03-890S:s.��>t�. tt'S � 0� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Section 2 Committee Date : An ordinance amending chapter 34 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to provide an affirmative defense for lessors in a misdemeanor prosecution and allow for reinspecrion and excessive initial inspection fees to be collected by special assessment. Section 1 Section 34.08.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: 4 Sec. 34.08.1. Council findings. 5 6 The city council finds that some property owners take little or no responsibility far the 7 e�erier maintenance of their property unul the city, through its various inspections programs, 8 has repeatedly ordered them to remedy violations of Hre 9 . ' the propertv maintenance chapters of the Saint Paul 10 I.egislative Code. Such property owners create excessive costs for the city which are over and 11 above the normal cost of providing inspection services city-wide. Property owners who must 12 repeatedly be ordered to gbate remedv code violations on their property consume an unacceptable 13 and disproportionate share of limited city resources. Therefore, it is the intent of the city council, 14 by the adoption of sections 34.08.1 through 34.08.55, to impose and collect the a-user�eet8 15 de€r�q costs associated with reins ecn tions and the excessive consumption of city exterier 16 inspection services. The collection of such costs for certain properties shall be bv assessment 17 aeainst the real pro�ertv requirine such excessive insuection or reinspection services, oursuant to 18 Minnesota Statutes. Section 429101, which authorizes the council to provide for reins ection 19 fees to be collected b�pecial assessment and allows cities to collect the costs associated with 20 removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards and Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City 21 Charter. 22 23 24 25 26 a� 28 29 30 31 32 33 Section 34.08.2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.2. Definitions. Zo PUB�.3S!�� NqV 2� '03 For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings ascribed to them: Reinspection means that an enforcement officer has conducted an inspection of the nremises based upon a complaint or otherwise had Council File # �3 O�' " � Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 0 `�`�� 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 a3-8� occasion to view the e�terier p� premises and observed a violation of see#ierr3�68�€ thise�hapter any provision of the St. Paul Legislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housine and propertv improvement issued an�e a written notice of the violation�, and reinspected the premises to deternune compliance with the abxtement�rder notice and found noncompliance. Excessive Initial Inspection means an inspection and observation of a new violation bv an enforcement officer at a specific propertv address after an enforcement officer has conducted tw�rior initial insnections within a twelve-month period and found violations of the Saint Paul LepSslative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housine and propertv improvement, where the owner was notified in writin� pursuant to 34.08.3. �ier Excessive inspection services fee means the fee to be imposed forearterier a reinspection or prepeitq-Rrea excessive initial inspection ___ .__ __ '__._-__ _.' -.---.------ _.. The fee hall include, but not be limited tm; the prorata salaries of enforcement officers perfornung exterier inspections of the subject property;; the prorata cost of equipment, materials and all other overhead costs used during inspecrion e}�esof the subject property, includine ownershi�searches and administrative and clerical costs; and the costs of any medical treatment of enforcement officers injured as a result of these inspections. Section 3 Section 34.08.3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.3. Initial �xteriar inspection by enforcement officer.: written notice (al Written notice of violations. When an enforcement officer conducts an initial inspection of a�erier prgpertq-xrex r� e� and deternunes that violations of �m the provisions of the le�islative code under the jurisdiction of the department of neighborhood housin� and property im_provement exist, the enforcement officer shall, in addition to any other action the enforcement officer may undertake, serve written notice of the violation in conformance with the requirements set forth in section 34.21 of this chapter. (bl Notice for collection of reinspection costs and excessive initial inspection costs. If the enforcement officer intends to collect the city costs for reinspections and excessive initial insuections, then the written notice provided for in sections 34.08.3(a) and 34.21 must also: (1) state that if the violations aze not cosected within the time period or periods required in the notice, the city's costs in conductin a¢ reinspection after the due date for comnliance will be collected from the owner or owners rather than beingpaid by the taYpayers of the citv; and (2) state that if additionai new violations of the le�islative code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housin,g and prooerty improvement are discovered bX enforcement officers within the next followine 12 months, the city's costs in conductin�y additional inspections at the same location within such 12 months will be collected from the owner or owners rather than beine paid bv the tas�avers of the city; and (3) state that such future costs will be collected by assessment ag_ainst the real property. : : : . : � :• .. :. � �IQ" a 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 . ; � : . :. : . : : : : . : : . . : .