03-9375 ��� ' ��� Council File # D � � ��� i � / 5/0 3 Ordinance # Green Sheet # " - - �—" ORDINANCE CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINPIESOTA ZZ i , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE ARCADE STREET CONIlVIERCIAL 40 ACRE STUDY WfIEREAS, the Planuing Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of Arcade Street from Arcade Street Bridge on the south to Forest Street on the north, and along Maryland one block west and two blocks east of Arcade, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the city, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impzactical; and WIIEREAS, the Plamiing Commission, following a public hearing held far that purpose on October 24, 2003, recoxnmended, on October 24, 2003, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on November 5, 2003 on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462357; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 PUBLiSHED `.1 _ 1 .4.�. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby axnend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul Sheet Nos. 6 and 14, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code: Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Dev looment By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Bye Approved by By: � Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date / v D�`C/✓1 b-ZC �� ��(���j 03 -937 24 25 26 27 PIN B-3 to B-2 292922110016 29292211�002 292922110001 282922220097 292922110005 292922110004 292922110003 292922110073 292922110014 292922110015 B-3 to R-4 202922440021 202922440020 202922410127 202922410125 212922320141 212922320140 212922320139 BLDG # STREET 1173 1185 1197 1198 802 806 810 797 801 807 812 816 1345 1349 1350 1354 1364 B-3 to RT-1 282922230143 828 B-3 to RT-2 212922340154 943 212922340155 0 P-1 to R-4 212922320142 0 PD to 17 '^�^vT^�;- &35 � $35 PD to 12 282922320154 827 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E IVY AVE E IVY AVE E ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST COOK AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E CLEAR AVE ...�� FOREST ST SECTION 2 That the following properties, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462.3597, shall be assigned an interim zoning classification of OS-2 while the new T'N zoning classifications aze presently under consideration for approval. The interim OS-2 classification sha11 immediately terminate upon the effective date of the new T'N zoning classification and the said properties shall thereafter be regulated under the TN2 zoning classification. In the event that the TN classifications are not approved, the interim zoning classification OS-2 shall become permanent. O� r I � / �5 �6 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 PD to interim classification OS-2 and, upon the creation of the TN classification, to TN2 292921410195 292922410198 .� .� B-3 to interim classification OS-2 and, upon the creation of the TN classification, to TN2 PIN 292922140014 292922110211 282922320135 282922320134 282922320133 292922410094 292922410093 282922320132 292922410092 292922410018 282922320109 292922410017 282922320110 292922410003 282922320153 292922410188 292922140183 292922140182 292922140181 292922140180 282922230201 292922140166 292922140165 282922230199 292922140114 282922230175 292922140113 282922230174 292922140185 292922140110 282922230171 282922230173 282922230172 292922140109 292922140107 282922230146 292922140108 BLDG # 902 908 912 915 923 924 929 931 932 935 944 947 950 959 961 962 965 969 971 974 976 979 989 990 991 992 995 1000 1003 1007 1008 1014 1016 1019 1023 1028 1033 STREET ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST 03-937 292922140090 282922230145 292922140089 292922140088 282922230118 282922230117 282922230116 292922140001 292922110206 282922220178 282922220177 292922110207 282922220176 282922220175 292922110191 292922110190 282922220174 292922110116 282922220149 292922110102 282922220145 282922220037 292922110210 282922220121 282922220098 202922440164 202922440150 202922440149 212922330092 202922440101 202922440113 212922330069 212922330148 202922440100 202922440068 202922440019 212922320169 212922320168 212922320167 212922320166 212922320165 202922410126 202922410108 202922410107 202922410087 212922320062 212922320061 202922410086 202922410065 212922320041 212922320039 202922410064 202922410063 212922320038 202922140145 202922140144 282922230203 292922410007 1045 1046 1047 1049 1054 1058 1060 1075 1081 1082 1090 1093 1098 1100 1103 1109 1110 1111 1112 1129 1132 1144 1167 1170 1174 1205 1219 1225 1226 1235 1235 1236 1248 1257 1265 1299 1324 1328 1332 1334 1346 1351 1365 1377 1383 1386 1400 1401 1409 1410 1412 1417 1439 1440 1445 1465 0 794 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADEST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST CASE AVE CASE AVE 03- 93� 292922140178 292922410004 282922320105 292922140179 292922140013 292922140092 292922140091 282922230119 282922230144 282922220002 292922110100 282922220123 282922220147 202922440151 212922330091 202922440055 202922440054 202922440053 292922140167 282922230198 292922110114 292922110192 292922110115 282922220150 282922220151 292922140105 292922140106 282922230147 292922110203 292922110204 292922110205 282922230115 282922230114 282922220179 282922230113 212922330095 202922440163 212922330093 282922220095 212922330094 282922220094 252922220093 212922330096 212922330097 282922220492 212922330098 282922220091 212922330099 212922330100 212922330101 282922220090 212922330102 282922220007 807 808 830 841 807 810 812 823 824 1187 1193 1199 795 825 829 830 806 828 808 812 816 810 832 807 808 813 825 829 807 809 829 799 801 807 822 824 827 828 0 0 807 819 838 841 842 850 853 857 860 861 864 865 869 871 874 875 888 900 CASE AVE CASE AVE CASE AVE CASE AVE COOK AVE E COOK AVE E COOK AVE E COOK AVE E COOK AVE E FOREST ST FOREST ST FOREST ST GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E HAWTHORNE AVE E HAWTHORNE AVE E HYACINTH AVE E HYACINTH AVE E HYACINTH AVE E JENKS AVE JENKS AVE JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E LAWSON AVE E LAWSON AVE E LAWSON AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIAAVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E 03 - 93� 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 212922330149 212922330150 212922330143 282922220005 212922330144 282922220004 212922330145 212922330146 212922340154- 282922210117 202922440067 2�2922440102 282922220120 292922410095 282922320131 292922410105 292922410106 292922410107 292922410108 905 911 919 924 927 928 933 935 943 950 805 808 828 806 826 805 807 811 817 MARYLAND AVE E MARYIAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ORANGE AVE E ORANGE AVE E ROSE AVE E SIMS AVE SIMS AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE SECTION 3 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . _ 0 3 - q3� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/CAUNCIL DAiE INmATm � cl�covr.rcn, Octoberl5 GREEN SHEET No 200650 COMACT PERSON & PFiONE InN1aWri ' InMIwDWs Councilmember Dan Bosuom 6-8660 ce.�n,�rm�cc.a�_ arccanc� MUST BE ON CWNCIL AGBJDA BY (DA'f� wss�x NUMBERFOR ���� ❑ ��� ROIlfINC � NLNCMLSERNCF20R ALMCMLfFRNICCi6 ❑ WYORMRI159SfAMl) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RC-0UESTED Introduction of Arcade Street rewning process. 