02-550OR(Gli'. Council File # ��.� J�SD Ordinance # Green Sheet # ��O ��y Presented By ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Referred To � Committee: Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WI�REAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, LORAINE MIKE duly petitioned to rezone 955 Western Avenue and 388 Front Avenue, being legally described as Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 2, Robert A. Smith's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots, PINs 25-29-23-31-0001 & 25-29-23-31-0002 from RT-1 to B-3 or I-i to allow expansion of a legal nonconforming auto body shop, the petifions having been certified by the Planning Division on Febniary 22, 2002, and April 10, 2002, as having been consented to by at least 67 percent of the owners of the area to be rezoned, and further hauing been consented to by at least two-tlurds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WIIEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 18, 2002, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petitions, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Comnussion that the petition to rezone to B-3 be granted; and WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petitions at its meeting held on Apri126, 2QQ2, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition to rezone to B-3; and WIIEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on May 2, 2002, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet or the property sought to be rezoned; and WIIEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on May 22, 2002 at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petitions; and 28 29 WHEREAS, the petitioner agrees to withdraw the petition for rezoning to I-1 upon approval of the petition 30 for rezoning to B-3; now, therefore 31 32 33 34 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITX OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 35 36 That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 12, as incorporated by reference in §60301 of 37 the Saint Paul Legisiative Code, as amended, is hereby fi.uther amended as follows: 38 �;: F ;�t� ,Jl� 29 '02 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 That the property at 955 Western Avenue and 388 Front Avenue, being more particulariy described as: �a � Sap Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 2, Robert A. Smith's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots, PINs 25-29-23-31-0001 & 25-29-23-31-0002 be and is hereby rezoned from RT-1 to B-3. Secrion 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �1C\���€'�.�L Yeas Navs s�] ent 1 Requested by Department of: � BER3IidY Bostrom Coleman Harris Adopted by Council: Date Adoption By: Approved by By: ii d �a�� Plannin & Ec omic Develo ment \ BY: ' - �- _-� Approved by Financial Se ices By: Form Approve By: p oved by � BY. V PUB�ISi4ElT � 29 '02 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCQ,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: I IOLS4 PED-East Team OS/24/02 O�— S-� CONTACC PERSON & PHONE: u�l77nunw7'E ` \�h+�V'� mtTtai✓nAie Patricia James x 66639 � I pEP,�xTt,¢nrr D�x. ,.� a p�'t 4 CITY COUNCIL MUSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN 2 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK June 12 , ZOOZ Fp� 3 MAYOR ORASS D� _CIVR. ERVICECOMbII SION ROi)'I'ING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (A) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MI7ST ANSWER'PHE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: _A_ PLANNING COMNIISSION 1. Has fl�ls person/fum ever worked under a contract for this deparlmenY? CIB COIvIMITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this petsou/fum ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fvm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cumnt city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers ou separate sheet and attach to green sheet INII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[JNI71 (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Petition to rezone submitted by Loraine Mike. Planning Commission recommends approval; City Council voted to approve after public hearing on May 22, 2002 ��M"��� �.��-������ ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: @ � � �, �� p �{�; (� � �p � �ko� qi�3k V �r PJNS� Implements Cdty Council decision � s' "'a" '°�� �9��t .� ? Y �:�i�r ?