- .:�. . : : . : Section 5 Section 34.08.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.4. Excessive consumption of �terier inspection services, fee and liability:; Reinsuection fee and liabilitv. (a) The city shall be entitled to collect its costs of enforcement from a property owner who consumes either reinspecrion services or excessive earterier initial inspection services. An excessive consumption of exterier either reinspections or excessive initial inspection services occurs after: (1) (2) Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.08.3 following an initial inspection; and �hree-F�j One 1 additional e�feriar initial inspection eqeles are is performed at the same location within a consecutive twelve-month period after the first initial inspection for which a notice of violation was served; and (3) During each of the�hree-F3j two 2 a��iYiarra�e�terier initial inspections eqeks under subpazagraph (2), the enforcement officer finds violations of s°efien-3�98.3 the Saint Paul I,e¢islative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neighborhood housing and pronertv imorovement. which are either new violations � � S� Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.083 followine an initial inspection; and The enforcement officer conducts an inspection after the due date for compliance on the notice and determines that the violation still exists. (b) A�he fee of €er . . .fifty dollars ($50.00) mav be charped for the first initial inspection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (1) and two (2) and a fee of seventv five dollars ($75.001 may be char¢ed for the second initial inspection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (1) and two (21 and a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) mav be chazeed for each subsequent initial inspection within a twelve month period after the circumstances described in section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (1) and two (21. � A fee of fifty dollars ($50.001 may be chareed for the first reinspection described in 34.08A(al subdivisions four (4) and five (5). A fee of seventv five dollars ($75.00) may be chazged for the second reinspection described in section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions four (4) and five (51. A fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) mav be chareed for each subsequent reinspection described in 34.08.4(a) four (4) and five (5). l!1 CI�PIw�'PI�UI�RYl�1lR4O�•lR����O1�144�1�1'l11�������.l�r���4�11U��1\\LIR�wl�PI�1R����tPl�ll'rflU�ll�ln � . o3-S�a m� 2 3 � No fee under section 34.08.4(a) shall be charged where the city has issued a written 4 norice pursuant to section 34.083 but has abated the violation under section 4510 or 5 45.11 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code and assessed the costs of such abatement under 6 section 45.111 of the Saint Paul I.eaislative Code. 8 {�j� The amount of the excessive consumption of e�teriar inspection services fee shall be a 9 debt owed to the city . and shall be collected bv 10 snecial assessment under the authority in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101 and the 11 Charter. 12 13 {ej�t Action under this section does not preclude any other civil or criminal enforcement 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 procedure. ..• : : . . : .. . :. :. : .: : : ..• : . . . : . . . :� : . : .:• : . :. :� : .. ... Section 6 Section 34.08.5 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.5. Cost; collection. (al Cost records. The enforcement officer shall keep a record of the costs for fi�excessive consumption of exferier inspection services €ee, s€ the name and address of the owner, the dates of the inspections giving rise to the excessive consumption of exterisr inspection services f�ee, the observed violations of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code under the jurisdiction of the departrnent of neighborhood housing and pronerty improvement . , and the total amount of the costs for excessive consumption of e�terier inspection services €ee to be collected a ai� �nst a�zrticular ronertv., and shall report such information to the director of financial services. '�"- - �nc-arcisiorror b� Resolution approving total, settin dn ate of public hearing. On or before October 1 of each year, the director of financial services or his or her designee shall notify the city council of the total cost of such excessive inspection services performed durine the previous yeaz and the portion of such costs to be assessed a¢ainst each lot and parcel of property that utilized excessive inspection services . Upon receipt thereof, the council shall bv resolution fix a date for public hearin� at which time the council shall consider adoptine and levvin� the service charees. The date of public hearing shall be at least twenty (20) days after adoption of