0 R COMMENDATION Approve (A) a Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CON7RACi5 MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: t. Has this persoMrm ever wrorked under a conUac[ tw fhis depaAmeM? PLANNING COMMI5SION YES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2. FiesthspersoNfirmeverheenacdyemployee7 CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION YES NO ' - 3. Oces Mis person/firtn possecs a sldll not nwniaitypossessed by any arteM ciry empbyee7 YES NO 4. la this pereaMrm a taryeted vendon VES NO Fiylain aIl Yes answe�s on seP�e sheM arM attach to 9reen she� INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, WPOR7UNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE ACTNITVNUMBER FINl�NCW.INFORMAiIpN (IXPWN) Y d ��� �O�.a�C�3 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Presented By Re£erred To Committee: Date Council File # � Ordinance # Green Sheet # oC��W�� ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE ARCADE STREET COMMERCIAL 40 ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Plamiing Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of Arcade Street from Arcade Street Bridge on the south to Forest Street on the north, and along Maryland one block west and two blocks east of Arcade, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the city, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose on October 24, 2003, recommended, on October 24, 2003, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recommendations of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on November 5, 2003 on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul Sheet Nos. 6 and 14, as incorporated by reference in Secfion 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Requested by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnOmiC D 1oD ent By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ey: Approved by Mayor: Date gy �/s+' W tN/l/�-'_ � 0.� 'Z Z° v 7 -�a.L � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' By: Adopted by Council: Date 03-93'I 24 25 26 27 PIN B-3 to B-2 292922110016 292922110002 292922110001 282922220097 292922110005 292922110004 292922110003 292922110013 292922110014 292922110015 B-3 to R-4 202922440021 2�292244002� 202922410127 202922410125 212922320141 212922320140 212922320139 B-3 to RT-2 212922340154 943 212922340155 0 PD to 11 292922410197 835 292922410196 855 PDtol2 282922320154 827 BLDG # STREET 1173 1185 1197 1198 802 806 810 797 801 807 812 816 1345 1349 1350 1354 1364 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E IVY AVE E IVY AVE E ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ARCADE ST ARCADE ST FOREST ST Section 2 That the followine properties, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 4623597. shall be assiened an interim zonin� classification of OS-2 while the new T'N zonine classifications are presentiv under consideration for approval. The interim OS-2 classification shall immediately terminate�on the effective date of the new TN zonine classification and the said properties sha11 thereafter be regulated under the TN2 zonine classification. In the event that the TN classifications are not approved. the interim zoning classification OS-2 shall bewme �ermanent. PD to interim classification OS-2 and, upon the creation of the TN classification, to TN2 PB-te-�P74 282922330025 282922340133 282922330026 282922330027 282922320162 0 0 0 833 844 0 ARCADE ST UNASSIGNED UNASSIGNED FOREST ST. ARCADE ST UNASSIGNED b3-g37 282922320161 282922320160 292922410195 292922410198 878 894 897 897 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST B-3 to interim classification OS-2 and, upon the creation of the TN classification. to TN2 e��a T� PIN 292922140014 292922110211 282922320135 282922320134 282922320133 292922410094 292922410093 282922320132 292922410092 292922410018 282922320109 292922410017 282922320110 292922410003 282922320153 292922410158 29292214�183 292922140182 292922140181 292922140180 282922230201 282922230200 292922140166 292922140165 282922230199 292922140114 282922230175 292922140113 282922230174 292922140185 292922140110 282922230171 282922230173 282922230172 292922140109 292922140107 282922230146 292922140108 292922140090 282922230145 292922140089 292922140088 282922230118 282922230117 282922230116 292922140001 BLDG # 0 0 902 908 912 915 923 924 929 931 932 935 944 947 950 959 961 962 965 969 971 974 976 979 989 990 991 992 995 1000 1003 1007 1008 1014 1016 1019 1023 1028 1033 1045 1046 1047 1049 1054 1058 1060 1075 STREET ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST 0 3 - 937 292922110206 282922220178 282922220177 292922110207 282922220176 282922220175 292922110191 292922110190 282922220174 292922110116 282922220149 292922110102 282922220145 282922220037 292922110210 282922220121 282922220098 202922440164 202922440150 202922440149 212922330092 202922440101 202922440113 212922330069 212922330148 202922440100 202922440068 202922440019 212922320169 212922320168 212922320167 212922320166 212922320165 202922410126 202922410108 202922410107 202922410087 212922320062 212922320061 202922410086 202922410065 212922320041 212922320039 202922410064 202922410063 212922320038 202922140145 202922140144 282922230203 292922410007 292922140178 292922410004 252922320105 292922140179 292922140013 292922140092 292922140091 282922230119 1081 1082 1090 1093 1098 1100 1103 1109 1110 1111 1112 1129 1132 1144 1167 1170 1174 1205 1219 1225 1226 1235 1235 1236 1248 1257 1265 1299 1324 1328 1332 1334 1346 1351 1365 1377 1383 1386 1400 1401 1409 1410 1412 1417 1439 1440 1445 1465 0 794 807 808 830 841 807 810 812 823 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST CASE AVE CASE AVE GASE AVE CASE AVE CASE AVE CASE AVE COOK AVE E COOK AVE E COOK AVE E COOKAVE E 03"�37 252922230144 282922230143 252922220003 282922220002 282922220001 292922110100 282922220122 282922220123 252922220147 202922440151 212922330091 202922440055 202922440054 202922440053 292922140167 282922230198 292922110114 292922110192 292922110115 282922220150 252922220151 292922140105 292922140106 282922230147 292922110203 292922110204 292922110205 252922230115 282922230114 282922220179 282922230113 212922330095 282922220096 202922440163 212922330a93 282922220095 212922330094 282922220094 28292222�093 212922330096 212922330097 282922220092 212922330098 282922220091 212922330099 212922330100 212922330101 282922220090 212922330102 282922220007 252922220006 212922330149 212922330150 212922330143 282922220005 212922330144 282922220004 212922330145 824 828 1187 1193 1199 795 825 829 830 COOK AVE E COOK AVE E FOREST ST FOREST ST FOREST ST GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E GERANIUM AVE E 806 HAWTHORNE AVE E 828 HAWTHORNE AVE E 808 812 816 810 832 807 808 813 825 829 807 809 829 799 801 807 822 824 827 828 0 0 807 819 838 8A1 842 850 853 857 860 861 864 865 869 871 874 875 888 900 905 911 919 924 927 928 933 HYACINTH AVE E HYACINTH AVE E HYACINTH AVE E JENKS AVE JENKS AVE JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAM(NE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E JESSAMINE AVE E LAWSON AVE E LAWSON AVE E LAWSON AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIAAVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MAGNOLIA AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E d3' 9�l 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 212922330146 212922340154 282922210117 202922440067 202922440102 282922220120 292922410095 282922320131 292922410105 292922410106 292922410107 292922410108 935 943 950 805 808 828 806 826 805 807 811 817 MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ORANGE AVE E ORANGE AVE E ROSE AVE E SIMS AVE SIMS AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE Y. • �1� • • • • � � � • �1 • • • • • � • • � - • . � . . :� . . : : ::. . : • : : �l�lR�II.TTr���R���I4�)pql�lT���• - i - � � SECTION � 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Marlha Fuller, Disector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rmidy Kelly, Mayor 25 West Forvth Street Saint Pau[, MN 55102 a3- 93� Telephone: 657-266-6565 Facsimile: 65I -2283261 ARCADE STREET - COMMERCIAL 40-ACRE STUDY October 9, 2003 l�5 This report and recommended zoning changes are recommended to the Saint Paul Planning Commission. For more informafion, please contact Joel Spoonheim, Saint Paul Department of Platming and Economic Development, at (651) 266-6614 or joel.spoonheim@ci.stpaul.mn.us 03 - 93� ARCADE STREET - COMMERCIAL 4O-ACRE STUDY Citv Council Reauest City Council Ordinance O1-648, adopted on July 18, 2001, implemented a moratorium preserving the status quo with respect to the use of property in the azea undez study for the Arcade Street Small Area Plan. This ordinance was amended on numerous occasions and extended to have effect until December 27, 2003. Authority for the Studv Amendments to the Zoning Code follow the procedures in Section b4.400 of the Code and Minnesota Statutes Section 462357. Either the City Council or the Plamiing Commission can initiate amendments. Public hearings with required notice are held by both the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Issue The purpose of Arcade Street Commercia140-Acre Study is to establish zoning classifications that support the redevelopment of the Arcade Street Corridor azid surrounding residential neighborhood. The specific redevelopment goals were identified through the Arcade Street Small Area Plan process as outlined below. Land uses along Arcade range from singie family homes, the most restrictive use, to auto body shops, the least restrictive land use. The uses are intermixed in no consistent pattern, resulting in incompatibility among land uses. Rezoning pazcels to be consistent with the vision for the Arcade Street Corridor will foster appropriate development that strengthens the overall neighborhood. This Arcade Street Commercia140 Acre Shxdy focuses only on the commercial properties along Arcade. A subsequent 40-Acre Study accompanied by the Small Area Plan will address changes in the residential azeas sunounding the commercial district. The Process and Communi Goals The Planning Commission established a task force with representatives from businesses and residents. The task force met beginning in 2001 through late 2002. PED staff also attended neighborhood meetings to discuss the key issues and goals. Stated goa/s of the community include: Enhance the appeazance of buildings and the streetscape through the application of design standazds 2. Identify sites for land assembly to redevelop both commercial and residential Page 2 of 5 03-93� structures. 3. Improve the transportation infrastruchxre that will benefit both residents and business owners. 4. Develop a strategy for retaining and recruiting business and residential development. 5. Increase the availability of quality affordable housing and enhance the mazket for mixed income housing. The follo�i�ing land use and zoning issues were identified. 1. Some automotive businesses are not compatibie with the residential and smali business chazacter of the neighborhood. Specific examples include: a. Pazking of autos for sale on public streets in front of neighborhood residences b. Caz parts, tires and other metallic junk aze stored outside the main building c. Vehicles aze being repaired outside of main building • d. Often there is not enough pazking for vehicies awaiting repair e. The smell of paint fumes is o8en a problem for residents f. Unsightly chain link fences aze built azound auto type uses 2. Parking space is limited for many businesses for both employees and customers therefore pazking ea�tends into the neighborhood in front of residential properties near Arcade S#reet. 3. Some commercial properties are used for storage and aze closed to the public, which is not the highest and best use ofproperties along Arcade Street. 4. There aze several housing opportunity sites along Arcade Street, especiaily between the major commercial nodes. 5. There are too many "bazs" along the street, which leads to increased nuisance activity, which is a disturbance to neighborhood residents. 6. Single family homes are the predominant housing type for the neighborhood and often abut commercial properties. This adjacent location is often a source of land use conflict between property owners. 7. Most businesses abut single family residential properties which limits their ability to expand{grow. As mentioried above, most businesses do not have enough parking and an expansion of building size may trigger increased requirements for parking. Based on the land use and zoning issues identified above, changes in zoning along Arcade Street shouid be consistent with the following golicy statements: 1) Reduce intensive uses such as automotive sales and repair. 2) Provide for in-fill housing development 3) Promote mixed use development Page 3 of 5 03 - �3'I The Current Zoning AIon�Arcade The entire stretch of Arcade Street from Nevada to the Arcade Street Bridge is currently zoned B-3, General Business District. In many cases lots that are occupied by single fanuly homes aze also zoned B-3. Seeger Square Shopping Center located at the south end of Arcade Street is zoned Planned Development (PD). This particulaz PD zoning district permits a certain percentage of property to be used for retail space; the remaining properiy is reserved for light manufacturing space. Much of the land along Maryland Avenue in the study azea is also zoned B-3. Zoning Code Amendments The proposed zoning map (Appendix A) identifies changes in zoning that resuit from adoption of the zoning study recoxnmendations. In general, much of the property zoned B-3 will be changed to the mixed use classification of TN2 ("TN" stands far Traditional Neighborhood). TN2 as a new zoning district under final review for adoption by the Saint Paui City Council. If the TN2 classification is not in force at the time this proposed ordinance takes effect, the existing mixed-use zone (OS-2) shall be substituted only untii such time that T'N2 is in force. The conversion shali be automatic. Consistencv with Comnrehensive Plan The proposed zoning changes aze consistent with the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan. The changes support the goals of providing housing on or neaz transit corridors. In addition and more specifically, Strategy 2 of the Land Use Plan, "Neighborhoods as Urban Villages" states: Neighborhood commercial strips built during the streetcar era should be preserved and retain their pedestrian-oriented design. Commercial buildings should be located along the sidewalk. In these areas the Zoning Code should no Zonger allow parking lots in front of new buildings, except for gas stations. The intent of this strategy is best met through the rezonings proposed. Imnact of Recommendations The proposed changes will have little or no immediate impact on the vast majority of existing businesses and residents along Arcade. The impact will be noticed over tune as certain uses previously aliowed under the general commercial zoning (B-3) aze no longer able to locate or grow along Arcade. The following business types if existing currently will be allowed to continue operations as legal non-conforming uses; however, no new businesses of these types will be allowed. The following is not an e�austive list, but is merely iilustrative of existing uses impacted by adopting TN2 zozung: • Auto service station • Auto repair • Auto sales (indoor and outdoor) • Auto body • Car wash • Pawn shops • Currency exchange Page 4 of 5 03 � 93� Recommendation City of Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic DeveIopment staff, based on the findings of the Arcade Small Area Plan Task Force, recommend amending the Zoning Code to reflect the changes identified in Appendis A. Appendix A = Maps Appendix B= List of impacted pazcels Page 5 of 5 a3��3� CI� �F' .SA�T PA�. 