02-987Council File # ��.s 46 7 Ordinance # creen sheet # ��y!��y MINNESOTA 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, ARTHLJR BAiJMEISTER duly petitioned to rezone property located at the southwest comer of Page and Concord;°""'" being legally described as Lots 1 thru 5, Block 26, The West St. Paul Real Estate And Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2(PIN 09-28-22-32-0021 tt�ru 0025), from R-4 One-Family Residentiai to RT=T" " Two-Family Residential to construct two duplexes; and ` 11 WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 18, 2002, for 12 the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, 13 submitted its recommendation to the Planning Commission that the petition to rezone from R-4 to RT-1 be 14 granted; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Planning Connmission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 23, 17 2002, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition to rezone from R-4 to RT-1; and 18 19 WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in 20 the official newspaper of the City on September 5, 2002, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of 21 affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet or the property sought to be rezpzted; 22 and 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 WHEREAS, a public hearing befare the City Council having been conducted on September 25, 2002 at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the perition; now, therefore ,....__. ,...__ _. .,.._ _. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ..;: `i k 1� tY That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 38, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That the properCy at the southwest corner of Concord and Page, being more particularly described as: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 26, The West St. Paul Rea1 Estate And Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2(PIN D9- 28-22-32-0021 thru 0025) a� 39 be and is hereby rezoned from R-4 to RT-1. Q �� qg ,,.� 40 41 Section 2. 42 43 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 44 publication. 45 46 47 48 Requested by Department of: Planni & Economi eve m t y�` / By: Approved by Pinancial Services By: Form Approved by City Attorney � '3— n., . 1'7HV !/•• 0; . O 2. Approved by for Submie B y : � i Sf �{'' _; ���I;✓ Adoption Cer 'f' by Council Sec etar By: % / Approved b� �yo�r Datei"'1 `� L" B Y�F17Jyr�,G. DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 204304 � PED September 27, ' � � 2002 �a��� CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: INITIALiuA'l'E p INi1'iALinnTE Yang Zhang (6-6659) � � 2 pEpnx�T D��//L4F�'�'- s crrY covxcu. — %�—�� MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN As soon as ossible Ntjn�ER ��� ATTO�S (d`�3'�— _crrr P FOR ROUTING FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _ FINANCIAL ORDER �V/ACCTG 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) 1 Sean Kershaw ✓ TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES _t_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncTTOx �QuESTEn: Adoption of rezoning ordinance , RECOMMENDATTONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: A PLANNING WMMISSION 1. Has this person/fiim ever worked undet a conlract for th�s departrnent? CIB COMMITT'EE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � 2. Has tt�is person/firm ever been a city employee? � � Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nomtally possessed by any current ciTy emplo,yee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONII'P (Who, What, Wheq Where, Why): Adopt an ordinance to finalize council approval of a petition of Arthur Baumeister to rezone properiy located at southwest corner of Page and Concord from R-4 to RT-1 (public hearing held September 25, 2002) . ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Property will be rezoned to allow the construction of two duplexes. ° DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �Pa� �t) Zf�O� ;,,,., None � � � ���� ������� ° DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTNTTY NUMBER: � FIlVANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) L 41mm�da�Zw,�ng\CCdocs\02133-003greensheebreeoning wpd ,a !� A . J�+-��..��ti G6�: �,� ��"�° � � ��D� f DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Zorzy Schen[er, InSerim Director O 1 `��? � �� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke1[y, Mayor AUg715t ZG, 2OO'L Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall 25 West Fourth Street Saini Paul, MN 55102 �—' _ F s � Telephorse: 612-266-ti565 Facsimile: 6I2-228-33I4 ^ C'li!