said resolution. � Notice of council hearinz. Followine the adoption of the resolution nrovided in paraeranh (b) above, the director of financial services shall publish a notice of the hearing in a daily news�a er of the citv at least five (5) da�s prior to the public hearine. The notice shall state the date, time and place of hearin¢, the pumose of the hearin¢, identifv the services �rovided and the propertv to be assessed a service chazee therefor, and shall state the proposed rates of service chazges to be considered by the council. o3-B�� 1 � Notice to owner and interested parties. At least ten (101 davs before the hearin , notice 2 thereof shall be mailed bv first class mail to the owner and anv interested partv known to 3 the city, at his or her last known address. Such notice shall also inform the recivient of the 4 notice (il of the procedures he or she must foliow under the charter in order to appeal the 5 assessments to the district court, and (ii) of the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 6 435193 to 435.195 and the existence of anv deferment procedure established pursuant 7 thereto. 9 �e,� Public hearine; adoption of assessment roll. On the date of public hearin� the council 10 shall meet to consider the adoption of the proposed service chazQes. The council shall ll hear all interested parties concernine the proposed chazees. At such meetin� or at any 12 adiouimnent thereof, the council mav amend the pronosed service char¢es, and shall, by 13 resolution, adont the service charges as a special assessment aeainst the �rouerties which 14 utilized excessive inspection services. Special assessments levied hereunder shall be 15 �avable in a sin¢le installment. 16 17 �f Certification to county,for collection with taxes. After adoption byresolution of the 18 service charges and assessment rates therefor, and no later than November 15, the citv 19 clerk shall transmit a certified co�,v of said resolution to the county department of 20 prooertv taacation to be extended on the �roper tax list of the countv and collected the 21 followingyear alonQ with current taaces. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � Appeal. Within twentv (20) days after adoption of the resolution adoptin� the service chaz eg s, any�erson aggrieved may appeal to the district court in the manner set forth in Chapter 14 of the City Charter. Section 7 Section 34.08.6 is hereby deleted in its entirety. �.��.,.,.�..�`�.�.�f.�`��s.�.��,�..�.�.��.�....�� _ : . - .. . . � . ... .. : . : � :. : : :. . :: m�'� o3^g�a m��2 Secrion 8 Section 34.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read: Sec. 34.18. Penalty for violation. � Any person violating any provision of this chapter may be punished as provided by section 1.05 of this Code. � It shall be an affirmative defense to a misdemeanor prosecution of a lessor under this chapter, which the lessor must prove b,}� a prenonderance of the evidence, that the lessor: a. Established a written lease provision that requires occupant(s) to follow the provisions of state and local laws related to housine, building, and fire codes: and b. Effectively communicated such a provision to occupant(sl: and c. Took reasonable steps to discover the violations; and d. Effectivel�enforced the lease provisions when violations were discovered. � Nothin¢ in this section shall preclude an enforcement officer from seeking the enforcement of provisions of this chapter in any court of competent �risdcition by anv ap�ropriate form of civil action, includin sQ eekin te o enjoin anv continued violation and seeking to compel obedience b i�g order to conect violations. Section 9 T'his ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following passage, approval and publicatio�. Adopted by Council: Date No��.� Lz, aoo3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy �2aro3 Q�-�9d � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ��-fJ MQ — Mayots Office Contact Person & Phone: Dennis Flaherty 266-8510 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ����,t,at�. I Green Sheet NO: 3004051 12-AUG-03 � Deoartment Sent To Person 0 r' ff Assign 1 or'sOffice De ar[mentDirector Number 2 itvAttornev � I For Routing 3 or's O'H"ice Ma or/Assistant Order 4 0�� 5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk Toiai # of Signature Pages _(dip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Amend Code EnforcemenYs excessive consumpfion ordinance to allow for a gaduated fee structure, to allow for the assessment of excessive consumption, and to provide property owners with an opportunity to appeal. idations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Does ihis person/tirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, What, When, Where, Why): Director Dawkins attempted to implement the 1996 ordinance, but was unable to do so for vazious reasons. However, the 2003 Minnesota Legislature provided the power of assessment. Advantageslf Approved: 1. Make the 1996 ordinance enforceable. 2. Increase voluntary compliance with city codes. 