04-137Council FIle # O�t-13� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By section within tl�e chapter. Referred To Committee Date : i An administrarive ordinance to amend Saint Paul Administrative Code Chapter 84, Vendor 2 Outreach Program, to better facilitate title changes and the transfer of contract and analysis 3 services section to the Office of Financial Services and to improve organization of the definition � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.03. Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shail have the meanings set forth in this secrion, except where the context cleazly indicates that a different meaning is intended. Aff Ziate or subsidiary of a business dominant in its field of operation means a business that is at least twenty (20) percent owned by a business dominant in its field of operation, or by partners, officers, directors, majority stockholders, or their equivalent, of a business dominant in that field of operation. Broker means a business that carries no inventory and that has no written or oral ongoing agreement with any manufacturer ar manufacturer's authorized distributor to sell the products of the manufacturer. This definition is not intended to include businesses who actively use just-in- time methods in their normai operation. Business, or business entity means a contractor, developer, vendor, subcontractor, supplier, consultant, or provider of technical, administrative, or physical services, regardless of whether operating as an individual or organized as a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, association, cooperafive, corporation, or other entity which is organized for profit. � City means the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Ordinance # Green Sheet # d l b 3! �} 1 ,;,' ' 1: � Commercfally useful function means a function performed by a business enterprise when 1 it is responsible for the execution of a distinct element of the work of a contract and carrying out 2 its responsibilities by actually perfornung, managing, and supervising the work involved. Acting 3 as a conduit to transfer funds to another business does not constitute a commercially useful 4 funcrion unless it is done as a normal business practice of that industry. 5 6 Constr-uction and devetopment projects means (a) construction and development projects, 7 (b} the construction, alteration, painting or repair of a building or any structure on land, (c) any 8 construction, building, aiterarion, reconstruction, modernization or unprovement of any structure, 9 and (d) the improvement of, or addition to, any capital asset. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Developer means a business which contracts with or seeks to contract with the city for any construction and development project in which the contractual documents therefor provide that either the city or the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota ("HRA") (a) will receive, at any time, legal or equitabie title to the land, or any building or structure thereon, which is part of such project, excluding title or properiy interests to or for public rights-of-way for pedestrian or vehicle transit, ingress or egress, or (b) is obligated to issue general obligation bonds, or provide financing supported by a full faith and credit pledge. : . :� : . : : . . . : =. : .: . � : .= : :, . ._ . � . :. . . . . :� • .. .� . . : . : . .: . . . : .- . . ... . . . „ : . : .: . . .:• : : Dominant in its feld of operation means a business having gross revenues that exceed the Minnesota Deparhnent of Administration Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code revenue standard for its (SIC) category. . , - - - . - : :� .. : . .: . : .. . : .. :. : : :. : . . .. : : : : . . . : . . . :. : . � . . : .: . :.: . .. .� : ... . .r,r�.,o.����.,�.,�..� : . .. :: • Nl l� t�J lU �tA R 1� l�l ���� 1� . .. . . . : . - : ::� : : . : :. :� :: . : . - : .:, : - . . . � : .. .:� : : i �i�suu���wz•asinu��aw�wr.�n . - • • i 4 �� . .. . . : . . . ...•: � : :. . : . .� . .. :� �: . : . . � . . : .. . .. . : :.. : . : : . . . .. I �t�f.Tl�lGiR.Ti.1,U�IT��1l�1�Nt�1�Al�L.iil � - " � - • - i - i - 0�{-�3i 51 52 Franchise, or franchised business means a business operated under an operating agreement obtained from a franctriser to conduct a business where the franchiser retains the right �' 13� 2 to (1) direct, or set requirements for, certain elements of the business, or (2) receive 3 compensation for use of the franchise or the goodwill or business name and where the owner 4 does not bear the full risk and responsibility for the performance of the business. 6 Goods and services means and includes (a) materials, supplies, equipment, all things 7 which are movable, and ali tangible personal chattels, whether or not intended or suitable for 8 becoming a fixture when attached to real property; (b} labor and work; and (c) services of any 9 kind, including consultant, trade, technical, and professional services. 10 11 ,7oint venture means an association of two (2) or more persons or businesses to cany out a 12 single business enterprise for profit for wkuch purposes they combine their property, capital, 13 slalls, knowledge and management in an agreed-to proportionate shaze. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ?'7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Manufacturer means a business that makes or processes raw materials into a finished product. Manager means the manager of the contract and analysis services section of the office of financial services of the cit� toeether with such desienees or staff persons as he or she ma�direct to carrv out functions under this ardinance. Such term shall include persons ar entities designated bY contract to carry out one (1) or more functions under this ordinance, as mav be and to the extent �rovided in such contract. Manufacturer's representative means a business that has an agreement with one (1) or more manufacturers or manufacturer's authorized distributors to sell the products of the manufacturer, but that is not an employee of the manufacturer, and in which the owner does not bear the fixll risk and responsibility for the performance of the business and the products and services offered. Marketplace means the geographica] area of the Minnesota counties of Anoka, Benton, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanri, Ramsey, Scott, Sherbume, Stearns, Washington, and Wright; and the Wisconsin counties of Pierce and St. Croix. Minority means a citizen of the United States or lawfully admitted permanent resident who is Asian-American, Narive American, Afiican-American, or Hispanic. MBE, or minority-owned business enterprise means a qualified business located in the marketplace or doing business in the marketplace at the time of bid opening or solicitation (a) which is at least fifty-one (51) percent owned by one (1) or more minority persons, or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least fi$y-one (51) percent of the stock is owned by one (1) or more minority persons; and, (b) whose management and daily business operations are controlied by one (1) or more minority persons who own it. 43 44 Prime, ar prime contractor means a business engaging in construction and development 45 projects by contractual agreement, or in prime contracts, with the city. The terms also include a 46 developer who or which may enter into a contract with the city for a particular conshuction and 47 development project, and which necessarily contemplates that the developer will also enter into 48 other or further contracts for the completion of the said project. 49 50 Prime contract means a contract with a prime contractor for the completion of a 51 construction and development project, as to which it is reasonably likely that the prime contractor 52 wi11 use, contract with, or seek bids from, one (1) or more subcontractors. A prime contract also 1 includes a contract with a developer, where such contract or the particular "construction and �— � 3� 2 development project" necessarily contemplates that the developer will enter into other or further 3 contracts for the completion of the project. 4 5 Principal place of business means the primary physical locarion at which or from which a 6 business performs, is maintained, or operates. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4'7 48 49 50 51 52 Small business enter�rise (SBE) means a business enrit�whose principal lap ce of business is in the marketrolace that: � Is not a business dominant in its field of operation, nor an affiliate or subsidiarv thereof:and � Is not a broker, or a manufacturer's representative, does not operate as a franchise or under a francluse agreement, and is not a business in which the owner is also ownex or �art owner of one �� or more businesses that is dominant in the same field of operation: and � Is not a business whose ¢soss revenues exceed those established far its Standard Indusri Classification (SIC) code, as adiusted by the De�arhnent of Administration of the State of Minnesota �ursuant to statute; and � Performs a commerciallv useful function; and � If it has been in operation for less than one (1) year, must be able to�rovide reasonable evidence in form satisfactorv to the manager, showin�that it has an established record of �eneratine revenue while performin�the business function represented in its apnlication far certification or, if a professional service, showina that it possesses applicable licenses or �rofessional certifications or credentiais. SIC, or SIC Code means the Standard Industrial Classification code as promulgated and maintained by one (1) or more agencies or departments of the United States, and includes any code or system which replaces or succeeds the code in existence on July 1, 1997. "SIC" or "SIC Code" shall also inciude classification codes promulgated and maintained by the American Institute of Architects or other organizations concerned with contracting which, in the discrerion of the direefer mana�er, are deemed more useful or suitable for canying out the purposes of this chapter. Vendor means a business seiling goods and services to the city, as well as other services, including construction and development projects far which there will be no subcontracts. Vendor contract means a contract with a vendor as to which the vendor wili not use, contract with, or seek bids from, subcontractors. WBE, or women-owned business enterprise means a qualified business concern located in the marketplace or doing business in the marketplace at the time of bid opening or solicitation (a) which is at least fifly-one (51) percent owned by one (1) or more women, or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least fifty-one (51) percent of the stock is owned by one (1) or more women; and, (b) whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one (1) or more women who own it. 1 Section 2 0�' �� 2 3 Secrion 84, Vendor Outreach Program, ofthe 5aint Paul Adminish�ative Code is hereby amended 4 to read as follows: 6 7 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Sec. 84.04. Applicability. The pzovisions of this ordinance shall apply to all coniracts which aze awarded or entered into by the city, including vendor contracts and prime contracts, except as may be hereinafter specifically exempted, and shall be liberally consh for the accomplishment of its policies and purposes. Any bid, as to which there is or has been a material lack of compiiance with the requirements of this Chapter 84 by any bidder, shall be deemed to be an unresponsive bid, and such lack of compliance shall be a sufficient basis for the rejection of that bid by the direetar manaeer. Every contract covered by this chapter, which is entered into without bidding, shall include provisions which (a) obligate the prime contractor, developer and vendor to fully comply with the applicable outreach requirements imposed in this chapter, (b) provide that failure to so comply is a breach of such contract, and (c) provide remedies for such breach. Section 3 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.05. Administration. (a) The direetar mana�er shall direct and administer the vendor outreach program. 