Associates, helping nonprofit clients with development and organizational effectiveness services. The Givens Foundation was my primary client and in October 2002 I joined them full time. George runs the McKnight Foundation Pellowship Program for Photography and is Arristic Director at Minnesota Center for Photography in Minneapolis. He also is a member of the jerome Foundation board. So probably you can see why we are so pleased to hear that you have taken that lovely house. We look forwazd to visiting with you soon. arm regards, anet Ls ee" (651) 227-0287 � � C � 0�_5 �g � � � � � :� � � � a� � �d � c� � � xn � � � � � 0 .,..� � ..., � � � � � � .� r1 �J n. � � � � CC� x � 't'� � ,� � bA � cd L''. t�-t � •ry � � � .� � � � � � � � C� . � Li " � � � .� � � U A � .� � � � "� c�d .� � � � � .� v � � � � c��a bQ � � G � � � � � � � � C7 � � � � � .� U � w a> a .� cd N .� � O � � .� � � � 0 .� � � � � . . . . .. � � U .� � � � A � � i b.0 � a�" � c�d � � .� .� � . � � � � � � I 0 .� � ' � � 0 w �� � � . � � � � � � � �p � "G � c�d � y � � � � s� � �p � � � .a O � 4.) � .� y � � .� �' � � .��� ��; o � �� I � � U � 1 � .� �� o �� � � .� �, o .� Q., w � Q� +.'.'.+ � � O w � � �' i � � :� � � � � ~ � � � � f-�..� �"i cd S �U U . m � O � � c�i U v � � �° � � � � � � � v I � � � s�a � .' .� � � � V � � �1 . • � oy- 53 S n, U � LJ � � y • , W � i-1 � �i � � � '� � � � c� � � C� `� � � � � � +.�"+ � � .� � � O � � i� 4� � �� c� C7 � � � � O .� � � �--� � � O e � '.� .� � 0 U vi �..� � a� � � .� � O � .� � U L." � .� � � a� � � D, Ln N � � � � � � 'tJ c�a � � � � � ��-+ � � a�i rd � bA � �i A � � sa � � 1 � � � � C� .,..i U O � � � � c� � � � � Cd � .� � r..+ � .� .� � .S� � U �, • O � .�,, ;� � � � '� �d �� c� � � � S-�" �c S�r .� � � � .� (� � � � '� .� � b1J `� � � � O O � � � v p_, •� � � � �+ •.C� °' w � o �� � � � '� cd b n � � L" O C3 U o � � v � � � � � �� c�a O � Q A � 0 � � i� U � U � �O � c� � � � � c� a � �° � � � U � � c3 "� l� S-d N � N � �" +' � "� Y O � � c� `� .r1 � � o � N O � '� .� � S�-i 'C s� a� � � a� � � .5.; � � � �� � � � s-a � � U .�.� � � � .� � � � � f'� W � 0 i� � � c� � .� � � � � � � ti � � � � bA ' c�d � O a � � � � U � a a� � U :� � � .� U � .� � � � � c�a � � N /\ 0�-53� n. � � � � r � � 1 V � � � � i� � Cd � � V rii r � � � � 0 � �+ U � v �. 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PIN 8� LEGA� DESCRIPTION: 01-28-23-32-0043; Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Go., Minn. Lot 18 Bik 4 5. PLANNtNG DtSTRICT: 16 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.510; §64.400(b} 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: March 5, 2004 8. DATE RECEIVED: February 6, 2004 EXISTING ZONING: RM-2 BY: Patricia James DEADLINE FOR ACT10N: April 6, 2004 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from RM-2 Multiple-family Residentiai to OS-1 Office Service or TN1 Traditional Neighborhood (if available) for consultmg firm office. B. PARCEL SIZE: 52 ft. (Grand Ave.) x 149 ft. = 7,500 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: single family home (RM-2) D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: The property is surrounded by mixed density residentiai uses (RM- 2; €:T-2) E. ZONING CODE C17ATION: §6Q.5i01ists permitted uses and conditions for the OS-1 Office Service zoning district; §64.400(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. � F. HISTORY/DtSCUSSION: This property was rezoned from Commercial to C-Residence in 1937. In eariy 2004, the previous owners petitioned to rezone the property from RM-2 to B-2C. That petition was withdrawn and replaced by this request for OS-1 zoning, or TN1 zoning if availabie. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION; District 16 prefers TN1 zoning for this site if availabfe; otherwise recommends OS-1. • H. FiNDtNGS: 1. The Neadwaters Group, a consulting firm, wishes to use the property for their offices. The Headwaters Group may in the future add an apartment in the buiiding and rent out the third floor to another consultanf. 2. A consenf petition supporting rezoning the property from RM-2 Muitiple-family Residential to OS-1 or TN1 was found to be sufficient on February � 7, 2004: 23 parcels eligible; 16 parcels required; 18 parcels signed. 3. This building is on Grand Avenue, a mixed use street, and is surrounded by residential uses and residentiat zoning. The intent of the OS-1 district is to accommodate various types of office and services uses performing administrative, professionai and personai services and to serve as a transitional use between the more intensive uses of land such as a major thoroughfares or commercial districts and the tess intensive uses of land such as one-family residential. The intent of the proposed TN1 district is to provide for compaet, pedestrian- oriented mixed-use areas of limited size, with a variety of residential, office and service uses that primariiy serve neighborhood needs, and to serve as a transitianal iand use aiong major thoroughfares, between commercial or industrial districts and residential districts or other less intensive land uses. The proposed office use of the property is consistent with both the OS-1 and the TN1zoning districts. 4. The proposed OS-9 or TN zoning is consistent with the way the area has developed. There are some home occupations in the residential buildings nearby. The property is a single family O'�- 53g Zoning File # 04-043-122 Zoning Committee Staff Report page 2 residence between two muiti-family buildings, and retaining a residential buiiding form would he most consistent with the area. The design guidefines for the proposed TN districts would help to ensure that rehabilitation and reuse of the building would be compatible with the existing buifding and wiih the surrounding area. New construction woufd afso be required to follow these guidelines. 5. The proposed rezoning is consistent with Land Use Plan policy 5.2.1 which states that the Cify will support compatibie mixed use in separate buiidings in close proximity. The East Grand Avenue Smali Area Plan, adopted in 1989, desc�ibes this as a conservation area that should be protected from less restrictive zoning. The TN zoning would best meet this policy; however OS-1 zoning would also retain the low intensity character of the building and the surrounding neighborhood. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the rezoning from RM-2 Multi-family Residential to OS-1 Offce Service or TN1 Traditional Neighborhood (ff avaitabte) for a consulting firm office. u r i PETITION TO AMEND THE 20NING CODE Department afPlanning and Economic Dwelopment Zoning Section I400 City Flal! AnneY 25 Wut Fourth Street Saint Pau� MN SSIO2-7634 (651) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT Address City � PROPERTY LOCATiON ��Zip � Daytime Contact Person (if different) Phone Addre: Legat (attach additional sheet'rf �ecessary) Current2oning �'/1/�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, owner of Iand proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to � rezone the above described property from a �Z.M i� zoning district to a ds'° � zoning district, for the purpose of: OY T�' ��� -�1 r � G�n.�-� � �`t-�'t c.Q (attach addkional sheets 'rf necessary) Attachments as required: �1 Site Plan Subscribed and swom to before me this �J �! day �f �lr�Y Y 20�. �Affidavit By:.