02-1092 �� ____ Couno; � F; � ��C�.--_aC�-- Ordinance # Green 5heet # 110245 i ,' ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative 3 Code pertaining to zoning far the City of Saint Paul and the zoning 4 maps thereof: 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §462357 and §64.400 of the Legislative Code, LISA BOLDUAN duly petitioned to rezone property located at 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, being legally described as KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, W. 70 FT. OF E. 195 FT OF N. 133 25/100 FT OF LOT 1(PIN 22-29-22-11-0002) and unaddre�sed property (PIN 22-29-22-11-0016), from R-3 One- Family Residential to B-3 General Business to become part of a new retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 2, 2002, for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to § 107.03 of the Administrative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Conunission that the petition to rezone from R-3 to B-3 be granted;and WfIEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on September 13, 2002, and recommended that the City Council approve the petition to rezone &om R-3 to B-3; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 10, 2002, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet ar the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October 23, 2002 at which all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet Number 7, as incorporated by reference in §60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: NlBL354'�$ That the property at 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, being more particularly described as: �-7 � KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, W. 70 FT. OF E. 195 FT OF N, 133 25/100 FT OF LOT 1(PIN 22-29-22-11-0002) 41 be and is hereby rezone.d from R-3 to B-3. ---- 42 ------ _—.--_—be'1��C?��. 43 Section 2. 44 45 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirry (30) days from and after its passage, approval and 46 publicarion. ?%. �..r;►, � ;. Requested by Department of: Plann' ^conom'c e o t By: Approved by Financial Services Adopted by Council: Date � ar�_�� �}QO �,� Adoption By Approved By BY: Form Appro� by � 2��.-1b°l1. DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: lanning &Economic Development ATE s�rrcAT�u GREEN SHEET No.:110245 11-Oi-02 ACi' PERSON & PHONE: ^ INITIAIJDATE INITIAL/DA17 Malloy 266-6647 � i�i � `� 1 DEPARTMENC D 3 Ct1Y COLiNCIL �ggpg 2 CPfYATTORNEY (�.L.o2 CTTYCLERK OUTING FINANCL4L SERV DI�� _ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG �Eg " 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SESZVSCECA2vA�IISSLON HRA CHNRPERSON PED ACCOUNTING MUST BE ON WUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4 CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA xEQVES'rEn: Adopt ordinance to approve rezoning of 1760 I,upenteur Avenue from R-3 to B-3 to new retail develonment and to resolve zonine district boundarv conflict. rauuA"1'IUNS: Approve (A) or fteject (R) E12SONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S M[JST ANSWER 1'HE FOLLOWING QUES7TONS: 1. Has this persodfum ever worked unda a contract for this department? PLANNING COM�IISSION Yes No CIB COhIIvfCiTEE . Has tBis peison/firm ever been a city employee? CNIL SERViCE CAMNIISSION Yes No . Does this person/firm possess a sldil notaoxmally possessed by any cumnt city employee? Yes No aplain a11 yes answers ou separate sheet and attach to green sheet N/A IATING YROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay Wheo, Where, Why): isa Bolduan has applied for a xezon'ng of her property &om R-3 to B-3. Upon approval she will sell the property to Semp evelopment Company who will build a Walgreens Pharn�acy on the site. VANTAGES IF AYPROVED: ezoning will enable unplementafion of Wtute Bear Avenue Small Area Planto remove b'lighted properiy andredevelop gatewa trance to Saint Paul. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � None. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ould prolubit desired commercial redevelopment and removal of blight. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ N//A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ING SOURCE: ACTIViTY NUMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) K�STmed�BAY&RS\C�aai ffio�gw6cfim CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke1ly, Mayor October 3, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Anderson: 25 Wesi Fourth Street Telephone: 612-266-656i SazniPaul,MN551Q2 Facszmile:67L228-3374 �.�°°�� i.; �_, . .�... � .'..: I would like to confirm that a public hearing befare the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday October 23, 2002, for the following rezoning application: Applicant: Lisa Bolduan File Numbet: # 02-175-609 Purpose: Rezoning from R-3 (One-Fasnily Residential) to B-3 (General Business) to become part of a new retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict. Address: 1760 Laxpenteur; between Flandrau and White Bear Legal Description of Property: KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN. W. 70 FT OP E. 195 FT OF N. 133 25I100 FT OF LOT 1. (PIN - 22-29-22-11-0002) Previous Action: Zoning Committee Recommendarion: Approval; vote: 6-0; September 5, 2002 Planning Commission Recommendafion: Approval; unanimous vote; September 13, 2002 My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the October 16, 2002 City Council meering and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6647 if you have any questions. ��� �.