04-1121»__ _. _:.�._...,__. _:_.:�, li�ltte�ai�t3sl Council File # � Ordinanee # �. ��� ��7 �Ov T , Green 5heet # ORDINANCE �Y OF SAINT PAUL, MIPINESOTA �� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paui Legisiative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 10 il l2 3 4 5 i � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §61.800 of the Legislative Code, Island Station LLC duly petitioned to rezone 436 Shepard Rd. (380 Randolph) being legaily described as SECTION 12 TOWN 28 RANGE 23 PART OF NE 174 OF SW 1/4 & SE 1!4 OF NW 1t4 & PART QF SW 1/4 OF NE 114 OF SEC 12 TN 28 TN 23 LYING SLY OF SHEPARD RD, NLY OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ELY OF ELY LINE OF TRACT A OF RLS 441 EXT NLY & SLY & WLY OF A LINE DESC AS BEG AT A PT ON SLY LINE OF SD RD, 167.77 FT ELY OF CL OF SEG 12 TN 28 RN 23 TH S 27 DEG 02 MN 30 SEC W 60.56 FT TH S 33 DEG 34 MN 26 SEC W 62.88 FT TH S 27 DEG 32 MN 05 SEC E 7026 FT TO MOST NLY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH SLY ON ELY LINE SD TRACT & ITS SLY EXT TO NL 441, TRACT B, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 12-28-23-42-0020), Rezoning from 12 (General industrial) to TN2 (Traditionai Neighborhood) for a residential mixed-use development; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission heid a public hearing on September 30, 2004, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for Approval; and WHEREAS, the Pianning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on October 8, 2004, and recommended Approval to the Gity Council; and WHEREAS, notice of pubiic hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 18, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on November 3, 2004, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and �ecommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore - HE GOUNCIL OF THE CITY QF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. iat the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 28, as incorporated by reference in §60.303 of = Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as foilows: st the property at 436 Shepard Rd. (380 Randolph Ave.), being more particularly described as: :.TION 12 TOWN 28 RANGE 23 PART OF NE 114 OF SW 1/4 & SE 1!4 OF NW 114 & PART OF SW 1!4 P1E 1!4 OF SEC 12 TN 28 TN 23 LYING SLY OF SHEPARD RQ, NLY OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER, ELY ELY LINE OF TRACT A C�F RLS 441 EXT NLY & SLY & WLY OF A LWE DESC A5 BEG AT A PT ON LINE OF SD RD, 167.77 FT ELY OF CL OF SEC 12 TN 28 RN 23 TH S 27 DEG 02 MN 30 SEC W 3 FT TH S 33 DEG 34 MN 26 SEC W 62.88 FT TH S 27 DEG 32 MN 05 SEC E 70.26 FT TO MOST 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 o�F- t�aa NLY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH SLY ON ELY LINE SD TRACT & ITS SLY EXT TO NL 441, TRACT B, Parcel Identification Number (PIN} 12-28-23-42-0020) be and is hereby rezoned from 12 (Generai industrial) to 7N2 (Traditional Neighborhood). Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approvai and publication. doption Certified by By: � �proved by Mayor:f � / L $y' —i—rr 1 Secretasy �.. i. � -. Requestzd by Department o£: P1dnRin4 & ECOriOIitiC DeVeloDment g,f) (�, �%�^��[C� v "' Appzoved by Financial Services By: Form Approve by By: adopted by Council: Date �n� ° "�-'�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet D � r ll� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmerN/office/counciF. Date fnitiated: pE — P���»g�EconomicDevelopmeat ,o-Na„-� Green Sheet NO: 3024182 Contact Person 8 Phone: Deoarfment Sent To Person initiaV Donna Drummond � 0 nnin & Econoro e evelo / 0� 6-6556 ASSign � 1 lannin & Economic Develo De a e¢ D"re to Must Be on Councli Agenda by (Date): Number Z tt r � 6 i - (,tw'1 For Routing 3 a ar's O �c Ma or/ sistant Order 4 oun iI 5 a or's Office Ma orfA sish t 6 i erk er Total # of Signature Pages (Clip AU Lowtions for SignaWre� Action Requested: Adopt oxdinance memorializing City Council action approving Rezoning fro I2 (General Industrial), to TN2 (Traditional Neigpborhood)), for a residential mixed use development for property at 436 Shep�rd Road (380 Randolph), SE of the interseiction of new Shepazd Road and Randolph Avenue. Public Heating was held November 3, 2004. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Pollowing Questions: _� Planning Commission t. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? C16 Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No E�lain alf yes answers on separate sheet artd attach to greea sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (4Vho, What, When, Where, Why): This rezoning is necessary for the redevelopment of the former Island Station power plant building and property into approximateTy 235 new townhouse and condominium units, and a 20-siip marina. The City Council appxaved the rezoning on November 3, 2004, after a public hearing. AdvanWges 4f Approved: �� r� a� ��� e�n ftezoning ordinauce will be adopted per City Councii intent. �� %� 5�� ��h n� �� F�: ia `�� C` ����i DisadvairtageslfApproved: - None. �� � � ;"��.Q.uF �`°�f"�`�+ ,4� DisadVantages If Not ApproVed: City Council acflon will not be completed. Total Amount of CosNRevenue Budgetetl: �`�g�'3 �a¢�atr.i� �?^#e( Transaction: Punding Source: Adivity idumber. cg Financiallnfortnation: �� 4 k 2&P�"F � (Ezplain) DEPARTMENZ OF PLANNINC & ECONOMIC DEVELOP�LAENT Susan Kzmberly, Director CITY OF SA]NT PAUL Rmuly C KeZdy, Mayor 2� YYestFozvth Streed SaintPaut, MN55102 October 11, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: o�{ r�� � Ze lep h one: 651-266-b700 Facsimile� 65I-228-3?20 I wouid iike to confirm that a pu6lic hearing before the City Councii is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3, 20�4, for the foliowing zoning case: Zoning F+le Number: 04-145-318 Applicant: Isiand Station LLC Address: 436 Shepard Rd. (380 Randoiph), SE of the intersection of new Shepard Rd. and Randolph Ave. Purpose: Rezoning from 12 (General Industriai) to TN2 (Traditionai Neighborhood) for a residentiai mixed-use devefopment. Previous Action: Zoni�g Committee Recommendation: Approvai, 6- 0 September 30, 2004. Plan�ing Commission Recommendation: Approvai, unanimous, October 8, 2004. I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Thune's o�ce. My understanding is that this public hearing request wdi appear on the agenda for the October 27, 2004, City Council meeting and that you wiil pubiish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Piease call me af 266-6556 if you have any questions Sincerely, �(�r"R, t1 " "' ... „ "/ Donna Drummond City Planner cc: File #: 04-145-318 Appiicant: Isiand Station LLC Gregory Kozulla Paui Dubruiel Wendy Lane Caroi Martineau Allan Torstenson N01TCE OF PUBLIC NEARING - -- - The Saint Paul eity ouncil , �ill con- duct a publie hearing an Wednesday, No- vember 3, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamliets, Thud F7oor, City Hall to cons�der the applicati�n of Islazid �Sta tion LS,C £or a rezoning fibm I-2 (Generar Industrial) toTN2 (1`raditional Neighbo hood}for a residential miaed_use develo ment at 436 5hepard Road (3S0 Avenue}, SE af the intersection of ne ShepardRoad'andRandolphAvenue. S Dated: October 13, 2004 MAE2Y ERICI{SON, I Assistant City Counc�l $ecretary " s==.