03-235O�IGi�A� s�►•b S�C:-��..,�e. - A�pr� � q� „ aoa3 INNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # 03-235 Green Sheet # 204630 � a� Committee Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to citywide zoning regulations for development on steep slopes. 3 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and Section 64.400 of the Legislative Code, the 4 City Council bit its File #01-1013 requested the Planning Commission to establish a community-based small 5 area planning task force and make recommendations on the proper zoning far Irvine Avenue and Pleasant 6 Avenue between Ramsey Street and the Walnut Street public stairs; WHEREAS, in March 2002 the small area planning task force developed a draft Irvine Avenue Development Plan, which included proposed zoning regulations for development on steep slopes that are applicable not only in the study area but also to steep slopes throughout the city; 10 WHEREAS, on August 9, 2002, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft plan, the 11 associated zoning map changes in the study azea, and the citywide zoning text amendments relating to 12 development on steep slopes, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; notice of the 13 public hearing was mailed to all property owners in the study area, to all district councils and the citywide Eazly 14 Notification List, and was published on three successive weeks in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press; 15 WHEREAS, on October 11, 2002, the Planning Commission made some refinements in the proposed citywide 16 steep slope regulations and recommended their adoption by the City Council; 17 WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on March 26, 2003 at which all 18 interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd, the Council having considered ail the facts and 19 recommendations concerning the citywide zoning amendments for steep slope development; now, therefore, 20 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 21 Section 1. 22 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 67 on Subdivision Regulations be amended to read as follows: 23 Sec. 67.304. Approval of lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries. 24 Lot splits and adjushnents of common boundaries are permitted without platting, provided the following 25 conditions are met: 26 (1) The lot or lots have frontage on an existing improved street and access to municipal services. 27 (2) The lot or lots to be divided are previously platted land. � ';�1 !Ki 1(3) The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and area far the zoning district in which they are � 2 locat R � G i(� A L D3-a3 3(4) The division of the lots shall not cause a remaining part of a lot to become a separately described tract which 4 does not meet the minimum standards of the zoning district in which it is located or which does not have street 5 frontage and access to municipal services. 6(5) The division does not result in a split zoning classification on a single lot. 7(6) The division does not result in the creation of a nonconfornung structure or use. 8(71 No lot shall be created where the buildin�pad azea for the principal structure has an existing slope steeper 9 than eiehteen (181 percent or where a drivewa ��per than twentv (201 nercent is required to reach the building 10 site However the planning administrator mav approve the creation of a steeper lot as an exception to this 11 re�ulation, where the steeper lot is specifically consistent with a citv-approved nei�hborhood plan or 12 redevelopment proiect. 13 Sec. 67.306. Planning administrator and board of zoning appeals approval. 14 (a) The planning admuustratar sha11 have the authority to approve those lot splits and adjustments of common 15 boundaries which meet a11 of the required conditions in section 67304. In approving lot splits and adjustments 16 of common boundaries, the planning administrator shall review the application for compliance with section 17 67304 and cause the application to be reviewed by the public works deparhnent and other affected city 18 departments, if appropriate, and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications. When a11 conditions are 19 met and modifications made, the planning administrator sha11 stamp the survey as approved. Such surveys and 20 legal descriptions shall then be recorded. In instances where a variance from one (1) or more of the conditions 21 for a lot split or adjusrinent of common boundary is needed, the planning administrator shall not approve it until 22 a variance from the board of zoning appeals is granted. 23 (b) Where condition f3}ar-f6j (3L6 , ar(71 of section 67304 is not met, the board of zoning appeals shall hold 24 a public hearing to consider the variance from the required condition. The hearing shall be held in accordance 25 with the provisions of sections 64.201 through 64.209 of this Code which give the board of zoning appeals the 26 power to grant variances from the strict enforcement of the Code upon making the required findings of section 27 64.203. 