03-1108Council File # O`�' �/ r Ordinance # n / �(; r � Green Sheet # ✓ �V D ,`��� Presented,By ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /` �� . . F i 4 � Referred To ' Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462.357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, the St. Paul Public Housing Agency duly petitioned to rezone a portion of 280 Ravoux St. being legally described as: That part of Lot 1, Block 5, Western Area Addition, Ramsey Co., Minnesota lying west of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the south line of said lot a distance of 114.13 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 0 degrees 14 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 223.76 feet to the north line ofi said lot and there terminating, from RM-3 Multiple-Family to RM-2 Multiple-Family to allow singfe family houses; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 2, 2003, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to §107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission for approval; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on October 10, 2003, and recommended approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the Yeas Nays sent Requested by Department of: Benanav ��� Bostrom � �io Harris He2gen Lantzy �/ Adopted by Council: Date _� Adoption Certified by Council Secre i By: Approved by Mayo : ate � By: Plannin & Economic Deo�_L xe t � By: Appxoved by Financial Services By: Form Approved by City Attorney �/ y...�0� :. ;.`} "�i l t D 3 - !/08 a 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 official newspaper of the City on October 20, 2003, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on November 5, 2003, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 20, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That a portion of the property at 280 Ravoux St., being more particularly described as: That part of Lot 1, Block 5, Western Area Addition, Ramsey Co., Minnesota lying west of the following described Iine: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot; thence South 89 degrees 55 minutes 28 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the south line of said lot a distance of 114.13 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 0 degrees 14 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 223.76 feet to the north line of said lot and there terminating be and is hereby rezoned from RM-3 to F2M-2. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. :, ,. ,,,... � 03 - �108' � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: ' PE — P��a ��onomicDevelopment 01-DEG03 Green Sheet NO: 3008555 Contad Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date Pa4icia James 0 lannin & Economic Develo 266-6639 pujyn 1 lannin & Economic Develo Director/M. FLller I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 � A rne '° - Ci Attor e 17-DEG43 For Routing 3 a or's Office M or's O1Yice Ofder 4 ouncil C" Couucil ToWI # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Lowtions for Signature) Action Requested: , Adopt ordinance. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMracts Must Answer the Foltowing Questions: � , Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? � - Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . Twin Cities Habitat for Huinanity and the Public Housing Agency propose constntcrion of single fanuly houses on fhe westem portion of the property at 280 Rawu�c St. The current zoning does not allow single family homes: The City Council appxoved the iezoning on November 5, 2003, after a public hearing. AdvanW5les If Approved: Rezoning ord'uiance will be adopted per City Councfl intent. DisadvantaqeslfApproved: None. Disadvantaqeslf NotApuroved: � City Council acrion will not be completed. Total Amount of Transaction: CostlRevenue Budgeted: $�'��� ��y$�r�TC�1 2�1 � I Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Information: ��� � � �°'o� (Explain) DEPARTMENTOFPLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Martha G. FuIIer, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, M¢yor October 13, 2003 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: Q�T �� ' ���� I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday November 5, 2003, for the following zoning case. Zoning File Number: 03-350-709 Applicant: St. Paul Public Housing Agency Address: 280 Ravoux St., Purpose: Rezone from RM-3 Multiple-Family to RM-2 Multiple-Family to atlow single family houses Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, 7- 0, October 2, 2003 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, Unanimous, October 10, 2003 I have confirmed this day with Councilmember Blakey's office. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 22, 2Q03, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please cali me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sin�rely, � �� Patricia James City Planner cc: File #: 03-350-709 Applicant: St. Paul Public Housing Agency Matt Soucek Paul Dubruiei Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Ailan Torstenson 25 West Fourth Streel Saini Paul, MN 55102 �3 � l/og � Tetephone: 651-266-6626 F¢csimiZe: 65I-228-3341 �'oua �E; �;�:,��.:�E�;; �er�ter H014CE OF POffiSC �SIIYG 19�e Saiat Pau1� City Ca�mcit will oon-� duct a public hPATn�4 on Wednesday, No- vember 5, 2003, at 5:80 p.m_ m the City Co�mcH (`ha Floo� City gall —Courthouse,l5 West BelloggBontevard, samcra,il, M�nn�ta, to consiaerthe ap- pliartian of SG Paul Public HouxmgAgen- cy to resane Ianpexcy st 28O Ravrna S�aed from ItM3 Q14uHaple Family) to RM 2 (Multiple Family) to allow single 6m�1y housea �r.�a: o�coner is, zoo� MARY ERICRSON, - A.cc'cMnt �{y (`,p`UII�j $�}�ySr , ' toMO� 20� sx rem, raGer, rr,oc�e 22071348 AA-ADA-EEO Employer - - ------ - ---- -- --- - - - _ -- 03 - llD� city of saint paul planning commission resofution � fiiie number 03-86 date October 10, 2003 � �,. WHEREAS, St. Paul Public Housing Agency, File # 03-350-709, under the provisions of §64.400(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, has appiied to rezone the west 114.3 feet of Lot 1, Block 5, UVestern Area Addition, part of current Parcel Idenfification Number (PIN) 36-29-23-43-OOD3 at 280 Ravoux Street, from RM-3 Niultiple-Family to RM-2 Multiple-Family to allow single family houses; and WHEREAS, 4he Zoning Committee of the Pianning Commission, on October 2, 2003, held a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is proposing to construct 5 single family homes on a new parcei to be created on the west end of the Ravoux High Rise (280 Ravoux Street) property. The zoning for the new parcel is to be RM-2 Multiple Family Residentiai. 2. A lot spli± �roill be approved prior to Cihj Ca.ar.cil consideratior, of the rezoring to avoid split zoning on the existing lot. 3. The proposed rezoning is compatibfe and consistent with existing and proposed d�velopment in the surrounding area. Much of the surrounding area is zoned RM-2. 4. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, which suppo�ts providing a range of housing types and values. 5. The entire parcel is currently zoned RM-3, which does not permit single family homes. In order to proceed with the proposed devefopment, the new westeriy parcei must be rezoned to a district that does permit singie family development. 6. The housing types permitted by the proposed rezoning �vill complement the surrounding array of housing opfions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the appfication of St. Paul Public Housing Agency to rezone the west 114.3 feet of Lot 1, Block 5, Western Area Addition from RM-3 Muitiple-Family to RN9-2 141ultipie-Family to allow singie family houses be approved. moved by Field seconded by in favor IInanimous against -- - _ -- --- ---_ _ - 03-rloS Saint Paul Plannina Gommission � City Hall Conference Center - 15 Kellogg Boulevard `� est �Iinutes of October 10, 2003 �- A meetine of the Plannin� Commission of the Citv of Saint Paul was held Friday, October 10, 2003, at 830 a.m. in fha Conference Center of City Hal1. �- Commissioners Present: IvSmes. Donnelly'-Cohen, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortridge, and Trevino; and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfan�, Field, Fotsch, 7ohnson, Krauier, and Mazdell. " Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy; and �Sessrs. *Dandrea, *Gordon, Kong, '��Iejia. Absent: *Excuszd Also Present: Larry Soderhohn, Planning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, Jez1 Spoonheun, Patricia James, and 1�Iary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of minutes of September 26, 2003 1VIOTION: Commissioner ponnelly-Cohen moved approval of the minutes of September 26, 2003. Commissioner Trevino seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a ;�cic° :cte. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton reported that on Tuesday, Saint Paul lost a leader and a friend with the death of Councilmembzr Jim Reiter, from Ward 5. She stated that his commitrnent and leadership are going to be greatly missed in t�'�e City'. She said he had a �;eat sense of humor and he alw aqs was able to put the issues in the right pzrspective. Chair Morton asked the Plannin� Commission members to join her in a moment of silence to remember Jim. She announced the funeral azrangements. IiI. Planning Administrator's Announcements City Council business on 10%I/03: b7r. Soderholm stated that because of the dzath of Councilm�mber Reiter the Council had an abbreciated meetin� and laid ocer sevzral itzmc, 'I'h�y took actions on the following: - Sieps toward acquisition af preperty at `Vest�-ninster 7unction, alen� the Phalen Beulecard, where a Port Authority business park is