04-349Council File # �� - 34 9
Green Sheet # 3012496
Presented By.
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Committee: Date
, An ordinance amending Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 33 entitled "Building Code and Inspection" by
z amending Section 33.05 pertaining to the fees charged for the inspection and renewal of Certificates of
s Occupancy by the Fire Marshal.
� Section 1.
s The Saint Paui Legislative Code Section 33.05 is amended to read as follows:
„ Sec. 33.05. Certificate of occupancy.
,a (A) Use or Occupancy: No building or structure in Group A(Assembly), B(Business), M(Mercantile),
,a E(Education), F(Factory), I(Institutional), H(Hazardous), R-1 (Multifamily Residential), nuisance dwelling as
,s defined in, and to the extent and for the periods required, in Chapter 42 of the Legislative Code or S(Storage)
,s occupancies shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or
,� structure or portion thereof shall be made, until the fire marshal has issued a certificate of occupancy therefore
,a as provided herein, except for dwelling units occupied by an owner. The word "owner" means a natural person,
,s and does not include a corporation, partnership or other entity.
z, (B) Change in Use: Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made without the approval of the
zs building official and the fire marshal, and the building may be occupied for purposes in other groups provided
zs the new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.
zs (C) Certificate Issued: After final inspection by the building official, when it is found that the building or structure
zs complies with the provisions of this Code, the fire marshal shall issue a certificate of occupancy.
za (D) Existing Buildings: Every building except one- and hvo-family dwellings which are not nuisance dwellings as
zs defined in, and for the periods required by, Chapter 42 of the Legislative Code and residential garages
ao heretofore erected shall have a certificate of occupancy issued by the division of fire prevention and posted on the
a, premises. Before such a certificate can be issued, such buildings shall be inspected by the division and found
sz to conform to the requirements of the building code at the time of construction or at the time of conversion to its
sa present use and to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; except that energy efficient standards in
�a rental dwellings and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis only. No building which is required
35 to have a certificate of occupancy shall continue to be occupied without such certificate.
s� (E) Renewal Required: An inspection shall be scheduled by the division of all buildings of Group A(Assembly),
sa E(Education), I(institutional), H(Hazardous), and B(Business), M(Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory), and
39 R(Residential) occupancies which have a certificate of occupancy. Inspections shall be scheduled by the
ao division on a two-year cycle for all buiidings of R-1 occupancy which have a certificate of occupancy. Inspections
a, shall be scheduled on a one-year cycle for all nuisance dwellings as defined in, and during the periods required
as by, Chapter 42 of the Legislative Code. If it is found that such buildings do not conform to the applicable
43 requirements, the certificate of occupancy may be revoked and the building shall not be occupied until such time
aa time as the building is again brought into compliance with such requirements.
ae (� ) Reserved.
as (2) Nonresidential renewal schedule. The fire marshal shall establish written guidelines for the renewal of
<s nonresidential occupancies based on the hazard of the occupancy.
�. , 4 �
� °� 7 V4
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Committee: Date
s, (a) The fire marshai shall provide an annual written report of nonresidential inspections that includes group,
sz property address, and inspection schedule to the city council.
s� (b) Revocations or condemnations. Where the certificate of occupancy has been revoked, or the building
ss has been condemned, once the certificate of occupancy is restored it shall be scheduled for renewal in one
se year.
sa (F) Fees for Certificafe of Occupancy:
so (1) Original issue, new buildings. There shall be no fee charged for an issuance of the certificate of occupancy
s, for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit.
ea (2) Renewal fee forR-1 occupancies. �'^��^^ �'^"^^° �Q".^^' Thirteen dollars ($13.00) per residential unit,
sa minimum fee ��� �' '"�""� fi......h• F'.ie �e,o� nn� one hundred fortv four dollars ($144.00), maximum fee fe�
ss . five hundred thirtv three dollars ($533.001. The fee charged for inspections of
66 nuisance dwellings as defined in section 42.07 (2) of the Legislative Code shall be in an amount as estabiished
s� by the fire marshai to recover the costs of the inspections.
ss (3) Renewal fee forA (Assembly), E(Education), I(Institutional), H(Hazardous), F(Factory), M(MercantileJ,
�o S(Storage) and 8(Business) occupancies. Niae-de"^•° �� ^� Eleven dollars ($11.001 per one thousand
�, (1,000) square feet, minimum fee ^^^ h.n.Jr�A hvcnhv c,,e �c, oG nm one hundred fortv four dollars ($144.00),
�z maximum fee . five hundred thirtv three dollars ($533.00).