-u= 81: PAULCLEGALiBLEDGER'�—�_1 22087315 AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMEN2' OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEIST Susan Kimber7y, Director o �- lrai � CITY OF SAIN't' PAUL Rartdy C Kelly, Mayor October 26, 2�04 • u Ms. Mazy Erickson 25WestFmvthStreet Telephane:651-266-656.i Sairct Paul, MIJ 55102 Facs"rmite- b51-228-3261 City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #: 04-145-318 � Applicant: Island Station LLC Address: 436 Shepard Rd. (380 Randolph), SE of the intersecrion of new Shepazd Rd. and Randolph Ave. Puzpose: Rezoning from I2 (General Industrial) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for a residenrial mixed-use development. City Council Hearing: November 3, 2004, 530 p.m, City Council Chambers Staff Recommendation: District Council: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Support: Opposition: Planning Commission Recommendarion: Staff Assigned: Approval Approval Approval, vote: 6 - 0 � 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received 6 people spoke, O letters were received Approval vote: Unanimous Donna Brummond, 266-b556 Attachments: Planning Commission resolution Planning Commission minutes, October 8, 2004 Zoning Committee minutes, September 30, 2004 Correspondence received StaffReport packet cc: Applicant: Island Station LLC City Council Members District Council: 9 Wendy Lane Larry 5oderholm Allan Torstenson Peter Warner t1A-ADA-EEO Emgloyer city of saint paul � planning commission reso}ution fife number o�-9� date October 8, Zoo4 1,!'�' ��� WHEREAS, Island 8fation LLC, Pile # 04-145-318, has appfied for a rezaning from 12 Generai lndustriai to TN2 Traditional Neighborhood for a residentia{ mixed use development under the provisions of §61.801(b) of the Saint Pau( Legis(ative Code, on property locafed at 436 Shepard Rd. (380 f2andolph), Parcel ldentificafion Number (PIN) 12-28-23-42-0020, legatiy described as SECTION 12 TOWN 28 RANGE 23 PART OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1l4.& SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 & PART OF SW 1!4 OF NE 1/4 OF SEC 121'N 28 TN 23 LYING SLY OF SHEPARD RD, NLY OF MiSSISSiPPi RiVER, ELY OF ELY LiNE OF TRACT A OF RLS 441 EXT NLY & SLY & WLY OF A LINE DESC AS SEG AT A PT ON SLY LiNE OF SD RD, 167.77 FT ELY OF CL OF SEC 12 TN 28 RN 23 TH S 27 DEG 02 MN 30 SEC W 6Q.56 FT TH S 33 DEG 34 MN 26 SEC W 62.88 FT TH S 27 DEG 32 MN 05 SEC E 70.26 FT TO MOST NLY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH SI.Y ON ELY UNE SD TRACT & lTS SlY EXT TO NL 441, TRACT 8; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Pfanning Commission, on September 30, 2004, held a pubiic hearing at which ali persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said applicatipn in accordance with the requiremenfs of §61.303 of the 5aint Pau! Lsgisfafive Code; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul P(anning Commission, 6ased on the evidence presented fo its Zoning ommittee at fhe public hea�ing as substantial{y reflecfed in the minutes, made the fo!lowing findings of fact: 7he applicant, Isiand Station LLC, is proposing a project that is a combination of redevelopment of the existing power plant building and new constructio� to develop 235 new condominium and townhouse housing units and a new 20-siip marina. The devefopment wiil occur in two phases. Phase 1 wili consist of redevelopment o4 the old St. Paul Gas & Light (NSP) power p{ant bui{ding (constructed in 1924} into approximateiy 78 (oft-s#yie condominium units and construction of 16 two-story townhouses o� the east and west sides of the building and eight "Rsver Wafk" units facing the river on the south side of the buiiding. The townhouses wiit have two parking spaces beneath each unit. Parking for the condominiums will be provided in an on-grade structure with a landscaped piaza aDove. Phase 1 will atso incfude construction of a newfy-dredged 20-s{ip marina. Marina sfips wiil be soid to condominium or townhouse owners. Phase 2 wiii consist of construction of 122 condominium units in a new tower behind the existing power plant building, which wifl be connected to the power piant building via a multi-sfory atrium. Twenty additionat townhouses, ten on each side, wiil be constructed as part of Phase 2. The new tower wili be nine stories tal{ and wiil not exceed the height of the penthouse {ocated at the SW comer of the existing power p(ant building. Proposed watkways and a non-motorized boat launch wiii provide pubiic pedestrian access to the river where currently there is none. moved by Morton seconded by � favor Unanimous gainst Zoning File # 04-145-318 Planning Commission Resoiution Page 2 2. 3: G� 5. � 7 C�- it21 The site is a(so within the River Corridor, with the marirta area in fhe RC1 overlay district, and the �PP�� �evel of the site, which inc(udes the power house building, in the RC2 overtay disfrict. As such, the dsvetopment wili be subject to ffie River Corridor requirements found in Chapter 68. No change to the river corridor over(ay disfict desigrtations is proposed. The applicant has simuitaneously appfied for the rezoning, conditional use permits, varia.nce, and site pian approvals needed for fhis projecf. The sife plan is only for Phase 1 of the project. A separate site plan review wit! occur for Phase 2(which includes the new tower} when fhe developer is ready to begin construction of fhat phase. The application proposes to change ffie underlying zoning of the site €rom l2 (generai industria(} to TN2 {tradi6onal neighborhood). The intent of fhe TN2 district is to support compact, pedestrian-oriented commerciai and residentia! development tfiaf, in fum, can support and increase transit usage. tt permits exctusivety residential as well as mixed-use devetopment. The current I-2 zoni�g does not pertnit a strictlyresitlen6al use, as propased with fhis project. The applicant may wish to put in a smafl comrnerciat or office use as part of this devetopment in ihe future, and TN2 zoning would altow the fle�bitify to do fhis. The proposed densify, pedestrian- orienfation of the development, and use of structured paHdng are consistertt with TN2 guidelines. The proposed project and zpning change are supported by the Saint Paul Gomprehensive Ptan; The City's Mississippr River Corridor Plan (2002), Objective 8.4 sfates, "Su�po; f new housing rlevetopment in the river corridor, through the creation of urban vi(tages. Extend neighborhoods toward the river." Policy 6.4.i of the same pian stafes, aln strategic river corridor focafions adjacent to existing neighborhoods, the City suRPwts redevefoping vacant and underused Pndusfrial tand sites as new mixed-e�se urban viilage neighborhoads that heip reconnect the city to the river.° fn addition to removing a bfighting influence, the redsvelopmeflf as proposed wiii afso provide public access to the riverwhere none exists naw fhroagh development of a traii and non- motorized boat launch. The Rivervlew Transit Corridor Plan (compieted 2003 but not yet adopted} recommends either pubiic park or housing devefopment for the Island Sta6on site, artd specifically states fhat industriaf redevelopment of the site shoutd not occur. Rezoning the property Yo TIV2 would prevent industriai redevetoprrient of the site. The proposed rezoning wi!( noE have an adverse impact ort the surrounding area, and is likely to have a posifive impact by elimina6ng the possib+fity of industrial reusa of fhe property. While activity levei af th sf e hat exist af tt�i' largely vacant and bfighf d industnal te, this use is not incompatibte with the use and enjoyment of nsarby park areas. The river is a mutfi- purpose resource where recreatianal, and naturaUopen-spa�e uses successfut{y coexisY with commercial�ndustria! and residential uses. Because this is a rezoning from an industrial disfict to a less-intensive commercial/residentiaf district, no consent pefition from surrounding properfy own � . NOW, THEREFORE, SE !T RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul PI nning Commission recommends to the Cify Council that the appiication of Island Station LLC for a rezoniRg from 12 Generai tndustrial fo TN2 Traditional Neighborfiood for a residentiaf mixed use development for property at 436 Shepard Rd. (380 Randolph) be approved. 