�� �� Fee Owner of Property Title: �n W� CD�'-yV ��i �- �' � � -t , � � .- �.. �i IJI_ � � ��f�� � �� � ���>. ti > � ''' S � .�,: 1 �- � — --�°:'� � Consent Petition Page 1 of _ ny- 538 o'�-S38 C�'Y'1' O� SAiTotT PAUL r1FFIT3AVIT OF �7TTIC.R'ER FOR A REZ�i�rING S � A'I'E OF hi�h`P7c,SQTAj Ct)U^ITY Q�' FFAMSEY ) :SS The peticionzr, ��`^-�— � > be�ng f rst duly sworn, deFoses and states :h a� the consonc pc:itio� contains signatures of the owturs of at teast two-thirds {2/3) of all eligible psogerties withir. 100 feet of tt:e subject gropaRy dsscr.bed in ti:e peticion and atl property contiguous to :k:e subje�t property chat ��as owned, purcnased or sold by ?tat petiaonwt �/ithin one (1} year preceding the date oE che petition; peti�ionea is informed thac the consta[ peEitior. must eontain si�acures ftocn eac� a:�d a_1 ewaers of joi�tiy-awno�' �'operry in order ta car.stin:te consent from thac groperry and chas ;xilu:e :e obia:n consen: from each and a1? owncrs couId iava:idate 4'se cor,seac petit;on; petiti�ner beEieves t;a: [ht car.sent petidon was signad by oach of said owners and thsc tha signature are thc srue and cor�ect signat>sres of ezch and zl? of rac parties so dtiscribecf. , • � � .�,� � S��D �q.�S� ��..t2KUP .IV�S�w.vi��� \^' ADDRESS '3 � �ots -3fr3-��Co TELEPiiQNE Iv'UM3ER � ��� � � ' � - : �-�- �� � � � o � a�� aao� � oY-53$ CITY OF SAINT PAUL • AFFIDAVIT OF PETITI4NER FOR A REZONING STATE OF MINNESOTA) COU?v'TY OF RAi�ISEY ) SS The pecitioner, ���t/Y�c3 , being first duly sworn, deposes and staces that [he consent petition contai s signatures of the owners of aT least two-thirds (2/3) of ail eligible propenies within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and all property contiguous to the subjecc propeny that was owned, purehased, or sold by the petitioner within one (1) year preceding the da�e of the petition; peti[ioner is informed that the consen[ petition must contain signatures from each and all owners of jointly-owned property in order to constitute consent from that property and that failure to obtain consent from each and all owners could invalidate the consent petition; petitioner believes that che consent petition was signed by each of said owners and that the signature aze the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. � _� i� .t.�l�� �-Q, :t AME� ��� G�� ���5 � z ADDRESS ��5_7 - 0�0 - �-� 3.� TELEPHONE NUMBER � ��� ��� s 2�0� s��-fW� , �' . ' .. ,. ;-E;�: ��:. �. ..,. � w . CTTY 4F SAINT PAUL � . O�-S38 P,F'FTDAVIT OF PERSON CIRCLEF.ATL'�iG CONSBNT PETITTON Ft�R A 12EZONING STATE OF ML�IIVESOTA) COtIIv'TY O� RAIvISEY ) :SS ��/2�' �✓�/3 ��'V being first duly swom, deF�oses and states thac he(she is c�e persor. who circulatsd the consent pe�iuon consisung of gages; tha[ affian[ is infarmed aa3 6eii�ves tha: the pazti:s described on the conseat petition are che owners of the parcels of rea! estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an oc��ner of property within I00 feer of'th� subjyctproperty describad in che petiaon and all groperty coatiguous to the subject property that wu owned, purchased or sold by the peti:ioner wiihin one (1) yeaz preceding the date af the petitian; that the consent petition was signed by each said owner; �.�d :ha� -t!e signantres aze the true aild cotrect signatures of each and all oI [he par[ies so described. �t�.�- �3:�� �w NAME ��� S �-� �- s - ADDRESS � � ���� - $�a--2 TELEPHONE NUNfBER c7� � Subscribed aad to before me ts � day af �, 200 . — / �� . s.� _�Li • ��• ¢ ��i.�i.��rrl�r��rfrr_.i�r� � �,�,,����, '. � M ' �� � 1 ..'