� DISADVANI'AGESIFAPPROVED: NOIIe DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: City Council decision will not be implemented TOTAL AMOiJN1' OF 7'RANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: � FUNDINGSOURCE: ACTIVITYNL7MBER: ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) K�Shared�PedVAMESNdmin poliaes & Balerylazss�Semple Folms�gtt�M1cet fmm.wptl DEPAA"1'MENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Torry Schertier, Itttenm D�recfor CTTY OF SATNT PAUL Randy C. KeZ1y, Mayor Apri126,2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: 2J West Fourth Slreet Saint Paul, 7vIN 55l02 Oa - sso S�1 Telephone: 637-266-6626 F¢csimile. 651-228-3341 I would like to confurn that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday May 22, 2002, for the following zoning case: Applicant: File Number: Purpose: Address: Legal Description ofProperty: Previous Action: • : • 1►I ul #02-101-968 Rezoning from RT-1 (2-family residential) to B-3 (general business) or I-1 (industrial) to expand a legal nonconforming auto body shop 388 Front Street and 955 Western Avenue (SW comer Front and Western) Lots 34 and 35, Block 2 Robert A. Smith's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots Planning Commission Recommendation: Approval, Apri126, 2002 Zoning Committee Recommendation; Approval, April 18, 2002 I have confirmed this date with Councilmember Reiter's office. My understanding is that you will publish any required notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6639 if you have any questions. Sinc y, � ' . Patricia James City Planner cc: File#02-101-968 Cazol Martineau Paul Dubruiel Councilmember James Reiter • tmsre�nv • - T10TICE OF PUBLIC tiEARING - The St. Paul City Councff will_conduct a publia hearing on Wednesday, May 22, 2002, at 5:30 p.m, in the City Council CHambers, Third Floor, City Aall - Conrthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boutevard; Saint Pau1, MN, to consider the application of Loraixie Mike to rezone properry from RT-1 (ltvo-Family Residential) to B-3 {General Business) or I-1 (Industrial) to eapand a.legal noncdnforming auto body � shop at 38S F7ont Sfreet and 955 Western Avenue (southwest comer at FYonf Street and Western AvenueJ. Dated: Apri] 3Q 2002 NANCYANDERuON � AssiStant Ciry COUncil Secr¢tary (�aY 2) '_ 51: PAUL LEGAL LEDGER =s==—= 02057345 AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Torry Scheriler, Interim Director �r, ��� c O v c�cr CTTY OF SAII�IT PAUL RandyC Ke([y, Mayor �I May 3, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Zoning File # 02-101-968 City Council Hearing: 25WestFourthStreet Zelephone:651-266-6626 SamtPaul,�»IO2 Facsimile:651-228-3341 LORAINE MIKE May 22, 2002, at 530 p.m. in City Council Chambers PLJRPOSE: Rezone properiy frora RT-1, 2-Family Residential to B-3 General Business or I-1 Industrial to expand a legal nonconforming auto body shop PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATiON: Approve B-3, Deny I-1 vote: unanimous ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Approve B-3, Deny I-1 vote: 8-0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve B-3, Deny I-1 SUPPORT: District 6 Community Council supports the rezoning to B-3 and opposes the rezoning to I-1 OPPOSITION: No one spoke in opposition Deaz Ms. Anderson: Loraine Mike submitted a petition to rezone property at 388 Front and 955 Western streets from RT-1, 2- Family Residential to B3 General Business ot to I-1 Industrial to expand a legai nonconforming auto body shop. A consent petition with a su�cient number of signahues was also submitted: 16 pazcels eligible, 1 I pazcels required, 12 pazcels signed. The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission conducted a public heazing on the petition on April 8, 2002. Staff presented a report recommending approval of the rezoning to B-3 and denial of the rezoning to I-1. The applicant was present to answer questions. No persons spoke in support. No persons spoke in opposition. At the close of the public heazing the committee voted 8-0 to recommend approval of the rezoning petition to B-3 and denial of the rezoning to [-1. The Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation on a m�animous vote on April 18, 2002. This petition is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on May 22, 2002. Please call me at 266-6639 if there aze any questions. Sinc ly, �-� 4'� Patricia James CiTy Planner Attachmenu � cc: File #02-101-968 City Councilmembers AA-ADA-EEO Employa r� U ❑ � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number oZ-3o date Apri1 26 Zoo2 oa-ss° WHEREAS, LORAINE MIKE, File #02-101-968, has petitioned for a rezoning under the provisions of §64.400 of the Legisiative Code, for the purpose of rezoning property located at 955 Western Avenue and 388 Front Street, Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 