4 ���:; �. � � � �. �� � �� ..�yM1 } i�- F ���,„ � �� �� � � Y " ° ` �, , y,: �: :� ��� . �. �' ;,�. � `,x. _ - Y.E � r Saint Paul Planning Commission City Aall Conference Center 1� Kellogg Soulevard West Minutes of October 8, 2004 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saiut Paul was held Friday, October 8, 2004, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City HaIl. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonerii, Lu, Morton, and Trevino; and Present: Messrs. Ale�nder, Alton, Fotsch, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Scott. Commissioners Mmes. *McCall, and *Porter, Messrs. *Anfang, *Coletta, �`Dandrea, *Mardell. Absent: "Bxcused � , Also Present: I.azry Soderholm, Planning Adminisuator; Allen Lovejoy, Patricia lames, Donna Drummond, Tom Beach, Allan Torstenson, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of A aaust 13, 2004 � III. N �-t-�t�a MOTION: Commissioner Alton moved approval of the minutes of August i3, 2004. Commissioner ponnelly-Coken seconded the motion. The mntion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair 7ohnson asked for a volunteer to be a laision on the West Side Flats Task Force and announced an initial meeting on October 21" . Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Lazry Soderholm gave the City Councii business for last week and read the agenda for next week. Comprehensive Planning Committee Met Council Transportation Plan Review - (Allen Lovejoy, 65I/266-6576) Allen Lovejoy, PED staff, spoke on the most significant irnpacu of the Meuopolitan Council's Transportation Pian for the City of Saant Paul. MOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved the Comprehensive Planning Committee's recommendatiorz ta approve the Review of the Metropolitan Council's 2030 Transnortaiion Policy Plan. The motion carried una�eimously on ¢ voice vote. V Zoning Committee Commissioner Morton gave the Zoning Committee report. #04-145-071 John Moilner - Reestablishment of Nonconfotming Use Permit for an office service business. 239 N. CIeveland, SW corner at Marshall. (PatriciaTames, 651/266-6639 �u-��zt • Comraissioner Morton staYed District 13, Merriam Park recommends approval. No one spoke in support; 1 letter received in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommends approval on a vote of 6-0. MOTION: Commissioner Monon movea'the Zoning Committee's recommendaiiora to approve the re-establishmenf of nonconforming use The molion carried unanimously ox a voice vnte. #04-145-318 Istand Station LLC - Rezoning from T2 (General Tndustrial) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for a residenual m'v�ed use deveIopment. 436 Shepazd Road (380 Randolgk), SE of the intersecfion of new Shepazd Rd. aad Raudolph Ave. (Donna Drummond, 651/266- 6556) Commissioaer Morton stated District 9 recommends approvaL No one spoke in support. One person spoke in opposifion. The pablic hearing was cIosed_ The Zoning Committee recommen@s approval on a vote of 6-0. Ms. Donna Drummond gave a brief report on the rezoning and the conditional use permit. Commissioner Lu, referencing testimony of DNR staff at the Zoning Committee public hearing, asked if the siope on the marina side was more than 18%. Ms. Drummond stated that there has been an ongoing disagreement between the DNR and the CiTy about the defuutian of btuffs and slopes in the river corridor. The developer has not proposed to build on the sIope between the power plant building and the proposed marina. Sfie said the DNR considers that a bluff. The City doesn't believe that is the defiaition of the bluff for the river and there wouidn't be an effect on fhe over 18% slope where it drops down to the river. Commissioner Lu asked how someone would access the mazina to unload a boat Ms. Drummond stated thera would not be a place to Iaunch motorized boats at this siYe, and that anyone with a motorized boat wouid have to launch it from someplace else and then bring it up to this site. No one would be able to drive down to tfie river; there would only be pedestrian access down io the marina from the housing units. MOTION: Co»nnissioner Morton maved the Zoning Comrnittee's recommendation fo approve the reyoning. The motion carried unanimazuly on a voice votz #04-145-319 Island Station LLC - Conditional Use Permit for a ZO-sIip marina in the RCI district and for an e�sting structure with basement space below the regulatory flood protection elevarion in tfie RC2 district, an@ a variance of maximum front setback permitted in the T'N2 district (maximum 25 fr. pemiitted, a range af 31-112 R, proposed). (Donna Drummond, 651/265-6556) • r � (�•�� � MOTTON: Commissiorzer Mortnn moved the Zonzng Committee's reeommendalion to approve the condition¢I use permit and variance. The moZion carried on a vote of I4-1 (Lu). �04-145-077 Island Station LLC - Site Plan Review for Island Station Phase l, residential mixed use development. 436 Shepazd Rd. (380 Randolph}, SE of the intersection of new Sbepard Rd. and Randolph Ave. (Tom Beach, 6�1l266-908b) Tom Beach, LIEP, stated the site plan shows 2 trails leading towards the river and said most of the discussion was about getting another trai] that would connect the 2 trails to create a loop instead of 2 dead-end � that lead to the water. Mr. Beach stated the developer has aa eed to add language to the resolution that would provide an easement that would connect the 2 trails and create a loop path down to the river. The language leaves open where the best location for that would be, but it does talk about a river front connection between those 2 trails. At the question of Commissionet Zimmer L,onettl regazding ths previous marina use, Ms. Dnunmond stated that the previous docking facility didn't have sanitary facilities but that the proposed new marina would have a sealed pump statiou that would pump sewage froin boat holding tanks up to the main sewer facility for the development. Commissioner Gordon asked Mr, Beach to give the Commission the language from the developer about creating the path from east to west. Mr. Beach stated the language in the Zoning Committee ac$ons reads: "The site plan must provide public paths to the river on the east and west sides ofthe development. Permanent easements must be provided Yo ensure that flie path � remains open to the public in the future." Mr. Beach stated that the developer, after talking to some of the people interested in the project, has agreed to the addition of the following language: "The developer will determine the location of an additional, permanent, non-exclusive easement to the Ciry for connecting the east and west paths along the river's edge." Commissioner Lu asked about the flood proofuag and if it was adequate. Ms. Drummond stated the developer and CiTy aze working with FEMA to determine adequate floodproofing methods, and that LIEP will need to sign a certificate stating that the building is reasonably safe from flooding. AMENDED MOTION: Cammissinner Gordox moved to amend the resolutio�: on page 3, paragraph 2 which presently reads, "the site pian must provide public paths ta the river on the east and west sides of the developmen� Pernuznent easements must be prnvided to ensure tlzaf the path remains open to the publzc in the future; " and to add the follawing Zangu2ge to cos�dition 2: "the developer will determine the Z'ocation for an additional permanent non- exclusive easement to the City for connecting the east and west paths along ihe river's edge; " and to makeYhe correcSon by replacing the wnrd "path" with "paths." CommissinnerlYfortox seconded the motion. Commissioner Fotsch suggested the mofion shouid read "ensure that flze patlxs", and "permanent public easemenP' and not "permanent