28 (b) The direetar mana�er may contract with other governmental agencies to administer 29 programs for such other agencies which aze similar to the vendor outreach program, 30 provided that the city is fizlly protected from liability and risk of loss arising out of such 31 contract or contracts. The $ireetar manaeer may also contract with nongovernmental 32 agencies for the administrarion of all or part of the vendor outreach program. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (c) All departments and offices of the city shall share in the responsibility for accomplishing the policy and purposes of the vendor outreach program. The mayor may by administrative order provide for additional activities and reports in fiutherance of said program. In particulaz, the $iree4ar manaeer shall work jointly with other city departments and offices to establish levels of utilization of SBEs, MBEs and WBEs in and for professional services contracts and any other categories ofpurchases that may help the city to accomplish the overall purpose of the program. Section 4 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paul Administrarive Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.06. Establishment of Desired Levels of Participation. (a) Annual participation. The direetar manaeer shall estabiish, as provided in this section, on an annual basis, the desired levels of participation of SBEs, of MBEs and of WBEs in vendor contracts and prime contracts for the next fiscal year, expressed as a percentage, for each, of the reasonably anticipated total doliar amount of all such contracts. Such levels of participation shall be adjusted, from time to time during the course of the year as �' �� may be necessary, based on changes in the availability of SBEs, MBEs and WBEs in the marketplace. � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (b) Adjustments for individual przme contracts. The $ireetat manaeer shall also establish and/or, where appropriate, modify levels of participation by subcontractors, which may be more or less than the annual levels established in subsecrion (a), for individual prime contracts, taking into account the total dollazs of the contract and the dollars in the contract which may reasonably be eacpected to be subcontracted. In setting such level of participation, the direetar manaeer shall also take into account and remove from consideration those amounts and works under the contract and subcontracts which cannot be performed or supplied by subcontractors which aze certified as eligible for participation in the vendor outreach program. Such levels of participation shail be established by SIC Code where appropriate, and the $ireetar mana er shall indicate which codes included within the definition of SIC Code are being used and for what purposes. (c) Factors. In setting levels of participation of SBEs, MBEs and WBEs, whether annually under subsection (a) above ar for individual prime contracts under subsection (b) above, the direetar manager shall endeavor to arrive at the number of such businesses (i) which are currently available in the mazketplace and which are qualified to do the particular work required by the city contract, and (ii) which would reasonably be expected by normal economic and business operation and market forces to participate in such vendor contracts and prime contracts, in the absence of present discrimination or the effects of past discrimination. The �ireetar manaeer shall consider the following factors in establishing levels of participation: (1) �2) (3) (4) (5) The practical, as opposed to theoreticai, availability of SBEs, MBEs and WBEs ("such businesses" in this subsection) in the marketplace; The particular goods and services, or construction or development projects, for which such businesses are available; The past levels of participation of such businesses in city vendor contracts or as subcontractors in city prime contracts; The reasonably anticipated number and amount and type of city vendor contracts and subcontracting opportunities in city prime contracts for the next fiscal yeaz; Whether the reasonably anticipated contracts are for goods or services, or conshucrion contracts, for which there are few or no such businesses available or qualified to do the particular work, or to do subcontracts; (6) Whether such businesses will be able to obtain necessary bonds, insurance policies, and equipment or personnel required to perform such city vendor contracts or subcontracting on prime contracts; (7} �$) As to professional services, the levels of participation that are established by other city deparhnents and offices; Whether the reasonable and necessary requirements of the contract render 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (9) subcontracting or othez participation of business other than the bidder or proposer infeasible; Whether a public or administrative emergency exists which requires the goods or services, or construcrion or development project, to be delivered or performed with unusual immediacy; (10) Whether the number of certified SBEs, MBEs or WBEs providing the services required by the contract are so few as to render them unavailable in pracrical terms, despite attempts to locate them; and (11} Whether the application of the provisions of this ordinance will impose an unwarranted risk on the city or unduly delay acquisition of the goods or sezvices, or completion of the construction or development project. (12) Availability shall be construed as broadly as is lawful and reasonably possible