�� � .. �� cc: File # 02-131-050 Carol Martineau Pau1 Dubruiel Wendy Lane Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING __ _. .. __ &�'. - � ` Martha G. Fudler, ]Xrector � � = sa: ram, i�cnc te��x '�=_� oaoaaase • Fnzsr•xcm� • _ - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARiNG � The Saint�Paui City Counpl W�71 con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 5:30 p_m. in the� Clty Council Chaznliers, Tliird Floor City Hall- Courthouse, 15 A'est I£ellogg Boulevard., Sai�rt Paul, MN, to consider the application of Lisa Bolduaato cra,one properly fsom R- 3 (One-Family Residenttal} to B-3 (General BusinessJ to become part of a new retaii' development and ta resolve� zoning dis�let boundary con4icY �at . 1760 Laxpenteur Avenue @ehveen Fiandrau Street �and White Bear Avenue). � � Dated: October 4, 2002 �`i..;',', NANCYANDEE2SON � 's:�#;rN.'�.., -. AssistantCltyCounc�Secretary �;" :: : � - toctober 10) � . �� ', DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING O � '�' �0�-- . .. __ . -.. ._ __ _ __ VELOPMENT AINT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor Martha FuTler. Director 1400 Ciry Hatl Annec 25 West Fourth Street Telephane: 612-266-6565 SaintPaul,MN55102 Facszmile:612-228-3314 October 16, 2002 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Zoning File #02-175-609 Applicant: LISA BOLDUAN City Council Hearing: pctober 23, 2002, 530 p.m., City Council Chambers Purpose: Rezoning from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to B-3 (General $usiness) to become part of a new retail development and to resolve zoning dishict boundary conflict. Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve, vote: Unanimous (September 13) Zoning Commlttee Recommendation: Approve, vote: 6- 0(September 5) • Staff Recommendarion: Approve. Support: One. Opposirion: - None. District Council: The Dish 2 Community Council testified in favor of the rezoning at the Zoning Committee Public Hearing. Dear Ms. Anderson: This rezoning application is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on October 23, 2002. Please notify me (266-6647) if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, T Rich Malloy City Planner cc: City Council members AA-ADA-EEO Employer r 1 �J ��i_o�. � � MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE Thursday, September 5, 2002 - 3:30 p.m. City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City HaN and Court House 15 West Kellogg Boutevard �T���� � • EXCUSED: STAFF: Anfang, Alton, Gordon, Kramer, Mejia, and Morton Faricy, and Field Rich Malioy, Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Peter Warner The meeting was chaired by Commissio�er Kramer. Lisa Bolduan - 02-175-609 - Rezone from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to B-3 (General Business) for a new retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict. 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, beiween Flandrau and White Bear. Rich Malfoy presented the staff report with a recommendation for approval of the rezoning. John Koetler, representative of the applicant with Semper Development, stated they have the property under contract with Lisa Bolduan and woufd answer questions. Semper Development will combine Lisa Bolduan's property with property to the east to buiid a Walgreens Pharmacy. Chuck Repke, District 2 Community Council, stated the District 2 Community Council voted in favor of th�rezoning at the July, 2002, meeting. The devefopment fits in the pian for mixed uses in an urban village development. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Morton moved approvai of the rezoning. Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Adopted Yeas - 6 Drafted by: Carol Martineau Recording Secretary Nays - 0 Submitted by: Rich Malloy Zoning Section Approved by: Richard Kramer Chair [���— � � J � city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 02-66 dG�lPi September 13, 2002 WHEREAS, LISA Bolduan, File #02-17b-609, has petitioned for a rezoning under the provisions of §64.400 of the Legisiafive Code, for the purpose of rezorung properly Iocafed at 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, Parcel fdenfification Numbers (PIN) 22-29-22-i 1-0002; legally.described as KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M3NNESOTA, W. 70 FI'. OF E. 195 Ff OF N.133 25/7 00 FT OF LOT 1, from R-3 to B-3; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, on September5, 2002, held a pubfic hearing at whicfi afl persons present were.given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said peUtion in accordance with the requirements of §64.300 of the Saint Paul.Legis(ative Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the pubiic hearing as substantiaily refiected in the minutes, made the fol[owing findings of fact: 1. Lisa Bofduan, the appiicant and pefitioner Yor this proposed rezoning, owns the property at 1760 Larpenteur. Ms. Boiduan has signed an agreement to se{I this properiy to Semper Development conti�genf upon approval of rezoning from R-3 to B-3. Up6n rezoning, Semper Development will purchase the property from Ms. Bolduan and fhen develop a Wafgreens Pharmaury on the site. This development wil( also incfude space for a transit stop. 2. Section 64.400(b) of the code sfates thaf an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67} percent of fhe are of the proper(y to be rezoned. The applica�t and petitioner for this proposed rezoriinghas met this requirement. 