$� , , �� ' � , A '" ,.Uh l�u� - � w :;� � '��°� ��� � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ : ' Dear Ms. Anderson: ��' � ��� I ,�'��a� I would like to confirm that a public hearing nerore tne �iry council is scneduled for Wednesday � September 25, 2002, for the following rezoning applicarion: Applicant .Srthur Baumeister File Number: #02-133-003 Purpose: Rezoning from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 Two-Family Residential to construct two duplexes Address: Southwest corner of Page and Concord Legal Descriprion of Properry: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 26, The West St. Paul Real Estate And Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2(PIN 09-28-22-32-0021 thru 0025) Previous Acrion: Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval; vote: 6-0; August 15, 2002 Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval; unanimous vote; August 23, 2002 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the September 25, 2002 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6659 if you have any quesfions. Sincerely, Yang Zhang Ciry Planner cc: File # 02-133-003 Cazol Martineau Paul Dubnuel Wendy Lane Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer __^__.�}: PAUL LEGALIbDGER =___- 'QSQ42"704 � . - _ � - ' • F7RST RTJN • �� � � NOTICE OR P[}BbIC HEARING � The Sauzt Paul Ciky Council_a�ll conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, September 25, 2002; at 5:30 p.in, in the �City Council' 'Chambers, Third FLoor "City Hall — Courthouse, 15. West Kellogg Boulevazd, Saiut-paul,bIIV, to consider the'application -of Artl�ur Bzumeistei ta-rezone. pr6perty from R-4 (Dne-Family Resicsentialjto_RT _1 (3\vo-Family Residential) to co�struct tcao dupluces at the southwest comer of Page - and Concord Sh�eets. - - � � DaJed: September 3, 2002. - - - - " ' - - NAl�ICYANDERSOPI _ �Assistant CYty Couneil Secretary � _ - ($e�fe�ber5;2(YS�2) � -_: , - **�*��'�*��*� —COMM.JOURNRL— **�***��******�x� DRTE SEP-63-2002 ***** TIME 13�49 ��* P.01 MDDE = MEMORY TFMIIJSMISSION FILE ND.= 169 N0. COM RHBWNTWK STATION hlfiME/ T0.EPNONE N0. 001 OK C01> LEGRL LEDGER STRRT=SEP-03 13�48 END=SEP-03 13�49 PAGES PRG.NO. PROGRRM NRME � —C�ty of Saint Paul — �*����*��**�*��*���*� —City Council — ��*� — 651 266 8574— *****���* oy ,�•' a , CI'fY OF SATNT PAtiL OFFICP OF THE CI1'Y COUNCII. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVEIi S�SEE'I' TO: � F120M: �ar�s. FAX #: R1�= �.�D.,,�.� �L�� ��- , 'P `�. - `�r„`"' � � T>ATE: � �00 � �� r+ Facsimile operator, ple2se deliver this transmission to the above addressee. If you did not receive aII of the pages in good condirion, ptease advise Jauie X afren� at (651) 266-8560 at your earliest convenience. Thank You. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDIPICr THIS PAGE}: � oa-�i $? �. � 7HIRD FLOOR SA1NC PAUL, MINNESOTA 55702 � pnmepw, reerdear�aaer o�-q�7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall-Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the application of Arthur Baumeister to rezone property from R-4 (One-Family Residential) to RT-1 (Two-Family Residential) to construct two duplexes at the southwest corner of Page and Concord Streets. Dated: September 3, 2002 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary Page 1 of 1 Oa-�i81 Nancy Anderson - Legat Ledger Notice. From: Nancy Mderson To: Moore, Shari Date: 9/3/2002 1.24 PM Subject: Legal Ledger Notice. CC: Johnson, Lucille Shari/Lucille: The attached public hearing notice has been sent to the Legal Ledger for publishing. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}OOOlO.HTM 9f312002 DEPAR'CMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Martha Fu1l�r, Direcior CITY OF SAII�iT PAUL Randy G %ZIy, Mayor September 16, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 14Q0 Cuy Hail Arsnes 25 WestFourdeStreet Sent Pmd, MN SSIO2 Re: Zoning File #02-133-003 Applicant: ARTHUR BAUMEISTER oa -587 TeZepiwne: 612-26G6565 Facsimile: 612-228-33I4 City Council Hearing: September 25, 2002, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers Purpose: Rezoning property at the southwest corner of Page and Concord from R-4 One-Fanuly Residenriai to RT-1 Two-Family Residential to constrvct two dupiexes. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous. Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 6- 0(August 15); 4-2 (July 18). StaffRecommendation: Approve. Support: None. Opposirion: Four. Aistrict Council: The Dish'ict 3 Community Council did not make a recommendation. Deaz Ms. Anderson: This rezoning application is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on September 25, 2002. Please notify me (266-6659) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, Xang Zhang City Planner cc: City Council members AA-ADA-EEO Employer oa-� 8z city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 02-63 date Au z3, zooz WHEREAS, ARTHUR BAUMEISTER, File #02-133-003, has petitioned for a rezoning under the. provisions of §64.400 of the Legislative Code, for the purpose of rezoning property locafed at the southwest corner of Concord and Page, Parcef identification Numbers (P1N) 09-28-22-32-0021 thru 0025, Iegally described as Lots 1 thru 5, Block 26, 7he West St. Paul Rea! Estate As�d tmprovement Syndicate Addition No. 2, from R-4 to RT-1; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on July 18, 2002, heid a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said petition in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantiaily reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: The applicant, Arthur Baumeister, owns the property in question located at the southwest comer of Page and Concord. Mr. Baumeister has requested to rezone the property in order to construct btJO dupfexes. The property is vacant and has never been developed. 2. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is compatible with existing and proposed development for the site and surrounding area. The site is large enough for two dupiexes without the need for any variances. Surrounding land use includes single-famiiy and duplex residential, commerciai and industrial uses. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the provisions of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. Housing production is a high priority of the Comprehensive Pian. In the Housing Chapter, Section 5.2 promotes °designs that use the smalier development sites creatively..." The proposed rezoning would provide for reasonable development of this irregularfy-shaped parcei, which woufd be more challenging under the current R-4 zoning. The Comprehensive Plan aiso calis for higher density housing along neigh6orhood bus corridors (Objecfive 6.8.1, L-end Use Planj. The property is located along Concord, which is a bus route. moved by Kramer second�d by in favor Unanimous against W Zoning File #02-133-003 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 4. Since the rezoning is NOT from residential to commercial use, no petition of neighboring property owners is required. 5. The property is located within the River Corridor Urban Divers�ed Disfict (RC-4), and is subject fo standards specified in section 65.400 of the Zoning Code. Because the site is in a developed area with public sewer and water service, and is not located on a slope greater than 18 percent, these standards will be met by the proposed development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, fhat the petition of Arthur Baumeister to rezone property at the southwest comer of Concord and Page, Parcel identification Numbers (PIN) 09-28-22-32-0021 thru 0025, legally described as Lots 1 thru 5, Biock 26, 7he West St. Paul Real Estate And improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2, from R-4 to RT-1, is consistent with the Comprehensive Pfan for fhe City; and SE !T FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the Councii of the City of Saint Paul that the southwest comer of Concord and Page be rezoned from R-4 to RT-1 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development. Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard R'est Minutes of August 23, 2002 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saim Paul cvas held Friday, August 23, 2002, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of Ciiy Hall. Commusioners Mmes. Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, Morton, Shortridge, and Trevino; Present: and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, Mardell, and Rosales. Commissioners Mmes. *Donnelly-Cohen, and *McCall; and Messrs. *Anfang, *Field, *Gervais, Absent: *Kong, and *Mejia. � oa-�8� *Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, Plannnig Administrator; Rich Malloy, Lucy Thompson, Yang Zhang, Allan Lovejoy, Allan Torstenson, and Cazol Martineau, Department of Planuiug and Economic Development staff; Tom Beach, Department of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; and Melissa Manderscheid, Metropolitan ° Council staff. #02-133-003 Arthur Baumeister - Rewne from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 TwaFamily Residential to build two duplexes. SW comer of Concord and Page. (Yang Zhang, 651/266-6659) Comznissioner I{ramer stated no distrfct comment was received. No one spoke in support. Four parties spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 6-0. MOTION: Commissioner Krttmer moved the Zoning Committee's recommendation to approve the rezoning. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote NEW BUSINESS #02-140-686 Sakura Restaurant - Vaziance to install business sign projecting 34" over the public sidewallc (code allows 12" projection; 22" variance needed). 350 St. Peter, betsveen 4`� and 5�` Sts. (Rich Matloy, 651I266-6647) Commissioner Kramer stated the CapitolRiver Council commented that the sign should not be intemaily lit but rather lit by spot lights. One party spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 6-0. e " � '>;:: �' . oa-�87 MINUTES OF THE ZONtNG COMMITTEE Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: EXCUSED: STAFF: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton Field and Mejia Patricia James, Caro( Martineau, Peter Wamer, and Yang Zhang The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Kramer. Arthur Baumeister (02-133-003) - Rezone from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 Two- Family Residential to build two duplexes. SW comer of Concord and Page. Yang Zhang presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval. She stated that the app4icant has submitted additional information, including a survey and a site plan, to sfiow that the two duplexes can be constructed without any variances. At the question of Commissioner Faricy, Ms. Zhang stated the units as shown on the site pian are 16 feet wide each. Each duplex will have two parking spaces in the garage and one off- street surface parking, for a total of 6 parking spaces for the two duplexes. At the question of Commiss+oner Gordon, Ms. Zhang axplained the survey confirmed the property's size is sufficient for the two duplexes. Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the staff recommendation. Commissioner Anfang seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: �l�l/�-�''f �����l.L� Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Yang Zhang Zoning Section Approved by: � �'�" � Richard Kra er Chair o�-�s7 Saint Paui Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West Minutes of July 26, 2a�2 A meeting ofthe Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, July 26, 2002, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center ofCity Hall. Commissioners Mmes. Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortridge, and Trevino; Present: and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Field, Fotsch, Gordon, 7ohnson, . Kong, Kramer, Mardelf, and Mejia. Commissioners Mmes. "Donnelly-Cohen; and Messrs. *Gervais, and Rosales. Absent: * Excused Also Present: Larry Soderholm, P(anning Administrator; Aflan Torstenson, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff. I. Approval of Minutes of July 12, 2002 MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the minutes of July 12, 2002. Commissioner Fotsch seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. II. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton reported that Commissioner Faricy will chair the Planning Commission holiday party and that the Steering Committee reviewed the work programs for each of the standing committees for the rest of the year. III. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Larry Soderholm reported on City Council business from last week: — P-1 zoning for the parking lot at Payne Avenue and York received final approval. — The variances granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals for the Rutzick apartment building at I-35E and St. Clair Avenue were upheld. — The Heritage Preservation Commission decision to deny a demolition permit for Grace Community Church at Portland Avenue and Victoria Street was upheld. Mr. Soderholm reported that there was a Metropolitan Council tour on 7uly 18`" of all the projects they have been involved with in Saint Paul in the last five years--over twenty projects, many involving the clean-up oF contaminated soils. , �' " Arthdr Baumeiste� = Rezone from R-4 (One=Fami(y Residential) to RT-1 (Two- Family Residential) to build two duplexes. S W corrter of Concard and Page. (Yang Zhang, ,� � 651/266-6G59) , S f t a t :� i �k � Commissioner Field