03-891Council File # "� I �1 �i� Ordinance # �v,5�� �� �5 lD3 Green Sheet # 3� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee Date : � An ordinance to amend Chapter 51 of the Saint Paul L.egislative Code to allow for interior inspections and clarify grounds for certificate revocation. 'THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SA1N'I' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 51.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.06. Suspension, revocation and denial. (a) Grounds for revocation. The director may, in writing, issue a notice to the owner or owners of the City's intent to suspend or revoke a rental dwelling unit registration certificate or deny an application therefor: (i) Whenever the certificate was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect informa6on supplied; (ii) When it is determined by the directar that the use-e€the dwelling unit constitutes a nuisance as described in . . Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul Lzgislative Code, or is in violaUOn of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul L.egislative or AdministraUve Codes; (iii) (iv) When the owner has submitted a false, incomplete or inaccurate statement as part of the application for a certificate; If the owner has failed or refused to pay fees to the city for inspections or certificates; (v) If the dwellin� meets the threshold for excessive consumption of citv services under either chanter 34 or chapter 267 and an enforcement officer ins ects or observes a new violation of the Saint Paul Le¢islative Code or a failure to conect a prior violation; or if the owner has failed to pay fees due under ordinances relating to the excessive consumption of police and/or inspection services; p���}5}�ED 2► N(� 2�+'03 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 03- $91 : .. :. � (vii) If it is found, upon any inspection by the director, that any rental dweliing unit does not conform to the requirements of applicable safety codes; ,� (viii) If the owner, in a material matter, fails to comply with the regulations in section 51.08; or {i�cj viii If the building or structure containing a rental dwelling unit covered in this Chapter 51 becomes or is a vacant building as defined in section 43.02 of the Legislative Code. Notice oflntent to Suspend. Revoke or Denv. The notice shall state: (11 The specific reason(s) for the City's intent to suspend, revoke or den ;� (2) That the director has refened the matter to the city council with a recommendation to revoke, suspend or den, ;� (3) That the city council will revoke, suspend or denv unless the owner or owners avneal the notice within ten (10) davs in the manner provided in chapter 18 of the legislative code; and (4) That after the city council's decision to revoke, suspend or deny the rental dwelline certificate, the rental dwelling, unit for which it was issued shall not again be used or occupied as a rental dwelline unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is issued or renewed followine inspection and a determination by the director that the said rental dwellin u¢ nit is in compliance with applicable codes under the jurisdiction of the director; and (5) How an appeal mav be filed under chapter 18 of the leeislative code. S� The Notice shall be served bv first class mail to the owner or owners. {lrj� Renewal required upon revocation. ff a rental dwelling unit registration certificate is suspended, revoked, or denied the rental dwelling unit for which it was issued shall not again be used or occupied as a rental dwelling unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is renewed following inspection and a deternunation by the director that the said rental dwelling unit is in compliance with applicable safety codes. Section 2 Section 51.07 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.07. Inspections. (a) Inspection criteria. The director sira�nat may inspect any rental dweiling unit �ess if it falls within one (1) or more of the following criteria: (i) Such unit has been abandoned by the owner, or the owner of such unit cannot be found; D 3- � g 1 ✓�t. �/� 1 (ii> 2 The rental 3 dwelline unit re¢istration certificate has been suspended, revoked or denied; 4 5 (iii) An excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee has been imposed or 6 billed as a result of enforcement activity under ..-. 