3. T'he proposed rezoning is consistent with the provisions of the Ci#y's Comprehensive Plan and meets several of the general purposes stated in Section 2.2 of the land use chapter. These general purposes include encouraging privafe investment, to inter-relate tand use and transportation to minimize congestion (e.g. the development on this site wili include a we(1 designed transit stop), to take advantage of antibipated regiona( growth by attracting commerciai deve4opment and to promote a batance of land uses in the city to strengthen the city's tax base. moved by R��er seconded by in #avor �nan�ous against Fle # 02-175-609 ? September 5, 2002 � � Page 2 4. The proposed rezoning is cortsistent with severat po(icy recommendations stafed in tE�e recently adopted W hite Bear Avenue Small Area Piar� as follows: a) Recommendation # 29, page 17 states, °Sfronger, more attractive developmenf at the corners of the Larpenteur-White Bear Avenue Entersection would creaEe a more appropriate entranc� into the Gity. b} Recomr�endation # 30; page 17 states, "I'he Saint Paui Housing and Redevelopment Authority shoutd establish a redevetopmen district in the Hi(Icrest Area: The boundaries of the district should extertd at a minfmum, one biock either side of White Bear Aver�ue from Larpenteur fo Nebraska. A redevelopmer�t plan should be developed that includes an improved commercial node and provides for additiona! housing in the district. c) Recommendatipn # 12, page 11 states, "Transit stoas should be improved at the Hillcrest Hub at Lamenteur. 5. The appiicant submitted a sufficient petition of the owners of two-t4iirds of the parcels within 100 feet of the proper#y stating support for the rezoning (8 paroets etigibte, S paroels required, and 6 parcels signed). 6. Secfion 60.3Q2(6) stafes in part, `Svhere fhere is any uncertainty, confradic6on or conflict as to the intended loca6on of dishict boundaries showrt fhereon, fiterpretation conceming tfle exact loca6on of the districf boundary lines sha!! be defermined by reso/ufion of the city council upon recommendation 6y the p/anning commission." � The small 1,172.5 fi spi+nter parcel(PIN # 22-29-22-1 i-OOf 6j. which adjoins the appiicant's property to the north is currently zoned R-3. Nowever, this splinter parcel is surrounded by a B-3 parcel on the east, south and west (PIN # 22 29-22-71-�077) and i2s use is commercial. Both the splinter parce( and the commerciai parcel that surrounds it a�e owned by the same owner. The splinter parcel is too smali ta be used for residen6al purposes on its own. Moreover, it has no street frontage and therefore can have no use without being tied to an adjacent parcel. This sp(inter parcel, the parcel that surrounds it and the app(icanYs parcel woutd at( be part of the proposed W algreens development. Therefore, it is reasonatile under provisions of the code to rezone fhis sptinfer parce( from R-3 to B-3 by City Courtcil resoluUon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Pau! Plarrning Commission, that the petition of IISA BOLDUAN to �rezone properEy at 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, Parcef ldenfrfication Number (PEN) 22-29-22-11-0002; legafty described as KERWIN'S �UTLOTS TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAU�,.MINNESOTA, W. FT. OF E. 195 FT OF N. 133 25/t00 FT OF LOT 1, from R-3 to B-3, is consistent with the Comprehensive Pfan for the City; and BE IT Ft1RTHER RESOLVED, that rezoning the splinter parce( adjoining the south end of 1760 tarpenteur, Parcel Ident�cation Number (PIN) 22-29-22-t 1�0016;.iegalty described as KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, W. 70 FT. OF E. 195 F'f'. OF N. 133 25/100 FT OF LOT �, from R-3 to B 3 under the provisions of Section 60_302(6j of the Legislative Code, would resolve conf{ict about intended location of the district boundary; and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ptanning Commission does hereby � recommend to the Councif of the Cify of $aint Paul that the properties described above be rezoned from R-3 to B-3 in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Ecortomic Development and provisions of the Saint Paui Zoning Code. � va-i o1�. Saint Paul Planning Commission City Hall Conference Center 15 Kellogg Boulevard West MinuYes of September 13, 2�02 A meeting of the Plamung Commission of the City of Saint Paul �vas held Friday, September 13, 2002, at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City FialI. Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Faricy, Zimmer Lonetti, McCall, Morton, Shortridge; Present: and Messrs. Alexander, Alton, Anfang, Dandrea, Fieid, Fotsch, Ge;vais, Gordon, 7ohnson, Kong, Kramer, Mejia, and Rosales. Commissioners Mme. *Trevino; and Messr. *Mazde11. Absent: *EYCUSed • • Also Present: Lazry Soderhotm, Pianning Administrator; Allan Torstenson, Rich Malloy, Yan� Zhang, Allen Lovejoy, Patricia James, and Mary Bruton, Department of Planning and Economic Development staft Approval of Minutes of August 23, 2002 II. III. 14IOTION Commissioner Kramer moved agproval of the minutes of Aicgust 23, 2002. Comnzissioner Jolznson seconded tlze motion. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Chair's Announcements Chair Morton reminded the Planning Commission members of the Central Library tour which wili take piace following the next Plannina Commission meeting on September 27`", at approximately 10:30 a.m. Planning Administrator's Announcements Mr. Larry Soderhoim preseated a tentative calendar of Planning Commission and Zoning Comznittee dates for 2003. I-Ie asked if inembers thought the regular Zoning date on April 17, 2003 should be moved because of the beginning of Passover. Commissioner Johnson moved to chan�e the date of the meeting because of the religious holiday and the motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Soderholm said he would change the date to the preceding Monday or Tuesday depending on the BZA schedule and availability of the City Council chambers. Comtnissioner Field said that April 15, tax day, might also create time conflicts for some people. Mr. Soderholm reminded the members of the holiday lunch on November 22, 2002. He reported the Planning Commission meeting will be moved to 9:30 a.m. to accommodate the lunch immediatety following the meeting. The time for the Steering Committee meeting will � also be adjusted. Mr. Soderholm reported on the City Council business for the last two meetings: November 4, 2002 meeting: — There was a heazing on ihe five billboards case. The City Councit partiaily overtumed the Plannin� Commission decision by denying all five of the billboazd pemuts. The case will probab2y go to court. Commissioner Gordon asked Mr. Soderholm about the grounds for the Councii's decision. Mr. Soderholm explained that they were interested in the federal judge's decision about the 60 day law in Minnesota that was more generous toward municipalities; whereas, a Ramsey County District Court jud�e had made a ruling ihat was a strict, literal reading of the same statute. He stated it was a 5-2 vote (Reiter and Blakey dissenting). September II, 2002 meeting: - Appoinunent of Martha Fulter as PED Director, replacing Tony Schertler, Interim Director. Nect week's bicsiness; - The zonin� business is all moving ahead. - An a�reement is being approved between Ramsey County and the Ciry about finishino Shepard Road. He stated Public Works Department has been working to fund the • downtown se�ment of Shepazd Road connectin; from Chestnut to Warner Road. This - middle section of the road witi be totaily rebuiIt with trails and landscapin�. Mr. Soderholm stated ihe Metro Blueprinl is being discussed at a public meeting in Saint Paul on September 26`� at 6:30 p.m. at the League of Minnesota Cities at the corner of University and Rice. He urged members of the Comprehensive Planning Committee to participate. IV. Zoning Committee Commissioner Kramer gave the Zoning Committee report. �02-175-609 Lisa Boldnan - Rezone from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to B-3 (General Business) for a ne�v retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict. 1760 Larpenteur Ave., bet�reen Flandrau & White Beaz. (Rich Malloy, 651/266-6647) Commissioner Kramer stated District 2 recommends approval. One party spoke in support. No one spoke in opposition. The public hearing was closed. The Zoning Committee recommended approval on a vote of 6-0. MOTION: CommissionerKramer moved the Zoning Commiitee's recommendation far approval, 77ie motion carried unareimously on n voice vote • oa ��_ � left and they wiil be focusing on recommendations from the Hillctest Task Force that Commissioner 7ohnson is chauing and the Accade(East 7`� Chanette group. Mr. Soderholm reporced for Commissioner Mazdell tY:at the Central Riverview Corridor Station Area Plannin� group had its first meeting last week and intends to meet three times to complete it's recommendations at the same time as the east and west groups. Commissioner Dandrea gave a brief update on the Mississippi Pool 2 project. Fotlowing the Commission's discussion with Metropolitan Council representatives Lee Pao Xiong and Dan Galles, he made contact with Metro Council staff to leam how soon a list of project priorities and requested funding amounts will be ready and who can answer the Commission's future questions. Commissioner Fotsch reported on the Arcade Small Area Plan is back on track and they have a rough drafr and they are now discussing the Zoning Discricts and they might be detayed untit they make a final decision on T-1, T-2, & T-3 Zoning Districts because they feel that might be appropriaTe. • IX. Old Business None. X. New Business None. XI. Adjournnaent Meeting adjoumed at 10:00 a.m. � Recorded and prepazed by Mary Bruton, Planning Commission Secretary Planning and Economic Development Department, City of Saint Paul Respectfully submitted, �Y V J � Larry Sode im n � 6�L Approved ( /� ' 7 (Date) �� e� Kathi Donnelly-Cohen t� a-, og� _ ZONING COMMiTTEE STAFF REPORT ! F►LE # 02-175-609 1. APPLiCANT: Lisa Bolduan HEARING DATE: 9-05-02 2. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATfON: 7760 Larpenteur, between Flandrau and White Bear 4. PIN & LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 22-29-22-11-0002; KERWIN'S OUTLOTS TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MIfVtV. W. 70 F1' OF E. 195 FT OF N. 133 25/100 FT OF LOT 1. 