02-1093Return copy to: (e.c.)) Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Date �� 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Regions Hospital,las-d6cumented in Real Estate Division 2 File Number 23-2002, public properties hereinafter described aze hereby vacated and discontinued as 3 public property: 4 5 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 6 7 Parcel I. that part of Belleview Street lying southwesterly of the southwest right-of-way line of 8 Jackson Street, northeasterly of the southeasterly extension of the center line of Capitol 9 Heights Street and northwesterly of the center line of the said Belleview Street; and 10 11 ParcelII. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 that part of Capitol Heights Street more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street at the most northerly corner of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 67, St. Paul, Minnesota; thence northeasterly, at right angles to the southwesterly line of said Capitol Heights Street, to the northeasterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence northwesterly, along said northeasterly line, to the westerly most comer of Lot 4, of Bass Re-arrangement; thence southwesterly, at right angies to said northeasterly line, to the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly line, to the point of beginning; and there terminating. 22 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codif'ied March 1, 1981, of the 23 Saint Paul L.egislative Code as amended, and to the following condiuons: 24 25 1. 26 27 28 2. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrauve fee for this vacauon which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area on behaif of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Pubiic Warks to reserve the right of the City to � m�'intain and operate any sewer in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement or any portion thereof at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction, reconstrucuon, inspecting, maintaining or repairing the same or any part thereof. Any development or use of the property shall be subject to the following conditions: a. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any other objects that will prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area. Council �le # OZ-I�g3 Green Sheet #��� 34 ��..1093 1 b. Improvements iu or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from 2 exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the 3 Department of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration 4 and costs of such improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its [: successors and assigns in the event the City exercises its reserved easement rights. 7 c. No change from the existing grade within the easement area will be permitted without 8 written permission from the Department of Public Works. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3. 21 22 23 4. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 d. No change in surfacing within the easement area will be permitted without written perznission from the Deparlment of Public Works. e. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions, or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe or connecrion in said reserved easement arising out of ar resulung from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. That the petifioner sha11 submit a detailed plan that describes, and shall dedicate drainage easements for storm water flow from the north to existing storm sewers. That, on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners of the Ciry of Saint Paul, a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area to reserve the right of the Board to maintain and operate any water facility in, on or upon said easement, and to enter upon said easement or any portion thereof at any time, and from time to time for the purposes of future construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of the same or any part thereof. The said utility easement shall be subject to the following restricuons: a. No buildings, structures, uees ar any temparary structure, material storage, fisture, or other object that may prohibit normal access to water faciliues for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area. b. With written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit or limit the full and free exercise by the Saint Paul Regional Water Services of its reserved rights may be allowed, wiffi the understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements, should the Water Services exercise its easement rights, shall be the sole responsibility of the fee owner, its successors and assigns. a Should it be necessary that the petitioner's works or improvements be removed, or should the said works or improvements be damaged as a result of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services' operations, all removal, replacement or modificauon costs shall be borne solely by the petitioner. d. No change from the eJCisting grade within the easement shall be permitted without written permission from the Saint Paul Regionai Water Services. O�-tog3 2 3 4 7 9 10 11 5. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 6. 20 21 22 7. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 e. No change in surfacing within the easement azea shall be permitted without written permission from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services. f. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners of the Ciry of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions or claims that shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connecuon in said reserved easement, arising out of or resulung from any action or negligence of the peutioner, its employees, agents or business invitees. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the right of Northem States Power Company, d.b.a. Xcel Energy, to enter upon the vacated property to access, operate, maintain, use, alter, reconstruct, relocate, replace or remove existing facilities and to construct new facilities. The easement hereby retained shall imply the right to remove structures, trees or objects (except fences, streets, pazking, curbs and gutters and landscaping) that would, in the opinion of Northern States Power Company, interfere with construction and maintenance of said facilities. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated azea to protect the interest of Qwest Communicauons, Inc. That the petitioners, their successars and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, acuons or claims of any chazacter brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this properry, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 30 8. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 31 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution 32 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in 33 all respects with these terms and conditions. � T.iN.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: October 23, 2002 Green Sheet Number. 203938 Cel6ttPe'�ea�dPhoReNl�ibet �, 2 DEPARTMLNlDIRISCTOB 4 CITYCOUNCII„ ��4��Q i �F PCtCT WII1tC L66-RR � ,. ,•�. 1 CfTY ATTORNLR I II / l�I C1TY CLII2K C � 1!/VI .� �"� �.. _ BW�ET DII2HCTOR OFFiCE OF FINMIC7AL SVCS DtotLeeaCama'IA�endabq: _ '""'< /� � - .�;, _::_ November O� �VO� 3 MAYOR(OR RFALESTATEDSVISIOFt 'TdTAL # OT�' SIGNATUI2E PAGES 1 �ci.�av,r.ocnTTOxsFOa sicxn ncr[orrsr�t�sien: To consider a petition to vacate part of Capitol Heights Street and part of Belleview Street Ref: 1. Resolution for wnsideration; 2. Petition to vacate; 3. Ownership Report; 4. Map; 5. Responses from utilities and City departments. tCt7A�9�IDATION&. APPROVE (A) ORRFIECP (1� pgggpNpi, SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST AN5R'F.R THE FOLLOWING: 1. H�thepensoNBc�everworkedffideraoontractfort�isdepaidnent? YES NO H.4�@(GCOl1Il1433�ON � srnw 2. Hast6LspetsoNfirmever6eenaCStyemployee? YFS NO Ci�8,�8FICE COMM1IIS4ION � 3. Does tLis pr�sonlSem posseas a slo7t �t normaHy possessed by mmy YT4 NO carrent CYty employee? C�aONpLLTIEE E ain all YES answers on a se sheet and adach EJOflFATG'II. WARD(Sj 1 DISTRIC.°f PI,ANNING COUNCIL 7 Il4I17ATIl�fG PROBLF.M, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTfY (Why W6af, Wheq Where, W11v7) � v. �a� �. The petitioner would like to construct a parking � OCT 2 � 2002 ��' ATT����� ADYA�iTAGF3IF APYROV ED: The petitioner will have sufticient parkin �a��`+" �" °s° HE CiOUNCIL �"�EARING ON THi �'�� MAT'TER IS SET FOR r^. DISADVARTAGESIFAYPROVED: " ���� iM1 �', yy� �ione NOVEMBER ZO ZOOZ � DL4ADVA�fA(:F$ IF NOT APPROVED: , ' Pe[itioner would not have sufficient parking �� TOTALAMODNT OF TRANSACI70N: �$OO.00 �ST��' ��' BUDGETED (CII2CLE ONE) YES NO �¢x°�cs°�: N/A ^cr'°c�yxuMSx.�e: N!A PINAPiiLL4L INFORMATION: (F.XPLAIlV) $6{f0.00 represents the administrative fee for the vacation. oa-b°�� -- -- . �� . , . . . . . __�_ � . . , ----- � �''�, ,�:�'Y��``' . � � -, _ ;� O'�.-l��'13 PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST We, the undersi�ed, constituting a majority of the owners of the abutting properties, do hereby petition the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interest in the property legally described as follows (the "Capitol Heights Street Propert�'): That part of Capitol Heights Street more particulazly described as follows: Commencing on the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street at the most northerly comer of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 67, St. Paul, Minnesota; thence northeasterly, at ri�ht angles to the southwesterly line of said Capitol Heights Street, to the northeasterly line of Capitol Hei�hts Street; thence northwesterly, along said northeasterly line, to the westerly most comer of Lot 4, of Bass Re-arrangement; thence