04-166Council File # � `
Ordinance #
Green Sheet # J'�.% � � � ��
Presented By
Refened To
Committee Aate :
A legisiative ordinance to amend Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 116, Right-of-Way
Administration, to facilitate a title change.
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Section 1
Section 116, Right-of-Way Administration, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec.116.07. Registration information.
The information provided to the department at the time of registration shali include, but
not be limited to:
(1) Each registrant's name, Gopher State One-Call registration certificate number,
address and e-mail address if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers.
(2) The name, address and e-mail address, if applicable, and telephone and facsimile
numbers of a local representative. The local representative shall be available at all
times. Current information regarding how to contact the local representative in an
emergency shall be provided at the time of registration.
(3) A certificate of insurance or self-insurance:
a. Verifying that an insurance policy has been issued to the registrant by an
insurance company licensed to do business in the state, or a form of self
insurance acceptable to the city;
b. Verifying that the registrant is insured against claims for personal injury,
including death, as well as claims for property damage arising out of the (i)
use and occupancy of the right-of-way by the registrant, its officers,
agents, employees and permittees; and (ii) placement and use of facilities
and equipment in the right-of-way by the registrant, its officers, agents,
empioyees and permittees, including, but not limited to, protection against
liability arising from completed operations, damage of underground �s�s�_��
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equipment and collapse of property;
c. Naming the city as an addifional insured as to whom the coverages
required herein aze in force and applicable and for whom defense will be
provided as to all such coverages;
d. Requiring that the director be norified thirty (30) days in advance of
cancellarion of the policy or material modification of a coverage term;
py,- tGC.
e. Indicating comprehensive liability coverage, automobile liability coverage,
workers compensation, and umbrella coverage in amounts established by
the ' ci risk
mana�er in amounts sufficient to protect the city and carry out fhe
purposes and policies of Chapters 116 and 135.
(4) If the person is a corporation, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under
Minn. Stat. § 300.Q6 as recorded and certified to by the secretary of state.
(5) A copy of the person's order granting a certificate of authority from the Minnesota
Public Utilities Commission, where the person is lawfully required to have such
certificate from said commission or other state ar federal agencies.
The registrant shall keep all of the information listed above current at all times by
providing to the department information of changes within fifteen (15) days following the date on
which the regisirant has lrnowledge of any change.
Section 2
That this ordinance revision shall take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage,
approval and publication.
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� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
MO �ayrn'sOffice
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Reyne Rofuth
on Council qgentla by (Date):
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) '
Action Requested:
Changes to Legislative Qrdinance, Chapter 116.
idations: Apprrne (A) ar Rejed (R):
Pianning Commission
CIB Commit�e
Civil Service Commission
Personai Service CoMracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a conVatt for this departmenY?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn ever been a dty employee? .
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skil� not namally possessed by any
current ary employee? �
Yes No
Explaiqall yes answers on separete sheet and attach to 9reen sheet
Initiating Pioblem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Legislarive Ocdinance Code changes to Chapter 1 i6. See attached.
AdvanWges IfApproved:
See Above:
DisadvanWges IfApproved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Changes not made.
Total Amount of �
Fundinsl Source:
Financial infortnation:
� � ���
Green Sheet NO: 3010313
DenaAmerrt Se�rt To Person
0 a or•s Oflice
1 or's Ofti e
2 o ncil
CastlRevenue BudgeteA:
Activity Number:
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