04-148CouncIl File # p�- l�l. Ordinance # Green Sheet # �(��a Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA S1 , Committee Date : An administrative ordinance to amend Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 13, Office o£ 2 License, Inspections and Environmental,�to facilitate a ritle and function change. 3 Protection� 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Section 13, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 13A1. Creation; head of office; authority generally; power to prescribe rules and regnlations; responsibilities. (a) Creation of offce. There is hereby created an office of license, inspections and environmental protection. (b} Head of office. The head of such office shall be the director, who, prior to such appointment, shall possess such qualifications as the council may by ordinance provide. The director shali be accountable to the mayor and, subject to the mayor's supervision and control, shall administer the affairs of the office. (c) Authority generally. The director shail have general authority and control over all office staff and shall oversee the proper fuifillment of all tasks and duties assigned to the office. (d) Power to prescribe rules and regulations. The director shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations as deemed necessary or expedient for the proper operation of the office and to that end shall keep informed of the latest administrative practices. (e) Authoriry to designate deputy. The director may designate, with the approval of the mayor, an employee of the office of license, inspection and environmental protection to perform the functions and duties assigned to the director by law during the absence ar disability of the director. ( fl Powers and duties with respect to o�ce personnel. The director shall have the power and duty to take all personnel actions, including hiring, assigning and reassigning employees, including supervisory personnel, within the office and shall supervise their performance. p�$!)SH� �222'0� (g) Responsibilities enumerated generaZly. The office shall be responsible for the following Q�' ��� acrivities: (1) Health and sanitation. Enforcement of all health and sanitation programs as they relate to health and license inspection matters, including, but not limited to, inspecrions of swimming pools, water supplies, waste disposal systems, milk inspecrion programs and their coordination with other governmental entities, roomingJboazdinghouses, massage parlors, massage therapists, and the inspection of all food-handiing facilities, including, but not lunited to, restaurants, bazs, hotels, lodginghouses and food vending machines, and food education. (2) PoZlution control: a. The enforcement and assistance in the enforcement of all laws regazding air, water, land, noise and visual pollution. b. The supervision of all monitoring devices used in pollution testing. a The coordination of activities with other governmental agencies and citizens groups functioning in the environmentai code enforcement area. d. Coordination with other departments and agencies of the city to assure compliance with pollution controls. e. The establishment of a notification and warning system for pollution violations. £ Providing assistance to the office of the city attomey in the preparation of all cases, both criminal and civil, dealing with air, water, land, noise and visual pollution. (3) Canine control. The administration and maintenance of all canine control programs. (4) Building inspection and design division: a. The physical inspection of all new and remodeled buildings in the city. Such inspection shall be made to ensure compliance with the various building and mechanical codes, rules and regulations adopted by the city or made applicabie thereto by federal and state law, including electrical, plumbing, heating, refrigeration, ventilation and elevator installations in the city. b. Maldng inspection reports, maintaining deparhnental records and keeping and updating departmental statistical reports. c. Reviewing all plans and specifications submitted with building permit applications, and verifying after review that all applicable building, zoning, housing and fire prevention code requirements have been satisfied. d. Determining whether buildings in the city comply with the housing building codes and the zoning ordinances of the city, and, upon determination of any violation, taking the necessary and appropriate action �- tL� to acquaint the owner of the dwelling with the violation, and proceeding with enforcement in accordance with appiicable law. e. Preparation of reports and maintenance of appropriate departmental records, including master and active files and other associated correspondence with the pubiic with respect to enforcement responsibilities. f. The issuance of buiiding permits certificates of occupancy_ .. . . . :. � . : : ... .. : � .. � .:� : : . : . :� . : : : ... .. . .. :: :.- -. :in�re�rniyuaiir.rg:niw��nei.i�i� mi 'r� i i� - i • i -� - i • - - .i - � _ _ _ � _ i (5) License and permit administration: a. Providing and maintaining a system of processing city business licenses and permits (except building permits) to achieve a coordinated process of administration. b. Acceptance of all appiications for business licenses and permits, requisite processing through the various city departments and agencies, the final preparation of reports to be submitted to the city council, and the issuance of receipts for all city business licenses and permits. a Establishment of uniform requirements and standazds for all business licenses and permits and the mainYenance of a complete records system. d. Maintenance of departmental records and the keeping and updating of departmental statistical reports and inspection reports for all license and permit administration. e. Providing a license inspection unit, which shall make such inspections as are required by law and report all license violations to the city council in coardination with all proper city deparhnents. 1 Section 2 ��- � � 2 3 That this ordinance revision shall take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, 4 approval and publication. Adoption Ceztified by Council Secretary v � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � A! 1 DepartmeM/ofFCe/council: Date Initiatedc V � � �� MO — Mayrn'sOffice ,���-� Green Sheet NO: 3010352 Contact Person 8 Phone- Denartmerk Sent To Person InkiaUDate Reyne Rofutlt � 0 a or's O�ce 2 � $ ��� A551gn i a Or's0ffice Must Be on Council qgenda by (Date): Number 2 oancil For Routing Order Topl # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Loptions for Signature) Adion Requested: Changes to Adminishative Ordinance, Chapter 13. Recommendatirnis: Approve (A) or Rejecl (Ry: Pereonal Service CoMracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personRirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No ' Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does Nis persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any arrent city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to greeo sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunify (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Adminisirative Ordinance Code changes to Chapter 13. See attached. Advanta9eslfApproved: See above. Disadva�ta�tes If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: � Changes not made. Total Amount of Cwf/Revenue. Bud eted: n�s° Transaction: � g �^��`� ��''^`';�`'• �?- Fundin� Source: Activity Number: Financiallnformation: �yg{sy � v ���Y (Explain)