04-1220Council File # �"�— � � Substitute 1-19-OS Presented By Referred To Chapter 57. Capital Improvement Sudget; Committee* � AMENDING THE SAINT PA UL TO REQUIRE STATUS REPORTS REGARDING - APPROVED CAPITAL PROJECTS AND AMENDING PROCEDURES FOR PROJECTS GREATER OR LESS THANAPPROPRIATION DA�TE PRINTED THE COUNCIL DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: LEGAL �EDGERi. That Chapter 57 of the City of Saint Faul Administrative Code shall be amended as followe: ` y��J� i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA / '1' � Committee Date : Sea 57.01. A.nnual capitai improvement budget. Sec. 57.02. Preparation and adoption of budget. Sec. 57.03. Items included in budget. Sea 57.04. Life expectancy of bond-financed projects. Sec. 57.05. I,ong-range capital improvement budget committee. 5ea 57.06. CIB committee function and duties. Sea 57.07. Submission of capital budget requests and recommendations. Sec. 57.08. Reporting dates. Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annual capital improvement budgets after adoption. Sec. 57.10. Use of funds from succeeding years' budgets. Sec. 57.11. Issuance of bonds. �ec �'712's"':�fa�u�'��jii+�s ����r�h���:���v�"ei�=�a�s�`a�'�r�ojec#"s; *Editor's note--This chapter is derived from the following ordinances: Ordinance # Green Sheet # aOsa �. � Page 1 of 8 D�1 � a a c� i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Ord. No. 13679 13769 14028 14405 16441 16455 17165 8-22-67 11-17-67 11- 6-68 2-18-70 6-13-78 8-15-78 LII ' : ' Sec. 57.01. Annual capital impravement budget. There shall be an annual capital improvement budget for the City of Saint Paul, which shail be separate and distinct from the city's other budgets pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Charter. The annual capital nnprovement budget shall be part of a multi-year plan or progam with the piupose � « ....:� �w�.�. of finaneing acquisirion, �at��� � betterment, physical development, redevelopment and other improvement of �-a�e� land and �miictin�s ��`��'�������*�'��'`��'��; Sec. 57A2. Preparation and adoption of budge� The mayor sha11 submit a proposed annual capital improvement budget and five-year program to the city council on or before August 15 of each year. The city council shall conduct public hearings on the proposed annual capital improvement budget and program and adopt the budget by resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Secfion 1 Q�6 of the City Charter. The city council may by resolution amend the capital improvement budget. Sec. 57.03. Items included in budget. Sec. Date Page 2 of 8 D�f' !a�-U 1 The annual capital unprovement budget shall include appropriations for all projects to be funded 2 during the budget year which have an estimated useful life in excess of three (3) years, other than 3 the acquisition of office or mechanical equipment, vehicles or mobile equipment, and minor 4 remodeling or repairs of existing structures_ The annual capital improvement budget shall include 5 all such projects wiuch are to be funded with the proceeds of general obligation or revenue bonds 6 of the city authorized by law, all aids, gants and special revenues received by the city for funding 7 capital improvements, all moneys appropriated by the city council in Che general fund and special 8 fund budgets for capital prajects, and all special capital financing methods such as tax increment 9 financing, long-term lease agreements and sal�leaseback financing. A five-year program w]uch 1Q identifies the future costs associated with multi-year capital projects and any additional capital i l projects that are scheduled for implementation during the time of the program shali accompany 12 each annual capital improvement budget. 13 14 Sec. 57.04. Life expectancy of bond-financed projects. 15 Capital improvement projects financed in whole or in part with bonds sold by the ciry shall have 16 a life expectancy that equals or exceeds the term of the bond(s). 17 18 Sec. 57.05. Long-range capital improvement budget committee. 19 T'here is hereby established an advisory capital improvements committee consisting of eighteen 20 (18) members, none of whom shall hold any paid office or position under the Ciry of Saint Pau1. 