7 �z� either Chapter 34 or Chapter 267; 8 9 (iv) Water, gas or electric service to such unit has been discontinued as a result of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 34 25 26 �� �g 39 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 nonpayment for more than thirty (30) continuous days; (v) The unit is on a parcel of land which is on the list of delinquent tases filed by the county auditor with the court administrator of the district court pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 279.05; (vi) The unit or the property within which the unit is located has, within the preceding three (3) months, been the subject of a written petition filed with the office of city clerk by any district council, which petition requests that such unit be inspected and is signed by five (5) or more persons having personal knowledge of the unit or property, stating one (1) or more reasons why such unit should be inspected by the city; er (vii) The director has probable cause to believe that there exists within such unit one (1) or more violations of safety codes which constitute a serious danger to the health, safety and welfare of persons living in such unit, or which would make the unit or structure in which the unit was located a dangerous structure or unfit for human habitation under sections 34.22-.23 of the Legislative Code-•,or viii The unit or the propertv within which the unit is located has, within the preceding six (6) months, received a renewal certificate based upon a susuension or revocation. (b) Notice of inspection power. The director is hereby authorized, in conformity with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units to enforce this chapter and all applicable safety codes. (c) Scope of inspection. The director is authorized, in conformity with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units in dwellings, whether having a registration certificate hereunder or not. The inspecrion may include the building or structure containing the rental dwelling unit, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures related to the rental dwelling unit. All inspections authorized by this Chapter 51 shall be limited to those which are done for the puipose of seeking compliance with applicable safety codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the director. : . :. . .� , ,- . :• .:• :: .: : : :. . :. . . : . - ..: . : : . • : : .. : : . a � 6 7 , , � 3 - 8� � . v�t.�� {ej Notice of violations. The director shall give notice to the owner of any violations of the applicable safety codes which are discovered during any inspection. Section 3 Section 51.10 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sec. 51.10. Exemptions. � Dwellings owned by the Public Housing A�ency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) shall be exemqt from the reastration and fee provisions of this chapter. The PHA will nrovide an annual list of PHA-owned dwellin¢s to the director. The data disseminated as nart of such list shall have the same classification in the hands of the Citv throueh the Director as it had in the hands of the PHA. 18 � Establishments, having rooms or facilities which would be covered by the definition of a 19 rental dwelling unit, which are licensed by the City of Saint Paul under other provisions 20 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, are exempt from the provisions of this chapter if such 21 establishments and the rental dwelling units therein are required to comply with 22 applicable safety codes as a condition or requirement of licensure. 23 2A 25 Q� Section 4 Section 5112 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read: Section 51.12 Penalty. 27 Notwithstanding the lack of a specific reference thereto, a violation of, or failure to comply with, 28 any section, provision or requirement in this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and shall be subject 29 to sections 1.05 and 1.06 of the I,egislative Code, and to the provisions of applicable state 30 statutes. This chapter is a part of the city health, safety, housing, building, fire prevention and 31 housing maintenance codes, and a violation thereof shall be deemed to be a violation for 32 purposes of state statutes allowing escrow of rent to remedy violations . 03- 891 ��� 1 Nothine in this Chapter shall preclude the City from seeking enforcement of the provisions of 2 this chapter in any court of competent jurisdiction bv an�ppropriate form of civil liti at¢ ion' 3 inciuding but not limited to injunctive relief. n Section 4 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days following its passage, 6 approval and publication. 7 xecluescea vl• aeparcmeac of: PU �� $ �/(�/�s'� �c NOV2�� �_ �i�� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ABHt H71 � Form ABP�'ed by City Attosaey Adopted by Couacil: Date Navt�b�/ �2� ZOU3 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet��� � Mp — Mayots0ffice Contact Person & Phone: Dennis Flaherry 266-8510 Must Be on Council qqenda by (Date): Date Initiated: 11-AUG-03 � Auign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Amend Chapter 51 of the legislative code to allow for interior inspections and clarify grounds for certificate revocafion. idations: Approve (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aitach to green sheet Green Sheet NO: 3004050 0 avor's Oftice I 1 or's OfCice ar[u�ent Dirtttor 2 it Attorne 3 a or's Offce Ma or/ASSis[ant 4 ouncil 5 it Clerk Cit Clerk Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): City Council members have asked for Code EnforcemenPs help dealing with student housing problem properties, absentee landlord problem properties, and a means to increase the number of interior inspections. When Mayor Kelly conducted his '7istening tour" this past Spring, a top concern of city residents was absentee owned problem