D00266C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �ro�ed copies to: ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER - City Cierk (Originaq - Finance DepL's Accounting D'rvision - Requestin9 Dept. N � b Date: 10 - - WHEREAS the Saint Paul Police Department's Professional Development Institute is sponsoring a course on Field Training and Field Training Supervision Program and, � WHEREAS this course is scheduled for October 10 - 14, 1994, and will be conducted at the Radisson Hotel Downtown Saint Paul, Minnesota. BE IT ORDERED that pursuant to the 1993 City Budget, the proper City Officials are hereby authorized to remit an amount not to exceed $4,000.00 to the Radisson Hotel Saint Paul, located at 11 W. Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, zip code 55101. This is to cover expenses incurred for providing the classroom space to accommodate this training course. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding Source: Account code 436-�4117-0289-40017 Pi . .�xt. � �\ '• -• lr VW�\OV DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATEINRIATED . �. , N Z4JU!J roi��e ��' �= i f 5�'- s�i6i94 GREEN 9HEE CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITWLIDATE INITIAUDAiE Q DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR � CRYCOUNpL ASSIGN CfiYATfORNEY ' C CLERK Chief Finney 292-3588 NOYBER FOP BE ON CAUNCR AGENDA BV (DATE� p��p� � BUDGET DIflECTOR N. & MGT. SEflVICES DIR. OROEfl � MpypR (OR ASSISTANiJ O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� A Pay ven�o=� Badisson Hotel�aint Paul, 11 A. Rellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55101 Routing of the attached Administrative Order. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Peject (Fi) pEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEHVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this per5o�rm ever worked under a conirect for this tlepartment? YES Sd0 _ CIB COMMITTEE _ 2. Has this perso�ffirm ever been a city employee? — STqFF — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 CouRT _ 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet ana attach to green sheet INITIATMG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Police Professional Development Institute will be conducting a course on "Field Training and Field Training Supervision on October 10 - 14, 1994. The course will be held at the Radisson Hotel at il East Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul. The Administrative Order allows for payment for hotel eapenses associated rrith this course. VANTAGES IF APPROVED. Payment of vendor���� $� � � � � � c � tv �� 2g 1g9 SEP �8 1994 ������oFT�+��`F4�iA�c �lTY �TTO��'EY DISAOVANTAGESIFAPPROU � "`" ` RfCEIVED None. OCT - 8 1994 CITY CLERK . DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Non payment of vendor. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 4 (lg COST/REYENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOURCE �ief's Training Budget ACTIVITYNUMBEp 436-34117-0289-40017 ' FWANCIALINFORMATION (EXPLAIN) - � /+f 1n' �-� �l,p