04-1027�- Y � � � _.�. ...� . ... � yq1.. l�!1�-� �� � �� � Presented � Refesed To Committee Date 1 An ordinance conceming City Council approval of the city's lobbyists and legislative agendas. 2 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 3 Section 1. That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be amended by deleting section 24.03(D) (1)(2) 4 and (3). 5 Section 2. 6 7 E: '0 That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be amended by adding thereto a new chapter 45 to read as follows: CHAPTER 45. CITY LOBBYISTS AND LEGISLATIVE AGENDAS Section 45.01 Definitions. 10 (a) "LobbyisY' means any individual, firm or agency engaged by the city for pay or 11 other consideration to perform lobbying activities for the city. This includes city 12 employees who must regster as lobbyists with the State of Minnesota under 13 Minnesota 5tatutes Sections 10AA1, subd. 21 and l0A .03. 14 (b) "I.obbying activities" means to appear before a state or federal legjslative, 15 executive, or administrative body, including committees, sub-committees, and 16 task forces, to meet with state or federal legislative, executive or administrative 17 officials, or to consult with or advise any city official on content or strategies 18 concerning any aspect of a legislative agenda, as defined in this ordinance. 19 (c) "Federal Legislative Agenda" shall be defined as the compilation of city policies 20 and positions on lssues or legislation pending at the federal level of government, 21 and which serves as the basis for the city's lobbying activities. 22 (d) "State L.egislative Agenda" shall be defined as the compilation of city policy and 23 positions on issues or legislation pending at the state level of govemment, and 24 which serves as the basis for the city's lobbying activities. 25 26 Section a5.02 Legislative Agendas As used an this chapter: At least annually, the city's Federal I.egislative Agenda and State L,egislative Agenda shall be lobbying ord as proposed 10-6-04.wpd e � � �I�II�NCE � �-�` � CITY OF �AINT E,AUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � �0 1 Green Sheet # ��1.¢'�1 29 1 C ' Y " f� l� 'Q�� o�- toZ� 1 recommended by the Mayor and reviewed and adopted by resolution of the City Council. These 2 agendas may be updated from time to time by resolurion, as needed. 3 Section 45.03 Lobbyists 4 No lobbyist shall engage in lobbying actavities without prior authorization by resolution of the 5 city council. All lobbying activities on behalf of the city shall be consistent with the ciTy's Federal 6 I.eb slative Agenda or State Legislative Agenda, All contracts retaining a lobbyist, except lobbyists 7 who are city employees, must be in writing and must include by express reference the provisions of 8 this chapter. 9 Section 45.04 Disclosure and Conflict of Interest 10 (a) Disclosure. Any lobbyist retained by the city shall, at the time of retention and 11 quarterly thereafter, file with the city clerk a complete list of all cuu�ent clients of that 12 lobbyist, including representation of any type, full-time or part-time. This requirement 13 sha11 be made part of the contract by which the city retains the services of such lobbyist. 14 15 16 17 Section 3. 18 (b) Conflict of interest. During its period of contract with the city, no lobbyist shall lobby the city or city council on behalf of any other client nor on behalf of any other client represent any interest(s) which conflicts with any city policy ar posirion. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Departrnent of: � Form By: Adopted by Council: Date ✓V D U`C�'�'i i�� a`�, c2C7L� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary By: By: ��� � i��i/� Approved by Mayor: Date By: .�`C ��ii�Gd �//Si�Y� 4 /�L%'1��.� � lobbying ord as proposed 10-6-04.wpd O�l-laZ.l DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E WITNTED ci�couivcu. o�rzo,aooa GREEN SHEET No 20637$ COMACT PFRSON & PFiONE NxWDafe Inpialmals Councilmember Lee Helgen 6-8650 oE.ue�rmsia� an�cau,c� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OAT� October27,2004 � NUMBERFOR ❑ � �� ROUTING � IaNrxtaLaFxNCF9oYt A1�I1CJLLaERViKRo ❑ WYOn(ORASWBIIIM� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCASIOPfS FOR SiGP1ATURE) CTfON RE�iIESTED . Approval of ordinance concerning City Council approval of the city's lobbyists and legislative agendas. R COMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CON77tAC75 MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIIES7ION5: 1, Has ihis persorJfirm everworNed under a contract tor this depertmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Har, Nis peison/firtn ever 6een a cM1y employee4 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � YES NO 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nomallyposses.aetl by any curteM city employee? VES NO 4 Is Nis pe�soMrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to Oreen sheet INITIATIIdG PR06LEM ISSUE.OPPORTUN{N (Who. What. When. Where. Wtry) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DIS AGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES Ii0 FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNqNCIAL INFORMATON (IXPWM � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � R G . auizrr oiznnz- � � �� � , � Below ate cocrec:t.routings'for the six most frequent,types of documents; , � � � � �,� coisrxP:cTS<���o�avna��� courrc��soi.uizari��ab�a�ti��E�j ' , 1- OutsideAge¢cy ,�� � 1 Dep�a�rm�entDuec � � � � � , 2- DeparlmenY�uector � � � 2 O�cG,oE�mauc�al5ervices '.T}i'cert, or , � � 3a �CilyAUOmey,� � � �� � �� 3 C�ky �.Atfnmey '' "' �� � � �� � 4. �Nrfay�/Assistant(foicoNractsover'$25,000) � � q lv�ayor/Acc ', � � � 5. �Hr�mariRights(Yor,aontiactsovec$50,000) � 5 �it9,C4me�1, '" � � � � i � � � � � ,' 6. Office �Financial, Services = Acco�ting , 6. 0ffice o€Fivaocia[ Servwces - Accoimtiog , ADMIbUSTRATIVE ORDII2S (Budget Revision) ' COi7NCIL RESOLUTIQN'(a1I othe�s and'Otd�nancesy , , , 1. ActiaityManagerorDepmimentAcxoimtant 1, DepsitmeutDirector', . � i" 2'. Depar�entDirector ' r 2 CitgAttome}*', ' � �� � � 3: Officeo�F'�sncialSe�vicesDicectot� ' ��� 3 fi�fsYor/„'A.�sistant,� e vi , � � � � 4: City Clerk, , � � � 4. Citp,Council , � � � 5' _ i I , . Office ofFinancial Seuvices Aceounting ' . ADMINISTRATjVE ORDERS (all otherS) EXECi71TVE ORDER �, 1. Deparlm�tDirector , r , 1 Dep'aitmentDiiector 2. Cit�`/lttorneY,, � 2 , �� � , , 3: 'OfficeofFinancial $ervicesDirectoi 3." or/tls�stant � .,. . , . �Y , � 4 � Cilg C[eiic � � i � 4 C�y'�I'!ak � � � � � ' „ , �. ' � � TdTALNL�MBER�OF SfGN�1TrIREPA6ES ' . � �� � � � � � � � � �� � � � � rndicate the # ofpages on wliich signatures ace re4mtecl and PapercLP orIIag each o[these pages. ,' � � � � � . � �� ACTION�R�QIIESTED � � � � � � � . � Describe what �P�l��l�t seels'to acoomplish m either cLro�logical order or order of�wzporEaaoe w• is , mostappropriate'.f�ortheissoe. Donotwritecompletesentences...Begutieachitem.inyour�listwkth.averb � . st , � , , , ,_ � , ', ,� , � , i � � ,� � „ � � � � � , � , � �� � � � � , �, � � � � � RECOMMENDATIONS- ' � � � � � �� � , l.'ompiete'ifthe issue in question has Ireen presented bef4re �Y �Y P�lic or pnvate. . , � PII2$ONAL SERydCE CONTRACTS. , � �� � � TJus information will be used to determine the city's liability'',for workers ' compensation claims, taxes and proper civil „ .secviceLiringttites. „ ' , � �,� � � � � �� INITIATIIJGPROBLEIy; LSSL7E; OPPORTUNITY , ExpPam die 'sih�ation or con�ti�s ths[ cseated a neeii forYo� Prolect orre, 'quest . �,,�, , ' AllVANPAGES IF APPROVED , is ' 7 ec �arz �c w �n „ 7ndicate wheHiet this s?�P1Y an aan�ia! bud6et Procedure te4a!red by lam� chazYer or whetU there� syec , aps , wluch the City of SawtP'aul aud rts citiienswill benefit from tbis pmlectfaction. , „ I�ISADVANFAGES IF APPRdVED Whaf •ve,effects'orma ' to' or asC tliis xfit�is assed � � ,, �� � a�5���� �B P r�ocesseg��gfic� txo.►e�t/r�q�es�rroa�ce p � � � �� .. �cdel no�se,�tau' � � '� � � � � , '� � � S, aYs. �reases oi ass�sments). To whdm Whea ,�For how „long� � , � � �" D�SADVANIAQESIFNOTIAPPRO�VED � � � � � ��� � � . i- o T �����Confinae Whaf'wil[rbefhene - ve . ces'if'the ach nisnof ved� InabilrtytodeLver' ,'secvice 8afi consequen Promised aPPro high,hsffic noise;accidentrate?,Lossofrevenue? ' „ " FINANCIAL'IM?ACT ��' Althou�yan mi�st tsiloz the iufoimationyou provide heae to the yon me address�g; �n generai �ou musC aoswec � .„ � , � , „ �� two ons: �Hoiv much�i§ it � in to costP Who'is fo� ��' .. � �� 4u� Sfl S &��8 P�! , „ „ � � , � � � � � � ��� � , . � , � � � � �� � � � � „ „ „ � . . , „ . � � �� �� � '' � , � �i � ,, � �, �� � � i �,' � i + '� i i �' tli '� id ��i � iii� � � , II .,� ��.� �i .� „LV. . , . � ,,,., i . „ ., _ , u . . . . 6 i,�l .,b;r��b ! I� irv�Y.r�xiv la�Hm�w,:��l �.1,M , �,�A i �i..H�iVFI��d�{w�� ,w�,�, i1�1 , ..�.