properties. Advantages If Approved: The city will be able to encourage landlords to remain responsible tluough the implementation of cleaz guidelines fox conrinued certification and the addition of due process/appeal procedures. The city can continue to presume that landlords will be responsible until proven otherwise, but proving otherwise will have meaningful consequences. DisadvanWpes If Approved: None Disativantages If Not Approvetl: The city will not have an adequate means to deal with student housing on a behavioral basis. The ciry will not have an adequate process to deal with absentee owners of problem properties. There will not be an increase in the number of properties that receive interior inspections. Total Amount of Transaction: Funtling Source: Cost/Revenue Budgeted: ActivitV Number: �r���°�P �t�ca�?rh P°,an4nf Financial Information: There are no costs associa[ed wi[h this IegislaUOn. @oCD Cf @ 2��� (Explain) 67C1" /✓ e7 Council File # � �� o \ � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 51 of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code to allow for interior inspections and clarify grounds for certificate revocation. THE COUNCII, OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 51.06 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.06. Suspension, revocation and denial. (a) Grounds for revocation. The director may, in writing, issue a notice to the owner or owners of the City's intent to suspend or revoke a rental dwelling unit registration certificate or deny an application therefor: (i) Whenever the certificate was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied; (ii) When it is detemuned by the director that the use-efthe dwelling unit constitutes a nuisance as described in . ., Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul I.eeislative Code, or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul Legislative or Administrative Codes; (iii) (iv) T'�' ` 1��3-a�0� When the owner has submitted a false, incomplete or inaccurate statement as part of the application for a certificate; If the owner has failed or refused to pay fees to the city for inspections or certificates; (v) If the dwelline meets the threshold for excessive consumption of city services under either chapter 34 or chapter 267 and an enforcement officer inspects or observes a new violation of the Saint Paul I.eeislative Code or a failure to correct a orior violation: or if the owner has failed to pay fees due under ordinances relating to the excessive consumption of police and/or inspection services; �� SC�� 03- 8�1) � � •' � 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 < <... �����`.�.�,.�y._.,..,...,..� �'I�����R�11lTIrt�Jt�1 ��RR�14'Irt�I�T �Y�l���r ���4�L�O�������rt�l�1�1�19O1�UJ���414R9�1U�I. (vii) If it is found, upon any inspection by the director, that any rental dwelling unit does not conform to the requirements of applicabie safety codes; (viii) If the owner, in a material matter, fails to comply with the regulations in section 51.08; or {i�j viii If the building or structure containing a rental dwelling unit covered in this Chapter 51 becomes or is a vacant building as defined in section 43.02 of the I.egislative Code. Notice of Intent to Suspend. Revoke or Denv. The notice shall state: (1) The specific reason(slforthe Citv'sintentto suspend,revoke or denv:and (2) That the director has refened the matter to the city council with a recommendation to revoke, suspend or denv: and (3) That the city council will revoke, suspend or deny unless the owner or owners auueal the notice within ten (101 davs in the manner provided in chapter 18 of the legislative code: and (4) That after the citv council's decision to revoke, suspend or den,�} the rental dwelline certificate, the rental dwelline unit for which it was issued shall not again be used or occupied as a rental dwellin¢ unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is issued or renewed following inspection and a deternunation by the director that the said rental dwelline unit is in compliance with applicable codes under the jurisdiction of the director: and (51 How an appeal mav be filed under chapter 18 of the legislative code. � The Notice shall be served bv first class mail to the owner or owners. �bj� Renewal required upon revocation. If a rental dwelling unit registration certificate is suspended, revoked, or denied the rental dwelling unit for which it was issued shall not again be used or occupied as a rental dwelling unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is renewed following inspection and a determination by the director that the said rental dwelling unit is in compliance with applicable safety codes. Section 2 Section 51.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.07. Inspections. (a) Inspection criteria. The director ska�net may inspect any rental dwelling unit miless if it falls within one (1) or more of the following criteria: (i) Such unit has been abandoned by the owner, or the owner of such unit cannot be found; 03- �91 cl> The rental dwellin unit registration certificate has been suspended, revoked or denied; 4 5 (iii) An excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee has been imposed or 6 billed as a result of enforcement activity under ..