25-29-23-31- 0001 & 25-29-23-31-0002 legally described as Lots 34 & 35, Blk. 2, RoBert A. Smith's Rearrangement of tots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots from RT-1 Two Family Residential to I-1 Industriai or B-3 General Business to expand a legal nonconforming auto body shop; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on April 18, 2002, heid a public hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said petition in accordance w+th the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pianning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: The petitioner states that his family has operated the auto body business at this location for 40 years. He states that this is a one-person business, that he is not growing the business, but that he needs to add on to the buiiding to house a large piece of equipment. 2. The business is legally nonconforming in the RT-1 zoning district. In order to become conforming and construct an addition to the building, both the existing structure and lot and the vacant lot to the south must be rezoned to i-1, the zoning district where auto body shops are first permitted. The zoning code also permits existing auto body shops in B-3 zoning districts to expand. Rezoning the property to B-3 would thus permit the building addition, even though the use would remain legally nonconforming. 3. The development around this site is a mixture of residenfial and industrial. Under the pre-1975 zoning code, residentiai uses were permitted in the Commercial district. In 1975 the City acknowledged the residential character of this corner by changing the zoning along Westem to RT-1 and the zoning o� Front behind the site to RM-2. While moved by F�e�d seconded by in favor Unan�mous against Zoning File # 02-101-968 Planning Commission Resolution Page 2 this site is immediately surrounded by residentiai uses, just to the south and across the ailey is an extensive I-1 district. The existing use is currentiy buffered from neigfiboring resPdentiai uses by an alley and by the vacant lot to the south. Because of the small size of the operation, it is relatively compatible with uses in the area. - . 4. The Land Use Plan for Saint Paul shows this as a study area. The Great Northem Corridor plan, a summary of which was adopted by The CiYy Councii in 2000, shows this site on the edge of a potenfiai new mixed use area. This study has not yet begun, and is not on tfie 2002 Planning work program. 5. The site is currentiy zoned RT-1, Two-Family Residerttial. Each lot is substandard in size, 38 ft. x 110 ft(4180 sq. ft.}. The minimum lot size for a singie family home is 40 ft. in width and 5,000 sq. ft. in area). Together, the lots are larger than fhe minimum required for a two-family structure: 50 ft. and 6,000 sq. ft. The current zoning allows for reasonable use of the land; however the exisfing building is not suitable for conversion to residential use. 6. The proposed zoning to 1-1 would make the existing business a conforming use. However, the lots are not large enough to accommodate the 30 ft. x 40 ft. buiiding addition proposed and meet the setbacks required when an I-1 District abuis a side or rear lot line or is across the street from a residential district. These setbacks are 1 1/2 times the height of the building. While the exact height of the buiiding is not known, the plan submitted states that the buiiding will be 13 ft. 4 in. from floor to joist bearing on the east wa((. Using tfiis as an approximate building height, a 20 ft. sefback from the rear and side lot lines would be required. The rear setback couid be accommodated, but the 6uilding addition wouid leave only 8 ft. between the building wail and the south property line. If the rezoning to I-1 is approved, a variance Nrould be needed to constnactthe _ addition. if the property were rezoned to B-3, the use would remain legally nonconforming but the owner could expand the building. Minimum side and rear yards of six feet are required when the use adjoins the side yard of a residential district. The proposed addition wouid permit an 8 ft. side yard and so could meet the requirements of the B-3 district. 