03-108Council File # O 3_ LOi� Ordinance # Presented By Refened To Committee Date : 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 334 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 2 to remove the specific fee from the ordinance section and replace it with 3 a designation to the fee schedule contained in Section 310.18 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 6 7 Section 1 8 9 Section 334.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10 11 334.03. Fee. 12 13 The fees required � __ . . 14 . 15 . for licenses rec�uired under this chanter shall be as set forth in Saint Paul 16 Le¢islative Code Section 310.18. 17 18 Section 2 19 20 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval 21 and publication. 22 �z Requested by Department of: �� Mayoro- Date � • � ° BY� By: �/'µ-cv""�"� rJ ' '� Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved �'' — �, �: ��'.?�.� Green Sheet # �(���d� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA L�3 '.`� .. ,.. . Adopted by Council: Date��/./� � o7�d3 Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy OFFICE oF LIEP Date: GREEN SHE�T �� Roger Curtis, Director Janua-ry 14 2003 � ��"� 266-9013 N0.4�34�7 d��� , CONTACT PERSON & PAONE: 1$P�T"�T nit�crox x� rn�cxL o eY' Curtis (266-9013) '�°' 2 =� A'T°x�Y Ixz c�.�`K USt be OTl (..'OL1RG�11. Agenda: � UDG$T DIRSCII�R IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. orm ' S SOOIl $S OS51171@ 3 YOR (OR ASSISTANT) 4 - OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGSS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , CTION REQUESTED: �.��- � � , Council approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 334 of the Saint Paul 1. Legislative Code to remove the specific fee from the ordinance section and �' replace it with a designation to the fee schedule contained in Section 310.18. ` LbMMENDATION$: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT m) PBRSONAL 58RVIC8 CONTRACTS MIJST ANSYISR TFffi FOLLO{PING: ' PLANNING COIM9ISSION CIVIL SHRVTCE COIMIISSION 1. Has the person/firm ever worked vndeT a ConCYact for this department? CIB COMMITTEE _ BUSINSSS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO , STAFF � � 2. Has this peraon/fixm ever been a City employee? DISTAICT CO[IRT _ Y&S NO � Does this personjfirm posaess a ski11 not normally posaessed by any �� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCTL OBJECTIVE? Ntrent City employee? YES NO 8xplaia all YES answexs oa a sepacate sheet and atWCh. , INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSLTE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): `. This is a housekeeping measure. Existing fees are located both in Chapter 310 `` as well as in the ordinance section of law. LIEP is moving all licensing_fees ir�to Chapter 310 to be consistent as well as easier for the public to determine '�� costs for licensing. ���� P�3���YC�? �:.-.,e8 VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ��� � � ��� 11 licensing fees will be.contained in Chapter 310. Charges that existed in ','.the ordinance section will be eliminated. This will reduce the number of . ,: inconsistencies and will make future revisions more expedient. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO _.FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)