stated no district commend was received. No one spolce in support. Four parties spoke in opposition. The pub(ic hearing was closed. The Zoning Cominittee recommended approval on a vote of 42 (Field, Morton). MOTION: Comn:issioner Field moved fo refer back !o the 2oning Commiitee and requut that t/te applicant I:ave it surveyed bejore rezoning because of potenfia! setback issues: Gbmmissioner Fttricy seconded tke molion. Commissioner Field said neighbors testified that no survey had been done and there are easements that would make this triangular site difficult to devefop for two duplexes. He also said he thinks the proposed zoning might constiTUte spot zorting. Commissioner Mejia stated he drove by the site and stated Yhe area is mach smaller than it laid out on paper and he supports Commissioner Field's motion to send the case back to the Zoning Committee. Commissioner Kramer stated because ofthe triangulaz shape ofthe property there will probably be set back issues and it would be good to understand what variances might be needed before rezoning the property. He is less concerned about this being spot zoning because there is already a mix ofzoning there. Commissioner Gordon stated it is not spot zoning and it is consistent with current zoning in every direction: I-2 to the north and east, OS-1 to the south, and R-4 with duplexes to the west. There might be a variance request later, but that is a separate iss¢e. He doesn't know what would be accomplished by requiring a survey and is against the motion. Commissioner Alton questioned why the property couldn't be used as it is currently zoned. Commissioner Field stated there is neighborhood opposition to the rezoning. He stated once the rezoning is done iYs done and he would like to fu(ly understand the consequence of rezoning. He referred to Commissioner Kramer's suggestion that cluster housing under the existing R-4 zoning might be a better way to develop tlie site. Commissioner Kramer stated die total lot area would altow two duplexes under RT-2 zoning, but t6aYs not enough information. Tl�e tria�tgular shape and easements miglit tead to setUack variances. Commissioner Field state the dead(ine for action is August 13, 2002. The motion carried with one no vote (Go�dore). MOTION: Commissioner Afton moved to extend the 60 day deadline for action by an additional 60 Commissioner Fie[d seconded the motion. _The motion carried unanimously on a voice vo[e. #02-132-050 Catholic Charities - Rezone from B-3 (General Business) to RM-2 (Multiple-Family Residential) to construct an 18-unit apartment building. 1034 Lafond Ave., SE comer at Oxford. (YangZhang, 651/266-6659) Commissioner Field stated District 7 forwarded comments from people in favor and against, but did not take a position. He applauded their effort to furnish thoughtful perspectives, both pro and oa-�8� MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, Ju{y 18, 2002 - 3:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard PRESENT: Anfang, Fietd, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton EXCUSED: Alton, and Faricy STAFF: Carol Marfineau, Allan Torstenson, and Peter Wamer and Yang Zhang The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. Arthur Baumeister • 02-133-003 - Rezone from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 Two- Family Residential to build iwo duplexes. SW corner of Concord and Page. Yang Zhang presented the staff report with a recommendation of approval to rezone from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 Two-Family Residentiai to build two dupiexes. Arthur Baumeister the applicant stated he was in fuli accordance with the staff report. No one spoke in support of the rezoning. Mr. Kenneth Carpenter, 476 Sidney St. E., stated he was against the rezoning because he has a problem with absentee landlords and rental properties in regards to keeping their property in good condition. At the question of Commissioner Mejia, Mr. Carpenter stated he had no problem with owner- occupied duptexes. Kelly Moenck, 481 E. Sidney Street, stated she was concemed with two duplexes being built on the small parcei of land. It will cause parking and maintenance probiems. A single family home would better suit this property and the atmosphere of the neighborhood. At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Zhang stated it has not been determined how the two duplexes are to be buiit on the property, and the project may need a setback variance because of the shape of the lot, but lot coverage is not an issue. The applicant will get