southwesterly, at right angles to said northeasterly line, to the southwesteriy line of Capitol Heights Street; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly line, to the point of beginnin� and there terminating. This parcel contains 5063 square feet, 0.116 acres. We request this vacation for the following reasons: Regions Hospital ("Re�ions") currently provides parking for students on an imimproved gravel parking area �vhich lies southerly, westerly of and contiguous to the Capitol Heights Sireet Property. Regions desires to make improvements to ihe area tYu'ough development of a new parkmg lot to accommodate parking spaces for 190 cars. The proposed development will inctude redevelopment of the Capitol Heights Street Property and the vacant land lying southwesterly of and contiguous thereto. The property south of Capitol Heights Street Property is vacated and is currently used for parking alon� those portions of the vacated street. Attached are six copies of the conceptual site plan for the proposed development intended for devetopment on the lands to be vacated. The entity responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation: Regions Hospital 640 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN 55101 respond by mail to: 8100 34` Avenue South Bloomin�ton, MN 55425 Attn: Deb Lawrence (952)883-5311 zzasise�� � T � Contact Person representing Regions Hospital: Alan W. Van Dellen, Esq. Leonard, Street and Deinard 150 South Fifth Street, #2300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612)335-1949 Signature of Owners of Properties Below: Altemate Contact Person: Nancy Weeks Leonard, Street and Deinazd 150 South Fifth Street, #2300 Minneapolis, MN 5�402 (612)335-1981 p�_toq3 Tax Pazcel No. 31-29-22-24-0094 REGIONS HOSPITAL 700 Robert Street North, St. Paul, MN �� `�_ By: Its: ��. � 8100 34` Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55425 (952)883-5311 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ) ss COUNTY OF _{'(��(�QQ�/ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �"day of� 2002, by ./� —�yG� , of Regions Hostital, a non-profit corp ration under the laws of the Stat of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. [SEAL] K AYA•VERROS NOTqRY pUBUC — MINNESOA �Y�mm. Expires Ja�. 3t. 2co5 2245156v1 [..0 : . _ 'r ��: Old Republic National Tit1e Insurance Company 400 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2499 August 12, 2002 Leonard Street & Deinard 150 S. Sth Street 4I2300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attn: Nancy L. Weeks To Whom It May Concern: ba� ��9� OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURAPICE COMPANY does hereby certify that a search of Ramsey County, Minnesota tax records discloses that, as of August 12, 2002, Yhe owners of the properties abutting the public right-of-way described as: That part of Capitol Heights Street more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the Southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street at the most Northerly corner of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 67, St. Paul, Minnesota; thence Northeasterly, at right angles to the Southwesterly line of said Capitol Heights Street, to the Northeasterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence Northwesterly, along said Northeasterly line, to the Westerly most corner of Lot 4, of Bass Re-arrangement; thence Southwesterly at right angles to said Northeasterly line, to the Southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence Southeasterly, along said Southwesterly line, to the point of beginning and there terminating, are as follows: Legal Description W 1/2 of Capitol Heights as vac in Doc. No. 1635893 & Ely 1/2 of Capitol Heights as vac in Docs 1635893 & 1641407 & lying NWly of NWly line of Belleview St Also part lying Wly of Jackson St of Lots 3& 4 in Bass Re- Arrangement of parts of Block 19,20,21 & 23 & in sd Auditors Sub- Divison No. 67 Lots 2 thru 4. Property is: Fee Owner Torrens and Regions Hospital Abstract Real Estate Department 8100 34th Ave S Bloomington MN 55425 Attention Deb Lawrence Contract Purchaser . _ Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: From: Date: �ub���t: All Council Members Peter White Right of Way Engineer 140 City Hall October 22, 2002 �'�� Dep�rtt�s�it ��aCic�i�_ �I� �Tt3._ 2�-�(Ib2 �a,i� I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on �7av�n�ei �U, �t�C��'to consider a peution to vacate: that part of Belieview Street lying southwesteriy of the southwest right-of-way line of Jackson Street, northeasteriy of the southeasterly extension of the center line of Capitol Heights Street and northwesterly of the center line of the said Belleview Street; and that part of Capitol Heights Street more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street at the most northerly corner of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 67, St. Paul, Minnesota; thence northeasterly, at right angles to the southwesterly line of said Capitoi Heights Street, to the northeasterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence northwesterly, along said northeasterly line, to the westerly most corner of Lot 4, of Bass Re- arrangement; thence southwesterly, at right angles to said northeasterly line, to the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly line, to the point of beginning; and there terminating. The purpose of the vacauon is to facilitate development of a parking lot. This property is located in City Council District 1, Pianning District 7: The subject petiuon is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. 