03-128Council File # �'3 ^ ��Y Ordinance # Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # ���3 � �3 Committee Date : 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to remove specific fees from each ordinance section and replace them 3 with designations to the fee schedule contained in Section 31018.and 4 restricting the waiver of liquor license fees to the City of Saint Paul. G7 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 Section 1 Y 10 11 Section 409.05 of the Saint Paul I.egislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12 Sec. 409.05. On- and off-sale licenses; term; fees. (a) Term. All licenses far the sale of into�cating liquor shall be for a term of one (1) yeaz from the date of issuance or renewal, except as provided herein. The date shall be deternuned by the inspector and entered upon the license. In 1990 and 1991, the inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to stagger such license renewal dates administratively, employing a system for random extension of individual licenses on a one-time only basis so that the work load of the license and pernut administration on such licenses is spread more or less equally over a twelve- month period. (b) License fees, on-sale; semiannual installments. The fees required for licenses shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. Said sum shall be paid in two (2) equal amounts, the first to be paid before the license is issued or renewed, the second payment to be made within six (6) months from the date of issuance or renewal. (c) On-sale license, replacement after revocation. If, for any reason, the on-sale license in this chapter provided for is revoked by the council of the Ciry of Saint Paul, no replacement license shall be issued until the full license fee for the new license due for the remainder of the license yeaz is first paid; provided, however, that in no event shall a licensee pay less than the applicable annual license fee together with the applicable issuance tas for a license, or combination of licenses, during a license year. (d) Increase in on-sale license fee; notice to licensees. The license inspector is hereby directed to notify in writing via U.S. mail all on-sale licensees of the public hearing date for council consideration of any amendments to this section increasing the license fees. At said public heazing, the department of finance and management services shall present evidence to the council showing the relationship between the proposed fee increase and the costs borne by the city for liquor-related regulating and policing. ';�� . ; :1' (e) Late fees. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 310.09, an applicant for renewal of an on- sale liquor license shall be charged a late fee in an amount of ten (10) percent of the installment due for such license for each thirty-day period or portion thereof which had elapsed afrer the expiration date of such license or semiannual period, and the late fee shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the annual life. �� �g) (h) Application with family members. Notwithstanding subsecuon (a) of this secUon, where an existing on-sale into�cicating liquor license holder makes application for a new on-sale license for the same location together with one (1) or more fanuly members as additional license holders, the term of the new license shall coincide with the end of the eacisting license and end on the � same date. No additional license fee for the new license shall be paid for the remainder of the term of the exisdng license, so long as the license fees for the existing license aze fully paid. The normal license fee must be paid in any case for the remainder of the term of the existing license. Each additional family member becoming a license holder shall fill out an application form for purposes ofthe background investigation by the license division, and provide such other information as may reasonably be required by the license division, and shall pay a fee . with the application in an amount as set forth in section 31018 of the Saint Paul Leeislative Code. The term "fanuly members," for the purpose of this subsection shall include parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, together with the spouses of such parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 (i) Fee waived for govemment agencies. The fee for any license under Chapter 409 shall be waived for anv license issued to and used bv a division or deuartment of the City of 5aint Paul Section 2 Section 40915 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 409.15. On-sale winelicenses. (a) Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this section: Annual license fees for clubs and private clubs. The annual license fee for a club and a private club shall be in confozmity with Minnesota Statutes, Section 340.408, subdivision 2(b). License fee, gambling locations. The license fee for lawful gambling locations shall be as provided in section 310.09(b) of the Legislative Code. (1) Restaurant shall mean an establishment under the control of a single proprietor or manager, having appropriate facilities for serving meals and for seating not fewer than twenty-five (25) guests at one (1) time and where, in consideration of payment therefor, meals aze regulazly served at tables to the general public, and which employs an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable service to its guests. (2) On-sale wine license shall mean a license authorizing the sale of wine not exceeding fourteen (14) percent alcohol by volume, for consumprion on the licensed premises only in conjunction with the sale of food. (b) Issuance of license; fee; conditions. On-sale wine licenses may be issued, subject to the approval of the liquor control commissioner, to the proprietor of any restaurant as defined in this section and without regard to section 409.03 limitations. The license fee shall be eight hundred seventy- five dollars ($875.00) payable in two (2) equal amounts, the first to be paid before the license is issued or renewed, the second payment to be made within six (6) months from the date of issuance or renewal. The licenses shall be valid on all days of the week consistent with the hours of sale provided in section 409.07(a). All other provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to o3-�a�' i'��1ii .t.ii�wl �714R 1 ] '� such licenses and licensees unless inconsistent herewith. o�-ia� (c) Public hearing; notices. No new on-sale wine license shall be issued until the council shall have first held a public hearing on the application. The notification requirements applicable to change in licensed azeas in section 409.11 shall be applicable to the issuance of new on-sale wine licenses. (d) On-sale malt beverages. A holder of an on-sale wine license issued pursuant to this section who is also licensed to sell on-sale noninto�cicating malt liquor and whose gross receipts aze at least sixry (60) percent ath to the sale of food may be permitted by the city council to also sell into�cicating malt liquors at on-sale in conjunction with the sale of food without having to pay any additional license fee. Such authorizarion, if approved by the council, shall be noted upon the licenses issued by the inspector. This provision is enacted pursuant to authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A.404(5). 