7. Ofher uses that would be permitted in the I-1 district if the body shop closes inciude B-3 uses, research uses, manufacfuring uses, laboratories, taxi companies, recyciing coilection center, and micro brewery. If the property is rezoned B-3, the other B-3 uses would be permitted if fhe body shop closes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sain# Paul Pianning Commission recommends to the Ci1y_ Councii that fhe petition of LORAINE MIKE to rezone property af 955 Western Avenue and 388 Front Street, Parcei ldenti5cafion Numbe�s (PIN) 25-29-23-31-0001 & 25-29-23-31-0002, legal{y described as Lois 34 & 35, Bik 2 Rol�ert A. Smiih's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots from RT-1 Two Family Residential to i-1 be denied and thaf the petition to rezone from RT-1 to B-3 be approved. . MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, April 18, 2002 - 3:30 p.m. � City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard --� PRESENT: Anfang, Alton, Faricy, Field, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton EXCUSED: OTHERS: Peter Warner PRESENT: Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, Patricia James The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field. O�.-SS Loraine Mike - 02-101-968 - Rezone from RT-1 (Two-Family Residential) to B-3 (Business) or I-1 (Industrial). 955 Western Ave. N./388 Front, SW corner Front & Western Patricia James presented the staff report. Ms. James stated the Zoning Staff recommends Denial of RT-1 to I-1 and approval of RT-1 to B-3. Mr. Tom Mike, the applicant, appeared and stated they have owned the busi�ess for over 40 years and are in good standing with the neighbors. No one spoke in support or opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Faricy moved to approved ihe rezoning from RT-1 to B-3. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 8-0. Adopted Yeas - 8 Drafted by: �.i/lJw/" i�/GLlA,e�� Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - � . -.. � • �J /ii<�_ i �� �. ,, �I/b; � / �-� _ �.'� .�� . - . Litton Chair • ZONING COMMfl'TEE STAFF REPORT oa..- S So • FILE # 02-101-968 1. APPLICANT: LORAINE MIKE HEARING DATE: 04/18/02 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 388 Front Street and 955 Westem Avenue (SW corner Front and Westem) 4. PIN 8� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 25-29-23-3�-0001 & 25-29-23-31-0002 , Lots 34 8� 35, BIk 2 Robert A. Smith's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 6 PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: §60.561 §60.610 §64.400; §62.102(�(15) 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: 04/10/02 BY: Patricia James 8. DATE RECEIVED: 02/22/02; 04/01/02 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 05/31/02 A. PURPOSE: Rezone property at 388 Front Ave. and 955 Western Ave. from RT-1 Two Family Residential to I-1 Industrial or B-3 Genera Business to expand legal nonconformi�g auto body shop B. PARCEI SIZE: 76 ft. (Western) x 110 ft. (Front) = 836� sq. ft. C. EXISTING LAND USE: 388 Front is occupied by a one-story block building used as St. Paul Auto Body; 955 Westem is vacant. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: mixed density residential (RM-2; RT-1) East: low density residential (RT-1) South: Low density residential, industrial (E2T-1; f-1) West: Multi-family residential, industrial (RM-2; I-1) E. ZONING CODE CITATION: §60.561 and following describes the intent of the B-3 District and the uses permitted there; §60.61� and following describes the intent of the t-1 Indust�al District and the uses permitted there; §64.400 regulates changes and amendments to the zoning code; §62.102(�(15) permits legally nonconforming auto body shops in 63 to expand even though auto body shops are not permitted in the B-3 district. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: Prior to 1975 the lots on both Westem and Front were zoned Commercial. In 1954 a zoning permit was approved for an additional underground gas tank for a filling station on this site. The staff report for that case (Z.F.# 2991) states that the site was a ftlling station si�ce 1925. � G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: The District 6 Planning Council supports the rezoning to B-3 and opposes rezoning the property to I-1. � u File # 02-101-968 March 27, 2002 Page: 2 H. FINDINGS: Oa.-�S� 1. The petitioner states that his family has operated the auto body business at this location for 40 years. He states that this is a one-person business, that he is not growing the business, but that he needs to add on to ihe buifding to house a large piece of equipment. 2. The business is legally nonconforming in the RT-1 zoning district. In order to become confosming and construct an addition to the building, both the existing structure and lot and the vacant lot to the south must be rezoned to i-1, the zoning district where auto body shops are first permitted. The zoning code also permits existing auto body shops in B-3 zoning districts to expand. Rezoning the property to B-3 would thus permit the building addition, even though the use would remain legally nonconforming. 