5. PLANNING DIST42lCT: 2 � • ` PRESENT ZOtd1NG: R-3 6. ZONING CODE REFERENCE: § 64.400, §60.302(6) 7. STAF� REPORT DATE: 8-29-02 8. DATE RECENED: 7-22-02 BY: Rich Ma{toy DEADLINE FOR ACTION: 9-20-02 A. PURPOSE: Rezone from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to B-3 (Genera! Business) to become part of a new retaii development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict. B. PARCEL SIZE: 9,130 ft C. EXISTING LAND USE: Residential D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North - Single-family residential East - Commerciai South - Single-famiiy residential West - Sing{e-fami{y residen6ai E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) of the zoning code sfates in part, "the council may, from time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regu4afions herein, or su6sequenUy esfablished fierein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The pianning commission may, from fime to time, review district boundary lines to determine'rf, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines shouid be changed." Section 64.400(b) states in part, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiafed by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned '- Section 60.302(6) states in part, "where there is any uncertainty, contradiction or conflict as to the intended loqtion of district boundaries shown thereon, interpretation conceming the e�cact location of the district bourtdary lines shail be determined by resolution of the city counci( upon recommendation by the planning commission. F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: No history G. DfSTRICT COUNCIL RECdMMENDAT(ON: (Vone received af the time this sfaff report was submitted. H. FINDINGS: Lisa Bo(duan, the applicant and petitioner for this proposed rezoning,. owns the property at 1760 Larpenteur. Ms: Bolduan has signed an agreement to seli this property to Semper Developmenf contingent upon approvat of rezoning from R-3 to B-3. Upon rezoning, Semper Development will purchase the property from Ms. Bolduan and then deve(op a Wafgreens Pharmacy on the sife. This development wi(I atso inciude sQace for a transit stop. � 2. Section 64.400(b) of fhe code sfates that an amendment to the zoning code may be initiafed by the counci/, the plannirig commission or by petitiort of the owners of sixiy- seven (6� perraenf of tf►e are of �e property to be rezoned. The appticant and petitioner for this proposed rezoning has met �is requiremeni 3. The proposed rezoning is consistent with tfie provisions of the CityPs Comprehensive Plan and meets several of the general purposes sfated in Secfion 2.2.of the land use chapter. These geneca! purposes indude encouraging private investment, to inter-refate will include a well design�d transit stop), to take advantage of antiapated regionai growth by attracting commeraal development and to promote a balance of land uses in the aty to strengthen the dty's tax base. 4. The proposed rezoning is consistent with severai policy recommenda5ons stated in the recenUy adopted White Bear Avenue Small Area Pian as follows: a) Recommendafion # 29, page 1.7 stafes, °Stronger, more attrac6ve develoament af the t�mers of the Laroenteur-Ylihite Bear Avenue inYersection wouid create a more approprtate entrance into the City. b) Recommendation # 30, page 17 stafes, °The Saint Paul Housing and Redevefopment Authority should establish a redevelopment district in the Hi(Icrest Area. The boundaries of the district should extend at a minimum, one blodc either side of White Bear Avenue from Larpenteur to Nebraska. A redevelopment plan should tre developed that inciudes an imoroved commerc�al node and provides for additionai housing in the district. c) Recommendation# 12, page 11 states,'Transit stoas should be improved at the Hillcrest Hub at Laroenteur. . 5. The applicant submitted a sufftaent petition of the owners of iwo-thirds of the parceis, within 100 feet af the property stating support for the rezo�ing (8 parcels eligib(e, 6 parce(s required, and 6 parcets signed). 6. Secfion 6Q.302(6) states in parf, 5�vhere there is ahy uncertainfy, contradiction or conflict as to the infended location of district boundaries showrt thereon, interprefation conceming the exacf /ocaSon of the disthcf boundary lines shall be defermined by resolution of the ci(y counci! upon recommendaSon by the ptanning cornmission. ° The small 1,172.5 ft splinter parcel (PIN # 22-29-22-11-0016) which adjoins the � appliqnYs property to the north is currentfy zoned R-3. However, this splinter parcei is surrounded by a B-3 parcel on the east; south and west (PIN # 22-29-22-11-0017) and i� use is commeraet. Both the splinter parcet and the aommeraat parcei ttiat surrounds it are owned by the same owner. The spfinter parce! is�too smali to be used for residential purposes on its own. Moreover, is has no street frontage and therefore can . i � � PETITION TO dMEND THE ZONING CODE Deparhnent of Pfanning and Economic Devetopment Zoning Section 1400 City B'aIl Annex 25 �est Fowth Street Saint Paui, MN SSZ02-1634 (65l) 266-6589 APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION Property Owner �sa M. B.oiduaa Address 176Q I.arpentenr Ave. C �� St. Paul S MN Z � P 55109 Daytime Phone Ccntact Person ('rf differe�t) Jotin Rofiler – Semper Developm�itane 612 332-1500 Address/Location 176Q Larpenteur Ave. St. Paul, MN. 55109 LegalDescriptio� A 70ft of E 195 ft of H 133.25 £t of Lot 1 Rerwins outlots to tha_Citg o£ St. Panl, Pfn. Current Zoning R3 TO THE HONORAB�E MAYOR AND CfTY COUNCit: Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Pdut Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of Minnesota Statue.