21 This committee shall be designated the "Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee of 22 Saint Paul" and, for convenience of reference, may be refened to as the CIB committee. The 23 members of the CIB committee shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city 24 council for terms o£three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. Appoinhnents to fiil 25 unexpired terms shall be for the length of the unexpired term. Appointments to expired terms 26 shall be made in the month of November and vacancies sha11 be filled when they occur. At least 27 four (4) members shail be appointed from each Minnesota sYzte senate district located entirely 28 within the city and at least two (2) members shall be appointed from each senate district located 29 partly within the city. Prior to making an appointment to a vacancy on the CIB committee, the 30 mayor shall consult the legislators of the senate district in which the vacancy occurs. In addition, 31 each affected city council recognized cirizen participation district shall be given the opportunity 32 to submit three (3) names for consideration by the mayor. The mayor shall, whenever possible, 33 make appoinhnents consistent with the recommendafions of the cirizen participation districts. 34 Each member shail be paid twenry-five dollars ($25.00) for attendance at committee meetings 35 and subcommittee or task force meetings but in no event shall any member receive more than one 36 thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in any calendar yeaz. 37 38 Sec. 57.06. CIB committee function and duries. 39 T`he function and duries of the CIB committee shall be to advise the mayor and city council on 40 matters related to the adoprion of the city's annual capital improvement budget, the preparation of 41 the city's five-year capital improvemant prograxn, and the amendment of adopted capital 42 improvement budgets. All recommendations received from the CIB committee, including Page 3 of 8 ��f- iaao 1 proposed annual capital improvement budgets, shall be considered advisory only and shall not be 2 binding on the mayor or city council, and the mayor or city council may alter, amend or revise the 3 same in such manner as the mayor or city council considers appropriate. The function and duties 4 of the CIB committee shall specifically include: 5 (1) To receive from the mayor's office, budget section, descripfions of projects which department 6 or office directors and other agencies desire to have included in the city's annual capital 7 unprovement budget and to analyze the same; to study and consider the long-range capital needs 8 of the city, methods of financing such needs, the eity's capacity to support the financing and the 9 recommendations of the planuing commission; to assign priority ratings to the capital 10 unprovement projects considered and reviewed by the committee; and to make recommendations ll to the mayor and city councii which shall include a proposed or suggested annual capital 12 improvement budget and five-yeaz program; 13 (2) To hold hearings, including public hearings, with respect to capital budget requests at such 14 times and in such manner as the CIB committee shali determine, and upon such notice as the CIB 15 committee may prescribe; 16 (3) To submit a propased annual capital improvement budget and five-year prograsn to the mayor 17 for considetation by the mayor and council not later than June 30 of each year; 18 (4) To review all expenditures on projects authorized hereunder at least annually to ensure that 19 projects are being carried out in conformance with the intent of the council and to recommend 20 closeout of projects when deemed appropriate; 21 (5) To review proposed amendments to annual capital improvement budgets, inciuding transfer 22 of appropriations, requests for additional appropriarions, and appropriations to new projects as 23 provided for in section 57.09 hereunder, and to provide recommendations to the mayor and city 24 couneil; and 25 (6) To elect its own officers and make its own rules for the conduct of its business, including the 26 use of task farces; provided, that such rules and amendments thereto are not effective until filed 27 with the city cierk. 28 29 Sec. 57.07. Submission of capital budget requests and recommendations. 30 Ail capital improvement budget requests which city deparhnents or office directors and other 31 goveinmentai and cifizen agencies, including, by way of illustrafion and not of limitation, the 32 port authority, school district, pazent teachers associafion, and district councils, herein referred to 33 as "other agencies," desire to have considered for inclusion in the annual capital improvement 34 budget shall be submitted to the office of financial services by the last Friday in March of each 35 project review year. Such requests shall include all capital improvement projects proposed far 36 the following one (1) or two (2) years, as determined by the mayor, and identify programs for the 37 next ensuing four-year period. All requests for capital improvement projects and reports with 38 respect thereto sha11 be on forms prepued and provided by the director of financial services. 