03-4�ec�U� �. U�r�hc�rnw,r.1 ovJ 'S'a,� _ ��, �au� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refeaed To Council File # �3 � y Ordivance # Green Sheet # _204186_ � �� Date An (hdinance estabhsn�ug an Examining Committee for the position ofFire Chief pursuant to the provisions of Section 121. of the Saint Paul City Charter . VJhereu, Section 1212.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter provides that appoi�t an Examining Committee, and Whereas, this examining commit[ee sha(1 be designated as the F"ve Chief of a vacaricy for the position of Fire Chief, the Council shall now therefore, H THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 9 Section 1 1 Q That the Counci( hereby establishes the Fire Chief Examining Couunittee uant to the provisions of Section 12.12.1 of the Saint Paul CiTy Char[er 1 1 Section 2 I Z Thaz the following people shall be appointed to serve on the Fire Ch� Examining Committee: Bruce A. Beneke Dc Bruce Cosrie R.J Frucone, Manuel Cerv Bil] Buth Tim Fulle Sandy P ppas Willi Cotlins T' Ma� eorgia Lictmess Song Lo Fawcett Jack Hofiinann Stacy Hohertz Section 3 That this Ordinance shall take effe and be in force thirty (30) days from and after passage, approval and publication. Benanav Blakey Boshom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date Requested by Departrnent of. Office of Human Resources �� BY: �tc� �i� ��/ Fortn Ap ed by City Attomey y � / � `'�� o� -�t DEPARTME]VTlOFF10E/COUIVCIL: DATE INITIA'tED Gg�EN SHEET No.• 204186 HUMAN I2ESOURCES December 27, 2002 ' CONTACTPERSON&PHO1�E: � INiT1AIJDATE I7�IilaLUnTE DEI�INIS FLAHERTY 266-8519 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIR 4 CITY COUNCII. ANGELA NALEZNY 266-6515 xo�Ex 2 crrY nrroxxsv ja-o3 crrY ct.�uc FOR BUDGET DIIt �_ FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIL MUST BE ON COUINCIL AGEA"DA BY (DATE) ROUTING 3 MAYOR (OR ASST.) �p_ J3illl3i)' 2� Z003 ORDER v77v U TO'I'AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) AC170N REQUES7'ED: Council approval of fhe recommended names selected as the Examining Committee for the position of Fire Chief. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING - QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Utis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmmC? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2- Has this person/firm ever bern a city employee? DISIRICT WURT Yes No � SUPPORTS WHICH COIJNCIL OBJECTNE? 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nmma]Iy possessed by any wrtent ciry ert�ployee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): There is a vacancy for the position of Fire Chief. The City Charter provides that when such a vacancy exists the Council shall appoint an Examining Committee. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This will allow the Council to proceed on a timely basis with the process of filling the vacancy for the position of Fire Chief. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , None , DISADVANTAGES IF I�OT APPROVED: Tius would delay the process of installing a new Fire Chief. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/AEVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACT[VITY NOMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)