02-814?resented By Re:erzed To Cc� ttee: Date i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 � O }� I � � � Council File # Q � � �j�{ K A � Ordinance # Green Sheet # � i3�' .� ORD(NANCE C�� SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3a � _� (c) Authorized material-existing street service connections. If an existing street service connection extends to a property on which a new building is proposed, application for use of the street service connection to serve said building shall not be accepted if the existing street service connection is constructed of lead, cast iron or galvanized iron, °°�°�` ^°- �•��a°�' �� °°��:�~ °'' n' ��' A new application for water service must be made and paid for by the owner. (fl Lead str-eet service replacements. A lead street service connection to an existing buildine will be replaced by the water utility with copper pipe at no cost to the property owner whenever the property owner installs new water piping from the property line to the water meter. ¢�11��1 (�i 1 � °02 An ordinance to amend Chapters 87 and 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the rules and regula6ons of Saint Paul Regional Water Services as recommended by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That the following Section 87.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 87.03. Installarion, maintenance and euarantee. -1- QRIGIi�vf�L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Section 2 o�_�r`� That the following Section 9114 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 91.14. Unpaid service charges. The property owner is responsible for all charges for water service and sewer service aaainst the property. If the owner desires to have bills sent to a tenant, the water utility will do so. This does not, however, relieve the property owner of the responsibility for payment of the chazges. All chazges for water and sewer service are a continuing lien against the properiy until they are paid. The utilitv may annuallvi certi delinguent water and sewer F�ga�-charges ���'���'� °-° a°'���^°�* r e..« ..,w�_ :,, c � . o..,. ., �.e ,.�� �tto the county auditor to be m � � ., ,'---- =�=� -- collected with the real estate taxes for the property on the date specified b.y the countv taxinQ authoritv. Chazges so collected shall be remitted to the city treasurer in the same manner as assessments for locai amprovements. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. -2- vRn � r vr DEPARI"MENT/OFF7CF/CO[7NCII.: DATE INITIATED 113880 b�. ��� ` St Paui Regional Water Services August 21, 2002 GREEN SHEET No.: CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: atelinunA'1'E u�iTinunaTE Bemie R Bullert 266-6274 ] DEPARTMENT DIIt �Kg � 'Z � a crrr covivca, ASSIGN 2 QTYAITORNEY CITYCLEI2K MU5f BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) � �*�*�7pL y'ERV DIIt _, FINANCIAL SERV/ACCI'G FOR 3 MsyodAuictant ROUfING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA7'URE PAGFS 1 (CIdP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC170N REQUESTED: City Council approval of an Ordinance amending Chapters 87 and 91 of the Saint Paul Legislafive Code Pertaining to lead water service replacements and unpaid service charges. r�ttachments: 1) Ordinance 2) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4847 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECOIVTRACI'SM[SSTANSVYERTAEFOLLOWIlVGQUESTIONS: 1. flas this persou/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNINGCOMM1IISSION yes No CIB COMNIIITEE 2. Has t6is person/6rm ever been a city employee? CNII,SERVICECOMMISSION yes No A Board of Water Commissioners 3. Does t6is person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explaiu alI yes answers on separate sheet and atfach to green shee[ INITTA'17NG PROBLFdd, ISSUE, OPI'ORTONITY (Who, What, V✓hen, RJ6ere, Why): Chapter 87: Developers of residenfial property are receiving copper water services free of charge if the existing service to a previously demolished building is lead. Chapter 91: Shut-off of water service due to non-payment during the winter months is labor intensive. One alternarive is the certification of delinquent account balances to the owners' property taxes, but the September l assessment date currently specified leaves a 2 month gap to the November 15� date used by Ramsey County. ADVANTAGE9IFAPPROVED: Chapter 87: All developers of vacant residential property will be charged equally for new water connections. �^- Chapter 91: Changing the assessment date to match Ramsey County's will ensure that deliquent balances are certified iater in the fall, resulting in fewer terminations of service during the winter m ��zg��C�? �;��'g'�r DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��� � � �� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Chapter 87: Developers of vacant parcels where a lead water service once served a now-demolished building would continue to receive fre� copper water services. Chapter 91: Cost savings due to fewer water service shnt-offs dnring the winter months will not be realized. RECEIUED TOTALAMOL7NTOFIRANSACTION: COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: AUG � 2�ZOO2 FIJNDING SOURCE: ACTI�'ITY N[JNIBER: Finandal Information (cxplain) MAYOR'S OFFICE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS oa- 8�t y RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM N, 4847 COMMl Blakey pA � August 13, 2002 WI�REAS, Board of Water Commissioners (`Boazd") staff recommends that Sections 87.03 and 91.14 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code (° Code") be amended to provide certain changes related to the replacement of lead street services connections and to unpaid service charges; and WIIEREAS, Board staff has prepazed a City of Saint Paul Ordinance ("Ordinance") which amends the Code to provide for these changes, copy of the Ordinance being attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WIIEREAS, the Ordinance has been reviewed and recommended for approval by Saint Paul Regional Water Services General Manager, and the form has been approved as to form by the assistant city attorney; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Boazd of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the attached Ordinance amending Chapters 87 and 91 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby request the Honarable Council of the City of Saint Paul to approve and adopt said Ordinance. Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Blakey Harris President Reiter DTaqs Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners August 13, �c 2002 In favor!+ � Oppose� � ��`�1-�-+ti� SECY.