39 Upon receipt of capital improvement budget requests from city departments or offices and other 40 agencies, office of financial services shall transmit copies of the requests to the CIB committee �Fl for its considerarion as provided in section 57.06, and to the planning commission �k�a�far its 42 consideration to determine the projects' compliance with the city's comprehensive plan and other Page 4 of 8 o�- �aa-c� 2 � 6 (C.F. No. 97-53, § 6, 2-12-97) Sec. 57.08. Reporting dates. 9 The city council may, by resolution, change any reporting dates contained herein and may, by 10 resolufion, prescribe addifional procedures and reports to be provided by city deparhnents and 11 offices, other requesring agencies, and the CIB committee as the council in its discrerion 12 determines. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �17 Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annuai capital improvement budgets after adoption. Annual capital improvement budgets may be amended in accordance with section 10.07 of the Caty Charter and as provided for herein: (1) Additional projects and eapanded projects. When money is a�ailable to finance an additional project or increase the scope of an approved project, the annual capital improvement budget(s) may be amended by city council upon the recommendation of the mayor, arc�erre�ietv-by the CIS committee . . . • . ... . , . . . : :. � . :. : :.. :. : .- :. ... - : : . :. : : : . .. :.. :. : . . � . :. . :• ...- . ..._ ,� : ..: ;: : : : : . : .: . : � . .. :. . . . . : -. : : . :. .. . - . .:: . . .: ..�.: . . : : .:. : • , :.. .. . :: :. , .: :. � i � - � � i : � - _ : �/�u�r.�nuY�ay:�.nt:iir.n.tei�nn . � i - i . - - - _ Page 5 of 8 .., , . .-- -., . - . , : . ... . : . . . . : .. . . ,: : (3) Cost ofproject greater than appropriation. If the cost of any capital improvement project o�y laar� approved by the city council, including architect and engineeriit_g fees and, if appropriate, a contingency of ten (10) percent, exceeds the amount appropriated to it in an annual capital improvement budget or budgets, additional moneys necessary to fully finance the proj ect may be appropriated as follows: 5 a. If the total transfers with respect to a particulaz proj ect are less than � twentv-five 6 thousand dollars ($258,000.00) and funds are available in 7 geeeur� an unallocat_� contnz�enc3!;to fund the excess cost, such amount may be transferred by administrative arder budQef i .. : :.. : : . . :, . ., . . .., .. . �� - . ,� . .. : : . . . . �. . ::. : • .: .: :� - . ::., .: : . : : � : •;: :: .. . . : . . :. :.. . : . :. : . . . : :. . . : :. :.: :.. .. : . , „ .. :. .. : . :: : ., :. : : : . ... 18 e: If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are greaCer than-frf�q �v '.�r'�"� 19 thousand dollars ($�58,000.00) and exceed amount appropriated 20 by ciry council for the project, an additional appropriation may be made by the ciry 21 council �a��'.�o�ai�s���`���i;z , with the advice of the CIB committee and the 22 recommendation of the mayor, from the capital budget unallocated reserve account(s), 23 other uncommitYed money available, or by reallocarian of project funds. ' i ' " i _ i - � � . - . • i - i . � � : � � i • i � ' :e i � � : � � � i • - • � i ' - i • � i � - ' • ' " - - G - : � � • � • � ' i' n : � - i �" . ' _ _ � _ ", � . i _ _ _ •. _ _ _ _' ";' '� � � - : �� i• - i -� �• i � - -- " - . • i. i " " i ' : i ' ' i i . � ' - i l i . 29 (4) A project included in an annual capital improvement budget adopted by the city council shall 30 stand as an approved project unril completed or until abandoned pursuant to resolurion of the 31 council. Any amounts remaining in an annual capital improvement budget once all projects 32 contained in that budget have been completed because of abandoned projects, overestimates of 33 costs, or otherwise not required far projects approved in that annual capital improvement budget 34 shall be credited to a capital budget unallocated reserve account which may be used to finance 35 costs in excess of appropriation or other capital improvements, as recommended by the mayor 3b with the advice of the CIB committee and authorized by the city council pursuant to the 37 provisions of this chapter, r��a��e F���;=�b`u� ���a'���` def� "'���`a�?.G£B 38 isz��� �s�es='a� .`�3fiecT �� �8�at���r�� 39 (C.F. No. 97-53, § 7, 2-12-97) �1] 41 Sec. 57.10. Use of funds from succeeding years' budgets. Page 6 of 8 - 1�� 1aac� 1 If a capital unprovement project wi11 require more than one (1) yeas to complete, or if the total 2 unount of money required for any such project cannot be made available under one (1) annual 3 capital improvement budget, the city council may, by resolution, indicate that money from 4 succeeciing years' capital improvement budgets shail be used for the completion of such project. Sec. 57.11. Issuance of bonds. 