3. The development around this site is a mixture of residential and industrial. Under the pre-1975 zoning code, residential uses were permitted in the Commercial district. In 1975 the City acknowledged the residentiai character of this corner by changing the zoning along Western to RT-1 and the zoning on Front behind the site to RM-2. While this site is immediately surrounded by residential uses, just to the south and across the alley is an extensive I-1 district. The existing use is currently buffered from neighboring residential uses by an alley and by the vacant lot to the south. Because of the small size of the operation, it is re{ativefy compatible with uses in the area. 4. The Land Use Plan for Saint Paul shows this as a study area. The Great Northem Corridor plan, a summary of which was adopted by the City Council in 2000, shows this site on the edge of a potential new mixed use area. This study has not yet begun, and is not on the 2002 Planning work program. 5. The site is currently zoned RT-1, TwaFamily Residential. Each lot is subs#andard in size, 38 ft. x 110 ft(4180 sq. ft.). The minimum lot size for a singte family home is 40 ft. in width and 5,000 sq. ft. in area). Together, the lots are larger than the minimum required for a two-family structure: 50 ft. and 6,000 sq. ft. The current zoning allows for reasonable use of the land; however the existing building is not suitable for conversion to residential use. � 6. The proposed zoning to I-1 would make the existing business a conforming use. However, the lots are not large enough to accommodate the 30 ft. x 40 ft. building addition proposed and meet the setbacks required when an I-1 District abuts a side or rear lot line or is across the street from a residerttial district. These setbacks are 1 1/2 times the height of the building. Wfiils the exact heigfit of the buiiding is not known, the plan submitted states that the building will be 13 ft. 4 in. from floor to joist bearing on the east wa8. Using this as an approximate builtling height, a 20 ft. setback #rom the rear and side lot tines wou3d be required. The rear setback couid be accommodated, but the building addition would leave only 8 ft. tretween the building wall and ifie south property line. If the rezoning to 1-1 is approved, a variance would be needed to cons#ruct the addition. ifi the property were rezoned to B-3, the use woufd remain tegafiy nonconforming but the File # 02-101-968 � March 27, 2002 � Page: 3 owner could expand the building. Minimum side and rear yards of six feet are required when the use adjoins the side yard of a residentiai disfrict. The proposed addition woufd permit an 8 ft. side yard and so cou{d meet the requirements of the B-3 district. 7. Other uses that would be permitted in the I-1 district if the body shop closes include B-3 uses, research uses, manufacturing uses, laboratories, taxi companies, recyciing collection center, and micro brewery. If the property is rezoned B-3, the other B-3 uses would be permitted if the body shop cioses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends that the petition to rezone from RT-1 to I-1 be denied and that the petition to rezone from RT-1 to B- 3 be approved. u �� oa- SSo PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Department of Planning and Economic Deveiopment Zoning Section I400 City Halt Annex 25 West Fourth Sfreet Saint Paul, MN SSZ02-I634 (651) 266-6589 Property APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION City � St. ,�1j�Zip .7.5 ( � Daytime Contact Person (if different) �ihrv���M � �.-� Address / Location Legat Description ' Current Zoning �.�� (attach additional sheet if necessary) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, {}�f,G►.�1.:� `1'I .�rL!/�`� , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petttions you to the above described property from a Q�-` zoning district to a T_' � zoning district, for the purpose of: a _/� -o?� (attach additional sheet(s) 'rf ttecessary� Attachments: Required Site Plan Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��. Q day of ��s.,.w _ _?�_�, � ���� "�'���� R��� �s.�_��.�s �. � >.-ti ,�°"°�' Consent Petition q� c�� ���� � �� Affidavit � I. �A.�[1 U �. ;� , -- • - - L� . dI �1 Page 1 of _ oy _sso PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparlment of Planning axd Economic Dwelopment Zoxing Section I400 Ciiy Hall Annex 25 West Fou�th Sfreet -" SaintPau�MN55I01-I634 (651) 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Subscribed Property Owner LC�Z-¢4 i t��ii �i. �"�i lC� Address_ S� S t M��-� S�: City�-i�R)1�1-�PTS St. ) Zip 5's7� Daytime Phone Co�l�7- 8�/! Contact Person (if Address f Location �`� 5 �c-�t��2t�1 /.