4G'��g�.'S i�.f.'oS+.y�w?�"!�1 "w. v. .0 (2302date) � � - �; .z ���� �i d Y (� � � � _,_ -- ---�--- - _ ��-��'3 _- � _ _ _1-`r--�== - -- ' - - � _.- ----'-- o. �, � --- '" " � �`;. � � � �o � 4 _' • � a _ • � s . . .�_ -.....�...- . . . ,. .. . � '. . , � ... . � . . \ .. . _.. - � . . f . . r...... f • — ' '• a . _. _— " �� -. \`\ . �:' '� \ rCi _`��+— _ \ . �..` � �` \. . �� ` ,`, • Y `/` ` ♦ l `; I j� ` 4 � � � /, `• �i ��T � ' / `.Yi� ' �'�I r / �' µ. �,- � y . � ,� � ^ :y� y !� t '� -�-� r j l � . i .r .;�' j 1 : � �� . / " , �T.'"" � ! . . i n . .� �� .. . � . . .., ; .- . . , .., � : �� � . . � : •.. ; . : '--. . i ' '. w. . .:.. • ' ` . � . � � . � , .. . � .� � : . . . . . � f � ,-` . . � + �. ` . ` ` t_______________ __.`_` i , � m , ' . : � : `�,� ,y ` �± , - : , %. ; _ . • �. .' �, i �'j O . ,......... �. ,�. _ . . . �-... .. �w : �. ...1`ti .. ��l uK� / ` ...a : �` v ` �` �$ y� n���� • � '. i � . . , � ^, \ � t ,•\l � , � , F____ �__�,____� � ;�, \\ � �.�a , i i �• � " •. ' *�>u:... r.:;. .' '•, .' � � �?w� y � �W �.- � ' v '��"�x`" � / - � 1 ��h'.A;r,G ' i '3 � , ..t r , `/�` �✓o�G::!t � ' � - �-= ,; � __..—_ . 1 ... , _ �� �a �09� NAI�CY ANDERSON COUNCIL RESEARCH 31 O Clrir HALL PURPOSE PETITIONER HEARING QUESTIONS ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTtCE STREET/ALLEY VACATION City Council Ward # 1 Planning District # 7 File No. 23-2002 To consider a petition to vacate: that part of Belleview Street lying southwesterly of the southwest right- of-way line of Jackson Street, northeasterly of the southeasterly extension of the center line of Capitol Heights Street and northwesterly of the center line of the said Belleview Street; and that part of Capitol Heights Street more particularly described as follows: Commencing on the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street at the most northerly comer of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 67, St. Paul, Minnesota; thence northeasterly, at right angles to the southwesterly line of said Capitol Heights Street, to the northeasterlp line of Capitol Heights Street; thence northwesteriy, along said northeasterly line, to the westerly most corner of Lot 4, of Bass Re-arrangement; thence southwesterly, at right angles to said northeasterly line, to the southwesterly line of Capitol Heights Street; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly line, to the point of beginning; and there terminating. The Council will conduct a public hearing on this request on i Wednesday, November 20. 2002 in the Council Chambers on the th�d floor of City Hall. Public Hearings begin at 5:30 P.M. I Ca11266-8850 and refer to the file number above. Ciry staff will be I available unti14:30 in Room 140 City Hall to answer any last- minute ques6on on this project. MAP (attached) ia6oTdmg OHH�tlQV'yV ZOISS �osauury� `Ined �ureS asnog �.mo� - I1�H �1?� O�i ruoog sa�rn.zas �uatua�eu�y� pu� �igolouqoaZ 30 •�daQ uois�zQ al�lsg I�a2I :�iq �uas sa��oN o ,,.�01� LEONARD, STREET AND DEINARD PROF£S90NA1 ASSOCIATION October 22, 2002 Y � ` ��/� w �, .,�, � � ,tat F �v' � Sr, ;. �T �. Nancy L. Weeks (612)335-1981 nancy.weeks@leonard.com Bv Facssm�le and M_ail Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Room 140, City Hall St. Paul, M1V 55102 Re: Vacation File 23-2002 (Capitol Heights Street and part of Belleview Avenue) Our File No.: 53889-7 Dear Mr. Carlson: Enclosed is the legal description for one-half of Belleview Avenue which is to be included in the above vacation proceeding. Please call me if you require anything further in order to complete this vacation request and to schedule a hearing on November 2p Sincerely, LEONARD, STREET AND DEINARD PROFESSiONAL ASSOCIATION i / ����--�� � ancy L. ee s Paralegal enclosure cc: Deb Lawrence, by e-mail Alan W. Van Dellen 150 $OUI'H FIFiH $iRE£T $UIiE 2j00 1�'LiNNEAPOLIS� MSNNESOTA $$Q02 TEL 612-jj$'1500 FAR 612-j3$'S6$] LAW OFFICES IN MINNEAPOLIS� SAINi PAUL� MANRA'IO� SAINT CLOUD AND WASFIINGiON� D C. WWW.LEONARD.COM 6'a--lo 9� LeQal Description for Belleview Avenue Vacation: That part of Belleview Avenue more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Lot 1 of Bass Re-arrangement and the southwesterly right of way of Jackson Street; thence southeasterly, along said southwesterly right of way of Jackson Street to the center line of Beileview Avenue; thence southwesterly, along said center line, to its intersection with the center line of Capitol Heights Street; thence northwesterly, along the center line of Capitol Heiu�ts Street to its intersection with the extension of the northwesterly right of way of Belleview Avenue; thence northeasterly, along said right of way line and its extension to the point of beginning and there terminating. zz�Z�ai�i 0'�.