03-122Council File # � 3— �� � Ordinance # Green Sheet # �l U� �I Z, ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee Date : 5� , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 An ordinance amending Chapter 372 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to remove the specific fee from the ordinance section and replace it with a designation to the fee schedule contained in Section 310.18 TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 372.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 372.02. Fee. 310.18. The fee required is fii€t}+�aHars{'�59:96j as set forth in Saint Paul Leeislative Code Section Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Reguested by Department of: BS': BY� t/bv Mayol: / E�✓a�= � t � , , +Z, Adopted by Council: Date //C✓ J� �Oj Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: l �'�OJwnA/ � !—"LC.fI/ oFF=c� oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHEET �° Roger Curtis, Direc'tor January 14,. 2003 �.�� z66-9oi3 � No.403421 03 �� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: 1 sPZ�cTx�°T DIx��T°R q =x'Y co�xcxL , o er Curtis (266-9013) �"' �, z =T � "TTOT�Y ITY cz'sax u5t be on Council Agenda: � ax nxczscrox IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. � s soon as os sible 3 xox (OR ASSISTANP) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGLS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATtIRE) CTION REQUESTED: �,� Council approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 372 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to remove the specific fee from the ordinance section and " replace it with a designation to the fee schedule contained in Section 310.18. ECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECI' m) BRSONAL SBRVICB CONTRACTS MQST ANSN88 TBS POLL09PItiG: PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the person/firm eves worked under a contract foi this department? CIB COPIIdI'ITEE _ BUSINESS REVIEW COUNCIL ygS NO STAFF _ Hys thia person/firm ever been a City employee? � DISIRICP COURT _ YES NO C��'� 3. Doe6 this person/fixm posseaa a skill not normally posaeased by any SUPPOATS WHICH COUNCIL OB7ECPIVE? �Yent City emplOyee? -� YES NO �.� ' , � Sxplaia all Y83 aaswera oa a separate aheet aad attach. ':�1, INITIATING,PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): `This is a housekeeping measure. Existing fees are located both in Chapter 310 ';' as well as in the ordinance section of law. LIEP is moving all licensing fees " into Chapter 310 to"be consistent as well as easier for the public to determine ''• costs for licensing. �������^��;R�' VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� � � �� 11 licensing fees will be contained in Chapter 310. Charges that existed in ` the ordinance section will be eliminated. This will reduce the number of inconsistencies and will make future revisions more expedient. ',- ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ,` ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: -�TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER , FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)