�c�� � 3�Si fi�p �� Legal Description 55�_�LL� (attach additional sheet if necessary) Zoning 12T- � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Pursuant to Sect 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statues, ��� �� �-( -��� , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a tZ-T ( zoning district to a �'-� zoning district, for the purpose of: (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Plan ❑ Consent Petition L�' Affidavit 0� and swom to before me this �O� day of �ao�9 . zoo� GEORGIA F. S►��' NOtARYP1Rl.lC• � �XpIRES�3A�N 3�•� Fee Owner of Property - r: � . IL 11 Page 1 of � � _, . � •.,,G>-t,:;:� .� 4�,,�. _' ` .. s . =E,'--�.' �� ;�� - ;� a _5- : :.. .;` ."� ,. � , , ;:'��_r� � -�°-�--,�•�.::��,;;,;..',;.,_�.�.;;�:�� . 0 �� SS d � � c � .� m dA c . 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DAT� �� � v � zo�v��� ��L� �� . �_ - - . � , oa-ss� s zoNZN� z�rTZTZOnT surrzcz�cNC�T cz�cc�: s�z�c�� �ZONING SCUP � NCUP � �J FIRST SUBMITTED DATE PETITION SUBMITTED: �'�I �Z DATE PETITION RESUBMITTED: DATE OFFiCIALLY RECEIVED: U�{�IU�C7Z DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE; ` 1`� r PP.RCELS REQLSIR£D: � e � PARCELS SIGNED: � PARCELS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS REQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: �-, CHECIiED BY: __����-� DATE: �'� /G ' �L.. . �ONII�G F�L� ��� � • �- - - - rHk-er-ee�c io•�� � ���� � Request for Continuance Date �� a-� " ` Z—._ Litton Ficld, Chair Zoning Commiccee City of Sai� Paul 1100 Ciry Hall Annex Sainc Paul, Mi�uusota SS1Q2 Re: Zoning File ;� na_ipl_9� . Lo ane 1!'Iike pear Mr. Field: I am che applicanc or the applicant's duly appoinred representativc in the ZoainB F11e above stat�. I reque9t a continnance of the public hearing on the agpllcecioa in thie Zoning Pile which is pcesently sct�edduted before t2+e Zoning Canmiuea on Aprt14, 2002. t understand that a continuance of tAe public hearinY before ihe Zoning Committee means tt�at � the final decision of the Plazuung Comm�saion on this application, which is ptesently 9�haiuted on April 12, 2002, will also be continued• t understand thac the Zoning Committee will zesd�ednle tha P"biic hearing as soon as possisble upoa �ecieving a sacond petltion for rczoaing tlu ptopertY at 953 Westetn and 388 Front from RT-1 to B-3 and that she Planning Commi�ion wilt make a declsion on my aQplicarion at the followin� re�ularly scheduled Planning Couunissioa meecing. I am aware of and underscand che stawtocy requiremenu found in Minn. Stat. § 15.99 (1995) requiring the Ciry af Saiat Paui m approve or deny this xpp<«auon wi@rin aixty days of its submission. I desiro to waiYC tht stacucory requirament for a deciaion oa the application witdin the sizry day period. Sinc�selY� �/ si�namre , a ►icAnc Applicant's u appoirned rep[zseutative. � � � �,� pTinted name of Applicant or Applicant's duty appointed npresenucive. � TQTPL P.02 �b� a� 6 '�t L� oz �; LI District 6 Planning Council ° '�" ss° �„� �� .� ,� _ _ -�-.�-�°u ��� � � � � ` �� �� �� ���x��� 1061 Rice St. St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone 651 488-4485 Fax 651 488-0343 March 28, 2002 Ms. Yang Zhang City of St. Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Zhang, The District 6 Planning Council received a request from Loraine Mike (Tom Mike) - St. Paul Auto Body, 388 Front Ave. to rezone the properties located at 955 Western / 388 Front Ave. from RT-1 (two family residential) to 11 (industrial) which would allow for the expansion of his business. � At the public meeting Mr. Mike stated that the city had contacted him and asked him to circulate another petition that wouid allow him to change to a B-3 zone rather than an I-1 zone. On Wednesday March 27, 2002 the Land Use Task Force of the District 6 Planning Council approved the rezoning of the property to B-3, but denied the request to rezone to an I-1 status. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 651-488-4485. Sinc�rely, f �� Kathy C le Executive Director i aa-SSo � \ J � �flgqase 1 Site - Front Street Fi e� AlIey and property west of sste oa�s..s� � � � �ggaare 5 Westem frontage of site to be rezoned Fig�are 4 Properties soutti of site � y �a � �� �; �, �,� - �.,, .<r ,�. fi �. �"� � � � �� � �� 'k 3�^ �;.�s i� F�� F y r, �S?� 1 3.. t.�r� �-F �.��4 d.w � " r - ��' . y „ � ,." &���-�.. � _: , . . �.-+� ma^£ . . :s.. i .' �.,- _ � _ �� , � � i � , � s ;a � .,_„,..,. . , .. �m .�s -� .o ._ �. .. . 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