7 The city council may at any time authorize the issuance of bonds, pursuant to law. The 8 authorization of such bands and the purposes enumerated in the ordinance or resolution 9 authorizing the same shall constitute an amendment to the annual capitai improvement budget 10 appropriating the amount of the bond issue to such purpose. 11 12 13 14 S�`5'3 ��' ��is Re�r'ur�s �ega��xig,��� `+�� ��ta�`i ��'s^�eYs: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The CIB Committee shall annuallv make recommendations to the Mavor and City Council for the use of excess �ro}ect appropriations. The Committee shall submit its recommendations on how to use excess project a��ropriations by no later than June 30 of each vear. Their recommendafions mav include topics such as: how much monev to keep in unallocated reserves to nrotect the financinQ inte�ritv of approved proiects which haveyet to eo to bid, transfer of unallocated money to already ap rn oved proiects which are short fundinQ, cancellation of previously approved projects because of unforseen delays or si�ificant chan�e in�roiect scope, new fundin f� or high priority capital pro�ects formally reviewed bv the CIB Committee which were not previously�nroved by the citY council because of resource constraints when the last capital budeet was adopted, fundin.u�o£ new out-of-budget-cycle projects reguested bv the Mavor and Citv Council, the use of existing Page 7 of 8 ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 �- �aar� bond monev to reduce the size of the CIB bond issue proposed for the next vear's capital improvement budeet, the use of existin�capital revenues to�av debt service principal �ayments, and other mid-vear recammendations deemed appropriate by the CIS Committee. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30} days after passage and publication. Adopted by Council: Date ���'�,a]el��/ io'T�3's Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Requested by Department o£: By: Form Approved by City A[torney �: �l,sa-- ch� . �'�c.�'l Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: Council Fi1e # � � _ �p'o"`r Ordinance # Green Sheet # � (��a � Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY O� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date : ADMIP7ISTRATIVE CODE AMENDING THE SAINT PAUL�TO REQUIRE STATUS REPORTS REGARDING APPROC�ED CAPITAL PROJECTS AND AMENDING PROCEDURES FOR PROJECTS GREATER OR LESS THANAPPROPRIATION THE COUNCIL DOES E3EREBY ORDAIN: That Chapter 57 of the City of Saint Paul Administrative Code shall be amended as foilows: i Chapter 57. Capital Improvement Budget; Committee* 2 Sea 57.01. Annual capital improvement Budget. 3 Sec. 57.02. Preparation and adoption of budget. 4 Sec. 57.03. Items included in budget. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sec. 57.04. Life expectancy ofbond-financed projects. Sea 57.05. Long-range capital improvement budget committee. Sec. 57.06. CIB committee function and duties. Sea 57.07. Submission of capital budget xequests and recommendations. Sec. 57.08. Reporting dates. Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annual capitai improvement budgets after adoption. ll Sec. 5710. Use of funds from succeeding years' budgets. 12 13 14 l5 Sec. 57.11. Issuance ofbonds. �� � :i �"'�'�.��'fi�-�`n^ . t�=��"x ° S '.gRr`'x�'�fr e �;tu.t� ' �.°.r-,-.'�`''�.,�� y'�" �. �fi� 5 ��J�' *Editor's note--This chapter is derived from the following ordinances: Page 1 of 8 a O \� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 o�- i�°z° Ord. No. 13679 13769 14�28 14405 16441 16455 17165 Sec. Date 8-22-67 11-17-67 ll- 6-68 2-18-70 6-13-78 8-15-78 10- 4-84 Sec. 57.01. Annual capital improvement budget. There shall be an annual capital improvement budget far the City of Saint Paul, which shall be separate and dastinct from the city's other budgets pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Charter. The annual capital improvement bud�et hall be part of a multi-year pian or program with the purpose of financing acquisition, ��'�'°t�f��� betterment, physical development, redevelo�ment and _ as well as to induce the private development of Saint Paul's housing staek and business facifities �� �4�� �� ' etz�'. Sec. 57.02. Preparation and adoption of budget. The mayor sha11 submit a proposed annual capital improvement budget and five-yeaz program to the city council on ar before August 15 of each year. The city council shall conduct pubiic hearings on the proposed annual capital improvement budget and program and adopt the budget by resolution, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.06 of the City Charter. The city councii may by resolurion amend the capital improvement budgzt. Sec. 57.03. Items included in budget. Page 2 of 8 o�- � aa-o i The annual capital unprovement budget shall include appropriations