02-710Council File # �'3, � 1\O 0 R I G! N A L Ordinance # Green Sheet # �O (� g 2 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 33 Presented By Referred To Committee Date : An ordinance amending Chapter 246 0£ the Saint Paul Legislative Code to allow the sale and consumption of strong beer on a street which has been blocked off for a block party, festival or community event in the downtown business district, and to correct a typographical error. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 246.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 246.03. Not applicable on licensed premises. (a) This chapter shall not apply to or prohibit the sale, possession or consumption of such liquors or beverages on the premises of any establishment properly licensed under Chapter 409 or Chapter 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (b) Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 246.01, the sale and service of alcoholic beverages within a sidewalk cafe by a food establishment located in a commercial development district created pursuant to section 17.07.1 of the City Charter or located in the downtown business district, which is licensed as a restaurant under Chapter 331 of the Legislative Code and which is in compliance with the provisions of section 106.01 of the Legislative Code, is permitted. (c) The prohibitions of section 246.01 shall not apply to or prohibit the possession or consumption of nonintoxicating malt liquor, strong beer or wine purchased and consumed durinq a block party, festival or community event which has been duly licensed under Chapter 3-�� 366 of the Legislative Code, when such possession or consumption occurs on a street which has been blocked off for the block party, festival or community event in the downtown business district and the P�L�HtTi nonintoxicating malt liquor, strona beer or wine is "." _ . 1 i r � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ���� ��}�` �ased from a duly licensed vendor. r�L O'� -1 \O (d) Notwithstanding the prohibitions of section 246.01, the director of the division of parks and recreation may authorize the sale or service of alcoholic beverages on property under its jurisdiction by either a person who is the holder of a state catering permit and who has complied with the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 409.01 or by the holder of a temporary wine and liquor license issued pursuant to § 409.25 or temporary 3.2 beer license issued pursuant to § 410.10, except that in no event can the prohibitions contained in section 246.05 be waived. Such sale or service must be in connection with an event of limited duration which has been approved by the director of parks and recreation and is subject to all other requirements and restrictions contained in Minn. Stat. Chapter 340A and Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapters 409 and 410. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorne�� By / .rN..(/l *---oved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Apps By: ���fK� 1 b '02 Adopted by Council: Date ��Q p� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary as_'1�o DEPARTMQJilOFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED - _ - 'c4zycovrrcu. r,� GREEN SHEET No 106187 CONiACT PERSON & PFiOPlE �nnuo�b b�l�l�l� Councilmember Kathy Lanhy 6-8670 , � . . oo�ut�ro�o. orccana MUflIBELlNCOUNCILAGENWBY(OAT� �� X/ //t1L � + ❑ tlIYAiTOlEY ❑ CRYttEWC IAR�B9t �OR RqR91G - �� . ❑ Ii1F/C1�1.iiRWCOGR ❑ I�U11GLaFRVI1CCT0 ❑ M`AR(OItAfOt�Al11) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP /lLL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7ED Approval of Resolution amending Chapter 246 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code adding strong beer to what can be purchased and consumed at a block party, fesrival or communiTy event and correcting a typograplucal error. RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) or ReJeM () VfRSOW1LSERViCE CONiRACfS MUSTANSWERTNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONS: ' t. Hesthicpe�soMimavarwakedundxaaanlmctforthi¢depa�knent7 PL4NNINGCOMMISSION vES NO CIB CAMMfITEE 2. Hes tl�s pereoMum a�er heen a dry empbyee9 . CMLSERVICECOMMISSION �,� � . ' YES NO . � 3. Dcec thie PenaMrtn P� a ela'q rwt rarmalNP� bY anY artent cilY emDbyeei YES I�W 4. IS f1Y� peraomfirm fltefyl48tl ventloYt- — . . . - YES NO, .. �' - _ F�lain aN Y� eireweB On seParate sheet aM aMech to Oreen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where. Why) - r �,.f ^ �� M Cg l� ���in 54 . _ ��� 3 � 2002 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED '�`- DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DIS4DVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED - TO7AL ANOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/ItEVENUE BU0f3ETm (�CLE ONq YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITV NUMBER FINANCIFL INFORMATION (IXPWI� •