� Lisa M. Boldnan , owner of land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions you t rezone the above described property from a R3 zoning district to a B3 zoning district, for the purpose of: the east is being allow for xoom to and LarpenteurAve. �11C pzopertg redeveloped into accomodate a nev (attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Attachments: Required Site Pian � Subscribed and sworn to before me this � � day of �Q��— 20 Q�' alang vith the adjacent propert? to a Walgreens Phaxmacy. This wi11 also bus stop on the corner of White Bear Ave. Consertt Petition � C���� �?o °=— -� _22-t? Affidavit � Fee Owner of Pf�e� ( GLE ` Titie: �' r"`� JULIE CASH � /� � NOTARYPUBLIC-MINSJESOTA l,�s'{� � MYCAMMISSION Notary Pubtic �P�RES JAN.31, ZOqS Page 1 of _ oa- to�a File # 02-175-G09 August 29, 2002 � Page: 3 have no use without being tied to an adjacent parcel. This splinter parcei, the parcel that surrounds it and the applicanYs parcei would all be part of the proposed Walgreens development. Therefore, it is reasonahle under provisions of the code to rezone this sp{inter parcel from R-3 to B-3 by City Council resolution. 1. STAFF RECOMMEiYDAT10N: Based on the findings above, staff recommends rezoning both 1760 Larpenteur Avenue, PiN # 22-29-22-11-0002 and the spiinter parcel, PIN # 22-29-22-11-0016 from R-3 single-family to 6-3 genera( business. � u 2z_2�ZZ_l_�___- ---------- ------ � f i35-29-22 Fi4-29-22 � '�'_ `" — t f � e�a-���a, __ G � 5 � . _ ,� �C� � 23-29-22 ^--�. .a..� -y t ` �, t wo rt� _ \� '' • 29.67 .r 7 !2 �w� 4 '�� � 6 � 4 �� '� z { � (8) � � 1 � f � (' t75o � h �a) 1� . � ) r �� � , �� �X 60 4 j 3'� v � Ora i o o^ � �� � oo i� o o . �� ai �. o I � �� �� o. �� R � � �' �i � U�o) � � :� �� 1 • �� 1 _ � �j (_ r33)1 ^ L � �8 �' f /.73.25 - C-/33.2 ' � /33) --- I � T � ' i ' � � � �:tlri5. —�; � I '1 � '� ^ ( ; - ,, i, -� l�, � �� y� � • -.._. ".._'r..:.;: ._' . - –{� --- � - _ -- � --- . —�---- - . � 20o i� z�a t n� � I e � � ro n�� R Zgo Ih.: ;'� • 32n ��. �' 4! q� r I • 0[� t c1 (¢L '�t � �N i s : � Y _ ��` ±. r' ` � o�p n (� i �� 1!.` � 'I e I 9 '" . �o� t / ty t Cz) I ' � .�i37 ` }, � ��f'�� ' , ..; t?J� . ..;!.. . . . f ` I — _ i � � Y F� • s; O � �tN �� - v C u� CZf� ��5) N (ztJ R � �19) �1 � i� � i 360 3 = lBO ,. �� a 3p° { ;' °i (8) 3 4 �� oi N 2 !` � 9o Z--- S � � �ZG� sz �� �� ��; .q. �,�► 2 ' f � � ��Z8� �29� �'p) �°,�� N (w.-a) M v ` ._.._ z8e.4s -�-° a _ _ _ i�/20? yM� `.'Z.: ��—_' �- - �� ��.. �. .- J %s�} ,,�� [rsz� 0 M v �� _- � � � � �. � 629;33__ _ 1.� 91' �_�__ _»___ _ __ __ _ —__ _ ����—__co�'. ✓� � ,. i �. � ,. t5I14!«1���!► t"RC�TcO -�—r i0 � 9 i 8! 7 I � � E"li 6 I 5 � 4 I 3 !`c � .# , 2 � � � ; � .� • 6..' 9 v� � 33 ; i� � �p r�w.� su, ? � � �� � Ka'�+�Y � .�a ,�� � .,,JpU� � t7"" � � � A r � � :' - . � �. q t M el � 7�C.�aO�� y�l� ��� i, . _ ::::. .: �.-:-, � � •yyC � � ��� _ � -.- .. ► ��- _: . , -- � .- : . _ _� TOTf� P • 03 � Y � D o�1- O�a-- — � n�zo���r� FI12S'T SUBMITTED scvP nTcuF RESUB�IITTED DATE PETITIOii SUBMIT£ED: ��! � � DATE PETITION RESUBbfITTED: DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: � PARCELS ELIGSBLE: � PARC£LS REQUIRED: � PARCELS SIGNED: ( — ---�--- PARCELSREQUIRED: PARCELS SIGNED: � ' CHECKEA BY: �� � DATE: � ZQNI�G F1LE . � DATE OFFICTALLY RECEIVED: ' PARCELS ELIGIBLE: . , .. _ _ -, . - m CITY 4F SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A �ZEZONING We, the undersigned, owners of the property �vithin I00 feet of tfie totat contiguous description of real estate ocvrted, purchased, ar sotd by THE PETITIONER wi[hin one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledee that �ve have been presented �vith the folfowing: 1. A copy of the petition of Lisa 1�I: Bolduan (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 1760 La=pentenr Ave_ St. Paul from a R3 zoning district to a B3 zoning district. 2. A copyofsections 60.562 [hrough �Q-565 , inctusive ofthe Saint Paui Zoning Code; and acknorvledge tliat �ve are aware of all of the use's permitted ia a B zoniag district and we are a�vare that any of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approva! of the rezoning. We hereby consenc to the rezoning of tlie property in the petition of; Lisa M. Bolduaa - to a B zoning district. (Name of petitioner) � We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the • applicant or his/her representative. ADD2iiSS OR P.I.N. tt R6C RD OWNGR ( NAT R DATF: �.1r�K•�su�'svan P �f-/G-oa # r I675 Ahite Bear_A e. Erank M. Gaertaer. S K�.`.�.iJf"1od.Gs� ���t� 1675 Ahixe Bear 1675 Qhite $ear Dr. Frank M. .'Dr. JoIm x. Gaertner OI�' b � I�'OTE: This petition sha2l not be considered as officially frted unti� the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Divisioa Any signator of this petition may withdraw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. . ' � D�:1n�-d.-- f _ __- -____ __ O]F SAINT�PAUL � CONSBNT OF AD.FOINING PROPERTY OWNBRS FOR A REZONIIVG � We, Uie undersigned, o�vners of the properLy �vithin 100 feet of the total contiguous description of reat estate owned, purchased, or sold by TH£ PETITIONER within one year preceding the date of this petition ackno�vledge that we have been presented with the folto�ving: A copy of the petition of Lisa M: Bolduan (name of petitioner) ' to rezone tlte property located at 1760 Zarpentenr Ave. St. Pau1 from a g3 zoning district to a B3 zoning district. 