�1A°�3 This report represents the professional opinion of Old Republic National Title Insurance Company regarding ownership of the above described properties; it is not intended, nor shall it be construed, as a guaran[ee of title. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company assumes no liability for errors or omissions. Sincerely, ���� Lorette Schmaltz Licensed Abstractor Old Republic National Title Insurance Company FROhi I,EONARD STflEET &. DEINARD „,, (Vr'EDl 10. 16' 02 11:16/ST. 11:14/N0. 4261040779 P 7 . .. �.> . � ���� {l �� Y �.s+ �� / . 0}��0�3 �. � � Legal Description Propertq 3s: Fee Omner Capitol $eights as Abstract vac in Doc 1597795 and Doc 1635893 accruing and fol part �� SWly o£ Jacksoa St o£ Lot 6 Blk 21 of Ashton ' and S�erburnes Add Contract Purchaser The County Recorder's Office shows the following, as of March 31, 2002: Wilbert A. Roth Kathleen J. Roth (no address} Amrut Paiel Sita Patel 149 IIniversity Ave E St Paul MN 55101 ,Tayeshkumar Patel Smita Patel (no address) Gulab Enterprises, Inc. ,. (ao addresa) r ' This report repreaencs the profeseional opinion of Old Republ3c National Tit1e Insurance Company regard3ng ovnership of the above described properties; it is not intended, nor shall it be construed as a guarantee of title. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company assumes no 2lability for errors or omissions. Sincerely, +.vac��e acnmalLz Llcensed Abatractor Old Republic National Title Insuzence Company # of PaQes 1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 To: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone� 266-8850 F�a 266-8855 From: ROSS I.iIYSOII Qwest Communications 390 Commerce Drive Woodbury, Minnesota We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the foliowing reasons, we camiot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �a'�G�/� _- Qw��- �du5�- Rrr�Br�! A�c. �ltn L l T�' �15Er��r���_ J�� 9�t���� ��� Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department ofTechnology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor September I1, 2002 Ross Lazson Qwest Communications 390 C�*!zmerce Drive Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 S�bjecY: Dear Mr. Lazson: ?, c� c! E��� �%`N f � Z��i ��a�. �sd�te r��vrstort Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fcix: (651) 266-8855 TMS Department File l�o: 23-2002 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Regions Hospital for the vacation of part of Capital Heights a -ef� is inquiry pertains to the vacafion of City right-of-way onl . Utility easements will be retained The purpose of this vacation is to facilitate developmenY o a parking lok Will you please advise me of any concems you may have regazding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a fas trausmittal memo conta.iuing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refei to tHe above listed file number when replying. rf you have �y q��sstions regazding th�s matter, please call Earl Cazlson at 266-8865_ Sincerely, Earl Cazlson Rea1 Estate Division (2302inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 ro: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division #ofPaees 1 From: K. WedVeY' O��'v�'� Xcel Energ,y - Siting & Land Rights 414 Nicollet Mall - 7th 1� t. Minneapolis MN PhoneN 266-8850 � P n°"e# 3:��-H�4i F�n 266-8855 F�" 330-6590 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Northern States Power Company� d/b/a Xcel Energy� will retain its rights for existing electrical facilitiea currently located upon the property which is the subject of this vacation proceeding. The Xcel Designer responsible for issues related to removal/relocation of facilities in this area is Matt Beane, 651-229-2475. - ���!