non-exclusive easemenP'. Commissioner Gordon responded that adding the "s" to the path in the second seutence is correct; but with respect to "exclusive" or "non-exclusive", his understanding is that one possibility is triat the connecting path will be the path that is south of the buiIding and is intended to be used for emeraency , velaicles. He said that to the extent that the developer has the option to use that path and coutinue z c�l-►iZ� to make it available for emergency vehicles, but additionally make it available for bikers or waikers, he can see why the developer would want that connecting path to be "non-exclusive", so that iY can be used in connecrion with the development and it can be used by the residents of flie city for biking and walking, so it should be left that way. Commissioner A1ton stated his recollection of the tesfimony at the Zoning Committee pubic hearing was that we were talking about the deveiaper dedicating to the City an easement for public purposes, and so this proposed additional Ianguage would be consisteut wiUz that testimony. The motion passed on a vnice vole of I¢I (Lu}. MOTION: Commissioner Morton requested a Zayover of the next 2 cases ro t&e Planning Commission meeting on Oclober 22"'` due to ihe absence of the city planner. Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion. The motion parsed an a vote of ZS-0. #04145-175 West Side Flats Urban Developtnent - Conditional Use Pemtit for a buitding 75 feet higk in the TN3 dish�ict with variance of 61 feet to permit a total bnilding height of 136 feet. , NE comer of Water Street and Wabasha. (Lucy Thompson, 651/266-6578} �04145-045 West Side Flats Urban Develooment LLC - Site Plan Review for West Side Flats Phase 1, NE corner of Water Street and Wabasha. (Tom Beach, 65UZ66-9086} Commzssioner Morton stated there wHl be no Zoning Committee meeting on October i4'� VI. Neighborhood and Curreut P]anning Committee Commissioner Trevuto reported the next meeting will be October 14`�, where they will discuss the Phalen Corridar Middle Section. VII. Commnnications Committee No report. VIII. Task Force Reports Commissionei Zimmer Lonetti reported the Lexington-University Task Force did not meet on October 4`�, they aze waiting to see what happens on Wednesday. Commissioner Alton reported the ne� meeting of the Rice Street Task Force wi11 be held on October 20�`, 5:30 p.m., at the HIub House on Rice Street. They witl have a presentation from a group of Macalester College students who have been wozldng on a project on Rice Street and also have a presentation from some representatives from the University of Minnesota Urban Planning Departrnent who aze going to be studying 2 intersections for radevelopment potential on Rice Saeet; and tfiey wiil be beginning the rezoning discussion on particuIar properties and what rezonings might be done. 4 � �� - � PRESENT: ABSENT: STAFF: MINUTES OF TfiE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor �,a-►iz� City Hail and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Afton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton . Anfang, Donnelly-Cohen � Mary Srufon, Donna Drummond, Allan Torstenson and Peter Wamer The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Morton. isiand Station LLC - 04-145-378 - Rezoning from 12 (Generai lndustriai} to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for a residenfial mixed use devefopment 436 Shepard Rd. {380 Randolph), S.E. of the intersection of new Shepard Rd. and Randolph Ave.. Donna Drummond presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning and agprovai with conditions for the conditional use permit. She also stated District 9 submitted a letter of support with comments peRaining to assuring pu6lic access to the proposed traii that would run along the west side of the property from the Samuel Morgan Trail down to the river front, where the developer has proposed putting in a non-motorized boat access that would be for canoes and kayaks. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Drummond expiained that ihe proposed residential units are all at or above the regufatory flood protection elevation of 711 ft. �on question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Drummond stated the private property on the site goes down to the ordinary water level of the river. She also explained the Parks staff does not recommend dead end traiis and have requested that the applicant look af some way to create a loop traif through the site so people don't have to back track to return to the Samuei Morgan trail. Ms. Drummond also stated the Parks Commission witi review the traii and the signage as parE of its review of the applicant's request for a second driveway crossing the Samuel Morgan trail. This second crossing is considered a diversion o4 park land, which the City Council wiii have to approve. Greg Kozuila, the applicanYs representative, stated they are continuing fo meet with the various regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction over this site, including the DNR, Corps of Engineers,and the MPCA. Thsy have found no objections to the project devetopment from these agencies. All the required permitting Yime frames are being met and the agencies have been very cooperative with the team. He also explained they are cleaning up some contaminatio� on the site. At the question of Commissioner Alton, Mr. Kozutia exptained that going forward with the site is contingent on the rezoning. They hope to begin pol4ution abatement near the end of October and into IVovember, 2004. The clean-up of the power plant building will take place during the winter months. in April they are hoping to do the mass excavation and the soii remediation. if the time lines stay on track, they will appiy for the bui4ding permits in the spring. At the question ofi Gommissioner Gordon, Mr. Kozulta explained where the pub{ic access to the river woufd be located in con}unction with the walking traii, fire fane, and parking. � h Pakonen, one of the owners of the Island Station project, stated they were hoping to provide access from Samuel H. Morgan trail with a one-way trail to the river, and in addition, provide a second easement to the �eni�sula on the east side of the site, rather than looping the traiL These two easements would provide access to both to the river and to the peninsula in case it is ever developed for parks use. Q4-145-318 Zorting Committee Minutes September 30, 2044 Page 2 No one spoke in support. c�- t�z� � John Grzybek, 1330 St Paui Ave., explained that the Mississippi River is a national, natural resource, and the local community has a profound responsibility to protect it for future generations and seek a balance befween development and preserving, protecfing, and enhancing the corridor. The Mississippi river corridor plan does not encourage or promote the removal of land frortt the critical area. The proposed marina wili biock permanentiy any wifdiife corridor between the lands east and wesf of the project area. The Mississippi River Corridor Plan, adopted by the City Council in 2002, states that the City will support efforts to restore the shore line to a more naturai character within 100 feet of the river fo facilifate wildtife movement. The marina wi!( disconnecf anima( ha6itats from the largety existing river eco-systems artd permanently prevent the movement of wild life in the area. if the marina is allowed to be buift as proposed there is a concem about the material that witl be used, with prohibitions againsi sheet piling, concrete, or concrete slabs. There will be a significant need to withhold the slopes. The in and on land storage of boats should be prohibited. He also sYated the Conditionat Use Permit for the marina should be denied. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Grzybek, stated fhere are other areas +n which a marina can be constructed an a scale that would accommodate the facility. Upon the question of Commissioner Anfang, Mr. Grzybek, exptained there needs to be a balance between development and protecting the critical area pursuant to the tViississippi River Corridor P(an adopted by fhe City Council, and this is fhe first step in that oarkicular process. He also went on to say there +s a smali wildlife corridor between Hidden Falis and Crosby Park consisting of deer and fox that go from one-side of fhe Wafergate Marina to the ofher side. There has been a movement in the past in an e�Fort to take the storage� buildings of the Watergate Marina and locate them further away from the wiidiife corridor. This project has t be tooked at in terms of ifs impact on fhe greater locality and the possibilities of the future. Upon further question he also explained the topography of the river is steep and the project takes land out of the critical area and puts a pertnanent strucfure up against the manmade sfructure and it would be a permanent hindrance to any wildlife movement going from east to west. Previous house boats +n the area did not have the marina to the extent that the developer seeks to construcf. Peggy Lynch, Executive Director of the Friends of Parics and Trails of St. Pau( and Ramsey County, stafed they have concerns pertaining to the deve(opment in regards to the wildlife corridor. The River Corridor Plan states "the City will support efforts to restare the shore tand to a more natural characterwithin 900 feeY of the river to facilitate wild life movement." There is wildlife existing there and they need a way to move up and down the river. There shoutd also be a looped path tocated on the praperty and if it requires using the fire lane to accomplish it that would be the best way to do it. (n 2003 when they met with the developers they stated they did not want a!ot of people down there and they would reserve the right to close the pathway. It is imperative that it is a legai agreement with the developers that there be pubtic access to fhe ri�er. The RC2 Zoning requires thaf ai! structures be built at the e(evation of one-foot above the 100 year flood elevation, which is 710 feet at that site, and there are eight proposed housing units that would be built at 711 feet. tf is fegal, but there should be some required notice to the people who are buying the condominiums that this is a condition on the purchase. She aiso expiained that a tot of money has been spent moving structures out of the floodplain and the floodway elsewhere, but St. Pauf is acfivefy moving structures into the floodway. They recommend widening the land area between the development and the marina to insure an adequate wiidtife corridor. A continuous loop traii shouid be constructed through the area which borders the Mississippi River. The Parks and Recreation Department should enter into a legai agreement with the developers so the residents could cross the Samuel H. Morgan Regional Trait on the north side of the developmenf in order to enTer fhe site, and in exchange the developers would give permanent easements to the City for a loop trail � providing public access to the river. The City should also require the devetoper to give detailed informaflon fiood eievations to potential buyers so this does not become a buyers beware development with future residents asking the City, State and Federal govemment for relief when high water returns. 04-145-318 Zoning Committee Minutes eptember 30, 2004 ge 3 �-�tu Upon questions of Commissioner Anfang, Ms. �rummond stated that Tom Beach of the LlEP staif woufd hava information on whether or not detaifed flood information is required to be given to buyers. The current site has one access that crosses the Samuel Morgan trail end they are proposing fo have two driveways and that additional crossing would need approval from the Parks Commission and the City Councii. Tim Agnes from Parks indicated that even utiiity crossings of the trail undergrolind woufd require the same approvai. As part of an agreemerrt with the developer there wili be some negotiation to compensate for the diversion of park {and and requiring a pub{ic easement to the river is one of the things the City cou(d require from the developer in exchartge for atiowing those crossings. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Lynch stated if someone on a bike was riding down the Samuel Morgan Traii they would be aliowed to turn and go along the west side of the property and then would have to turn araund and go back and then go down the east side of the property as far as the peninsula. Therefore, it would be better to have a looped trail to aliow crossing over and retuming #o the Samuel Morgan trail rather than going back and forth. Irene Jones, Outreach Birector with Friends of the Mississippi River, explained that Friends ofi the Nlississippi is not opposed to the addition of marinas in the metro area. St. Paul is one of the locations that it makes since to add capacity for marinas, however, St Paut shouid evaivate where the besi locations are for marinas throughout the Cify and only al{ow them in those sites as opposed to someone just coming atong and proposing to excavate part of the land that is in the critical area. There is a concern with this marina because it will damage the natural shoreline by removing land from the cor�dor and prevent the passage of some wifdlife traveling through. It wiii also impact the scenic value of fhe site which is enjoyed by people who like to e the river for boating. The inlet behind the peninsula would seem like a much more logicai place to have marina and the developer has taken the path of feast resistence because they have an existing permit and wiil be easier to obtain a permit from the DNR for the site in front but that doesn't mean it is the best locatian for the marina to accommodate the deve{opment. She recommended the City deny the CondiYional Use Permit for a marirta in front of the property until there is further discussion with the DlVR and the devefoper about the possibifity of locating it in a better location such as the iniet behind the peninsula. She also stated it is important to have a future connec#ion to Crosby Park and east of the peninsula in order to have a continuous trail so the rivertront can remain open to the public. At the question of Commissioner Atton, Ms. Jones stated they wouid like discussions with the developer pertaining to the areas staying open to the pubfic. Sandy Fecht, Mississippi River Criticai Area Hydro{ogist for Minnesota Department of IVatural Resources, said the City should be cautious about approving the Conditiona{ Use Permit unti{ the City knows exactly what state and federai requirements are going to be met. The last e-mail firom the Flood Plain Management staff said the Federal FEMA staff and the State Flood Plain staff were pessimistic as to whether the deveioper's proposal as submitted is possibte under the federa! and staie laws. Particular language in #he e-mail was negative and at this point Yhe developer will continue to work with the state and federai governments on the matters but caution shouid be used in approving a conditional use permit prematurely that may have no refation to whaf is approvable in the end. DNR Area Hydrologist, Moily Shodeen, is waiting for additionai information concern+ng the publlc water permit. Critical area sequirements require minimization of sife aiteration which creates a concern with the proposed removai of fand from the designated corridor and any impacts it would have on biuffs and slopes greater than 18 percent which are protected. Upon advice of the Attomey General's