-. 7 ��g�:�ati�+e-Eec�e either Chapter 34 or Cha�ter 267; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (iv) Water, gas or electric service to such unit has been discontinued as a result of nonpayment for more than thirty (30) conrinuous days; (v) The unit is on a parcel of land which is on the list of delinquent taxes filed by the county auditor with the court administrator of the district court pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 279.05; (vi) The unit or the property within which the unit is located has, within the preceding three (3) months, been the subject of a written petition filed with the office of city clerk by any district council, which petition requests that such unit be inspected and is signed by five (5) ar more persons having personal knowledge of the unit or property, stating one (1) or more reasons why such unit should be inspected by the city; er (vii) The director has probable cause to believe that there exists within such unit one (1) or more violations of safety codes which constitute a serious danger to the health, safety and welfare of persons living in such unit, or which would make the unit or structure in which the unit was located a dangerous structure or unfit for human habitation under secUOns 34.22-.23 of the LegislaUve Code-•,or viii The unit or the prouerty within which the unit is located has, within the precedin� six (6) months, received a renewal certificate based upon a suspension or revocation. (b) Notice of inspection powex The director is hereby authorized, in confornuty with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units to enforce this chapter and all applicable safety codes. (c) Scope of inspection. The director is authorized, in confornuty with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units in dwellings, whether having a registration certificate hereunder or not. The inspection may include the building or structure containing the rental dwelling unit, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures related to the rental dwelling unit. All inspections authorized by this Chapter 51 shall be limited to those which are done for the purpose of seeking compliance with applicable safety codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the director. : :� . .. :..- . . . :. .:� .: : : : . : . : . � ..: : : . • : : .. : D3- 891 , , . 2 � {ej� Notice of violations. The director shall give notice to the owner of any violations of the applicable safety codes which are discovered during any inspection. Section 3 Section 51.10 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sec. 51.10. Exemptions. � Establishments, having rooms or facilities which would be covered by the definition of a rental dwelling unit, which aze licensed by the City of Saint Paul under other provisions of the Saint Paul L,egislative Code, aze exempt from the provisions of this chapter if such establishments and the rental dwelling units therein aze required to compiy with applicable safety codes as a condition or requirement of licensure. 18 � Dwellings owned by the Public Housing Aeencv of the Citv of Saint Paul (PHAI shall be 19 exempt from the provisions of this chapter. The PHA will provide an annual list of PHA- 20 owned dwellin¢s to the director. The data disseminated as part of such list shall have the 21 same classification in the hands of the Citv throu�h the Director as it had in the hands of 22 the PHA. 23 24 25 26 Section 4 Section 5112 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Section 51.12 Penalty. 27 Notwithstanding the lack of a specific reference thereto, a violation of, or failure to comply with, 28 any section, provision or requirement in this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and shali be subject 29 to sections 1.05 and 1.06 of the I.egisla6ve Code, and to the provisions of applicable state 30 statutes. This chapter is a part of the city health, safety, housing, building, fire prevention and 31 housing maintenance codes, and a violation thereof shall be deemed to be a violation for 32 purposes of state statutes allowing escrow of rent to remedy violations . 03-891 1 Nothin� in this Chapter shall preclude the Catv from seekine enforcement of the provisions of 2 this chapter in any court of competent jurisdiction by anv appropriate form of civil litigation, 3 includine but not limited to injunctive relief. � 5 6 7 Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Reguested by DeBartmeat of: Hpc Adoptioa Certified by Couacil Sflcretary BY: AgHtm'ed by Mayoi: Date Form Approved by City Attorney BY: / ; Approved by biayor for Sulxaission to Council Sye SY: Adopted by CouaCil: Date Council File # �� � D �, Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �—� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To D3- ��� Committee Date : An ordinance to amend Chapter 51 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow for interior inspections and clarify grounds for certificate revocation. 