in order to effectuate the goals of this ordinance. (13) And the direefar manaser shall develop and administer a program to assist certified businesses to obtain bonding and insurance. Section 5 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.07. Certification of businesses. (a) Requirement; two years. Any SBE, MBE, or WBE ("such business" or "such businesses" far the remainder of this section) which seeks to participate in, or avail itself of the benefits of, the vendor outreach program, must first be certified. Once certified, the certification is valid for the following two (2) calendaz years and, thereafter, renewable for two-yeaz periods by recertification. (b) Application. Such business shall file an application with the direeter manaeer, and provide such information on such forms as the direetar mana�er may reasonably require. The $ireeter manaeer may require information: (1) �2) (3) t4) That will establish that such business meets and will continue to meet the definition of an SBE, MBE or W$E, as the case may be, for the entire period of certification; That delineates the availability and qualifications of such business; The areas of city vendor contracts or prime contracts such business seeks; and The number and doliar amount of past city contracts it has been a pariy to or participated in as a subcontractor. (c) Certifzcation of another jurisdiction. The $ireefar mana er may, in his or her sole discretion, waive all or part of the application process, and waive the submission of information required thereunder, as to any such business which has been certified under a O�r��� 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 program materialiy similaz to the vendor outreach program. The burden is on the applicant to furnish a copy of the application and supporting information from the other program, and to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the direetar manaeer that the guidelines and requirements of the other program are substantially similar to those required under the vendor outreach program. This authority is not intended to amend, modify or rescind, in whole or in part, any agreements that may exist to engage in a joint certification process with other govemmental enriries. (d) Joint applications. The $ireefar manaeer may cooperate with any other governmental entity having a program materially similar to the vendor outreach program in providing for a joint or mutually acceptable application process. (e) No certification. The $ireet�r manaeer may determine not to certify an applicant if such business sells a product or service which the city, either itself or for another governmental entity, (1) has in the past either not purchased or purchases in very limited amounts, or (2) is not likely to purchase in the foreseeable future. ( fl Change in circumstances. If the direefiar manaeer determines that any such business no longer meets the definition of SBE, MBE or WBE, as the case may be, the direetar manaser may terminate the certification of such business. Each such business, which has been certified, is and remains under a continuing obligation to report to the direetar _ direefar manaeer any change in circumstances affecting it that would cause it not to meet the appropriate definition. (g) Materiat misstatement of fact. I£ the direetar manager determines that any such business made a material misstatement of fact in its application for certification ar in any information submitted in support of the application, whether intentionai or by mistake, the direetor mana�er may determine either not to certify such business for participation in the vendor outreach program, or to terminate the certification of such business if already granted. (h) AppeaL Any such business whose application for certification has not been granted, or whose certification has been terminated, by the direetar manaeer may appeal to the director of the office of financial services ("OFS"�, or to such agency or entity, using such procedures, as may be provided for in a joint powers agreement to which the city is a party. Such appeal shall be decided on written submission and where appropriate in the discretion of the� �ireefer OFS director, with an informal conference of such business with the director and his or her staff. (i) Periodic review. The certification for each such business may be reviewed periodically by the �ireetar manaeer to determine that it continues to be eligible for certification and meets the definitions of an SBE, MBE or WBE, as the case may be, but such review shall take place at least every two (2) years after its initial certification. The direetar manaeer may require each such business which has been certified to submit all information necessary to verify the continued eligibility of such business, and the failure of such a business shail automatically terminate its eligibility to participate in the vendor outreach program. (j) Targeted vendor development program. A business which is registered as a"tazgeted vendor" pursuant to section 81.07, Saint Paul Adminastrative Code, on the effective date of this ordinance shall be certified as an SBE, MBE, or WBE, as the case may be, and ��i 2 0 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 shall be included in the vendor outreach program for a period of six (6) months following the effective date of this ordinance. The direeYar mana�er shall notify all such targeted vendors of the provisions of this ordinance. During such six-month period, all such targeted vendors which wish to be further certified shall make request to be further certified in conformity with the requirements of this subsection (j). Upon receipt of such a request, the direetar mana�er shall review any materials previously filed to determine compliance with certification requirements. Where current materials are insufficient to determine compliance, additional materials may be requested. Any