28 Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. ' 29 (a) Subdivision review criteria. The city council, in the review of subdivision requests 30 and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements of the city and the best use of 31 the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, 32 suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and 33 playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shall be made prior 34 to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: 35 (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with; 36 (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; 37 (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with 38 the proposed subdivision; Q� ���e' S�D�Ji�si�n is in conformance with the comprehensive plan; i /1 L c� 3 -a35 2(5) The subdivision preserves and incorparates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible. 3 In oarticulaz no lot shall be created where the building pad area for the principal structure has an existine slope 4 steeper than ei2hteen (181 roercent or where a drivewav stee�er than twenty (20�percent is required to reach the 5 buildin� site However the council ma�apurove a subdivision that creates a steeper lot as an excevrion to this 6 re�ulation and without a variance where the steeper lot is specificallv consistent with a cit�rooroved 7 nei�hborhood pian or redevelopment proiect. 8(6) All land intended for buildmg sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from 9 floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace; and 10 (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. 11 (b) Delegation of planning commission review. The planning commission may, by general rule, delegate to the 12 pIanning administrator its power to review and approve such matters and cases. 13 Section 2. 14 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 62 on Site Plan Review Standards be amended to read as 15 follows: 16 Sec. 62.108. Site plan review (all districts). 17 (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission before a 18 permit is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement of gross floor area for any development except one- 19 and two-family dwellings, but including the following: 20 (1) Any development of one- and twafamily residences which together exceed two (2) acres (87,120 square 21 feet) in area. 22 (7) Any development on a slope of twelve (12) percent ar greater. 23 (g) Review of residential development on steep slopes In reviewing residential development on slopes of 24 �reater than twelve (12�percent the zoning administrator sha11 in addition to general site plan standards above 25 consider the followin.�requirements and standards: 26 � An en in¢ eerine report on slope stabilitv and h d�oev, if the zonine administrator determines that such 27 a report is warranted The zoning administrator shall establish and maintain written criteria to use in 28 making this determination which criteria mav include the size of the proposed development and anv 29 official recards of soil instability,_�roundwater, and erosion in the vicinitv. An en ine eering report must 30 be prenared bv a registered h� ie ca1 geotechnical or soils en¢ineer. Before a r� adin�permit will be 31 issues the followin2 elements of the engineering renort must be submitted to the Citv and approved: 32 � An evaluation of existin�conditions includine slope stabilitv, eround water, and 33 surface water. TesTine should use techniques thaT minimize disturbance To existing slo e�s 34 and veeetation (for example drillin¢ cores for soil samples rather than diggin� with a back hoe.) 35 � Site-specific recommendations for consiruction. Recommendations will depend 36 on site conditions but mav include the use of drain tiles, water- rv oofin� ls, poured concrete 37 foundations and sum_p pumps. �RI 3 o3-a35 and durine installation of an�special measures required to deal with slope stabilitv or water conditions. 4 $efore any additional buildin�permits will be issued, a post- r�g report must be submitted and 5 a�proved bv the CiTy. This report must document conditions after erading. note anv problems or 6 condirions that were not anticipated ar adequatelv addressed in the pre-gradin�portion of the 7 en¢ineerine renort and make recommendations for solutions to any problems found. 8�2,� Buildines should be designed to fit into the hillside without significant regrading to protect the stabilitv 9 of the slope and preserve existine trees while preventin¢ excessivelv tall retaining walls and unattracrive 10 trou�shaped yards between buildin�s and retainine walls. Multi-storv buildines are encouraeed to 11 reduce the size of the buildin� foo rint. 12 � Existin¢ trees sha11 be preserved where possible and shall be protected during construction. New trees 13 should be planted to artiallv obscure new hillside buildin�s and pazkin�. To accomplish this a tree 14 preservation plan sha11 be included with the site plan. 15 16 17 �al Tree preservation blan � Required in�rmation The tree preservation plan shall include the following:_ 1. The location, diameter at breast height (DBHI and species of all existinQ trees six (6� inches DBH or larQer within the limits of disturbance. 18 2. The location and dimension of all buildin�s (existing and proposed); the location of easements, 19 adjacent roadwa�and vehiculaz access driveways; existin¢ and �roposed eradine: site draina�e 20 facilities: parkin¢ areas; sidewalks and utilities. 21 3. The location of all trees that will be preserved and incorporated into the proposed site desi�n. All tree 22 drip lines shall be noted. 23 4. A description of how trees will be protected before and durin¢ construction. 24 5. The location of trees to be removed, replacement trees and areas proposed for additional landscaoine, 25 includine, but not limited to, the tree name (botanical and common : the quantity of each species: tree 26 caliper, measured six (6) inches above¢round; and a tvnical plantin� detail. 