O�ce she reiterated that under Minnesota rules it states that a locai unit of government shall enact only the �egulations for a critica{ area that have the written approval of the DNR. Amendments are legatiy efFective oniy n the approvaf of DNR in the same manner as the original plans and regulations in accordance with the s. There is a series of deadlines and reviews by DNR and Metropoiitan Councii prior to DiVR making an pproval decision on ordinance plan amendments and rezonings. t the question of Commissioner Alton, Ms. Fecht exp4ained that state statutes indicate that any kind of 04-145-318 Zoning Cnmmittee Minutes September 30, 2004 Page 4 �t-�iZl • approval decision that the DNR has, they are looking for consistency with Executive Order 79-19 which has a list of standards and guidet+nes thaY need to be met Eor the pians and regulallons. She further explained thaf she advises caution as what may be ailowed in the end by state and €ederal authorities may look very different than what the Zoning Comrnittee and Planning Commission may approve. !f there is a su6stantia( change required because of federal and sfate laws this would create wasted eifort and the Ptanning Commission would have to go back and redo the permit. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Fecht stated she wasn't reacty to declare that there is nothing that is inconsistent with the Executive Order conceming the rezoning, buf fhat is the standard on which the DNR wouid have to base its review. This wouid include a review of ordinance regutations that come with the TtV2 zoning, which piece of property is being talked about, and what is the approved criticai area plan vision for that property. A more restrictive zone than industrial zoning is typically a better i� terms of fhe corridor's management guidelines. Ms. Drummond sYated that, based on an opinion from the City Attorney's o�ce, the DNR has review and comment authority, but not approva! aufhority, for any proposed rezoRing in the river corridor. Heien Eilenbecker, 2111 James Ave., had concems with the cost of the projecf, how if would be paid for, and where thE tax doflars wiit go. At the question of Commissioner Morton, Ms. Drummond stated the devetopers have not asked for any pubfic subsidy for the �ro;eef ofhsr thar. hel� in ap�fying for pcllu±io,^, clean-up g; ants frcm .he Statz. Anne Hunf, Pier One Harriet Island, stated concems in regards to keeping the river corridor a witderness an� open to the pubiic with a trai! connection. She atso stafed the wiidlife corridor is important and having consistent green space where the animais can get habitat, find shelter and water is crifically important. Greg Kozulla, the appiicant's representative, provided addifiona( information in response to the concerns raised. He said there will he water going through to fhe screen house and explained how it woutd suppoft wiidiife. The construction materials for fhe marina have not been identi£ed yet but the Corps of Enginears will have to approve the materiais and design selected. He went on to exptain how the dredging would be done. He a(so stated fhere will be no boat storage on the proper#y and new owners wiil be notified of that. The purchasers of the eight units at the 71 i ft. etevation wi!! be aware of this. AII of the other units on the entire property will be 11 feet above the 711 ft. elevation or at elevation 722 ft. Rick Voigt, Polaris Group inc., stated they have contacted FEMA for feedback on the issues that need to be addressed regarding floodproofing. He also stated the canstruction and storage issues will be addressed and gave a history of the cove and exptained the changes that wi11 be applied whert the marina is built. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Faricy moved approvai of the rezoning. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 6-0 Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 Submitted by: Approved by: r � i � i, � Carol Martineau Donna Drummond Gladys Morton Recording Secrefary Zoning Section Chair � � ZOiVfNG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # Q4-148-318 1. APPLiGANT: lsland Station LLC HEARING DATE: Sept. 30, 2004 2 TYPE OF APPLIGATiON: Rezaning 3. LOCATfON: 436 Shepard Road (380 Randolph), SE of the intersection of new Shepard Rd. and Randoiph Ave. 4. P1N 8� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 12-28-23-42-0020; SECT{ON 12 TOWN 2& RANGE 23 PART OF !VE 114 OF SW 1/4 & SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 & PART OF SW '1/4 OF NE 114 OF 5EC 12 TN 28 TN 23 LYfNG SLY OF SHEPARD RD, NLY OF MiSSiSSiPPI RIVER, ELY OF ELY LINE OF TRACT A OF RlS 441 EXT NLY & SLY & WLY OF A LINE DESC AS BEG AT A PT ON SLY LINE OF SD RD, 167.77 FT ELY OF CL OF SEC 12 TN 28 RN 23 TH S 27 DEG 02 MN 30 SEC W 60.56 FT 7H S 33 DEG 34 MN 26 SEC W 62.88 FT TH S 27 QEG 32 MN 05 SEC E 70.26 FT TO MOST NLY COR OF TRACT B RLS 441 TH SLY ON ELY LINE SD TRACT & ITS SLY EXT TO NL 44�, TRACT B 5. PLANNING DISTRlCT: 9 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: § 86.321; §61.801(b) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: Sept. 22, 2004 BY: Donna Drummond 8. DAl'E RECEIVED: Sept. 10, 2004 DEADLINE FOR COMMISSIQN ACTION: Oct. 26, 2004 A. PURPOSE: Rezoning from 12 (General Industrial) to TN2 (Tradftionai Neighborhood) for a residential mixed use development. B. PARCEL SIZE: 10.7 acres � C. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant former St. Paul Gas & Light {NSP) power piant. D. SURR�UNDING LAND USE: North: Ashiand Chemicai, Inc. facility across Old Shepard Rd. (13) West: Vacant land owned by Xcel Energy {I2) South: Mississippi River East: Vacant 4and owned by Xcet Energy and St. Paui Port Authoriry (l2) �� E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §66.321 lists uses permitted in the TN2 district; y61.801(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DiSGUSSION: The appiicant, lsiand Station LLC, purchased the property on Dec. 4, 2003 from Nicollet Restoration, Inc. (John Kerwin). The previous owner had a long history of unsuccessful redeveiopment attempts and a variety of City code violations. Most recentiy the owner had rented space in the building to a variety of warehouse and storage users, and aiso rented dock space to a number of houseboats that were moored on a long-term basis at the site. In April, 2002, the Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit with conditions for four single boat docks and one group dock. The permit was revoked by the City in February, 2003, because of non-compiiance with permit conditions. The last of the buifding tenarits and houseboats were remaved from the site in Aprif, 2004. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: District 9(West SeventhlFort Road Federation) has submitted a letfer of suppoR, with comme�ts about the proposed pedestrian path to the river (attached). H. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant, island Station LLC, is proposing a project that is a combination of redevelopment of the existing power piant building and new construction to devetop 235 new EXISTING ZONfNG: 12, RC2, RC1 �-ii� Zoning File #04-'145-318 Zoning Committee Staff Report Page 2 � condominium and townhouse housing unifs and a new 20-slip marina. The development will occur in two phases. Phase 1 wi!