�a (4) Reinspection fee. The renewal fee established in subsections (2) and (3) above allows for one (1)
�e inspection and one (1) reinspection for the renewal of the certificate of occupancy. A reinspection fee of fifty
�s (50) percent of the renewal fee shall be levied for each additional reinspection required of nonconforming
n occupancies.
�9 (5) Referral reinspection fee. Whenever a written correction order is issued to the owner or responsible
eo agent of the owner for a violation of this code and after a reasonable time for compliance has elapsed, a
e, reinspection shall be made. If the violation has not been corrected at the time of the reinspection, a referral
ez reinspection fee of F;f�e�8j fiftv eipht dollars ($58.001 shall be collected for every subsequent
as reinspection until the violation is corrected.
ss (6) Partial certificate of occupancy fee. Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this paragraph (F), a fee of one
ae hundred twenty-five doliars ($125.00) will be charged for each partial certificate of occupancy requested. The
a� issuance of a partial certificate of occupancy is at the discretion of the building official and the portion of the
ae building covered by the certificate must be legally completed and ready to occupy along with all other Iife and
ae safety requirements.
s� (7) No entry fee. A no entry fee of f;F�eAaKS{$�4$9� fiftv eipht dollars ($58.00) shall be assessed to the
ez renewal fee and collected whenever an owner or responsible agent of the owner has been notified in writing of
93 the date and time for a cer[ificate of occupancy renewal inspection, or any other reinspection, and the owner or
sa responsible agent of the owner fails to notify the fire marshal's office in writing, by at least 8:0� a.m. on the
9s date of the scheduled inspection, of an alternate date and time for the inspection or reinspection when the
se owner or responsible of the owner will appear for the inspection.
sa (8) Discounted fee. Whenever a certificate of occupancy renewal inspection finds no violations of any
ss applicable code, the renewal fees set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this paragraph shall be discounted
Council Pile #
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,00 iwenty-five (25) percent.
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Committee: Date
ioz (9) Late fees. A late fee shall be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner
,os makes application for certificate renewal after the expiration date of such certificate. Separate Iate fees shall
,oa also be charged and collected whenever the owner or responsible agent for the owner pays late any other
ios fees due and payable under this section. All late fees shall be ten (10) percent of the certificate renewal fee. A
,os late fee shall accrue for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which has lapsed after the expiration date of
,m the certificate or the date of inspection on which the underlying fee is based. In no event shall any (1) late fee
,oa exceed fifty (50) percent of the certificate renewal fee. The Iate fee(s) shall be in addition to any other fee or
,os payment required.
iii (G) Excepfions: The fees for the certificate of occupancy and inspection are provided in section 33.04
„z (H)(4)(c) and paragraph (F) of this section shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any
iia governmental agency, including county and state governmental agencies. The City of Saint Paul, and any other
iia agencies specifically exempted from such fees under state law, shall be exempt from payment of such fees.
Section 2.
These amendments shall become effective thirly (30) days after passage, approval and publication.
i. �. ��.,.�.
" � I� �+
Requested by Department of:
Fire & Safe Services
By: � . �
Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services:
Adopted by Council: Date � � 0200'�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary:
Approved b,�/M�yor: Date
Form Approved by City Attorney:
` � Green Sheet Green
Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
I '
Departrnentloffice/council: Date initiated:
FR -�m 26FE6-04 Green Sheet NO: 3012496
� Deoartmefrt Sent To Person Initial/Date
�� aP� n 8 Pbone: 0 �
728-6201 ASSi9n 1 m ' A rn r�K-/�-
Must Be on Couneil Agenda by (Date): Number 2
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Total # of SlgnaWre Pages _(Clip All Locatlons for Signature) ��� '~��
Action Requested: �� d ��'i,J�A���
Ordinance to amend Legislative Code Chapter 33 to increase Certificate of Occupancy inspection fees 5
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Foilowing Questions:
Planning Commission t, Has this
person/firtn ever worked untler a wntract for ihis departmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civii Service Commission 2. Has ihis persoNflrm ever been a aty employee?
Yes No
3. Dces fhis persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
cuvent dty employee?
Yes No
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to gree� sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Fee increase needed to bring revenues more in line with inspecrion cosu. 4,
AdvaMapes KApproved:
Recover more Certificate of Occupancy program cosu.
DisadvanWpes If Approved:
15% lugher inspection fees to property owners.
DisadvardaAes If NM Approved: -
Reduced costrecovery.
Total Amount of ��n ^�;
. Transaction: 91500 CosURevenue Budgeted: Y ��°� ,_-�1.�`��w��••` �- ,
Fundinp Source: Activitv Number: 05110
"Financial Information:
MA� � °� ��0't