3. Better serve the cixy's property taxpayers. DisadvantageslfApproved: None Disativantages If Not Approvetl: � Continued inability to enforce ordinance first adopted in 1996. Continued under-assessment of chronic violators at the expense of law- abiding property owners. Total Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Cosi/Revenue Budgeted: ActivitV Number: Financial Information: There aze no costs associated wi[h this legislation, but passage will result in an esUmated $SOQ000 in revenue. (Explain) c����`-�^�"" "" �o�aa`o3 Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance amending chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow for and excessive initial inspection fees to be coliected by special assessment. Section ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��✓ Council File # �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �C� `�� � Section 1 1 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.1. Council The city council finds hat some property owners take little or no responsibility for the e�cteriar maintenance of their p erty until the city, throagh its various inspecUons programs, has repeatedly ardered them to rteriareftheirprapertq remedy violations of the I.egislative Code. Such property owne create excessive costs far the city which aze over and above the normal cost of providing inspe Yion services city-wide. Property owners who must repeatedly be ardered to xbxte remed code uiolations on their property consume an unacceptable and disproportionate share of limited city reso rces. Therefore, it is the intent of the city council, by the adoption of sections 34.08.1 through 34. .65, to impose and collect the $-t�serfee-te �e€i�xq costs associated with reins ections and the cessive consumption of city exteriar inspection services. The collection of such costs for ertain ro erties shail be b assessment Charter. Section 2 Section 34.08.2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.2. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall ha�the meanings ascribed to them: Reinspection means that an enforcement officer has an inspection of the premises based upon a complaint or othen occasion to view the exierier �rex �remises and observed a violation of seeti D3 1 thi�se3rxpter any provision of the St. Paul Legislative Code under the jurisdiction of the 2 de�artment of nei¢hborhood housinP and pronerty improvement issued � a 3 written notice of the violation�, and reinspected the premises to 4 determine compliance with the - aoaicincncoraci notice and found noncompliance. 5 6 Excessive Initial Inspection means an inspection and observarion of a new violation by 7 an enforcement officer at a specific pronertv address after an enforcement officer has conducted 8 two �rior initial inspections within a twelve-month period and found violarions of the Saint Paul 9 Legislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neighbarhood housine and pro e�rtv 10 improvement, where the owner was notified in writine pursuant to 34.083. 11 12 �ztz�zar Excessive inspection services fee means the fee to be imposed fore�teriar a 13 reinspection orpreper[q-arex excessive iniUal inspecrion -- -�--- '--"'' -- ---- --. The fee 14 shall include, but not be limited 15 to;; the prorata salaries of enforcement officers perfornung ea�ferier inspections of the subject 16 property,; the prorata cost of equipment, materials and all other overhead costs used during 17 inspection eqelerof the subject property, includine ownership searches and administrative and 18 clerical costs• and the costs of any medical treatment of enforcement officers injured as a result 19 of these inspections. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Section 3 Section 34.083 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.3. Initial �terier inspection by enforcement officer.; written notice 27 (a) Written notice of violations. When an enforcement officer conducts an initial 28 inspection of a an-exter'ter p�p-�x premises and determines that violations of scccLVrr�vu 29 the provisions of the le�islative code under the iurisdiction of the department of neiQhborhood 30 housine and property improvement exist, the enforcement officer shall, in addition to any other 31 action the enforcement officer may undertake, serve written notice of the violation in 32 conformance with the requirements set forth in section 34.21 of this chapter. 33 34 (b) Notice for collection of reinspection costs and excessive initial insnection costs. ff the 35 enforcement officer intends to coilect the cit�osts for reins�ections and excessive initial 36 inspections, then the written notice provided for in sections 34.08.3(a) and 34.21 must also: 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (1) state that if the violaUOns aze not conected within the time neriod or periods re uired in the notice, the city's costs in conductin a reinsuection after the due date for compliance will be collected from the owner or owners rather than beine paid bv the tax�ayers of the cityLand (2) state that if additional new violations of the legislative code under the jurisdiction of the department of neie�iborhood housine and propert�mprovement are discovered bK enforcement officers within the next following 12 months, the city's costs in conducting anv additional inspections at the same location within such 12 months will be collected from the owner or owners rather than beingpaid bv the tas�ayers of the city; and (31 state that such future costs will be collected by assessment aeainst the real prooert� .