2. A cepy of sections 60.562 through 60.565 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and ackno�vtedge that we are aware of all of the uses permitted in a B zoning district and we are aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning, We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of; --. _ .�------ ---------- . ..--- — - - - - -. . . . .. _._ Lisa M. Bolddan � to a $3 zoning district. (Name of petitioner) We consent to the apnroval of this rezoning as it �vas expiained to us by the • appiicant or his/her representative. ` nn�arss R r.t.x, s xr rcn wr�r•.a r RE n�,TF 29 1661 �ihite Bear A'venue Joseph Aong � Q� O � 29-2 - - �� / 1661 phi,te Bear Aveane Zena:ida yiong �QMg�� �„ ��,�.� —�_/ _ 0� Joseph Aong 2 9-22-22-11-OQ16 Zenaida Aong � � � �y6-aa �7� ct) ✓�^-�, 7 �-�' - OZ ° NOTE: This petifion shall not be considered as officiatIy filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petitian may withdzaw his/her name therefrom by written request within that time. C�TY OF SAINT PAUL CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNBRS FOR A REZONING We, the �ndersigcted, o�vners of the pcoperiy widiin 100 feet of the totat contiguous description of real estate o�vned, parchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER �vithin one year preceding dte date of this petition ac[;nowtedge that �ve have been presented �vith tlte following: A copy of the petition of yisa 2f: Boldiran (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 1760 Larpentenr Ave. St. Paul ' from a R3 zonine district to a B3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 60.562 through 60.565 ,��cfusive of the Saint PauI Zoaing Code; and acknotivledge ttiat �ve are aware of ail of the uses permitted in a � zoning district and we are a�vare that any of these uses can be established upon City Counci( approval of the rezoning. We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of; _.. - 3.isa�: -- $o3duas_ . _` --� ----- ---- - - - -. .. _ _ . ... _ to a � zoning district. (Name of petitioner) : +� �s We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it }vas explained to us by the ap�licant or his/her representative. �s� ��arit� ` `� CdzttoC�IA Te +�stvr�o �.t97.�.es�aa (,c���QS��.fl � � r1 L_.I VHII: � ,� � � VV -1 �t �� U �U �Q.� � NOTE: This petifion shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Divisioa Any signator of this pefition may withdraw hislher name tlierefrom by written request within that time. - - - - - - -- -------- --- - --- _---- o� �--- CITY OF SAINT pA�(TI, � CONSENT OF ADJOII�tING PROPERTY OWNBRS FOR A REZON��VG We, the ¢ndersigned, ocvners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate owned, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONER withi� one year preceding the date of this petition acknowledge that Gve have been presented with the follotiving: „ � ' I. A copy of the petition of (name of petitioner) to rezone the property located at 176t3 Larpenteur gQe. St. Paui from a g3 zoning district to a B3 zoning district. 2. A copy of sections 50.562 through 60.565 , inclusive� the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and acknowledge ttiat we are aware of alS of the uses permitted in a aware that any of tliese uses can be established upon City Council approval of the�rezon n We hereby consent to the rezoning of the property in the petition of; - — ---------� — -- -- -- - --- -- ---- --- - —. .._ _.. _ _ _... __. Lisa M. Bolduan . toa B3 .----- (Name of petitioner) Zoning district. We consent to the approval of this rezoning as it was explained to us by the � applicant or his/her representative. 17f � i� ---- --�-� r��«��� �_�• ���� �� ���,��ucrca as omciatiy uied until the lapse of seven (7) working days after it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator of this petition may withdra� his/her name therefrom by written request wittun that time. CITY OF SAINT PAUL AFFIDAVIT OF PETIT'IONER FOR A REZONII�TG STATE OF NIINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The petitioner, Lisa M. Bolduan , being fust duly sworn, deposes and states that the consent petition contains signatures of the owners of at least fwo-thirds (2/3) of all eligible properties within I00 feet of tfie subject property descn'bed in the petitioa and atl property contiguous to the subject propercy that was owued, purchased, or sold by tfie p8titioner within one (I) yeaz preceding the date of the petition; petitioner is informed that the consent petition must contain signatures from eacfi and aii owners af jointty-o•�uned properry in order to constitute consent from that pmperiy and that failure ta obtain cousent from each and all owners could iavalidate the coasent getitioa; petitioner:believes that the — --eeaseaF pet-i�iea-�as sig�e��y eaeh ef-sai - sigaature - areth�aae - azrd - carreit -- - ° - s aQaatures of each and alI of the parties so-described. J� % �� � � � Lisa M'. Bolduaa ff�/\ 7 1760 Larpentewr Ave. .,St. Pa 5 ADD�22ESS (65I) 774-3697 TELEPAONE NLIMBER Subscribed and s�voin to before � this � day of �� , 200�— 4 --.t.l��.- � - - - NO ARY PUBLIC iaat � � . � JUUE CASH � NOTARY�IC-MINNESOTII MY CAMMISSION � ' IXPIRES JAN. 31. 20�5 � � . i� . � .. . 4 �.i: [ � �.`YPr�� <r•, ' �uy . ' � l . .tl• ` �. p � a—_.�"� _ �� . .. I� � A ��. �~ iAa$FR'. � . � t. _ �»x � t q :Y��.�—� . $' �`._....�... �R..�1 . � 5 � . �$" . �'��5 A�. . � 1,9'�' . .. f.q � ' w��. � �` ���- a. �.