planned. � - An ad}ustmzat of t�LO to the Sunray Shoppina Centei moracorium. �. � � �u. -- .. - -- . .. Informational Presentation -- - --.. - -_ . _--. .._ - D3 - �108 Bob Schreier. PED Downtoticn�Southwest Team Leader - Update on PED development projects in the do4�ntewn and westzrn half of the city. :�Sr. Schreier passed out a map of projects that the Ciry is working on or have recently comglzted. He taiked about Wards 1, 2, 3, and 4, in the western area of the citp. Projeccs around the downtown include: - Ramsey County Government Center �V"est and Adult Detention Facility - development proposals due mid-October - District Energy Co-generation facility - completed - Upper Landin� LTrban Villa�e - under construction - Chestnut Plaza - in desi�n phase - Upper Landin� Park - in desiga phase - Shepard Road - under construction - Smith Avenue Transit Center - in plannin� phase - Dakota and Sibley Court Apartments - occupied - Essex and Siblzy Park Apartments - occupied - Crane building - in planning phase - Public Housing Authority offices - under construction - Depaztment of Human Services offices - in site plan review - Public Safety Buildin� - reuse study underway - Rossmor Building - in saies phase for residential conversion - rroduce Excnan�e euilding - loft conversion complete - Iv�ew residzntial loft construction - in planning phase - District Cooling water tank - construction complete - Lyons Court - in planning and design phase - Swezt Lot - in planning, design, financin, phase - 9`� Street Lofts - in sales phase - �Jacouta Commons - in design puase ior final improvemenis - Great Northern Lofts - under construction in sales phase - Union Depot - in study- phase for conversion to multi-modal transportation hub - Strauss Knitting - residential conveision under constzuction - Raspberry Island - bridge and bandshell complete; explorin; improvements for major entertaimnent venue - Fanners Mazket - outdoor expansion under construction - Nlarket Lofts and indoor market - in final desi�n phase - Lower Hazbor �larina Expansion - in EAW phase Some of the major projects in the tivestern neighborhoods include: - Shepard-Dacem - financing and final desi�n for housing - Koch-�fobil - ne�otiating for propertv, master plannin� phase - Emexald Gazdens - zeatai and ownership housing ur.der construction - Johnson Bros. on lini��ersity - planning financin� phase - Unieersity-Snzlling - plannin� phase, inciuding bus barn si±e _ - _. __________ -__- 03 - %!08' MINUTES OF THE ZONiNG COMMITTEE Thursday, October 2, 2003 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor � City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: ABSENT: STAFF: Aiton, Anfang, Faricy, Fieid, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Gordon Patricia James Carol Martineau, A(lan Torstenson, and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. St. Paul Public Housing Agency- 03-350-709 - Rezone from RM-3 Muitipie-Family to RM-2 Multiple- Family to allow single family houses. 280 Ravoux St.. Patricia James presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval for the rezoning. Dave Lang, Public Housing Agency, stated the application was suhmitted because they are in the process of selling the property to St. Paul Habitat. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was ciosed. �mmissioner Commissioner Morton moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Alton seconded the ,otion. Adopted Yeas - 7 Nays - 0 Drafted by: C°f���t2r.�,���-�K, Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Submitted by: � Patricia James Zoning Section Approved by: /,!! , ��� Litton Fiel ,/ Chair ' � _ ________ __ __ __ _ _ - 03 -lldg ZONiNG COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT � FILE #03-350-709 1. APPLICANT: St Paul Public Housing Agency HEARING DATE: 10/2/03 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezone 3. LOCATION: 280 Ravoux St. � � 4. PIN & LEG AL DESCRIPTIOId: 36-29-23-43-0003; Western Area Addition, the West 114.3 ft. of Lot1 Blk 5 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 8 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.450; §64.400(b) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: September 22, 2003 8. DATE RECEIVED: 8/27/03 BY: Patricia James DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 10/26l03 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from RM-3 Multiple-Family to RM-2 Multiple-Family to allow single family houses. B. PARCEL SIZE: 114.3 ft. (St. Anthony Ave.) x 174 ft. (Ravoux)= 25,001 sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant yard area for Ravoux High Rise (RM-3) D. SURROUNDiNG LAND USE: North: multiple family residential (RM2) East: commercial uses (CAAPB jurisdiction) South: I-94 (RM-3) West: multiple family residential (RM-2) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §60.450 describes the intent of and uses permitted in the RM-2 Medium-Density Low-Rise, Multiple Family Residential District; §64.400(b) provides for changes to the zoning of property initiated by the property owner. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: On June 23,2003, the Board of Zoning Appeals (Zoning File # 0308- 627) approved a variance pertaining to maximum aliowed lot coverage in order to split off this � 14 x 174 ft. parcel to accommodate the proposed housing project. On September 11, 2003, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity applied for a lot split (Zoning File # 03-352-527) to separate the 114.3 x 174 ft. parcel for the housing development. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation from District 8 had been received at the time this staff report was prepared. H. FINDINGS: 1. Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is proposing to construct 5 single family homes on a new parcel to be created on the west end of the Ravoux High Rise (280 Ravoux) property. The EXISTING ZONING: RM-3 PETITION TO AMEND Tii� 20NING CODE Department af Plattning attd Economic Develap�nent � ZaningSection 14�0 Ciry Ha[I Annex , 25 West Foudh Street Saint Paul, :�I.V Si102-1634 (651) 266-6589 Property � .. . � �i� e: � �30 0 3 APPLICANT Address 480 Cedar Street, Suite 600 _al.� C�ty St. Paul St.�"IN Zip 55101 DaytimePhon�`-'-'-,'�---^--= Contact Person (if different) Matt Soucek Phone 612/331-4090 Address/Location AddrP¢� n�+ �.at acciq, PROPERTY LOCATION Legal Description The W i i 4 t o or i, Ri o�k S WPatprn n, - a Addn.. Rams � Cnnnt� Minnacni-� CurrentZoning�M-3 (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 452.357(5) of Minnesofa Statues, St _ n�,,, Diihl ;,, u,.,,..; „n r�.._ __.owner of iand proposed fo� rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a RM-3 zoning district to a_ ur,r_� zoningdistrict,forthepurposeof: Allowing construction of single family homes. The current RM-3 zoning does not allow construction of single family homes. The change in zoning will apply to Parcel B on the attached survey only. (attach additional sheets if necessary) Attachments as required: ❑ Site Plan Subscribed and sworn to before me this� oZ� day of _ (,'Li.�/��! , 20�. �., e� `"` TRISTYA.AUGER �� [[��� /� NOTA9Y O�BUC MINYt$(5Tq �� J1,/d /J ( f f/ ! �dYCOMMiSS10tvEXPiRE ��u � Pub i 3i,zooi s C(G �{I� � G� $ �� P ❑ Coosent Petition ���]o� _____ � � . - -- - ---- - 03 - �10� �//��C/LG'L e o _ � � D3=/lo�_ _ rv � Y] M b � ��; ` � Z _ u = �% V U J .n 1 � � � :J = Z � ��. ,'.�� 0 '�N ON � <i�i Z o�� F�ti "] nn p Z�Z y � � � � z�o �- �a Va�°.< � -�i _ �i W ^ `� o a t+ C O ✓�./ C C �.I � � Fv� 3 C < � ; � ,� = U] U1 � = c. ° � [] - i 4 " w E- w .^�. � zc_ _ r ' � u _ c 4 � o � � � "� �z c. � � � � � ¢ � C�).1 � 6 [� h o � �� a �- a r 9S SL L = i ri��i ���o��=� s,asc�_ F W w a F � n �, ° n �' a ` W � � m � N � � � Q W s���tzs ��iot���t C a w U �n � a �� ' `• , — � F � O � 4 ` Z "' o� vN p > :� o � O � J ` d � � p W U +C'- 6 G M „ZS,bL,00 S ZZ"OS � m ^ � O z m n l� ry W � N � } � �Q n � 3 y. � � z= � � 0 m E� w � z� z 6� � HW � ~ Z - i � ^ ,� .� � � ,� � ! i 3 1 �i , .si,oc� ti � � z���ss xno��a 9C£ZZ 3 „L£,bLe00 N C n v � "S� n \ �OS�o�J p� � h . —\� z . c: ,-"->? c � _ f `��4�_ ^ � — ac _ `�, ` t � _ �C n v U X d O Z o N O v � 0 4� Q w � v '�' ¢ ` - � � � V Q ` � O W o:� o m C a � � 0 o V � � m U M % < u � � v ~ � �� K 3 � 0 % � v O � N a. � N U � M O p Q� Q O m O p � a � N Q 1� � p� % N w av Q � m � Q N C �'�' U GO U c Z o "' o w � a w� a F c a u 3 YW 2 w M� M� O m 3 0" � e a < � a °, � tn O Q V�- Q e- O Q � �QO m...0 m" j O 6 J W . V W W T 0 a U^ V 3 N `^ aQOC <ro �, o a �... a t-rc w� a o� �� E =- c` -° = vo� 'c a'� > v � -_ ` _°_ ` �a_ `o = n �°� g - � � _ "o c _ _ � - _ `c "°� c " .°� a s �-' o J �� n o �� « r = v"�_ � � V � O v� a o` =a i J `a�m>?� +'��o - �i. - a' 0 I I � I <' i 'o o' r S a � CITY OF SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS R+'SOLUTION ZONING FILE NUMBER: #03-308627 DATE: June 23, 2003 D3 -Ild� WHEREAS, Da��d Lang - Saint Paul Public Housing Agency has applied for a variance fram the strict applicarion of the provisions of Section 61.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the maximum allowed lot coverage in order to split off a 114 by 174-foot section of this pazcel in the RNI-3 zonin� district at 280 Ravoux Street; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zonin� Appeals conducted a public hearing on June 23, 2003 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict psovisions of the code. This property has been owned and operated by the Public Housin� Agency (PHA) for the last 40 years. The applicant states that there is an unused portion of the site that they would like to sell to Habitat for Humanity for the construction of 5 new low income single family homes. This would further the goals of both organizations which is to provide affordable housing. It would also reduce the amount of unused 1and that the PHA needs to maintain. This is a reasonable use for this property that cannot be nccomplished under the strict provisions of the code. � 2. T32e plight of the land owner is due to circumstances z�niqzse to this pvoperty, and these circzcrostances were not created by the land owner. The RM-3 zoning district aliows a lot coverage of only 15% versus the 30% allowed in the other residential zonin� districts. This ordinance was created in 1975, after this building was constructed, with the reasoning that the greater density allowed in the RM-3 district required more land area. The experience of the PHA over the last 40 yeazs on this site has shown that this extra land has not been used. This is a circumstance that was not created by the applicant. 3. The proposed variance is in keepirig with the spirit artcl intent of the code, anrl is consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and rovelfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. Page 1 of 3 � �. File #03-308627 Resolution MOVED BY : Faricy SECONDED BY: w�son IN FAVOR: 6 AGAINST: o bIAILED: June 24, 2003 a3 _ tlog TLrIE LI�II'1': No order of the Board of Zoning Appeals permittina the erection or alteration of a building or off-street parking facility shall be valid for a period longer than one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding pursuant to the terms of such permit. The Board of Zoning Appeals or the City Council may grant an extension not to exceed one year. In granting such extension, the Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hoId a public hearing. APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council within 15 days by anyone affected by the decision. Building permits shall not be issued after an appeal has been fded. If permits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and constructiun shall cease until the City Council has made a finat determination of the appeal. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the City of Saint Pau1,l�Iinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the origival record in my office; and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof, as based on approved minutes of the Saint Paut Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on June 23, 2003 and on record in the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection, 350 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS � Debbie Crippen Secretary to the Board Page 3 of 3 -. - - - ---------------------__-- -______ _ _ _ - - 03 - ll08 . � ��:.� __: �. North�vest of site Zonin� File # 03-350-i09 � � �, � 10 CITIZEN PARTICIPATIO DIS RT TS i'��� ����� 1i � 94 � .. 2 1 —��' a, ,..�;..m �. .� CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-NIGHWOOD 2.GREATER EAST SIDE 3.WEST SIDE �. 4.DAYTON'S BLUFF 5.PAYNE-PHALEN � 6.NORTH END � 3 � ��v ., �� 7.THOMAS-DALE °{�SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY �1"41EST SEVENTH lO.COMO 11.HAMLINE-MIDWAY 72.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGT4N HAMLINE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER 15.HIGHIAND 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWNT�WN �3 - llb$ . �--�-- € � � .� . ���•. i f �': �� �� � �' V � � J ° - -- - ------ ------ —. � .� ._ . . .--._. _.. __ . �_ - ��.....�._,__...�_..�....p._r �3 � /�D�` � � F � � � � � : � � , � � � � y , � � � i !2 t2 s2 �2 t? � i k : ., s ' ` i . �_ . . _ _ E` . .:.+ , 3 ` _ � ,. - � � '« ,_ . .- - j ` r __ f'; Fr. � e..r i P_ n. f '� _ _ ' .`.? . _ ' • ' f'_: �. ' �.'. ,- : t ;Y a - ` # � � :. � • •'- ` . ' � `! t' " i -� -. " .• " - C w .' I j S ��� , - �... 4 (� � "-� t . . 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Board of Direcrors Presideof Reverend Darryl Spence Treasurer Gail Graham Secretary Matthew P.Downs Vice Chair Carl Nelson Manuel Melendez, Jr. Community Improvement Aud Satety David Peterson / Robert Hickman Neighborhood Developme»t Cary Rembert Outreach Steve W ilson, Hallie Q. Brown Alice Neve Leaington Ontreach Library Reverend David Stewart Dayton Avenue Presbyteriau Church Harry Oda Uuiversity iJNTTED Paul Rhodes Sr. Stanley Gardner Morgen Lindquisf Mary Gardner Amy Michael 1{athy Wilson Kahlid Effendi saa;f Executive Director James J. McDonough Jr., Ph.D. Community Crime Preve�tion Coordinator Office Manager Jea� Doyle Summit University Planning Council Building a Better Community 627 Selby Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 October 31, 2003 Attn.: Ms. Mary Erickson Ciry Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paui, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Erickson: anar R �2,� .i:a � � c�� ��:�+ Please find enclosed a letter delivered to Patricia James, Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development — Zoning'Section on October 1, 2003 regarding the properiy located at 280 Ravoux Street. Unforiunately the record does not reflect that the "District Council has indeed made commenY' on this matter. The Summit-University Planning Council (SUPC) — District 8 received norification of the above noted Rezoning Request for the properry at 280 RavouY Street on September 10, 2�Q3, and subsequently of the Public Hearing Notice to be held on October 2, 2003 regarding the Proposed Zoning Change. The Purpose of the Notification included: "Subdivision (lot split) to create (5) single-family residential parcels (parcel B), a 1(RM-3) multi-family residential (parcel A) ". The SUPC Boazd reviewed the recommendation of the Neighborhood Development Committee and approved the above noted Zoning Change Request from RM-3 to RM-2 in order to allow for the construction of 5 single- family homes at 280 Ravoux Street at its September 23, 2003 Meeting. Thank you for your anticipated attention to these matters. If we can be of any fiuther assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. cc: SUPC Board of Directors D3 - l�a� �'l2 Phone:651-22$-1855 Fax:651-225-1308 districtS@tcpoSLCOm RE: Rezo — 280.Ravoiix,Street �^;; ��:: =-. _ . _ _ _ � .. Ov�`//0� soa,dojDirecrn,s President Gail Graham Treasurer Barbara Pappenfus Secretary Yiatffiew P. Downs Vice Chair Rev. Darryi Spence Manuef Melendez, Jr. Communiry Improvement And Safety T6eresa Cunningham Neighhurhaod DevetoQment David Peterson Outreach Steve Wilson, Ha11ie Q. Brown JuJia Cruz Summit li Weed & Seed Harry Oda University UNITED Stnff Esecvtive Direcior James 3. McDonough Jr., Ph Community Crime Prevenfic �oo: dinatos Office Manager Jean Doyle objections or absten received by our off matter. The results of the r Planning Council — If you have any add erely, �� ames . Mc nou � Executiv Director cc: District 8 — SU Council Membf Board of Directors President Reverend Darryl Spevice 1'reasurer Gail Graham Secretary Matthew P.Downs Vice Chair Carl Nelson Manuel ytelendez, Jr. Community Improvement And Safety , David Pete�son / Robert Hickman NeigLborhood Developmen[ Cary Rembert OutreacM Steve Wiison, Hallie Q. Brown Alice Neve Lexiogton Outreach Library Reverend David Stewart Dayton Avenue Presbyterian Church Harry Oda UniversiTy UYITED Paul Rhodes Sr. Stanley Gardner Morgen Lindquist Mary Gardner Amy Michae7 Kathy Wilson Kahlid Effend Sraff Executive Director James J. McDanough Jr., Ph.D. Community Gime Prevenfion Coord'ena[or Oflice Manager Jean Dayle Summit University Planning Council Building a Better Community 627 Selby Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104 October 1, 2003 Phone:651-225-1855 Fax: 651d25-1108 district8@tcpostcom Attn.: Patricia Jaznes Department of Plumivg and Economic Development — Zoning Section 11�� Cl� H�1 E�IllleX ZS West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 - 1634 Deaz Ms. James: RE: Rezoning — 280 Ravou�c Street The Smnmit-University Planning Council (STJPC) — District 8 received notification of the above noted Rezoning Request for the property at 280 Ravoux Street on September 10, 2003, and subsequently of the Public Hearing Notice to be held on October 2, 2003 regarding the Proposed Zoning Change. The Purpose of the Notlfication included: "Subdivision (lot split) to create (5) single-family residential parcels (parcel B), a 1(RM-3) multi-family residential (parcel A) ". The SUPC Neighborhood Development Committee reviewed the proposed rezoning from RM-3 to RM-2 at its September 16, 2003 Meeting. The Neighborhood Development Committee and SUPC Board had earlier recommended approval of Major Vairaince Requests for tnis development site on June 23, 2003. 550+ notices of this Agenda item were distributed throughout the community. 42 community residents and agency representatives attended the Community Meeting on September 16, 2003 and public comment was solicited. Ryan Karis, Habitat for Humanity Land Development Manager, was present and briefly summarized the proposed development of 5 single-family homes at 280 Ravoux Street. Site plans and architectural renderings were presented and reviewed by those present. Discussion occurred regazding the development of "affordable" housing in the Sumi:iit-Universit�j comr.munity and the Habitat for Humanity homeownership and "sweat equity" model. The Neighborhood Development Committee unanimously approved of the proposed Zoning Change Request and referred its recommendation to the SUPC Board at its September 23, 2003 Meeting. The SUPC Boazd reviewed the recommendation of the Neighborhood Development Committee and approved the above noted Zoning Change Request from RM-3 to RM-2 in order to a11ow for the construction of 5 single-family homes at 280 Ravoux Street at its September 23, 2003 Meeting. Thank you for your anticipated attention to these matters. ff we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office. erely, �� s. McDo gh Jr., Ph.D. Robert P. Hickman Executive Director Co-Chair, Neighborhood Development Committee Attachment: Neighborhood Development Committee letter 06/23/2003 September 16, 2003 Community Meeting Flier ca SUPC Board of Directors 03 - l<Og' Summit-University Planning Council Neighborhood Development Committee Community Meetings Tuesday — September 16, 2003 — 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. Purpose: 1. Follow-up review with site plan of Request for Major Variance 238 North Victoria Street; SE corner at Marshall — A minimum lot size variance in order to split this parcel and move a single family home onto the southern portion of the site. A*n;n;mum lot size of 5,000 square feet is reqriired and a lot size of 4,600 square feet is available, for a variance of 400 square feet. 2. Proposal of property owner at 988 Dayton Avenue to split 100-foot lot frontage with 4-plex in order to construct a single family home on new parcel. 3. Rezone on Marshall Avenue — SE Corner of Marshall & Western from P-1 (parking) RM-2 (multiple-family) to RM-3 (multiple family) — providing a multiple family development in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. 4. Consideration of a11ey problems at the 400 Block of Holly Avenue in regard to truck traffic ( property damage. 5. LaGrolla Restaurant — 452 Selby Avenue — appeal of zoning administrator's decision denying a site plan for a parking lot with alley access. Public Hearing Notice — Saint Paul Planning Commission — Zoning Committee to be heid on Thursday — September 18, 2003 at 3:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 3` Fioor City Hall — Court House —15 West Keilogg Boulevard. 6. Informational update regazding properry at 25 North Aale Street (formerly occupied by the Apollo Club Drop-In Center). 7. 280 Ravoux Street — lot split and zoning change from RM-3 to RM-2 proposal from Habitat for Humanity to build 5 single family homes on site. 8. Request by Revexend Rosemary Williams for letter of support to establish Outpatient Treatment Center for Pregnant / CD mothers at Unity Baptist Church 118 North Victoria Street. Tuesday — October 21, 2003 — 6:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. Purpose: 1. Update and review the developments at Dayton Avenue and Dale Street and V ictoria Street and Selby Avenue. 2. Initial discussion of review and revision of Stunmit-University Small Area Plan —"Neighborhood Development — Purpose and Process". 3. Other agenda items to be determined ... Location: St. Albans Community Room 665 Selby Avenue ` Saint Paul, MN 55104 Attention: Due to road construcrion, please enter the rear door to the commnnity room. Please call the Summit-University Planning Council with questions — (651) 228-1855 Sum�mit-Uuiyersity News and i�To#es September 1 October 2003 �4ews �otes i Eveats / Announcemen#s Summit-tiniversifp Planning Council -'District 8's Board uf Direc#ors' 1�Ieeiing -�l?e faucth Tuesday of eack r�onth Sepcember 23, 2003 / October 28, 2043), and Neighborhood Development Committee Meetings - the �hird Tuesday of each month (September 16, 2003 / October 23, 2UO3). For more information, please caTl �s��z) 2zs-�s:,s. � � � "Let's iake Baek flur Constitntion" - A Commnnity Forum Presented by the Saint Paul Bill of Rights Defense Ca��i�:ee and the Saint Paul NAACP on Thuisday, September 18, 2003 from 7'.00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at ;he �vlartin Luthei King, Center - 270, North Kent Street �° "Fonun an Biotec3�nology in the Midway" presentation on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - 7:00 p.m. at � ffie'Goo�vil Buiiding - 553 North Fairview�Avenue. � � For mcre information, please call University LJNITED at (651) 64�-6711. "Fail Community Giean Up" - Saturday - September 27, 2003 / University Avenue on the No;ih - Seiby Avenne on the South, Lexington Pazkway on the VJest, and Dale Street on the East - sponsored by the Summit , Universi:y tiVeed and Seed Program. Items will be picked up froni single-family homes, duPiexes, and fo�plexes and need to be out by 8:40 a.m. No 6usinesses or multi-housing buildings are eIigible. For more infermation, please call Julia Cruz at (651) 642-2066. "L"aiversity ?.venue & Dale Street Transit Oriented Development Community Workshops" - Do you was�t to �elp shape fiiture development at University, and Dale? Plan to aitend the Community Wor?cshops hosted'by Saint Paul's Department of Planning and Economic Development on Monday Sepfember 29, 2003 at the Lao Fa.�i:y Ceater, 320 University Avenue VJest, firom 6:00 - 8:30 p:m. For rnore informadon; please, call Yang at (651) 266-6659 and / or the SUPC Office at (651) 228-1855. "itondo' �Iarmoay Project" - CommunitY MeerinQ an Thursday - Octobez 2; 2q03 at 9:00 a.m. at the Walker �Vest t�Fusic Academy - 7'77 Selby Avenue. For more information, please call (6� 1) 224-2929. "Selhy Grotto Project GronndbreaIdng" - planned for Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 10:00, �e � V,%ailcz: �Nest Y�i:sic-Gazden (just west of Grotto StEeet on Seiby Avenue), For-�o�e infQrmation, p (6�I) 291-7704.' "Neighbor3�ood Leadecstup Program - 2003" - 6 weekiy thtee-hour sessions for community residents, volLUteers, and workers on how, the Summit-University neighborhood works, community buEldu�o and organi�ng tecnni4ues� ,bow to develop an "action plan", how to make a"difference", getting involved, and maki�g "connections"; $30 regist�ation fee for entire program - dinner, child care, inmsportalivn, sckolarships avai2able. All sessions held at Dunning Recreation Center -,1221 Marshall Avenue; Saint Paul. For mare , information, please call SUPC Offrce at (651) 228-1855. Interested in or�anizing a BLOCK CLUB, NEIGHBORHOOD WALKING TEAM, and / or a PEOPLE'S CpMIVtUNITY PEACE GARD�N, please call (651) 228-1855. , «. �reQ�> gecycling gins and Information available by calling SUPC Office - Jean Doyle, coordinator, (651) 228-1855. � �� � � � � ' Summit-i7niversity Planning Council - District 8 website: www district8stpaul.org - neighborhood infounation, announcements, and add?tionat calendar evenfs. For more information, please call SUPC Office (651) 228-1855: - . ,� � �, � � � -� � � „ - - , ,_. i � , -, „ „ , - -- - - -,--. _ . _� � ' {_ . : = o�.��� Summit-University News and IV'otes September i Oc#ober 2003 ° Piews Notes / Events 1 Annuuncements _ ' Summit-i,'niversity Pianning Council — District 8's Board of Directors' Meeting — the fourth Tuesday of e�ch ncnth September 23, 2003 / October 28, 2003) and NeighborHood Development Committee �Seefings — the third Tuesday of each month (September lb, 2003 ! October 23, 2003). For more information, please call {6�1)223-13��. "Let's Take Back Our Consfitution" — A Community Forum presented by the Saint Paul Biil of Rights Defense Cor**uttee and the Saint Paul NAACP on Thursday, September 18, 2003 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ` at the ti4:xrdn Luther King Center — 270 North Kent Street ` ;"Forum on Eiotechnolog,y in the Midway" presentarion on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - 7:00 p.m. at the Goodwil Buiiding — 553 North Fairview Avenue. For ncre information, please call University L)NITED at (651) 647-6711. '"Fall Community Clean Up" — Saturday — September 27, 2003 / Universiry Avenue on the North — Seiby Ave^.ue on the South, Lexington Pazkway on the West, and Dale Street on the East — sponsored by the Summit Unive:sity `Veed and Seed Program. Items will be picked up from single-family homes, dupleses, and .". fourpieses and need to be out by 8:00 am. No busiaesses or multi-housing buildings aze elio ble. -. For r.iore inforznation, please call Julia Cruz at (631) 642-2066. "tiniversifv avenue 8c Dale StreeY Transit Oriented Development Community Workshops" — Do you want to 'r.eip shape future development at University and Dale? Plan to attend the Community Workshops " hostzd by Saint Paul's Depariment of Planning and Economic Development on Monday September 29, 2003 at the Lao Fas.�i3y Center, 320 University Avenue VJest, from 6:00 — 8:30 p.m. For more inior,nation, please call Yang at (651) 26b-6659 and / or the SUPC Office at (651) 228-1855. • "Ron3o FIarmony Project" — CommuniTy Meeting on Thursday — October 2, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. at the Waiker � est �ii;sic Academy— 777 Selby Avenue. For more information, please call (6�1) 224-2929. "SeIby Gro#to Project Groundbrealdng" — planned for Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. in the �iaik�: `.�lest vlusic Gazden (just west of Grotto Street on Seiby Avenue). For more information, please call ; (651) 291-7704. � — � . �� "Neighborhood Leadersfiip Program — 2003" — 6 weeidy three-hour sessions for community residents, volunteers, and workers on how the Sumnut-Universiiy neighborhood works, community building and orgazuz:ag tecnniques, how to develop an"action plan", how to make a"difference' ; getting involved, and ` makin� "connections"; $30 registration fee for entire prograzn — dinner, child caze, transportation, scholarships available. All sessions held at Dunning Recreation Center — 1221 Mazshall Avenue, Saint Paul. For more " information, please call SUPC Office at (651) 228-1855. , Interested in organizing a BLOCK CLUB, NEIGHBORHOOD WALHING TEAM, and / or a PEOPLE'S CONiDIL1VTTY PEACE GARDEN, please call (651) 228-1855. _, " Free" Recycling Bins and Information available by calling SUPC Office — Jean Doyle, coordinator, (6�1) . 223-1855 :� Sammit-University Pianning Council — District 8 website: www.district8stpaul.org - neighborhood information, announcements, and additional calendar events. --. For more information, piease cali SUPC Office (651) 228-1855:__ -, ---