��� �.......,..�y...�..�� : . : : . . .. .. . . :. : : : : � o�-��a 2 . 3 4 Section 5 5 6 Section 34.08.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: 7 8 Sec. 34.08.4. Excessive consumption of �terier inspection services, fee and liability:; 9 Reinsuection fee and liabilitv. 10 11 (a) The city shall be entitled to collect its costs of enforcement from a property owner who 12 consumes either reinspection services or excessive extEriar initial inspection services. An 13 excessive consumption of e�teriar reinsnections or excessive initial inspection 14 services occurs after: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 (1) �2) Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.083 following an initial inspection; and �hree-F3j One 1 additional e�cferiar initial inspection epe�es are is performed at the same location within a consecutive twelve-month period after the first initial inspection for which a notice of violation was served; and (3) During each of the�hree-F3j two 2 a��iti�-exterier initial inspections eyeles under subpazagraph (2), the enforcement officer finds violations of seetiair3�@�3 the Saint Paul L.e¢islative Code under the jurisdiction of the departrnent of neiehborhood housin� and pronerty improvement, which are either new violations ; or Sn2 � Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.083 followin� an initial inspection: and The enforcement officer conducts an ins�ection after the due date for com liance on the notice and determines that the violation still exists. (b) A�Yre fee of far . . .fifty dollars ($50.001 may be chareed for the first initial inspection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (11 and two (2) and a fee of seventy five dollars ($75.00) mav be chareed for the second initial inspection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (1) and two (2) and a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.001 may be char�ed for each subsequent initial inspection within a twelve month neriod after the circumstances described in section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (1) and two (21. � A fee of fifty dollazs ($50.00) may be charped for the first reinspection described in 34.08A(a) subdivisions four (4) and five (51. A fee of seventy five dollars ($75.00) may be chareed for the second reinspection described in section 34.08.4(al subdivisions four (4) and five (51. A fee of one hundred fiftv dollars ($150.001 may be charged for each subsequent reinspection described in 34.08.4(al four (4) and five (51. � �l��P.!!�lll�IR1AflRffil�f�iRS�wfl�!l�fil�fiRflf�lY_�1l51l� � r � • • � • • � • • • : . : : . . 03-�4� 2 � No fee under section 34.08.4(a) shail be chareed where the citv has issued a written 3 notice pursuant to section 34.083 but has abated the violation under section 45.10 or 4 45.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and assessed the costs of such abatement under 5 section 45.11.1 of the Saint Paul Leeislarive Code. 7 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 fdj� The amount of the excessive consumption of e�terier inspection services fee shall be a debt owed to the city . and shall be collected bv snecial assessment under the authoritv in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101 and the Charter. {ej�f Action under this section does not preclude any other civil or criminal enforcement procedure. s • :. : :. . : : : .. . :. :. : .:� : : . . • ••. : : :. : : . . : :� : . : . : � : : . : . : , : . . . :. Section 6 Section 34.08.5 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.5. Cost; collection. (al Cost records. The enforcement officer shall keen a recard of the costs for th�excessive consumption of exteriar inspection services €ee, a€ the name and address of the owner, the dates of the inspections giving rise to the excessive consumption of e�cieriar inspection services €ee, the observed violations of the Saint Paul Legislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housing an�roperty improvement�° "".^° -`-----', and the total amount of the costs for excessive consumption of exteriar inspecUon services €ee to be collected a¢ainst a narticular �ropertyc, and shall report such information to the director of financial services. �he � Resolution approvin�total, settine date ofpublic hearing. On or before October 1 of each vear, the director of financial services or his or her designee shall notify the city council of the total cost of such excessive inspection services performed during the previous year and the nortion of such costs to be assessed a�ainst each lot and narcel of pronerty that utilized excessive inspection services . Unon recei�t thereof, the council shall b�resolution fix a date for public hearinQ at which time the council shall consider adontine and levying the service charges. The date of public hearine shall be at least twenty (20) days after ado�Uon of said resolution. � Notice of council hearinz. Followine the adoption of the resolution vrovided in paza�� (bl above, the director of financial services shall publish a notice of the hearing in a daily newspaper of the citv at least five (5) da�s prior to the public hearing. The notice shal] state the date, time and place of hearin ,� the purpose of the hearine, identifv the