tazgeted vendors failing to submit a request to continue, or failing to submit all additional materials which may be requested by the $ireetor mana¢er, will be ternunated and will have to submit to a new certification process. Section 6 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.08. Prime contract bid requirements. (a) Evidence of con:pliance with bid documents. Each appazent low bidder on a city prime contract is required to submit, before the bid is awarded to it, evidence of its compliance with the requirements of the vendor outreach program, on such forms as the direefar mana er may prescribe. Such forms may include a certification by the bidder that the bidder wil] not use any subcontracts on the particular job. Such evidence shali be submitted after the opening of the bids, and on or before a date to be established by the $ireetar anana¢er, but in no case after the tenth day following the opening of such bids. (b) Compliance with outreach requirements. Such a bidder shall submit evidence (1) that it has complied with the outreach requirements of the vendor outreach program specified in subsection (c) in this section 84.08, and (2) that it sought to enter into subcontracts with certified SBEs, MBEs and/or WBEs who are willing and qualified to do the work required by the particular subcontract. Such evidence shall be submitted on such forms and meeting such requirements as the $ireetar mana�er may determine necessary to establish that the bidder did comply fuliy and completely with such outreach requirements. The presence of fraud, misrepresentation, or intentional discrimination by the bidder shall negate compliance with outreach requirements hereunder. (c) Outreach requirements. The following steps are required for compliance with the outreach requirements of the vendor outreach program in this section 84.08. (1) �2) List each possible subcontract opportunity in the prime contract, indicating where possible the SIC Code of such work, seeking the assistance of the �ireetar mana er in ascertaining such subcontract opportuniries. Obtain a current list of certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs from the �ireetar manaQer, which list shall contain where available the applicable SIC Code or codes far such businesses. (3) Attend all pre-bid conferences to obtain information about the vendor outreach program, the levels of participation of certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs, and the outreach requirements herein. �►-1,-13'ti i (4) Request assistance from minority and women community organizations, minority �" 1 J 2 and women contractor groups, or other organizations that provide assistance in the 3 recruihnent and placement of SBEs, MBEs or WBEs. 4 (5) Obtain a current list of minority and women publications from the $ireetor mana¢er. 7 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 414 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (6) Solicit bids from certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs, which have been identified by the direeter manager in consultation with the bidder as being available and capable of performing the necessary work, for the subcontracts within the prime contract at least ten (10) days prior to bid opening, by phone, advertisement in a local paper and the relevant minority publications on the list obtained from the $ireetar manaeer, or other means specified by the direebar mana�er, by written notice to the bidder. The badder for the prime contract must solicit bids from a minunum of five (5) such certified businesses for each subcontract within the prune contract, by SIC Code where availabie and applicable. If the applicable certified list, using the SIC Code or codes where available, is five (5) or fewer, such bidder must contact the entire list. ��) �$) Provide plans and specifications or information regarding the location of plans and specifications to certified SBEs, MBEs or WBEs. Where applicable, advise and make efforts to assist interested SBEs, MBEs and WBEs to obtain bonds, lines of credit, or insurance required to perform the contract. (9) Submit documentation if bids from certified SBEs, MBEs or WBBs were rejected, giving the complete basis for the rejection and evidence that the rejection was justified. (10) Bidders on prime contracts who continuously list the same certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs as having been contacted and listed as unavailable, when contact has previously been unsuccessful as a result of disconnected phone numbers or returned mail, will not be deemed to be in compliance with the outreach requirements. (d) Alternative compliance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a bidder on a prime contract shall be deemed to have complied with the above outreach requirements of the vendor outreach program, if such a bidder submits evidence with its prune contract bid documents that it has already entered into binding contracts with certified subcontractors whose contract dollar amounts meet the levels of participation established for that prime contract. A subcontractor is certified for the purpose of this subsection if it is certified before the award of the contract. If such bidder submits the name of a proposed subcontractor to satisfy this program, and the subcontractor is not certified before the award of the bid, the dollar amount of that subcontract will not be counted in determining the level of participation of certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs, and the bid may be rejected as being unresponsive if the bidder has not otherwise complied with the above outreach requirements of the vendor outreach program as required by this section 84.0$. Bidders shall not count toward the desired level of participation any agreements with businesses that are not located within the marketplace or otherwise do not meet the guidelines as set forth in this ordinance. The bidder may include first and second tier subcontractors and suppliers as meeting the desired levels of participation. Section 7 3 Section 84, Vendor Ou�each Program, of the Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby amended 4 to read as follows: 6 Sec. 84.09. Vendor contract requirements. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (a) Manager compliance. The t�u�eet�r manaeer shail, consistent with applicabie laws and statutes relating to comperitive bidding and awards of contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, seek where possible and lawful to award a portion of vendor contracts to certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs, in accordance with the annual levels of participation for such businesses established pursuant to section 84.06 above. (b) Outreach requirements. The direetar mana er shail engage in one (i) or more of the following outreach steps in order to achieve the desired level of participarion for all city vendor contracts: (1) �2) Solicit bids, proposals or quotations from certified SBEs, MBEs and WBEs for the vendor contracts prior to bid opening by phone, advertisement in a local paper, or other means. Provide plans and specifications or information regarding the location of plans and specifications to certified SBEs, MBEs or WBEs. (3) Request assistance from minority and women community organizations, minority and women contractor groups, or other organizations that provide assistance to such minority and women contractor groups in the recnutment and placement of SBEs, MBEs or WBEs. (4) Where applicable, advise and make efforts to assist interested SBEs, MBEs and WBEs to obtain bonds, lines of credit, or insurance required to perform the contract. (5) Prepare and maintain documentation if bids from certified SBEs, MBEs or WBEs were rejected, giving the complete basis for the rejection and evidence that the rejection was justified. (c) Unmet levels ofparticipation. In the event that the number and dollar amount of vendor contracts awarded to SBEs, MBEs and WBEs does not rise to the levels of participation that were established under section 84.06 of this ordinance, the �rreetor mana¢er shall reexamine the procedures used by the direetar mana er and other city officials for the processing and award of contracts. Where appropriate, the direetsr mana er may seek changes in such procedures by ordinance or administrative order. Section 8 Section 84, Vendor Outreach Program, of the Saint Paui Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 84.10. Monitoring and Reporting. (a) Inspection. The $ireetar manaeer is hereby authorized to verify that the certified SBEs, 0�( - i 31 1 MBEs or WBEs working on any city vendor contract or on any city prime contract are 2 certified, remain eligible and certified, actually performing the work, and otherwise in 3 compliance with the vendor outreach program. Such verification may be made by on-site 4 inspection, requesting written information from the bidder or the subcontractor, or by 5 such other means as may be reasonable. 7 (b) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Access to records. Each certified SBE, MBE or WBE shall, upon request of the $ireetvr manaeer, permit access during normal business hours to its business work site, records, and files as needed to determine conformance with program requirements herein. (c) City reports. Each city deparhnent and office shall prepare reports documenting the levels of participarion established for professional service agreements for the particulaz fiscal year, and the tesults of their efforts to meet those goals. The Department of Planning and Economic Development shall prepaze reports documenting goals established for development and other grant projects under its jurisdiction, and the results of its efforts to meet those goals. The Division of Contract and Analysis Services shall prepare similar reports for those contracts under its jurisdiction. These reports shall be filed with the �ireetar manaeer of the contract and analvsis services section of the office of financial services in accordance with established schedules. (d) Report of the director manaQer. The �ireetor manaeer shall annually submit a report to the mayor and city councii stunmarizing the information gathered pursuant to this section, including information about any other activities undertaken by or on behalf of the city to further the objectives of the vendor outreach program. The report shall be available to program participants and other inierested parties. Section 9 That this ordinance revision shall take affect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. C�{-t3� yY14=��'! .3 0 � . ,: .: �. j -:. � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � a���� DepartmenUOfficelcouncil: Date Initiated: � �� -} � MO — MayotsOffice ,�.,aN� Green Sheet NO: 3010318 �'� ContaG Person & Phone• �eoartmeM Sent To Person Initia{fDate Reyne RofuSh � 0 a r's Office 266-8710 JLSSign ] a r•s Oflice Must Be on Couuil Agenda 6y (Date): Num6er Z onocil For Routing Order Total # ot Signature Pages �(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Changes to Administrative Ordinance, Chapter 84 Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Nys ihis persoNFirtn ever vroilced under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a aty employee? - Yes No 3. Does ttiis person/firtn p0.ssess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, luues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdwivistraAve Ordinance Code changes to Chapter 84. See attached. AdvantapeslfApproved; See above. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. DisadvaMages If Not Approved: Changes not made. Total Amount of 0 CosURevenue Budgeted: Trensaction: ,��� k:,�,s s';za�.n^�-��?�`2�5�2�° FundingSource: ActivltvNumber: Sa;e�?��. � - - = Financial Infwmation: P � � � �}�!�/ (ExPlain) saE?$� � � Ci:�r'ffi