03-888,'f��r��� //- S-� ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Prese d By Referred T 1 An 2 3 n u 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 coun�ii Fue # 0� • $$� Green Sheet # �CA'i�lo �fy THE COUNCIL Committee Date : Amending Chapters 33, 34, and 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to Establish Requirements for Student Dwellings THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ADD definition to Sec. definition AMEND 8ec. 33.05(A): (A) Use or occupancy.• No building or structure in Group (Assembly), B(Business), M (Nlercantile), E(Education), F(Factory), I(Institutional), H azardous), R-1 (Multifamily Residential), nuisance dwelling, or student dwellin� as define �n, and to the extent and for the periods required, in Chapter 42 of the Legislative Code, or S(Sto age) occupancies shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification f a building or siructure ar portion thereof shall be made, unril the fire mushal has issued a certi cate of occupancy therefor as provided herein, except for dwelling units occupied by an owner. Th word "owner" means a natural person, and does not include a corparation, partnership ar other en �ty. No one-familv or a certificate of student dwellin¢ issued bythe Fire Marshal. AMEND Sec. 33.05(E): 26 (E) Renewal Required. An inspection sha11 be scheduled by the division of all buildin s in 27 Group A(Assembly), E(Educational), I(Instihxtional), H(Hazardous), B(Business), 28 (Mercantile), S(Storage), F(Factory),-a� R(Residential) and student dwellings which h e a 29 certificate of occupancy. Inspections shall be scheduled by the division on a two-year cycle o 30 all buildings of 3� R occupancy which have a certificate of occupancy. Inspecrions shall 1 �3-�685� 31 scheduled on a one-year cycle for all student dwellinQS and nuisance dwellings as defined in, and 32 during the periods required by, Chapter 42 of the Legislative Code. If it is found that such 33 buildings do not conform to the applicable requirements, the certificate of occupancy may be 34 revoked b the Fir Marshal and the building shall not be occupied until such time as the 35 building is again br �ght into compliance with such requirements. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 b3 ADD to and (4) Sec. 33.05(N�(4) through 33.05(�')(9): AMEND Sec. 34.15. Minimum st�ndards for safety from fire: The owner of any premises shall comp with the following requirements: (1} Flammable liquids storage. No reside ial structure or rooming unit shall be located within a building containing any establishment hand ' g, dispensing or storing flammable liquids with a flashpoint of less than one hundred ten (ll0) grees Fahrenheit as defined by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. No fla.unnable liqui with a flashpoint of less than one hundred ten (110) degrees Fahrenheit sha11 be stored within a r idence building unless in an approved fire-rated storage cabinet or a one-hour separated roo i. (2) Exits. All requiretnents of the Building Code regar � g exits shall be complied with. (3) Smoke detectors. Smoke detectors must be installed i accordance with Chapter 39 of the Legislative Code. Smoke detectors in student dwellin s m t be hardwired as defined in Cha te: AMEND Sec. 34.15(3): (3) Smoke deZectors. Smoke detectors must be installed in accordance Legislarive Code, except that in a student dwellin� as defined in Sectio condition at all times and shall be repaired or renlaced if defective. ADD to Sec. 60.219. S: Definition of Student Dwellin�. Chapter 39 of the marriage, domestic �artnershi o�r le_�al adoption, who are attendin� a technical, community 2 � - : 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 �3 74 75 76 r'1 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 colle¢e undergraduate or �aduate rp O�rams offered by technical schools, colle eg s or universities, ar an�combination of such persons. The zesidents of a student dwelling mav shaze living expenses and may live and cook as a single housekee�n� unit Lawfully established and ADD to Sec. 60.412. Code. uses permitted (RLL through R-4 districts): ADD to Sec. 60.422. Principal uses permitted (RT-1): standards are met: four unrelated persons, as�roscribed in Chapter 60.2Q6F of the Le�islative Code. b. No more than one buildine on a lot may be used as a shxdent dwelling. the site plan and pauine requirements set forth in section 34.08 of this code. d. No student dwellina shall be occupied or used as such until pro�erty has been issued a 3 �3 102 103 104 1�5 106 107 �:3 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 certificate of student dwellin� nursuant to Section 33.05(Al of the Leeislative Code. e. Notwithstanding anv law or ordinance to the contrar�and for the �urpose of promotin¢ the health safety and �eneral welfare of the public by re�ulatin� student dwelling_s in RLL, R-1 thrnnah R_d anA RT_t anA RT_� vnnina Aictrirtc nn nrnnPrtv shall hP nCnnniP.