390CUyHa11 Telephone: 651-266-8510 Rm�dy C. Kelly, Mayor IS West Kel[ogg Boulevm�d Facsunile: 6�1-228-8513 Saint P¢ul, MN 55702 October 28, 2003 Council President Dan Bostrom and Members of the City Council 320 B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Council President Bostrom and Councilmembers, It is my pleasure to transmit to you the Arcade Street Commercial 40-Acre Study and recommend its adoption as an amendment of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. The study was prepared by a community-based task force which included representatives of the district council, businesses along Arcade, ESNDC, and other stakeholders. It recommends zoning changes that will preserve and encowage the neighborhood oriented, historic building and business types found along Arcade primazily south of Maryland. The Plamiing Commission held a public hearing and reviewed this plan for its consistency with other elements of the comprehensive plan and City policy. They recommend its adoption. I concur with their recommendation. � ��� an Kelly Mayor Enclosure K'�Lex LIBRARY�mayort[ansnutletcc.wpd AA-ADA-EEO Employer c�3-�. 31 Appendix B Arcade Street Commercia140 Acre Study - Prouerties aroposed to be rezoned Page 1 PIN B-3 to B-2 292922110018 292922110002 292922110001 282922220097 292922110005 292922110004 292922110003 292922110013 292922110014 292922110015 B3 to R-4 202922440021 202922440020 202922410127 202922410125 212922320141 212922320140 212922320139 BLDG# 1173 1185 1197 1198 802 806 810 797 801 807 812 816 1345 1349 1350 1354 1364 STREET ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST MARYLAND AVE E MAftYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E IVYAVE E IVY AVE E ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST B-3 to RT2 212922340154 943 MARYLAND AVE E 212922340155 0 MARYLAND AVE E PD to TN2 282922330025 282922340133 282922330026 282922330027 282922330032 282922320162 282922320161 282922320160 292922410195 292922410198 0 0 0 833 844 0 878 894 897 897 ARCADE ST UNASSIGNED UNASSIGNED FOREST ST ARCADE ST UNASSIGNED ARCADE ST ARCADE ST .4RGADE S? 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Properties pro�osed to be rezoned Page 3 282922220004 212922330145 212922330146 212922340154 282922210117 202922440067 202922440102 282922220120 292922410095 282922320131 292922410105 292922410106 292922410107 292922410108 928 MARYLAND AVE E 933 935 943 950 805 808 828 806 826 805 807 811 817 MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ORANGE AVE E ORANGE AVE E ROSE AVE E SIMS AVE SIMS AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE REMOVE FROM OF2IGINAL LIST - NO REZONING AT THIS TIME - INCLUDED PREVIOUSLY DUE TO ERROR 282922210120 1190 FOREST ST 282922210119 1194 FOREST ST 282922210118 1200 FOREST ST 21292233�139 212922330140 212922340155 282922230204 212922320142 282922220100 282922220099 881 MARYLAND AVE E 889 MARYLAND AVE E 0 MARYLAND AVE E CASE AVE CLEAR AVE ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E B2 = Community Business B3 = General Business R4 = Single Family Residential PQ = PI 2R^° d Deve!opmen: TN2 = Mixed-use (allows both residential and commercial) Detailed descriptions of the uses allowed can be found on the City's web page: htto://www. ci.stoau I. mn. us/codellc060. html Note: Reference OS-2 for TN2, in as that TN2 is undergoing final adoption currently. 14 October 2003 03 city of saint paul plann[ng comm[ssion reso(ut[on file number 03-89 date o�tober Z4 2003 RESOLUTION RECOVIlVIENDIi�G ADOPTION OF THE ARCADE S'TREET COtVIlVI�RCIAL 40-ACRE STUDY WHEREAS the Arcade Sri-eet Commercia140 Acre Study was prepazed with the assistance of community based organizations and technical advisors, including the Plauning Commission's Arcade Street Small Area Plan Task Force, District Council5, and Payne Arcade Business Association (PABA) during 2001-2003; and WHEREAS the Arcade Street Comrr�ercial 40-Acre Study is the first component of the overali Arcade Street Smail �rea rian wiucn estabiishes clear goals for new development along Arcade, building off the quality traditional neighborhood infrastructure on Arcade best demonstrated between York and Rose; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 452.357(5 j arid tne Saini raal Legislative Code 64.ot�u to initiate a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code and zoning maps; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has detennined: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments rendP: s eb '�^g of written consent unpractical; 2. That a survey of an azea in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made tnat the proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press; and moved by Faricy seconded by Johnson in favor 13-2 abstentions (Alton, Kramer) against 03 Arcade Stveet Commercial 40-Acre Study Page Tyro of Resolution ��REAS, the Planning Commission, on October 24, 2003, held a public hearing on the Arcade Street Commercia140 Acre Study; and WHEREAS, the pazcels to be rezoned are clearly identified both in a map and table, with most pazcels being converted to a mi�ced-use zone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code amendments in the Arcade Street Commercial 40 Acre Study and directs the Plamiing Adsninistrator to forward the study and this resolutio:. to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. 03-�.3� Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Soulevard West Minutes of October 24, 2003 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, October 24, 2003, at 830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, and Trevino; and Present: Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gordon, Johnson, Kong, Kramer, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. *Donneily-Cohen, *McCall, and *Shortridge; and Absent: Messrs. *Anfang, *Field, and *Mazdell. *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator; Patricia James, Allen Lovejoy, Joel Spoonheim, Donna Drummond, Bob Butterbrodt (PED Intern) and Mary Bruton, Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of xninutes of October 10, 2003 MOTION: Commissioner Fotsch moved approval of the minutes of October I0, 2003. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Swearing in new members Mr. Anthony Coletta and Mr. Daniel Scott were sworn in as Saint Paul Plaiming Commission members by Mr. Don Luna, Ciry Clerk. Commissioner Scott stated he is a Saint Paul resident and is a lawyer with the Lazson-King law firm in downtown Saint Paul. Commissioner Coletta stated he lives in Aighland Park and works for an environmental engineering consulting business. Chair Morton welcomed the new commissioners. III. Chair's Announcements CYtair Morton reported that Commissioner Alton wIll chair the holiday party for the Planning Commission in one of the rooms in the Court House on December 5t immediately following the regular commission meeting. a3 VI. PUBLIC HEARIlVG: Arcade Street 40-Acre Zoning Studv Item from the Neighborhood & C�nent Planning Committee (Joei Spoonheim, 65I/266-6614) Mr. 7oe1 Spoonheim, planner with PED, provided the following overview of the plan. The purpose of Arcade Street Commercia140-Acre Study is to establish zoning classifications that support the redevelopment of the Arcade Street Coaidor and surrounding residential neighborhood. The specific redevelopment goals were identified through the Arcade Street Small Area Plan process which occurred during 2001-2003. This Arcade Street Commercia140 Acre Study focuses only on the commercial properties along Arcade. A subsequent 40-Acre Study accompanied by the Small Area Plan will address changes in the residential azeas surrounding the commercial district. Rezoning parcels to be consistent with the vision for the Arcade Street Corridor will foster appropriate development that strengthens the overall neighborhood. The entire stretch of Arcade Street from Nevada to the Arcade Street Bridge is currently zoned B- 3, General Business District. In many cases lots that are occupied by single family homes aze also zoned B-3. Seeger Squaze Shopping Center located at the south end of Arcade Street is zoned Planned Development (PD). Much of the land along Maryland Avenue in the study azea is also zoned B-3. In general, much of the properiy zoned B-3 will be changed to the mixed use classification of TN2 ("TN" stands for Traditional Neighborhood). TN2 is a new zoning district under final review for adoption by the Saint Paul City Council. If the TN2 classification is not in force at the time this proposed ordinance takes effect, the existing mixed-use zone (OS-2) shall be substituted only until such time that T'N2 is in force. The conversion shall be automatic. The proposed changes will have little or no immediate impact on the vast majoriTy of existing businesses and residents along Arcade. The impact will be noficed over time as certain uses previously allowed under the general commercial zoning (B-3) aze no longer able to locate or grow along Arcade. The following business types, if eacisting currently, will be allowed to continue operations as legal non-conforming uses; however, no new businesses of these types will be allowed. Examples of existing uses impacted by adopting TN2 zoning include: auto service station, auto repair, auto sales (indoor and outdoor), auto body, car wash, pawn shops. Staff received about 15-20 phone calls asking about the plan. Most people after clarifying their questions and issues did not express opposition. Based on the input, review by the committee, and the consistency of the plan with the City Comprehensive Plan, staff recommended approval by the Commission. The timing is of essence. Due to the expiring moratorium, the Planning Commission needed to take action today. The City Council will hold another public hearing on November 5�` to review the recommendations. Commissioner Gordon asked Mr. Spoonheim with respect to his description of the businesses that would become nonconforming businesses, was that caused by the change from B-3 to TN2? 03 Mr. Spoonheim stated that was correct. Commissioner Gordon asked about the changes from B- 3 to B-2, is it the same mix of businesses that would become nonconforming or different? Mr. Spoonheim stated there are only 2 businesses that aze being rezoned to B-2 from B-3, and the rezoning from B-2 is rezoning to a zone that is appropriate for the use as it is currenfly functioning or proposed. Commissioner Gordon questioned Mr. Spoonheun as to whether a nonconfomung use can continue to operate? Mr. Spoonheim stated that it may. Commissioner Gordon stated that if a nonconforming business wanted to expand then it would have to get a pemut to allow expansion. Mr. Spoonheim stated that was correct. However, if a new business of the same type wished to locate on Arcade Street it would not be allowed to. One example would be no new used cars dealerships would be allowed under the TN2 zoning while an existing car dealership could continue to operate and even expand if it sought and obtained approval from the Plaiming Commission. Commissioner Alton asked whether a service station like an oil change place or muffler shop would be permitted as a conditional use in a TN2? Mr. Spoonheim stated they would not allowed as new businesses; the only auto oriented uses that is allowed in TN aze gas station (e.g., Super America Store) which provides just gas and food. Commissioner Alexander asked whether under the new zoning if someone sold the property could that use continue or is it tied only to the current owner? Mr. Spoonheim stated the use can continue so long as the business is not out of operation for more than 1 year. Mr. Spoonheim stated that for eacample if the business closes for a year and is sold 18 months after it was closed, or if the business is sold and then it is closed for over a year then it cannot resume unless it gets a reestablishment of a non-conforming permit from the Planning Commission. Commissioner Gordon stated that just so we are clear on that last one, if the business is sold and shuts down for a week or two for changes in inventory or whatever and then opens up there is no problem. Mr. Spoonheim stated that was conect. Chair Morton read the rules of procedure for the public hearing and announced that notice of the pubic heazing was published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on October 6, 2Q03, and was mailed to the citywide early notification system list of recipients and other interested parties. The following people spoke: 1. Tanika Nolan, 1045 Arcade Street, Saint Paul, MN. Ms. Nolan stated today she is here to ask for the tatoo shops to be included as allowed in the TN2 zoning. This would be consistent with B-2, B-3, and B2-C. Commissioner Alexander asked Ms. Nolan why? Ms. Nolan stated that if they wanted to expand they would have to come back to the zoning in order to get that. She has concems about if there was a fire and if they couldn't rebuild for over a year for some reason. �� �3� Commissioner Alton questioned Ms. Nolan saying she was speaking about a specific property that proposed to be rezoned from B-3 to TN2 and you don't want the TN2? Ms. Nolan replied she was all for the TN2, but wishes for TN2 to allow tatoo shops. Couunissioner Alton asked her if she wanted it to remain the present zoning? Ms. Nolan replied either remain B-3 or TN2 and drop the nonconforming. Mr. Soderholm stated that tatoo shops aze allowed in B-2 zones as proposed to the Ciry Council they are not allowed in TN2 zones, so in order to be confornring the easiest way would be for your shop if the zoning were changed from B-3 to straight B-2 and then it would be confornung. Alternatively the TN zoning has not been adopted by the Ciry Council yet, iYs a proposal from this Commission to the City Council and iYs possible to go to the Ciry Council when they have their public hearing on the 1'N Ordinance which he hopes will be on November 19�` and argue to the City CouncIl that tatoo parlors ought to be permitted as one of the uses allowed in TN2 zoning. Mr. Soderholm stated there aze two options that work for Ms. Nolan, one is in this rezoning proposal