27 �b Tree replacement. In areas with slopes steeper than twelve (121 percent, trees to be removed for 28 development or reasonabl�anticipated to be lost due to development shall be replaced accordin� to the 29 followin¢ rec�uirements: 30 31 32 33 34 35 1. Individual trees of at least twelve (12) inches DBH but less than ei�hteen (18) inches DBH shall be r�laced on the basis of one Ll replacement tree for every one (11 tree removed. 2. Individual trees of at least ei htg een (18Zinches DBH but less than twentv-four (24) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of two f21 replacement trees for every one (11 tree removed. 3. Individuat trees of twent�four (24) inches DBH or lar¢er shall be replaced on the basis of three (3) revlacement trees for every one 11 tree removed. 36 4 Replacement shall not be required far removal of trees in areas to be occupied by buildin¢s private 37 streets driveways areas required for accessorv parkine or within a distance of fifteen (15 feet of a 38 buildin¢ foundation or for trees determined by the superintendent of parks to be hazardous, diseased, 39 dvin� or dead. 0 tz! � { 03 -a3s 3 6. Deciduous replacement trees of nurserv stock shall be at least two and one-half (2 'hl caliper incbes 4 and of a svecies similaz to the tree(sl lost or removed. Coniferous replacement trees shall be at least si�c 5 (61 feet in height and of species snnilar to the tree(sl lost or removed. 6� Retainin2 wails taller than four feet sha11 be constructed under City_permit with frost footin sg as required 7 bv the State Buildin¢ Code and shall be en@ineered to retain lateral earth pressures consistent with the 8 principles fo soils mechanics, and shall be detailed to m;n;mize hvdrostatic pressures. On a case bv case 9 basis, the zonine administrator may relax these standazds for retaining walls taht serve minor 10 landsca �i�ng�ucposes. 11 Renumber existing paragraphs (g) and (h). 12 Section 3. 13 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Deparhnent of. Adopted by CounciL Date ���� �C�� Adoption Certifie y Council Secretary By: � Approved by a} r: Date. y � By: � Form Appr d by City Attomey By: �.v�'� �" v �►' �/' /— Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ` '� � _ t�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 204360 d���� PED 2/11/03 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INITTAi/DATE INiTTAr�DATE Larry Soderho;m (266-6575) � z DEPn�zx�rrr Dm. s cmrcovxcn. Mi75f BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA &Y ATE �SIGN 3 CTTY ATTORNEY _ CTTY CLERK � � NUMBER �`�CIAL SERV DIl2. FINANCIAL SERV/ACC1'G ASAP (Irvine Ave. moratorium set gpg 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) 1 SeanKe�haw�G to e�pire on 2/17/03) xovrIIVc ORDER TOTAL N OF SIGNATi1RE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnox �QuESrEn: Adoprion of new citywide zoning teact amendments regarding steep slope development. � (Adoption of these zoning amendments should b� done together with adoption of the Irvine Avefzue Development Plan as an addendum to the comprehensive plan and its corresponding zoning map changes.) _ RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MiJST ANSWER TEiE FOLT.OWING Qi7ESTIONS: � 1. Has this person/firm ever worked mder a covhrnct for this deparhneni? A PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No � CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Uiis pexson/fum ever been a city employce? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Yes No 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not no�mally possessed by any curreM city employee? A Mayor Yu No A PED Esplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTi7NITY (Who, WLat, Wltien, Where, Why): Due to complaints about ground water, traffic, parking, lot splits, over-building, and street wash-outs, the City Council in October 2001 initiated an Irvine Avenue planning study at the request of the CapitolRiver Council/District 17. The task force and City staff realized that some of Irvine Avenue's problems with the steep slope development were also found on bluffs and hillsides elsewhere in the city. This led to the proposal of several citywide zoning amendments. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The proposed citywide zoning amendments require that new lots have a building pad area that is not too steep, that appropriate engineering is done for steep slope development, that trees aze protected where possible, and that mspections are made during construction. Whereas there is some disagreement about the proper zoning districts for Irvine Avenue land, there is nearly consensus about the new steep slope regulations. They haue the support of the task force, the Planning Commission, and the LIEP and PED staff Irvine Avenue property owners support these regulations and the Pla.miing Commission heazd no opposition at its citywide public hearing. IIISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Steep slope development will continue to cause more erosion than necessary and to cause baze spots that detract from the City's natural beauty. TOTALAMOUNTOFTiL4NSAC°fION:$ 0 COST/REVENUEBUDGETEA FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN} ^ � ,4, t✓�� :'� � '( �� K\SLarM�PED\SODHRHOUIrvb�eANgceensheeFS[eep slopes admance.wpd ' — °' � ' � W ORIG{NAL Council File # a��j _ a_� 7 Ordinance # Green Sheet # �0�3«' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NT PA4lJY,(, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee:/ Date � Y An ordinance amending Chapter 60 ofthe Saint Paul Le slative Code pertaining to citywide zoning regulations for developme on steeps slopes. WHEREA5, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and ction 64.400 ofthe Legislative Code, the City Council by its File # 01-1013 requested the Planning Co � sion to establish a community-based