� n.. , '�, i x• .�,a � �rrr rr_�v '� ' i�n� • C� czT� oF sA�rrT ����. ��'�8 cous�Nr o� �JO�rrrnr� pROr��r� o��rrr��s �o� a �zolvrvc � We, the undetsigned, eu�ne:s o£the property wi#bin 1D0 f ei of the to.si coniia ous descaptioe, af real es:ate owned, parchased, ot soid by i HE PETITIONbR within one yeaz preceding the dste of this petition acicnowiedge that we have been presented with the folIo;uing: i. A sopy of taz petifion o{ z� to rezons tk:e property ic �i DI-Z$- UI- 2$ u frocn a�_zoning di�trict to a OS zoning dis.ricL � y^ ��,J � � �t,{ l��`� 2. A copy af sectior.s �"�� throngi: ,�, inclusive of the S2int Pzul Zoning Cedz; and acknoNled;e tha! we zze aware o; a;l of the uses permitted in a G�S zonir.� distnct and ws are awase C�at any oF th�se uses can b: estahlished upon City Counci! approval �z uhe rezoning. 'We hzreby consent to the rezoning of che properry in the peticioa of; � I�q,�� ,r 7/Lv1 `t� 'E`�'t/� 6"Y) to z (�S zonin� district. �: %�,i r iT { (!�Iame of petitioner) ����' � �� (� , '4Ye consent to the approvat��� �" // ained to us by tha appiieaat ar his/Rer represent�five. C07.�$ -I ( _ i.ot � i � l� % ' � - -- A'orE: This petition sfral2 not be coasidered ns officiaB'• fiied unfil the lupse nF seven {� ti�ark3ng duys afier it is receiti•ed by the Pianning Z1is•isiQn. Any signator of this peEition may »•ithdra�r hislher name therefrom b} written request �vith9n thai time, DEC-2� 2003 08:^<7 CTTY C� 57. PRUL-L?EP F•�� oy-538 CITY OF SAYNT PAUL CONSBNT OF AAJOINING PROPERTY O�fiTERS FOR A REZONINC We, t4e uadecsigned, owne: s of the property wiihin ] 00 feet of the totsk �oncio ous descrip;ion of teal estate owned, parchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one yeaz preceding the date of this petition acicnowtedge that we have been presented with the fo[lowin;: i. Acopyofthzpetitionof � (name otpetitione�r} fj to rezone the proQerty tocated at �� S �7 � T�. ___ � � .r from a�zoning district to a (���� zoning district. E t- �;ti - � r'' (.�V i,,� I!{�,�i(�i 2. A copy of Sectior,s t(i� ��t througF. (p�.�/ inclusive of the Saint Pzul Zoning Ccde; anG acknowledge tha� we aze awaze of atl of the uses permirted in a� 2onir.� disuict and we are aware that any oF these uses can �z estahlished vpan City Councii approval oi che r:zoning. �e hzreby consent to the rezoning of che property in the petition of; G �(�,(�{P,t'�{.''Kl��'�l tca �S zoningdisuic�. pr �/l.� 1 i�� --� (Aiame afgetitioner) C [�(, F � Nors: This petition shall not be coasidered us officialtp £!ed unEil the istpse oF seven (� tiForking duys after it is recei�•ed by the Plaaning D•=cisian_ Anp signator of this pecition may �vith@ra�v his/her name therefrom bp writien request tti•iihin thnt time. \ J i �.oi �Ye conseat so the approcat ot ihis rezoning as i*..+vas explained to us by the zpplicant or his/her representativc. DEC-23-2603 08�27 CITY � ST. PAU�—L?EP O� 5� O F'�` O CITY OF SArNT PA�t7T., � COI�TSENF OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OVY'NERS FOR A REZONING We, the undersigned, owne� of the property wi#hin 100 feei of the to;al con*.iguo��s descrip:ion oi real es:ate owned, p:trch3sed, or sold by THE PETITIONER within one year preceding the da:e of this petition acknowiedge that we have been presented with the fol3owin;: I. A copy of thz petitioa of to rezone thz property lc from a�o� zoning district to a�_ / zoning district. DY �(v'( �� GV✓CLL �CC¢2� • r , � I � .I � 2. A copy of sections � through �,�, inclusiv° oi ?he Saint Pzul Zor.ing Ccde; and acknowledge tha; we are aware of all of the uses pemicted in a �S / zonir.