04-155ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee Date : 1 An administrative ordinance to amend Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 62, Street 2 Maintenance Service Charges and Assessments, to facilitate a title and function change. 0 Council Flle # �`�� . Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� .�.¢ � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Section 62, Street Maintenance Service Charges and Assessments, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 62.02. Council approves annual program. (a) The councii shall each year, as part of the annual budget process, determine what streets shall be maintained together wlth the estimated amount of service charges to be levied against benefited property. Prior to such determination, the city council shall fix a date for public hearing, and the city clerk shall cause to be published notice of such hearing in a legal newspaper twice, no less than ten (10) days prior to such public hearing. Not less than ten ( 10) days before the hearing, th se�viees real estate division of the department of public works shall mail notice approved by the city council to the owner of each parcel within the area proposed to be charged, but failure to give mailed notice or any defects in the notice shall not invalidate the proceedings. Far the putpose of giving mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the county auditor or county tax statements, but other appropriate records may be used for this purpose. The notice shall state the date, time and place of such hearing, the particular service to be performed, and the estimate of the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property. (b) At such hearing the council shall hear property owners regazding the scope and desirability of the proposed service and the method of coilection of such service charges. The council shall by resolution determine the services to be performed and shail authorize the doing of the work by the appropriate city department or agency. Section 2 �_. Section 62, Street Maintenance Service Charges and Assessments, ofthe Saint Paul �,�',,��� Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: n� �'�?s� �J l � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sec. 62.03. Cost records. The deparrment of public warks and/or agency shall keep a record of the service charges incurred, or expected to be incurred, in the performance of street maintenance services on city streets. The service chatges record , shall be reported to the division of real estate. Section 3 That this ordinance revision shall take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approvai and publication. o�•�ss Requested by Department of: By: Fonn Adopted by Council: Date /���V� Adoption Certifif�d by Council Secretary BY� /� / r Rpproved by a �r: Date � By: ��/.�.w� a�t By: by City Attorney � <�' yor for Subm' ion Counc' o ��- v � + �� : �� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ' �� y , �� DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: MO — Mayor'sOffice ,�-�.�-� Green Sheet NO: 3010363 CoMact Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date Reyne Rofuth 0 a or's Oflice 2668��� Auign 1 or•s0ffice Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Number Z ooncii For Routing Order ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Cl�anges to Adminisharive Ordinance, Chapter 62. �� Recommernlatirnis: Approve (A) or Reject (ft): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Fol{owing Questiais: . Planning Commission �, Has this person/firm everworked under a contract for ttiis departrnenY? CIB Committee Yes No .,� Civil Service Commissio� 2. Has This person/firtn ever 6een a city employee? Yes No '` 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnalry possessed by any � � current city employee? . Yes Mo � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiatin9 Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . Admiiustrative Ordinauce Code changes to Chapter 62. See attached. �� Advantages If Approved: See above. Disadvantages If Approved: None. � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Changes not made. Total Amount of Transaction: � CosURevenue Budgeted: � Funding Source: Activity Number: �^�'�`� ���' °�"°� �����'� Financial Information: B � t cA 43 ' ' (ExPlain) � �bE��= 6r � �6Y��