small area planning task force and make recommendations on the pr er zoning for Irvine Avenue and Pleasant Avenue between Ramsey Street and the Walnut Street public tairs; WHEREAS, in March 2002 the small area planning task rce developed a draft Irvine Avenue Development Plan, which included proposed zoning regulations for velopment on steep siopes that are applicable not only in the study area but also to steep slopes throughout e city; WIIEREAS, on August 9, 2002, the Planning Co 'ssion held a public heazing on the draft plan, the associated zoning map changes in the study aze and the citywide zoning text amendments relating to development on steep slopes, at which all inte sted parties were given an opportunity to be heard; notice of the public hearing was mailed to all property wners in the study area, to all district councils and the citywide Early Notification List, and was published n three successive weeks in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press; WIIEREAS, on October 11, 2002, th lanning Commission made some refinements in the proposed citywide steep slope regulations and recomm ded their adoption by the City Council; WHEREAS, notice of a public h ing before the City Council on the Irvine Avenue and Pleasant Avenue rezoning proposals and the ci ide steep slope regulations was duly mailed to all property owners in the study area and was duly pub ' hed in the official newspaper of the City on datel ; and WHEREAS, a public interested parties wer recommendations co� before the City Council having been conducted on (datel at which all an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and the citywide zoning amendments for steep slope development; now, therefore, ORIGINAL 33 THE COLTNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 34 35 36 37 38 39 Section 1. � That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 67 on Subdivision Regulations be amended to read as follows: 40 Sec. 67.304. Approval of lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries. 41 Lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries are pernutted without platting, provided the 42 conditions are met: 43 (1) The lot or lots have frontage on an e�sting improved street and access to municipal 44 (2) The lot or lots to be divided are previously platted land. 45 (3) The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and azea for the 46 located. 47 (4) The division of the lots sha11 not cause a remaining part of a lot to 48 which does not meet the minimum standazds of the zoning district in � 49 street frontage and access to municipal services. 50 (5) The division does not result in a split zoning classification on a si� 51 (6) The division does not result in the creation of a 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 redevelooment proiect. lot. district in which they are Pa separately described tract is located or which does not have or use. Sec. 67.306. Planning administrator and board of6zoning appeals approval. (a) The planning administrator shall have the auth boundazies which meet all of the required condi ' ns in section 67304. In approving lot splits and adjustments iministr or shall review the application for compliance with section revie ed by the public works department and other affected city oti the applicant of any required modifications. When all conditions 'ng administrator shall stamp the survey as approved. Such surveys rded. In instances where a variance from one (1) or more ofthe of common boundary is needed, the planning administrator shall not ird of zoning appeals is granted. 61 of common boundaries, the planning ai 62 67304 and cause the application to be 63 departments, if appropriate, and shall r 64 are met and modifications made, the pl 65 and legal descriptions shall then be re 66 conditions for a lot split or adjustme�t 67 approve it until a variance from tl�bo� 68 (b) Where condition {3j 69 hold a public hearing to 70 accordance with the vrc to approve those lot splits and adjustments of common 3�(6), or (� of section 67304 is not met, the board of zoning appeals shall r the variance from the required condition. The hearing shall be held in of sections 64.201 tlu�ough 64.209 of this Code which give the board of zoning K:\Shared�PED\SODERHOLUrvineAJ�CC ordinance-CW2-b03.wpdAA-ADA-EEO Employer ORIGfNq� o� -z�s 71 appeals the power to grant variances from the strict enforcement of the Code upon making the required 72 findings of section 64.203. 73 (C.F. No. 95-794, §§ 2, 8-9-95) 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The city council, in the review of requests and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and lo� sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and azrangements, as well as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the Ilc be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: 82 (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with; of e city and the ion of streets, requirements such wing findings shall 83 (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and pote,�ial surrounding land uses; 84 (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed i coordination and compatibility with 85 the proposed subdivision; 86 (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan 87 (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's import t e�sting natural features, whenever 88 possible. In articular no lot shall be created where the build� ad area for the rinci al structure has an 89 e�stin slo e stee er than ei hteen 18 ercent or where a rivewa stee er than twent 20 ercent is 90 required to reach the buildine site. However, the council av