� C'is[tict and we aze aware that any of these uses can bz established upon City Counci? approval o; the rezoning. �'e nz:eby consen[ �o the rezoning of che properry in the petition of; c�1QNJ�`e. T�`K/V5�'1 tc z (�S'� zooing distric�. �sr TN ){r ( (Nameofpetitioner) �vf.�•�, Lrzl2�P �Ye consent to thc approral of th;s rezoning as i!.+ras esplained to us by the applicant ar his/her representativc_ e Ol (DI NorE: This petition sha12 not be coasidered As officiallp filed unfi! the lupse of seven (7) tif'orking days aFter it is receiF•ed by the Pianning Dir•ision. Any signator of this petition may tivithdraw hislher name therefrom b}• wriTien request tviiliin that time. DEC-23-2�3 08�2? CITY OF ST. PflUL—L!E° F•�� :L�%< <�1 i �—��� CITY ()F SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPbRTY OWNERS FOR A REZONIIVG We, the undersigned, awne:s of the property witain� 100 feet of the totsl con�iguous descriptior. of real es:ate owned, purchased, or sotd by THE PETITIONER wzthin one yeaz preeeding the date of this petition acknowtedge that we have been presented with the following: :. A copy of the petition of to rezone the progerty tc n U from a�. �'!'�. 2oning dirtrict to a �j'"� zoning districL CY ��'� �� � T ���t [��``�� 2. A copy of sections U. s! througF. ? Si S , inclusiv� of the Saint Pauf Zoning Cede; artd acknowledge tha� we are aware of a1i oF the uses permirted in a!�� ��( zonir.g d�cnct and we azz aware tnat any oF thrse uses can 6z estahiished upor. City Counci! approval oi the r:zoning. We nzreby consenc co the rezoning of �he property in the petition of; L-�' j.Li,'li? ! �F'-'�(,yS f.�'Yl tc a�% zoning duuic[. �` �� 1; l � (Name of petitioner} C�-Ut:U- �G.� , `� .'�'orE: This petiYion sha12 not be considered ns officiali}• filed until the lupse of seven (7) .�orking days aPter it is received by the Pianning bisisian. An}� signator nf this pecition may �vithdra�v hislher name therefrom b}• written requesY rsiihin that time. �1 U ioi �Ve consent so thc approval of this rezoning as i*..was explained to us by� ihe applicznt or his/her representative. • - ; • _ 0y-S38 . " . . .._: . : ummit H�ll Associatic District 1.B PlaFlning Cou�cit 860 Safit Clair Avenue Saint Pau1, Mnnesota 55105 Telephone 651-222-1222 _ • Fax 654-222-1558 e-mail summit:hiHC�ci.stpaul.mn.us February 9, 2004 . Saint PauLGiry,Pianning Commkssion A7TN: Zoning Committee � Gl0 Patricia James _ Department of Pianning and Economic Developrrient ' �.. - 1400 City.Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street : _ Saint Paul,:Minnesota 551Q2-1634 . RE:.Zanirtg File Number 04-019-382. Dear.Members of the Planning Commission Zoning .. At tMe meeti�g our leadership had with Go�ncilmember David �hune anti his aide, Donna.Swanson, on February 3, 2004, we discussed the position taken by the Su+nmit Hill Assoeiation regarding the proposed rezoning of the property a# 585 Grand Avenus. : .� ;. .You,�r�viot�sly,reeeived;�urJetter.d.ated°,larrua .ry`.29,.2004 in;wHiEh.we recRFnmeniied: : .: rezoning ttie parcel'to OS�'t*insfead.of the°B2-C a�plied-for _ -; _.... ., -. .. -. �. �...-__ -...,_.. �. .._ . . . . _ . _ - - ,. - A`s�you observ�d at the FQ6ruary 3 meetirig, SH� President Merriif:Clspp-Sr�ith aritf l exp_cessed a wriil+ngn:ess to ask our Zoriing and ,Land tlse Conimit#ee to reconsi�er.its' �ofe �of Janiiary �Q,- 20D4 vahe�ein:f�e, OS a zoni�g Prefexence �nras adopte� • Yau{ iciput � � r o��he�imphcatFO�s of �ie Q,S'I code�rovislonsverses<the pr,apos�tiTi�1; �1a�sifica�ion-, " ",.� �. . " . =was �lU.e-atso-ap�t�crate�-tT�e caFn�r�+trti�i�t rnade a� tMis�nee�n�by �vks � �aq1e � PQfersori �rf �rb�p, �tiF��ch is no�nr tfte ri'c�btft�T oWtrier of t�e'_ ._ � �� �6"V'S�Fi�"C�r �t7J ft i` y � v5^.. ��� �'�iJ ��.'