a survey done after the property is rezoned. Alan Markin, 471 E. Sidney, stated the neighborhood needed single family homes rather than rental property and it is zoned for single family. He also stated his concerns on parking issues. Michael Maloney, 461 E. Sidney, gave a history of the surveys that were conducted in the neighborhood. He aiso reiterated that the 5 lots would only support one house. Art Baumeister stated the land was platted back in the 1860's. The home on the triangular part of the lots will need a minor setback variance_ Their architect looked at the proposed buildings and thinks it will work. At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Baumeister stated they have been approached by someone to purchase one of the proposed duplexes who plans to reside there and hopefully both duplexes will be owner-occupied. Zoning Case # 02-133-003 July 18, 2002 Zoning Committee Minutes Page 2 The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Field expressed concem about this being spot zoning. After some discussion, Commissioner Gordon moved approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Anfang seconded the motion. Commissioner Kramer and Commissioner Gordon stated they had some reservations on this case because of spot zoning, and without a survey it is hard to detertnine what type of buildings wouid fit on that parcel of land. However, the area already has a mix of land uses. Commissioner Morton stated she would vote against the motion because it was spot zoning and wili set a bad precedent for a residential area. Commissioner Field stated he would vote against the project because there is no detailed site plan and iYs not clear what type of variances would be needed. He also has a problem with spot zoning. Commissioner Gordon noted that there are duplex, business and industrial uses in the area, and the proposed duplexes would not be of higher density than the exisfing uses. Commissioner Anfang and Mejia noted that the proposal uses the lots creatively, which is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. After further discussion the motion passed by a vote of 4-2 with Field and Morton voting against it. Adopted Drafted by: Yeas - 4 Nays - � (Field, Morton) Submitted by: Approved by: Carol Martineau Yang Zhang Litton Field Recording Secretary Zoning Section Chair �a-y� ZONING COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT FILE # 02-133-003 APPLICANT: ARTHUR BAUMEtSTER HEARING DATE: July 18, 2002 2. 7'YPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: Southwest comer of Concord and Page 4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTiON: Lots 1 thru 5, Block 26, The West St. Paut Real Estate And Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2(PIN 09-28-22-32-0021 thru 0025) 5. 6. 7. 8. PLANNING DiSTRICT: 3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE_ §64.400 STAFF REPORT DATE: July 11, 2002 DATE RECEIVED: June 14, 2002 PRESENT ZONING: R-4, RC-4 BY: Yang Zhang DEADLINE FOR ACTION: August 13, 2002 � L� PURPOSE: Rezoning from R-4 One-Family Residential to RT-1 Two-Family Residentiai to build two duplex homes PARCEL SIZE: 16,508 square 4eet (irregulariy shaped parcel, 70 feet on Page, 176 feet on Concord, 123 feet deep), plus half of the alley C. EXISTING LAND USE: vacant D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Railroad tracks and industrial across Concord, zoned I-2 South: Vacant land and duplex zoned R-4 and commercial zoned OS-1 East: Railroad tracks and industrial across Concord, zoned I-2 West: Single-family homes and a duplex, zoned R-4 E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code states in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixiy-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORYlDISCUSSION: No history. Zoning File # 02-133-003 July 11, 2002 Page Z G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: No recommendation has been received at the time of the sYaff report. H. FINDINGS: The applicant, ARhur Baumeister, owns the property in question located at the southwest comer of Page and Concord. Mr. Baumeister has requested to rezone the property in order to construct two duplexes. The property is vacant and has never been developed. 