apnrove a subdivision that creates a stee ep r lot. 91 as an exception to this re lation and without a variance�where the steeper lot is specifically consistent with a 92 citv-aonroved neiehborhood nlan or redevelonment nr ect. 93 (6) All land intended for building sites can be use�fely without endangering the residents by peril from 94 floods, erosion, continuously high water table, se re soil conditions or other menace; and 95 (7) The subdivision can be economically 96 (b) Delegatzon of planning commission 97 planning administrator its power to revi 98 99 100 101 That 102 amer 103 104 Sec. 62.108. Site plan revj public facilities and services. The planning commission may, by general rule, delegate to the approve such matters and cases. Section 2 'aul Legislative Code Chapter 62 on Site Plan Review Standards be read as follows: (all districts). 105 (a) Plan to be s�miffed. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission 106 before a permrt is issued for grading or the erection or enlazgement of gross floor area for any 107 development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: K:\Shazed�PED\SODERHOULvineANCC mdinattce-ClY2-6-03.wpdAA-ADA-EEO Employer ORIGINAL °,-'� 108 (1) Any development of one- and two-family residences which together exceed two (2) acres 109 (87,120 square feet} in azea.... 110 (7) Any development on a slope oftwelve (12) percent or greater.... 111 112 (g Review o{residential development on steep slopes In reviewina residential development on 113 slo es of eater than twelve 12 ercent the zonin administrator shall in addition to eral site 114 plan standards above, consider the followine requirements and standazds: 115 116 � An en ' eerin re ort on sio e stabili and h drolo if the zonin ad � strator deternune 117 that such a re ort is warranted. The zonin administrator shall establi and maintain written 118 criteria to use in makin this deternunation which criteria ma incl e the size of the ro osi 119 develo ment and an official records of soil instabilit roundw er and erosion in the vicini 120 An engineerine reoort must be vrepared by a registered hydro ical, eeotechnical or soils 121 en �neer. Before a radin ermit will be issued the follo ' elements of the en ineerin 122 reoort must be submitted to the City and approved: 123 124 a An evaluation of e�stin conditions includin sl - e stabilit round water and surface 125 water. Testin should use techni ues that minimi disturbance to existin slo es and 126 ve etation for exam le drillin cores for soil s les rather than di in with a back hoe 127 b Site-s ecific recommendations for constru ion. Recommendations will de end on site 128 conditions but ma include the use of drain t'es water- roofin walls oured concrete 129 foundations and sum�pum�s 130 c A schedule of ins ections to be atte ed b Cit staff the builder and the en ineer who 131 prepared the revort. As a minimum, i ections shall be scheduled prior to eradine• after 132 radin and durin installation of an s ecial measures re uired to deal with slo e stabilit o 133 water conditions. 134 135 Before an additional buildin muts will be issued a ost- radin re ort must be submittei 136 and a roved b the Cit . T' re ort must document conditions after radin note an 137 roblems or conditions that ere not antici ated or ade uatel addressed in the re- radin 138 ortion ofthe en ineerin e ort and make recommendations for solutions to an roblems 139 found. 140 141 � Buildin s should be esi ned to fit into the hillside without si nificant re radin to rotect th 142 stabilit of the slo and reserve existin trees while reventin excessivel tall retainin wa 143 and unattractive ou h-sha ed ards between buildin s and retainin walls. Multi-sto 144 buildin s are e oura ed to reduce the size of the buildin foot rint. 145 146 � Existin tre shall be reserved where ossible and shall be rotected durin constnxction. 147 New trees hould be lanted to artiall obscure new hillside buildin s and arkin . 148 149 � Retai � walls taller than four feet shall be constructed under Cit ermit with frost footin s 150 iea � ed bv the State BuildinQ Code and shall he en�ineered tn retain lateral aarth nreecnras K:�Shared�PED\SODERHOULvineAJ�CC ordinance-CW2-6-03.wpdAA-ADA-EEO Employu ORIGiNAL o� -�� 151 consistent with the principles of soils mechanics. and shall be detailed to minimize hvdrostatic 152 pressures. On a case by case basis, the zonin� administrator maYrelaac these standazds for 153 retainine walls that serve minor landscap�pumoses. 154 155 Renumber e�cisting paragraphs (g) and (h). 156 157 158 Section 3 159 160 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and blication. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 ,; 169 ;% I �� �e Requested by Department of: Plannin & Eco o' v 1 ment �B / Approved by Financial Services Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council � Approved by Mayor: Date By: B �r�.��-- Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved b} Council � K:\Shared�PED\SODERHOLUrhneANCC ordinznce-CW2-6-03.wpdAA-ADA-EEO Employer 1 o3-a3s C��'rt� �, �o D 3 �� � . � �� i� E , � � ��-- � � �;+�m ; �'�� - ������ �� � 0� -����� , � / �.�.�-t-� �-�� .�� ,�.� �,.���� � � �'� � � ,,��� �"� G�`,�` �,'�"����.e� :.�=� .� .��'� ��- ��'�� . �� t/" '-'� C�..1n�^ """�..i F �, . � .�� ��-fZ� 1 ��;��',��, � ..��`.