for all projects to be funded 2 during the budget yeaz which have an estimated useful life in excess of three (3) years, other than 3 the acquisition of office or mechanical equipment, vehicles or mobile equipment, and minor 4 remodeling or repairs of eacisting sIIUCtures. The annual capital improvement budget shall include 5 all such projects which are to be funded with the proceeds of general obligation or revenue bonds 6 of the city authorized by law, all aids, grants and special revenues received by the city for funding 7 capital nnprovements, all moneys appropriated by the city council in the general fund and special 8 fund budgets far capital projects, and all special capital financing methods such as taY increment 9 financing, long-term lease agreements and sale-leaseback financing. A five-year program which 10 identifies the future costs associated with multi-year capital projects and any additional capital 11 projects that are scheduled for implementation during the tune of the program shall accompany 12 each annual capital improvement budget. 13 14 Sec. 57.OA. Life expectancy of bond-financed projects. 15 Capital improvement projects financed in whole ar in part with bonds sold by the city shali have 16 a life expectancy that equals or exceeds the term of the bond(s). 17 18 Sec. 57.05. Long-range capital improvement bndget committee. 14 There is hereby established an advisory capiCal nnprovements committee consisring o£ eighteen 20 (18) members, none of whom shall hold any paid office or position under the City of Saint Paul. 21 This committee shall be designated the "Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee of 22 Saint Paul" and, for convenience of reference, may be referred to as the CIB committee. The 23 members of the CIB committee shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city 24 council for terms of three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. Appointments to fill 25 unexpired terms shall be for the length of the unexpired term. Appointments to expired terms 26 shall be made in the month of November and vacancies shall be &lled when they occur. At Ieast 27 four (4) members shall be appointed from each Minnesota state senate district located entirely 28 within the city and at least two (2) members shall be appointed from each senate district located 29 partly within the city. Prior to making an appointment to a vacancy on the CIB committee, the 30 mayar shall consuh the legislators of the senate district in which the vacancy occws. In addition, 31 each affected city council recognized citizen participation district shall be given the opportunity 32 to submit three (3) names for consideration by the mayor. The mayor shall, whenever possible, 33 make appoinhnents consistent with the recommendations of the citizen participation districts. 34 Each member shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for attendance at committee meetings 35 and subcommittee or task force meetings but in no event shall any member receive more than one 36 thousand dollars ($1,OOO.QO) in any calendar year. 37 38 Sec. 57.06. CIB committee function and duties. 39 The fiznction and duties of the CIB committee shall be to advise the mayor and clty council on 40 matters related to the adoption of the city's annual capital improvement budget, the prepazation of �1 the city's five-year capital unprovement progam, and the amendment of adopted capital �2 improvement budgets. All recommendarions received from the CIB committee, including Page 3 of 8 jnt - /��D 1 proposed annual capital unprovement budgets, shall be considered advisory only and shall not be 2 binding on the mayor or city councii, and the mayar or city council may alter, amend ar revise the 3 same in such manner as the mayor or city council considers appropriate. The function and duries 4 of the CIB committee shall specifically inciude: 5 (i) Ta receive from the mayor's office, budget section, descriptions ofprojects which department 6 or office directors and other agencies desire to have included in the city's annual capital 7 improvement budget and to analyze the same; to study and consider the long-range capital needs 8 of the city, methods of financing such needs, the city's capacity to support the financing, and the 9 recommendations of the planning commission; to assign priority ratings to the capital 10 nnprovement projects considered and reviewed by the committee; and to make recommendations i l to the mayar and city council which shall include a proposed or suggested annual capital 12 improvement budget and five-yeaz program; 13 (2) To hold hearings, including public hearings, with respect to capital budget requests at such 14 times and in such manner as the CIB committee shall determine, and upon such notice