2. The proposed rezoning to RT-1 is compatible with exisfing and proposed development for the site and surrounding area. The site is large enough for iwo duplexes. Surrounding land use includes single-family and duplex residential, commercial and industrial uses. 3. The rezoning is consistent with the provisions of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. Housing production is a high priority of the Comprehensive Plan. In the Housing Cf�apter, Section 52 promotes "designs that use the smaller development sites creatively.." The proposed rezoning would provide for reasonable development of this irregularly-shaped par�el, which would be more chailenging under the current R-4 zoning. The Comprehensive Plan also calls for higher density housing along neighbofiood bus corridors (Objective 6.8.1, Land Use Plan). The property is located along Concord, which is a bus route. 4. Since the rezoning is NOT from residential to commercial use, no petition of neighboring property owners is required. 5. The property is located within the River Corridor Urban Diversified District (RC-4), and is subject fo standards specffied in section 65.400 of the Zoning Code. Because the site is in a developed area with public sewer and water service, and is not located on a slope greater than 98 percent, these standards will be met by the proposed deveiopment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the rezoning of the southwest comer of Concord and Page (PIN 09-28-22-32-0021 thru 0025) from R-4 One- Family Residential to RT-1 Two-Family Residential to build two duplex homes. od-�i 8l PETIYION TO AMENO THE tONING CODE Dep¢rtment of Plonning and Economic Development Zoning Sectioa 1400 Crty Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Sheet Sairst Paul, MN SSI D2-1634 (65I) 266-6589 Property Zdning off File # : ` Fee: - Tentative tie Date: Address �!1 l'�/�ll�]. !j'(�?��'� - �(Jl� L�1'jQ APPLICANT City �� �1?L St. �!1 Zip �(p ( DaytimePhone Contact Person ('rf different) Phone Address / Location S�. �i.F(o , c�LEj{ (�KLg p� � yK r I�g;t.� t�g j P�� �-t— PROPERTY LOCATION �egat Description'�/�Pr. U/&�'iT 57' Qy.flL �� �-��� �„��k -��+.u.D�u4-4� ,4�Sp,��,c.m� 1.�,3,4L,�S, gc,� a� CurrentZoning � - `'� (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, �� �`�� }`��� �`��� owner of land proposed for rezonin hereb g, y petitions you to rezone the above described property fram a �"� zoning district to a /�— � zoning district, for the purpose of: 10 ,��ie�tl �Wa b�Pe.a}e d�vril�S o�tl - �bFg f}��v� (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Requlred Site Pian ❑ Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ /�� day of �J� �: �RUCE eA. WERNER NMasy Public Minnesota Canm�ssior Consent Petition ❑ Title: C��=.f Affidavit ❑ Fee Owner of I �!Q"��f Page 1 of _ Hu�.s�.ze0z 4�36PM 6EORGE W OLSEN CONST � A �,. � _�. M � �� a � ��� � o ♦ @� � � i�� ���1 s ��� �,��- � °�,� �� ��� q�.°�°��/ �. ! a�'4�Y� ��� .; . �� ��a�� �s• � ,•��'� � t,I O a G ���.�'� , �' — ri 0 � ° _�._�._ N0.051 P.3/3 � r /.r � . \ I �. ��. ,� u �� r � �/ � -- ,�— _ �a � W W � PZ ; r4— s a s �S � x=- - � J � i5v � / 6B� N s k � f � � � 4° � 1�1 �7i r7rra 1MW oo'cA o �^� o ,'I^> � I � I , � ..� ,_ " T ' •'� 3 � I . `� � i .: ___..-----J I-- ,,. . - :;; _—______ � � c�oZ•q8Z 0 0 � � m ca a � i� � ,C �S - 1� � n .� �.{�� \� u� O� Q d �N � � S S � � ��e ��� �� ' �� a ' � � €a: a^ � ���: � �%�: i F _�3.Y °_er tS �s'5a � �€,;e u aa'.-„'„ � 2 � u W N i E o' � i � $ e� �� F e� _ � ��� � ��� � ai = ��� � ��, s� i � aa3� �s i : ���x� �F � � y3�£ �' �:: .. in ��3 �€� S �� � �� ����� a���a� .._�..=m:� � a����� �� _�z • ,e..l:_!. a 3 t � �•E� 3 o �a=i g F 7@�� ,� e S sp�€ �.. � SI � a?:3 €-� u ?a� a $ & � � � � i / e / (� / L �V� o e, / ��a �` //� I �0 //{ G��� � �'�$:� I\�� L O?�P�" P / /f ,�: �,;a. J ' _ b — a — — / ! �` , r r � I / / . 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I O= S � 0 3 i i �/ /�\ \\ ��C� �� \ \ �i \ i \ \ �� i� � ... i \ \ � , � `. � �� // \\._. \\ ° \ \ ?: ��\ •- �� \\ i `i \\ � �i ° q \ / a � ;�`e ' , p .(, � \ \ \ � � � � n `�y `� �' � / � ��� \ ��`,��, \ �/ /� : � � b7 \�i i \ (7�� . xo �.r� �\ '�(y` /i / � \ 6 f � i � \ 'ti � \ \ �"�i �� �� ,': � � i �!�� ♦ � i � �� ' � � � } i� ♦ � w� •- � �I'y � Ji � ¢; l ,", 1 ? 1� i 1� I �j� ------------ - -- � I � f aa �� qj I `, L _� ; � � � � � � � � � �- ` — � � � � � 4'-� � I • • . � From: "Shirley Marken" <Shirley.Marken@co.washington.mn.us> To: <Rich.Malloy@ci.stpaui.mn.us> Date: 7/9/02 1:14PM Subject: File # 02-133-003 I am writing to you about the property 4ocatsd on Page St., SW comer at Page, that has a public hearing set for July 18, 2Q02, at 3:30 p.m. The applicant is Arthur Baumeister and the purpose of the hearing is to rezone from R-4 to RT-1. My husband, Alan, and i are against zoning this for duplexes. We live on Sidney Street which would be one block from Page and there are 2 duplexes that are nothing but trouble. 