� � l�IC � 1� �� �--c� �Cz��/� �;���� �'�`�G �'�'�C' Gf��'� ��'�-G� �(..c�� � �d�eE'�� ,�c�t� ,L�o r�v c��� ✓�-`�i�i�iv i��-2— _ -� � �C�� �,�� � �,� u�U,�� �y,pART'MENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: � DATE INiTLyTED GREEN SIiEET Nor 204360 � PED zii i�o3 • � - a3s CONTACT PERSON & PAOIQE: Il�Ti7AI/DqTE IN1Y7ALDATE I,arry Soderholm (266-6575) � 2 DEPARTMENT DIIt 5 CITY COUNCII. ly[[75T BE ON COUNCB. AGENDA BY (DATE) ��TG�' 3 CITY ATI'ORNEY _ CITY CLERK ASAP (Irvine Ave. moratorium set r� FINANCLSE,.SERVDIR. £INANCIALSERV/ACCTG FOR 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 Sean Kecshaw g�� to e�ire on 2/17l03) ROUTING ORDER TOTAL'� OF SIGNATURE PAGES '- 1 (CLIP ncrioN x�QUESrEn: Adopuon of ci 'de zonin ndments regardin stee slo e developmen . (Adoption of these zoning amendments should be done together with adoption of the Irvine Avenue , Plan as an addendum to the comprehensive pian and its corresponding zoning map changes.) RECOMIvfENDATIONS: Apptove (A) or Reject (R) A PLANIVING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION A Mayor A PED INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTU1VITy (W}io, What, W}ien, Where, Why): Due to compiaints about ground water, traffic, parking, lot spliYs, over-buildi�g, and street wash-outs, the City Council in October 2001 initiated an Irvine Avenue planning study at the request of the CapitolRiver CounciUDistrict 17. The task force and City staff realized that some of Irvine Avenue's problems with the steep slope development were also found on bluffs and hillsides elsewhere in the city. This led to the proposal of several citywide zoning amendments. . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The proposed citywide zoning amendments require that new lots have a building pad area that is not too steep, that appropriate engineering is done for steep slope development, that uees are protected where possible, and that inspections are made during construction. Whereas there is some disagreement about the proper zoning districts for Irvine Avenue land, there is nearly corisensus about the new steep slope regulations. They have the support of the task force, the Planning Commission, and the LIEP arid PED staff. Irvine Avenue property owners support these regulations and the Planning Commission heazd no opposition at its citywide public hearing. pISADYANTAGES IN APPROVED: None. DISADVANfAGES IF NOT APpROVED: PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has f}lis personffum ever worked under a co�ract for this depz�eat? Yes No 2. Has this person/fum ever been a city employee? Yu No 3. Does this pe�son/fvm possess a skill not noimally possessed by any cvirent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answen on separate sheet and attach to greensheet Steep slope development will continue to cause more erosion than necessary and to cause bare spots that detract from the City's natural beauty. TOTAL AMOUNT OF T32ANSACTION: $ 0 FUNDING SOURCE: COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY NUMBER: fi���� FINANCIAL INFORM.4TION: (EXpLAIl�' � � b� ', \� �, G ,� , �tJ�'p'�� � �.� � � v, r � ���'�� . , �� 03 -a3S Council Fi1e # Ordinance # Green Sheet ',�. ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNfSOTA Presented By Referred To� Committee: Date 2 0 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to citywide zoning regulations for development on steeps slopes. 6 WI3EEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 462357 and Section 64.400 ofthe Legislative Code, the 7 City Council by its File # 01-1013 requested the Planning Commission to establish a community-based small 8 area planning task force and make recommendations on the proper zoning for Irvine Avenue and Pleasant 9 Avenue between Ramsey Street and the Walnut Street pubiic stairs; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, in March 2002 the small area planning task force developed a draft lrvine Avenue Development Plan, which included proposed zoning regulations for development on steep slopes that are applicable not only in the study area but also to steep slopes throughout the city; WHEREAS, on August 9, 2002, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft plan, the associated zoning map changes in the study area, and the citywide zoning text amendments relating to development on steep slopes, at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heazd; notice of the public hearing was mailed to all property owners in the study area, to:all district councils and the citywide Early Notification List, and was published on three successive weeks in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press; WHEREAS, on October 11, 2002, the Planning Commission made some refinements in the proposed citywide steep slope regulations and recommended their adoption.by the City Council; WFiEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the Irvine Avenue and Pleasant Avenue rezoning proposals and the citywide steep slope regulations was duly mailed to all property owners in the study azea and was duly published in.the official newspaper of the City on (date) ; and Wf�REAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on _Sdate) at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations conceming the citywide zozung amendments for steep slope deveiopment; now, therefore, 03 -a� 33 THE COUNCIL OF Tf� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 34 35 Section 1. 36 37 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 67 on Subdivision Regulations be amended to read as 38 follows: 39 40 Sec. 67.304. Approval of lot splits and adjusfinents of common boundaries. 41 Lot splits and adjustments of common boundaries are permitted without platting, provided the following 42 conditions are met: 43 (1) The lot or lots have frontage on an existing improved street and access to municipal services. 