as the CIB 15 committee may prescribe; lfi (3) To submit a proposed annual capital improvement budget and five-year program to the mayor 17 for consideration by the mayor and council not later than June 30 of each year; 18 (4) To review ail �penditures on prajects anthorized hereunder at least annually to ensure that 19 projects are being carried out in conformance with the intent of the council and to recommend 20 closeout of projects when deemed appropriate; 21 (5) To review proposed amendments to annual capital improvement budgets, including transfer 22 of appropriations, requests for additional appropriations, and appropriations to new projects as 23 provided for in section 57.09 hereunder, and to provide recommendations to the mayor and city 24 council; and 25 (6) To elect its own officers and make its own rules for flie conduct of its business, including the 26 use of task forces; provided, that such rules and amendments thereto are not effective until filed 27 with the city clerk. 28 29 Sec. 57.07. Submission of capital budget requests and recommendations. 30 All capital improvement budget requests which city departments or office directors and other 31 governmental and cifizen agencies, including, by way of illustration and not of limitation, the 32 port authority, school district, parent teachers association, and district councils, herein refened to 33 as "other agencies," desire to have considered for inclusion in the annuai capital improvement 34 budget shall be submitted to the office of financiai services by the last Friday in March of each 35 project review year. Such requests shall include all capital improvement projects proposed for 36 the following one (1) or two (2) yeazs, as determined by the mayor, and identify programs for the 37 next ensuing four-year period. All requests far capital improvement projects and reports with 38 respect thereto shall be on forms prepared and provided by the director of financial services. 39 Upon receipt of capital improvement budget requests from city departments or offices and other 40 agencies, office of financial services shall transmit copies of the requests to the CIB committee '�i for its consideration as provided in section 57.06, and to the planning commission � for its 2 consideration to detetmine the projects' compliance with the city's comprehensive plan and other Page 4 of 8 o�- ��-a-o C� 0 ..,.. ,. - .-- -,, . .:.,,, . ,, . .: ... . ::. . .,: , ., ::. : . . , . :. . .: (C.F. No. 97-53, § 6, 2-12-97) Sec. 57.08. Reporting dates. 7 The city council may, by resolution, change any reporting dates contained herein and may, by 8 resolution, prescribe addirional procedures and reports to be provided by city departments and 4 offices, other requesting agencies, and the CIB committee as the council in its discretion 10 deternrines. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �0 Sec. 57.09. Amendment of annual capital improvement budgets after adoption. Annual capital improvement budgets may be amended in accordance with section 10.07 of the City Charter and as provided for herein: (1) Additional projects and expanded projects. VJhen money is available to finance an additional project or increase the scope of an approved project, the annual capital nnprovement budget(s) . ,.- „�., . . . . . :. .., .. . .• . .• ... : :� : :.. .. . : . ., .. :.... : . ... .�., :. . .• ... . ..:= . . .. . � :: : . : . . : . .:• . .: : .. : :.: : . .: :: .. :. . :.: . . : ..�:: .� i . . . . .: . . .. . :. . � �: :. Page 5 of 8 (3) Cost of project gr�eater than appropriation. If the cost of any capital improvement project approved by the city council, including architect and enginee� fees and, if appropriate, a contingency of ten (10) percent, exceeds the amount appropriated to it in an anuual capital v�{- �a,ao 1 improvement budget or budgets, additional moneys necessary to fully finance the project may be 2 appropriated as follows: 3 a. If the total transfers with res ect to a azticular ro ect are less than ``�`�� �`�� P P P ] �' t+� �ue 4 thousand dollars ($�59,000 00) and funds are available m ' .�'� �.�.r„� ,� 5 aecocmt- an uiaaT�bcate$:co� enc� to fund the excess cost, such amount may be 6 transferred by administrative order bud{*_et.airiegdmesiY', 7 S , 9 irasis: t . . .: . ::.: .: .. . .. :.. : .•: :: .. . : . . ..� :.. .. : . • ..�. . : . . : :. : .: . ..� : : : . : . . • . . . �: . � . �. . .. . � : : .. �. :. ::. , .. : . 15 � If the total transfers with respect to a particular project are greater than�i-ftq ��'"`�� 16 thousand dollars ($�59,000.00) and exceed�e��6}�eree�the amount appropriated 17 by city council for the ro ect an additional appropriation may be made by the city 18 council ��'�����;������ , with the advice of the CIB committee and the 19 recommendation of the mayor, from the capital budget unallocated reserve account(s), 20 other uncommitted money available, or by reallocation of project funds. : . : :. . .