'I'HE COUNCII. OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 51.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.06. Suspension, revocation and denial. (a) Grounds for revocation. The director may, in writing, issue a notice to the owner or owners of the Citv's intent to suspend or revoke a rentai dwelling unit registration certificate or deny an application therefor: (i) Whenever the certificate was issued in error or on the basis of inconect inforxnation supplied; (ii) When it is determined by the director that the nse-a€the dwelling unit constitutes a nuisance as described in . ., Section 45.03 of the Saint Paul I.eeislative Code, or is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any provision of the Saint Paul L,egislative or Administrative Codes; (iii) (iv) When the owner has submitted a false, incomplete or inaccurate statement as part of the application for a certificate; If the owner has failed or refused to pay fees to the city for inspections or certificates; (v) If the dwelling meets the threshold for excessive consumption of city services under either chapter 34 or chapter 267 or if the owner has failed to pay fees due under ordinances relating to the excessive consumption of police and/or inspection services; . .. . :. . � : : . : � �U I��UI �IA�Ii� �l'�� � �A19�Rt44�1 (vii) If it is found, upon any inspection by the director, that any rental dwelling unit does not conform to the requirements of applicable safety codes; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 � �3- 8�1 (viii) If the owner, in a material matter, fails to comply with the regulations in section 51.08; or {ixj viii If the building or structure containing a rentai dweiling unit covered in this Chapter 51 becomes or is a vacant building as defined in section 43.02 of the Legislative Code. Notice of Intent to Suspend, Revoke or Denv. The notice shall state: (11 The specific reason(s) for the City's intent to suspend, revoke or den�and (21 That the director has referred the matter to the city council with a recommendarion to revoke, susnend or denv: and (31 That the city council will revoke, suspend or denv unless the owner or owners auroeal the notice within ten (101 days in the manner provided in chapter 18 of the legislative code; and (4) That after the city counciP s decision to revoke, suspend or den �}_the rental dwelling certificate, the rental dwelline unit for which it was issued shali not again be used or occupied as a rental dwelline unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is issued or renewed following inspection and a detercnination by the director that the said rental dwellin ug nit is in compliance with apvlicable codes under the jurisdiction of the director; and (5) How an ap e�v be filed under chapter 18 of the legaslative code. [O� The Notice shall be served by first class mail to the owner or owners. fbj� Renewal required upon revocation. If a rental dwelling unit registration certificate is suspended, revoked, or denied the rental dwelling unit for which it was issued shall not again be used or occupied as a rental dwelling unit or for residential occupancy until such time as the said certificate is renewed following inspection and a deternunation by the director that the said rental dwelling unit is in compliance with applicable safety codes. Section 2 Section 51.07 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 51.07. Inspections. (a) Inspection criteria. The director ska�naE may inspect any rental dwelling unit miless if it falls within one (1) or more of the following criteria: (i) Such unit has been abandoned by the owner, or the owner of such unit cannot be found; �, 03-��� The rental dweliine unit reeistration certificate has been suspended, revoked or denied; (iii) An excessive consumption of exterior inspection services fee has been imposed or billed as a result of enforcement activity under ..-. ��gis�ative-Eade either Chapter 34 or Chapter 267; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (iv) Water, gas or electric service to such unit has been discontinued as a resuit of nonpayment for more than thirty (30) continuous days; (v} The unit is on a parcel of land which is on the list of delinquent tases filed by the county auditor with the court administrator of the district court pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 279.05; (vi) The unit or the property within which the unit is located has, within the preceding three (3) months, been the subject of a written petition filed with the office of city clerk by any district council, which petition requests that such unit be inspected and is signed by five (5) or more persons having personal knowledge of the unit or property, stating one (1) or more reasons why such unit should be inspected by the city; sr (vii) The director has probable cause to believe that there exists within such unit one (1) or more violations of safety codes which constitute a serious danger to the health, safety and welfare of persons living in such unit, or which would make the unit or structure in which the unit was located