44 (2) The lot or lots to be divided are previously platted land. 45 (3) The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and area.for the zoning district in which they are 46 located. 47 (4) The division of the lots shall not cause a remaining part of a lot to become a separately described tract 48 which does not meet the minimum standards of the zoning district in which it is located or which does not have 49 street frontage and access to municipal services. 50 (5) The division does not result in a split zoning classification on a single lot. 51 (6) The division does not result in the creation of a nonconforming structure or use. 52 (71 No lot shall be created where the buildinepad azea for the principal structure has an existine slope steeper 53 than ei¢hteen (18�percent or where a drivewav steeper than twentv (201 percent is required to reach the 54 buiidine site. However the plannin� admitustrator mav a�prove the creation of a steeper lot as an exception 55 to this reeulation. where the steeper lot is specificallv consistent with a citv-aQproved neishborhood lp an or 56 redevelopment project. 57 58 ' Sec. 67.306. Planning ailministrator and board of zoning appeals approval. 59 (a) The planning administrator shall have the authoriTy to approve those lot splits and adjustments of common 60 boundazies which meet all of the required conditions in section 67304. In approving lot splits and adjustments 61 of common bouttdaries, the planning, administrator shall review the application for compliance with section 62 67304 and cause the application to be reviewed by the public works department and other affected city 63 departments, if appropriate, and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications. When all conditions 64 aze met and modifications made, the planning administrator shall stamp the survey as approved. Such surveys 65 and legal descriptions shall then be recorded. In instances where a variance from one (1) or more of the 66 conditions for a lot split or adjustmenf of common boundary is needed, the platming administrator shall not 67 approve it until a variance from the board of zoning appeals is granted. 68 (b) Where condition �3}ar{fij �3L(61, or (7� of section 67304 is not met, the boazd of zoning appeals shall 69 hold a public hearing to consider the variance from the required condition. The hearing shall be held in 70 accordance with the provisions of sections 64201 through 64.209 of this Cade which give the board of zoning K�SLaTCd�PEDVSODERFiOLUxtiacAv�CC ordinance-CW2-6-03.wpdAA-ADq-E&O Employct o3-a3s 71 appeals the power to grant variances from the strict enforcement of the Code upon malang the required 72 findings of section 64.203. 73 (C.F. No. 95-794, §§ 2 8-9-95) 74 Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. 75 76 (a) Subdivision review criteria. The city council, in the review of subdivision 77 requests and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements of the city and the 78 best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, 79 sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such 80 as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shall 81 be made prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: 82 (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with; 83 (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; 84 (3) The area sunounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with 85 the proposed subdivision; 86 (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan; 87 (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's unportant existing natural features, whenever 88 possible. In particular. no lot shall be created where the buildine nad area for the orincipal structure has an 89 eafistine slooe steeper than eiehteen (181 oercent or where a drivewav steeper than twenty (201 Dercent is 90 required to reach the buildine site However the council may approve a subdivision that creates a steeper lot 91 as an exceDtion to this reeulation and without a variance where the steeroer lot is�ecifically consistent with a 92 citv-approved neiehborhood plan or redevelopment project 93 (6) All 1and intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from 94 floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace; and 95 (7). The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. 96 (b} Delegation of planning commission review. The plamung commission may, by general rule, delegate to the 97 planning aduiitustsator its power to review and approve such matters and cases. 98 99 Section 2 100 101 That Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 62 on Site Plan Review Standazds be 102 amended to read as follows: 103 104 Sec. 62.108. Site plan review (ail districts). . 105 (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission 106 before a permit is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement of gross floor area for any 107 development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: K:VSUued�PEDVSODERHOL�Irvin<ANCC oidinanu-CW2-6-03.wpdP A-ADA-&EO &mployn 03 _a�s 208 109 110 (i) ��) Any development of one- and two-family residences which together exceed two (2) acres (87,120 squaze £eet) in azea.... Any development on a slope oftwelve (12) percent or greater.... 