� : , :.. .. : :: � .: :. . .� ..:� . .:_ . . :.. .. : . . :. ; .: : ..� . . � .. :.. .. ;. .. :. . :� ..:> . : . .: .. : � .. , 26 (4) A project included in an annual capital improvement budget adopted by the city council shail 27 stand as an approved project until completed or untii abandoned pursuant to resolufion of the 28 council. Any amounts remaining in an annual capital improvement budget once all projects 29 contained in that budget have been completed because of abandoned projects, overestimates of 30 costs, or otherwise not required for projects approved in that annual capital improvement budget 31 shall be credited to a capital budget unallocated reserve account which may be used to finance 32 costs in excess of appropriatian or other capital improvements, as recommended by the mayor 33 with the advice of the CIB committee and authorized b the ci council pursuant to the �;�� _ , :.�n;;, , � �� � w � _ , � 34 rovisians of tlus c ter -. �." ` 3 '� 35 " � ��'. :µ,. [ � ,..n�� u. . _� �� � . - - _ _ � � 36 (C.F. No. 97-53, § 7, 2-12-97) 37 38 Sec. 57.10. Ilse of funds from succeeding years' budgets. 39 If a capital improvement project will require more than one (1) year to complete, or if the total 40 amount of money required for any such project cannot be made available under one (1) annual �1 capital improvement budget, the city council may, by resolution, andicate that money from Page 6 of 8 o�- �a.� 2 succeeding years' capitai improvement budgets shall be used for the completion of such project. Sec. 57.11. Issuance of bonds. 4 The city councii may at any time authorize the issuance of bonds, pursuant to law. The 5 authorization of such bonds and the purposes enumerated in the ordinance or resolution 6 authorizing the same shall constitute an amendment to the annual capital improvement budget 7 appropriating the amount of the bond issue to such purpose. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 z� as 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 CL The CIB Committee shall annually make recommendations to the MaYOr and City Council for the use of excess project a��ropriations. The Committee shall submit its recommendations on how to use excess project appropriations by no later than June 30 of each year. Their recommendations may include tonics such as: how much money to keep in unailocated reserves to protect the financing inte�r�itiv of aQproved projects which have ey t to go to bid, transfer of unallocated mone�to alreadv approved projects which are short funding, cancellation of previously ap�roved projects because of unforseen delays or sia,nificant chan�e in �roiect scope new fundin_g for hieh nrioritv capital projects formallYreviewed by the CIB Committee which wexe not nxeviously ap rp oved b tv he citv council because of resource constraints when the last caroital budget was adopted funding of new out-of-budget-cvcle proiects requested bythe Mavor and Citv Council the use of exisfing bond money to reduce the size of the CIB bond issue �roposed for the next year's capital improvement budget the use of existine capital revenues to �a,v debt service principal pavments and other mid-vear recommendations deemed appronriate by the C]B Committee. Page 7 of 8 o� - � a.�o 1 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after passage 2 and publication. 3 4 5 6 7 8 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By: Fosm Approved by CiCy Attorney I' i/ ! �//� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Adopted by Council: Date Office of Councilmember Kathy Lantry-Ward 7 e on ASAP Date: December 15,2004 � �� � � LOCATIONS NDATIONS: APPROVS (A) Ok R8J8CT �) NING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COM9253TON WMMITTEE HUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL F RICT COURT S WHICH COUNCIL OBJSCTTV6? GREEN SHE 2Q5283 ONAL SSRYICS CONTRALTS NOST ANSf$R TH8 FOLLOpI86: � Has the pezaon/fixm evei wotked undex' a conCract for this deBaxYment? YE3 NO Hae thia pexson/EVxm ever beea a City emBloyee' YES NO Doea this pereon/fixm poasess a skill not noimally posaeased by any cuszent Cvty employee? YES NO .ara a12 Y85 answeza on a eepazaee ahaet and attach. ho, What, When, Where, Why): No. the Reporting Requirements for the CIB Process, Chapter 57-of the Adm i ni strative Code S IF APPROVED: ' Council desires to clarify the process for amending and reallocating funds in the CIB to require a semi-annual report on project balances APPROVED: apparent SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: process will continue to be obscure /RFsVENUE BUDGET&D NL SOURCE � INFORMATION: {EXPLAIN) )