02-1167Council File # E]'Z �\��.� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � 3 �6 l3 ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To � �y. Committee Date : 1 An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Saint Paul 2 Legislative Code to eliminate the numbers of performers 3 allowed by a Class A license 4 5 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Class A-- Amplified or nonamplified music and/or singing by ene��j�s-three-f Prj performers without limitation as to number, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment. Class B-- Ali acriviries allowed in Class A, plus dancing by patrons to live, taped or electronically produced music, and which may also permit volleyball and broomball participated in by patrons or guests of the licensed establishment plus stage shows, theater, and contests. In all of the activities in Classes A and B, all of the participants, inciuding patrons, shall be fully clothed at all times. Class C-- All activiues allowed in Classes A and B, plus performance by male or female performers without limitation as to number, where clothing is minimal but in compliance with Chapters 409.09 and 410AS of the L.egislative Code. I? '�'�'► Section 411.Q2 of the Saint Paul L.egisiative Code is hereby amended to read as foilows: Sec. 411.02. License classification. Any person desiring to provide entertainment on the licensed premises must obtain an entertainment license of the applicable type as hereinafter provided: ��1N 3 0 '03 i 2 Section 2 0�.—���o� 3 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval 5 and publication. i Fai�Lt �rt,::' �r'spi ' ^ j �e U7 oa _ ���.� DEPARTAAENTlOFFICFJCOUNCIL � DA7EINttuTm . , . .. �. CITYCOUNCIL November27 GREEN SHEET No 113813 CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE �nMl�luaer �nMlaimab Councilmember Pat Hams 6-8630 muer�rowcc.art rnrmnei MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA B'! (p4hj At01f.N wnmErtcaa arvana�r arvumK � �� nwrw.am�xcaart. wuwcu�s�mlara ❑ wrcalu�warr�xry � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RC-0UESTHJ • An ordinance amending Chapter 411 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to eliminaze the numbers of performers allowed by a Class A license. R COMME OA 10 Approve (A) w ReJect () oERSONAL SEGVICE CONTRAGiS MUST ANSWER 7NE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: t. Hastnisoe�rme.Crwakeaurideracon6acttartniedepanment? PLANNINGCOMMISSION �S NO CIBCAMMITTEE 2. Hesths.pelsaVfm�eoerbeenacnyempbyee9 CNILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO . Does Mis PcvswYfilm 0� a sltiq nat nama��YP�� bY airyl arteM d1Y emP�%'ee7 YES NO , 4. IsihispersanRrmatarpetedventla? YES NO E�ylain all yec ansvreB on sepa`ate aheet erM att2ch to D� sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVAMAGES IF APPROVFD DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (GRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOISRCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIFL INFORMAliON (IXPWM