a dangerous structure or unfit for human habitation under sections 34.22-.23 of the Legislative Code:tor (b) Notice of inspection power. The director is hereby authorized, in confornuty with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units to enforce this chapter and all applicable safety codes. (c) Scope of inspection. The director is authorized, in confornuty with this Chapter 51, to inspect all rental dwelling units in dwellings, whether having a registration certificate hereunder or not. The inspection may include the building or structure containing the rental dwelling unit, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures related to the rental dwelling unit. All inspections authorized by this Chapter 51 shall be limited to those which are done for the purpose of seeking compliance with appiicable safety codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the director. : :� :. . .- . .- : : .:• : .. : : . : . : . � ..: : : . . • : . .. . : . : : fej� Notice of violations. The director shall give notice to the owner of any violations of the � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 applicable safety codes which are discovered during any inspection. Section 3 Section 5112 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Section 51.12 Penalty. a�-��.� Notwithstanding the lack of a specific reference thereto, a violation of, or failure to comply with, any section, provision or requirement in this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and shall be subject to sections 1.05 and 1.06 of the I.egisiative Code, and to the provisions of applicable state statutes. This chapter is a part of the city health, safety, housing, building, fire prevention and housing maintenance codes, and a violation thereof shall be deemed to be a violation for purposes of state statutes allowing escrow of rent to remedy violations . Nothin ie n this Chapter shall preclude the City from seeking enforcement of the provisions of this chapter in any court of competent jurisdiction b�}�an�pa propriate form of civil liti�ation, includine but not limited to injunctive relief. Section 4 This ordinance shail take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Reguested by Depaitmeat of: NifiA1 �. ���� Form Approved by C Atto� $y° �V `1,�Y°"i.� � Adoptioa Certified by Council Secretary Sy: Approved by MayoY: Date Sy': Adoptad by Council: Date .�• v♦ u�. I IVIII n1111 IIVJYIIGI lGIIIUIV�Y 40NCI1111011L OIL OUJ OJIJ I 1 uVL/uUJ 1 VVJ �\• I " 2 / � � I � �ro: c�� co���l M�b�s iGZa� -�.� FROM: ��eb Shambo, Block Club Leader, En�ewood Ave., Froa own i RE: I CODE ENFORCEMENT — PUBLTC HEARING TONIGHT � li I am unable tol,�ttend the heazing fhis evening becavse of my worlc schedule. I have d'zscussed the document that Andy Dawkins pmvided to me when he was tryino to get me to appear at thelpress conference recently, with other block club members. The proposed 'ehanges aze all things thaz we have been told have already been implemented fa some fime. This document falls way short of what we feei is necessary to protect our �� ghborhood from absent landlords who have nothing vested in our azea. We have alrea�� been victi.ms of two absent landlozds on our block. Knowing that �ie will appazenfly not succeed in requirin; ALL rental property to be inspected we p the followine: !t therel �re outstanding code violations or excessive police calls to any property owned � a Iandlord, they will not be allowed to "register" another propercy untiJ the cod'e violat9ons aze cleared and stable for a period of vme. This includes excessi� police calls. 2. Regis�on "cerrificates" must be posted in clear site oiz the property alon� with a wor , g telephone number for the landlord. 3. �xcessii�e police calls/noise complaints, etc. should also be addressed in some meaning�ul raanner. I I 4. Pro�ide' all homeowners (either at the timc of rental re�istrarion or at the time of homest �� ding) with City taws and ordinances. (Change the name of the "Neigh �, rhood Nuisance" booklet). Too many people from Eau Claire are landlor� and don't even know fhat, in St. Paul, you have to hire your own trash haulez!!�!� etc., etc., erc. �i 5. Establi ' a meaningful sexual harrassement policy and procedure in accordance with nt Ciry policies and procediues. 6. Allow zens, without the help of their DisYrict Council, to petiuon to any dep t for help. For instance, I was notified by Andy Dawkins of this stu#�; not by �'�t Danielson, who is aware of my concern and intezest in �his issue. We believe tha� the absent landlord is one of the greatest threats to our neighborhoods today. Yes, tena�ts can be probiezns mo....but a bax doesn't just get to say "these stupid �I / .. ut.wr��� �i�n� nun iwapila� rawu�uyy utlpalU�Inill ol[ ooD oDIO � r uw�uuo r people drink t, �o much" and then walk away from their responsibiliues. There as been little or no m uxgful oversight of tfiese tl�ings even though yon heaz there is at every community m ting where the topic arises. It is another instance of being fed a bunch of junk. Thanks for yoi.�k consideration. Deb Shambo 612-863-571 651-489-551