7here is a number of cars parked in front of the duplexes because there are no garages provided for vehicles. We want to keep out any more duplexes in the area. The landiords don't seem very interested in keeping the properties up to snuff and are unconcemed how the occupants trash the neighborhood. We don't know anything about this Arthur Baumeister. Is this something we would leam at the hearing on Thursday? If no one shows up to protest, does the proposal go through wfthout any further notice? 1 believe the City of St. - Paul has an obligation to info[m Qroperty owners suROUnding the area about who the applicant is, where � he comes from, does he maintain his property, how many properties he owns, what exactly he plans on doing with the lot(s), etc. We should also be notified more than a couple of weeks in advance. This notice was dated 7!5 and the hearing is 7l18. That is not enough time for us to get a petition going to protest the approval of the rezoning. Shirley and Afan Marken 471 E. Sidney St. St. Paul, MN 55107 651-227-6336 t ang hang - oning issue Page From; "Shirley Marken" <Shirley.Marken@co.washington.mn.us> To: <yang.zhang@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 7/24/02 4:09PM SubjecE: Zoning issue Yang, I e-mailed you a note on 7l77 and have not had any response. I am writing about the rezoning of property located on Concord and Page. The applicant is Art Baumeister. I had requested a continuance of the hearing which was held on 7/18, but was told by voice message from you that the oniy person with a legai right to ask for a continuance is the applicant. I am very disturbed that we as residents do not have a legai right to ask for a continuance. The rezoning affects us, not Art Baumeister..he never intends to live in our neighborhood. My husband and a few other neighbors attended the public hearing on the 18th and were very distraught that the rezoning was voted in favor of Baumeister in spite of all the concems with the rezoning. Apparently, 8aumeister did not have any blueprints that could be evaluated nor did he have fo explain anything. 1 would like the names of the council members who attended so I can write to them. We would like to appeal their decision to rezone this property. My husband broughf up a vaiid point about parking at which point he was told by one of the councii members that parking was not the issue!! Parking is a very major issue here. The building of two duplexes will house 4 families. Most people have 2 vehicles per family, that means 8 vehicles will be parked in and around our neighborhood. Baumeister said he was putting a garage with each unit, but my bet is that it wili only be one garage per unit so that leaves 4 vehicfes parked on the street. Perhaps the residents will not park in the garage but use it for storage. My husband also brought up a valid issue...a city council many years ago made the decision to zone that property single family and now the current city council is changing that decision. lt is not a fair decision for Yhe residenfs that live here. We are the ones that have to deal with "slum" landlords that don't take care of their property nor find good renters. Renters, for the most part, do not care about mowing the lawn or fixing windows, screens, etc. We already have so many people crammed into a four block area and now we're going to have to deal with 4 more families. IYs ridiculous!! I would request that you sent me the names of the council members who were present and how to write to them. I would also ask that you put me in touch with someone that we can talk to about making an appeal to this city councl's decision. Thank you for your time. � Sincerely, Shiriey Marken Home: 651-227-6336 Office: 651-430-6161 e-mail: shirley,marken@co.washington.mn.us I find it very interesting that the public hearing notice is on a small postcard, gray in color, with black print,..nothing that would catch anyone's eye. Granted, peopie should read their mail, but this certainly doesn't catch anyone`s interest at ali. A concem 1 have with this type of mailing is that it is not in Spanish. A majority of our neighbors are Mexican and speak littie or no English and most likely don't read English. � � ��ryR . .. �. . . . . . � ...P . � � ... .� r r. �� � :�~=, �s C , . s'. : az.. . s ' r.:; - • _ ._ ..� .f� � � . . .iw� <. 3ii: . . �. � . . _ . .. . p � � � , � �.. . � s.�✓. : Y 'fd Y : '� 1 ' . f � 1'. vel.'� . . ' .. . . 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