services provided and the �ropertv to be assessed a service char�e therefor, and shall state the proposed rates of service charees to be considered by the council. o�-��a 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 � Notice to owner and interested Darties. At least ten (101 days before the hearin , notice thereof shall be mailed by first class mail to the owner and any interested partyknown to the citv, at his or her last known address. Such notice sha11 also inform the recipient of the notice (il of the procedures he or she must follow under the charter in order to ap en al the assessments to the district court, and (iil of the �rovisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 435.193 to 435195 and the existence of any deferment procedure established pursuant thereto. � Public hearine: adoption of assessment roll. On the date of public hearing the council shall meet to consider the adoption of the pronosed service charees. The councii shall heaz all interested parties concerning the �roposed chazges. At such meering or at any adjournment thereo£ the council mav amend the pr000sed service chazees, and shall, bv resolution, adopt the service chazees as a special assessment aeainst the �roperties which utilized excessive insnection services. Special assessments levied hereunder shali be �ayable in a single installment. �f Certification to countyfor collection with taxes. After ado hn �on bv resolution of the service charees and assessment rates therefor, and no later than November 15, the city clerk shall transmit a certified coQy of said resolution to the count �}_department of �ro e�rtv taxation to be extended on the �roner tas list of the countv and collected the followin�vear along with current tases. � Appeal. Within twentv (20) days after adoption of the resolution adoptine the service charees, any person agerieved mav appeal to the district court in the manner set forth in Chapter 14 of the Citv Charter. Section 7 Section 34.08.6 is hereby deleted in its entirety. �...,�.�.�� I�i=inwc a��nn��sa� �� �i�r. � : : - - .: : : . :.. . : ..• : :. :. . :: i a 3 4 5 6 7 8 D3 d Secrion 8 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: AppTOVed by MayOr: Date By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney gy l� Approved •layor for Submissi n to Council Bl' � Adopted by Council: Date Council File # y�,��'`� Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 2 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2,4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Committee Date : An ordinance amending chapter 34 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code to allow for reinspection and excessive initial inspection fees to be collected by special assessment. Section 1 Section 34.08.1 is hereby amended to read as foilows: Sec. 34.08.1. Council findings. The city council finds that some property owners take little or no responsibility for the e�rterier maintenance of their property until the city, through its various inspections programs, has repeatediy ordered them to remed�violations of the c�:��' - -- ' -`--' - --- -'- ' ".^° -` °- - the propertv maintenance chapters of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code. Such property owners create excessive costs for the city which aze over and above the normal cost of providing inspection services city-wide. Property owners who must repeatedly be ordered to gbxte remedy code violauons on their property consume an unacceptable and disproportionate share of limited city resources. Therefore, it is the intent of the city council, by the adoption of sections 34.08.1 through 34.08.65 to impose and collect the x-user€eefie de€raq costs associated with reinspections and the excessive consumption of city e�ferier inspection services. The collection of such costs for certain pronerties shall be by assessment aeainst the real propertv requiring such excessive insoection or reinspection services, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101, which authorizes the council to provide for reinspection fees to be collected b�special assessment and allows cities to collect the costs associated with removal or elimination of nublic health or safetv hazards and Chapter 14 of the Saint Paul City Charter. Section 2 Section 34.08.2 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.2. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings ascribed to them: Reinspection means that an enforcement officer has conducted an inspection of the premises based upon a complaint or otherwise had occasion to view the earterier �ex premises and observed a violation of � 1 �iris-e�rapter any provision of the St. Paul Legislative Code under the jurisdiction of the 2 department of nei¢hborhood housing and pro�eAt�provement issued an�cderte-xbxte a 3 written notice of the violation�, and reinspected the premises to 4 deternune compliance with the aba#emerc�erder norice and found noncompliance. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 414 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 03- �� Excessive Initial Inspection means an inspection and observation of a new violation by an enforcement officer at a specific pronertv address after an enforcement officer has conducted two nrior initial inspections within a twelve-month period and found violations of the Saint Paui I.egislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of nei¢hborhood housine and property im�rovement, where the owner was notified in writin� pursuant to 34.08.3. �'xt�risr Excessive inspection services fee means the fee to be imposed fore�rteriar a reinsnection or prapextq-xrex excessive initial inspection .___- ___._ '_._____.� _.___ _.__-- _.. The fee sha11 include, but not be limited to, the prorata salaries of enforcement officers perfornung e�erier inspections of the subject property, the prorata cost of equipment, materials and all other overhead costs used during inspection eyelesof the subject property, and the costs of any medical treatment of enforcement officers injured as a result of these inspections. Section 3 Section 34.08.3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.3. Initial �afi�riar inspection by enforcement officer.: written notice (al Written notice of violations. When an enforcement officer conducts an initial inspection of a�r�eriar � vremises and deternunes that violations of �� the provisions of the leeislative code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housing and �ropert�provement exist, the enforcement officer shall, in addition to any other action the enforcement officer may undertake, serve written notice of the violation in conformance with the requirements set forth in secUOn 34.21 of this chapter. (b) Notice for collection of reinspection costs and excessive initial ins�ection costs. ff the enforcement officer intends to collect the citv costs for reinspections and excessive initial ins�ections, then the written notice provided for in sections 34.083(a) and 34.21 must also: (11 state that if the violations are not corrected within the time period or periods required in the notice. the city's costs in conductin ag reinspection after the due date for compliance will be collected from the owner or owners rather than being.paid by the tax�avers of the city; and (2) state that if additional new violations of the le�islative code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housine and �roperty improvement are discovered bk enforcement officers within the next followin�l2 months, the city's costs in conductin�y additional inspections at the same location within such 12 months will be collected from the owner or owners rather than beine paid by the tac�avers of the city; and (31 state that such future costs will be collected bv assessment aeainst the real pronert� : . : : : • :� . _ : • . . : . : .:. . : : : : . .. : : . . : : : . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 si 52 :. .. . : . : Section 5 Section 34.08.4 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.4. Excessive consumption of �terier inspection services, fee and liability:; Reinspection fee and liabilitv. (a) The city shall be entitled to collect its costs of enforcement from a property owner who consumes either reinspection services or excessive exterier initial inspection services. An excessive consumption of exteriar either rein�ections or excessive initial inspection services occurs after: (1) (2) Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.08.3 following an initial inspection; and 3'hree-E3j One 1 additional e�rterier initial inspection eqeles are is performed at the same location within a consecutive twelve-month period after the first initial inspection for which a notice of violation was served; and o�-� (3) During each of the�hree-(3j two 2 a���iar initial inspections ep�e�es under subpazagraph (2), the enforcement officer finds violations of s�etiarr3�683 the Saint Paul LeQislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of neiehborhood housing and property improvement, which are erther new violations ; or � � Written notice of a violation is served under section 34.08.3 followine an initial insvection; and The enforcement officer conducts an insnection after the due date for compliance on the notice and determines that the violation stili exists. (b) A�re fee of €er . . . ifty dollus ($50.00) may be chareed for the first initial inspection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (11 and two (21 and a fee of seventv five dollars ($75.00) may be char¢ed for the second initial insnection after the circumstances described under section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (11 and two (21 and a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.001 mav be chareed for each subsequent initial ins ection within a twelve month period after the circumstances described in section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions one (11 and two (2). � A fee of fiftv dollars ($50.001 mav be charged for the first reinsnection described in 34.08.4(a) subdivisions four (4) and five (5). A fee of seventy five dollars ($75.00) may be chareed far the second reins�ection described in section 34.08.4(a) subdivisions four (4) and five (51. A fee of one hundred fiftv dollazs ($150.001 may be char�d for each subsequent reins�ection described in 34.08.4(a) four (4) and five (51. r.,=--•....��.�....,:�.�..,.R�,..n;...,...,.RS:._...�,.,....::,.rs,...�y,.....,..�,.,:�,,.��...._.