02-42Council File # QoZ '- �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �d �YJ Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date 1 111*� 2 An ordinance amending t�terim ordinance adopted in 3 Council File No. 00-ii�establishing a maratorium on the 4 issuance of building and zoning permits necessary to establish 5 or otherwise enlarge methadone outpatient treatrnent services 6 pending completion of a study and any possible amendments 7 to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zaning Ordinance deemed 8 necessary to give effect to the study. 9 10 This Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: . 11 12 Section 1 13 14 That C.F. No. 00-1117, Section 2, be amended to read: 15 16 Moratorium imposed: Pending completion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study 17 recommendaUons, and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code 18 based upon the study or studies as provided under Minn. Stat. § 462.355, Subd. (4), the issuance of any 19 building and zoning permits necessary to establish, or otherwise enlarge, a methadone outpatient 20 treatment service, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed E�veYae ei teen (�18 ) months 21 from the effective date ofthis ordinance. 22 23 yeas Nays Absent Reguested by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnomiC DeveloDment Byc ! Approved by Financial Services By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by By: ad by Mayor for Submission to Council B�� 33SZ" AJ Form Approved by City Attorney g�, � �/�✓Q�'"'_� `�i - �. QF�� Adopted by Council: Date �.90 . �. a-na y_ oa�ya-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: Ic'1ill11llg c�.'�COT10TII1C DCVEIO]7Ill2IIt ATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.� 110356 1-OZ-�2 � ACT PERSOr & Malloy 266-6647 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMEN7 D 3 CITY COUNCIL ER FOR 2 C�TY ATrORNEY (—$ � a( _ CITY CLERK ��G FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _, FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG R 4 MP.YOR(ORASST.) _CIV[LSERV[CECOMMISSION IiRA Cf3AIRPERSON PED ACCOUNTING bIUST BE ON COUNCIL AGE\DA BY (DATE) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATWNS FOR SIG\ATliRE) aEQVESTED: Adopt ordinance for extending moratorium for methadone clinic licensing. (A) or Reject PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEG CIV IL SERV iCE COMMISS70N iRSONAL SERVICE COVTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLUw1nG �LU�� ua Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No Has Ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally posseseed by any current ary employee? Yes No xpla�n all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sUect N!A �ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNLTY (Who, Whay �Vhen� Where, Why): City Council initiated a moratorium on building and zoning permits for Methadone Clinics on January 1 :001. PED is requesting a six month extension to complete the study necessary to recommend zoning co� to accommodate such a use. �.DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will likely result in more compatible land use for siting of Methadone Clinics. SADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: No obvious disadvantage QSADVANTAGES IF �OT APPAOVED A Methdone Clinic could be established in a neighborhood zoning district or other district where it ncomnatible land use. SOURCE: INFORD7.°.TION: (EXPLAIN) KVSharcd�BAYEftS\Grnaal [nfo\grnvhi Gm pCfIVITY YUMBER: C �t'�^s� �SDRS]c`��%� �.r8�t� �� Council File # QoZ '- �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # � �d �YJ Presented By Referred To ORDINANCE OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date 1 111*� 2 An ordinance amending t�terim ordinance adopted in 3 Council File No. 00-ii�establishing a maratorium on the 4 issuance of building and zoning permits necessary to establish 5 or otherwise enlarge methadone outpatient treatrnent services 6 pending completion of a study and any possible amendments 7 to the City's Comprehensive Plan or Zaning Ordinance deemed 8 necessary to give effect to the study. 9 10 This Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: . 11 12 Section 1 13 14 That C.F. No. 00-1117, Section 2, be amended to read: 15 16 Moratorium imposed: Pending completion of the said study and any other necessary studies or study 17 recommendaUons, and the adoption of any amendments to the comprehensive plan and zoning code 18 based upon the study or studies as provided under Minn. Stat. § 462.355, Subd. (4), the issuance of any 19 building and zoning permits necessary to establish, or otherwise enlarge, a methadone outpatient 20 treatment service, shall be prohibited for a period of time not to exceed E�veYae ei teen (�18 ) months 21 from the effective date ofthis ordinance. 22 23 yeas Nays Absent Reguested by Department of: Plannin4 & ECOnomiC DeveloDment Byc ! Approved by Financial Services By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by By: ad by Mayor for Submission to Council B�� 33SZ" AJ Form Approved by City Attorney g�, � �/�✓Q�'"'_� `�i - �. QF�� Adopted by Council: Date �.90 . �. a-na y_ oa�ya-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: Ic'1ill11llg c�.'�COT10TII1C DCVEIO]7Ill2IIt ATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.� 110356 1-OZ-�2 � ACT PERSOr & Malloy 266-6647 ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMEN7 D 3 CITY COUNCIL ER FOR 2 C�TY ATrORNEY (—$ � a( _ CITY CLERK ��G FINANCIAL SERV DIR. _, FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG R 4 MP.YOR(ORASST.) _CIV[LSERV[CECOMMISSION IiRA Cf3AIRPERSON PED ACCOUNTING bIUST BE ON COUNCIL AGE\DA BY (DATE) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATWNS FOR SIG\ATliRE) aEQVESTED: Adopt ordinance for extending moratorium for methadone clinic licensing. (A) or Reject PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7TEG CIV IL SERV iCE COMMISS70N iRSONAL SERVICE COVTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLUw1nG �LU�� ua Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No Has Ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally posseseed by any current ary employee? Yes No xpla�n all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sUect N!A �ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNLTY (Who, Whay �Vhen� Where, Why): City Council initiated a moratorium on building and zoning permits for Methadone Clinics on January 1 :001. PED is requesting a six month extension to complete the study necessary to recommend zoning co� to accommodate such a use. �.DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Will likely result in more compatible land use for siting of Methadone Clinics. SADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: No obvious disadvantage QSADVANTAGES IF �OT APPAOVED A Methdone Clinic could be established in a neighborhood zoning district or other district where it ncomnatible land use. SOURCE: INFORD7.°.TION: (EXPLAIN) KVSharcd�BAYEftS\Grnaal [nfo\grnvhi Gm pCfIVITY YUMBER: C �t'�^s� �SDRS]c`��%� �.r8�t� ��