� 2��;t,� rQat ..- . . �f"B�L7fSlI1C� ��Qfl] �I�}-� �O ��T - ., � J ; 2 & � Ort�the ev�n�ng of Fefirua� 3� �k�e S�-IA �or�in� arrrl.�anc3 ,�lse £citno�f�e�agau� .: _. , -.. _.-....,___,_�_,-_, _ ... .... ..... .. ........._....._..._ _.. ..,. .-, ,. .. _.._,_ � ; . . �. .f{'.. . ���� �. " l } T �� Y � _ . . .T�' . _i. �� _ ='... u_�_�."����-.a''�� � � � � � - - � .- - " t ,' - x �� `_ zre,tfie, - ��#�;� `: _ . _' ;-fFian= - �.1= . .'�� - J T �. ..��"��,.' :�:� _�. °: � . _ . �? =,3:8. -. ,._.-:.-..: - �.. _. Saint Paul City �?lanning GommissiQn Zoning Comrriittee � Februarq 9; 2004 — Rage 2 � Accordingly, the Zoning and Land Use CommiYtee, at its February 3, 2004 meeting, = (a) voted-�nan'rmousl� #o re�onsiderthe vote of January 20,-2004Yegarding ifs recommenda#�on to rezoFle the 585 Grand Aveiiue property from. R1VP=2 to .OS-9 ; and (b) Joted unanimously to recommend ttiat the prape.rty be rezoned from RM-2 fo T(V1. 71a�re now seeins to be a consensus fhaf the needs of the applicant Neadwatiers Group can be met and the East �rand Avenue and neighborhood chaFacter.carz best be prote.cted under a T�11 zoning classification: _ Thank yflu for your consideration of fhis revised recommendation. rf you have.any questions, you may confact`me af (651) 224-0549'or Jeffrey Roy at the Surrtmit Hiil A�s��n�*:e,r.,C�� �t yours, . , � -r � - _ ._ . .. � :� , _ _ . . _ . . ,. irn Harrison, Ghairman _ � Zoning a�d LandUse Cominittee ' ; S�romif Hi{1Rssociation/�isYricf 16 Plartning Council..; - _ - -,-�c:°>�Iis..Heaiiw'atiersGecnie-_-::_':.:- <�._'.: "",_." _.:_ _;;�<:' .;-_", - - - - . " " � .:::�.•-__ - ::�'a < � -�,:;:'.:<.-: - __ . ,� . y` .,.. _ `:: : .. , V`J . AT.T.F - RETAINING �� - M`f�tt --- ----- �� El 6' WOOD FENCE rn � DWELLING • PORCH ., �� AVENUE rn � REiAINING � SITE PLAN � GRAND AVE. � SCALE: t " = 20'-0" 12/5/03 � � � � i i i i =1 I� ��� ��� 0�-5 3$ b�f-53g ....� 4� �oa �rantl Ave. Zoning File # 04-(34g�.3gg a�i3 = !22 � �� 4H-5�8 � I , " , �2., Residentiai uses east of sife Zoning File # 04�82 043 - !� .� y , ° ��"' � ��^�� �" G "„ ' -- • - ._:«w: %=. . ' � .t: , . , ---�'' y '' � . .� . �` �" �_. � 4 ' ' � '_ � : �. • �;-�, � �.__ �� ;_.� . _ :F� . �._ . �.�_, � _. , �, � � �s,` � �,� . ..:�� _ �. >. � '_ _. ��_ �� �� . �,;�' � oy- 538 �� � �x� `� ;�� � _�� .^� ., A � F � ryy * .. �4+�.�' _ �`�Y'�f_z .v, .'.. ' y �"� , - \. ; ri�'. � 'aa'+.� -�- ��'.k � S �,%� _ �.. , .,_. ... amf . ����. Residential & commerciai uses west of site Zoning File # 04-�3�9-382 �3-lZ2- N � • °� Across Grand Zoning File # � • :� r1 L� Zoning File # 04- � 8�z Z e r1 �J � \ J CITSZEN PARi?CiPATION DSS R?CTS 1.SUNRAY-BkTTLECREEK-HIGHW00D 2.6REATER EAST S.IIIE 3.WE5T SIDE 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF S.PAYNE-PHALEN fi.NQRTH END 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9:WEST SEVENTH 1Q.COMO 11.HAMtINE-MIDWAY 12. ST. ANTtiONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLIN'c 14..GRdVELAND-MACALESTER }��i I GHLAND '�3�UMbIT HILI TT DOWNTOWN � _ r�f- oy3 • 12Z CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS �� 538 � � � .� � .,..� ,�....o._ �.,:, .. � � r «,. �fl����a� �.� � �� �--� �-, `"� � ���! :. ft'� , ��� �;�fi�� ,, �'�'�'r �r �� OISTRICT lfi N �° '°°° - - �°°Q �°°° •� � b -- - g� ,� � . . � _ a�f-o�t3 -!tZ � .:�;. .-,.�":;::`-.- :::.. ..i / {, � � � . . t � F = 1� '�rJG. D(ST� z r'Tl�i�_ ^?E � �� � �: , hiA°': � ��� �c� tEG�ND `°�--- zonng dislrici tvund=_ry �T� su5;'-�t prop=_, �y nL a, �h�� 0 on� fami(y A � h::o fami(y YL'�'Q Iitulti�I? fa,71i!Y � d � CO('il�l=:=�2� 4 d.> industr�aE �� V?.�2�: