03-99CouncilFile# 03_qq Ordinance # c�n sh�ae�p05�!'� o����E CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .:,,� > Referred To Committee Date An AdministraYive Otdinance e�ablishing tbe minimmm qualificstions fa tLe vacancy for Uie posi� ofFire Chief pursuant to ihe provision.a of Section 9.01(a) ofthe Administtative Code and Section 12.12.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter 35 6 Whereas, Section 12.12.1 of the City CLarfer provides that upon receipt of a notice of vacancy for the position ofFire Clrie� the Council 7 sl�all establish, by ordinance minimum qnalificaiions for such vacant position; and Whereas, the administration has given written notice of a vacancy in the position of Fire Clrief to the City Council, now, therefore 9 Tf� COUNCII, OF THE CTI1' OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 10 section 1 11 That the m;n;m„m q���yho� for candidates for the vacancy ofFire Cluef shall be as follows: 12 A Bachelor's Degree in Fire Science, Business Adntinishation, Public Administration or a closely related field, and 13 five years of full time paid multicompany command level expetience as a Cltief Officer at the districUbatfalion level or above are 14 required, Such comwand level experience sLall include ihe areas of fire suppression, rescue, fire prevention, fire investigations, 15 emergency medical services, bazacdous materials, mauagement inf�mation systems, azd emetB�7 r�Pon� PS�ning and exercise 16 using an all luu,ards approach. A Master's Degree in one of the aforementioned fields is desirable. " 17 sedion 2 18 1Lat tlris Ordinance shall take effect aud be in foTCe thirry (30) days &om and a&er passage, approval and publicstion. Adopied by Councii: Date /�/�� �C� s�� �dd3 Adoption Certified by Council Secietary o��x� ��� I � p , �- ... _ __ m.. r . �:,: �;� � DFPAF2TMINTtt7FFICE/CWNCIL on��n�� ,,.` C1TY COUNEII. ° `7an�az3 28,1A03 �; COMACf PER90N 8 qiONE ' Mql� FOR R011T1l1G TOTAL # OF StGNATURE 00 -9�t. GREEN�SHEET � ao 200542 InMlauDaN N1tla11Dab OP/Jel1B1lOREC1at ai'lW111c�. � OIVAiTOR1EY ❑ LIIYCWK ❑ FW1Mtl4.a9NCFfOR ❑ IiY11O�LiERV/�CLTa � WYdt1�MAiffiT/Jl17 � �� W� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) „< � Otdinance establishing the minimum qualifications for candidates for thevacancy of Fue CLief , REGOMMENUATION ApproVe (A) of KeJeCt (K) ' PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEE !;?'.;i CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION . �;' INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Wfq, What, When, Wheff A step needed in the process to hire a new fire chief: � . AWAN7AGESIFAPPROVED ,� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. �"� {TOSpL AMOUtiT OF TRANSACTION r IFUUmur. eeuveF INFORMAiION (IXPWI� Has thi5 perso�rm erer worked under a cantiact farthis depa�tment? YES NO Has this peisoMrm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO , oces mis �ersa�rm v� a swn no� norma�bc�sed nr sny wrrem cnv emabree7 vES nio �s inis pe�soNnrm a targetea ve�eon , VES NO ' CAS7IREYENUE6liDCETED(CIRCLEON� YES ACTNITY NUMBER NO