/c�,�—� �L� -' � >t2 � Signed Karen C. Weaver Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer REGE!VEJ ;'; i � � 20fl''L CITY OF SAINT P� `ESTRTE D4YlSICda Randy Kelly, Mayor September 11, 2002 Dave Callahan Xcel Energy - Siting & Land Rights 414 Nicollet Ma11- 7th Fl. iviix�ieapoiis �3 554�i i9�i3 Subject- Dear Mr. Callahan: � �� ��� � � � � Yl�� � 2� � TMS Departinent File No..23 29Q2 The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of Regions Hospital for the vacation of part'of Gapitai Heights and part of Bellevieev Avenug, This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Utility easpment� will h reta�ned. The purpose o£this vacation is to facilitaYe deveiopment of a:garking.lot: Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepaze a report to the CiTy Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a fax transmittal memo containing a repty form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you kiave any questions regarding this matter, please call Earl Carlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Eazl_Cazlson Rea1 Estate Division (2302inc� Department ofTechnology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 AA-ADA-EEO Employer Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-20Q2 Earl Carlson rrcom: Dan Woehrte City of St. Paul Xcel Energy - Gas Real Esiate Division Division 825 Rice Street Saiat Panl MN rtpn�a 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 We haue no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . ``. . . ❑ We witl approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Northern States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy (NSP) owns and operates a 16 inch pipeline, hereinafter called "pipeline", in a part o# the Capital Heights right-of- way vuhich is referred to as "Parcel 1" in the proposed street vacation. The easement to be retained over Parcei 1 must grant to NSP the following: • Grant unto NSP, its successors and assigns, the perpetual right, privilsge and easement to construct, operate, maintain, use, r�build or remove said pipefine with necessary and proper vafves and other appurtenances and devices used or useful in the operation, maintenance and use of said pipeline over, under, and fhrough the subject parcel; • The right of NSP from time to time to reconstruct or relocate said pipeline, valves, and appurtences, with changed dimensions on said parcel; . The cight to have reasonable access to said pipeline; . The right fo enter upon the parcel to survey for and locate said pipeline, and � shall incfude the right to remove structures, trees, or objects, except fences, streets, parking, curbs and gutters, and {andscaping, which in the opinion of NSP will interfere with construction and maintenance of said pipeline. Signed � L� ���fla"��✓"�-%' October �2. 20U2 bate Nick J. Boosalls Xcel Energy - Gas Distribution 651-229-2317 AA-ADA-EEO Employer '1oy3 l'd 1tr88'�N 9NIN33N19N3 Sb'9 �SN - Wdbl�ti ZOOd 'b '}�0 oa-�e� �Fc��v�� �/ ' r ^�1f' j {� l; : u � _t�L MCI WORLDCOM °SPN�°�S°p�rt, REAL ESTA?E DiViS!Ofl���Sl.oc6az 2250 Latceside Blvd. Ric6azdsoq TX 75082 10/03/2002 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Earl Carlson Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102-1613 RE: 24-2002 — VACATION — MINNESOTA ST, COLUMBUS AVE AND EAST CENTRAL PARK — St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota MWNS ID: 8353-2002 Dear Sir or Madam: MCIWorldCom has been notified by your office regarding the above referenced project. For your zecords, itx reviewing the azea in question, it has been determined that MCIWorldCom does not have facilities within your project area. You should address correspondence concerning any future projects to the attention of OSP National Suppor!/Investigations at the above address. Ifyou need further assistance withthis project, please do not hesitate to call. Si�erely, o ee Janek National Support / Investigations 972/65b-b016 t! of Paea 1 Reply to Vacation inquiry File #23-2002 ro: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone # Fae # F�om: David Urke District Energy St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul MN 266-8850 � p� 266-8855 F�� 651-221-0353 oa-��3 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XQ We will approve this vacafion, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE �ACATED AND NAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. SF r � FS TfiTF� / ��2 O� ��iv�ZaE�i � SEPTEMBER 13, 2002 Signed DAVID L. URKE, P.E. �� Date PROJECT MANAGER � AA-ADA-EEO Empbyer Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor 1__ � �. .��..� StP 1 2 2UU2 September 11, 2002 David Urke District Energy St Paul Inc 76 West Kellogg Boulevazd Saint Paul MN 55102 Subject: Dear Mr. Urke: DISTRICT ENERGY TMS Department File No: 23 2(tU2 The City Clerk has refened to this office for recoxnmendation the petition of Regions Hospital for the vacation of part of Capital Heights and of $elteview Avenue. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Utility easements will be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to facilitate developmeat of a parking lat, Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regazding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your commenis before October 4, 2002 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a f� transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. IT you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Eazl Cazlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Eazl Cazlson Real Estate Division (2302inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer "' -� 'V�"1"'GC'GCVG U'J'1G Reply to Vacation Inquiry Flle #23 2002 To: Renl Bstatc Division r. eiciae frotasor 1 �°°: �°� � oa t�3 A T & T Brosdband 1238 Grey Fox Road A,rden HiUs MN We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will anprove this vacation, subject to the follow3ag conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . .,......