�,..,,.:..,., �AIRMTI\'lRR�I�l�l����1�l�lV �l�ltA\4�1�1U���f�I�IRAIIlU��1V �'II�l�A7lR 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 1�J 16 17 p 1 0 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 � No fee under section 34.08.4(a) shall be chareed where the city has issued a written notice pursuant to section 34.08.3 but has abated the violation under section 45.10 or 45_ll of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and assessed the costs of such abatement under section 45.111 of the Saint Paul Lepaslative Code. {dj� The amount of the excessive consumption of exterier inspection services fee shall be a debt owed to the city . and shall be collected bv �ecial assessment under the authoritv in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.101 and the Charter. {ej�f Action under this section does not preclude any other civii or criminal enforcement procedure. S - •� • • • • • • •• • • • �� • • • �� • • ..• : �. : .. . : . .. COAI��N'J�IU�����NHR�I�Ol�f1�l\'IIR�A7�11U9l�IRi�i�lll�l�ltll�l'IU1�LIUYI�P]<�1�9�IT1�191�.�1��11�14�1� V Secuon 6 Section 34.08.5 is amended to read as follows: Sec. 34.08.5. Cost; collection. (al Cost records. The enforcement officer sha11 keep a record of the costs for tke-excessive consumption of e�terier inspection services €ee, ef the name and address of the owner, the dates of the inspections giving zise to the excessive consumption of exferiar inspection services €ee, the observed violations of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code under the jurisdiction of the department of nei¢hborhood housing and prooerty improvement . , and the total amount of the costs far excessive consumption of e�teriar inspection services €ee to be collected a aig nst a particular �ropertyr, and shall report such information to the director of financial services. �h�n-e€ � Resolution approving total, settine date of pubZic hearing. On or before October 1 of each yeaz, the director of financial services or his or her designee shall notify the city council of the total cost of such excessive insnection services performed durine the previous vear and the portion of such costs to be assessed aQainst each lot and parcel of rooert�that utilized excessive inspection services . Upon receipt thereof, the council shali by resolurion fix a date far public hearing at which time the council shall consider adopting and levying the service charges. The date of public hearine shali be at least twentv f20) days after adoption of said resolution. � Notice of council hearine. Followin¢ the adoption of the resolution provided in paragraph (bl above, the director of financial services shall qublish a notice of the hearin�in a daily newspaper of the citv at least five (51 days prior to the public hearin�. The notice shall state the date, time and place of hearin ,e the puroose of the hearing,_identifv the services provided and the property to be assessed a service charge therefor, and shall state the proposed rates of service charQes to be considered by the council. � Notice to owner and interested parties. At least ten (101 days befare the hearine, notice � .' • 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 thereof shall be mailed bv first class mail to the owner and anv interested partv known to the citv, at his or her last known address. Such notice shall also inform the recinient of the notice (i) of the procedures he or she must follow under the charter in order to appeal the assessments to the district court, and (iil of the urovisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 435.193 to 435.195 and the existence of anv deferment procedure established pursuant thereto. � Public hearinQ: adoption of assessment roll. On the date of public hearin� the council shall meet to consider the adoption of the �posed service charges. The council shall hear all interested �arties concerning the proposed charees. At such meetin� or at any adjoumment thereof, the council mav amend the proposed service charees, and shall, bv resolution, adopt the service chaz¢es as a svecial assessment a�ainst the properties which utilized excessive inspection services. Special assessments levied hereunder shail be �a,vable in a sin�le installment. �t Certification to countv for collection with taxes. After adoption bv resolution of the service charees and assessment rates therefor, and no later than November 15, the citv clerk shall transmit a certified copy of said resolution to the county department of propertv tacation to be extended on the proper tas list of the countv and collected the followine year alone with current taxes. � Appeal. Within twenty (20) days after adoption of the resolution adoptin¢ the service charees, any�erson agerieved ma�apneal to the district court in the manner set forth in Chanter 14 of the Citv Charter. SecUOn 7 Section 34.08.6 is hereby deleted in its entirety. ...�..��.�� 1�.R�1 AIQA�l�i\ �l �l� I : : - : - .. . : � . :.. . : - - - - - :� i - - - - viir�ani.:�n�wmu - i � . • - - - i i - 03-� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Section 8 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following passage, approval and publication. 03'`6`� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested �y De. partment of: B 1 L�UrI � V' (1 / ,-/— By: � ���a�� Form Approved by City At r , gy: �. Approved b yor for Submission t Council By: Adopted by Council: Date