�h� `c+� -�•,+ . • � ` Y . _ p,�^¢ ° - � ; �� a � D � Y �" • :.�� � 6 ' . .. � � .. � ` .ar . �� � ' g :: ' �� . ` ' ` . . �� y �. �-. ��:r�� , `�}���� . _ ._. . .. . . , � � � � ���� � .'�� ,� �. ' . ' � .. . `�� ��� ��� � . s � �� .�� �, t ` ; �� �.u`..4� � .?'� ,Y� ' K .; . � ,.f �. � �^ eg P �� � ' ^� ,' � ' . t(}Fy. fro -2,�v�' 3- �� �� f� f sc.°� "'# . i� .a,,.<Y'^"'°R'�': 'e. ° W. -��"�""�.- <` .'� � _ �:�; �„c � Y 3,�' : -._` % -t �� Y � �� ^ � ux .. „. '• �= �""""� �; �'�'e � �' .�. { { �, � a • Yk ' }��i ,�' _ � �.r" r'a�"..a^e�"' K w a A/ .i a'�t ,> ^h Cv ' x ' �'� . ., F� i.'1�F *^� d`i� �.� 'k' �� v� .'c Y i � p E 1 1 d "ge y.i "2 R } �. o '� ��. � ID. }� �,��� s� � � x.c ,.� � �-�" 4 �m�� .� � i "* ° � �� �'�^� , cv � r \ N't` � � �- �`"��° �` ` �+ -�:i ✓'�' �-Z` :x, Y �i • . �' ����� - . � � f '°�����.n �����,.'�'�� � 1$ e , i . � �,.�...-"��e.� � -`-' � 'sn.�.> �'�u ��z�m^ re^ �'-`s`x . � � w,��. .� —^ �. � ?�` -=�i.3""S° E .. �."g�` n �� �' q `-,E � r�' � ' '�K'� p .r ,� .;"4wv'� ..._�,.�—�k�s;�z� . �.��3., r + 3.v,f � .�' �.3 �'��..'.i� �Y»§+4 i��c��p���y�'��x XF '�'�"tl'n S�zXT� ' C '°$v.. y.` ry t[' T� ' ��T� d Q ^-f t , Y- �`�^ . � _ X '�. - ��c, ..-�` �� . ` ' '�'` Z rS � .Y3 y ;�� " " .x'� ° ; �£ ������ �� r �� ��� �£ � W � f .�� . ���� x .� �� � iStl�.2�� �..M f \ nt `� ( .. vxY�•� t.r,4..�5``,k.,-+�6�,uia-�"'K+� F S �'h, `�'.i+^' , . � -«w—� h � �� l �� �.�_E�. ...'. �� � F.. .:i ' Y _ Y1� � � a � � Y ' � �z, "Yvz � N � t' A4 � V" ��� �: �� 5 � Y✓ + . G� 'P- �' ' �� '�^� '%- . y `�.h �"}�' °"v� c�" ,`� w`»., �:� � = a'f�r-�`' _ ,..J 'T5 �.. } ��' �� VU'• G �� �i .��C � •P � 4 f i �i ' 3� ' " a.. ; S +��` .t = G2' F, �'y � e '� , '�� �.��^ . �s � x` -� � � � . r s`'r � s - ' e `{ . . � •� m�� 5 Y'�.� � � f ' � � _ �/ ��F� . � : a�.'�.} �, .s.t '�'y�'��"' :� � . � � .� "�a� � � _ � � v • g � � `�"'�% �° � R i ` � � o— ' 6 „�o..a {t�.°+� � � � E . _ _ �„'- * f . � . ._ t''„ Y- � � ; ' .. .� .. .. ,�. 4 3 :�� � -� � .. ����. - r .�-.i� n� .. s: fv4 �'2_ f , i „ . , . . . _ �,� � _,d'�� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL oa-�o�a� � AFFIDAVTT OF PERSON CIRCULATIlVG CONSENT PETIfiION FOR A REZONING STATE OF MINNESOTA) :SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) C1�u,3 �ot1Ge'z,� being first duly swom, deposes and states that he/she is the person who circulated the consent petition consisting of � pages; tfiat �ant is informed and believes that the parties described on the consent petition are the owaers of the parcels of reat estate described immediately before each name, and that each of the parties described on the consent petition is an owner of property within 100 feet of the subject property described in the petition and alk property coutiguous to the subject property tfiat was owned, putchased or sold by the petitioner within one (1) year - pre�e�n� ttie " tla�e: o�ie pe t�`on;-ffi�a �ie conserifpeuhon aas sigt y eac su'� owner; and that the signatures aze the true and correct signatures of each and alI of the parties so described. • � LlNDA K. TICEN NOdRV PU8L1C •!dINNE90T4 ' MYb6MFd3SI0ClEX?IREB .WMIARY37.�005 Subscribed and swo o before me tfiis �� day of �7i • 20 D�` �� i�� ���..� TARY PUBLIC : �.�i _ �JONaJ ,�p�1L�R. NAME 8 Ma2�fzT�E .Qv�E '�f�4'i �ics M�u . ADDRESS �g�o2. �v12 - 332 = lSoo TFS F PHONE NUMBER IQO1 . '� a,., s�. ' . � .. ..; `�r� ':se.. ' . ' i . "^ ;� a^ �' . . 'a , � 3 � q � � �� . .. . . .. . .. � � � � . -.si � - .�4>- � . . � a', .9': . ' . .'� : .P� ' '�R . : ' ' � �.� ,� ° i' . ' ' . ' . , . ' '��w. "��t . � ���,' . ';`. _`. 2 . � . . . • � �' <'' � � `:?., ::� _ _ .,Y c:. - • '.w, �. � "'� .. `? . . ''; ma L .' S. ... ; � . 7 . , � , ' � � ` �° ` � f 1 : ti -_ , •. � �,, { M, �' D . _ . ' ^ � :. � .�. � 3' ��Z 9 � 4�r_ . �' ' . '" y .�. . .- �� �l . `:3-� 4. � d �'i+�ti �.. � � a . r R., �f .`i q L b>�" � x -,'��,. ° ° ` - :�i :'a � .. . ;�{'�. -s�?Lal.. '. " - � • p`.°•,'" ` . .>. .�'; ' + �.�"" • '.. . . . c �1" -. �°� %��� �• `. 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Y�wQ DATE: �� �� a��a Note: Faaimile operator, please de$ver tL'u transmission to the above addressee. If you did not receive all of ffie pages in good condition, please advite Ja»ie Lafren2 at (651) 26(r856U at yonr earliestconvenience. Thank you. NTJMSER OF PaGES (INCLUDING THIS PAGE): �, �yZy �I, '{�D p(,ppR SAA'T PAU[., t+IINN£SOTA 551�'L . . -.. .... _ . � . --... .. - - A�+uVOnr6ryefeLPeoei Page 1 of 1 oa-�oya- Nancy Anderson - Public Hearing Notice. From: Nancy Anderson To: Johnson, Lucille; Moore, Shari Date: 10/4/2002 321 PM Subject: Public Hearing Notice. Shari/Lucille: I have attached a public hearing notice for the applicant of Lisa Bolduan, 1760 Larpenteur Avenue. This notice has been fared to the Legal Ledger for publishing. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW } 00013.HTM 10/4/2002 oa-� o �r a� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall- Courthouse, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, to consider the application of Lisa Bolduan to rezone properiy from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to B-3 (General Business) to become part of a new retail development and to resolve zoning district boundary conflict at 1760 Larpenteur Avenue (between Flandrau Street and White Bear Avenue). Dated: October 4, 2002 Nancy Anderson Assistant City Council Secretary � ,�. `�3 a� :� i R� �� . � , , , + � � ' � '�! c, `\ ,, ,, \�. � � �� � \. . '� :� I � \,� '