that the Commission is working on to be rezoned to either B-2 or leaving it B-3, but probably B-2 instead of TN2; or get the City Council to change the tatoo pazlor regulations in the TN Ordinance which stIll has not been adopted, but is proposed. Commissioner Gordon asked Ms. Nolan if her address was 1045 Arcade and where that was located. Ms. Nolan stated it was to Cook and Arcade, 4 blocks south of Maryland. MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved to close the public hearing and the wrilten portion of the public hearing. Commissioner Trevino seconded the molion. The motion carried orz a voice vote with 2 abstention's (Alton, Kramer). Commissioner Faricy stated we are kind of deviating from our usual procedure stating that when we have a public hearing we close the public hearing and we refer it back to the committee, but today as you have already heazd this is on a fast track. The task force began in 2001 composed of local residents and business peopie and was chaired by Commissionex Potsch. In July of that same year the Ciry Council imposed a moratorium and the deadline on that moratorium is December 27, 2003. The City Council has already had two readings on the rezoning ordinance and people who have testified here today can testify again in front of the City Council on November 5, 2003. This task force did an excellent job and they did complete their work. Unfortunately for us, this kind of slipped aside as a result of staff reductions so we have to take a vote on this today. Commissioner Faricy stated the task force came up with a couple of policies: 1) reduce the auto intensive uses, 2) provide for infill housing development, and 3) to promote mixed use development. She reported to put this through we had to change the zoning, the zoning was B-3, and they want the zoning changed to TN2. We already know that the business types that are currently existing there will be allowed to continue operating as legal nonconforming uses. Adoption of the zoning change will encourage new buildings to resemble the pattern of traditional design which is common along the southern part of Arcade Street. MOTION: Commissioner Faricy moved the Planning Corrzmission's recomraendation to ap'prove of the zoning code amendments to the Arcade Street Commercial 40 Acre Study and directs the Planning Administrator to forward the study in this resolulion to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. �3-a3 Commissioner Johnson stated he concurred with the statements Commissioner Faricy made stating he had been involved with this committee early on and attended a number of ineetings when it was very ably staffed by Mr. Malloy. Commissioner Johnson said he is painfully aware of the staff reductions in the Planning Department and he thinks that this process has been given a full hearing and people have had an opportunity to comment, he doesn't see us short cutting the process in any way by our acuons, but merely recognizing the painful reduction in City staff and the need to meet the moratorium deadlines, so he strongly encouraged his fellow Commissioners to vote for this motion. Commissioner Fotsch reported they had a very good representation and turn out at their various task force meetings. He stated that it was a consensus of everyone that this would be a positive impact as far as Arcade Street is concemed which unfortunately has been neglected and hopefully this will encourage the type of development that it certainly needs. He thanked Mr. Spoonheim for getting this done very quickly. Commissioner Fotsch reported there will be a meeting of the task force next Friday, October 31�` , just to go over any other concerns and obviously if there aze concerns they can be brought before the City Council on November 5`� . T7xe molion carried on a voice vote with 2 abstentions (Alton, Kramer). Commissioner Faricy announced the next Neighborhood & Current Plaxuiing Committee meeting will be next Wednesday, October 29�' , and on the agenda is the Sunray Suburban Small Area Plan, the Phalen Westminster 40-Acre Study, and the Koch Mobil Master Plan. She said there was a community meeting last Wednesday night where they were presented with the Koch Mobfl Master Plan and said it is a very exciting project. VI. Zoning Committee Commissioner Kramer gave the Zoning Committee report. OLD BUSINESS #03-349-957 William Tilton - Establishment of legal nonconforming use status as a triplex. 195 S. Chatsworth, SW comer at Osceola. (AZlen Lovejoy, 651/266-6576) Commissioner Kramer stated the Zoning Committee laid this case over to October 30, 2003. NEW BUSINESS #03-356-774 Boehm, Inc. - Establishment of legal nonconforming status for commercial use of a driveway across residential properiy. 1595 Hague Ave., between Snelling & Fry. (Allen Lovejoy, , 651/266-6576) Commissioner Kramer stated District 13 recommends that the Establishment of the Nonconforming Use be approved with the stipulation that he NCUP will not h to a new owner, if the properly is sold, unless city code directs otherwise. No one spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public heazing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval with conditions on a vote of 4-1(Field). 10 Council File # �3��31 Ordinance # Green Sheet # ZQ�s�J� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ORDINANCE ADOPTING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE ARCADE STREET COMNIERCIAL 40 ACRE STUDY WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area of Saint Paul defined by properties on either side of Arcade Street from Arcade Street Bridge on the south to Forest Street on the north, and along Maryland one block west and two blocks east of Arcade, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zomng Ordinance of the city, and has determined that the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose on October 24, 2003, recommended, on October 24, 2003, that the Zoning Ordinance be amended, and the City Council, having considered the report and recoxnmendations of the Plauniug Commission and having conducted a public hearing on November 5, 2003 on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, does hereby amend the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462357; The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul Sheet Nos. 6 and 14, as incorporated by reference in Section 60301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Develonment By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: Approved by Mayor: Date ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: BY: Adopted by Council: Date �4 25 PIN BLDG STREET NO 26 B-3 to B-2 27 292922110016 1173 292922110002 1185 292922110001 1197 282522220097 1198 292922110005 802 292922110004 806 292922110003 810 292922110013 797 292922110014 801 292922110015 807 B-3 to R-4 202922440021 812 202922440020 816 202922410127 1345 202922410125 1349 212922320141 1350 212922320140 1354 21292232�139 1364 B-3 to RT-2 212922340154 943 212922340155 0 PD to TN2 282922330025 0 282922340133 0 282922330026 0 282922330027 833 282922330032 844 282922320162 0 282922320161 878 282922320160 894 292922410195 897 292922410198 897 PD to 11 292922410197 835 292922410196 855 PD to 12 282922320154 827 B3 to TN2 292922140014 0 292922110211 0 282922320135 902 252922320134 908 282922320133 912 292922410094 915 292922410093 923 282922320132 92A 292922410092 929 292922410018 931 282922320109 932 ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST ARCADE ST MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E ROSE AVE E IVY AVE E IVY AVE E 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MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E MARYLAND AVE E ORANGE AVE E ORANGE AVE E ROSE AVE E SIMS AVE SIMS AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE YORK AVE The council does ordain that parcels to be rezoned to TN2, in the event that TN2 is not in force at time of enactment of this ordinance, shall be rezoned to OS2 until adoption of the TN ordinance at which time the parcels shall be automatically rezoned to TN2. SECTION 2 This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � �� Payne-Phalen (?3 - 9� 7 District Five Planning Council 1014 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Te1:651-774-5234 Fax:651-774-9745 E-mail: d5-director(a%��isi.com November 5, 2003 Council President Dan Bostrom Members of the Council Saint Paul City Council City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Dear Council President Bostrom and Members of the Council: The Payne Phalen District Five PIanning CounciI Boazd of Directors respectfixlly offers to the Saint Paul City Council its strong recommendation to approve the zoning code amendments to the Arcade Street Commercia140-Acre Study. The October 28`�, 2003 District Five Boazd of Director's meeting passed by vote a motion to recommend the Commercia140-Acre Study in light of the expiration of the current moratorium. Based on the input of the Arcade Small Area Plan Task Farce, which included many Arcade Avenue business owners, we note that the proposed changes before you today will have a positive impact on the businesses currently operating on Arcade Street. The Task Force also received input from residential neighbors of Arcade Street, who support the use of the new "Traditional Neighborhood DistricY' zoning classification in our community and this plan's clear limits on new business venues such as adult use, auto service starions, auto repair or auto sales venues, car washes or pawn shops. This citizen-led group, co-chaired by District Five's President Murph Dawldns alongside Hal Fotsch of the Planning Commission, offered the recommendarions that form the policy guiding this Commercia140-Acre Study and the plan before you. The District Five Planning Council is also pleased that this plan conforms to our policy of ^ y S' ever.tixi `bT li.....,.,�SS� j�1Sp13C�.T.Pnt nFPX?St1Pb �J'1e2nPg�PC nr rPC?r For the record, however, Dishict Five does not favor planning processes that impede citizen review of locally proposed developments. While we aclaiowledge the constraints of necessity that put this policy change on a fast track for City Council approval -- specificaliy, the expirafion of the construcrion moratorium on Arcade Slreet — our board of directors has noted that, increasingly, citizens and communiries are being asked to respond to plans after they have been generated and are at their fmal stages of approval. s �3 -9'37 For example, in this plan, the classification of the southwest corner of Maryland and Arcade for B- 2 zoning was folded into the adoprion of the 40-Acre Study conhary to the views of the Task Force and without further public review. In normal circumstances, the new private commercial development now underway on this comer would �igger a request for a variance that, in tum, would �igger our District CounciPs process of neighborhood norification and community input. However, due to the expirarion of the moratorium, the District Five Planning Council Board has voted not to oppose the zoning class of B2 for the SW comer of Arcade and Maryland — though that decision was adopted by a 7� split vote. The Dishict Five Planning Council anticipates continuing cooperation with the CiTy to assure that community input is successfully engaged throughout the continuuxn of the communiry planning process. Neither citizens nor systems can allow community input to become a bureaucratic add-on; acrive citizenry is our primary basis for deternuning the common good. It is for the common good, after all, that public systems exist to serve. Finally, we'd like to commend former City Planner Rich Malloy for his extensive work with the Task Force, and current City Planner, Joel Spoonheim, for his efforts to enable Dis�ict Five and the Arcade Task Force to comment on the final draft before you, despite the rime pressure created by the impending e7cpiration of the moratorium. Sincerely, �� t .�T�.-%\ _._ ��_ Krisrin "Mtsph" Dawkins, Board President Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council Cc: 7oe1 Spoonheun, Planning & Economic Development y �� 03-937 1045 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 November 1, 2003 Re: Arcade Street Re-Zoning and 1045 Arcade Street Dear Councilmember I own property located at 1045 Arcade Street in St Paul, Minnesota. This properry is used both as my residence, and as the piace of business for my company, ACME Tattoo Co., Inc. This properry is significantly impacted by the proposed changes in zoning currently under consideration by the St. Paul City Council. Under the proposal, the property would be reciassified from B3 to TN2 non-conforming. I ask that the zoning for this propercy remain B3, or in the altemative that it be reclassified to B2. ACME Tattoo Co., Inc., has been located at 1045 Arcade Street for over 15 years. During that time, it has developed a significant clientele base, including a high percentage of repeat customers. The proposed zoning reclassification will result in a decrease in the value of the property, because it can no longer be sold for the purpose of operating a tattoo shop. The market value of 1045 Arcade Street could decrease by tens of thousands of dollazs under the proposed zoning reclassification. Since 1045 Arcade Street is the only property in the azea on which a tattoo shop is operating, I believe it may have been unfairly singled out for reclassification. None of the issues identified in the Arcade Street - Commercia140 Acre Study apply to the business at1045 Arcade Street. It is not an automotive business and it does not have unsightly chain link fences or unsightly metailic j unk. It is not a baz. Pazking is not a problem, because no more than two or three people get tattooed at any one time. There is no nuisance activity on the property, and ttne police have never been calied to the property. The property is kept clean and neat, and from the outside its appeazance is no different than a real estate office or lawyer's office. Tattooing is a form of expression and free speech. It has been accepted into the mainstream of American life, and people from all walks of life are now getting tattoos. ACME Tattoo Co.. Inc., has been a leader in upgrading the technical and hygienic standards of the profession. It has beea featured in local and national television shows and print media. Its proprietors have won numerous awazds. The premises are periodically inspected by a State of Minnesota health Councilmember November 1, 2003 �3 - 937 page 2 inspector. Last year, ACME Tattoo Co., Inc., hired an attomey to prepaze proposed legislation which would make it illegal to tattoo any person under 18 years of age. The proposed bill is HF 878. While this bill failed to pass during the 20021egislative session, it is still pending and may yet be approved. In the event that the zoning reclassification to TN2 non-conforming is approved, I may seek fair compensation for the d'uninution in value to 1045 Arcade Street. However, I hope that once you have more complete information about ACME Tattoo Co, Inc., you will vote to maintain B3 zoning for 1045 Arcade Street, or, vote to reclassify the properry to B2. I invite you to personally visit 1045 Arcade Street in the neaz future to look at the property. I think you would agree that both the property and the business aze very well maintained, and are an asset to the diverse culture and community azound Arcade Street. Yours truly, ��, � ic��c,��, ��. `� Tanika Nolan � �'-�e,� �S d3-937 Payne-Phalen District Five Planning Council 1014 Payne Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55101 Te1:651-774-5234 Faz: 651-774-9745 E-mail; d5-director�visi.com November 5, 2003 Council President Dan Bostrom Members of the Council Saint Paul City Council City Hall and Court House I S West Kellogg Boulevazd St. Paul, Minnesota, 55102 Dear Council President Bostrom and Members of the Council: The Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council Board of Directors respectfully offers to the Saint Paul City Council its strong recommendation to approve the zoning code amendments to the Arcade Street Comrnercia140-Acre Study. The October 28�`, 2003 District Five Boazd of Director's meering passed by vote a motion to recommend the Commercia140-Acre Study in light of the expiration of the current moratorium. Based on the input of the Arcade Small Area Plan Task Force, which included many Arcade Avenue business owners, we note that the proposed changes before you today will have a positive impact on the businesses currently operating on Arcade Street. The Task Force also received input from residential neighbors of Arcade Street, who support the use of the new "Traditional Neighborhood DistricY' zoning classification in our community and this plan's clear limits on new business venues such as adult use, auto service stations, auto repair or auto sales venues, caz washes or pawn shops. This citizen-led group, co-chaired by District Five's President Murph Dawkins alongside Hal Fotsch of the Planning Commission, offered the recommendations that form the policy guiding this Commercia140-Acre Strzdy and the plan before you. The District Five Planning Council is also pleased that this plan conforms to ow policy of preventi.ng unnecessary displacement of existing businesses or residents. For the record, however, District Five does not favor planning processes that impede citizen review of locally proposed developments. While we aclaiowledge the consiraints of necessity that put this policy change on a fast track for City Council approval -- specifically, the expiration of the construcfion moratorium on Arcade Street — our board of directors has noted that, increasingly, cifizens and communities aze being asked to respond to plans after they have been generated and are at their final stages of approval. -�'� �- d3 93 7 For example, in this plan, tfie classificafion of the southwest corner of Maryland and Arcade for B- 2 zoning was folded into the adoprion of the 40-Acre Study contrary to the views of the Task Force and without fixrther public revieva. In normal circumstances, the new private commercial development now underway on this corner would trigger a request for a variance that, in turn, would trigger our District Council's process of neighborhood notification and community input. However, due to the expiration of the moratorium, the Dishict Five Planning Councii Board has voted not to oppose the zoning class of B2 for the SW corner of Arcade and Maryland — though that decision was adopted by a 7-4 split vote. The Dishict Five Planning Council anricipates continuing cooperation with the City to assure that community input is successfiilly engaged throughout the continuum of the community planning process. Neither cirizens nor systems can allow community input to become a bureaucratic add-on; active citizenry is our primary basis for determining the common good. It is for the common good, after all, that public systems exist to serve. Finally, we'd like to comnrend former City Planner Rich Malloy for his extensive work with the Task Force, and current City Planner, Joel Spoonheim, for his efforts to enable District Five and the Arcade Task Force to comment on the final draft before you, despite the time pressure created by the impending expiration of the moratorium. Sincerely, ���- �-�__�. Krisrin "Muxph" Dawldns, Board President Payne Phalen District Five Planning Council Cc: Joel Spoonheim, Planning & Economic Development . .� � �(p� ��-�°v�� November 1. 2003 Re: Zoning of Tattoo shops Acme Tattoo has been located at 1045 Arcade Street since 1990. Acme Tattoo is and has been a good business neighbor. Acme Tattoo attracts clients from all over the metro azea. These peopte spend time visiting the east side and as a resuk patronize neighborhood businesses. Acme is well known throughout the Twin Cities and acts as a landmark for --- Arcade Street. As a business owner I support having a tattoo shop located by my business. I see benefits to having a tattoo shop as a business neighbor! Diversity of clients, co�urritment to the community, artistry and historical value aze just some ofthese benefits. I support zoning tattoo shops as legal uses in the proposed TN ordinance, and would encourage the city council to allow Acme Tattoo to continue operating as a B-2 zoned business. O ����� ��-(��'�,I..GY�C.y �ZCt: ' � c c��� � ��'7 �� �erso�� �.�r��- ` P ��n (-+ � � , � - . ������ V`\UCAV � l A✓l�+�l lJ�. S��t�e z, �� �- ,¢,Y � � �; �es �� �G lS'`JI -�">Cc-'�3�5 > l.PSi - - 7`13 - 35� �s1 ���z��S rl�. Cos>--77t/ 3300 _ lo.S/ � 7 `/ 7�7 � �c.�l - ��� 3s �S ��� la�s � � .� 7)� ��� 6 z��� �. /�h�. �i� �a.�. 1 �e:� �LU-a� ,�J�s�-�+ ,�—z-v� �S"� - � 7 6 - � o �d � . . 03 -937 November 1. 2003 ��f �ti�� GI s soc. � �,�---� Re: Zoning of Tattoo shops Acme Tattoo has been located at 1045 Arcade Street since I 990. Acme Tattoo is and has been a Qood business neighbor. Acme Tattoo attracts clients from all over the metro azea. These people spend time visitins the east side and as a result patronize neiohborhood businesses. V Acme is well known throu�hout the Twin Cities and acts as a landmark for Arcade Street. As a business owner I suppon ha��ing a tattoo shop located by my business. I see benefits to having a tattoo shop as a business neighbor! Diversiry of clients, commitment to the community, artistry and historical value are just some of these benefits. � I support zoning tattoo shops as legal uses in the proposed TN ordinance, and would encourage the city council to allow Acme Tattoo to continue operatin� as a B-2 zoned business. �i 6 a. - � � / i �t,/_�� ,. .�s_. i''y -, j ,J1i7AiI�f� '�'�' ►� �l � /. � I s/- � 7///i B' G S � ��� �� y�, r-- nii � �`'`- �� i��v n � ► "� � � �` � � a .� �� �� �= 0 3 N � N � � � � � 'H 3 �^ y Y � - O N O N Q O � U �" 7 ON 0�3� �°�o� c � � � a o a��' 0� o� � 3 ���a ` o-QO � Q�U'p � � � O O � O � � O � Q � � O U - 6 p> � C � �N C O N � O C — = N � � N � � 0 fl.-6 O O a � U � ' o��� p •3��0 os� � O p w 6 N � � N � O Q � n ^� � , � � � a � �� a� O � l � N ` N O N C = � 3 n� - O N O � O � � U � j ON O � O� 3 � �°' c_ � � a o Q��� O � � � O � � � Q C� U 'p H � � O O L O � � O H Q � L O U '6 p� � � � �N C O � � O C — _ � �N.C = O O.- O O B °� U y C N " o O N ° c��Oa •3��0 o Q � � p 0 w a � � � N � O ¢ F �������������� � y � a ! � � � . � �.�.�.■.■■.■.■ � • ��� . � y. 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