(1 nr nAP.fl as a Code. ` Add to Sec. 60.432. (6) Student dwelline district reQUlations a Townhouse Residen standazds are met: Code. uses permitted (RT-2): Requested by Department By' Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date BY: Fosm Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council By' DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL Councilmember Benanav ������ Covncilmember Benanav 266-8640 MUST BE ON COUN(,yL AGENDA BY (OA"fE) 9/24/2003 w851GN iWNBSIF00. ROlffiNG ORDER TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES o3��xg GREEN SHEET No 200716 ov,unm�r owECraR anca�a. ❑ arc�non�' ❑ atrttnrtK _ ❑f�iM1C10.1.fEM1V1eFSOR ❑nl�IlfJfLaERV/4ttiC ❑ M0.YORIORAWfNR) ❑ (CLIP A�L IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) An ordinance amending Chapters 33, 34 and 60 of the Legislarive Code to establish requirements for Student Dwellings including regulaz inspections, and installarion of hazd wired smoke detectors PLA�SNING COMMiSSION CIB COMMITIEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION tias this persoMrtn ever warked under a wMiact for thie aepaitmenn VES NO Has thie persoNfim� erer been a cily emWoYee7 YES NO Does this persorvT�m possess a sldll not normaltypossessetl by airy curtent ciry employee? YES NO Is Mis pe�sorri/firin a tarpefed vendoYt � YES � �lain all ves answers on seoara[e sheet a�M attach to areen shee[ The condition and crowded nature of some student dwellings in the City creates public safety and health concems that aze not addressed by the current � legislarive code requirements. Student dwellings will be inspected to identify and address any health and safety code violarions and will have hazd wired smoke detectors None. Unsafe and unhealthy conditions will be allowed to continue unabated. AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED �CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNIN NUMBER � 3� October 19, 2003 Dear Council Member: My name is Peg Ricfi and Pm a resident of Merriam Pazk I am here Yonight because probiem properties and problem residents is an area of growing concern and growing numbers in ow area. Data from the focus groups conducted in the summer of 2003 by the Neighborhood Livability Committe indicate problem properties to he one of the two biggest concerns in this district. This despite measures like the ZAP program, permit parking and a full time code enforcemen# officer which cunently e�st. One need only review the last 5 years of the Merriam Park Post to know how ineffective and temporary these solutions have been. Rental registration does little to address overoccupancy, and nothing to address fire protection or conformance to city code. It doesn't even serve the purQose of providing stats an how much rental properry there is (according to October stats from Andy Dawkins, 50-60% of the properties aren't registered} While the certificate of occupancy is a more proactive legislation it still falls far short of addressing the needs and growing problems of Merriam Park. Prohtems which I 6elieve are ralated to aiready having a large number of e�sting apartment buildings, close proacimity Yo the Universiry and UST, and a failure to address the special need housing for students. I support the cerCificate of occupancy ordinance and a 350 foot distance limits des�nated between sin e familv renta7s occupied bv 4 unrelated adults for the following reasons. i) Preservation of parking needs for renters and owners. 2) Preservation of a healthy family friendly neighhborhood. 3) Preservation of the properties and wellkept appeazance. 4) Without effective enforcement of wdes and occupancy limits you provide an atmophere of unfair competition for owners of apartment buildings that are inspected and do comply with occupancy limits. For example: If a landlord can buy three houses, fill them with 4-6 adults and collect rent from 18 peopie and never be inspected by the city why would that landlord ever want to own an apartment building? Eatisting legislation makes St. Paul is a t�aven for landlords looking to fly under the radar. Vote to approve certificate of occupancy and distance limits? Peg Rich ��� 88 North Mississippi �ver Boulevazd St. Paul, MinnesoTa 55104 651-646-4429