❑ Por the fallowing reasons, wc cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � signad �' - � r �:,,... Date nr,.ann axo x�u TOTRL P.02 OCT-18-2002 07=35 TRRFFIC ENG MRPS PERMITS � ro: Earl Carlson City of St. l'aul Reply to Vacation Inquiry Real Estate 1)ivision � File #23-2002 p�M� 266-saso Fazn 266-8855 612 298 4559 P.01ia1 I N of PaB�+ ! 1 srom: Linda Mur hy pa� �py3 Public Works We have no objections w this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - ❑ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� �oz the following reasons, we canzzot approve this vacafion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � t} �r,c.t�( �1�ir,¢?,ur� i,c�t,1.`I� Q�s0�1PJl�s ii2'�ea �t `� '�tiCc.(.�.�5, G1�1 �2SS '�e. P�.�11'/� Si�. 1S �r�tc�d ct�l se�e4s a� n�.��d a,�e�v►,v�d . a) s�� �n�inea.�.�.� �¢eds a dr.�:(� � �a+ �la,r+.`I� �c.�l.�' 1 �'�- Q, �Il�a.c;•�t�c easew�n�is �ro-t s#arm , t,�-t�l '�r,� �ton� not�f� a� �crsk•� .seu9�s .c� � �0�� Ua� a,� . ��� e�� � �o -�1- o z Signed Date Ar#-ADA•EEO Employer TOTAL P.01 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 11ofPags 1 ro: Earl Carlson From: Bill Tschida City of St. Paul St. Paul Regional Real Estate Division Water Services 400 Commerce � Buildin Phone# 266-8850 Phone# F�a 266-8855 F�" aa-�a5 : We have no objecfions to this vacation . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q .., We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ The standard Board of Water Commissioners easement, whose conditions are described in the attached February 8, 2002 Standard Easement Provisions, shall be retained over all portions of the vacated azea. n�G� ��� $ : z A � � <��i , �, QE '= fSTp � � � DIVlS(Qf! ��k� ' i�—�--C/�-��� Signed Date �� �Z AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 ClTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor September 11, 2002 Bill Tschida St. Paul Regional Water Services 400 Commerce Building Sn6ject: Dear Mr. Tschida: � O Z-� R�4EiVED rvices S�int Paui Re41i�a1 Water Erv�inac�!1Q �ivisk�n Olfice Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fax: (651) 266-8855 TMS ➢epartment �'ile No. 23-2002 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recommendation the petition of Regions Hospital for the vacation of part of Capital Heights and part of Belleview Avenue. This inquiry pertains to the vacatioa of City right-of-way only. Utility easements will be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to facilitate development of a parking lot. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regazding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on tkus matter. For your convenience, you will find a fax transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Eazl Carlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Eazl Cazlson Real Estate Division (2302inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer x otr��s 1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 To: Earl Carlson F�om: Commander Traffic & Accident City of St. Paul Saint Paul Police Rea1 Estate Division Department 100 East Eleventh Street Phonett 266-8850 Phone# F�a 266-8855 F�# ba•Icxi� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacafion, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ��-�. -"°- �� Signed Date _S` < 3 - ��-- AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hal1 Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor September 11, 2002 Commander Tr�c & Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street Subjeet: To whom it may concem: RECE�yE SEP 16 2 REAL ESTqTEDIVlS1CM �`NTS Deparhnent I+'il� No. 23 2002 The City Clerk has referred to this office for recoxnmendation the petition of Regions Hospital for the vacation of gart of Capital Heights and part of Belleview Avenue. This inquiry pertains to the vacafion of City right-of-way only. Utility easements will be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to faciIitate develogment of a parking lot. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepare a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a fax transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this nofice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please ca11 Eazl Cazlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Earl Carlson Real Estate Division (2302inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer 09/24/2002 09:34 6512286241 Reply to Vacatlon Inquiry Fite #23-2002 FIRE PREVENTION ro: Esrl CarLyon City of St. Paut Rea] Estate Division Fex Y PAGE 01 # of Pagcs 1 - "--- From: Chris Cahitl a'r�7.'Z Department of Flre � 3sfety 100 East Eleventh Street �n Fax k Wa have no objections to tlus vacation , , , , _ . , , . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the fotlowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot appzova this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � z C�'2._-- Signed Date AA•ADA-EEO Employer oa-�� .-. 4.i O d�0 a .� t � .� _ Q a-� . � U w O � 0 y-+ O ` a R w O C O w � V �6 � N O O N M N � � y f� U L �4 W � Q � — N U W � N N C p � N � N I-�Urn � L � � 2 0 Q m U 0 c 0 0 Q N O C 0 � N > N O O N M N � u m � a .G � O R 3 u. F- 0 !n vi c O U N s O O C y N a W J n� c 0 .� E 0 c � `o E � rn 0 U @ C O U C N U C O N L � Q � W 0 � � � � � r � > � � � 0 T O � O N C N Q T C f6 c � N N 7 O �+ > m _ 0 rn c Y N Q � N O n O a � 3 4 N N � O .� U � N O 0 M � N a� o N �� a; Z � a� U � � l6 m 'm a �� O W � � F-J M� � � ..�.. y� � c c � p X (6 Qw NI CO � U� mrn� � � U � � N N N � � � OI �� N O O N � � � � x � 0 0 0 0 t�=. OCT-17-2002 13�59 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 To: Real enono a Fax 8 651 293 6868 P.01i01 � Earl Carlson From: Oa �'�i3 Tim Griffm :ity of St_ Paul Design Center :stare Division 25 West 6th Street 266-8850 We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following zeasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (D �- s��ed na-ADA-EEO Employrr Date TOTRL P.01 �..�I��c G��X� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 To: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone # Fax # 266-8850 I # of Pages 1 From: Carole Williams Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Phone # 266-8855 I Fa"� ba-irs,: We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following condifions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q -��QJ� 1�J�.A/431/J i� Signed � l� 67 Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department ofTechnology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor �"�.�'� „_ �� Phone: (651) 266-8850 Fcrc: (651) 266-8855 cr.. � C0�? :�3 �v:��,;;:��;�,;,�z September 11, 2002 Carole Williams Library Administration 90 West Fourth Street Subject: Dear Ms Williams: TMS :DepartmenY File No: 23-20Q2 The City Clerk has refened to this office far recommendation the petition of Regions:Iiospital for the vacation of park of Capital AeighYs and part of BeIIeviewAyenue. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Utility easements will be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to faciTitate.development of a par&ing lot. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regazding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will fmd a fax transmittal memo containing a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. ff you have any questions regazding this matter, please call Eazl Cazlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Eazl Cazlson Real Estate Division (2302inc� AA-ADA-EEO Employer a orr�� 1 I -. Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #23-2002 To: Earl Carlson City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Phone# 266-8850 F�a 266-8855 From Tllll E1gII055 Parks & Recreation 300 Citv Hall Annex Fac R V�1 fv7.�i We haue no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q RF � F ryEa SEP 1 B R�ESTq� f01Z�� ��l��o� Signed Aate AA-ADA-EEO Employer Department ofTechnolog,y andManagement �ervices Real Estate Division ' 140 Ciry Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kelly, Mayor � ��Q 12 2�02 ��°�_ U,- ;�-:�rxs � R€�R�ATI�N September 11, 2002 Tim Agness Parks & Recreation 300 City Hall Annex Subject: TMS Departmen# File No: 23 ZQU2 Dear Mr. Agness: The City Clerk has refened to this office for recommendation the petition of Regions I3ospitaF for the vacation of part of Cagital Heights and part ofBelleview Avenue. This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Utility easements will be retained. The purpose of this vacation is to facilitate develupment of a parkiug:lof. Will you please advise me of any concerns you may have regarding this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your coxnments before October 4, 2002 so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will fmd a fas transmittal memo contaiiung a reply form on the reverse side of this notice. If you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file nuxnber when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Eazl Carlson at 266-8865. Sincerely, Earl Cazlson Real Estate Division (2302incil AA-ADA-EEO Employer Rep)y to Vacatian tnquiry File #23-2002 ro: Earl CarLson From: Papl Duk City of St. Paul Pianning &, Real $state Division Developmeat 11Qti Ci Hal Phonc'A 266-8850 pbone S F�a 266-8855 F�x# i � - aa-to� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � VJe wiil approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [� For the foilowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q �1 � 1 �� Signed Date /V ' / r U Z b0/Sa'd BZZ£8zzLS9 ^ b00�d H1bS Q3d 8S:£i ZaOZ-L0-1�0