111 112 �e Review of residential development on steeD slopes In reviewine residential develooment on l I3 slones of greater than twelve (121 percent, the zonine administrator shall, in addition to eeneral site 114 plan standards above consider the following requirements and standards� I15 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 � An en�ineerin�reoort on slope stabilitv and hvdroloev, if the zonine administrator determines that such a report is warranted. The zonina administrator shail establish and maintain written criteria to use in makinQ this determination which criteria mav include the size of the proposed development and any official records of soil instability��roundwater, and erosion in the vicinit� An engineering report must be preoared by a reeistered hvdrolo¢ical. 2eotechnical or soils enQineer. Before a�rading permit will be issued, the followine elements of the engineering report must be submitted to the Citv and approved� (a) An evaluation of existin¢ conditions includin¢ slope stabilitv. eround water. and surface water. Testine should use techniques that minimize disturbance to existing slopes and veeetation (for example drilling cores for soil samples rather than die¢in¢ with a back hoe � �b Site-s�ecific recommendations for construction Recommendations will deoend on site conditions but may include the use of drain tiles, water-proofing walls, poured concrete foundations and sum� u�m�s �cl A schedule of inspections to be attended bv City staff the builder and the eneineer who prepared the report As a minimum inspectinns shall be scheduled prior to erading after �,radine, and durine installation of an�peciai measures required to deal with slooe stabilitv or water conditions. Before anv additional buildine pernuts will be issued a post-eradin� report must be submifted and approved bv the Citv This report must document conditions after adin note any problems or conditions that were not anticipated or adequately addressed in the pre-gradine portion of the enpineerin¢ report and make recommendations for solutions to any_pro�lems found. � Buildines Should be desiened to fit into the hillside without sienifrcant re radin� to protect the stabilitv of the slope and preserve existin� trees while preventing excassivelv tall retainine wails and unattractive troueh-shaped vazds between buildin¢s and retainin� walls Multi-story buildines are encouraeed to reduce the size of the buildina foot rint � ���� � K\SLazed�PEDVSODERHOLUrvineANCC ordinance-CW2-603.wpdPA-ADA-E&O Pmpioycr required bv the State Buildine Code and shall be engineered to retain lateral earth pressures , , � � � „, � ' ,,►• � ' 'I ► ' 1 ' � ',`► � ' � � 62.108.g.3 Exisfing trees shall be preserved where possible and shall be protected during construction. New trees shall be planted to partially obscure new hillside buildings and parlang. a tree preservation plan shall be included with the site plan. Tree preservation plan. T'he tree preservarion plan shall include the following: (1)The location, diameter at breast height (DBI� and species of all existing trees sis (6) inches DBH or larger withixi the limits of disturbance. (2) The location and dimension of all buildings (existing and proposed); the location of easements, adj acent roadways and vehicular access driveways; existing and proposed grading; site drainage facilities; pazking areas; sidewalks and utilities. o� -a �s (3) The location of all trees that will be preserved and incoxporated into the proposed site design. All tree drip lines sha11 be noted. (4) A description of how trees will be protected before and during construction. (5) The location of trees to be removed, replacement trees and areas proposed for additional landscaping, including, but not limited to, the tree name (botanical and common); the quantity of each species; tree caliper, measured six (6} inches aboveground; and a typical planring detail. (b) Tree replacement. In areas with slopes steeper than twelve (12) percent, trees to be removed for development or reasonably anticipated to be lost due to development sha11 be replaced according to the following requirements: (1) Individual trees of at least twelve (12) inches DBH but less than eighteen (18) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of one (1) replacement tree for every one (1) tree removed. (2) Individual trees of at least eighteen (18) inches DBH but less than twenty-four (24) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of two (2) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (3) Individual trees of twenty-four (24) inches DBH or larger shall be replaced on the basis of three (3) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (4) Replacement shall not be required for removal of trees in areas to be occupied by buildings, private streets, driveways, areas required for accessory parking or within a distance of fifteen (15) feet of a building foundation ar for trees deternuned by the superintendent of parks to be hazardous, diseased, dying or dead (5) Trees designated for removal within the limits of disturbance may be transplanted within the site and counted as raplacement trees. (6) Deciduous replacement trees of nursery stock sha11 be at least two and one-haif (2 1/2) caliper inches and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or removed. Coniferous replacement irees shall be at least six (6) feet in height and of species similaz to the tree(s) lost or removed. . 03 -a�5 151 consistent with the principles of soils mechanics. and shall be detailed to *n;n;m;�e hvdrostatic 152 pressures. On a case bv case basis. the zoning administrator mav relax these standazds for 153 retainin� walls that serve minor landscaping�urposes. 154 155 Renumber existing paragraphs (g) and (h). 156 157 158 Section 3 159 160 This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Requested by Department of: Planninct & Economic Development .J`e�' By : Approved by Financial Services By: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Apgroved�by Mayor: Date By: By: K:\Sharcd�PEDVSODERfiOLUxvineAV�CC ordinance-CW2-6-03.wpdPA-ADA EEO fisploy«