5ection 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Section 409.25 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 409.25. Temporary wine and liquor ►icenses. (a) Wine licenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a club or charitable, religious or other nonprofit organization in existence for at least three (3) years, or a political committee registered under Minnesota Statutes, Section 10A.14, may obtain an on-sale license to sell wine and strong beer not exceeding fourteen (14) percent alcohol by volume for consumption on the licensed premises only. The fee for such license shall be established by ordinance as provided in section 310.09(b) of the I.egislative Code, and such license may authorize the on-sale of wine for not more than four (4) consecutive days. The city shall not authorize more than three (3) four- day, four (4) three-day, six (6) two-day or twelve (12) oneday temporary licenses, in any combination not to exceed twelve (12) days per year for the sale of wine to any one (1) location within the city for a twelve-month period. The city may not issue more than one (1) such license to any one (1) organiza6on or political committee, or any one (1) location, within a thirty-day period unless the licenses are issued in connection with an event officially designated a community festival by the municipality. (b) Liquor licenses. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a club or charitable, religious or other nonprofit organization in existence for at least three (3) years may obtain an on-sale license to sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the licensed premises only and in connection with a social event within the city sponsored by the licensee. The license may provide that the licensee may contract for into�cating liquor catering services with the holder of a fuil yeaz on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the city. The fee for such license shall be �artq= . as set forth in section 310.09(b) and 310.18 of the Saint Paul Le¢islative Code. The license sha11 not authorize the on-sale of intoxicating liquor for more than four (4) consecutive days. The city shall not authorize more than three (3) four-day, four (4) three-day, six (6) two-day, or twelve (12) one-day temporary licenses, in any combination not to exceed twelve (12) days per year for the sale of intoxicating liquor to any one (1) locarion within the ciry for a twelve-month period. The city may not issue more than one (1) such license to any one (1) organization or political committee, or any one (1) location, within a thirty-day period unless the licenses aze issued in connection with an event officially designated a community fesrival by the municipality. (c) Application. Application for such temporary licenses sha11 be made on forms provided by the inspector and shall contain such information as specified by the inspector, including the following: pt p� � (1) The name, address and purpose of the organization, together with the names and (� 1,, addresses of its officers, and evidence of nonprofit status or of its status as a club under section 409.02 above. Da -la-Y (2) The purpose for which the temporary license is sought, together with the place, dates and hours during which wine or intoxicating liquor will be sold. (3) Consent of the owner or manager of the premises or person or group with lawful responsibility for the premises. (4) Evidence that the manager or director has received alcohol awazeness training provided by a bona fide instructor or the city. (d) Application of other provisions of this chapter. No other provisions of this ct�apter shall apply to licenses granted under this section, except secuons 409.06, 409.065, 409.07, 409.08 (except clauses (11) and (12)), and sections 409.09 through 409.14. (e) Class T license. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the temporary wine and liquor licenses provided in this section shall be administered as a Class T license and subject to the provisions of these chapters governing Class T licenses. The inspector shall make all referrals as provided by section 310.03, but the d'uector may require the inspector to issue such license before receiving any recommendations on the application thereof if necessary to issue such license on a timely basis. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: BY� ... ., � v. r � ' � ,RS Adopted by Council: nate �A//i'��� c7lJ03 8�.: \ Y1 Vc,,,�,.'� � OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET � Ro�er Cur't�is, Dir`ea�or January 14; 2003 r 266-9013 N0 .403430 d��� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1 Ep�T"'ENr D=a��T°x 4 xrr mvxcxL o er Curtis (266-9013) �" 2 Irz ATT°xxex a� `z'E`u` ..�� iist be on Council Agenda: � 'mcgT DlxscroR IN. fi MGT. SVC. DIA. � s soon as ossible 3 YOR iOR ASSISTANf) , OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: : Council approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul , egislative Code to remove the specific fee from the ordinance section and '-,replace it with a designation to the fee schedule contained in Section 310.18. This ordinance also restricts the waiver of liquor license fees to the City of , Saint Paul. ECOM1II-0ENDATIONS: APPAOVE (A) OR AEJECT m) PHRSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACPS �IiST ANSW8R THS FOLLOWING: ' , PT�AI�PSING CONIMISSI0t3 , CIVIL SERVICE COMIqISSION 1. � Has the person/fixm ever worked under a wntract for this depar[ment? CIB COMMITTEE BUSINESS REVIEW WUNCIL . YES NO ' — STAFF �_ 2. Has this peraon/firm ever been a City emplopee? DISTRICT CbURT _ ' YES NO . � , 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any - SUPEORTS WAICH COUNCIL OBSECPIVE? qyrreRt C1ty employee? �' ' ' Y&S NO , ,., xplaia all Y83 anarrexa oa a sepazate sbeet and attach, �;:�INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSLSE, OPFORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why}; °�" his is a housekeeping measu're. Existing fees are looated both in Chapter 31� `::-'as well as in.the"ordinance section of law. LIEP is. moving all licensing fees ':" into Chapter 310 to be'consistent as well as easier for the public to determine -.: costs for licensing. Also, current language does nat comply with the p�actice s;-.and intent of.only exempting liquor license fees for the City of Sairit Paul so <housekeeping language was necessary. ��2..�f4 Cs�t �$2f ���, �7ANTAGES IF APPROVED: � ��� � � �Q� �:,: y 11 licensing fees will be contained in Chapter 310. Charges that existed in ': the ardinance section will be eliminated. This will reduce the number of ':inconsisCencies and will make future revisions more expedient. , ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: rr ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO " FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)