( consisf of redeve(opment of the old St. Pau! Gas & l.ight {NSP} power piant buitding (constructed in 'l924) into approximately 76 lott-style condominium unifs and consfrucEion of 16 two-story townhouses on the east and west sides of the building and eight 6 River Waik" units facing the river on the south side of the building. The townhouses wil( have fivo parking spaces beneath each unit. Parking for the condominiums wi!! be provided in an on-grada structure with a landscaped ptaza above. Phase 1 will also include construction of a newiy-dredged 20-siip marina. Marina slips wilt be sotd to condominium or towrthouse owners. Phase 2 will consist of construction of 122 condominium units in a new tower behind the existing power plant huilding, which wiil be connected to the power plant building via a multi- story atrium. TwenYy additional townhouses, ten on each side, wiii be consfructed as part of Phase 2. The new tower wili be nine stories tatt and wili not exceed the height of the penthouse located at the SW comer of the existing power ptant building. Proposed walicways and a non-motorized boat launch wili provide pubiic pedestrian access to the river where currently there is none. 2. The site is also within the River Corridor, with the marina area in the RC1 overlay district, and the upper level of the site, which includes the power house building, in the RC2 overtay district. As such, the development will be subject to the River Corridor requirements found in Chapter 68. No change to the river corridor overlay district designafions is proposed. 3. The applicant has simultaneously applied for the rezoning, conditional use permits, variance, � and site pian approvals needed for this project. 7he site plan is only for Phase 1 of the project. A separate site pian review will occur for Phase 2(which includes the new tower) when the developer is ready to 6egin construction of that phase. 4. The application proposes to change the underlying zoning of the site from 12 (generat industrial) to TN2 (traditionai neighborhood). The intent of the TN2 district is to support compact, pedestrian-oriented commercial and residentiaf development that, in tum, can support and increase transit usage. It permits exclusivety residentiaf as weli as mixed-use development. The current I-2 zoning does nat permit a strictiy residential use, as proposed with this project. The applicant may wish to put in a smaii commercial or office use as part of this developmertt in the future, and TN2 zoning would ailow the flexibility to do fhis. The proposed density, pedestrfan-orientation of the deve�opmenf, and use of sfructured parking are consistent with TN2 guidelines. 5. The proposed project and zoning change are supported by the Saint Paul Comprehensive . Pian. The City's Mississippi RiverCorridorPlan (2002), Objective 6.4 states, "Support new housing development in the river corridor, through the creation of urban vitiages. Exfend ne+ghborhoods toward the river.° Policy 6.4.1 of tfie same plan states, °)n sfrafegic river corridor tocations adjacent to existing neighborhoods, the Cify supports redeveloping vacant and underused industrial land sites as new mixed-use urban village neighborhoods that help reconnect the city to the river." In addition to removing a biighting influence, the redevelopment as proposed witl also provide public access to the river where none exists now through development of a trai( and non-motorized boat launch. The Riverview Transif Corridor Plan (compieted 2003 but not yet adopted} recommends either public paric or housing development for the tstand Stafion site, and specificaliy stafes that � industrial redevelopment of the site should not occur. Rezoning the property to TN2 woufd prevent industrial redevelopment of the site. 6. The proposed rezoning will not have an adverse impact on the surrounding area, and is (ikely to have a positive impact by eliminating the possibiiity of industriat reuse of the property. �-��u � Zoning Fite #04-145-318 Zoning Committee Staff Report Page 3 While redevelopmenf and reuse of the Island Station property as proposed will obviously i�crease fhe activity tevel at the site from whaf curren#iy exists at this largefy vacant and blighted industrial site, this use is not incompaf9ble with the use and enjoyment of nearby park areas. The river is a muiti-purpose resource where recreational, and naturaf/open-space uses successfufly coexist with commerciallindustrial and residential uses. 7. Secause this is a rezoning from an industriai district to a iess-intensive commerciallresidentia! district, no consent petition from surrounding properFy owners is required. {. STAFF RECOMMENDAT{ON: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approvai of the rezoning from 12 (General Industriaf) to TN2 (Traditional Neighborhood) for a residentiai mixed- use development. � �J G:ISharedkmartinelfiles to Rod 15taff Report - Rezonmg March 8, 2�04 . Cy.� ��Z PE7'ITl Deparbn Zoning 2 I400 Cit 25 West �`�'' Saint Pa (65I) 26 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCAYidN Address i Location LegalDescription �� �1 E?CfflB/p' 7"�• Current Zaning .1 �.. (attach additionaf sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORASLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462_357(5) of Minnesota Statues, '�JR"O� �?�Ojf •��, Z�C- _ owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby pet7tions you to �—=— - �— - - rezone the above descri6ed property from as+ .� �-� zoning district to a � l� Z zoning district, for the purpose of: ---k��v�copMHv7' of ExrsTrN� ��{�- �REZ� �t�- �-�4NT T'c — ft I��W ,t�cJ[.1'!- tdSE cvNDOMcN�v� 1.�1/E�t�f'�I�T- -- ��f'�1�p' I�VIC.L � coM�c.Ej�p /N 2. fft�-s � Pff�kS� 1 /filGC.u���t� �p�r�i.opNrE�vr pF E�r-57`�N� b2�o _ — f�'N� �'.�N ��� ����1.1J ��vs�� ��� � _ Gn�vsl5 5 �� � � ���� T° �Xtf<gl� `�'. (attach addifional sheets if necessary} Attachments as required: �,Site Pla� Subscribed d worn to befpre me this day .of �l'r�f'�8 � , 20�. Notary ub4ic II Consent Petition ��[C3� ���� �� � ❑ Affidavit � By: Fee Owner Property Title: �!Y(D � E h � ���� � ��� 1 . 1 ���..__� Page � of _ �-��-� 0 EXHIBIT `A' Lesal Aescrintion Abstract Properiy (per poc. No. 2421527) That part of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, of the Fourth Principal Meridian that is described as follows: Commencing a# the Northwest comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 12; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes East, assumed bearing along the West line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance af 2380.50 feet; thence South 64 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 13.Sb feet ta the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence Southwesterly along a curve concave to the north, the chord of which bears South 75 degrees 02 minutes 53 seconds West, with a central angle of 11 degrees 51 minutes 48 seconds and a radius of 228233 feet for an azc distance of 472.5� feet; thence South 27 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 37939 feet to the most westerly comer of Tract B, Registered Land Survey I3o. 441; thence North 13 degrees 24 minutes East, along the line of said Tract B, a distance of 167.2 feet; thence North 58 degrees 02 minutes East a distance of 303.00 faet; thence North 77 degrees 30 minutes Oi second East a distance of 17131 feet; thence North 27 degrees 32 minutes OS seconds West a distance of 70.26 feet; thence North 33 deorees 34 miaetes 26 seconds East a dis*.ance cf 58.22 f et; thence Nor i 27 degrees C2 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 60.56 feet; thence South 64 degrees 57 minutes 15 � seconds West a distance of 173.81 feet to the point of beginning. AND Parcel 3: Abstract Property (per poc. No. 2421527) That part of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, of the Foutth Principal Meridian that is described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 12; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes East, assumed bearing along the West line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of 2486.90 feet; thence South 67 degrees 55 minutes West a distance of 200.82 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described, said point of beginning also being the most Southerly comer of Tract B, Registered Land 5urvey No. 441; thence North 67 degrees 55 minutes East, along ihe Southeasterly line of said Tract B, a distance of 537.39 feet; thence South 27 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 155 feet more or less to ffie shore of the Mississippi River; thence Southwestsrly, along said shore line to the intersection with a line that bears South 27 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 27 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 140 feet more or less to the point of beginning. . �-�t�i r� �� EXIiIBIT `B' Island Station Development The development of this project consists of 10.7 acres of riverfront propeily a3ong the Mississippi River in St. Paut, MN. It is bordered by properties owned by Xcel Energy and across Randolph Avenue, properties owned by Ashland Chemical Company and the St. Paul Port Authority. The development will occur in rivo phases. Phase 1 will consist of the redevelopment of the old St. Paul Gas & Light power plant (coastructed in 1924) and construction of new town homes on both east and west sides of the power piant. It is planned to reconfigure the power plant to be fit with approximately 76 loft style condominium units. Units range from 900 sf to approximately 2400 sf net with common amenities for use by all. Adjacent the power plant, phase 1 will construct 17 - 2 story townhouse buildings. The configuration is to be 9 units on the east side of the power plant and 8 units on the west side. These townhouses aze 2,000 sf. each with 2 pazking spaces below each unit. Parking for the power plant will also be on the grade level of the existing building and immediately adjacent below a landscaped plaza at the same elevation as the townhouse pazking. Tn addition to the units as descxibed, phase 1 will include a newly dredged marina with 20 `for sale' slips, trail connections to the Samuel H. Morgan trail along Randolph Avenue, and the necessary utility and roadway infrastructure to support Phase 1. . Phase 2 of the development consists of a new tower aligned with Lhe existing power plant connected only at the main level via 3 story atria. The new tower contains approximately ]22 units varying is size from 900 sf. to 2400 sf. Similaz to Fhase 1, Phase 2 has 20 town houses, 10 on the east side and 10 on the west side oPthe new tower. These town houses are again 2000 sf with parking beneath. The infrastructure connection for Phase 2 wil( again require connecrion to those utilities and roadway access via the infrastructure provided by Phase l. The architecture of the phase 2 development will resemb(e the aesthetic of the existing power plant, but not replicate. It is important for the power piant to maintain its orvn azchitectural statement. �� o�t—u� r � . �'�� � / a.:s� �� �; s� �,�.. ;;��z�. �� F z� <Y:E:£ � i t{ � F y e�� •�n� �- F E £ �� a� e5 •� 3Y z � � _ �Y e���§ $ $ �e ��^ 3_ `�-4I �� $� �I � � O ;� :;: � ., %F�'� . ±. f3 i d � W � N i N A e' _� � 9 � � � • � �� $ � 9 �a. ���� _ �m. 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LJ ZP #04-145-318 Island Station Rezonittg ZF #04-145-319 Isiand Station Conditionai Use Permits and Variance ����;; View of Island Station from the intersection of Randolph Ave, and new Sfiepazd Rd. c�—Ilzi • � - cxt-u� � ZF #04-145-318 Island Station Rezoning ZF #�04-145-319 Island Station Conditional Use Permits and Variance • View of Island Station from new Shepard Rd., east of Randolph Ave. �� 1J%41 �rCIYI.G+fC1l.1�C� �W^.CtvCt 0. 11GR1'tG� "� OJILCOJJi�* �+v.��i ........ Q�-u?.1 r �J Cnuacil Member I?ave Thus�e 1S West Kellogg �ivd. S� Paul, Minnasata 55102 (6321298-6599 Re: island Stataon Developmerst Dear Council Member Thune: weat 7thJ�art xoae Fedaratina s�a we�t �tn s�set 6aint Paul, Nc�innesoia 55102 September 26, 2004 The Ciry Cow�c•i! will soon be presented with a set oi reluests from SpringPoinYe Development that wi11 seek the finai pernZissian £or it�e redevelopmcnt of the old NSP High Bridge Plant near flie corner of Old 51�epard 12oad and Randolpli Avenue in die City's West 7th Street iveighborhood, in Disuict Pianning Councii No. 9. The West 7th/Fort Road Federation, acting as ihe Dist�ict Pianning Council, has been regulazly updated by Yhe development tea�n, and appisuds the deveEopers for incfuding the neighborhood as fliey move fonvard wiin deveioping eitis site. The Federatiaa is generally aupportive of the project, which preserves a unique • riverfrant indust�ial building. We have been very pleued with the willingsiess of the devsioper to meet with us and answer questions. 3 thint< that the way the project has advanced is in marked contrast to how oiher riverfront develogmeats have viewed St. Paui's tradition of citizen involvement. , dne of tl�e concems that the nei�h6ors have brought up is that as devetopments on ttte riverfrQnt move Forward, we wanc co cal:e whatever sceps we ca�z to ensure that they become part af our neSghborhood and chat both il�ose living on the river as wel! as others can continua to enjoy sccess w the pnbiic riverfront. In th� upper Landiag, the coatinuation of fhe uail is one way chis haz been accomplished. With Isl�nd Stauon, the incii:siou of a trail eo the water is very impoctant, not only ta those wha visit the river, but to prevent chis ghysically isolated propeny from bzcoming a gsted community, cut off from the r2maindar of the neighberhood. The Federatian is very concemed that steps be taken so that tlze pronzise of river access is maintained into the Future. To that end, as the Cauncil consSders the vsriances, r:zoni�ig, and perniittine of the project, we urge that the trail to the river aiong the side of che property be of a pettnanent nature, both physically a��d. legalty. We would theiefore urge that the Council insist upan 2 permaaent easement in favor of the public for a uail e�r�nsion that would ensure that the access to the public watezway be kept permanent. Despite our concerns aL•ouc pern�anent pubtic access to she river che proyect is one rhat the Federation Baard generally supporCS. �,�e recognize that change has com� to the rivarfzont, and we recogn:2e that the resutting building will of necessity be one that wiil Cooperaptsa��Eund Dri�e Member Af�izxaetive Ac6ionl�qual Opgortunity Emplayar {'`J�[G�YJ�{ J.J•�Ij JrGYl.C�1ClVl�Cr ,U1CC�YCI q 1.]CRfYG� � 011GGO�lJl�1 (�t-itZ� change that pari of the river's edge. The size af the building will undoubtedty raise same � concaus, but rhe preservation ofthe oId paw:r ptant building is a weicome devetopment. We ziso applaud the willingaess of SpringPointe tn s�ead the time and effozt to keep is informed of their plans and listen to ou concems as the project has moved forwazd. Si aly, � , ���E�� � Diane Gerth President, West 7thlFort Read F�deration cc: SpringPoince Developmeat Susan Kimberly � � C?TiZtN PARiiC1PFT:ON DiSiRiCTS l,/���� � -- � ,� r � � � �� CITIZEN FARTICSPATION PLAiJNIN6 DFS7RIC1'S 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECRcEK-HS6HWOOD 2.GREATER ERST SiOE 3.WEST SIDE" 4.OAYTON'S BLUFr" S.PAYN_-PHALEN - 7.THDMASEDALE � — I (�l�'.3I� SUMMIT-UNIVERSZTY . ST SEVENTH . CDM6 }}.HAMLINE-MI�WAY 12. S7. � A�V7HQMY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXIMGTON 4A;�!LINE 1?..GROVELAND=MACALESTER 13.HI6HLAND � l6:St1MM2T HILL 17.�OWNTOWN cx�-i�� � DISTRT�T 9 O , � ,� ���� � F�L� � c�-(- t �d S- 31 & � ». S Y. C641 �� � F� r � � � r T � 2s rN yy . �:?� �,. . � ; ,�- �., �.,�� f �'.�: � ; >;'.-: . ��' _�'.. . ��� ❑ _ / ' .� � r , _ , - - --, - �-,, � - � �" � � � �--- --- % �� � / � v / / f / .�_ /� � _ ���tcz,rl � is rQrw�.0 �� otl� t.�,�, URPOS[ �� '++' ����� f D�" I'i S" 3I� DA7E "� �� �. 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